Research Project Information Sheet Study title Examining the application and development of social-emotional learning (SEL) in Chinese education:: A Case Study of Luoyang City, Henan Province 1. Why is this project being done? We wanted to test the impact of the social emotional learning program on students' academic performance, self-regulation, empathy, resilience, social skills, and character development. I'm working on this project as part of my studies at the University of Sheffield (this is called the "legal basis" for collecting information from you). 2. Why me? You were selected because you are a child in Luoyang City who participated in the social emotional learning project. You can help us find some answers, which will help us verify the effect of the social emotional learning project. We need 8 kids to participate in the survey 3. What does the project involve? You will be asked to complete 3 questionnaires measuring your current, emotional intelligence, self-regulation, empathy, resilience, and relationships. This will take approximately 25 minutes each, but will be spread over different days. You do not have to put your name on the questionnaire. 4. Will my answers be shared with other people? Anything you write or say may be used by the researcher and will not be shared with other people except if the researcher is made aware of criminal activity or risks to your safety or the safety of others. If the researcher has any concerns like this, then they are legally required to pass this information on to your school safeguarding officer. 5. What will happen to my information? I will use your information to write my research report. I will keep your information in a safe place (recordings will be kept in a computer system, handwritten notes or other work will be kept in a file) until the end of my project (31st August 2023), It will be completely removed at that time. No one else will have access to your information except for the reasons given on the last page. 6. Do I have to take part? No you do not! It is up to you. We would like you to read this information and listen to the researcher’s instructions before you make up your mind. We will give you all 3 survey but you do not have to fill it in. You can still change your mind later – just tell your teacher and they will let me know. If you don’t want to take part, just say no! 7. Giving permission to take part Please tick the boxes below to let me know if you are happy to take part in each of the activities: Yes No Questionnaire Please tick the box below if you are happy for me to take some copies of your school-work for my project. Yes No Print name: _____________________ Sign:_____________________ Date:____________________ 8. Where can I get more information? Please ask me any questions you have about the project. Your teacher has also been provided with all the details about my research. If you, or your parent/guardian would like to learn more about my project, I can be contacted at Thank You!