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Ancient Greece Study Guide: Key Terms & Concepts

Unit 2: Part1-Ancient Greece
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1. acropolis
the fortified or strengthened, hill of an ancient Greek city
2. democracy
a form of government that gives power to the citizens to
make decisions by voting
3. Athens
a city-state in ancient Greece, the capital of modern day
4. Oligarchy
A government ruled by a few powerful people
5. Persian Wars
A series of wars between the Greeks (mainly Athens) and
the Persians in which the Greeks were usually victorious.
6. Triremes
Athenian ships that are long and narrow and built to ram
other ships
Unit 2: Part1-Ancient Greece
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7. Persian Empire
A major empire that expanded from the Iranian plateau to
incorporate the Middle East from Egypt to India; flourished
from around 550 to 330 B.C.E.
8. Sparta
Greek city-state that was ruled by an oligarchy, focused on
military, used slaves for agriculture, discouraged the arts
9. city-state
have thier own laws, language, army, and culture
10. peninsula
A piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.
Unit 2: Part1-Ancient Greece
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11. Peloponnesus
the southern peninsula of Greece
12. Peloponnesian
(431-404 BCE) The war between Athens and Sparta that
in which Sparta won, but left Greece as a whole weak and
ready to fall to its neighbors to the north.
13. Delian League
an alliance headed by Athens that says that all Greek
city-states will come together and help fight the Persians
14. Peloponnesian
League created and led by Sparta that consisted of Spartan and their allies
15. Athens
A democratic Greek polis who accomplished many cultural achievements, and who were constantly at war with
16. King Darius
king of Persia who tried to invade Greece but was defeated
Unit 2: Part1-Ancient Greece
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_co4tks
17. Plato
(430-347 BCE) Was a disciple of Socrates whose cornerstone of thought was his theory of Forms, in which there
was another world of perfection.
18. Socrotes
Critic of Sophists but popular with Athens' youth. Put on
trial for corrupting the youth.
19. Arostotle
Alexander the Great's teacher; father of modern science
20. Alexander the
King of Macedonia who conquered Greece, Egypt, and
21. Homer
A Greek poet, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey
22. Hippocrates
"Founder of Medicine" During the Golden Age in Greece
he was a scientist that believed all diseases came from
natural causes. He also had high ideals for physicians &
an oath was made that is still used today.
23. Pericles
Athenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens
and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon. (Golden Age)
24. Hellinestic culture
a culture that blended with Egyptian, Persian, and Indian