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KLEAR Textbooks in Korean Language
Integrated Korean
Beginning 1
Third Edition
Young-mee Cho
Hyo Sang Lee
Carol Schulz
Ho-min Sohn
University of Hawai‘i Press
Sung-Ock Sohn
© 2019 University of Hawai‘i Press
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
24 23 22 21 20 19 6 5 4 3 2 1
This textbook series has been developed by the Korean Language Education and
Research Center (KLEAR) with the support of the Korea Foundation.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Cho, Young-mee Yu, author. | Lee, Hyo Sang, author. | Schulz, Carol
(Carol H.), author. | Sohn, Ho-min, author. | Sohn, Sung-Ock S., author.
Title: Integrated Korean. Beginning 1 / Young-mee Cho, Hyo Sang Lee, Carol
Schulz, Ho-min Sohn, Sung-Ock Sohn.
Other titles: KLEAR textbooks in Korean language
Description: Third edition. | Honolulu : University of Hawai‘i Press, [2019]
| Series: KLEAR textbooks in Korean language.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018060911 | ISBN 9780824876197 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Korean language—Textbooks for foreign speakers—English.
Classification: LCC PL913 .I5812 2019 | DDC 495.782/421—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018060911
Page design by Hyun Jun Lee
Illustrations by Seijin Han
Audio files for this volume may be downloaded in MP3 format at
Printer-ready copy has been provided by KLEAR.
University of Hawai‘i Press books are printed on acid-free paper and meet the
guidelines for permanence and durability of the Council on Library Resources.
Preface to the Third Edition
What Kind of Language Is Korean?
Hangul: Pronunciation Rules
Useful Classroom Expressions
Main Characters
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
인사 [Greetings]
한국어 수업 [Korean Language Class]
대학 캠퍼스 [The University Campus]
집 [At Home]
서점에서 [At the Bookstore]
나의 하루 [My Day]
주말 [The Weekend]
Appendix 1-1. Copula, Adjective, and Verb Conjugations
Appendix 1-2. Conjugation of Irregular Adjectives and Verbs
Appendix 1-3. The Three Types of Conjugation
Appendix 2. Kinship Terms
Appendix 3. Numbers
Appendix 4. Counters
Grammar Index
Korean-English Glossary
English-Korean Glossary
Preface to the Third Edition
The Integrated Korean inaugural volumes, Beginning 1 and Beginning 2, of the
Korean Language Education & Research Center (KLEAR) appeared in 2000.
They were followed by Intermediate, Advanced Intermediate (now High Intermediate), Advanced, and High Advanced volumes. The IK series, especially the beginning and intermediate books, have attracted a large number of learners of
Korean around the world, especially in the United States and other Englishspeaking countries. Currently, some one hundred universities and colleges use
them for regular classroom instruction. The IK series is popular because the
authors endeavored to develop each volume in accordance with performancebased principles and methodology: contextualization, learner-centeredness,
use of authentic materials, usage-orientedness, balance between acquiring and
using skills and, above all, the integration of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture. In addition, grammar points are systematically introduced
with simple but adequate explanations and abundant examples and exercises.
Over the years, classroom teachers and students, as well as the authors
themselves, noticed minor shortcomings in the first- and second-year volumes
that called for improvement. Consequently, at the original authors’ recommendation, a revision team was formed for the second edition consisting of
Mee-Jeong Park (coordinator), Joowon Suh, Mary Shin Kim, Sang-suk Oh, and
Hangtae Cho. With a strong commitment to offering the best possible learning
opportunities, the team efficiently reorganized and restructured the material
based on feedback received from an extensive survey. The second edition of
the beginning and intermediate texts and their accompanying workbooks appeared in 2009–2013.
A few years ago it was decided to improve and refine the beginning volumes to anticipate the needs of today’s students and instructors. The following
revision team has taken on this task:
Mee-Jeong Park,
Joowon Suh, Columbia University
Mary Shin Kim,
Bumyong Choi, Emory University
Several instructors of Korean at various universities in the U.S., primarily University of Hawai‘i alumni, have been brought on board to provide editorial support: Sooran Pak (University of Southern California), Jee Hyun Lee
dents HwanHee Kim, Tyler Miyashiro, and Meghan Delaney.
The third edition of Beginning 1 differs from the second in the following
respects: First, it features an attractive full-color design with new photos and
illustrations; second, most of the conversations have been revised for more natural interactions within each theme-based context; third, some of the grammar
points in lessons 2 through 4 have been rearranged to better reflect their level
of difficulty; and fourth, the number of total lessons has been slightly reduced.
On behalf of KLEAR and the original authors of the beginning volumes of
Integrated Korean, I wholeheartedly thank the revision team for their tireless effort and dedication.
Ho-min Sohn
KLEAR President
December 2018