REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Peace- work- Fatherland NORTH REGION REGIONAL INSPECTORATE IN CHARGE Paix-Travail-Patrie REGION DU NORD INSPECTION REGIONAL EN CHARGE OF THE PROMOTION OF BILINGUALISM DE LA PROMOTION DU BILINGUISME SCHOOL:……………………………………………. PHONE: ……………………………. TEACHER’S NAME: WELBA MADAY Martin, Prof BIL. ETABLISSEMENT: ……………………………………… TEL: ..................................... SCHOOL YEAR: 2O2……../ 2O2……. “The best teachers are those who think carefully about what they are going to do in their classes and who plan how they are going to organize the teaching and learning.” Said Jeremy Harmer. By WELBA MADAY Martin, Prof. BIL. CLASS: 6e ANGLAIS ANNUAL PROGRESSION SHEET/FORM/6e TERMS WEE KS TITLE OF THE LESSONS / CHAPTERS FAMILY 1 AND 2 Discussing nuclear and extended family: Introduces his family to his classmate; The Alphabet:; Using personal pronouns and the verb to be to introduce oneself and one’s family; Members of the nuclear and extended family Exploring classes and school subjects: Discuss with his classmate on the timetable and their different subjects; Countable and Uncountable nouns to talk about school subjects and school materials; Rearrange letters to form correct names of school subjects Making new acquaintances/friends in school: Read a dialogue on the first day in school; Consonant sounds /k/ /g/; Using demonstrative pronouns to identify and indicate a new friend/ school authorities. (this/that) Participating in school co-curricular activities: Read a text on a school activity; Using possessive adjectives, Talking about school authorities Modules Title SOCIAL LIFE 3 4 5 Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation 6 ECONOMIC CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 7 Buying 8 Writes lists of items for shopping Making simple requests at the market/groceries/ and about clothes sizes/shoes: Asks for, obtains, and gives information about the cost Listens to short simple dialogues related to buying and selling; Using adjectives of weight, shape and measurement to describe goods in market/shop; LIFE AND I OCCUPATI and selling items: of goods and services; Using expressions of likes and dislikes ON 9 ‘How much’ to talk about costs of goods in a market/grocery; Reading a receipt and price tags: Reads price tags/clothes and shoe sizes; Consonant sounds/k//g/; words and Identify and use have got (affirmative, negative and interrogative) to talk about possession; Words on money, coins, notes, and bills. ENVIRONM ENT, 10 Finding out about common types of jobs: Reads names of common jobs; Using interrogative words (what, where, when, who) to talk about common jobs and their professionals; Tools used in some common jobs 11 Integration activities and general revision of the module 12 FIRST TERM HARMONISED EVALUATION/TEST/ASSESSMENT 1 In the hospital: Asks for /obtains and gives information about medical conditions; Identify and use interrogative words (how/what/which/when/why) to talk about diseases and their symptoms; Writing symptoms of a disease II WELL- 2 BEING AND 3 Treating illnesses and taking medications: Listens to instructions related to consultations/drug prescriptions; Identify and use simple imperative in instructions/ drugs prescriptions; Parts of the body and their uses Planning and preparing a meal: Read a receipt; Contrasting sounds /S/ /tS/; Identify and use sequence markers; Different meals of the day HEALTH 4 Knowing the seasons and the various activities that take place: Names the days of the week/months/seasons; Using interrogative words (what, where, when,) to talk about time/seasons; Months and seasons of the year CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS 5 CITIZENSH 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 7 Socializing with friends and neighbours: Shares thoughts and feelings and personal views about rights and duties of a child; Using modals (should/must) to talk about children’s right and duties; Words and expressions related to children’s the rights and duties 8 Finding out about birth/ nationality /marriage: Reads names of nations and nationalities; Contrast vowel sounds /I/ /i/, adjectives of nationality (ian/ese/ish/) IP AND HUMAN RIGHTS Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation 9 Finding out about countries’ emblems and mottos: Listens to the National Anthem; Reciting the National Anthem; Nouns (names of countries and towns) 10 Finding out about national holidays, customs and cultural practices: Reads short text about national holidays/customs /cultural practices; Using ‘will+verb’ to talk about future events/ celebrations/ holydays 11 Integration activities and general revision of the module 12 SECOND TERM HARMONISED ASSESMENT 1 Finding out about/local news/breaking news/current issues: Listens to simple radio and television adverts, commentaries and interviews; Using the simple past tense of regular verbs; Words and expressions related to audio-visual and print media 2 Keeping informed about the weather, sports activities, entertainment, community news: Asks for and obtains information; Using modals to ask for/obtain information about news, sport; Expressions of polite request Using ICT tools (Phones/Computer): Reads simple instructions on the use of audio-visual/ computer and print media; Using ‘is used for/to’ to express purpose; Parts of a computer/mobile phone and their use Using social media and Experiencing technology related problems: Discussing technology related problems; Revision of the simple past; Writes friendly letters/ postcards/ SMS/e-mails MEDIA AND 3 4 EASTER HOLIDAYS Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation COMMUNI CATION 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 7 8 9 III END OF YEAR REVISION 10 11 12 THIRD TERM HARMONISED EVALUATION/TEST/ASSESSMENT TOTAL NUMBER OF LESSONS FIRST TERM COMPETENCE: Learner will become a responsible individual who can interact competently as member of a community, producers or consumer of goods and services Module 1: Domain of life: Family and social life Family of situations: Using language to assert oneself as a responsible member of the nuclear and extended family and school community. Expected outcome at the end of the module: Using dialogues, role-plays, songs and pictures, by their end of the module, learners will be able to introduce themselves as well their family/ their school (community). Number of hours allocated for the module: 15 Resources: Teachers, students, family members, pictures, cartoons, Books, We eks Situations I Family (P.36) II School (P.25) III Making new acquainta nces (P.14) IV V VI CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Real life Categories Examples of actions Grammar Vocabulary situation of actions s Discussi Listening: -using personal pronouns to -members of the Listens to a text about family ng Responding introduce oneself and one’s nuclear and Introduces his family to his nuclear to oral family extended family classmate and stimuli Discussing nuclear and extended -using the simple present -numbers from 1 extended family tense of “to be” and “to have to 50(in figures family Reads a text on family to talk about family and words) Rearranges letters to form correct members words on family /rearranges words to form simple sentences on family Explorin Speaking -using articles A/AN to talk -periods of the Discuss with his classmate on the g classes Initiating a about items used in school day and days of timetable and their different and conversation subjects -using countable an the week school Reads a text about school uncountable nouns to talk -the timetable and subjects Rearranges letters to form correct about school subjects and school subjects names of school subjects materials Making Talks about making new Using demonstrative -words and Reading: new Making acquaintances pronouns(this/that)to expressions acquainta use of identify and indicate a new related to Reads on sharing household nces/frie written acquaintances(frie activities (making bed, cleaning up, friend/school nds in language authorities(P.45) nd,classmate,com doing the dishes, cooking, and school panion,partner,bo fetching water, setting the table…) Identify names of items in the yfriend,girlfriend) home/school subjects Participat Writing : Listens to a narrative text on a school Using possessive adjectives -talking about ing in Producing a activity school authorities school written Discuss a school activity with the -words pertaining colanguage whole class to school curricula Read a text on a school activity activities/regulati r ons Writes a list of words to complete activities a text on a school activity INTEGRATIVE ACTIVITIES AND GENERAZL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES Speech Work Attitude Project The alphabets: vowel/cons onant Sociability Politeness -draw a picture of one’s family -draw a family tree Vowel sounds(/a/a nd /a:/) Concentrat ion Politeness Draw timetable with all their school subjects in English Consonant sound/k/ /g/ Sociable Politeness Introducing oneself to a new friend/teacher in school Contrast some sounds Sociable Cordial To write short forms Module2: Domain of life: Economic life and Occupations Family of situations: Using the language to make informed choices on consumption and services (buying and selling) and explore jobs and professions. Expected outcome at the end of the module: Using dialogues, role-plays, songs and pictures, by the end of the module, learners will become a responsible individual who interact competently as producers or consumers of goods and services. Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: We eks Situation I Buying and selling goods/ Services (p.47) II Let’s buy groceries (p.58) III IV Jobs and Profession s(p.68) CONTEXTUAL FRAEWORK Categories Example of actions of actions Listening Listens to short simple Responding dialogues related to buying to oral and selling stimuli Writes lists of items for shopping ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Grammar Vocabulary -present and past simple of “to be, to have, to do” -using adjective of weight, shape and measurement to describe goods in market/shop -words associated with shopping -writing a shopping list Making simple requests at the market/groceries /and about clothes sizes/shoes Reading a receipt and price tags/Identifying notes, bills and amounts Speaking : Initiating a conversation Asks for, obtains, and gives information about the cost of goods and services Express opinion about items bought or sold -using ‘How much’ to talk about costs of goods in a market/grocery /grocery Reading : Making use of a written language Reads price tags/clothes and shoes sizes ,colours ,price tags Calculates cost -identify and use have got(affirmative, negative and interrogative)to talk about possession Finding out about some common types of jobs Writing: Producing a written language and reading them Asks for, obtains and gives information about common jobs/a location Reads short basic forms asking for information about goods and services/jobs -using interrogative words(what ,where, when, who)to talk about common jobs and their professional -name the different part of a supermarket -words and expressions of likes and dislikes -words on money coins, notes and bills -calculation symbols(plus, minus ,divided by, multiplied by) -talk about some common jobs an work places -tools used in some common jobs Real life Situation Shopping/Buyin g and selling items(for: groceriesclothes-foodeveryday necessities) Speech work Contrastin g consonant sounds Attitudes Project Confidence Act a market scene(buyi ng and selling) Contrast vowel sounds Concentratio n politeness Consonant sounds/k/ /g/ Politeness Sociability Contrast some souns Sociability cordiality Drawing and labelling parts of a supermark et Drawing coins an bank notes and write their amount in words -drawing people representin g common jobs -naming some Write down names of common jobs V VI common jobs found in their area INTEGRATIVE ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES SECOND TERM COMPETENCE: Learner will adopt responsible behavior with regard to the environment and health and can demonstrate universal and ethical values. W ee ks I II Module 3 Domain of life: Environment; well-being and health Family of situations: Using language to attend to basic health and safety needs, explore times and seasons and have a responsible feeding habit. Expected competence: Using dialogues, role-plays, songs and pictures, learners will be able to adopt responsible behaviour at the basic level in areas of minor illnesses, eating habits, time and seasons with regard to environment. Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Essential knowledge Attitude Project Situations Real life situation Categories Example of actions Grammar Vocabulary Speech of actions work Asks for/obtains and -identify and use -words related to Contrasting Sociability Act a dialogue Health In the Speaking: interrogative common diseases consonant politeness between a and Safety hospital(looking Respondin gives information about medical conditions/ words(how, what, -writing a symptoms sound doctor and a needs for/giving information g to oral symptoms about common which ,when, why) of disease patient (p.77) on health) stimuli diseases to talk about diseases and their symptoms Listens to instructions -identify and use -Parts of the body and Contrast Concentrat Treating illnesses and Listening related to consultations, simple imperative their uses vowel ion taking medications drug prescriptions in instructions, -Types of drugs sounds Politeness Requests assistance from drugs prescriptions ,medicines others Writes on civic basic sanitation advice III Environment and feeding habits (p.88) Being a member of a health/environment club: plan and prepare a meal IV Times and Seasons (p.100) Knowing the seasons and the various activities that take place Reading : Making use of written language Reads a receipt Talks about basic information, recognizing common words routine expressions and terms relating to feeding habits Names the days of the week ,months ,seasons Reads time using the face of the clock Writes down names of types of food(breakfast, lunch, diner) Identify and use sequence markers ,simple link words to show processers of planning and preparing meals Using interrogative words (what, where, when,) to talk about time/seasons Different meals of the day Types of meals, food, nutrient Weather( windy, sunny, cloudy), months and seasons(dry ,rainy, summer, winter ,spring, autumn) Periods of the day/time expressions INTEGRATIVE ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES V VI Writing: Producing written language Contrasting /S/ /tS/ Describing a process of preparing a local meal Contrast sounds Draw the face of the clock and tell the time Module 4: Domain of life: Citizenship and Human Rights Family of situations: Using the language to fulfill the rights and duties of a child and basic civic duties. Expected Competence: Using dialogues, role-plays, songs and pictures, learners will be able to communicate at the basic level as a responsible child and citizen, and demonstrate universal and ethical values. Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. W ee ks I II Situations Children Rights and Duties (p.112) CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Real life Categories Example of situations of actions actions Socializing Speaking Shares thoughts and with friends feelings and personal views and about rights and duties of neighbours a child ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE GRAMMAR: VOCABULARY: Using modals(should/must) to talk about children’s right and duties Words and expressions related to children’s rights and duties Finding out about Recycle interrogative words(who, where, what)to talk about Words expressing nationalities Reading Reads names of nations and nationalities Attitude Project Selfassertiveness Short messages to sensitize on the rights and duties of a child SPEECH WORK :Contrast vowel sounds Consciousness , patriotism birth/nationa lity/marriage Describes one’s nations one’s origin and nationality /i/ /I/ Talks about nationalities and marriage (p.124) III IV V VI Civic rights and duties Finding out about countries’ emblems and mottos Listening : Finding out about national holidays, customs and cultural practices(ma rriage and funerals) Writing: Producing written language Listens to the National Anthem ,recite the national anthem, mottos Reads short, simple poems or song lyrics Nouns (names of countries and towns) Adjectives of nationality (ian/ese/ish) Words related to national emblems(motto-National Anthem) Talking about countries and their flags Reciting the national anthem devotedness Reads short text about national holidays/customs/cultural practices Talks and writes about future events ( national days(p.134)) Using interrogative Words and expressions on words(what, where, national events(youth day, when)to talk about unification day, labour national events and day, common wealth celebrations Using ‘will+ verb’ to talk about future events/ celebrations/ holidays) INTEGRATIVE ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES THIRD TERM COMPETENCE: Learner will communicate through media and new technology. Module 5: Domain of life: Media and Communication Family of situations: Using the language to explore audio-visual and print media and keep abreast of modern technology Expected Competence: Using dialogues, role-plays, songs and pictures, learners will be able to communicate with other speakers through media and new technology Number of hours of allocated: 15 Resources :……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Drawing and colouring countries’ flag Describing any local cultural practices Wee ks I Situations Audio – visual and Print Media (p.144 and p.153) Keeping informed about the weather ,sports activities ,entertainment ,and community news II III IV CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Real life situation Categories of Example of actions actions Finding about local Listens to simple radio and Listening: news/breaking Responding to television adverts, commentaries news/current issues oral stimuli and interviews Modern Technology (p.164) Using ICT tools: Phones/ Computer Using social media and expressing technology related problems V VI The Head of Department Speaking : Initiating a conversation -asks for and obtains information - names types of communication channel/gadgets/tools and importance of ICTs -names parts of a computer /TV/cell phone ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Vocabulary Speech work Using simple past tense of regular verbs Using modals to ask for/obtain informatio n about news, sport Using ‘is used for/to’ to express purpose Words related to audio-visual and print media Actions verbs in ICTs domain Parts of a computer/mobil e phone and their use Process of making a phone Discuss technology related Revision Other Writing: Producing a problems of the communication written Reads simple SMS/e-mails simple past gadgets language Writes simple short stories about Talking about audio-visual and print media social media INTEGRATIVE ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES Reading : Making use of written language Reads simple instructions on the use of audio-visual/computer and print media Requests assistance Writes friendly letters/postcards/SMS/e-mails Grammar Attitud e Sociabl e Cordial Project To entice about communicati on tools To use ICTs tools Pronouncing correctly parts of computer /phone Drawing an labelling a computer/Ph one Pronouncing correctly words related to social media Names a social media and describing how to use it The School Authority CLASS: 5e ANGLAIS ANNUAL PROGRESSION SHEET/FORM/5e TERMS 1st term Modules Title FAMILY WEEKS TITLE OF THE LESSONS / CHAPTERS 1 AND 2 5 Performing household chores: Diagnostic test reading Reads short, simple texts on household chores; grammar Using adverbs of frequency to talk about household routine activities Common rooms in a house: speaking Exchanges information about homes items in and around; grammar Using preposition of place to locate different rooms in a house; vocabulary Naming the various pieces of a house (toilet, kitchen, bedroom, etc.) Furniture in the house :speaking Discusses the different furniture in a house; grammar The simple past tense (affirmative, negative, interrogative forms); Speech work The sound /I/ as in sit, lift ,bit Introducing people and making friends among classmates: reading Read a text on a school activity; grammar Using the simple past tense to express what one did the day before.; vocabulary Words and expressions related to interpersonal relationship Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 7 Exploring common jobs and professions: reading Reads and discusses very simple and illustrated texts on jobs and professions; grammar Using the simple future tense to say what one will like to be after school; Speech work: The sound /i/ as in green, leave, and seat. Talking about buying and selling at the market: listening Listen to and reads simple texts on buying and selling; grammar Using the present perfect tense in relation to buying and selling; vocabulary items that can be bought and sold at the market Exploring other sales points: reading Read and discusses price in other sales surfaces; grammar Using the present perfect(cont.); speech work Pronouncing the /ed/at the end of the perfect form of a verb, such as (travelled, connected, verified) Discussing economic activities: speaking Ask for, obtains, and gives information about common economic activities; grammar Using the present continuous tense in relation to economic activities; writing write short descriptions on common economic activities Integration activities and general revision of the module SOCIAL 3 LIFE 4 ECONOMI C LIFE 8 AND OCCUPATI 9 ONS 10 11 2nd term 12 FIRST TERM HARMONISED EVALUATION/TEST/ASSESSMENT 1 Keeping the home/school/immediate environment clean: reading Reads and writes charts/diagrams/brochures/instructions/slogans on environmental issues; grammar Using modals (should/must) to talk about keeping the environment clean; speech work The sound /ae/ as is bag, cat and The sound /a:/ as in part, car Discussing recreational activities: Reading/writing Reads and writes simple statements/questions/descriptions to provide information about hobbies in relation to health; grammar Using adverbs of time to talk about hobbies; Vocabulary Naming common recreational activities /hobbies Giving basic hygienic and sanitation advice: listening Listens to basic sanitation advice; grammar Using modals (could/should/may) to give advice on basic hygiene and sanitation; speech work The sound /ei/ as in make, take, fake At the hospital : Speaking/listening -Asks for /obtains and gives information about medical conditions grammar; Using conditional type 1 to talk about health conditions (eg: if my tooth is paining, I will meet a dentist); vocabulary Words and expressions related to the hospital CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS ENVIRON 2 MENT, WELL- 3 BEING 4 AND HEALTH 5 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 7 Discussing necessary documents for any good citizen: speaking Talks about important documents for a good citizen; grammar Using coordinating conjunctions in discussing important documents for a good citizen; speech work The sound/u:/ as in food Discussing Cameroon’s administrative units: listening Listens to and discusses extracts /texts on Cameroon’s administrative units; grammar Using interrogative pronouns in relation to the administrative units; Speaking /reading Discussion the administrative units as well as their head (council, region, division etc.) Exploring the ten regions and their capitals: speaking Discusses and exchanges on the cultural varieties of the ten regions of Cameroon and their capitals; grammar Using interrogative pronouns in exploring the ten regions and their capitals; vocabulary Identify the capitals of the ten regions Exploring national and international competitions: reading Reads and discusses short texts about national and international competitions; grammar Using relatives (who/which) in discussing national and international competitions Talking things and people involved in competitions at the national and international level Integration activities and general revision of the module CITIZENSH 8 IP, HUMAN RIGHTS Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation 9 10 11 3rd term MEDIA 12 SECOND TERM HARMONISED ASSESMENT 1 Local media vs modern technology: Speaking Talks about local means of communicating; Grammar Using subordinating conjunctions to compare local media to modern technology;Vocabulary Distinguishing between local and modern media The telephone: Listening Listens to news, interviews and commentaries about telephone and its impact nowadays; Grammar Using degree adverbs to compare the price of different telephones; Words/expressions related to telephone; Speech work Accurately pronouncing the lexis of telephone The computer: Reading Reads and writes the various parts of a computer and how useful they are; Grammar Using descriptive adjectives to describe the different parts of a computer; Vocabulary Words or expressing pertaining to computer The internet : Listens to and discusses what the internet is; Grammar Using interrogative pronouns to discuss about the internet; Vocabulary: The lexics of the internet EASTER HOLIDAYS 2 AND 3 COMMUNI CATION 4 5 6 Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 7 8 9 END OF YEAR 10 11 12 THIRD TERM HARMONISED EVALUATION/TEST/ASSESSMENT FIRST TERM COMPETENCE: Learner will create interpersonal relationship and can fully exercise his/her social roles/ home and habit routines. Module 1: Domain of life: Family and social life Family of situations: Using the language to create interpersonal relationships and talk about the home/habits and routines/home furnishing Expected competence: Using dialogue, role-plays, songs and pictures, by the end of the module, learners will be able to talk about household activities and make friends among their classmates Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: ……………………………………………………………………………………… W ee ks Situations I Interpers onal relation Ships(p.1 4) II House and home Furnishin g (p.24) CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Real life Categori Example of actions situation(RL es of S) actions Performing Listenin Listens to short, simple texts on household household chores g: chores Rearranges letters to form correct words on home furnishing Rearranging words to form simple sentences on household activities Common Speakin Exchanges information about rooms in a g: homes items in and around house Initiating Write simple questions and a answers to obtain and provide conversa information about common parts tion of a house Grammar ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Vocabulary Speech work Using adverbs of frequency to talk about household routine activities (p.31) Using preposition of place to locate different rooms in a house(P.40) Common household activities (cook food, fetch water etc.) Naming the various pieces of a house (toilet, kitchen, bedroom, etc) Attitude s Project Revisin g sound of the alphabe t Sociabili ty, Cordialit y Making a list of household routine activities Pronou ncing the parts of a house correctl y Polite Ness Draw a house with its various pieces Furniture in the house III IV V VI Habits and Routines Introducing people and making friends among classmates Reading : Making use of written language Writing: producin ga written language Discusses the different furniture in a house Read short, simple texts with pictures Writes simple sentences about house/furniture Reads a text on a school activity Use a list of words to complete a text on a school activity The simple past tense(affirmative, negative, interrogative forms) Naming the various furniture in a house The sound/I / as in sit, lift, bit Using the simple past tense to express what one did the day before Words expressing interpersonal relationship The sounds /i/as in green, leave, seat Orderlin ess and property Draw 4/5 furniture of your choice Making acquaintan ce and leave taking among classmates INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Module 2: Domain of life: Economic life and Occupations Family of situations Outcome: Using the language to discuss more on things on different jobs and professions Expected Competence: Using dialogues, role-plays, songs and pictures, learners will be able to exchange on common professions and discuss money-earning activities. Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. We eks Situations I II CONTEXTUAL FRAEWORK Categories Examples of actions of actions Exploring Reading: Reads and discusses very Jobs common jobs Responding simple and illustrate texts and and to oral on jobs and professions professi stimuli Writes simple paragraphs on(p.45) professions on the profession one likes Listens to and reads simple Finances Talking about Speaking: buying and Initiating a texts on buying and selling (p.65) selling at the conversatio Expresses opinion about market n items bought or sold Real life situations(RLS III Exploring other sales points Listening : Making use of written language IV Discussing economic activities Writing: Producing a written language V VI Reads names of goods/articles in a simple shopping list Listens and discusses price in other sales surfaces Grammar Using the simple future tense to say what one will like to be after school Using the present perfect tense in relation to buying and selling Using the present perfect(cont.) ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Vocabulary Speech work Naming and writing common professions The schwa / /in pronouncing names of professions Identifying Pronouncing items that can be items on the bought and sold market correctly at the market Other places where can be sold/bought out of the market Pronouncing the/ed/ at the end of the perfect form of a verb (travelled Connected ,verified) The sound /ae/ as in bag, cat Listens to extracts on Using the Money-raising money-earning activities present activities continuous tense Asks for, obtains ,and in relation to gives information about economic common economic activities activities Writes short descriptions on common economic activities INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Attit ude Con scie ntio us Project Assi duit y Listing other sales points apart from the market Making a list of various jobs/profe ssions Coo Simulating perat a market ion scene Making a least of moneyearning activities SECOND TERM COMPETENCE: Learner will adopt responsible behavior with regard to different jobs and professions and define his/her hobbies in relation to health Module3: Domain of life: Environment, well- being and Health Family of situations: Using the language to create environmental awareness and to explore interests and hobbies in relation to health Expected competence: Using dialogues, role-plays, songs and pictures, learners will be able to discuss environmental issues in relation to health and sanitation in a given professional life. Number of hours allocated for the module: 15 Resources: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. We e Situatio Ks ns CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Real life Categori Examples of actions situations(RL es of S) actions Keeping the Reading Listen to a texts on environmental home/ issues school/immedi Reads and writes charts, ate diagrams, adverts, brochures, environment magazines, instructions, slogans clean on the environmental issues. I Environ mental awarene ss(p.75) II Explorin Discussing recreational g interests activities and hobbies (p.98) Speakin g: Initiating a conversa tion Asks for, obtains and give information about recreational activities, hobbies in relation to health Reads and writes simple statements ,questions, texts, descriptions to provide information about hobbies in relation to health Essential knowledge Grammar Vocabulary Using modals (should, must) to talk about keeping the environment clean Using adverbs of time to talk about hobbies Tips useful to keep one’s immediate environment clean Naming common recreational activities, hobbies Speech work Attitud e The sound/a:/ as in part, car and sound /ae/ as in bag ,cat Pronounci ng hobbies correctly Commi tment Project Making a list of different locations that should always be kept clean Devotio Distinguis n and h between appreci individual/ ation Collective hobbies III IV V VI Health (p.87) Giving basic hygienic and sanitation advice Listenin g At the hospital Writing : Producin ga written language Using Words and The Caring Listens to basic sanitation modals(could expressions sound/ei/ advice Discusses basic slogans on related to basic as in , should, cleanliness may) to give hygiene and make, Reads and writes basic advice on sanitation take, fake, information, common vocabulary basic hygiene cake, and routine expressions and terms and sanitation brake, related to food and sanitation sake Listens to short descriptions, Using Words about Pronounci symptoms about common diseases conditional health ng Asks for, obtains and gives type 1 to talk conditions (eg hospitalinformation about medical a related :if my tooth is conditions expression paining, I will Reads and writes words, meet a dentist) s accurately. phrases and short sentences relate to the hospital INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Identify basic hygienic tips to keep a healthy body Listing common diseases Module 4: Domain of life: Citizenship and Human Rights Family of situations: Using the language to explore citizens of the nations and the world Expected outcome at the end of the module: Using dialogues, role-plays, songs and pictures, learners will be able behave responsibly as a citizen and talk about administration at the national level, and discuss some international competitions Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. We eks I situatio ns Real life situations Citizen s of the nations Discussing necessary documents for any good citizen CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Categories Example of actions of actions Speaking : Respondin g top oral stimuli Discussing listening: Cameroon ’s administra tive units II III Custo ms and culture (p.109) Exploring the ten regions and their capitals Reading: Making use of written language IV Citizen s of the World (p.131) Exploring national and internation al Writing: Producing a written language Talks about important documents for a good citizen Reads and writes common vocabulary and routine expressions and terms about citizenship of the nation and the world Listens to a discusses extracts/texts on Cameroon’s administrative units Talks about Cameroon’s administrative units Reads and writes Cameroon’s administrative units Listens to information on the ten regions of the country Reads a texts about cultural varieties of the ten regions of Cameroon and their capitals Writes an reads the capitals of the ten regions of Cameroon as well as their cultural diversity Reads/listens/discusses short texts about national and international competitions Grammar Essential knowledge Vocabulary Speech work Using coordinating conjunctions( FANBOYS) in discussing important documents for a good citizen Using interrogative pronouns in relation to the administrativ e units Words related to The respect, love ,honor sound/u:/a s in food Using interrogative pronouns in exploring the ten regions and their capitals Identify the capitals of any of the ten regions Using relatives(who , which)in discussing national and Talking about competitions at the national and international level Discussing the administrative units as well as their head (council, region, division et.) Pronounci ng the administra tive units accurately Pronounci ng types of competitio Attitude s Awarene ss Project Respect and obedienc e Identify all the subdivisions within one’s division Commit ment Identifying all divisions within the region under which the school belongs Making a list of important documents for a citizen Discussing champions of some national and competitio ns V VI international ns Write short notes on local, competitions correctly national and international competitions INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION international competitions THIRD TERM COMPETENCE:Leaner will become a responsible citizen who can manipulate ICTs and function in the global village. Module 5: Domain of life: Media and Communication Family of situations: Using the language to keep abreast of modern technology Expected Competence: Using dialogues, role-plays, songs and pictures, by the end of the module, learners will be able to communicate with other speakers at a basic level in the area of ICTs Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: …………………………………………………………………………………………. Wee ks I CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Real life Categorie Example of actions situation s of actions Taking Local Speaking Listens to simple narratives on : local modern means of advantage media communication of and Modern modern Talks about local means of Technolo technolog communicating Reads and writes short extracts gy y(p.154) /notes on local as well as modern means of communicating Situations Grammar Essential knowledge vocabular Speech y work Using subordinating conjunctions to compare local media to modern technology Distinguis hing between local and modern media Correctly pronouncin g expressions from local and media Attitude s Awarene ss Project Drawing 4/5 local communicatio n instruments/to ols II Gadgets and appliance s (p.143) III IV Dangers of Modern Technolo gy The telephone Listening : Listens to news, interviews and commentaries about telephone and its impact nowadays Asks for, reads and obtains information telephones The computer (p.165) Reading : Making use of written language The internet Writing : Producing a written language Listens to information/short passages on what a computer is Discusses a computer and what makes it up Reads and writes the various parts of a computer and how useful they are. Listens to and discusses what the internet is Reads and writes about the internet Writes about blogs and e-mails V VI Using degree adverbs to compare the price of different telephones Using descriptive adjectives to describe the different parts of a computer Using interrogative pronouns to discuss about the internet Words/exp ressions relate to telephone Accurately Resource pronouncin g the lexis Fullness of telephone Making a list of names of terms found in a telephone Words or expression s pertaining to computer Correctly pronouncin g lexics of the computer Draw a computer with its various parts The lexics of the internet Reads the lexics of the internet adequately Making an extended list of the internet vocabulary INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION The Head of Department The School Authority Class: 4e ANGLAIS ANNUAL PROGRESSION SHEET/FORM/4e Module Title FAMIL WEEK TITLE OF THE LESSONS / CHAPTERS 1 1st Y AND 2 term SOCIA 3 L LIFE 4 5 Making new acquaintances/friends in school: Exchange information about community life; Using demonstrative pronouns to indicate a new friend; Write a short paragraph about your best friend Socializing with neighbours: Read a text about socialisation; Use relative pronouns to talk about people and houses in the neighbourhood; write a paragraph on your neighbour Participating in conflict resolution efforts: Read a text on conflict resolution; Use reciprocal pronouns to talk about tolerance; Writes names, addresses of conflict areas Participating in traditional and cultural manifestations: Talk about your culture and tradition; Using the simple past to talk about cultural events; /t∫/ vs /∫/; /o/ vs /ɔ/ Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION ECONO 7 MIC 8 LIFE 9 AND 10 11 Finding out about common jobs and professions: Read a text about jobs and professions; Using modals to express what can be done or not in an interview; Write about your future profession Preparing for, undergoing a short job interview: Read a text on interview and answer related questions; Using modals to express what can be done or not in an interview; Complete a job application form Discussing recreational activities: Exchange information about one’s leisure; Use passive and active voice (present simple and continuous) to talk about recreational activities; Write about your favourite leisure Practicing an activity: Read about leisure activities; Use basic phrasal verbs correctly to talk about a recreational activity; Matching recreational activities to instrument used to carry them out; Matching recreational activities to instrument used to carry them out Integration activities and general revision of the module 12 FIRST TERM HARMONISED EVALUATION/TEST/ASSESSMENT TERM OCCUP ATION 2nd ENVIRO term NMENT, WELLBEING 1 5 Recycling used items: Exchange information about Reusing & Recycling; Using exclamations e.g.What + noun phrase /How + adj to express surprise/emotion Using the simple present active and passive voice to talk about recycling; Words and expressions related to recycling and to the protection of the environment; Protecting endangered species of animals: Read about endangered animals to bring out means of protections; Identify and use comparatives and superlatives with animals; Words pertaining to animals in general and endangered species in particular Finding out and fighting against endemic diseases Target :Malaria: Read a text about malaria; identify and use noun phrase in countable and uncountable; Write a short text on how to protect oneself against malaria Finding out and fighting against pandemic diseases. Target: HIV/AIDS: Read about HIV/AIDS; Use modals to give advice on what to do to avoid being infected; Words and expressions related to HIV and AIDS CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 7 Being a victim of gender discrimination / harassment: Read texts on gender discrimination victims; Use adverbs of degree to describe how strong or weak some actions are; Respond to a friendly letter on gender discrimination /equality Exploring problems of gender violence: Read a text on violence against women; Use universal pronouns/determiners (all, every, each) to show that gender issues must be every one’s concern; Pronouncing and contrasting vowel sounds 2 3 AND 4 HEALT H CITIZE NSHIP 8 AND HUMA N RIGHT 9 10 S 11 Volunteering on conflict resolution issues: Read UN Charter on pacific conflict resolution; Using possessive pronouns (mine, yours…) to describe