ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 1 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 1 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 2 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 2 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director Contents:1. PURPOSE 4 2. SCOPE 4 3. DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY 4 4. REFERENCE 5 5. RESPONSIBILITIES 5 6. PROCESS / GUIDELINES 6 6.1 INSPECTION 6 6.2 MATERIAL REQUIRED/ INSTALLATION 6 6.3 CT OPERATED (LV) METERING 7 6.4 CT VT OPERATED (HV) METERING 8 7 METER CABINET DIMENSION 10 8 TEMPORARY CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS 11 8.1 UP TO 50KW 11 8.2 LOAD GREATER THAN 50 KW (CT METERS) 12 8.3 FOUNDATION FOR TEMP METER ENCLOSURE 13 9 GRP METER CABINET AND FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC AREA METER INSTALLATION 13 10 QUICK REFERENCE 17 11 RSB METERING REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS 17 11.1 METER EQUIPMENT ACCURACY 17 11.2 MAIN & CHECK REQUIREMENTS 18 12 ILLUSTRATIONS 18 This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 3 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 3 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director AMENDMENTS SHEET ISSUE/ REV. # PAGE NUMBER SUBJECT OF THE AMENDMENT APPROVED BY DATE 01/00 All First Issue CSD Director 1-01-2017 02/00 13 GRP METER CABINET AND FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC AREA METER INSTALLATION CSD Director 2-09-2018 This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 4 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 1. Revision 00 Page 4 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director PURPOSE The purpose of this guidelines is to provide the simplest and the most efficient process to assess and finalize energy meter installation request, in accordance with the targets set by ADDC. 2. SCOPE The scope of this guidelines is to provide and ensure that all energy meter installation requirements are accepted for install meter as per ADDC regulation, and follow up the snag list 3. DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY The following terminologies are used through this guidelines : ADDC DoE RSB SLD LDN FA MIM CT VT CBCT AMR MDB SMDB FDB LVDB ACB MCCB MCB RCD XLPE PVC Kwh MVA KVA A V L.V : Abu Dhabi Distribution Company : Department of Energy : Regulation and Supervision Bureau. : Single Line Diagram : Load Demand Notification : Field Activity : Meter installation and Maintenance : Current Transformer : Voltage Transformer : Core Balancing Current Transformer : Automated Meter reading : Main Distribution Board : Sub Main Distribution Board : Final Distribution Board : Low Voltage Distribution Board : Air Circuit Breaker : Moulded Case Circuit Breaker : Miniature Circuit Breaker : Residual Current Device : Cross-Linked Polyethylene : Polyvinyl Chloride : Kilo Watt hour : Mega Volt Ampere : Kilo Volt Ampere : Ampere : Volt : Low Voltage This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 5 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Mm Cm S.T R.C T.B GRP 4. Page 5 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director : Millimeter : Centimeter : Shunt Trip coil : Relay Control : Terminal Block : Glass Reinforced Plastic REFERENCE • • 5. Revision 00 ADDC approved single line diagram. Guaranteed and Overall Service Standards related to connections. RESPONSIBILITIES Meter Installation & Maintenance Section Customer Service Section Licensed Electrical Contractor The following table lists the internal and external entities who are owners and contributors to the Energy Meter Installation Guidelines: A/R N/A R/A R/A A A/R R A/R R Review application, assign work to technicians A/R R R Physical meter installation& Testing A/R N/A R/A Action owner Action / Activities Carry the internal wiring for meter installations &provision as per ADDC and DoE (RSB) regulations Inspect the site as per Meter Inspection FA and provide snag list to electric contractor Open Meter install request and create the bill for meters supply A : Accountable, R : Responsible, C : Consulted, I : Informed, N/A : Not Applicable. This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 6 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 6. Revision 00 Page 6 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director PROCESS / GUIDELINES 6.1 INSPECTION 6.1.1 Metering network has to be pre-inspected either in parallel with the LV inspection or prior to the meter installation. 6.1.2 During the metering network inspection, contractor's presence at site is essential. 6.1.3 Permanent and finalized premise identification number must be labelled on all premises. 6.2 MATERIAL REQUIRED/ INSTALLATION 6.2.1 GRP meter cabinet with IP66 and IP65 standard must be used for installation. I.e. outdoor and main LV room installation in high rise building. 