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Mechanical Engineering Technical Report: Safety & Maintenance

Vaal University of Technology
Inspiring thoughts. Shaping talents
Engineering & Technology
Mechanical Engineering Department
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: 24 JUNE 2022
: DECEMBER 2021 - JUNE 2022
: CHRISTIAN NISSEN (Mechanical Engineer, MEM)
: RYAN SMITH (Mechanical Engineer, BEng)
I MATIMU MABUNDA solemnly declare that this report is the outcome of my own efforts and is to be submitted to
Vaal University of Technology as partial fulfilment of a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. I also declare that this
Report has not been previously submitted to Vaal University of technology.
Table of content
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Background ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Safety precautions in a workplace .................................................................................................................................... 2
Prevents slipping, tripping and falling............................................................................................................................... 4
ERGONOMICS: MOVING, STORAGE AND HEAVY CUSTODIAL .......................................................................................... 5
Material Handling ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Pushing and Pulling ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Moving .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Placing or Depositing the Load ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Tools & Equipment........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Basic Hand Skills ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
General Safety Tips for Hand and Power Tools ............................................................................................................ 6
Hand tools ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Wrenches or spanners .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Pliers .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Saws .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Hammers ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Knives and sharp cutting tools .................................................................................................................................. 9
Files ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Screw drivers ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Vernier callipers ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Micrometre ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Safety Tips for Electric Power Tools ............................................................................................................................ 11
Hand Grinder (Electrical)............................................................................................................................................. 11
Hand drill (electrical) ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Safety Tips for Pneumatic Tools .................................................................................................................................. 12
Lathe Machine ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Safety precautions ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Parts of a Lathe Machine ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Bearings........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Bearing lubrication ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Types of bearings ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
Thrust bearing ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Rolling element bearing .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Flange Bearing ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Fault finding .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Benefits of Planned maintenance ............................................................................................................................... 16
Courses of Failure........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Types of Maintenance................................................................................................................................................. 17
Preventive maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Predictive maintenance .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Welding ........................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Welding Safety Guidelines .......................................................................................................................................... 17
MIG Welding ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
Advantages of MIG Welding ................................................................................................................................... 19
........................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Soldering ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Soldering Iron Safety ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Metal Cutting Band saw Safety ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Cutting process: .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Rockwell Hardness Tester ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Safety Precautions associated with Hardness tester .................................................................................................. 21
Overhead Crane .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Safety Tips for Overhead Crane Operation ................................................................................................................. 22
........................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Pumps and Motors .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Gear box .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Mechanical systems ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
V-belt ........................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Chain drives ................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Breaking systems ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Shaft keys ........................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Misalignment .................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Effects of Misalignment .............................................................................................................................................. 28
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Table of Figures
Figure 1: MSP ROCPROP ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Figure 2:MSP ROCKPROP .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Figure 3: Wash hands sign ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Figure 4: Socket Spanner .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 5: Spanners............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 6: Pliers ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 7:Hack Saw ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 8: hammer .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 9: Knive................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 10:Files ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 11:Screwdrivers...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 12: Vanier Clippers ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 13: Micrometers................................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 14: Grinder ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 15: Power drill ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 16: Cordless drill................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 17: Lathe Machine ............................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 18: Thrust Bearing ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 19: Ball Bearing .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 20: Flange Bearing................................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 21: Oxy-Acetylen Welding .................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 22: Cone Setting tool............................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 23: soldering equipment ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 24: Metal Bend saw............................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 25: Daito Metal Bend saw .................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 26: Hardness tester .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 27: Cranes in MSP Factory ................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 28: Letter of Competency ....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 29: Certificate of competency................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 30: Motors and Pumps connected ....................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 31: Gearbox .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 32: V-Belt drive..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 33: Chain Drive ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 34: Key Way ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my supervisor and manager Ryan Smith and Christian Nissen
for their continued commitment and patience in helping me throughout my training and allowing me access to Mine
Support Products equipment and resources to ensure success to my training. I would also like to extend my gratitude
to my colleague Frances Langa for the assistance throughout the training.
