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Application Development with Swift

Chapter: Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Application Development with Swift
About the Author
About the Reviewers
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Free access for Packt account holders
What this book covers
What you need for this book
Who this book is for
Reader feedback
Customer support
Downloading the example code
1. Hello Swift
Introduction to Swift
The code structure
Initializing an array
Iterating over arrays
Appending items
Removing and updating items
Initializing a dictionary
Appending or updating values
Removing items from the dictionary
Using enumerations with the switch statement
Enumerations with associated values
2. Advanced Swift
Type casting and type checking
Using Any and AnyObject
Class-only protocols
Protocol compositions
The protocol conformance
The optional requirements
Adding computed properties
Adding new initializers
Adding methods
Operator functions
Memory management
Using Objective-C and Swift in a single project
Importing Objective-C in the Swift project
Importing Swift in the Objective-C project
3. Touch ID
What is Touch ID?
The LocalAuthentication framework
4. Introduction to HealthKit
What is HealthKit?
HealthKit limitations
HealthKit privacy
Getting started with HealthKit
Configuring the Xcode project
Getting your hands dirty with HealthKit
The HealthKit store
Asking for permissions
Updating the UI
Sharing data in the Health app
5. Introduction to Metal
What is Metal?
3D rendering
Other options to work with 3D rendering in iOS
Getting started with Metal
Devices and CAMetalLayers
The command queue
Vertex and color buffers
Vertex and fragment shaders
The render pipeline
The game loop and rendering
The display link
The render pass
The command buffer
6. Introduction to WatchKit
Apple watch
The WatchKit app
Actionable notifications
Working with WatchKit
Xcode targets
Interface controllers
Interface elements
Navigating interfaces
Presenting modally
Working with glances
7. Swift App Extensions
App extensions
Photo Editing
Document Provider
Understanding the Document Provider's lifecycle
The custom keyboard
Keyboard security
Keyboard settings
Working with the custom keyboard
Chapter: Application Development with Swift
Application Development with Swift
Application Development with Swift
Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing
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First published: August 2015
Production reference: 1250815
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78528-817-3
Chapter: Credits
Hossam Ghareeb
Tyler Hackbart
David Mattia
Hossam M. Sherif
Kenneth Strickland
Commissioning Editor
Julian Ursell
Acquisition Editor
Nikhil Karkal
Content Development Editor
Shali Deeraj
Technical Editor
Prajakta Mhatre
Copy Editor
Charlotte Carneiro
Project Coordinator
Kinjal Bari
Safis Editing
Tejal Soni
Sheetal Aute
Disha Haria
Production Coordinator
Melwyn D'sa
Cover Work
Melwyn D'sa
Chapter: About the Author
About the Author
Hossam Ghareeb is a software engineer who graduated from the computer and system engineering
department of Alexandria University in 2012. Currently, he is an iOS software engineer at Prototype
Interactive in Dubai. He has a lot of experience in iOS development and software engineering; he always
keeps himself up to date with new technologies. It is his passion to help people by sharing his experience and
writing tutorials to get people engaged quickly without problems. His favorite hobbies are fishing and playing
video games, especially FIFA and PES. If you need his help or wish to go fishing with him, then you can
contact him at
I would like to thank each and every person who has been helpful to me, from my teaching staff to my
friends. A special thanks to my lovely wife, Amira, for all her support and encouragement in spite of all the
time this book kept me away from her. I thank my son, Yusuf, for inspiring me. I would also like to express my
sincere gratitude toward my parents for teaching me how to be a good person.
Last but not least, I would like to thank the content editors, Shali Deeraj and Nikhil Karkal, for helping me
and being nice to me, and the reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.
Chapter: About the Reviewers
About the Reviewers
Tyler Hackbart is a web developer, designer, and technology enthusiast with a passion for everything in
technology. Through self-learning, he gained the ability to write his first line of code when he was only 16
years old and has just started learning his sixth programming language. With his farm-raised work ethic,
alongside a passion for crafting amazing user interactions and doing what he loves, Tyler has successfully
worked in the technology field for 2 years. He is the cofounder of three start-ups and works in an application
design firm, all based in Waterloo, Canada.
David Mattia is a student at the University of Notre Dame with a passion for software engineering. He has
worked for General Electric Aviation and spends much of his free time doing freelance work.
Hossam M. Sherif is a software developer. He received his bachelor's degree in computer and system
engineering from Alexandria University. He has spent several years in software development, especially in iOS
and backend development. He has worked with many companies, such as Insidetrack, Inova LLC, and Log n
Labs. He worked on different projects and in different roles, from software developer to team leader and
manager. He served in the Egyptian Navy and participated in the enhancement and development of the IT
department. He has certificates in software test processes and software test design. He participated in several
volunteer projects and workshops as an instructor for "Introduction to iOS Development," a summer 2014
training course for undergraduates at Alexandria University, and also other courses, such as the Alexandria
Startup 2012 weekend and IEEE ITW 2011.