6.2.2 For Villas and restricted buildings, the meters should be outside on boundary wall to access easily for the meter readers and maintenance team. 6.2.3 Meters are not allowed inside the shop, should be in electrical room.(New Meter connections or old meters for upgrade/ Shifting etc.) 6.2.4 18 mm Marine plywood or Fire rated plywood required for foundation of meter installation inside the meter cabinet. (Metal or mica sheet not allowed). 6.2.5 Spacer must be provided between marine plywood and meter cabinet base. 6.2.6 The height of metering board or meter cabinet must be kept at least 80cms from the ground. i.e. distance between meter board till ground level 6.2.7 Maximum height of Metering board or meter cabinet should not exceed 200cm. 6.2.8 10 cm clearance is required between the meter board and mounted wall (all the sides should be covered) 6.2.9 Metering board must be mounted properly with C- channel or thread bar for typical meter installation. 6.2.10 Required flush mounted installation of cabinet for outdoor installation. 6.2.11 Both ends of metering cables must be with glands. i.e. panel and meter cabinet. 6.2.12 All spare breakers and future load in MDB and SMDB must be pad locked 6.2.13 If more than 1 meter is fixed on a metering board – There must be 10cm space vertically and 15cm space horizontally between the meters. 6.2.14 If the cable size is 16mm2 or below, the minimum space between the cable entry and the meter base must be 15cms. This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 7 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 7 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director 6.2.15 If the cable size is 25mm2, the minimum gap between the cable entry and the meter base should be 20cms. 6.2.16 More than six direct meters are not allowed in at one meter board (120cmm X 120cm) for maintenance purpose. 6.2.17 Permanent and finalized premise identification number must be labelled on all premises (meter side, breaker side, premises, cables and FDB). 6.2.18 For AMR system, color coded cables (R-Y-B-N-E) connected from main incomer of each MDB to be provided with 10 A MCB in the control cabinet and same colour coded wires are to be laid from MCB to a PVC(standard) box (300x300“ mm) mounted beside the meter. There should be a C clamp channel and connectors inside the PVC box. 6.2.19 All the PVC (standard) boxes mounted beside the meter for AMR system in each floor of the building (as mentioned above 6.2.18) to be looped with PVC Conduit from floor to floor and finally at Main Electric room. 6.2.20 Control wire with a size 4CX 0.75sqmm also should be provided through these PVC pipes in between floor to floor. Any other type of such cast iron pipes, flexible GI Pipes, normal flexible pipe etc. Would not be allowed to use expect PVC Conduit. 6.2.21 For AMR control cable conduit with 2YY 3 x 0.25sqmm Lapp cable must be provided from energy meter room to water meter room. 6.2.22 In cases were Check water meter has been installed, a continuity cable should be provided from the check meter to the main electric room. 6.2.23 For ESTIDAMA and BMS meters, should be connected only after the tariff meters. 6.2.24 For BMS system the connection from ADDC tariff meter not allowed. 6.2.25 Assistance and approval will be provided by Metering section in case of PV installation. 6.3 CT OPERATED (LV) METERING CT - Current Transformer 6.3.1 MCCB up to 630Amps for CT operated meters must have shunt trip facility and two single core (2.5mm) control cables is to be laid from MCCB to metering cabinet. 6.3.2 A control supply should be available with separate MCB and suitable connection block to operate the Shunt coils for individual breakers for multiple meters connected to the premises. 6.3.3 CT’s burden and accuracy should comply with the RSB regulations. 6.3.4 CT must be dedicated for tariff metering no other connections allowed with metering CT. 6.3.5 Rating of CT coils for main meters should be same as per ACB and transformer rating (Main & Check and Pilot Meter) This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 8 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 8 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director 6.3.6 Armored cable should be used for C.T. Meters 6.3.7 If the required load is more than 1MVA, provisions should be made to install a check meter. 6.3.8 Pilot meter (bulk meter) provision should be provided, If one MDB fed to individual metering with different Service Points (with meter cabinet ) 6.3.9 Energy meters from different transformers / MDB / SMDBs should not be allowed in one meter cabinet. 6.3.10 1x12core 4mm2 XLPE or (3 x 4C x 4mm XLPE) cable is to be provided for all CT operated meter’s wiring with identification ferrules. 6.3.11 1x12core 4mm2 XLPE with 1x4C x 4mm XLPE or (4 x 4C x 4mm XLPE) cable is to be provided for all CT operated Main meter and check meter’s wiring with identification ferrules. 6.3.12 1x19 core 4mm2 XLPE or (4 x 4C x 4mm XLPE) or 1X12core 4mm2 XLPE with 1x4C x 4mm XLPE cable is to be provided for Main & check meters. 