Mine Support Products (MSP) is a manufacturer of underground support systems for the mining industry. The
company has been developing and manufacturing products for deep-level mining clients for decades.
MSP specialises in supplying deep-level gold, platinum and coal mines from its facility in Duncanville, South Africa. Its
lead product is a roof-support system that is exported all over the world, including to Africa, Australia, the UK and
the US. Mine Support Products’ flagship product is Rocprop, an all-steel elongated support system designed to
maintain load-bearing characteristics in both static and dynamic load conditions.
The Rocprop is a steel elongate roof support that was originally designed for deep level gold mines for use in tubular
ore bodies with mining widths of up to 6m. Available in 20 and 40 ton variants it is an all-steel elongated support
system with predictable and repeated performance thereby catering for static and dynamic load conditions and
ensuring availability of the excavation for its life span.
Under static load conditions it sustains constant loadbearing characteristics during blasting and maintains the
integrity of the hanging roof during closure. In both static
conditions and in seismically active mines it provides a
constant resistance to prevent fall of ground.
This paper gives full details of my experience at Mine Support Products since the commencement of my training on
the 22nd of November 2021. This forms part in the fulfilment of my Vaal University of Technology Diploma
qualification in Mechanical Engineering.
Safety precautions in a workplace
Occupational hazards have always existed, but they became especially pronounced with the rise of modern factories,
mines, and foundries in the 19th century. Industries such as mining, in which heavy equipment is used, are
associated with a high risk for severe injury. Accidents occur as a result of ignorance and disregard for Rules and
Regulations set in place to protect employees, it is highly recommended to always adhere to OHS Act and Company
Rules and Regulations.
Below are some of the safety precautions set in place to ensure safety in the workplace.
The factory is not the place for horseplay, it is forbidden to engage
in any practical jokes, or silly tricks inside the premises of
Employees are encouraged to always wash their hands using
suitable hand cleaners and warm water before meals, before and after
going to the toilet, and at the end of each shift.
Dry your hands carefully on the clean towels or driers provided
don’t wipe them on old rags
Figure 3: Wash hands sign
Mine Support Products is a company that is in
compliance with the OHS Acts and believes in
good housekeeping to ensure the safety of the
employees and clients, some of the rules set in
place are:
Never to throw rubbish on the floor
Keep gangways and work area free of
metal bars, components, etc.
If oil or grease is spilled, wipe it up
immediately or someone might slip and
Never put oily rags in overall or trouser
Figure 4: MSP Factory
Moving about
Always walk – never run
Keep to gangways – never take shortcuts
Look out for and obey warning notices and safety signs
Never ride on a vehicle not made to carry passengers, e.g. fork-lift trucks. Personal protective equipment
Use all personal protective clothing and equipment, such as ear and eye protectors, dust masks, overalls,
gloves, safety shoes and safety helmets
Get replacements if damaged or worn.
Ensure you know how to stop a machine before you set it in motion
Keep your concentration while the machine is in motion
Never leave your machine unattended while it is in motion
Take care not to distract other machine operators
Never clean a machine while it is in motion – always isolate it from the power supply first
Never clean swarf away with your bare hands – always use a suitable rake
Keep your hair short or under a cap or hairnet – it can become tangled in drills or rotating shafts
Avoid loose clothing – wear a snug-fitting boiler suit, done up, and ensure that any neckwear is tucked in and
Do not wear rings, chains, or watches at work – they have caused serious injury when caught accidentally on
Make sure you understand all instructions before using electrical equipment
Do not use electrical equipment for any purpose other than, nor in the area other than the intended one
Always switch off or isolate before connecting or disconnecting any electrical equipment. Compressed air
Only use compressed air if allowed to do so
Never use compressed air to clean a machine – it may blow in your face or someone else’s and cause an
A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to
extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. It is
not intended for use on an out-of-control as doing so maybe
dangerous since the smoke will be all over the place
Know the location of fire extinguishers
Know the correct fire drill.
Maintain a safe distance when extinguishing the flames.
Put them on areas where fire is most likely to happen making them
Figure 5: Fire extinguisher
Prevents slipping, tripping and falling
Sliding, tripping, or falling can result in serious injury or death. It is important to understand how slips, trips and falls
occur, how to recognize dangers, and how to eliminate or minimize dangers.
Slip occurs due to friction or lack of traction between a person's shoes and the tread. The most common causes of
workplace slippage are:
Weather-related dangers
Wet or oily surface
Loose carpet or mat
Stumbles occur when a person's balance is lost due to a foot hitting or hitting an object. The common reasons for
commuting are:
Floor obstacles and clutter
Inadequate lighting
Irregular or irregular running surface
Objects on the floor
Fall can be caused by slipping or tripping when a person's centre of gravity moves and becomes unbalanced. In
addition to slipping and tripping, there are other causes of falls at work.
Visually impaired (e.g. carrying large objects)
not paying attention to the surroundings
Not using proper equipment (e.g., standing on a chair, table, or other surface with wheels)
Follow these tips to prevent slipping, tripping, and tipping
Post a warning sign in wet floor areas (including newly wiped floors).
Wear shoes with good grip and non-slip soles.
Eliminate the danger of tripping on sidewalks, doors and stairs. Keep drawer and cupboard doors closed as
much as possible.
Store frequently used items in an easily accessible location. Get a step stool to access items that are too
expensive to reach when standing on the ground.
Use handrails when going up and down stairs.
Use carts to transport large items.
If possible, walk the specified trail.
Ensure proper lighting.
Slow down when approaching corners, intersections, or changing walking surfaces.
Wear shoes or boots with soles that provide extra traction
Preventive Measures and Controls
Material Handling
Test the load to determine if it is light enough to lift prior to lifting.
Plan your route before lifting and carrying the load.
Instead of carrying one heavy load, separate it into smaller, lighter packages and make multiple trips.
Use a cart or trolley or ask a co-worker for assistance.
Place or store heavy items at mid-body height to make retrieval easier.
Do not lift objects that are slippery, extremely hot or unevenly balanced.
Make sure you can fit through narrow spaces and that your fingers are out of the way when you set the
object down.
Keep your arms and the load as close to your body as possible.
Bend with your knees and let your legs and hips do most of the work.
Do not arch your back.
Use small steps when walking with a heavy load.
Do not use fast or jerky movements when lifting, especially when lifting heavy objects.
Regardless of the weight of an object, use proper lifting techniques to avoid injury. Injuries may result even
when lifting light objects if done incorrectly or frequently over long durations.
Pushing and Pulling
Always use two hands when pushing or pulling. Do not pull with one arm extended behind your body.
Ensure that good visibility is possible without awkward motions such as twisting or stretching. If your vision
is blocked when pushing a cart from the back, move to the front corner of the cart to push.
Keep your upper arms against your rib cage with your elbows in. Keep your hands at or slightly above waist
level. Keep your feet shoulder width apart.
Bend your knees slightly and move the load by shifting your weight. For example, with one leg in front of the
other, bend your knees and move the load by shifting your weight from your back leg to your front leg.
It is better to push than pull a load. Pushing generally takes less effort than pulling because your body weight
is used to assist the exertion. Pulling a load often causes carts to run into the shins or ankles
Know your route prior to beginning the lift and move of the load.
Ensure that that the path to your end location is free of obstacles and debris.
Set barriers to prevent people from coming close to or beneath supported or moving loads.
Move objects when traffic in these areas are at a minimum.
Take breaks when walking long distances with heavy loads to allow your body time to rest.
Avoid sudden, quick movements.
Placing or Depositing the Load
Keep your body in a neutral posture to help avoid injury while placing or depositing a load.
Keep a wide stance with one foot in front of one another.
Keep the load close to your body.
Bend at your knees when starting to place the load.
Keep the object tilted when close to the ground to allow for easy finger removal from underneath the box or
Avoid sudden movement and jerking motions at all times.
