MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF BUSINESS BA 5300 – FINANCIAL REPORTING and CONTROL Instructor: Joel C. Tuoriniemi Contact Info: Academic Office Building – Office #114 jctuorin@mtu.edu Office Phone – 487.1877 Office Hours: Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays 10:30-12:30 9:00-11:00 10:30-12:30 9:00-11:00 You are welcome to stop by at any other time you find me in my office. I am also happy to meet with you virtually (e.g., Zoom meeting) at any mutually agreed upon time. Required Text: Recommended: Prerequisite Financial & Managerial Accounting for MBAs – 6th Edition Easton et. al – Cambridge Business Publishers ACC 2000 – Accounting Principles I, or its equivalent Course Description: This class covers the collection, reporting and analysis of financial information with emphasis on the use of that information to support decision making. (per MTU Course Catalog) Course Objectives: This course is geared to increase your ability to produce and interpret information reported in financial statements, from both a financial and managerial perspective. Students should acquire the ability to recognize how different accounting methods impact decision making and ultimately the results/disclosures set forth in financial statements and reports. Applying an ethical framework to decision making will also be emphasized throughout the course. Upon completing this course, students will be able to: (1) prepare financial statements; (2) perform DuPont and disaggregation (operating vs. nonoperating) analysis of financial statement; (3) communicate with accountants regarding the various components of the financial statements in order to make informed business decisions; (4) extract appropriate information from financial statements and determine valuations of assets/projects/entities using earnings and cash flow models; (5) calculate book to tax differences in entity income and communicate with accountants in a manner to maximize aftertax results; (6) identify relevant costs, underlying behaviors, and drivers in order to properly evaluate accounting information from an internal, managerial perspective; (7) prepare budgets and perform standard costs and capital planning analysis. Attendance Policy: It is absolutely essential that you come to class prepared. This requires that you have already analyzed and prepared the assigned readings and problems prior to class. A significant portion of this course is delivered utilizing the Socratic method, so you will be called upon to make contributions to the classroom discussion. There is no such thing as a “wrong answer ”, but it is unacceptable to have an “unprepared answer”. Students will be allowed one “pass” during the semester; any additional instance of a student being unprepared will result in reduction from the student’s grade. Excessive unexcused absences will result in an “F” for the course, regardless of the student’s accumulated point total. Classroom Discussions & Submitted Work: My expectations for your classroom contributions and submitted work are very high. A general guideline is that your contributions to classroom discussions and all submitted work should replicate that which you would be comfortable presenting in a professional workplace. Your prepared solutions/write-ups to and assigned problems and projects are required to be submitted prior to the beginning of the respective class period in which such material is to be covered. Academic Integrity: Because of the importance of ethical behavior in business, and its emphasis in our program, academic dishonesty is not tolerated in the College of Business at Michigan Tech. 2 Academic dishonesty cases will be handled in accordance with University policies. Students are expected to review and comply with the expectations and conditions set forth in the MTU Academic Integrity Policy, found at http://www.studentaffairs.mtu.edu/dean/judicial/policies/academic _integrity.html. While it is appropriate to work through examples and discuss course concepts with your fellow students through the use of study groups, unless otherwise stated, all submitted work is to be prepared individually. Students involved in any form of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on tests, plagiarism and collusion may, at the instructor's discretion, receive a failing grade in the course, examination, or academic assignment. In addition to or instead of this sanction, the instructor may refer the case to the Academic Affairs Committee for hearing. If, after hearing the evidence, the Committee determines that the student in question is found responsible for the misconduct charged, the Committee may impose sanctions in addition to those taken by the instructor. Course Point System: Your final grade will be based upon the following: Homework Problems Financial Statement Analysis Project Simulation Project One Simulation Project Two Exam One Exam Two 10% 10% 10% 10% 30% 30% Grading Scale : A A/B B B/C C C/D D F Make-Up Policy : No make-up exams will be given unless approved by the College of Business. 