6.3.13 For large Service Points, where CT s installed inside MDB in high rise building, a cabinet should be provided inside the electrical room for the billing and check meters. 6.3.14 For Bulk load, CT&VT terminal (suitable 14nos TB for Main and check) should be provided at Main Incomer compartment/Section with sealable Enclosure. 6.3.15 Metering cables both ends must be gland. i.e. panel and meter cabinet with Gland sheet. 6.3.16 Lockable fuse carriers or protection breakers Should be provided for the potential ( in between source of supply and meter) 6.3.17 Boot legs are required to terminate the CT operated metering connection. 6.3.18 Meter cabinet and all other requirements. As mentioned in section 7 and 11. 6.3.19 Contractor should carryout dressing all cables with suitable wire legs and covered by cable spirals. 6.3.20 CT coils should be in accessible and visible area. 6.3.21 CT coils location in cubicle /compartment in MDB to be marked in the panel with identification 6.4 CT VT OPERATED (HV) METERING CT- Current Transformer VT- Voltage Transformer 6.4.1 Contractor submits their LDN, SLD and complete switch gear drawing to the metering section prior to the first inspection. 6.4.2 The site inspection must be conducted in the presence of contractor and switch gear engineers. 6.4.3 CT’s burden and accuracy should comply with the RSB regulations. This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 9 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 9 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director 6.4.4 4 x 4C x 4mm XLPE or 1 x 19C X4mm XLPE cable should be used for metering. As mentioned in 6.3.9 to 6.3.11 6.4.5 Separate MCB’s rated 6 Amps required for each main and check meters VT connection 6.4.6 Main metering CT core must be dedicated for tariff metering. 6.4.7 Identification of CT and VT terminals should be same as shown in the As-built drawings. 6.4.8 Meter cabinet and all other requirements. See no. 6.2.1 to 6.2.9. 6.4.9 Color coded 1 x 4C x 2.5 mm cable provided from LV DB (10 Amps MCB) for AMR 6.4.10 After the meter installation, contractor should arrange for primary injection test in the presence of ADDC metering Dept. CT Operated (LV) Main & Check Metering Diagram This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 10 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 7 Revision 00 Page 10 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director METER CABINET DIMENSION Single CT meter (500X405X250mm) Double CT or Direct meter (665x560X255mm) 4 X direct meter (1200X600X250mm) Single Direct meter with cut outer (665x560X255mm) 4 X CT meter (850X650X270mm) Meter Type No. of meter Height(mm) Width(mm) Depth(mm) View glass CT meter 1 500 405 250 1 CT meter 2 665 560 255 2 This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 11 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 8 Revision 00 Page 11 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director CT meter >2 850 650 270 4 Direct meter 1 665 560 255 1 Direct meter 2 665 560 255 2 Direct meter >2 1200 600 250 4 TEMPORARY CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS 8.1 UP TO 50KW ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ GRP box- 2 box- 800mmx650mmx300mm GRP box- 1 box- 1000mmx1000mmx300mm GI Gland plate required at Bottom side for cable gland Water proof + weather proof & canopy Earth pit should be provided. Number of Boxes Height(mm) Width (mm) Depth(mm) This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 12 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 12 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director Using 2 boxes 800 650 300 Using 1 box 1000 1000 300 8.2 LOAD GREATER THAN 50 KW (CT METERS) ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ GRP box- 1Box-1200mmx1000mmx350mm- FOR DB GRP box- 1Box-800mmx650mmx300mm - FOR METER GI Gland plate required at Bottom side for cable gland Box should be Water proof + weather proof & canopy All outgoing should be though RCD with FDB Earth pit should be provided Number of Boxes Height(mm) Width (mm) Depth(mm) This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 13 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 13 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director Using DB boxes 1200 1000 350 Using Meter box 800 650 300 8.3 FOUNDATION FOR TEMP METER ENCLOSURE ➢ 40 cm height from Ground level ➢ Boxes must fix in foundation with GI fix bolt 9 GRP METER CABINET AND FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC AREA METER INSTALLATION ➢ In the outdoor meter installation such as street light, Bus shelters, traffic light and monitoring cameras, separate GRP meter cabinet with concrete foundation shall be provided. ➢ Foundation should be min 40cm height from the ground level. ➢ Minimum 120cm height shall be provided from ground level up to meter viewing Perspex. ➢ A Cut-out is to be provided before the meter inside the meter