Whenever possible leave enough space to allow the equipment to slide in easily. Trying to fit a piece of
equipment into a tight space can lead to hand injuries.
Tools & Equipment
There are many different mechanical aids that can be used to assist with heavy material moving. Wheeled
Equipment aids will help minimize the force needed to move a heavy object. The amount of force required to Move
loads with wheeled equipment depends on several factors listed below:
The weight and shape of the load.
The type and condition of floor surfaces. A carpeted floor will require more force than a smooth surfaced
hard floor like cement.
The type, size and wheel construction will make a difference in how much force is required to push or pull
the cart.
Straps can be used to keep the load from shifting from one side to the other. Properly installed straps can
prevent injury and property damage.
Know the limitations of this equipment and call Environmental Health and Safety for assistance with
purchasing new equipment or tools.
Basic Hand Skills
General Safety Tips for Hand and Power Tools
Check the tool regularly according to the manufacturer's instructions before use. Stop service and mark
damaged tools.
Select and use the appropriate tool for your task. Do not use the tool for any purpose other than the
manufacturer's intended purpose.
Make sure the tool meets all protection and safety standards. Do not bypass the guard or use tools that have
broken or missing guards.
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Eye protection is essential. Additional PPE may be
required after evaluation. Please contact EHS for assistance.
Secure the workpiece so that it does not move and keep parts of your body away from the work area.
Keep tools and work areas clean. Make sure the floor is dry and clean to avoid tripping or slipping when
using or working near the tool. Do not work with oily or greasy hands / tools. Make sure that the walking
work surface is stable.
Make sure the task has enough disk space. Watch out for bystanders and make sure they are away from the
operation. Workers carrying large tools or equipment on their shoulders should pay close attention to
clearance when traveling or manipulating the worksite. If necessary, use screens / barriers to protect
Do not leave the tool on a raised surface that may endanger personnel below, such as a ladder or
When climbing up and down the ladder, use a hoist or a suitable tool bag to carry the tools. Never carry
tools that interfere with the safe use of the ladder.
Be careful when handing tools to other workers. Do not throw the tool. Pointed tools must be handed to the
recipient in a protective carrying case or handle.
Avoid carrying sharp tools such as fleas, knives, and screwdrivers in your pocket. Acceptable ways to carry
them include a hand that faces down with a toolbox, toolbelt or pouch, or always keeps the tip away from
the body.
Store tools and equipment in a safe place. Do not leave the tool alone. Leaving the tool on the elevated
structure for a short period of time poses a significant risk to the workers below. This risk increases in areas
where the level of vibration is high. Returns the tool to the specified storage location at the end and / or end
of the shift.
Hand tools
Wrenches or spanners
Due to the high amount of torque needed when using wrenches in industrial settings, hand injuries are common.
Follow these safety tips to prevent hand injuries when using wrenches.
Only use quality wrenches-good wrenches
will not only last you longer but will not slip
as easily as cheaper ones. They will save you
money over the long haul and provide you
better use and safety.
Match your wrench size to the job-You will
achieve the best leverage when your wrench
size and length is appropriate for your job.
Make sure you achieve complete contact
and know which way it needs to be turned
before turning.
Always pull, never push-Position your body
so that you are pulling to turn the wrench
instead of pushing. This will save your
knuckles when the wrench slips.
Keep wrenches clean-Make sure your
wrenches are always clean and dry before
using. Make sure they are free from oil to
avoid serious injury from slipping.
Never strike a wrench with a hammer-You
will risk damaging your wrench if you hit it
with a hammer for more power unless it is
specifically designed to be hit. Find another
way to loosen it.
Figure 6: Socket Spanner
Figure 7: Spanners
Do not attempt to add leverage with other objects-Adding leverage by extending the length of your wrench
with a pipe or other object may seem like a smart technique. However, you risk bending your wrench handle
or damaging the head.
Never use a damaged wrench-If a wrench handle or jaws are bent, it is weakened and shouldn’t be used.
Also, do not try to bend it back into shape as this will only weaken it further.
