Green Generation Part I : General Ecological Principles BMMS Science Olympiad 2014 - 2015 Part I: Review of General Ecology ECOLOGY – how organisms interact with one another and with their environment ENVIRONMENT – living and non-living components • ABIOTIC – non-living component or physical factors as soil, rainfall, sunlight, temperatures • BIOTIC – living component are other organisms. ECOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION • INDIVIDUAL – individual organisms • POPULATION – organisms of same species in same area (biotic factors) • COMMUNITY – several populations in same area (biotic factors) • ECOSYSTEM – community plus abiotic factors • BIOME – group of ecosystems with the same climate and similar communities (e.g. desert biome) • BIOSPHERE – all ecosystems on earth ECOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ECOLOGY OF INDIVIDUALS • Homeostasis – property in which variables are regulated so that internal conditions remain stable and relatively constant. It is a process that maintains stability of an individual’s internal environment in response to changes in external conditions. (Warm-blooded vs Cold-blooded) • Components – Physiological Ecology (Physiology is the way in which living organism or bodily part functions) – Temperature and Water Balance – Light and Biological Cycles (internal biological clock, called the circadian rhythm, to help adapt to daily cycle of day and night) – Physiological Ecology and Conservation ECOLOGY OF POPULATIONS • Population ecology - The study of populations in relation to the environment, including environmental influences on population density and distribution, age structure, and variations in population size. • Properties of populations – – – – Patterns of distribution and density Intraspecific competition Population dynamics Growth and regulation • Altering population growth • Human impact Population Size, Distribution and Density • Population size is the number of individuals in a population. Knowing the size can explain whether the species is doing well or not. Example: Endangered species have very small population size. • Population distribution describe how individuals are spread throughout their habitat. Sparsely populated areas contain few animals. Densely populated areas contain many animals. Sparsely populated places tend to be difficult places to live (lack of food and water, challenging climate) like Antartica or Mojave Desert. • Population density is a measurement of the number of individuals in an area. Population density is calculated by dividing the number of individuals by area. Intraspecific vs Interspecific Competition • Interspecific competition is the competition for resources between individuals of different species. • In intraspecific competition, members of the same species may compete for food, shelter, water, and mates. Growth Curves (a) Applies to populations with no growth limits (b) Growth that tops out at a certain carrying capacity because of limited resources Survival Curves Survivorship is the percentage of remaining survivors of a population over time; usually shown graphically. Type I survivorship curve: most individuals live out their life span and die of old age (e.g., humans). Type II survivorship curve: individuals die at a constant rate (e.g., birds, rodents, and perennial plants). Type III survivorship curve: most individuals die early in life (e.g., fishes, invertebrates, and plants). Survivorship Curves Example of Type I : Humans and large mammals Example of Type II : Birds and lizards Example of Type III : Fish and Frogs ECOLOGY OF COMMUNITIES • Closed vs. Open communities – Closed – sharp boundaries – Open – Lack boundaries • Species abundance and diversity – Keystone species are those whose presence or absence profoundly affects other species in the community. Example: Gray wolf in Yellowstone National Park were hunted / poisoned to protect elks & bison. No wolves remaining in Yellowstone by 1924. With their primary predator eliminated, elk populations exploded, leading to overgrazing of plants. Significant declines in the populations of plants influenced other wildlife, such as beaver and songbird populations. Disappearance of these plant species not only caused loss of habitat for other animals but also influenced other ecological factors, including water temperature regulation via shading & nutrient cycling. Removal of wolves thus led to instability of the environment. • Trophic Structure of Communities – Food chains – Food web : graphical depiction of the interconnections among species based on feeding relationships – Trophic pyramid INTERACTIONS AMONG SPECIES • Interactions • Interspecific competition • Predation • Exploitation • Symbiosis Types of Species Interactions • Mutualism – both benefit. Ex: Oxpecker (a kind of bird) and the rhinoceros or zebra. Oxpeckers land on rhinos or zebras and eat ticks and other parasites that live on their skin. The oxpeckers get food and the rhinos / zebra get pest control. • Commensalism – one benefits, other neutral. Ex: Barnacles and whales. Barnacles benefit by receiving