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Speech & Debate Syllabus

Speech & Debate-Syllabus
Victoria Graves
Conference nd
2 Period 9:55-10:40am
Mon-Fri 9:25-9:50am or by Written
This class is designed to prepare students for competitive speaking and debating. Its goal is to improve students’
skills in speaking, listening, composing, and reasoning through practical experiences and applications, especially
during scheduled competitions. Students will develop skills in argumentation and debate; they will become
interested in current issues, develop sound critical thinking, and sharpen communication skills. They will acquire
life-long skills for intelligently approaching controversial issues and clashes of opinion.
The course includes a concentration in parliamentary procedure, the techniques of persuasion, means of
detecting propaganda and fallacies, and the refinement of voice and diction. It will feature an emphasis on
forensics which will necessitate extensive practice and rehearsal in Cross-Examination, Public Forum, and
Lincoln-Douglas debating as well as oral performances such as oral interpretations, extemporaneous speaking,
congressional debating and speaking, and original oratories.
Course Overview:
Debate I/Novice
Extemporaneous and Congress
Value Debate
Policy Debate
Public Forum
Novices (First Years) may exchange their final exam if they watch two (2) events at a tournament and compete
in one (1) tournament during the fall semester and then again during the spring semester; stipulations will
Course Standards:
Students will comply with Texas City High School’s Student Code of Conduct and Speech and Debate
This course will develop and enhance the students’ speaking ability through class speaking, debating,
and performing. Students’ effectiveness will be demonstrated and challenged in competitive speaking
tournaments held throughout the state on Fridays and/or Saturdays.
Advanced Debate will comply with the grading contract.
During each tournament, students will be judged by independent judges according to guidelines set by the
National Speech and Debate Association, Texas Forensic Association, or University Interscholastic League.
Students will become independent readers and researchers in their pursuit of excellence. Specific skills in the
use of effective language and rhetoric will be developed. Using language as a successful communication tool will
be the focus of the course. A tournament evaluation must be completed the following school day for credit.
Materials Needed:
** Other materials may be required throughout the semester
1. 1 Flash Drive/Cloud Drive/Google Doc
2. Class Notebook (a 1” binder divided will be sufficient)
3. 4 full size Legal Pads OR 1 Ream of Copy Paper
4. Really GOOD Color Pensa. You will need at least two colors
i. Neon Colors not accept
b. Most debaters prefer a Gel Rolling Ball Pens like G2 pens
If attending a tournament:
5. Money for meals, snacks, or personal items.
6. Clothing that conforms to the tournament dress standards.
This application allows for teachers to inform students and parents about upcoming due dates, activities,
quizzes, tests, and events in the classroom. Students and parents receive a text or e-mail sent by the instructor
regarding information. Teachers cannot see the number of the receiver just a name, and parents/students
cannot respond so privacy is ensured. It is strongly recommended to that you utilize this tool to keep up with the
Debate: Text @23e4 to 81010 or Visit https://www.remind.com/join/23e4
Office365 is an online service that allows students to safely take advantage of current technology for
communication, collaboration and productivity. Office365 provides students with a free email service, and more.
Students will be expected to use online services that will require an email.
Name: Hannah Smith
Username: FirstfourinitialsLastName
Username: Hannsmith
Password: TCISD ID
Password: 888888
Drop Fees:
This class is designed to prepare students for competitive speaking and debating. Its goal is to improve students’
skills in speaking, listening, composing, and reasoning through practical experiences and applications, especially
during scheduled competitions.
When student’s sign-up to attend a tournament, they are required to compete. Each event requires an entry
fee. Students are not required to pay for these fees out of pocket, but they are required to pay back the fee if
they fail to compete.
Failure to compete stands as not attending the tournament, by failing to inform Mrs. Graves of the inability to
attend before the drop date. The drop date is the last day in which students can remove themselves from the
tournament sign-up without the penalty of a drop fee.