Pliers may be used for gripping and cutting
operations, but they are not a substitute for a
spanner. Don't use pliers to turn nuts or bolts.
Replace adjustable pliers if the jaws slip or bind
Replace pliers if the jaw grooves are worn too
much for an effective grip.
Figure 8: Pliers
The work piece should be securely held in a vice
or other firm support
During the cutting process, apply downward
force only on the forward cut not when drawing
As the cut approaches completion, reduce the
force applied to the saw to avoid breaking
through the material and injuring hand.
Figure 9:Hack Saw
Use pliers to hold small nails
Choose the correct size hammer for the job
Never hit hammer faces together.
Never ask other people to hold things you
are hitting unless using tongs or a chisel
Keep clean and free from oil, glue or debris
which might cause the handle to slip or the
face to glance from the object being struck.
Make sure the head is wedged securely and
that the head and handle are not chipped or
broken. Grasp handle firmly near the end
and keep your eye on the point to be struck.
Don't use a screwdriver, spanner, or other
tool as a hammer as this will damage the
Figure 10: hammer
Knives and sharp cutting tools
Use a knife only for the correct purpose.
Always keep hands behind the cutting
Never cut towards yourself, always cut
away from your body.
Always pass knives to others handle first.
Never run with knives or push/shove
people around using knives.
Ensure knives are kept sharp - blunt knives
can be dangerous.
To clean, wipe the blade with a cloth
keeping the knife's sharp edge turned away
from the hand
Figure 11: Knive
Do not substitute knives for can openers, screwdrivers.
Replace or sharpen any cutting tool that has lost its correctly angled cutting edge. Only use wire cutters for
cutting light gauge wire or component leads. Do not use to cut sheet metal.
Select the proper file for the work.
Ensure the file used is fitted with a smooth,
crack-free handle.
The correct way to hold a file is to grasp the
handle firmly in one hand and use the thumb
and forefinger of the other to guide the point.
Push the file forward while bearing down on it.
Release the pressure and bring the file back to
its original position.
Don't hammer with a file.
Figure 12:Files
Screw drivers
Select the correct size screwdriver for the job.
Don't carry screw drivers in your pocket.
Pass a screwdriver to another person handle first.
Do not use screwdrivers as levers, chisels, or scrapers.
Don’t hold the work piece in the palm of the hand while
tightening up screws. A slip can result in a serious injury
the blade penetrating the hand or wrist. The work piece
be securely held in a vice or other firm support.
Replace a screwdriver if the tip is chipped, bent, broken, or
rounded off
Figure 13:Screwdrivers
Vernier callipers
The precautions for handling vernier callipers for measuring the dimensions of any object are as follows:
When using the Vernier callipers, clean off
the tool properly to remove any dirt, rust,
or grease to avoid any error during
The object being measured should be held
gently, without much force on the jaws of
the calliper so it won't break while
The scales of the calliper should be moved
slowly and smoothly, and the locking keys
shouldn't be too tight for accurate
Figure 14: Vanier Clippers
It's essential to ensure the anvil is clean before you try to measure anything.
Hold the item you want to measure so that it's squarely between anvils and spindle -- if it's at an angle, you
will not make an accurate measurement.
If you are right-handed, it's best to hold the micrometre in your right hand and the part you want to
measure in your left; if you are left-handed, reverse this orientation.
Figure 15: Micrometres
Safety Tips for Electric Power Tools
Obtain and use the tools listed by the National Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTL).
Make sure there is no risk of tripping on the cable.
Avoid carrying tools with the cord.
Use a tool that has double insulation or a 3-wire cord and is plugged into a grounded outlet.
Inspect, maintain, and operate power tools according to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not use power
tools in wet conditions unless approved for use.
Use an earth-leakage circuit breaker when operating power tools.
Read General Electrical Safety Guidelines.
Hand Grinder (Electrical)
The Wheel - Inspect if it's chipped, broken or
cracked, by doing the sound tip test.
Only qualified or experienced grinder must
operate the grinder.
Never grind with a wheel that is designed for
Mount new wheels to run at full no-load
speed (with the guard in place) for at least
one minute before you use it to grind or cut.
Make sure that the wheel is properly
mounted to proper mounting flanges and
that the outer mounting flange nut is not
over tightened.
Do not force the wheel onto the grinder.
Always use appropriately sized wheels and
DO NOT grind using the side of the wheel.
Figure 16: Grinder
drill (electrical)
Wear safety glasses or a face shield (with safety glasses or goggles).
Keep drill air vents clear to maintain adequate ventilation.
Keep drill bits sharp always.
Keep all cords clear of the cutting area during use. Inspect for frays or damage before each use.
Tighten the chuck securely. Remove chuck key before starting drill.
Secure workpiece being drilled to prevent movement.
Do not use a bent drill bit.
Do not use high speed steel (HSS) bits without cooling or using lubrication.
Do not attempt to free a jammed bit by starting and stopping the drill. Unplug the drill and then remove the
bit from the workpiece.
Figure 17: Cordless drill
Figure 18: Power drill
Safety Tips for Pneumatic Tools
Know the pressure of the air supply, hose rating, and tool rating.
Verify that all components of the tool are secure before applying air.
Avoid pointing a compressed air nozzle at any person.
Ensure pressure is released before breaking hose and/or tool connections.
Use protective screens/barriers to protect bystanders from flying materials.
Use a safety clip or retainer to prevent the attachment from coming off during operation and use a swirl
guard when using high pressure compressed air for cleaning. Limit air nozzle pressure to 30 pounds per
square inch.
Lathe Machine
Safety precautions
All lathe operators must be constantly aware of the safety hazards that are associated with using the lathe and must
know all safety precautions to avoid accidents and injuries. Carelessness and ignorance are two great menaces to
personal safety. Other hazards can be mechanically related to working with the lathe, such as proper machine
maintenance and setup.
Some important safety precautions to follow when using lathes are:
Correct dress is important, remove rings and watches, and roll sleeves above elbows.
Always stop the lathe before adjusting.
Do not change spindle speeds until the lathe comes to a complete stop.
Handle sharp cutters, centres, and drills with care.
Remove chuck keys and wrenches before operating
Always wear protective eye protection.
Handle heavy chucks with care and protect the lathe ways with a block of wood when installing a
Know where the emergency stop is before operating the lathe.
Use pliers or a brush to remove chips and swarf, never your hands.
Never lay tools directly on the lathe ways. If a separate table is not available, use a wide board with a
cleat on each side to lay on the ways.
Never attempt to measure work while it is turning.
Use two hands when sanding the work piece. Do not wrap sandpaper or Emory cloth around the
work piece.
Parts of a Lathe Machine
Head Stock is situated at the left side of lathe
bed, and it is the house of the driving mechanism
and electrical mechanism of a Lathe machine
It holds the job on its spindle nose having
external screw threads and internally
Morse taper for holding lathe centre.
And it is rotating at a different speed by
cone pulley or all geared drive. There is a
hole throughout spindle for handling
long bar work.
Head Stock transmit power from the
spindle to the feed rod, lead screw and
thread cutting mechanism.
Figure 19: Lathe Machine
It is the base of the lathe machine. It is made of single piece casting of Semi-steel (Chilled Cast Iron). The bed consists
of two heavy metal slides running lengthwise, with ways or ‘V’ formed upon them and rigidly supported with cross
It is sufficiently rigid and good damping capacity to absorb vibration.
It prevents the deflection produced by the cutting forces.
It supports the headstock, tailstock, carriage, and other components of lathe machine
Tail Stock is situated at the right side above the lathe bed. It is used for:
Support the long end of the job for holding and minimizes its sagging.
It holds the tool for performing different operations like drilling, reaming, tapping, etc.
it is also used for a small amount of taper for a long job by offsetting the tailstock.
The carriage is used for support, guide and feed the tool against the job when the machining is done.
It holds moves and controls the cutting tool.
It gives the rigid supports to the tool during operations.
It transfers power from feed rod to cutting tool through apron mechanism for longitudinal cross-feeding.
It simplifies the thread cutting operation with the help of lead screw and half nut mechanism.
Generally, it is made up of ‘H’ shaped casting and it has ‘V’ guide and a flat guide for mounting it on the lathe bed
It is assembled on the top of the saddle. The top surface of the cross-slide is provided with T-slot.
Compound rest
It supports the tool post and cutting tool in its various positions. It can be swivelled at any desired position in the
horizontal plane. It is necessary for turning angles and boring short tapers.
Tool post
It is the topmost portion of the carriage and it is used to hold various cutting tools or tool holder.
An apron is a house of the feed mechanism. It is fastened to the saddle and hangover in front of the bed.
Lead Screw
A lead screw is also known as a power screw or translation screw. It converts rotational motion to linear motion.
Lead Screw is used for Thread Cutting operation in a lathe machine tool.
Feed rod
Feed rod is used to move the carriage from left side to right side and from the right side to left side
Chuck is used to holding the work piece securely.
There are generally 2 types of chucks:
3 jaw self-cantering chuck
4 jaw independent chuck
Main spindle
The spindle is a hollow cylindrical shaft in which long jobs can pass through it.
It is designed so well that the thrust of the cutting tool does not deflect the spindle.
Legs are carrying an entire load of a lathe machine tool and transfer to the ground. The legs are firmly secured to the
floor by the foundation bolt.
A bearing is a machine element that constrains relative motion to only the desired motion and reduces friction
between moving parts. The design of the bearing may, for example, provide for free linear movement of the moving
part or for free rotation around a fixed axis; or it may prevent a motion by controlling the vectors of normal forces
that bear on the moving parts. Most bearings facilitate the desired motion by minimizing friction. Bearings are
classified broadly according to the type of operation, the motions allowed, or to the directions of the loads (forces)
applied to the parts
Bearing lubrication
Bearing lubrication is vital for preserving the performance and lifespan of rolling element bearings. Lubrication helps
separate moving parts relative to one another, such as rollers and raceways or balls, to prevent wear and tear and
Bearing lubrication serves several functions to keep bearings performing their best such as:
Protecting surfaces from corrosion
Sealing against contaminants
Creating a barrier between rolling contact & sliding surfaces
Providing heat transference
Types of bearings
Some of the bearing found at Mine Support Products include:
Thrust bearing
A thrust bearing is a particular type of rotary
bearing. Like other bearings they permanently
rotate between parts, but they are designed to
support a predominantly axial load
Figure 20: Thrust Bearing
Rolling element bearing
This is a bearing which carries a load by
placing rolling elements (such as balls or
rollers) between two concentric, grooved
rings called races. The relative motion of the
races causes the rolling elements to roll with
very little rolling resistance and with little
Figure 21: Ball Bearing
Flange Bearing
Flange bearings consist of a cylindrical body with a
flange at one end. These bearings can support
radial loads as well as light axial loads due to the
flange providing a thrust surface.
Figure 22: Flange Bearing
Fault finding
At Mine Support Products company machines are regularly examined to prevent breakdowns and eventually down
time, by conducting planned maintenance on our machines, breakdowns are easily prevented.
Benefits of Planned maintenance
o Eliminate unnecessary maintenance
o Reduce rework costs
o Reduce lost production caused by failures
o Reduce repair parts inventory
o Increase process efficiency
o Improve product quality
o Extend the operating life of plant systems
o Increase production capacity
o Reduce overall maintenance costs
o Increase overall profit
Courses of Failure
o Abrasion
o Age deterioration
o Friction
o Shock
o Contamination
o Corrosion
o Fatigue
o Stress
o Temperature extremes
o Vibration
o Wear.
Types of Maintenance
There are different types of maintenance in a workplace, the frequently performed maintenance at Mine Support
Products includes:
Preventive maintenance
This is aimed at catching and fixing problems before they happen. It is most carried out in the form of regular
inspections. This is performed regularly to ensure that the machines run smoothly and last long.
