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Physics: Waves, Sound, Light, Electrostatics Study Notes

Module 2: Waves, sound and light
Unit 1: Transverse pulses
Pulse: a single disturbance on a medium (spring or rope).
Transverse pulses: the particles of the medium move perpendicularly to the direction of
propagation of the pulse.
Pulse length: the distance from one end of the pulse to another.
Disturbance (displacement): direction and distance that the medium has moved from the
rest position.
Amplitude: the maximum disturbance from its equilibrium position.
Unit 2: Superposition of pulses
Interference: when 2+ pulses interact with each other at the same time on the same
medium. The disturbance increases and after they cross, the pulse carries on unchanged.
Superposition: placed on top of each other.
Principle of superposition: when pulses cross the combined disturbance at any point is
the sum of disturbances
Constructive disturbances: combined disturbance > individual disturbances
Destructive disturbance: combined disturbance < individual disturbance
Unit 3: Transverse waves
Waves: many pulses ( a succession) of pulses
Transverse waves: a succession of transverse pulses
Disturbance (displacement): direction and distance that the medium has moved from the
rest position.
Amplitude: the maximum disturbance from its equilibrium position.
Crest: the highest point in a wave (max point)
Trough: the lowest point in a wave (min point)
Rest position: the position where the medium stop and are in a state of equilibrium
Wavelength: distance between 2 crests or 2 troughs (ฦ›, lambda)
Phase: what a wave motion is doing at a particular time.
In phase: 2 points on a wave that move in a way that they are at similar points.
Out of phase: 2 points on a wave that move in a way that they are at similar
Unit 4: Wave speed
Frequency (f): the number of cycles of a wave per second. Measured in hertz (Hz).
1KHz= 1000Hz
1MHz=1000000 Hz
Period (T): the time taken to complete a single cycle of a wave. Measured in seconds (s).
period and frequency are inversely proportional
Wave speed (v): the distance travelled by a wave (or its crest) in one second. ๐‘š. ๐‘ 
1. v=
๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘๐‘’ ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘™๐‘™๐‘’๐‘‘ ๐‘๐‘ฆ ๐‘Ž ๐‘๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘ ๐‘ก ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘ค๐‘Ž๐‘ฃ๐‘’
๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘š๐‘’ ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘ฃ๐‘Ž๐‘™
2. v= fλ
Unit 5: Longitudinal waves
Longitudinal wave: particles vibrate parallel to the direction of the waves propagation.
Compression: where the turns or particles are close together. Compress means squeeze
Rarefaction: where the turns or particles are further apart. (rarefy means to make it less
Wavelength: distance between 2 compressions or rarefactions. For other types of waves,
it is the distance between 2 successive points in phase.
Amplitude: maximum disturbance of a particle from its rest position.
Unit 6: Longitudinal waves and sound
Sound waves: longitudinal waves caused by vibration that produce regular variation in
Unit 7: Sound Phenomena
Sound waves pass from particle to particle. It is the slowest in gas because the particles
are far apart and intermolecular forces are weak. It is faster in liquid and the fastest in
Pitch: how high/low the sound is- depends on the frequency. The higher the frequency
the lower the pitch and vice versa.
Loudness: related to:
Amplitude: larger the amplitude, louder the sound.
Sensitivity of the human ear: eg, a soprano sounds louder than bass even though
their voices have the same power.
Tone: the distinctive sound of a musical instrument.
Unit 8: Ultrasound and beyond human perception
Ultrasound: frequencies higher than the range of human hearing.
Ultrasound image: the high frequency gives the ultrasound a short wavelength which
allows it to reflect off small objects (like a water ripple with a short wavelength).
Ultrasound scans do this and transmit the waves into the next medium. A computer
then uses the reflected waves to construct an image. It is less damaging than X-rays
Ultrasound treatments: -Helps reduce swelling
Transmits energy to break up kidney stones
Earthquake prediction: before the rocks underneath the surface move, they create
vibrations which only animals can hear which causes them to behave unusually.