The fees vary by tournament.
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Discipline Policy:
The Student Handbook lists consequences for discipline. However, classroom behavior problems will be
addressed immediately on an individual basis. If necessary, the administration will become involved and parents
will be informed. Due to the nature of the class and in consideration that we will be traveling to other schools
throughout the state, students who are disruptive in class will forfeit their opportunity to travel with the team.
All school discipline standards are in full effect during the entire time a student expends while attending and
performing in a tournament.
General Methods of Assessment and Grade Calculation:
A grading contract is used in the class. Contract grading is a form of grading which results from cooperation
between an instructor and his or her student, and entails contracted number of assignments of specified quality
that correspond to specific letter grades. For full details see Grading Contract: Oral Interp Tab.
Since this is a student centered-based class, students will be graded heavily upon their successful completion of
work preparation, practice, drills, and performance. Each student will be scheduled for performances in advance
and will have ample time to prepare. Tournament judges’ ballots will be used as a tool for grading also since the
class is geared toward competitive speaking. A consideration of the student’s tournament round progression will
also be given consideration for a grade. Class participation will also be used as a grading assessment.
Students will have a minimum of three major grades per nine weeks. Quizzes will count as two daily grades.
Grades are broken down into three categories. Suspicion and Evidence of Academic Dishonesty will not be
tolerated (Statement on Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty of syllabus).
Major Grades
Quiz Grades
Daily Grades
Average Amounts of Homework:
The average amount of homework will depend largely on the student’s reading ability. Homework will be
assigned according to the teacher’s directives. Generally, students should be able to complete assignments in
class or one hour per day or about 4-7 hours per week. For homework, students are expected to read, make
cuttings and practice on an individual basis and come to class prepared to be coached and graded.
Late Work Policy:
The late work policy is outlined in the TCISD student handbook. Students must always adhere to this policy and
make sure assignments are turned in on time.
No late work will be accepted on long term projects. Students are expected to meet project checkpoints and
complete the tasks before the prearranged due date. These checkpoints are meant to check student progress
and ensure the project is completed in the expected manner. Class time will be allotted to work on long term
projects as well as outside class time. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO START A PROJECT! (See the
Student Handbook)
Absences & Make-up Work:
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Students will be responsible for daily and major assignments missed while absent. If assistance is needed in
completing these assignments, tutorials are available. Students are expected to check in upon their return to
class and collect all missed work with clear due dates.
You will have grade due dates to meet. If you do not have the required number of assignments by the due date,
you will receive a "0" until the assignment is turned in.
Incomplete assignments will not be graded until corrected. Students will still be held to original grade due dates
to allow for sufficient time to grade and efficient feedback.
If the student is absent the day of an assigned performance or group project he or she must fulfill the
assignment the day of his or her return to class. Every student will have at least a week’s notice of his or her
performance date. If there is a conflict that student should speak to me (Mrs. Graves) about moving the date
up, back, before, or after school. It seems like occasionally a student will be absent the day a speech or
performance is due. First, with all technology available, there is NO reason why you cannot let me know ahead
of time that you will not be in class when you have a SPEECH OR PEFORMANCE DUE, Call my classroom 409-9160932, or contact me using email. If you do not contact me when a speech or performance is due and you are
absent, your parents will receive a phone call from me explaining that you missed a major presentation.
If a major grade or quiz grade is missed, you must sign up for a make-up time the day you return to class. You
have two days from the day you return to make up any quiz or test, after which time you will be given a zero if it
is not made up. Teachers may assign a late penalty to any long-term project in accordance with time lines
communicated to students. For long term projects, students are still obligated to the due date, unless a week
prior to the due date communication concerning strenuous circumstances occurred.
As per TCISD policy, students will have the number of class days missed allowed for make-up work to be
completed to receive full credit. Students who are absent and found to be truant will receive 50% of the
possible grade earned on the assignment.
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