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Tackling Mother-in-Law Problems in Marriage

Tackling mother in-law problems in marriage
Establishing healthy homes
What does your relationship with your mother in-law looks like?
One of the most difficult relationships in marriage is handling mother in-law problems. Very few women
have encountered godly mother in-laws; while very many have
encountered difficult ones that have threatened marriage
relationships. On the other hand, some daughter in-laws
have encountered good mother in-laws but they have been
the problem themselves.
It is the rear marriage that has no in-law problems. If you found one, you should be thankful to the
Creator for it. You pick your spouse but he/she comes into the marriage with his/her set of garbage of
the entire family. Some women are truly blessed with good mother in laws and if you are never grateful
to God for such mothers, you will be grateful to the devil for giving you a really bad one. Most men do
not always constitute any threads to the marriages of their sons or daughters except women.
Causes/problems associated with in-laws
* foundational problems, which are inherited fron parents. A woman whose mother never loves her Inlaws is Likely to transfer same to her daughter. This is like the computer language, “garbage in garbage
* Pergonality a temperamental misconceptions. This happens as a result of a lack of understanding of
oneself leading to misunderstanding others.
* Misunderstanding love language e.g. quality time, receiving of gifts, affirmation.
* Economic/Financial factors. This takes place especially when the husband of the daughter happens to
be breadwinner of the family.
* Lack of premarital counseling. Many newly wedded couples have not undergone premarital counseling
on relational matters so they are not able to relate well with their in-laws.
* Family background/upbringing.
* Influence of friends on the part of the daughter in-law. When they advise wrongly. They become bad
* Cultural and tribal differences. When the daughter in-law is coming from another tribe, it becomes a
bond of contention for the mother in-law.
* Jealousy. When either of the parties feels threatened by the other, jealousy becomes the order of the
* Ignorance. This is brought about a lack of knowledge.
* Lack of understanding in terms of their positions either as daughter or mother in-law. They are unique
positions but the man is tone in between his mother and wife.
* Trust and mistrusts. This has its roots from childhood when the person felt abandoned at childhood
and is not adequately cared for while growing up. A lack of bonding from with the parents from onset.
* Greediness on either part while must be dealt with properly for peace to reign.
Types of mother in laws
* The critic mother -in-law. A mother in-law who delights in critiquing everything the daughter in-law
The jealous mother in law. She loves to compete with her daughter in law. She can’t let go of her son
and feels that won’t take good care of her son as she did.
* The obsessive-compulsive mother in law (OCD). The controlling mother in law.
* The gossiping type of mother in law.
2 The Materialistia type of mother in law.
* The queen Of the Night. she is only interested in her Daughter in law's Service always.
*The eager to be grand. She only interested in seeing her grand children and if for any reason, there is
no sign of a child, she instructs her son to get another wife.
*The traditionalist Mother in-law. Everything must be done as we do it in our culture or family.
*The motivator e.g. Ruth and Naomi. She is interested in the welfare of her daughter in law and does all
she could to motivate her because she loves her son.
* The fashion lover mother in law.
* The new best friend mother in law. She welcomes her daughter in law warmly into the family. She
thinks you and her son are a perfect gift one for another. Your personality just clicks.
* The manipulator. She is interested in having her son do what she wants. She makes her son to choose
between her and his wife.
* The perfectionist. She is an expert in everything she does especially when it comes to cooking
*The nagging mother in-law, she criticizes everything You do because you do not meet her expectations.
giving in to her demands will destroy your marriage.
Remedy (Rm. 12:9-21; Eph. 4:25-32) * pray for her to change but do not pray for her to die.
* Shower her with love instead of hatred (Rm. 12: 17-21).
* Appeal to your husband to handle the matter by talking to his mother about it.
* Be friend her.
* Seek to understand her by understanding yourself.
* Seek the counsel of a counselor.
* Be a part of a post marital counseling class
* Create space for one another by building or renting your own home to avoid more trouble.
* Confrontation. The use of this helps to settle a lot that initially are left which if left to contanve will
destroy the parties. There is no sin in confronting
someone on something he/she is doing PROBABLY unknowingly.
# Dialogue (Matt. 18:15-17). In this case, you must avoid talking (backbiting) behind her. This is one of
the best forms of resolving conflicts. Under dialogue, there are three steps;
* Go personally (Matt. 18:15)
* Appeal to your husband to talk with his mother (Matt. 18:16)
* Appeal to the Clan, Church (Matt. 18:17).
*Budget control
The problem with most marriages today is that many couples never went through a proper premarital
counseling. So they are not able to figure out relational solutions in marriage particularly with in-laws.
Generally speaking, conflicts in life are not bad but we must not invent them. However, when they come
because of our human nature, we must face them as they are with wisdom from God.