What are you looking for? 5 Forgotten Secrets For Sculpting the Chiseled Body of a Warrior The Age-Old Tactics Our Ancestors Practiced That the Fitness Industry Ignores Today ... How do you get a physique that looks as hard as a rock and turns heads when you walk by? Have you ever wanted to look like Brad Pitt, Zac Efron, Christian Bale or, of course, Ryan Reynolds? They are lean and frankly, they look amazing. You see, the key to looking good has less to do with how big and bulky you are and a lot more to do with your level of definition and hardness. We’ve been told we must do lots of cardio, high reps and circuits to get the lean and toned look. This is wrong. Why cookies: uses look cookies to down delivertothe best apossible user Thewe keyuse to having thatThis hardwebsite and chiseled comes having low body fat experience. combined with dense muscle in the right places and proportions. Accept Decline More Info So, how do you build dense muscle in the right places, and melt the fat right o your body? The answers lie with our ancestors. In order to look like the famous stone statues carved hundreds of years ago, you must take a look at the lifestyle during that period. What were they doing? How were they eating? Why don't more people look like this today? Here's everything you need to know: 1. STOP Worrying So Much About Size. You Have To Get STRONG. It may sound obvious, but fitness influencers today are all about building size on the "glory muscles". When you focus too much on size, you end up creating pu y muscles and packing on additional fat. The lean, dense muscle you see in the statue above is a result of getting really, really strong. Our ancestors needed strength to perform in labor and at war. If you want to achieve the hard and chiseled look, you want to do most of your training with heavy weights and longer rest periods. This will transform your body into a hard, and powerful warrior. 2. Build Muscle In The Key, Aesthetic Places Why we use cookies: This website uses cookies to deliver the best Ancient sculptors were all about aesthetics. They sought to create thepossible perfect, user experience. proportionate human form. The principles of beauty discovered back then still apply today. Accept Decline More Info Most strength-based li ers forget to focus on the li s that give them a sleek and proportionate look. These include incline presses, weighted pull-ups, shoulder presses, pistol squats and Bulgarian split squats. You must build up lean, dense muscle in your upper chest, shoulders, back and legs to look truly fantastic. 3. Make Getting Lean and Staying Lean SIMPLE If you don’t get your body fat down to 6-10%, no one will see the muscle you have built underneath. So the question is, how do we get really lean? This is a question that most fitness influencers try to complicate. "Take this pill," "Run this far", etc. Do you think this was being done thousands of years ago? There is only one proven way to get lean - eat less calories than your body burns. It really is that simple. As a rule of thumb, multiply your bodyweight in pounds by 15. These are your "maintenance calories." If you eat LESS than maintenance, you will lose weight. If you eat MORE than maintenance, you will gain weight. 4. Employ the Ancient Art of Intermittent Fasting Why we use cookies: This website uses cookies to deliver the best possible user experience. Accept Decline More Info Our ancestors did not eat in the morning. They hunted and gathered during the morning and early a ernoon, then feasted later in the day. Not to say this was intentional, but like it or not humans have evolved to support this type of lifestyle. When you operate the way you were biologically intended to, amazing things happen to your body. Enter Intermittent Fasting - forgoing any calories for the first 4-6 hours of your day. Studies show that those who fast in the morning see improvements in growth hormone and overall health parameters. PRO TIP: Use sparkling water or black co ee to blunt your hunger in the morning before your first meal. 5. Eat BIG, Not Often Do you think our ancestors were worried about eating 6 small meals throughout the day? Absolutely not. When they ate, they ate until they were satisfied. By Intermittent Fasting and skipping breakfast, you allow for yourself to eat larger, more satisfying meals later in the day. Why we use cookies: This website uses cookies to deliver the best possible user experience. Studies show that opting for fewer, larger meals as opposed to frequent, smaller meals stimulates hormone production and has no adverse e ect on metabolism. Accept Decline More Info The Warrior Shredding Program Build a lean, chiseled physique that looks like it's carved from stone You will not be building a pu y, oversized body on the Warrior Shredding Program. The physique you'll build is extremely chiseled like a Roman Warrior. Every ounce of muscle will show as you reach ideal levels of leanness. You'll look like you are made of metal. When you join the Warrior Shredding Program, you'll get instant, lifetime access to: 24 weeks of the perfect li ing protocol to build an aesthetic, sculpted physique The ideal calories, protein, fats and carbs to support your transformation Mindset training to increase your likelihood of success Access to an exclusive Facebook community of over 25,000 active, motivated KinoWarriors What you can expect from the Warrior Shredding Program: Get extremely strong in your shoulders, back, chest and legs Lose 4 to 5 pounds of fat per month Put on muscle in key areas to build attractive proportions For a limited time, we are o ering 30% OFF to all new customers. Right now, you can get the Warrior Shredding Program for: