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Showing Gratitude to God (Part 1)

Showing Gratitude to God
Sunday April 16, 2023
« le don de gratitude envers Dieu » unthankfulness, l'ingratitude
It’s a gift that we give to God to show our appreciation.
Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and
to return kindness.
la reconnaissance-dire merci à (quelqu'un)
Psalm 100:4 Enter with the password: “Thank you!” Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
Thank him. Worship him. MSG
Gratitude is one of many positive emotions. It's about focusing on what's good in
our lives and being thankful for the things we have. Gratitude is pausing to notice
and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, like having a place to live,
food, clean water, friends, family, even computer access.
Luke 17 comparison to 2 King 5
Naaman went back to the Man of God showing gratitude, same in Luke, only one who
was healed return to Jesus.
Why did you come to church, to get a miracle- what next? you got it years back- after
that check your life- still showing gratitude to Jesus-or has it been a custom/tradition,
need to go to church, else leader/ pastor will ask- No don’t do it by a habit. Should
be thankful always to God for what he did.
Thanking him for what he does in your life- it’s a continuous process- fill up your daily
life with Thanksgiving for thing you got or those yet to come (do it by faith).
Also be grateful to people
around you- at home,
work, cell leaders, pastor,
youth meeting.
Appreciating the good
work people is doing
Children learn to be
grateful to your parents
for the wonderful work till
now to raise you- invest in
your education, tuition
Through its God get the
glory and praise.
You need to appreciate
and in return honor themgood result, good citizen,
Christian life.
Luke 17:11 It happened that as he made his way toward Jerusalem, he crossed over
the border between Samaria and Galilee.
He had to go Jerusalem, but was passing through Samaria and Galilee- look these
men needed Jesus- Nothing is a coincidence that Jesus passed there. Your life
till now, protected by Jesus himself. He had a plan for you
To save you from this dark
world controlled by satan,
Jesus’ sacrifice is not a
coincidence, the moment man
had sin,
God already had his master
plan to save you and me,
origin itself, the seed of the
world will crush satan under
his feet.
God had you and me in
mind to save us. (Lead
by some friend, family
members, their prayers).
That is why people you
and me had accepted
Jesus, God was waiting.
Showing Gratitude
people not only when big
miracle happens, then I
am thankful to Jesus.
No, Jesus will be at the
right place right time to
save you.
Always be thankful.
12 As he entered a village, ten men, all lepers, met him. They kept their distance
13 but raised their voices, calling out, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!"
V12 “And, as he was entering into a certain village”.
Wherever you are, whatever your status/position Their situation people were
you will meet Jesus one day. -10 lepers- according indeed miserable- how to
to customs of Jews, not to be close/ touch other communicate- what they could
people- uncleanliness- they were supposed to stay do to cry out to Jesus- (they
apart/ isolate outside village that where they met knew about him)-have mercy
on usNo one by their side, not But Jesus could understand That situation of yours, let
even a family member- them- they called him me tell you- the Savior
they were considered as “Master” “Messiah”- why- Christ knows it well, he
sinners/sinful nature- could he is in a flesh/ body and knows how to deliver younot go to temple- come God also at the same time. he passed through all that.
near God.
If today you are in that situation/ yes, we are speaking of gratitude towards Jesus- if
your life today is as miserable as these 10 people- It’s time for you today to meet
Jesus- Your life can change- 10 leper/ your sin can be as dark/ visible on the outsidephysical depression- Let me tell you- you are in the right place, right time to meet
the Savior King. His blood was shed 2000 years ago to wash away your sin, illness,
14 Taking a good look at them, he said, "Go, show yourselves to the priests." They
went, and while still on their way, became clean.
Ten lepers- all of them healed
once they obeyed God’s
People God’s promises are for
each one of us. God’s want to
heal you, rest upon you to
accept his words, believe?
See here high percentage of
illness 10 leperswhat the issues you might be
facing, in your family, villageincrease in accident; same
place / illness/addiction.
Take that seriouslyyou need Jesus to
intervene to stop
that cursebondage- slavery
that people are
The men at the time Jesus gave them instruction- they were still leprous- they were
healed as they walked to the temple- why faith in Jesus’ word. Obedience to his word/
You know why people lack gratitude/ ungrateful People instead of doing
towards Jesusthat- believe- be gratefulthey cannot believe in God’s wordthank God for that little he
did in your life- it will be
still lagging behind in certain areas of their lifeeasier to have faith for
why? Small word/verse/ small prayer from the bible will greater thing.
correct my situation?
Unfortunately, our background custom (ancient nature) teaches people the other
way- if it does not work- take short cut- do it other way- which are beyond/ against
God word. People be carried away be trend of this world, go over there, this that
happens. People know the true God.