ownership or belonging.; Write slogans /messages to promote gender equality in your Volunteering in gender equality promotion activities: Listen to a text about gender equality promotion; Use: in order to, so as (not) to, to, so that etc. to express the purpose of actions promoting gender equality; Write some activities you can do to promote gender equality Integration activities and general revision of the module 12 1 3rd MEDIA term AND 2 COMM UNICA 3 4 TION 5 6 SECOND TERM HARMONISED ASSESMENT Finding about modern inventions: Exchange information about modern inventions; Revise comparative and superlative with ICTs to describe or compare situations.; pronouncing and contrasting past tense verbs with ‘’ed’’(/t/; /d/; /id/); Words and expressions related to ICTs Exploring modern ICTs inventions: Share thoughts, feeling and personal view on modern technology; Use past simple of passive voice with ICTs; Write a short email about modern inventions Worrying over ICTs illiteracy: Read simple instructions on the use of a smart phone; Use conditional 1 and 2 to talk about ICTs illiteracy; Write simple sets of instructions to explain how a specific gadget works Relaxing with ICTs Games: Share information about popular games and one’s choice; Use quantifiers (much, many, most..) with countable and uncountable nouns to talk about ICTs and relaxation; Write down the advantages and disadvantages of video games EASTER HOLIDAYS Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 7 8 9 END OF YEAR 10 11 12 THIRD TERM HARMONISED EVALUATION/TEST/ASSESSMENT FIRST TERM COPETENCE: Learner will become a responsible and discerning individual with regard to traditional customs and conflict management. Module 1: Domain of life: Family and social life (family and community life) Family of situation: Using the language to talk about social integration (traditions and customs of Cameroon and conflict resolution) Expected competence: Leaners will be able to communicate with ease on issues of their traditional customs and practices, and also cooperate effectively as a conflict resolution ambassador in areas around their immediate environment where discord prevails. Number of hours allocated Resources: W ee ks I Situations Tradition s and customs of Cameroo n (p.26) II III Conflict Resolutio n (p.38) CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Real life Categorie Example of actions situation s of s actions Making Speaking: Listen to a text about social new integration acquaint Exchange information about ances/fri community life ends in Reads an article about birthday school tradition Write a short paragraph about your best friend Socializi Reading : Listen to a text about socialization ng with Initiating a Ask for, obtain and give neighbor conversati information, my community p.14 s on Read a text about socialization Write a paragraph on your neighbour Participa ting in conflict resolutio n efforts Reading : Making use of written language Listen to a text on conflict resolution Accept/Refuse plans related to conflict resolution Read a text on conflict resolution Writes names, addresses of conflict areas Grammar Essential knowledge Vocabulary Speech work Using demonstrativ e pronoun ns to indicate a new friend Words pertaining to make new acquaintancs(nic e to you, it is a pleasure Use relative pronouns to talk about people and houses in the neighborhood Reviewing words related to making new acquaintances Use reciprocal pronouns to talk about tolerance Words and expressions related to conflict Vowel and conson ant sounds P.32 Attitude Project Considerat Draw ion and information fidelity sheets(name of friends, age ,previous schools ,etc.) Stress Openness Act a patterns Teambuild dialogue ing about meeting a neighbor for the first time Contras Patriotism Act as a t and mediator in minima respectʃ resolving a l conflict pairs(v between owel two people sounds) IV V VI Participa ting in tradition al and cultural manifest ations Writing : Producing a written language Talk about your culture and tradition Read a description about cultural practices Complete a cultural background questionnaire Using the simple past to talk about cultural events Words related to traditions and customs in Cameroon /tʃ /and / ʃ /; / o /and /ɔ / Courtesy Presentation (traditional events in our villages) INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Module2 Domain of life: Economic life and occupations (basic economic activities) Family of situations: Using the language to talk about a vision of their while managing leisure Expected competence: Learners, will be able to communicate at the basic level in areas of common jobs and professions that impact on their future and managing leisure Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: Books, Dictionary, Picture, Cartoons We Situatio CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Essential knowledge Attitud Project e ns e Real life Categorie Actions Grammar Vocabulary Speech Ks situations s of work actions Finding Reading : Listen to short text on jobs Using modals to Words See P.61 Industri Drawing people I Future Respondin and profession express what can pertaining to Nasal ous representing professi out about g to oral Exchange information on be done or not in job sound/ / common jobs onal life common jobs and stimuli different jobs and an interview interviews (p.62) profession professions s Read a text about jobs and professions Write about your future profession Preparing Speaking Listen to short interview Using modals to Words Focus on Confide Acting in an II for, : express what can pertaining to nasals-/m/, nce interview undergoin g a short job interview (p.52) III IV V VI Managi ng leisure (p.74) Initiating a Exchange information conversati about job interviews on Read a text on interview an answer relating questions Complete a job application form Discussing Listening Listen to a text related to recreation recreational activities al Exchange information about activities one’s leisure Read about leisure activities Write about your favorite leisure Practicing Writing: Talk about your best activity an activity Producing Read about leisure activities a written Write down some language information on your activity be done or not in an interview Use passive an active voice (present simple and continuous) to talk about recreational activities Use basic phrasal verbs correctly to talk about recreational activity jobs interviews /n/,/n/, /ts /, dz /and more consonant sounds Naming some Review recreational nasals activities Matching Practice recreational other activities to consonant instruments s used to carry them out. INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION To keep fit Draw and label your favorite recreational activity and the instruments used to carry it out SECOND TERM COMPETENCE: Learner will adopt responsible behavior with regard to environment protection and fight against endemic and pandemic diseases, and explore gender equality and tolerance Module 3 Domain of life: Environment, well-being and health (environment and safety) Family of situations: Using the language to talk about protection of the environment and the fight against endemic and pandemic diseases Expected competence: Learners will be able to adopt responsible behavior with regard to environment protection and fight against endemic (malaria) and pandemic (HIV/AIDS) diseases Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: Books, Charts, Cartoons, teacher W ee ks I Situatio ns Protecti on of the environ ment(p.8 8) II III IV Endemic and pandemi c diseases (p.110) Real life situations 1.Recyclin g used items CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Categories Actions of actions Speaking : Listen to a report on plastic waste Exchange information about Reusing and Recycling Write the different steps on how to reuse plastic waste Essential knowledge Grammar Vocabulary Answer questions related to endangered species Read about endangered animals to bring out meat of protections Write a short text on how to protect these species Listen to a text about malaria Exchange information about malaria Read a text on how to protect oneself against malaria Listen to a text about AIDS. Words pertaining to animals in general and endangered species in particular Protecting endangere d species of animals (p.100) Reading Initiating a conversatio n Finding out and fighting against endemic(t arget: Malaria) Finding out and fighting Listening : Writing: Using exclamations e. g:What +noun phrase /How+ adj to express surprise /emotion Using the simple present active and passive voice to talk about recycling Identify and use comparatives and superlatives with animals Words pertaining to recycling and to the protection of the environment Identify and use noun Malaria phrase in countable related words and uncountable an expressions Use modals to give advice on what to do Words and expressions Attitudes Project Cleanlines s Draw and label pictures on how to recycle/reuse any object (newspaper, plastic, bottles, old tyres etc.) Practice saying words related to animals milieu appropriat ely Commitm ent/ Courage Write short messages to sensitize people on the protection of endangered species Circling syllable that are stressed in malaria related words Self-aware Sensitize ness people by giving them some instructions on how to fight against malaria Design poster for campaign Speech work Expressin g surprise/ emotion against pandemic diseases (target: HIV/AID S) V VI Producing a Exchange information to avoid being related to HIV written about HIV/AIDS infected and AIDS language Read a text about malaria Write a short text on how to protect oneself HIV/AIDS INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION to fight against HIV Module 4 Domain of life: Citizenship and Human Rights (responsible citizenship) Family of situations: Using the language to talk about gender issues and mutual acceptance Expected competence: Learners will be able to explore gender issues/equality and mutual acceptance/tolerance Resources: Pictures, Dictionary, Nets, Cartoons We eks Situatio ns I Gender issues and human rights (p.122) Real life situation s Being a victim of gender discrimin ation/har assment CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Categorie Actions s of actions Listening/ Listens to a text about Reading: gender Respondin Express thoughts, feeling, g to oral likes/dislikes on gender issues stimuli Read texts on gender discrimination victims Respond to a friendly letter on gender discrimination/equality Grammar ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Vocabula Speech ry work Use adverbs of degree to describe how strong or weak some actions are/Respond to a friendly letter on gender discrimination/equa lity Words and expression s depicting gender equality issues Practice stressed and unstressed syllables ion sentences Attitude Project Knowled geable Write posters illustrating gender discrimination or harassment unstressed syllables ion sentences II Explorin g problems of gender violence (p.132) Speaking/ Reading: Initiating a conversati on III Mutual acceptan ce/tolera nce (p.142) Voluntee ring on conflict resolutio n issues Reading : Making use of written language IV Voluntee ring in gender equality promotio n activities Listening/ Writing : V VI Listen to a text about gender violence Exchange information about violence and human rights Read a text on violence against women Write a short text on child marriage customs in your village Listen to a text about conflict resolution Exchange information about conflict resolution Read UN Charter on pacific resolution Listen to a text about gender equality promotion Communicate on gender promotion activities Read a text on gender promotion activities Write some activities you can do to promote gender equality Use universal pronouns/determin ers (all, every, each)to show that gender issues must be every one’s concern Words related to gender and violence Using possessive pronouns (mine, yours…) to describe ownership or belonging. Words and expression s depicting conflict resolution The /u/ and /u:/ Sounds Pronounci ng and contrastin g sounds in words Collabor ation Write 05 slogans about gender equality for your poster Acceptan Draw a picture ce showing violence and write a message under it to promote conflict resolution Use :in order to, Words Reading so as(not)to, to ,so pertaining some that express to gender gender the purpose of equality promotion actions promoting promotion slogans gender appropriat equality/Recognize ely and use some phrasal verbs appropriately to talk about gender equality promotion INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION THIRD TERM COMPETENCE: Learner will become a responsible citizen who can manipulate ICTs and function in the global village. Module 5 Domain of life: Media, and communication (media, information and communication technology) Family of situations: Using the language to explore ICTs Expected competence: Learners will be able to communicate with and manipulate ICTs and function in the global village. Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: Pictures, dictionary, cartoons, books Week s I II Situatio ns Real life situation Comput er, Phone and Tablets (p.156) Finding about modern invention (www,mp 3, USB key, WhatsApp ’s, viber computer, etc) Exploring modern ICTs inventions (p.168) CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Categorie Actions s of actions Listening Listen to a short text : about modern inventions Respondin Exchange information g to oral about modern inventions stimuli Read brochures on modern inventions/technology Complete simple sentences on essentials about modern inventions Speaking: Initiating a conversati on Listen to presentations to identify basic details on modern inventions Share thoughts, feeling and personal view on modern technology Read simple illustrated modern technology stories ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Grammar Vocabulary Speech work Attitude s Project Revise comparative and superlative with ICTs to describe or compare situations Words an expressions related to ICTs(part 1) Pronouncing an contrasting past tense verbs with “ed”(/t/;/d/;/id/ Politenes s/Respon sibility Name any modern invention, give the name of invention and the inventor; give its use and say why you like it. Use past simple of passive voice with ICTs Make expressions related to ICTs(part 2) Say words related to ICTs and classify sounds Write out some SMS abbreviation in correct English and create yours. III IV V VI The internet /Good Website s (p.178) Worrying over ICTs illiteracy Relaxing with ICTs games Write a short email about modern inventions Listen to basic text for specific information Make polite request Read simple instructions on the use of a smart phone Write simple sets of instructions to explain how a specific gadget works Say words related to ICTs; say the number syllables and underline stressed patterns Open mindedn ess Complete a questionnaire related to relaxation with ICTs Use Technology Saying some quantifiers related related (much, entertainme entertainment many nt/games with the ,most…)wit Ex correct h countable :video/comp intonation and uter games, uncountable channels, nouns to TV talk about programs ICTs and relaxation INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Creativit y and flexibilit y Complete a questionnaire related to relaxation with ICTs Reading: Making use of written language The Head of Department Writing: Producing a written language Listen to a text about (video)games Share information about popular games and one’s choice Read a text about video games to get specific information Write down the advantage and disadvantages of video games Use conditional 1 and 2 to talk about ICTs illiteracy Find words or expressions meaning The School Authority CLASS: 3e ANGLAIS ANNUAL PROGRESSION SHEET/FORM/3e TERMS 1stterm Module s Title FAMIL Y AND SOCIA L LIFE WEEK S TITLE OF THE LESSONS / CHAPTERS 1 Interacting with peers from other tribes/cultures in Cameroon: Diagnostic test ;Speaking: Gives preferences, likes and dislikes of some cultures in Cameroon; Revise verbs tenses (Simple present and simple past) 2 5 Taking part in cross-national celebrations: Reading: Reads short, basic descriptions with national symbols and illustrations; Revise tenses ( Future and complex tenses); Words and expressions pertaining to national integration Socializing with friends and neighbours: Reading :Reads short, simple poems or song lyrics; Use adjuncts; Narrative Writing: Writes short stories about diversity acceptance Tolerating and accepting others: listening: Tongue twisters; Speech work: Sing the alphabet song; using question tags; Vocabulary: Revise all the vocabulary related to national integration and diversity Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 3 4 ECONO 7 11 Inquiring about accommodation: Reading :Reads very simple illustrated stories on consumption habits and how they impact on economic and social life; Use simple expression of purpose; Vocabulary related to accommodation Going to a restaurant: Writing: Writes a dialogue on a scene in a restaurant; Speech work: Word stress; Grammar: Use gerund Finding best buys: Reading :Search information on consumption habits and how they impact economic and social life; Construct complex sentences: coordination; Vocabulary related to goods and services, Participating in leisure activities: Writing: Keeps a simple journal ( diary); Construct complex sentences: subordination; Vocabulary related to leisure Integration activities and general revision of the module 12 FIRST TERM HARMONISED EVALUATION/TEST/ASSESSMENT MIC 8 LIFE 9 AND 10 OCCUP ATION 2nd ENVIR 1 term ONME 2 NT, 3 WELL- 4 BEING AND Keeping informed about weather conditions/ climate change: Writing: Write an article about climate changes; Use relative clauses; Words and expressions related to weather conditions and climate change Being concerned about environmental issues: Speaking: Share personal experience; Reading :Read pictures related to environmental issues; Direct and indirect speech, Finding out garbage collection and recycling services: Reading :Reads brochures and magazines; Use the first and second conditionals; Writing: Complete simple sentences with words and expressions on garbage collection Finding out about climate change and global warming: Speaking: Reads related pictures; Use more difficult structures with adjectives: how+ adjective, the superlative, too…to, etc; Words and expressions related to global warming CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation HEALT H 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION CITIZE 7 NSHIP 8 Volunteering in gender equality promotion activities: listening: simple text about the gender issues; sequence of tenses; Speech work: long vowel sounds (/i: /ɔ: /…); revising the passive voice. Participating in training activities/courses on democracy: Reading: simple texts about the quest for excellence and democracy; using phrasal verbs; words and expressions related to democracy; Speech work: short vowel sounds (/I/a/..) Taking part in polls/survey: Speaking: express thoughts, feelings, preferences, likes, dislikes about democracy, direct and indirect speech; sketch: dramatizing an election Campaigning and voting for school prefects: Writing: Friendly letters on the organization of elections in your school; Speech work: voiced and voiceless sounds; expressing purpose Integration activities and general revision of the module SECOND TERM HARMONISED ASSESMENT AND 9 HUMA N RIGHT 10 11 12 S 1 Subscribing to service packages(phone/internet services): Speaking: Give information on how to subscribe to a network; Revise first and second conditionals, Words and expressions related to modern communication 3rd MEDIA 2 term AND 3 COMM 4 UNICA TION 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Complaining about service quality: reading: read simple text about problems faced by users with different devices; revising modals; using synonyms, antonyms, homophones in relation with quality service. Relaxing with video games/computer: Speaking: share thoughts, feelings and personal views on video games and other relaxations; Speech work:/s/ vs. /z/ in does / plays; Use vocabulary related to ICT and relaxation Facing difficulties with android phones/ IPhones/IPads and latest gadgets: revising question words; forming words from verbs; Speech work:/ʃ/ /tʃ/; Writing: write friendly emails EASTER HOLIDAYS Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION GENERAL REVISION IN VIEW OF THE END OF YEAR EXAMINATION BEPC EXAMS FIRST TERM COMPETENCE: Learner will become a responsible individual who can determine factors of national integration and diversity acceptance and the impact of consumption habits Module 1 Domain of life: Family and social life (family and community life) Family of situations: Using the language to talk about national integration and diversity acceptance Expected competence: Learners will be able to communicate with ease on issues of their national integration and also cooperate effectively in areas of diversity acceptance/tolerance in their immediate environment where discord prevails Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: Peers, Parents, books, social media We eks CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Situations I National integratio n II III IV Diversity acceptanc e( problems in communit y) See p.38 Real life situations Interacting with peers from other tribes/cultur es in Cameroon (P.14) Categories of actions Listening: Responding to oral stimuli Taking part in crossnational celebrations (p.26) Speaking: Initiating a conversatio n Socializing with friends and neighbours Reading: Making use of written language Tolerating and Writing : Actions Listen to information about national integration and diversity acceptance Gives preferences, likes and dislikes of some cultures in Cameroon Finds names of common traditional customs an practices in a simple text Writes names, addresses of different cultures in the nation Listens and recognizes common vocabulary and routine expressions and terms about national integration Exchanges information about national integration Read short, basic descriptions with national symbols and illustrations Listens to role- plays Exchange information about diversity acceptance Reads short, simple poems or song lyrics Write short stories about diversity acceptance Tongue twisters ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Grammar Vocabula ry Revise verbs Words and tenses(simple expression present and s past) pertaining to traditional customs and practices Attitud e Project Speech work /ur/ Friendli Draw a chart /igh/ ness in which you Recycle will represent vowels some cultures of Cameroon Revise tenses(Future and complex tenses) Words and expression s pertaining to national integration Openminded ness Politen ess Use adjuncts: while, for, neither…nor, either…or, only ,also, never, ever ,although Words and /oo/ expression /ie/ s related to diversity acceptance P.42 Tactful ness and collabo ration Identify and build ellipsis Revise all the Sing the Check some traditional events of our country, name and describe them in 5 lines each To handle wisely problems, promote living together A song portraying accepting others(p.38) V VI Producing a written language Sings songs on tolerance and acceptance of others Reads very simple illustrated stories Writes simple texts to provide information about national integration and diversity acceptance vocabular alphabe y related t song to national integration and diversity acceptance tolerance and acceptance INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Module 2: Domain of life: Economic Life and Occupations (Basic Economic Activities) Family of situations: Be able to talk about consumption habits and how they impact economic and social life. Expected outcome at the end of the module: Learners, will be able to communicate at the basic level in the areas of common consumption habits and how they impact economic and social life Number of hours allocated: Resources: Pictures, cartoons, dictionary, parents We CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Essential knowledge eks Situatio Real life Categorie Actions Grammar Vocabulary Speech Attitude Project s ns situations s of work I Consum ption habits impact economi c life(p.54) Inquiring about accommod ation actions Listening : Respondin g to oral stimuli Listens to information on accommodations Asks questions about procedures and safety measures Reads very simple illustrated stories on consumption habits and how they impact on economic and social life Draw pictures on types of accommodation Use simple expression of purpose Words related to accommoda tion The stress in English and its types Find all the material used to build a house(each should bring something in class) II III IV V VI Going to a restaurant( p.67) Consum Finding best buys ption habits impact social life(p.66) Participati ng in leisure activities (p.78) Speaking: Initiating a conversati on Reading : Making use of written language Writing : Producing a written language Listens to role-plays Asks for, obtains and gives information on selected services Reads short simple texts with pictures/figures Writes a dialogue on a scene in a restaurant Listens to dialogue/Conversations about consumption habits Expresses opinions, intentions ,likes and dislikes about consumption habits and how they impact economic and social life Search information on consumption habits and how they impact economic and social life Writes simple texts to provide information about consumption habits and how they impact economic and social life Listens to basic texts for specific information Comment pictures Reads short ,basic descriptions, adverts, flyers and illustrations Keeps a simple journal (diary) Use gerund Words related to restaurant Word stress To be selective in eating habits Constructi ng complex sentences: coordinati on Words related to selected activities, jobs, goods, services, etc. Sentenc Collabor e stress ate and its importa nce Construct complex sentences: subordinat ion Vocabulary related to leisure activities Exampl es of word and sentenc e stress for more practice INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Represent a scene in a restaurant Represent a market scene where you try to buy something Make a list of five leisure activities that you intend to propose your friends. Each activity should be accompanied with convincing arguments SECOND TERM COPETENCE: Learner will become a responsible individual who can maintain hygiene and sanitation rules and advocate for gender equality. Module 3: Domain of life: Environment, well-being and health (environment and safety) Family of situations: Be able to talk about maintaining hygiene and sanitation, and climate change Expected competence: Learners will be able to behave responsibly in areas of climate change and also about maintaining hygiene and sanitation Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: Pictures, cartoons, books, dictionary We eks Situations I II Hygiene and sanitation (p.118) CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Real life Categories Actions situations of actions Keeping Listening : Listens to a simple radio and TV news informed Responding report, adverts, commentaries, about to oral interviews about climate change weather stimuli Exchange information about climate conditions change and also maintaining hygiene and sanitation Read short instructions, notice, notes on climate changes Write short stories about climate changes Being Speaking: Listens to presentations to identify basic concerned Initiating a details about conversation Share personal experience environme Read pictures related to environmental ntal issues issues Copies words from pictorials Essential knowledge Grammar Vocabulary Speech work Use Words and Weak relative expressions forms of clauses related to intonation weather and stress conditions patterns in and climate connected change speech Direct and indirect speech Words and expressions related to environmen tal issues Attitud e Project Love Weak Sensitiz Address the form of e class to intonation make them and stress feel patterns in concerned orthograph with y environmen tal issues(write a speech) III IV V VI Climate change Finding out garbage collection and recycling services (p.106) Reading: Making use of written language Finding out about climate change and global warming (p.94) Writing: producing a written language Listens to basic texts to recognize common vocabulary and routine expression an terms Asks for, obtains and gives information about maintaining hygiene and sanitation Reads brochures and magazines Complete simple sentences with words and expressions Listen to role-plays Requests assistance in an emergency situation Reads related pictures Draws and labels scenes Use the first and second conditiona ls Words and expressions related to hygiene and sanitation Weak forms of intonation and stress patterns in pronunciat ion Use more Words and Show difficult expressions mastery of structures related to intonation with global and stress adjectives warming patterns :how + adjective, the superlative , too, too…to, etc INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Collect some garbage around you and tell the class how it can be recycled and reused Draw an advert chart that warn people about global warming Module 4: Domain of life: Citizenship and Human Rights Family of situations: Learner will be able to talk the quest for excellence, gender issues and democracy Expected competence: Learners will be able to discuss on gender issues and promote excellence and democracy. Number of hours allocated: 15 Resources: Pictures, cartoons, dictionary, teachers, net We eks CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Situatio ns Real life situations I Gender (p.146) Volunteerin g in gender equality promotion activities II Democr acy (p.158) Participatin g in training activities/co urses on democracy Categorie s of actions Listening : Respondin g to oral stimuli Speaking : Initiating a conversati on and/or respondin g orally Actions ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Gramm Vocabulary ar Attitude s Project Respect for other List two or three activities that can be practiced to promote gender equality Is Cameroon really a democrati c country? Discuss. (group work) Speech work Listens to fables, myths, legends and stories about gender roles Exchanges information about gender issues Reads simple illustrated gender stories Writes simple questions and answers about issues and conflict management Sequenc e of tenses Words and expressions related to the gender issues Long vowel sounds (/i:/ / / Listens to simple radio and TV news report, commentaries , interviews about democracy Expresses thoughts ,feelings, preferences ,likes, dislikes about democracy Reads short, basic descriptions and illustrations Writes simple texts to provide information on democracy Using phrasal verbs Words and expressions related to democracy Short Patriotis vowel m sounds(/I /,/a/) Taking part in polls/survey III IV V VI Excellen ce(p.134 ) Listens to basic texts for specific information; recognizing common vocabulary and routine expressions and terms about elections Requests assistance Reads short, simple texts with pictures Writes basic personal data in simple form Campaignin Writing: Listens to presentations to identify basic g and voting Producing details about the quest for excellence for school written Expresses thoughts, feelings prefects language preferences, likes, dislikes about the quest for excellence Reads announcements, averts Write slogans Reading: Making use of written language Direct and indirect speech Words and expressions related to citizenship Expressi ng purpose Words and expressions related to elections Different iate between long and short vowel sounds(c ursorily) Voiced and voiceless sounds Uprightness and honesty INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION THIRD TERM COMPETENCE: Learner will become a responsible individual who can fully manipulate modern technology Module5: Domain of life: Media, and Communication Family of situations: Using the language to explore utilities of Modern Technology Expected competence: Learner will be able to communicate/manipulate with ease issues concerning modern technology/ICTs. Resources: Books, Nets, Dictionary, Pictures, Cartoons, Teachers, . Presentati on of voting scene Write a speech to convince your classmates to vote for you as the new school prefect We eks Situatio ns I World Wide Web (www.) II III Real life situations CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Categories Examples of actions of actions Listens to presentations to identify basic details about modern technology Exchanges information about modern technology Reads simple instructions on the use of modern technology Uses simple written texts to provide information about modern technology Complain Speaking Listens to simple radio and TV news reports ,spots, music, ing about : Initiating a entertainment, scientific service quality(18 conversati discoveries, interviews about on and/or modern technology 6) respondin Requests assistance g orally Reads short ,basic descriptions with symbols, charts ,diagrams and illustrations Subscribi ng to service (phone ,internet services) See p.174 Relaxing with video games/co mputer(p. 198) Listening: Respondin g to oral stimuli Reading : Making use of written language Listens to short read-aloud books and simple song lyrics Shares thoughts, feelings and personal views Reads short, simple poems or song lyrics/music Essential knowledge Grammar Vocabulary Speech work Revising Words and Revising – main expressions ed at the auxiliary related to end of verbs(BE/ modern irregular HAVE/D technology verbs O) Attitude Project Honesty Responsi bility Describe in simple sentences how to subscribe to phone or internet services Revising modals Using synonyms of phone in different sentences Silent letters in some words (Knee/list en…) Resource fulness Revising gerunds Making fun with letters /s/ and/z/ in does ,plays Industrio us. Write an essay advantages and the consequences of media particularly in your family and in the society in general; then provide four more solutions to solve problems caused social media(show detailed plan before starting works) Describe your best activity on modern technologies (video games, computers…) Writes friendly emails/SMS/blogs/chats/twitter s IV V VI Cyber Crimina lity Facing difficultie s with android phones/IP hones/IPa ds and latest gadgets Listens to presentations to Revising Forming Sounds Patriotis identify basic details about question words from / / and m modern technology words verbs / / Requests assistance Finds names of gadgets/web pages in a simple text Completes simple sentences on essentials about modern technology INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Writing: Producing written language The Head of Department The differences between some ICT tools The School Authority CLASS: 2nde ANGLAIS ANNUAL PROGRESSION SHEET/FORM/2nde TERMS Module Title FAMIL 1st Y AND term SOCIA WEEK 1 5 Asking for, giving, following or clarifying directions: Asks for, obtains and gives information about locations; using WH-words to ask questions about direction; Writes names, addresses of different locations Locating and utilising services of agencies that provide emergency help: Reads stories about volunteering and emergency help; using preposition of place, direction and state to express direction; words and expressions related to location and emergency Reporting an emergency: Talks about emergency help and accepts/requests volunteering services; Using polite forms to get and report an emergency help; describing a situation of emergency. Identifying ways of getting involved or volunteering: Identifies community problems and their solutions in a text; revising consonant/vowel sounds; using the passive. Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 2 3 L LIFE 4 ECONO 7 MIC 8 LIFE AND TITLE OF THE LESSONS / CHAPTERS 9 OCCUP 10 ATION 11 Methods of purchasing goods and services: Reads texts about procedures used to purchase goods; using gerunds to name methods of purchasing goods (selling, buying, shopping, purchasing); words related to procedures of purchasing goods Using catalogues and other forms to purchase goods and services: Expresses opinions about procedures used to purchase goods and services; using comparative forms of adjectives (as…as; adj + than; adj + -est) to compare goods and services; Writes a dialog on the RLS Responding to a cashier’s questions concerning means of payment: Asks for, obtains and gives information on means of payment; using simple expressions of purpose to express means of payment; words and expressions pertaining to means of payment (cash, coins, bank notes, cheque, mobile money Identifying consumer protection resources: Reads texts on fraudulent practices; constructing complex sentences on fraudulent practices using subordination (though, although, meanwhile etc.); Write an article on fraudulent products Integration activities and general revision of the module 2nd term 12 FIRST TERM HARMONISED EVALUATION/TEST/ASSESSMENT 1 Identifying how to handle, prepare and store food safely: Reads instructions/ notices on food hygiene and conservation; using the first and second conditional to express conditions; Complete sentences and cloze texts with words and expressions on food hygiene; Identifying safety measures: Reads texts about safety measures and health risks; Using direct and indirect speech to report accidents and injuries; Writing a speech on safety measures; words and expressions related to safety measures and health risks (intoxication, vomiting, etc.) Interpreting safety signs and procedures for simple first aid: Listens to presentations to identify details about principles of safety signs and first aid; using relative clauses to join simple sentences on addictions; pronounce words related to addictions (drug, alcohol, tobacco abuse, etc.) appropriately; Writes warning signs Identifying problems related to drugs, tobacco and alcohol and where treatment may be obtained: Shares personal experience related to addictions; using relative clauses to join simple sentences on addictions; writes an article CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS ENVIR 2 ONME NT, 3 WELL4 BEING AND HEALT 5 H 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION CITIZE 7 Finding out about rights, responsibilities and legal obligations: Read texts on common crimes and infractions; using phrasal verbs related to rights and responsibilities; Contrasting nasal sounds /m, n/ - tongue twister; writing an expository essay. Identifying civic responsibilities: Talk about civic responsibilities in your country's; Using so, so that, in order to, due express purpose; Argumentative essay: identifying the different type of argumentative topics; discussing the organization of an argumentation Finding out about common infractions and crimes: Listen to text about common crimes and infractions; Using direct and indirect speeches to talk about a crime or an infraction; Words and expressions linked to crimes (arson, burglary, murder, bribery, forgery, drug-trafficking...); writing an argumentative text Identifying procedures of reporting a crime or an infraction: Read simple stories on crimes and punishments; Using direct and indirect speeches to report a crime (questions and commands); Argumentative debates on the RLS NSHIP 8 AND HUMA 9 N 10 Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation RIGHT 11 Integration activities and general revision of the module S 12 SECOND TERM HARMONISED ASSESMENT 3rd MEDIA 1 term AND 2 COMM 3 UNICA 4 Finding out about cyberbullying: Read texts on cyberbullying; Using phrases verbs related to internet use (log in, switch on/off....); Definition of cyberbullying related causes, manifestations and consequences Distinguishing from fact, nonfiction, and point of view in social media messages and presentations; Read a text on fake news; Using some expressions in giving opinions or points of view Detecting cyber criminality: Talk about internet drawbacks; Actions verbs related to cyber criminality (to hack, to bully, to oppress, to blackmail, to harass......); Write Netiquette (rules and regulations in using internet) Coping with Cyberbullying: Express ideas on what to do in case on cyberbullying situation; using action verbs (suit to court, destroy, victimize, to be sentenced.....); Write some rules to follow on the internet EASTER HOLIDAYS Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation TION 5 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 7 8 END OF YEAR 9 10 11 12 THIRD TERM HARMONISED EVALUATION/TEST/ASSESSMENT FIRST TERM COMPETENCE: Learner will develop the ability to locate places and to report emergencies and volunteering and also to elucidate ways of purchasing goods and services MODULE 1 Domain of life: Social life and family development Family of situations: Using language to talk about locations, emergency help and volunteering Expected competence: Accompany the learner in the process of adopting responsible behavior with regard to locations, emergency help and volunteering We eks I II CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Situation Real life Categorie Example of actions s situations s of actions Asking for, Locations Listening Listens to directions and information giving, about different locations and Asks for, obtains and gives direction following or information about locations P.14 clarifying Reads descriptions about locations directions Writes names ,addresses of different locations Emergen cy services P.22 Locating Speaking and utilizing services of agencies that provide emergency help Listens to texts to specific information about volunteering, community problems and their solutions Exchanges information about locations, emergency and volunteering services( problems and their solutions ) Reads stories about volunteering and emergency help Grammar ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Vocabulary Speech work Use relative pronouns to ask questions about direction Words and expressions related to locations Using preposition of place, direction and state to express direction Words and expressions related to emergency Show mastering of intonation and stress patterns: weak forms in connected speech, orthography and pronunciation Recycle vowels/consona nts Attitude Project III Emergen cy help P.30 Reporting an emergency IV Voluntee ring P.46 Identifying ways of getting