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Engineering Subject Marks & Topics

Subjectwise Marks distribution
Thermal Engineering
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer
Machine Design
English & Aptitude
3 to 6
12 to 14
7 to 9
9 to 12
7 to 9
7 to 9
5 to 7
4 to 5
14 to 16
4 to 5
You can skip less important
topic but never skip entire
Subjectwise Important Topics
 Mechanics: (5.7)
 Statics(2)
 Dynamics(3.7)
 Ref:
1. Engineering Mechanics-Timoshenko
2. Vector Mechanics-Beer and Johnson
3. Concepts of Physics (Vol:1)-H.C. Verma
Number in bracket indicates
average marks per paper for
last 10 papers
Subjectwise Important Topics
 Mathematics: (13)
1. Linear Algebra(1.6)
2. Differential Equations(2.3)
3. Probability and Statistics(2.3)
4. Numerical Methods(1.9)
5. Calculus(3.6)
6. Complex Analysis(1.3)
 Ref:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics: B.S. Grewal
2. Engineering Mathematics: Erwin Kreyzig
3. Higher Engineering Mathematics: H K Dass
Subjectwise Important Topics
 Strength of Materials: (7.8)
1. Simple stress and stress(2.5)
2. SFD and BMD(0.4)
3. Stress in Beams(0.8)
4. Torsion(1.0)
5. Combined stresses(1.1)
6. Slopes and Deflections(1.3)
7. Columns and struts(0.4)
8. Energy Methods(0.3)
 Ref:
1. Mechanics of Materials: Pytel
2. Mechanics of Materials: Beer and Johnson
Subjectwise Important Topics
 Thermal Engineering: (10.8)
1. Heat, Work and First law(2.4)
2. Second law, Entropy and Exergy(1.8)
3. Vapor Power Cycles(2.1)
4. Gas Power Cycles(1.8)
5. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning(2.1)
6. Properties and Property Relations(0.6)
 Ref:
1. Thermodynamics: Y. A. Cengel
2. Engineering Thermodynamics: P.K. Nag
Subjectwise Important Topics
 Fluid Mechanics: (7.8)
1. Fluid Properties and Fluid Statics(1.0)
2. Fluid Kinematics(1.5)
3. Fluid Dynamics(1.3)
4. Internal Flows(2.3)
5. External Flows(0.8)
6. Dimensional Analysis(0.8)
7. Hydraulic Turbines(0.6)
 Ref:
1. Fluid Mechanics: Cengel
2. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics: Munson
3. Fluid Mechanics: White
4. Hydraulic Machines: K Subramanya
Subjectwise Important Topics
 Theory of Machines: (8.4)
1. Vibrations(3.3)
2. Velocity and Acceleration Analysis(2.2)
3. Gear Trains(1.3)
4. Flywheels and Governors(0.8)
5. Dynamic analysis of linkages(0.4)
6. Balancing(0.3)
7. Gyroscope(0.1)
8. Cam and followers(0.2)
 Ref:
1. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms: S.S. Rattan
2. Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery: R.L. Norton
Subjectwise Important Topics
 Heat Transfer: (6.7)
1. Steady state 1D Conduction(1.8)
2. Transient Conduction(0.8)
3. Heat Exchangers(1.2)
4. Radiation(1.5)
5. Convection(1.3)
6. Fins(0.1)
 Ref:
1. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer:
2. Heat Transfer: Cengel
3. Heat Transfer: P K Nag
Subjectwise Important Topics
 Machine Design: (4.6)
1. Design against fluctuating load(0.8)
2. Theories of failure(1.1)
3. Bolted riveted and welded joints(1.1)
4. Brakes and clutches(0.7)
5. Rolling and sliding contact bearings(0.6)
6. Springs(0.3)
7. Design of Gears(0.1)
 Ref:
1. Design of Machine Elements: V.B. Bhandari
2. Mechanical Engineering Design: J.E. Shigley
Subjectwise Important Topics
 Production: (14.8)
1. Metal Cutting(2.6)
2. Metrology(2.1)
3. Casting(2.1)
4. Forming(2.0)
5. Welding(1.7)
6. Machining(0.9)
7. Non Conventional Machining(1.1)
8. CAD/CAM(1.3)
9. Material Science(1.1)
 Ref:
Manufacturing Science: Ghosh and Mallik
Manufacturing Technology: P.N. Rao
Manufacturing Engineering & Technology: Serope Kalpakjian
Subjectwise Important Topics
 IM and OR: (5.4)
1. CPM and PERT(1.3)
2. Linear Programming(1.0)
3. Inventory Control(0.9)
4. Queing Theory(0.7)
5. Transportation(0.3)
6. Assignment(0.1)
7. Production Planning and Control(1.2)
 Ref:
1. Quantitative Techniques in Management: N.D.
2. Operation Research: R. Paneerselvam