Unit 9: The nature of electromagnetic radiation
Electromagnetic radiation: types of radiation that have similar properties e.g. radio
waves, light and X-rays. Because we cannot see them, we use scientific models to
understand them better:
Wave model: shows how the retina bends light so it forms an image.
Particle model: shows how light transfers energy to the cells in the retina.
Wave-particle duality: some aspects of EM radiation are best explained with the
particle model and some with the wave model. This is the dual nature of EM
Accelerating electric charge: the source of EM radiation.
Electromagnetic wave: A moving electric charge has a magnetic field around it. If it
accelerates, the electric and magnetic fields are disturbed. The fields then oscillate and
produce electromagnetic radiation.
Electric charge: property of particles that gives rise to electrical phenomena.
Magnetic field: region where a magnetic/ferromagnetic material experiences a force.
Electric field: region where an electric charge experiences a force.
Propagation of electromagnetic waves: - Electric and magnetic fields oscillate
perpendicularly with a transverse wave motion.
Because they are mutually regenerating fields, they do not need a medium with
particles for propagation.
Unit 10: Electromagnetic Spectrum
All the frequencies of electromagnetic radiation arranged in order.
Electromagnetic waves obey the wave speed relationship: ๐‘ = ๐‘“λ
c= speed of light in a vacuum, 3 x10 ๐‘š. ๐‘ 
f= frequency
λ = wavelength
Penetrating ability: high frequencies can penetrate the skin and sometimes body.
Higher frequencies of ultraviolet can damage the skin and eyes. Exposure to
X-rays must be limited.
EM radiation:
Characteristics and uses
Radio waves
Lowest frequency; longest wavelength.
TV waves
High frequency radio waves.
Used in microwave ovens to transfer energy to
Transfer heat. Used to detect objects/people in the absence of visible light.
Visible light
Our sense of sight detects visible light.
Ultraviolet (UV)
SA bank notes ink absorbs energy of UV light and re-emits as visible light
Used to produce images of organs and bones.
Gamma rays
Very high energy used in medical sterilisation.
(fluorescence). Used to detect fraud.
Unit 11: Photons
Quantisation: the quantity comes in amounts that cannot be made smaller.
Quantum: an indivisible amount of a physical quantity.
The photon: a quantum of electromagnetic radiation that has zero mass and travels at
the speed of light.
Planck’s constant: A photon’s energy increases with its frequency (proportional). Eαf
E= energy of photon (joules J)
f= frequency of photon (Hz)
h= Planck's constant. 6.63 x 10
Module 5: Electricity and magnetism
Unit 2: Electrostatics
Electric charges: Electrostatics (static electricity) is the interaction of stationary charges
Positive/negative charges: Atoms without charge have a net charge (protons +neutrons)
of zero. The positive charge has more protons than electrons and vice versa.
Charging by contact: Some objects transfer electrons even faster when rubbed
(triboelectric charging). When 2 substances rub, one loses electrons, and one gains
electrons so they are unlike and attract.
Forces charges exert on each other: Like charges repel and unlike attract. Charged
objects attract uncharged objects.
Polarisation: When a paper and balloon rub, the charges closest to the balloon are more
positive than the other side. This means the paper is polarised because it has an uneven
distribution of charge.
Unit 3: Conservation and quantisation of charge
Charge is measured in Q (Coulomb)
Principle of conservation of charge: the net charge of an isolated (no charge can
exit/enter) system remains constant during a physical process.
Sphere: They rest on insulated stands. When the touch the energy is added (Qnet)
1 microcoulomb: μm= 1 x 10(-6)
1 nanocoulomb: nm 1 x 10(-9)
Q (charge) = n (integer) x qe (1,6 x 10 (-19))
Principle of quantisation of charge: every charge is an integer multiple of the electron
Unit 4: Electric circuits
An electric circuit: a continuous conducting path in which electricity flows. Consists of:
Energy source: a source containing chemical potential energy which supplies the
rest of the circuit
Connecting wires: are made of a conducting metal in which little energy is lost
Resistance: it opposes the flow and transfers electricity out of the circuit.
Additional components:
A switch: controls the flow of current
Insulators: insulators prevent short circuits
It follows the principle of conservation of charge as it remains the same throughout the
Series: components are connected in a way that there is a single path for current.