involved or volunteerin g V VI Writes texts(letters) or draws and labels locations and scenes related to emergency help and volunteering Listens to role-plays Using polite Words and Reading Talks about emergency help and forms to get and expressions related accepts/requests volunteering services report an to emergency help Reads a text about volunteering or emergency help and volunteering about community problems and their solutions Describes a situation of emergency Listens to texts for specific Revising all the Words and Writing information about volunteering problem areas of vocabulary related ,community problems and their grammar to volunteering solutions Recites poems/tongue twister Identifies community problems and their solutions in a text Writes letters to provide information about community problems and their solutions INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Revising consonant/vowe l sounds Module 2: Economic life and occupation Domain of life: Economic life and social development Expected competence: Enable every learner to explore different methods of purchasing goods and services and identifying different procedures of fighting against fraud. They will develop their ability to protect consumer rights Family of situations: Using language to elucidate procedures used to purchase goods and services We eks I CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWOK Situations Real life Categorie situations s of actions Purchasin Methods of Listening purchasing g goods goods and and services services P.56 II Purchasin g goods and services P.64 III Paying a cashier P.80 IV Consumer protection resources P.72 V Using catalogues and other forms to purchase goods and services Speaking Responding to a cashier’s questions concerning means of payment Identifying consumer protection resources Reading Example of actions Listens to informative or descriptive texts about procedure used to purchase goods and services Exchanges information about procedures used to purchase goods and services Reads texts about procedures used to purchase goods Calculate transactions(quantities and amounts) Listen to dialogue, conversation about procedures used to purchase goods and services Expresses opinions(likes/dislikes) about procedures used to purchase goods and services Reads fact about goods and services Writes a dialogue on the RLS Listen to a text about means of payment Asks for, obtains and gives information on means of payment Reads a text about procedures used to purchase goods and services Fills out forms Using gerunds to name methods of purchasing goods(selling, buying, shopping ,purchasing) Using comparative forms of adjectives(as…as; adj+than; adj+ est) to compare goods and services Using simple expressions of purpose to express means of payment Words related to procedures of purchasing goods Produce correct word stress and stress Words pertaining to means of payment(cash, coins ,bank notes, cheque, mobile money) Recognizing common vocabulary related to consumption habits(collocat ions) Constructing complex sentences on fraudulent practices using subordination (though, although ,meanwhile etc) INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE Writing Listens to text on consumer protection resources Talk about fraudulent practices against consumer protection resources Reads texts on fraudulent practices Writes argumentative and expository texts about procedures used to purchase goods and services ESSENTIAL KNOWLEGDE Grammar Vocabulary Speech work Attitude Project VI EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION SECOND TERM COMPETENCE: Learner will become a responsible individual who can use safety measures and determine health risks and common offences and crimes Module 3 Domain of life: Environment, well-being and health Family of situations: Using language to explore safety measures and health risks Expected competence: Enable every learner to develop and to adopt a responsible behavior with regards to safety and health risks We eks I Situation Safety measures P.98 II signs in the work place P.130 III Health risks P.114 CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Real life Categories Example of actions situation of actions Identifying Listens to a text or report about principles Listening how to handle, of safety measures or health risks prepare store Reads instructions/notices on food food safely hygiene and conservation; Complete sentences and cloze texts with words worse and expressions on food hygiene Identifying Talk orally and share personal experience Speaking safety related to safety measures and health risks measures Reads texts about safety measures and health risks Writing a speech on safety measures ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Grammar Vocabulary Speech work Interpreting safety signs and procedures for simple first aid Using first and second conditionals Reading Listens to presentations to identify details about principles of safety signs and first aid Reads a texts about safety measures or health risks Using the first and second conditional to express conditions Words related to safety measures and health risks Show mastery of intonation and stress patterns Using direct and indirect speech to report accident and injuries Words and expressions related to safety measures and health risks(intoxicati on, vomiting, etc) Words and expressions related to safety signs and procedures Pronounce words related to addictions, health risks (drug, alcohol, Attitud e Project Writes warning signs IV Problems with drugs, tobacco and alcohol P.106 V VI for simple first aid tobacco abuse, etc)appropriatel y Identifying Listens to a role-play Using Words and Writing problems Shares personal experiences related to relative expressions related to addictions clauses to related to drugs, tobacco Reads instructions, notices, notes on join simple drugs, alcohol, and alcohol safety measures and health sentences tobacco and where Writes an article addictions addictions treatment may be obtained INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Module4: Domain of life: Citizenship and human rights Expected competence: Enable every learner to develop and to adopt a responsible behavior with regards to civic and legal rights and responsibilities Family of situations: Using language to examine civic and legal rights, responsibilities and infractions (common offences) We eks I II Contextual framework Situation Real life Categorie situation s of actions Finding out Rights Listening and civic about rights, responsib responsibilities and legal ilities obligation Civic responsibi lities P.148 Identifying civic responsibilities Speaking Example of actions Listens to a text about civic and legal rights, responsibilities, infractions(common offences and crime)and their consequences P.156 Reads texts on common crimes and infractions Writing an expository essay Listens to a text about civic responsibilities P.148 Talk about civic responsibilities in your country’s Argumentative essay: identifying the different type of argumentative topic, Essential knowledge Grammar Vocabulary Using phrasal verbs related to rights and responsibilities Using so ,so that, in order to, due to…to express purpose Words and vocabulary related to civic and legal responsibilities/r ights Words and vocabulary related to responsibilities and duties Speech work Contrasting nasal sounds/m/ /n/ Tongue twister Attitud e Projec t III IV V VI Infractio n and crimes P.164 Finding out about common infractions and crimes Reading Identifying procedures of reporting a crime or an infraction Writing discussing the organization of an argumentation Reads charters(UN,UNESCO, UNESCO, UNIFEM, etc) P.140 Writes rules on civic and legal rights, responsibilities, infractions and their legal consequences Listens to texts about crimes and infractions Read a text about civic and legal rights, responsibilities, infractions(common offences and crime)and their consequences) P.156 Writing an argumentative text Using direct and indirect speeches to talk about crimes and infraction Words and expressions linked to crimes (arson, burglary, murder, bribery, and forgery, drugtrafficking…) Listens to fables, myths, legends and stories Using direct about infractions(common offences and and indirect crimes)and their legal consequences speeches to Read simple stories on crimes and report a punishments crime(question Argumentative debates on the RLS s and Write articles about civic and legal rights, commands) responsibilities, infractions(common offences and crime) and their consequences INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION THIRD TERM COMPETENCE: Learner can use ICT gadgets in a safe and responsible manner. Moudule5: Media and communication Domain of life: ICTs and scientific development Family of situations: Using language to explore safe and responsible use of ICTs Expected competence: Enable every learner to develop their personality, collaborative competences, become conscientious and adopt a responsible behavior with regards to the modern technology. He or she will be able to manipulate ICT gadgets in a safe and responsible manner and function in the global village We Contextual framework Essential knowledge Attitude Project eks Situation Real life Categories Example of actions Grammar Vocabulary Speech situation of actions work I Listen to simple informative texts about safe and Using phrases Definition of Cyberbull Finding out Listening about responsible use of ICTs verbs related to cyberbullying related ying cyberbullying Shares thoughts, feelings and personal views on internet use (log causes, cyberbullying in, switch manifestations and P.188 Reads texts on cyberbullying on/off….) consequences Creates and keeps blogs Complete gaps about cyberbullying Distinguishing Speaking Listens to radio, TV news, reports ,spots, Conditional Using some General II Social from fact, entertainments, music, scientific discoveries , sentences expressions in giving revision media nonfiction commentaries, interviews about social media opinions or points of P.195 ,and point of Exchange information, express opinions, view view in social preferences or likes and dislikes about safe and media responsible use of ICTs P.180 message and Read a text on fake news presentations Writes emails/SMS/blogs/chats/twitters Detecting Listens about safe and responsible use of ICTs Active and Acting verbs related III Cyber Reading criminalit cyber Talk about internet drawbacks passive voice to cyber criminality criminality Read a text about safe and responsible use of (to hack, to bully, to y ICTs P.211 oppress, to blackmail Write Netiquette(rules and regulations in using ,to harass,..) P.203 internet) Coping with Listens about read-aloud texts and song lyrics General revision Using acting IV Writing cyberbullying Express ideas on what to do in case of of grammatical verbs(suit to court, cyberbullying situation items destroy, victimize, to Write and complete some rules to follow on the be sentenced internet or write dialogues/speech and emails about safe and responsible use of ICTs V INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE VI EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION The Head of Department The school Authority PREMIERE ANGLAIS ANNUAL PROGRESSION SHEET/FORM /Première TERMS 1st term WEEKS TITLE OF THE LESSONS / CHAPTERS FAMILY 1 Interacting with peers in the neighbourhood: Speaking: Apologises to mates, friends, neighbours, etc.; Modals: ought to / ought not to, need(n’t), don’t have to, etc.; compounding - affixation (prefixes “-un”/ “-in” + adjective and suffixes) Writes a letter of apology AND 2 Taking part in recreational activities: Read a text on recreational activities.; Stress on 1st and 2nd syllables to distinguish word class; -Each/Each other/One another -Most (of) / None (of) /Collocations SOCIAL 3 LIFE 4 Discussing youth problems: Speaking: Takes part in negotiating/resolving problems; -Expressing purpose/result, possibility, obligation, etc.;Direct and reported speeches; Writing articles in the school magazine on youths problems Interacting with school authorities : Reads short speeches/addresses by the PTA; -Prepositions and prepositional phrases (Place, Time, Manner, Direction) = Adv + Prep Verb+Prep -Use of negation: hardly, scarcely, seldom, never, neither ... nor; Write a speech Modules Title 5 Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION ECONO 7 MIC 8 Enjoying works of Art, Culture and the Entertainment industry: Interprets pictures of performances at festivals; How to pronounce past tense inflections: ‘ded’or ‘ted’); Use of conditionals (2nd and 3rd); Writes folk songs/stories of events Buying articles and foodstuffs and Requesting for services: Reading informative, descriptive, expressive, and aesthetic texts on purchases of goods and services; Partitive articles e.g. a bunch of …, a cup of … Let me + bare infinitive, please/ could you (or) can you… (polite requests/suggestions) ; Types of currencies Managing personal finances : Discussing about how to manage personal finances; Treat triphthongs like /aiǝ/, /ɔiǝ/; Determiners and quantifiers; Adjectives as nouns; Developing and sharing interest in a trade/job/ profession: Listens to tips and appropriate behaviour to adopt when attending a job interview; “So do I”, “Neither did he” ; Professions and professionals; Writes/Fills out job application letters/forms LIFE 9 AND OCCUPA TION ENVIRO 10 11 Integration activities and general revision of the module 12 FIRST TERM HARMONISED EVALUATION/TEST/ASSESSMENT 1 Visiting tourist sites : Asks/Gives information about the weather/tourist sites/ animals, planting, harvesting, etc.; Stress on the third syllable /Homophones; Used to/Didn’t use to DO /To be used to DOING/ To be used to something To be ABOUT TO DO something; Writes a letter to a friend/tourist, inviting him/her to visit some beautiful landscapes and tourist sites in your village/country Handling accidents and disasters : Listens to safety measures that can prevent accidents and injuries; Tag questions /Direct/indirect speeches and bare infinitives; Disaster types NMENT, WELL- 2 BEING 3 AND 4 Preventing communicable diseases : Communicates with a doctor or other medical staff regarding one’s