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Aviation Exam Questions: Navigation, Performance, Meteorology

1. If Accelerating on Western heading in northern hemisphere, the compass needle
will turn
A. clockwise towards North
B. anti clockwise towards North
C. Clockwise towards South
D. Clockwise towards North
2. How is Great Circle defined?
A. Shortest distance between 2 points
B. plane passing through center of earth
C. radio waves follow Great Circle Routes
D. all of the above
3. What is the range of Transmitter, when Aircraft is at 42000 and station is at 400
feet AMSL ?
A. 100 NM
B. 250 NM
C. 281 NM
D. 300 NM
4. Aircraft is on a airway and 100 NM away from a VOR station.
The edge of the airway would be indicated by how many dots deviation on CDI? (
consider one dot as 2 degrees and a standard airway width of 10 NM)
A. 2 dot
B. 1 dot
C. 3 dot
D. 1.5 dot
5. How is Starboard drift represented?
A. course + drift = track
B. Track is greater than course
C. Drift + track = course
D. Both A and B
6. What do you mean by standard time?
B. local mean time
C. set by official authorities of country
D. one or more
7. What is the meaning of variation?
A. Diff between magnetic north and compass north
B. Diff between magnetic north and true nortth
C. Diff between compass north and true north
D. None of the above
8. What is purpose of Decision Point procedure?
A. To carry minimum fuel
B. To calculate contingency fuel
C. Safe conduct of flight
D. for reduced landing weight
9. What is Balanced field length?
D. None of the above
10. V2 cannot be less than
A. 1.1 Vso
B. 1.05 vmcg
C. 1.1 VMCA
D. 1.15 VR
11. What is TODA?
A. TORA + clearway
B. TORA + stopway
C. TORA + stowaway + clearway
12. What is Clearway?
A. 50% of TODA
B. 50% of TORA
C. 50% of ASDA
D. 150% of TODA
13. Gross performance is used for?
A. Obstacle clearance
B. certification
C. Airworthiness
D. None of the above
14. What is Screen height for wet runway Versus screen height for dry runway ?
A. 15 feet ,35 feet
B. 35 feet ,25 feet
C. 35 feet ,15 feet
D. 15 feet , 30 feet
15. What is minimum controllable speed during approach?
A. Vmcg
B. Vmcl
C. Vmca
D. V2
16. On a dry runway the accelerate stop distance is increased
A. by Uphill slope
B. by headwind
C. low OAT
D. by a lower take-off mass because the aeroplane accelerates faster to V1.
17. When do we perform a Flex takeoff?
A. Atow < Mtow (structural).
B. Atow<Mtow (performance)
C.For Low Visibility Takeoff (LVTO)
D. Both (A) and (C)
18. Considering TODA, TORA, ASDA requirements are met, which of the following
are true?
A. Increasing ratio of V1/ VR will increase Maximum take off weight ;
B. decreasing ratio of V1/ VR will increase Maximum take off weight ;
C. Increasing ratio of V1/VR will not create any change to Maximum take off weight
D. None of the above
19. How is Take off performance affected at high pressure altitude airports?
A. TODR increases
B. TODR decreases
C. TODA increases
D. ASDA increases
20. . When will Landing distance required by an aircraft decrease ?
A. Low weight
B. high OAT temp
C. low pressure altitude
D. all of the above
21. If atmospheric pressure is increased, what happens to takeoff performance?
A. Increased takeoff roll and decreased climb gradient
B. Decreased takeoff roll and increased climb gradient
C. Increased takeoff roll and increased climb gradient
D. Decreased takeoff roll and decreased climb gradient
22. If Atmospheric pressure increases, what happens to landing distance?
A. landing distance remains constant and initial climb performance increases
B. landing distance increases and initial climb performance decreases
C. landing distance decreases and initial climb perf increases
D. landing distance increases and initial climb performance increases
23. If V1 increases and VR is kept constantA. ASDR increases and TODR reduces
B. ASDR decreases and TODR increases
C. ASDR increases and TODR increases
D. ASDR decreases and TODR decreases
24. What happens when V1 increases and VR is kept constant?
A. Take Off Distance increases
B. Accelerated Stop Distance Increases
C. Take Off Run increases
D. All of the above
25. Aft CG results in
A. Higher range and controllability is Increased
B. Higher range but Reduced controllability
C. Reduced endurance and Reduced controllability
D. No change in endurance or Controllability compared to a forward CG position
26. If CG is near aft limit of aircraft : what will happen to following?
A. increased range and decreased stall speed
B. decreased range and increased stall speed
C. increased range and increased stall speed
D. decreased range and decreased stall speed
27. What does value of Cost index = 0 mean?
A. Minimum fuel consumption and maximum range
B. Maximum fuel consumption and minimum range
C. Minimum fuel consumption and minimum range
D. Maximum fuel consumption and maximum range
28. Mark the correct statement
A. Clearway can be used for aborted take off
B. Stopway is the portion of runway which can be utilised in case of aborted takeoff
C. Both Clearway and stopway form part of ASDA
D. Stopway is utilised as part of TORA
29. VR cannot be lower than :
A. V1 and 105 % of VMCA
B. V2 and 1.1 VMCA
C. V1 and 1.1 VMCA
D. V1 and 1.1 VMCG
30. Where is ILS antennae located on Runway?
A. Localizer antennae is located on runway center line on approach end of the runway
B. Localizer antennae is located on center line of opposite end of runway from runway
C. As in (A) and Glidepath antennae is located at runway threshold
D. As in (B) and Glidepath Antennae is located offset from runway centerline, about 750 feet
from runway threshold
31. When flying from a sector of warm air into one of colder air, the altimeter will :
a) underread.
b) overread.
c) be just as correct as before.
d) show the actual height above ground.
32. What is mandated minimum Approach Climb gradient and minimum Landing
climb gradient ?
A. 2.1 % and 3.2%
B. 3.2 % and 2.1%
C. 1.2% and 2.4%
D. 2.4 % and 1.2%
33. You are just about to take off. You have not inserted a FLEX temperature. Can
you still takeoff?
A. Yes, by setting the thrust levers to the CLIMB detent.
B. Yes, by setting the thrust levers to the FLEX/MCT detent.
C. Yes, but only using the TO/GA detent.
D. Not until a FLEX temperature is inserted
34. Given Data:
1. Trip fuel: 63 gallons
2. Contingency: 5% of trip (3.15 gallons)
3. Alternate + Final reserve fuel: 17 gallons
4. Usable fuel at Take Off: 93 gallons
By halfway point, you have burnt off 40 gallons of fuel.
At the time of reaching destination, would you have utilised your Fuel Reserve?
A. Yes, some amount of fuel would be utilised from Fuel reserve.
B. No, as 30 gallons would still be left in tanks after landing.
C. No, as 28 Tonnes of reserve fuel is available at takeoff
D. None of the above