HSE/RT/RWR 001 This is format will be filled and attached with the relevant permits, Radiography Planned – At Barabanki site – One sheeter safety Requirements ➢ The minimum qualifications for an industrial radiographer are a 10+2 or equivalent from a recognized Board, and training in radiography testing and safety (RT level-I or equivalent) or its equivalent recognized by the Competent Authority with a prior experience of six months as a trainee in an approved radiography institution. ➢ These precautions include ensuring that all interlocks, shielding, collimators, signs, barriers, and other protective devices are properly positioned before operating the equipment, making proper use of protective equipment, radiation monitors, and personnel monitoring devices provided, operating the equipment in accordance with the operating instructions recommended by the device manufacturer and the Competent Authority, ➢ The radiation symbol and placards with the legend 'RADIATION --KEEP AWAY' and its equivalent in English/Hindi as well as in the local language shall be posted along the cordon. A warning light shall be displayed at night. ➢ Field radiography shall not be carried out without the use of an appropriate collimator except in case where it is not physically possible. ➢ The maximum radiation level on the external surface of a source changer is 2 mSv/h, and the corresponding limit at 100 cm is 0.1 mSv/h. The radiation levels around the radiography premises shall be measured and recorded by the radiographer. ➢ The dosimeters should be worn at the chest level outside the lead apron. The dosimeters should be calibrated at least once a year by a laboratory recognized by the Competent Authority. ➢ The boundaries of adjacent radiography sites shall not overlap. ➢ Operational checks shall be recorded (HSE/RT/RWR-001). The radiographer shall measure the radiation levels around the radiography premises and record the results. ➢ All other regular On site safety Requirements PTW, Tool box meeting , training will be recorded. Mandatory Safety Arrangements - : HSE/RT/RWR 001 This is format will be filled and attached with the relevant permits, RADIOGRAPHY WORK REQUEST – ATTACHED WITH PERMIT (RADIOGRAPHY SHOULD NOT COMMENCE UNTIL STAGES 1 TO 3 ARE DULY COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY THE RESPECTIVE PERSONNEL) STAGE 1: APPLICATION BY NDE SUBCONTRACTOR (Decay chart of the Isotope should be attached to this application) PROJECT: LOCATION: NAME OF CONTRACTOR: COMMENCEMENT: DATE: TIME: COMPLETION: DATE: TIME: SOURCE (Type and Strength in Curies) TYPE: CURIES: DESCRIPTION OF RADIOGRAPHY WORK: NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: TIME: Hrs. STAGE 2: CHECKED BY (COMPETENT PERSON): SPECIAL HAZARDS AND RISKS (IF ANY): MEASURES TAKEN: I HAVE HIGHLIGHTED THE WORK AT THE PROJECT CO-ORDINATION MEETING AND IT HAS BEEN CO-ORDINATED. FURTHER, I SHALL TAKE THE UNDER-MENTIONED SAFETY MEASURES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK PROCESS AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THEM DURING THE ENTIRE PROCESS: ➢ CLEARING OF OTHER PERSONS FROM THE AFFECTED AREA ➢ PROMINENT DISPLAY OF WARNING SIGNBOARDS AT ALL POSSIBLE ACCESSES TO THE RADIOGRAPHY AREA ➢ INSTALLATION OF BLINKING LIGHTS (APPLICABLE FOR NIGHT WORK ONLY) ➢ STAND BY OF RADIOGRAPHERS ➢ BARRICADING OF AFFECTED AREA NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: TIME: Hrs. STAGE 3: CLEARED BY HSE I HAVE FAMILIARIZED MYSELF WITH THE WORK SCHEDULE AND I HAVE HIGHLIGHTED TO QA/QC PERSONNEL TO ENSURE THAT THE HAZARDS AND RISKS ARE ELIMINATED OR CRITICALLY REDUCED TO ALARP AND ALL RECOMMENDED SAFETY MEASURES ARE COMPLIED WITH. NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: TIME: Hrs. STAGE 4: APPROVAL BY PROJECT MANAGER ➢ I HAVE EVALUATED THE HAZARDS AND RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE JOB ➢ I ALSO CONFIRMED THAT I HAVE CO-ORDINATED IN THE DAILY PROJECT SAFETY CO-ORDINATION MEETING TO ENSURE THAT ALL OTHER WORK ACTIVITIES PERFORMED BY CONTRACTORS AND CLIENT REPRESENTATIVES IN THE AFFECTED AREA WOULD BE STOPPED DURING THAT PERIOD. ➢ I AM SATISFIED THAT A THOROUGH INSPECTION AND PROPER ASSESSMENT OF THE AFFECTED AREA AND ITS SURROUNDING HAVE BEEN CARRIED OUT SO THAT RADIOGRAPHY WORK CAN BE CARRIED OUT SAFELY. I HEREBY APPROVE THE WORK NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: TIME: Hrs STAGE 5: ACKNOWLDEGEMENT BY SUB-CONTRACTOR / SUPERVISOR I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE UNDERSTOOD THE BRIEFING CONDUCTED BY THE FOREMAN/SUPERVISOR ON THE SAFETY MEASURES TO BE TAKEN FOR THE JOB AND SHALL ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE SAME. NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: TIME: Hrs HSE/RT/RWR - 001 This is format will be filled and attached with the relevant permits, ATTACHMENT C RADIOGRAPHY WORK CHECKLIST Date and time : Location : No. of person involved : Source activity and type : Name of Company of NDT team supervisor : S/No Requirement Yes 1 Notification for radiography works applied and duly approved? 2 Is the area for radiography work suitably marked? 3 Are flashing lights (night work only) used to mark the barriers where work is being carried out? 4 Are warning signboards/notices posted at the boundaries to exclude all but authorized personnel? 5 Are adequate pre-warnings/warnings given to all personnel in the vicinity of radiograph work? 6 Are film badges worn and survey meter used by radiographers during radiography work? 7 Is frequent monitoring carried out during radiography work? 8 Is emergency equipment available for immediate use? 9 Is a competent person present on site? 10 Are survey meter calibrated? 11 Are collimators used in conjunction with radiography work? Remarks: Checked and Verified by Name and Signature Time HSE Personnel : NDT Inspector : RPO : Date and Note: This checklist shall be completed at the work site prior to Radiography Works. No