health condition; -Expressing purpose /-Use of the active and passive voices ; Word junction Protecting the environment for better health: Listens to/Watches issues related to environmental conservation for sustainability; Compound nouns and their plurals -How much/how many /Already/not yet Still/again; Synonyms and antonyms CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS HEALTH 5 2nd term 6 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 7 Developing a work culture and excellence at work: Simulates speeches by politicians, professionals, presidents of social groupings; Impromptu speech practice and delivery; Coordination and subordination ; Names of state institutions Exercising tolerance/honesty/diligence:-Reads simple captions/adverts/brochures on diligence at work/tolerance; Review all parts of speech; Areas of corruption Promoting gender balance : Makes an inventory of some abuses in your society and suggests ways of remedying them; Use of the definite and indefinite articles in isolation and in connected speech; Use of idioms and proverbs Exercising democracy : Expresses issues and concerns to public officials; Identify and use phrasal verbs; Words related to elections; Argumentative essay: identifying the different type of argumentative topics; discussing the organization of an argumentation Debating on any argumentative topic CITIZEN 8 SHIP 9 AND 10 HUMAN 11 RIGHTS 12 SECOND TERM HARMONISED ASSESMENT 1 Exploiting information: Reads magazines/newspapers/brochures, etc on related areas; ‘the’ followed by a vowel/consonant sound; Used for/in + Verb + -ing Used with + noun; writing a CV Using the New Information and Communication Technologies: Reads about the advantages and drawbacks of the Internet/TV/technology; Present/Past perfect tenses/ Expressing preference; Writes friendly letters Handling machines and gadgets : Talks about common and latest electronic/ scientific devices/gadgets; Conditional 2 & 3; writing a 3rd term Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation Integration activities and general revision of the module MEDIA 2 AND 3 summary COMMU 4 Visiting a workshop e.g. electronics: Describes tasks in a workshop; Rising/Falling intonations; Passive; Things in the workshop NICATI EASTER HOLIDAYS Integration activities and general revision of the module, evaluation ON 5 6 7 8 CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION 9 GENERAL REVISION IN VIEW OF THE END OF YEAR EXAM 10 11 12 FIRST TERM COMPETENCE: Learners can create harmonious relationship in a diversified nation and develop strategies of getting a job. MODULE 1: Domain of life: Family and social life Expected competence: Accompany the learner in developing their personality and become conscientious and autonomous, and to adopt a high degree of tolerance towards, and respect others ideas, opinions and culture. Family of situations: Using language to express oneself on relationships within the family, school and the community We eks CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Situations I Getting on with others Real life situations Interacting with peers in the neighborhoo d II Clubs and extracurricular activities Taking part in recreational activities Categories of actions Speaking Reading ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Attitude Example of actions Grammar Vocabulary Speech work Listens to appropriate uses language in general social interactions(to greet, introduce, thank, apologize ,compliment ,express pleasure or regret Apologizes to mates, friends, neighbors ,etc; Writes a letter of apology Read a text on recreational activities Modals :ought to/ought not to, need(n’t),don’t have to, etc Use of collocations (‘extremely sorry’; ‘a great pity’ Compoundingaffixation(prefixes“un”/”-in”+ adjective and suffixes) Words and expressions related to general social interactions Words and expressions related to recreational activities Show mastering of intonation and stress patterns: weak forms in connected speech, orthography and pronunciation Sociabilit y Politenes s Openness Stress on 1st an 2nd syllables to distinguish wor class; Orderline ss Each/Each other/one anotherMost(of)/None(of)/Collocati ons Project III Discussing youth problems Discussing youth problems Speaking IV School authoritie s Interacting with school authorities Writing V VI Takes part in negotiating/Resolving problems Expressing purpose/result, possibility ,obligation ,etc; Writing articles in the school magazine on youths problems Reads short speeches/addresses by PTA Write a speech Direct and reported speeches Words and expressions related to youth problems Prepositions an prepositional phrases(place, time, manner ,direction)= adv +prep verb Use of negation: harly ,scarcely, seldom, never, neither...nor; Words and vocabulary related to school authorities when interacting. Responsi bility Revising consonant/vowel sounds INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Module 2: Domain of life: Economic life and social development/occupation Family of situations: Using language to express oneself on purchasing goods and services, and on basic principles of getting a job Expected competence: Enable every learner to explore different methods of purchasing goods and services and developing strategies of getting a job. We eks CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWOK I Work of Art, Culture II Purchasing goods and services/At the market Situations ESSENTIAL KNOWLEGDE Attitude Real life situations Enjoying works of Art, Culture and Entertainme nt industry Categories of actions Speaking Example of actions Grammar Vocabulary Speech work Interprets pictures of performances at festivals Writes folks songs, stories of events Use of conditionals(2nd and 3rd) Words related to enjoying works of arts, culture and entertainment How to pronounce past tense inflections(‘de d’ or ‘ted’) Buying articles and foodstuffs and requesting for services Reading Reading informative, descriptive ,expressive, and aesthetic texts on purchasers of goods and services Making list of items purchased Partitive articles e.g:a bunch of …,a cup of…; Let me +bare infinitive, please/could you(or) can you…(polite requests/suggestions) Types of currencies Identify and use homophones and homonyms Project III Shopping wisely Managing personal finances IV Finding out about careers/Pre paring for the world of work Developing and sharing interest in a trade/job/pro fession V VI Listen to short simple dialogue related to Determiners and Words related to buying and selling quantifiers managing Adjectives as nouns finances Discussing about how to manage personal finances Tabulate income and expenditure Words related to Listening Listens to tips and appropriate behavior “so do I”, “neither did professions and to adopt when attending a job interview he” Ask and answer questions during a mock professionals job interview(role-play) Writes and fills out a job application letters/forms INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Speaking Treat triphthongs like/aiə/,/ɔiə/ Use suffixes to spell words naming careers SECOND TERM COMPETENCE: Learner can respect hygiene and sanitation, protect their environment and cope the principles of Democracy Module 3 Domain of life: Environment, well-being and health Family of situations: Using language to express oneself on leisure, safety measures and health risks Expected competence: Enable every learner to develop their personality, collaborative competences, become conscientious, and to adopt a responsible behavior with regards to safety and health risks We eks CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK Situation I Visiting tourist sites II Living healthy lives III Our natural resources IV Transport and safety V VI ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE Real life situation Visiting tourist sites; protecting environment for better health Categories of actions Speaking Example of actions Grammar Vocabulary Speech work Asks/gives information about the weather/tourist sites/animals, planting, harvesting ,etc Writes a letter to a friend/tourist, inviting him/her to visit some beautiful landscapes and tourist sites in your village/country Words related to visiting tourist sites Stress on the third syllable/Homopho nes Exploring consumption, preventing communicable diseases, communicating with others on health issues Planting trees and doing gardening; protecting natural habitat; Listening Listens to safety measures that can prevent HIV-AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases Communicate with a doctor regarding a health condition Write an advert about a health issue Used to/didn’t use to Do/To be used to Doing/To be used to something/To be About to Do something; Expressing purpose/Use of the active and passive voices Words and expressions related to health risks (intoxication, vomiting, etc) Disaster types Use homophones Speaking Discuss the exploitation of natural resources List some environmental problems and solutions Complete a text on natural resources and extraction Tags questions /direct /indirect speeches and bare infinitives to report accident and injuries Compound nouns and their plurals How much/How many/Already/ not yet still/again Word junction Moving in town Reading listens to safety measures that can prevent or in an area, accidents and injuries; dealing with discuss road safety and disaster management safety in procedures; transport and reads about and list disaster management travel systems, procedures handling writes an article on an accident and the accidents and response disasters INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Synonyms an antonyms Words related to safety measures to prevent accidents and disaster Attitude Project Module4 Domain of life: Citizenship and human rights Family of situations: Using language to express oneself on promoting excellence, individual civic responsibility and basic freedoms Expected competence: Enable every learner to develop their personality on promoting excellence, gender equality and how to cope with principles of Democracy. We eks Contextual I Excellence at work II Protecting equality III Gender equality Real life situation Developing a work culture and excellence at work, exercising honesty/diligenc e Developing a work culture and excellence at work, exercising tolerance, promoting gender balance Promoting gender balance IV Democrac y and tolerance Exercising democracy/toler ance V VI Situation framework Essential knowledge Attitude Categories of actions Speaking Example of actions Grammar Vocabulary Expresses likes and preferences on honesty and diligence at work Reads simple captions/adverts/brochures on diligence at work/tolerance Use the simple past and present perfect tenses Use phrasal verbs Words and phrases related to work place Reading Discuss workers Reads about rights and duties Writes a list of crimes and punishments Review all parts of speech Words and phrases related to corruption, rights and responsibilities Impromptu speech practice and delivery Respect for others Writing Listens to a discussion about gender equality Makes an inventory of some abuses in your society and suggests ways of remedying them Writes slogans about gender equality Use of the definite and indefinite articles in isolation and in connected speech Identify and use phrasal verbs Vocabulary related to equality Use of idioms and proverbs Pronouncing articles e.g. the Cordialit y Acceptan ce Names of state institutions Words related to elections/voting Pronounce the consonants/b /,/p/,/z/,/ð/,/θ / Discuss democracy and expresses issues and concerns to public officials Read and analyze politicians promises in elections Argumentative essay: identifying the different type of argumentative topics: discussing the organization of an argumentation Debating on any argumentative topic INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION Speaking Speech work Pronounce the consonants t and d Selfesteem Dignity Project THIRD TERM COMPETENCE: Learner can determine the advantages and disadvantages of the media and modern technology. Moudule5 Domain of life: ICTs and scientific development Family of situations: Using language to explore the modern media and the new Information and Communication Technologies Expected competence: Enable every learner to develop their ability to determine advantages and drawbacks of the media and modern technology. We eks I II Situation The advantage of technolog y Modern technolog y and the youth III Gadgets and devices IV The dangers of the internet Contextual framework Real life Categories Example of actions situation of actions Exploiting Listens to an interview on women and ICT Reading information Debate the advantages of traditional media and through the modern media TV, radio and Reads magazines, newspapers, brochures, etc on print media related areas ; Writing a CV Using the New Reading Reads about the advantages and drawbacks of the Information Internet/TV/Technology; and Listing advantages and drawbacks of the Communicatio Internet/ICTs n Writes friendly letters Technologies Handling Talks about common and latest Speaking machines and electronic/scientific devices/gadgets gadgets Writing a summary/a story Essential knowledge Grammar Vocabulary Speech work Used for/in +Verb+-ng; Used with +noun Words related to ICT ’the’ followed by a vowel/consona nt sound Creativity Present/Past perfect tenses/Expressin g preference Words related to gadgets and technology Pronounce strong and weak forms of words Resourcefu lness Conditional 2&3 Pronounce short and long vowel Attentiven ess Visiting a workshop e.g:electronics Passive Use gerunds or forms nouns from verbs Words or phrases related to mobile phones Things in the workshop Vocabulary related to technology and addiction Rising/falling intonations Critical thinking V VI Writing Listen about safe and responsible use of electronic communication Reads an discuss instructions about good online behaviours Describes talks in a workshop/Write an email Attitude INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES AND GENERAL REVISION OF THE MODULE EVALUATION,CORRECTION AND REMEDIATION GENERAL REVISION IN VIEW OF THE END OF YEAR EXAM. The Head of Department The school Authority Project