100% – 92% 91% - 86% 85% - 81% 80% - 76% 75% - 71% 70% - 66% 65% - 60% < 60% 3 University Policies: Student work products (exams, essays, projects, etc.) may be used for purposes of university, program, or course assessment. All work used for assessment purposes will not include any individual student identification. Academic regulations and procedures are governed by University policies. If you have a disability that could affect your performance in this class or that requires an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please see me as soon as possible so that we can make appropriate arrangements. The Institutional Equity Office has asked that you be made aware of the following: MTU complies with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding discrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (DDA). If you have a disability and need a reasonable accommodation for equal access to education and services at MTU, please contact the Dean of Students. For other concerns about discrimination, you may contact your advisor, department head/chair, or the Institutional Equity Office. Students should refer to the MTU Student Handbook for a more complete statement of University policies, all of which are applicable to this class. Important Dates: Friday, September 17th – Last day to drop fall full semester course without a grade appearing on the academic record Friday, November 5th – Last day to drop full semester courses with a grade of “W” (Students may request their grade standing prior to this date) CLASS DISCUSSIONS/HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Week One 09/02 Review of the Accounting Cycle and Financial Statements Introduction to the Accounting Cycle ___________________________________________________________________ Week Two 09/09 Review of the Accounting Cycle and Financial Statements Read and Prepare: Module 1, Module 2, Module 3 4 _________________________________________ Statement of Cash Flows Read and Prepare: Module 11 and Canvas Materials ___________________________________________________________________ Week Three 09/16 Due: Modules 1-3 HW; Module 11 HW _________________________________________ Analyzing and Interpreting Financial Statements Read and Prepare: Module 4 and Canvas Materials ___________________________________________________________________ Week Four 09/23 Due: Module 4 HW _________________________________________ Reporting and Analyzing Operating Income Read and Prepare: Module 5 (exclude 5-15 through 5-24) and Canvas Materials ___________________________________________________________________ Week Five 09/30 Due: Module 5 HW; Financial Statement Analysis Project _________________________________________ Reporting and Analyzing Operating Assets Read and Prepare: Module 6 (6-13 to 6-38 only) and Canvas Materials ___________________________________________________________________ Week Six 10/07 Due: Module 6 HW _________________________________________ Reporting and Analyzing Liabilities Read and Prepare: Module 7 and Canvas Materials ___________________________________________________________________ Week Seven 10/14 Due: Module 7 HW _________________________________________ Reporting and Analyzing Goodwill and Leasing 5 Read and Prepare: Module 9 (9-18 to 9-27 only), Module 10 (10-1 to 10-23 only), and Canvas Materials ___________________________________________________________________ Week Eight 10/21 Due: Module 9&10 HW _________________________________________ Reporting and Analyzing Owners’ Equity Read and Prepare: Module 8 (exclude 8-19 through 8-23) and Canvas Materials __________________________________________________________________ Week Nine EXAM ONE 10/28 ___________________________________________________________________ Week Ten 11/04 Using Financial Statements for Valuation Read and Prepare: Module 13 and Canvas Materials ___________________________________________________________________ Week Eleven 11/11 Accounting for Income Taxes Week Twelve 11/18 Due: Module 10 HW; Simulation Project One _________________________________________ Read and Prepare: Module 10 (10-24 through 10-35) and Canvas Materials ___________________________________________________________________ Managerial Accounting – Cost Behavior and Analysis Read and Prepare: Module 14, Module 15, and Module 16 ___________________________________________________________________ Week Thirteen 12/02 Due: Module 15 and 16 HW _________________________________________ Managerial Accounting -Budgeting and Performance Reports Read and Prepare: Module 21, Module 22, and Module 23 ___________________________________________________________________ 6 Week Fourteen 12/02 Due: Module 22 and 23 HW _________________________________________ Managerial Accounting – Capital Planning and Decision Making Read and Prepare: Module 24 and Module 25 ___________________________________________________________________ EXAM TWO – DATE AND TIME TO BE ANNOUNCED _________________________________________ Due Dates for Simulation Project Two and Module 24/25 HW will be announced in class 7