What is Behavioural Finance? Behavioural finance is an area of study that combines psychology, sociology with economics and finance. This explains systemic biases that are exhibited by financial markets and investors. It asserts that people often behave irrationally based on emotion and cognitive biases. How can I use Behavioural Finance to help my clients? Why does it matter? Cognitive biases can lead to poor decision making, and potentially result in poor financial outcomes. Understanding and recognizing cognitive biases in client decision making can help advisers in the following ways. ? Improved communication Advisers can tailor their communications to better resonate with clients. Using real world examples will make the information more meaningful. Improved decision making Through educating clients on their cognitive biases, advisers can help their clients make more rational decisions, improving long term financial outcomes. For example the Sunk Cost Fallacy explains when investors hold onto poorly performing stocks, simply because they don’t want to admit they made a mistake. Jargon Buster | Cognitive Bias A cognitive bias is a systematic error in thinking. It occurs when people are processing and interpreting information in the world around them and affects the decisions and judgments that they make1. Building trust This helps build trust as clients are more likely to work with advisers who they believe are acting in their best interest. Online – Very Well Mind 1 Best Overall MPS provider mps Awards Winner 2022 Best MPS Technology/Platform mps Awards Winner 2022 THE VALUE OF INVESTMENTS CAN GO DOWN AS WELL AS UP & IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET BACK LESS THAN THE AMOUNT INVESTED. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT A RELIABLE INDICATOR OF FUTURE PERFORMANCE. © 2023 ebi portfolios ltd. All rights reserved. Issued by ebi portfolios ltd. ebi Portfolios Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (581079) Registered in England, Number 07473221. Registered Address: Aurora, Counterslip, Bristol, BS1 6BX EBI23-082 ebi A C A D E M Y