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Employee Wellness Survey: 7 Dimensions Assessment

Strategic Human Resources [2022]
with Catherine Mattice
Wellness Assessment
The Seven Dimensions of Employee Health and Wellness Survey
TINYpulse has identified seven primary dimensions of employee wellness:
• Emotional well-being
• Environmental wellness
• Intellectual well-being
• Occupational well-being
• Physical health
• Social well-being
• Spiritual wellness
Employee Health and Wellness Survey: Question Template
Rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.
1 = Strongly disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Agree
4= Strongly agree
Emotional well-being
1. Overall, I feel well and whole (emotionally, physically, etc.).
2. I feel emotionally strong and resilient.
3. I am resilient and can bounce back after a disappointment or problem.
4. I am flexible and adapt to change in a positive way.
5. I am able to recognize and manage the things that cause me stress.
6. I love and accept myself for who I am.
Environmental wellness
1. I am in a comfortable environment at work.
2. I am in a comfortable environment at home.
3. My work environment has a positive impact on my health.
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4. I live in a safe environment.
5. I feel safe to be my whole and true self at work.
6. I spend time doing what I enjoy.
Intellectual well-being
1. I am intellectually stimulated by my work and nonwork activities.
2. I can critically consider the opinions and information presented by others and provide
constructive feedback.
3. I feel empowered to make important decisions at work.
4. I look for ways to use my creativity and critical thinking skills.
5. I seek personal growth by learning new skills.
6. I feel appropriately challenged by my tasks and responsibilities at work.
Occupational well-being
1. My work is personally satisfying.
2. My workload is manageable.
3. I get the information I need to do my job well.
4. I am given the opportunity at work to develop the necessary skills to achieve my career goals.
5. I feel like I have appropriate work and life balance.
6. I am treated with respect by my coworkers and managers.
Physical health
1. I generally feel very good about my health.
2. I exercise at least three times a week.
3. I get enough sleep most nights.
4. I listen to my body; when there is something wrong, I seek solutions.
5. I maintain healthy eating habits.
Social well-being
1. I have a healthy social life.
2. I feel supported and respected in my close relationships.
3. I participate in a variety of social activities.
4. I am able to maintain healthy relationships with my friends and loved ones.
5. I feel a sense of belonging to a group or community.
6. I have someone I can talk to about my private feelings.
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Spiritual wellness
1. My life has purpose.
2. I take time to think about what’s important in life—who I am, what I value, where I fit in, and
where I am going.
3. I have found a balance between meeting my needs and those of others.
4. I engage in acts of caring and goodwill without expecting something in return.
5. I feel like my life has purpose and meaning.
6. I experience love, joy, and fulfillment.
Open-ended question
1. Do you feel our organization contributes positively to the health and wellness of our people?
Why or why not? What else can we provide in this regard?
Adapted from TINYpulse and modified by Catherine Mattice
Strategic Human Resources [2022] with Catherine Mattice
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