transportation all over the ocean, which exposes them to more currents and feeding opportunities. The whale neither benefits nor is harmed. Types of Species Interactions • Neutral – two species do not interact • Parasitism – one benefits, one (host) harmed but not killed. Ex: Tapeworm, Mosquito • Predation – one benefits, other killed Predator - Prey Relationship Food Chain • A simple pathway of the flow of nutrients in an ecosystem is called a food chain. It is called a 'chain' because each living organism provides a link in the chain and each organism depends on the organism that comes before it. • rose plant → aphids → beetle → chameleon → hawk • Producer (Autotroph) • Consumers (Heterotrophs) 1st order Consumer or Herbivore 2nd order Consumer or 1st order Carnivore 3rd order Consumer or 2nd order Carnivore 4th order Consumer or 3rd order Carnivore Consumers that are able to eat both plants and animals are known as omnivores – animals that eat only dead animals are called scavengers – – – – – • Decomposers – consume dead and decaying matter. – Example: Bacteria & Fungi Food Web Each organism living in an ecosystem may have various food sources. Each organism interacts with others and if one of the organisms is removed, all other organisms are affected and the food web becomes unbalanced. Food webs also become unbalanced if a new organism is introduced ECOLOGY OF ECOSYSTEMS • Energy Flow – Energy Flow Pyramids – Bio-mass Pyramids • Community Succession and Stability • Nutrient Recycling – nutrient cycles • Decomposition and nutrient cycling are fundamental to ecosystem biomass production. Energy vs Nutrient • Nutrients – cyclic (Biogeochemical Cycles) • Energy flow – one way Ecologic Pyramids Ecological pyramid - a graph representing trophic level numbers within an ecosystem. The primary producer level is at the base of the pyramid with the consumer levels above. Numbers pyramid - compares the number of individuals in each trophic level. Biomass pyramid - compares the total dry weight of the organisms in each trophic level. Energy pyramid - compares the total amount of energy available in each trophic level. This energy is usually measured in kilocalories. Numbers Pyramid Biomass & Energy Flow Pyramids In any food web, the energy that is trapped by the producers is passed on to the consumers. Not all the energy, however, is passed on. Some of the energy is lost to the environment as heat, sound and kinetic energy. By the time the energy reaches the top of the food web, only a little of the original energy remains. There is less food energy at each trophic level and therefore there are fewer types of each organism. Hydrologic (Water) Cycle Phosphorus Cycle Phosphorus Cycle • Unlike many other biogeochemical cycles, the atmosphere does not play a significant role in the movement of phosphorus, because phosphorus and phosphorus-based compounds are usually solids at the typical ranges of temperature and pressure found on Earth. • Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plants and animals. • Of all the elements recycled in the biosphere, phosphorus is the scarcest and therefore the one most limiting in any given ecological system. It is indispensable to life, being intimately involved in energy transfer and DNA of all cells. Phosphorus Cycle • Much of the phosphorus on Earth is tied up in rock and sedimentary deposits, from which it is released by weathering, leaching, and mining. • Read more about Phosphorus Cycle: phosphorus-cycle Nitrogen • Nitrogen is abundant in Earth’s atmosphere (78% of the air we breathe is Nitrogen) but atmospheric nitrogen has limited biological use, leading to a scarcity of usable nitrogen in the ecosystem. • Nitrogen must be released into the environment in usable form to be consumed. • Nitrogen molecule is held together by 3 covalent bonds, making it difficult to break them apart. • Read more about Nitrogen Cycle: en-cycle-processes-players-and-human-15644632 Nitrogen Cycle • Why is Nitrogen cycle important ? The nitrogen cycle is important due to its role as a basis for production of nitrogen that is essential to all forms of life. Nitrogen is an important component of complex molecules such as amino acids and nucleotides, which lead to the creation of proteins and DNA, the building blocks of all life. Plants absorb nitrogen in the form of ammonium and nitrate ion. Animals receive nitrogen from feeding on living or dead organic matter. Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Carbon Cycle Carbon Cycle • Carbon cycle is the process in which carbon atoms are recycled over and over again on Earth. • The complete cycle is made up of "sources" that put carbon back into the environment and "sinks" that absorb and store carbon. • Carbon is known to be a basic building block of life: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids Carbon Cycle • Since all living things contain the element carbon, it is one of the most abundant elements on Earth. The total amount of carbon on Earth, always remains the same, although the carbon regularly changes its form. • Read more about Carbon Cycle: