Scheme of Learning 2020/2021 Faculty Group / Learning Aim Code: Term Dates for learners 01 SEP – 22 OCT 2 NOV – 18 DEC 04 JAN – 11 FEB 22 FEB – 26 MAR 12 APR – 28 MAY 07 JUN – 25 JUN General Outcomes: (and / or link to specification) CARL DP2MUSA0F$/DP2MUTA0F$ Bank Holidays 2020/21 ● 25 DEC 2020 ● 26 DEC 2020 ● 01 JAN 20201 ● 02 APR 2021 Good Friday ● 05 APR 2021 Easter Monday ● 03 MAY 2021 ● 31 MAY 2021 ● 30 AUG 2021 Teacher / Assessor / Trainer/ ASL Steve Simmonds/David Connor Study Programme / Unit / Module Gateway L2 Diploma in Skills for Music & Music Technology/Skills for Independent Enquirers Number of delivery weeks 15 (Term 1) Staff Development / Moderation days. ● 23 OCT ● 21 – 24 DEC ● 12 FEB ● 28 JUN -02 JUL Apprentices Apprentices will have a probationary review meeting in class after their first 6 weeks. 1. Be able to plan research 2. Be able to carry out research 3. Be able to present findings of research Google Classroom link: Google Classroom ID: pm2jdja Google Meet link: Last updated August 2020 1 Scheme of Learning 2020/2021 W Date E Week E commen cing K Signposting to wider skills development: Topic ASSIGNMENT Hand out and in dates (if applicable) Learning and Teaching activity UNIT DELIVERED REMOTELY IN FULL Remote Face to Face Method of Assessment Career, Employability, E&D, E&M Any special equipment/ Calenda r and Events informa tion resources 1 Tuesday 01 Sep 20 2 07 SEP 20 SU Elections Induction Week NA Y Y NA ● Presentation from CL ● Health & Safety talk from CL ● COVID Guidance and Campus requirements ● Small Group Workshops with CL ensuring access to online platforms & college systems ● Enrolment and ID distribution 3 14 SEP 20 Unit Introduction Last updated August 2020 Introduce learners to the criteria and outcomes of the unit. Google Classroom task to upload for tutor feedback. 2 Development of research skills allows the development of transferable skills to use Karaoke Scheme of Learning 2020/2021 and Initial Assessment Explain and provide clarity on the initial assessment process. in future endeavours including; time management, communicating information, presenting information, taking initiative, lateral thinking and problem solving. TASK: Learners to generate a minimum of 3 possible topics for research which generate questions that they could use as part of their IA proposal. Links to outcome 1.1 4 21 SEP 20 How to write a research proposal What questions should I ask? Using feedback provided by the lecturer - narrow down a research topic and generate a minimum of 3 questions that could be used. Y Google Form used to generate the basis of a research proposal. TASK: Complete the Google form exercise based on feedback from the lecturer on questions in preparation for writing a proposal. Links to outcome 1.1 and 1.2 5 28 SEP 20 Initial Assessment due in - 500 word research proposal Last updated August 2020 Learners take the feedback on questions and research possibilities to generate a final proposal to take forwards into the project. Y Submit IA via Google Classroom for feedback and marking. 3 Development of research skills allows the development of transferable skills to use in future endeavours including; time management, communicating information, presenting information, taking initiative, lateral thinking and problem solving. Student Union and Class Rep nomination s Meeting deadlines SU Elections and Class Rep Elections Development of research skills allows the development of transferable skills to use in future endeavours including; time management, communicating information, presenting information, taking initiative, lateral 24 Sept Internationa l Day of Peace 3 October National Poetry Day Scheme of Learning 2020/2021 thinking and problem solving. 