Switches control the entire circuit.
Parallel: components are connected in a may that there are 1+ paths for current.
Switches control only a single part.
Unit 5: Emf and potential difference
Why charges flow: Electricity flows to where the potential energy is less and as they do
they transfer energy.
Potential difference (voltage): “energy per coulomb” or the energy 1Q loses/gains when
passing through a battery/resistor. It is the change in electrical potential energy per unit
charge between 2 points. (the voltage between 2 points.
V= potential difference (Volts)
W= energy transfer (Joules)
Q= charge (Coulombs)
The voltmeter: always connect in parallel. Connect the negative of the battery to the
terminal and the positive to the largest range. The voltmeter uses current so small it
does n0t affect the circuit.
Emf: the voltage measured when no current is flowing (there is no resistor)
Terminal potential difference: the voltage measured when the current is flowing (there
is a resistor). It is less than emf.
Unit 6: Current
The rate (how much per second) of the flow of charge
I= electric current (ampere)
Q= charge (coulombs
โ–ณt= time taken (seconds)
The ammeter: Connect in series. Negative ammeter to the negative battery. Positive
battery to the largest range. Never connect in parallel- high current causes damage.
Current direction: From the positive terminal to the negative. Sometimes called
conventional current direction.
Why a battery goes flat: when all the current has been transferred. A high current circuit
uses energy faster than a low current one.
Unit 7: Resistance
The opposition to the flow of current. Factors: material type, size of resistance material,
the temperature of the resistor.
Transfer of energy: when charges move through resistance, they collide with its
particles and transfer kinetic energy causing vibration. This causes heat.
Measuring resistance: resistance is the ratio of potential difference to current(V: I). It is
measured in ohms โ„ฆ. Resistance increases while current decreases, so they are inversely
Unit 8: Resistors in series
Current in series: Remains the same unless more resistors are added (will reduce)
Voltage: the sum of all the volts. Resistors that divide the voltage are called voltage
dividers. Vs= Vโ‚+ Vโ‚‚ + Vโ‚ƒ
Resistors: equivalent resistance in series is Rโ‚ + Rโ‚‚ + Rโ‚ƒ
Unit 9: Resistors in parallel
Current and voltage: -Voltage in parallel is equal
Sum of current through resistor= total current
Resistors in parallel are called current dividers because Ip=Iโ‚+Iโ‚‚
In parallel, more pathways for current are opened. The resistance decreases and
the current increases.
Resistors: V/Rp = V/Rโ‚ + V/Rโ‚‚ . Remove common factor
Module 7: Mechanics
Unit 1: Vectors and Scalars
Physical quantities: a measurable quantity of something found in nature. Types:
Scalars: Physical quantities consisting of size only. Can be added/subtracted like
ordinary numbers. Negative scalars often represent less eg 10C and -10C
Vectors: Physical quantities with both magnitude and direction. Negative and
positive vectors have the same value but opposite directions. Right and up is
positive. Down and left is negative.
Vector diagram:
Properties of vectors: -They are only equal if they have the same magnitude and
Only vectors of the same kind can be added, no scalars.
Multiplication by a scalar changes the magnitude of the vector
Resultant: has the same effect of 2+ vector quantities
Unit 2: Position
Motion: change in position of a body with respect to time
Frames of reference: reference points (eg axes) that show the definition of an object’s
position. A position is plotted relative to the reference point.
One dimensional motion: is along a straight line in a direction (vector).
On the Cartesian plane, x is horizontal and y is vertical.
Unit 3: Distance and displacement
Distance: the length of a path on which an object moves to position (scalar; metres).
Formula: final position + initial position
Displacement: magnitude and direction of a straight line from its initial to the final
position (vector; ๐šซx). Formula: ๐šซx= xf -xi
Unit 4: Speed and Velocity
Average speed: distance/ time= m.s๏นฃ¹ (scalar)
Average velocity: displacement/ time= โŠฝ (vector)
Average time: ๐šซt= 1/f (frequency; Hz)
Converting units: (km.hr-1) ÷ 3.6= (m.s-1)
Unit 5: Average acceleration
Acceleration = velocity/ time= m.s-2 (vector). It means speed is increasing. Deceleration
means decreasing speed. We could determine whether it is +/- (direction) by:
The positive direction of the frame of reference
The change in velocity.