V14 Why did Jesus ask them to go to the priest and he did not lay hand himself? Not
because he did not want to. Other passage, he laid hands, healed people of any
disease. But he wanted to destroy that custom/ tradition things that held these people
captive- kept them in bondage away from the temple.
Mat 8:1-4
Jesus reached out his hand and touched the leper and said, “Of course I want
to heal you—be healed!” And instantly, all signs of leprosy disappeared!
V 4 Then Jesus said to him, “Don’t speak to anyone, but go at once and find a
priest and show him what has happened to you. Make sure to take the
offering Moses commanded so they can certify your healing.”
Jesus wants you to be healed- your situation to get better- he wants to do somethingopen up your heart people to receive him- show some gratitude- he is Lord- only he
can change your life.
According to law of Moses- God’s instruction- when lepers are healed- then they go
to show to priest for verification- if certified, then they had to offer sacrifice etc. He
did not come to change the Law, no, but to fulfil it. Mat 5:17-18
With Jesus- Not when you are healed you come to God. No, come as you are, that’s
where he will touch you.
Your healing is in church- that is the presence of God- not away from God- he wanted
this priest to know who indeed is the Master- the Savior, the Christ. They would have
asked- how did you get healed.
15 One of them, when he realized that he was healed, turned around and came
back, shouting his gratitude, glorifying God.
16 He kneeled at Jesus' feet, so grateful. He couldn't thank him enough--and he
was a Samaritan.
One of them when he realized on the way, that he was healed, decided to turn around,
came back to Jesus. Showing his gratitude-thanking Jesus was not enough- Why?
That’s true gratitude- You cannot stop to give thanks for what he has done to your
life. When you know your deliverance came from Jesus- All praise and Glory you will
give to him only. He knelt before God, act of worship, humility. Bible mention
Samaritan- not necessary follower of Christ.
17 Jesus said, "Were not ten healed? Where are the nine?
18 Can none be found to come back and give glory to God except this outsider?"
Jesus uses this word outsider- the nine were Jews- understanding God’s principle yet
were ungrateful, compared to that Samaritan. Not strange that later this people will
say crucify him. Yet Jesus died for all. Ungratefulness.
How come people when they needed God badly- came to God- sincere- meeting after
meeting- yes- later when situation get fine- What happen? No more gratitude towards
God- Now they don’t have time- work pastor.
Not applicable for all of you- indeed- some work shift- they are present on Wednesday
or both- praise God.
You know church when you know that people no more is grateful towards God- when
they find themselves better than others leaders- pastor- start to criticize. No people
that’s not gratitude mean- Lord you are right- it me who should change- I need to
adjust myself- I need to be closer to you.
You know why many divorce these days- no more grateful to each other- I am righthe/she is always wrong- that’s not gratitude- Gratitude means- I will find a way to
adjust- make things work.
In your family- at work-relationship- family members.
19 Then he said to him, "Get up. On your way. Your faith has healed and saved you."
Luk 17:18 They all refused to return to give thanks and give glory to God except you,
a foreigner from Samaria?”
Luk 17:19 Then Jesus said to the healed man lying at his feet, “Arise and go. It was
your faith that brought you salvation and healing.” TPT
Your faith has healed + saved you- meaning he got not one- but two blessings by
showing gratitude to Jesus. He met Jesus- know him closely- his life changedsalvation- God now reside in him by his spirit- he had an attitude of gratitude to
Jesus. God is pleased with that.
They all refused to return to give thanks and give glory to God except you: People do
you know that’s a reproach Jesus is making to these nine- that “orgueilleux”- no
“humility” at all
Yes, pastor but God is a good God- he forgives- don’t you forget that Glory is for him
only- no one can take that- remember Lucifer- that is why be careful.
All of this happen to that 10 people, Jesus did that for them, they were healed, yet
only one got that revelation, that indeed Jesus is the healer. He was the only one to
acknowledge, come back and offer his gratitude to God, only 1 in 10. People you
become that 1 people today that is always grateful to what the Lord has done for
you. Don’t follow the 9- that is follow the crowd- you may find yourself deviating from
God’s principle- The devil is waiting- like a lion ready devour you.
1 Peter 5:8 Soyez sobres, veillez. Votre adversaire, le diable, rôde comme un lion
rugissant, cherchant qui il dévorera. V5-11
This Gift of Gratitude is a weapon against the devil plan. Why, in difficult times, you
know how to be grateful, Lord, I thank you, you have always delivered me. Example
Job. Who knows that such kind of Christian that even in bad time, he can praise God.
God restored him twice that he loss. That’s faith, and the devil won’t dare to come
Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what
he has done. Psalm 105:1