6 05 OCT 20 Identify potential sources information, including facts and opinions Learners investigate sources of information: ● ● Research Skills Development of awareness of reliable sources of information transferable to all other units and assignments using correct terms in search engines difference between facts and opinions/when to sue them TASK: Learners compile a list of trusted sites for their subject area 12 OCT 20 Use sources of information to explore topics from different perspectives Assignment 1 due out. Black History Month 10 October World Mental Health Day MH Student Voice Group Links to outcome 1.2 7 Dyslexia Awareness Week Karaoke Learners use their research question to find arguments for and against their topic. Class Rep Training Student Union Training TASK: Learners carry out further research on their chosen topic to create evidence for their research portfolio Links to outcome 2.1 8 19 OCT 20 Assess relevance and reliability of information sources Last updated August 2020 What is a reliable source? Tutor-led presentation on the various sources of information - books, websites, newspapers/magazines, reviews etc. Research Skills Development of awareness of reliable sources of information transferable to all other units and assignments Links to outcome 2.2 4 Learner Voice Class Forums Scheme of Learning 2020/2021 TASK: Learners search for two pieces of information from a reliable source. FRIDAY 23 OCT 20 – STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY 26 – 30 OCT 20 – CATCH UP WEEK 9 1 0 02 NOV 20 09 NOV 20 Analyse and evaluate evidence found Learners use results of research task to evaluate the usefulness of the information they have found. Provide conclusions, based on research evidence Learners begin to edit/compile results of research into their chosen topic to create their final portfolio submission Analytical skills Higher level learning skills for learners who want to progress to study at Level 3 Links to outcome 2.3 Learner Voice Faculty Forums and Parliament Voting 11 Nov Remembran ce Day 13 Nov PRC UCAS Deadline AntiBullying and Inter Faith Week Karaoke Well-Being Event – Be Healthy, green and safe Internationa l Day of persons with disabilities Links to outcome 3.1 11 16 NOV 20 Assignment 1 due in. 1 2 23 NOV 20 1 3 30 NOV 20 Karaoke 1 4 07 DEC 20 Drink Aware Activities 1 5 14 DEC 20 Last updated August 2020 5 Scheme of Learning 2020/2021 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY 21 – 24 DEC 20 – STAFF IN 25 DEC 20 – 01 JAN 21 - COLLEGE CLOSED 04 JAN 21 - STAFF & STUDENTS RETURN 1 6 04 JAN 21 1 7 11 JAN 21 UCAS Deadline 1 8 18 JAN 21 Learner Voice Class Forums Karaoke Internationa l Holocaust Memorial Day 1 9 25 JAN 21 Diversity Week 2 0 01 FEB 21 Learner Voice Faculty Forums Parliament Meeting SLT Questions LGBT+ History month E Safety 2 1 08 FEB 21 12 FEB 21 – STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY 15 – 19 FEB 21 – CATCH UP WEEK Last updated August 2020 6 Scheme of Learning 2020/2021 2 2 22 FEB 21 Karaoke 2 3 01 MAR 21 Well being event 4 March (Time to care for yourself and others) 5 Mar World Book Day Apprentices hip and Aspirations Week 2 4 Youth Team Cross College Sports Competitio n 08 MAR 21 National No Smoking Day 2 5 15 MAR 21 2 6 22 MAR 21 Karaoke EASTER BREAK 28 MAR -09 APR 21 2 7 12 APR 21 2 8 19 APR 21 MH Awareness Week Karaoke Last updated August 2020 7 Scheme of Learning 2020/2021 2 9 Learner Voice Faculty Class Forums 26 APR 21 3 MAY – BANK HOLIDAY 3 0 Learner Voice Faculty Forums SLT Questions Tuesday 04 MAY 21 Learner Voice Student Conference 3 1 10 MAY 21 Exam Destress 3 2 17 MAY 21 Karaoke 3 3 24 MAY 21 31 MAY – BANK HOLIDAY 01 – 04 JUNE 21 – CATCH UP WEEK Last updated August 2020 8 Scheme of Learning 2020/2021 3 4 07 JUN 20 3 5 14 JUN 20 3 6 Student Union Elections for 21/22 21 JUN 20 Last updated August 2020 9 (Optional) Record of Work & Evaluation Wk. Date (week commenci ng) Session Last updated August 2020 Work covered Evaluation 10