cabinet (Substation /garden /beach /public toilet etc.). This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 14 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 14 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director ➢ Not allowed to connect main cable directly to the meter without isolation point (MCCB/ Isolator). ➢ Meter location not permitted on Centre median in all cases. This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 15 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 15 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 16 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 16 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 17 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 17 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director 10 QUICK REFERENCE Type of Meter Max Length of Cable (Mts) Size of Cable to meter Burden CT VA Accuracy C.T Ratio Load in KW 100 / 5 A - CT meter 4 mm2 13 100 / 5 A 5 0.5 Maximum 55 KW 200 / 5 A - CT meter 4 mm2 28 200 / 5 A 10 0.5 Maximum 110 KW 300 / 5 A - CT meter 4 mm2 28 300 / 5 A 10 0.5 Maximum 160 KW 600 / 5 A - CT meter 4 mm2 28 600 / 5 A 10 0.5 Maximum 350 KW 1000 / 5 A - CT meter 4 mm2 42 1000 / 5 A 15 0.5 Maximum 550 KW 1600 / 5 A - CT meter 4 mm2 42 1600 / 5 A 15 0.5 Maximum 800 KW 2000 / 5 A - CT meter 4 mm2 42 2000 / 5 A 15 0.2 Above 800 KW 2500 / 5 A - CT meter 4 mm2 42 2500 / 5 A 15 0.2 Special cases 3000 / 5 A - CT meter 4 mm2 42 3000 / 5 A 15 0.2 Special cases 4000 / 5 A - CT meter 4 mm2 42 4000 / 5A 15 0.2 Special cases 1 Phase Direct Meter Maximum size of cable 25mm2 Maximum 9 KW 3 Phase Direct Meter Maximum size of cable 25mm2 Maximum 52 KW 2000 / 5 A ACB rating up to 2000 A Transformer 1500 kVA 2500 / 5 A If ACB rating 2500 A Transformer 1500 kVA 3000 / 5 A ACB rating up to 3000 A Transformer 2000 kVA 4000 / 5 A If ACB rating 4000 A Transformer 2000 kVA 4000 / 5A If ACB rating 4000 A Transformer 2500 kVA 11 RSB METERING REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS 11.1 METER EQUIPMENT ACCURACY SL No: Meters Circuit Capacity Measurement Transformers KWh KVarh Current Voltage 1 Greater than 100 MVA 0.2 S 2.0 0.2 S 0.2 2 Greater than 10 MVA up to 100 MVA 0.2 S 2.0 0.2 S 0.2 3 Greater than 1 MVA up to 10 MVA 0.5 S 3.0 0.2 0.5 4 Greater than 100 KVA up to 1 MVA 1.0 3.0 0.5 0.5 5 Less than 100 KVA 2.0 3.0 0.5 N/A This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 18 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 18 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director 11.2 MAIN & CHECK REQUIREMENTS SL No: Meters Circuit Capacity Measurement Transformers KWh KVarh Current Voltage 1 Greater than 100 MVA Main & Check Main & Check Main & Check Main & Check 2 Greater than 10 MVA up to 100 MVA Main & Check Main & Check Main & Check Main 3 Greater than 1 MVA up to 10 MVA Main & Check Main Main Main 4 Greater than 100 KVA up to 1 MVA Main Main Main Main 5 Less than 100 KVA Main Main Main Main For more information, please visit : 12 ILLUSTRATIONS Individual Meters for apartments Mounted Wall 10 CM Flat 601 55 CM Spare 601 0000 kWh 0000 kWh 3X 100A Flat Flat 602 603 3X 100A 0000 kWh 0000 kWh 3X 100A Flat 604 3X 100A Spare 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 200 CM 5 CM 0000 kWh 55 CM 0000 kWh 3X 100A 0000 kWh 3X 100A 3X 100A Flat 606 Flat 607 0000 kWh 3X 100A As per Article 2.11, 2.12 Flat 605 5 CM 80 CM 15 CM 80 CM Ground level Flat 608 Threaded Bar Ground level This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 19 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 19 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director AMR - Bridge box located on the wall in the main electrical room Water meters located in a water meter cabinet Enclosures at Main Electrical Room This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 20 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 20 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 21 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 21 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director Typical installation - new and existing low-rise buildings (Commercial villas) ( 3 core meter data cable 0.25 mm ² from Water meter box to Energy meter Box) Shunt Trip Connection with ELR This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 22 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 22 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director Shunt Trip Connection without ELR This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy” ADDC Guidelines for Energy Meter Installation Effective Date : 02/09/2018 Guideline No : GL.CSD.01 - 23 Issue 02 GL.CSD.01 Revision 00 Page 23 of 23 Approved by: CSD Director Shunt Trip Connections on Multiple Outgoing Meters This Document is the property of ADDC, and cannot be used nor given to outside party without prior authorization. Print outs from soft copies are Uncontrolled, unless stamped in red as “Controlled Copy”