Acceleration of a trolley on a slope: -When speeding up ฤ and โŠฝ are in the same direction
and have the same magnitude/ sign.
When slowing down the direction, magnitude, and sign change. โŠฝ is decreasing.
Acceleration needs velocity to show direction.
Unit 6: Instantaneous velocity and speed
Uniform: constant in the course of time.
๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘™ ๐‘โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘”๐‘’
Gradient: the slope of a graph. โ„Ž๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘ง๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘™ ๐‘โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘”๐‘’
๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘๐‘™๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘’๐‘š๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก
Instantaneous velocity: ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘“๐‘–๐‘›๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘ ๐‘–๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘™ ๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘š๐‘’ ; vector; is the gradient of the tangent (the line
that touches the curve at a single point)
Instantaneous speed: of the same magnitude as instantaneous velocity; scalar.
Unit 7: Investigate uniform acceleration
The acceleration at a particular moment
Unit 8-9: Graphs of motion
See textbook for examples.
Unit 10: Equations of motion
Kinematic equations of motion: used instead of drawing graphs. Conditions:
Acceleration must be uniform
Motion must be in 1D (straight line motion)
Δ๐‘ฅ = ๐‘ฃ0โ€‹๐‘ก + 21โ€‹๐‘Ž๐‘ก2
๐‘ฃ = ๐‘ฃ0โ€‹ + ๐‘Ž๐‘ก
Δ๐‘ฅ =
Δ๐‘ฅ = ๐‘ฃ0โ€‹๐‘ก +
Unit 11: Equations of motion and road safety
Braking distance: the shortest distance it takes for a vehicle’s brakes to bring it to a stop.
Average ๐‘Ž= -6๐‘š. ๐‘ 
Reaction time: more or less 0.75s, even more when under the influence of drugs/alcohol.
Thinking distance: 1.5s
Stopping distance: braking distance + thinking distance
Unit 12: Different kinds of energy
Potential energy: energy an object has because of its position, state or shape. Types:
electrical, chemical, and radiated potential energy
Gravity: a force of attraction that bodies possess because of their mass.
gravitational field: region where an object experiences a force of gravity.
Gravitational potential energy: the energy an object has because of its position in a
gravitational field relative to a reference point. (Ep)
Ep(joules) = m(kg) X g(9.8m.s2) X h (m)
Kinetic energy: energy an object has because of its motion.
Energy is a scalar quantity.
Unit 13: Conservation of energy
Law of conservation of energy: energy is never created or destroyed but only transferred
from one form to another.
Mechanical energy Em: the sum of kinetic and gravitational potential energy of an
Principle of conservation of mechanical energy: in the absence of air resistance and
friction the mechanical energy of an object in earth's gravitational field is constant
(conserved )
When the mechanical energy is conserved M1= M2
mechanical energy is conserved as long as no energy is transferred out of the
relevant variables = velocity and height
the path a body takes can be ignored.
F O R M U L A S:
Qnet= Qโ‚ +Qโ‚‚ + Qโ‚ƒ
Energy of each sphere (Q)= Qnet ÷ 2
I= Q÷โ–ณt
Equivalent resistance: Rs= Rโ‚ + Rโ‚‚ + Rโ‚ƒ
Total voltage: Vs= Vโ‚+ Vโ‚‚ + Vโ‚ƒ
Total current: Ip=Iโ‚+Iโ‚‚
Equivalent resistance: 1/Rp= 1/Rโ‚ + 1/Rโ‚‚
Resultant: FR= Fโ‚+Fโ‚‚
Displacement: ๐šซx= xf -xi
Distance: final position+ initial position
Average speed: D/t= m.s๏นฃ¹
Average velocity:๐šซx/๐šซt = โŠฝ
Average acceleration: ฤ=โŠฝ/๐šซt= m.s -2