Kenneth Strickland joined the US Army in 1986. After 4 years of active duty in the US Army, he came
across software development. That was when he picked up his first C programming book and read it from
cover to cover. Since then, he has never looked back.
He has been a software architect for over 10 years, and currently develops applications primarily in
C/C++, Java, Objective-C, Swift, and .NET.
You can visit his website at
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Chapter: Preface
This book teaches you how to master the Swift programming language and use it in building apps with
the new technologies introduced in iOS 8. Swift is a new programming language for iOS, OS X, and watchOS
apps. In the beginning of this book, we will give you an advanced introduction to Swift, and then we will see
how to apply this in real-app demos using the new technologies and APIs in iOS 8 such as TouchID, watchOS,
Metal, and HealthKit.
Chapter: What this book covers
What this book covers
Chapter Hello gives a quick introduction and revision about Swift. This chapter is very important for Swift
beginners and is highly recommended for Swift developers to revise their knowledge.
Chapter Advanced boosts your Swift experience by allowing you to learn some advanced features in
Swift. In this chapter, we will talk about protocols, extensions, and memory management.
Chapter: What you need for this book
Chapter: Who this book is for
Chapter: Conventions
Chapter: Reader feedback
Chapter: Customer support
Chapter: Downloading the example code
Chapter: Errata
Chapter: Piracy
Chapter: Questions
Chapter: 1. Hello Swift
Chapter: Introduction to Swift
Chapter: Playgrounds
Chapter: The code structure
Chapter: Arrays
Chapter: Initializing an array
Chapter: Iterating over arrays
Chapter: Appending items
Chapter: Removing and updating items
Chapter: Dictionaries
Chapter: Initializing a dictionary
Chapter: Appending or updating values
Chapter: Removing items from the dictionary
Chapter: Enum
Chapter: Using enumerations with the switch statement
Chapter: Enumerations with associated values
Chapter: Functions
Chapter: Closures
Chapter: Summary
Chapter: 2. Advanced Swift
Chapter: Type casting and type checking
Chapter: Downcasting
Chapter: Using Any and AnyObject
Chapter: Protocols
Chapter: Properties
Chapter: Methods
Chapter: Class-only protocols
Chapter: Protocol compositions
Chapter: The protocol conformance
Chapter: The optional requirements
Chapter: Delegation
Chapter: Extensions
Chapter: Adding computed properties
Chapter: Adding new initializers
Chapter: Adding methods
Chapter: Generics
Chapter: Operator functions
Chapter: Memory management
Chapter: Using Objective-C and Swift in a single project
Chapter: Importing Objective-C in the Swift project
Chapter: Importing Swift in the Objective-C project
Chapter: Limitations
Chapter: Summary
Chapter: 3. Touch ID
Chapter: What is Touch ID?
Chapter: The LocalAuthentication framework
Chapter: Summary
Chapter: 4. Introduction to HealthKit
Chapter: What is HealthKit?
Chapter: HealthKit limitations
Chapter: HealthKit privacy
Chapter: Getting started with HealthKit
Chapter: Configuring the Xcode project
Chapter: Getting your hands dirty with HealthKit
Chapter: The HealthKit store
Chapter: Asking for permissions
Chapter: Updating the UI
Chapter: Sharing data in the Health app
Chapter: Summary
Chapter: 5. Introduction to Metal
Chapter: What is Metal?
Chapter: Features
Chapter: 3D rendering
Chapter: Pipeline
Chapter: Transformations
Chapter: Projection
Chapter: Other options to work with 3D rendering in iOS
Chapter: Getting started with Metal
Chapter: Devices and CAMetalLayers
Chapter: The command queue
Chapter: Vertex and color buffers
Chapter: Vertex and fragment shaders
Chapter: The render pipeline
Chapter: The game loop and rendering
Chapter: The display link
Chapter: The render pass
Chapter: The command buffer
Chapter: Summary
Chapter: 6. Introduction to WatchKit
Chapter: Apple watch
Chapter: WatchKit
Chapter: The WatchKit app
Chapter: Glances
Chapter: Actionable notifications
Chapter: Working with WatchKit
Chapter: Xcode targets
Chapter: Interface controllers
Chapter: Interface elements
Chapter: Groups
Chapter: Navigating interfaces
Chapter: Presenting modally
Chapter: Animation
Chapter: Working with glances
Chapter: Summary
Chapter: 7. Swift App Extensions
Chapter: App extensions
Chapter: Today
Chapter: Share
Chapter: Photo Editing
Chapter: Document Provider
Chapter: Understanding the Document Provider's lifecycle
Chapter: The custom keyboard
Chapter: Keyboard security
Chapter: Keyboard settings
Chapter: Working with the custom keyboard
Chapter: Demo
Chapter: Summary
Chapter: Index