Predictive maintenance
This is where machines are constantly observed via sensor devices. These devices are attached to components of
the system and feed constant, real-time data to software. The software then interprets this data and warns
maintenance technicians of approaching danger.
Welding Safety Guidelines
Here are some of the safety precautions followed in the factory
As Mine Support Products is a Manufacturing company, Welding is one of the most important thing in our
factory, it is important that one understands ways to safely use welding machines Never weld in the same
area where degreasing or other cleaning
operations are performed.
Keep suitable fire extinguishing equipment nearby and know how to operate it.
Shut off the cylinder valves when the job is completed, release pressure from the regulators by opening the
torch valves momentarily, and back out regulator adjusting valves. Never leave the torch unattended with
pressure in the hoses.
Check the ventilation system before starting to weld and periodically thereafter to insure adequate
performance. Welding fumes should not be allowed to get into the rest of the shop working areas.
Do not weld on painted, galvanized, or greasy, oily metals. Not only can the fumes be toxic, but the welds
will not be satisfactory and will fail in use
Inspect all welding equipment to be used, prior to each use, for
possible damage.
Avoid handling oxygen bottles with greasy hands, gloves, or rags.
Fatal explosions have resulted from this cause.
Always strap tanks to a welding cart or a fixed object. Never allow
a gas cylinder to be free standing. Replace the safety cap on all
cylinders when not in use.
When welding, make sure work and/or worktable arc is properly
Do not arc weld in a wet area.
Be alert to possible fire hazards. Move the object to be welded to
a safe location, or, remove all flammable materials from the work
Figure 23: Oxy-Acetylene Welding
MIG Welding
The main welding used at Mine Support Products is Metal Inert Gas (MIG)
This type of welding is basically an arc welding process that joins two metals. This is done by heating the metals with
the help of an arc. This arc is formed between the surface to be welled and a continuously fed filler electrode. This
type of welding uses a shielding gas to protect the molten pool of weld metal from reacting with elements present in
the atmosphere. MIG welding requires a DCEP (Direct Current Positive Electrode), also known as Reverse Polarity.
MIG welding is often called wire welding because a wire electrode is used in the process.
A wire electrode consists of a thin wire that is continuously fed to the welding machine from a wire reel. The
wire feed may be cored or solid.
A cored wire consists of composites that are formed from a metal sheath with a metal filling or powdered
flux, whereas solid wires are simple wires.
When the trigger of the welding machine is pulled, an arc forms between the end of this wire electrode and
the work piece (the metal that is being worked on). The arc that is formed melts both the work piece and the
wire and forms a weld pool.
The wire serves a dual purpose in the process of MIG welding. It serves as a heat source and filler metal for
the joint – hence the name wire welding.
The wire is continuously fed through a contact tube made of copper (the contact tip), which conducts
current into the wire.
To protect the filler material or the workpiece from reacting with environmental elements, MIG welding uses
a shielding gas. The shielding gas is supplied through a nozzle that surrounds the wire. The selection of the
shielding gas depends on the material that is being welded and what it is being welded for.
MIG welding is referred to as a semi-automatic welding process because the rate at which the wire is fed and the
length of the arc are controlled by a power source, but the speed of travel and the position of the wire are controlled
Advantages of MIG Welding
The use of MIG welding is widespread for all the right reasons – high-quality welds for non-ferrous and ferrous alloys
at a low price.
It is associated with numerous benefits:
It can join many types of materials
It can join materials of different thicknesses
The equipment components are simple, and thus, readily available in the market at very affordable prices
The electrode efficiencies of MIG welding are higher (92-98%) as compared to other types of welding
MIG welding is associated with higher operator factor and welder efficiencies
It can be easily adapted for hard automation, high-speed robotic, and semi-automatic applications
MIG welding comes with the capability of all-position welding
The appearance of weld bead formed from MIG welding is
The hydrogen weld deposit in MIG welding is lower
It requires a lower heat input as compared to other types of
The slag and weld spatter are kept at a minimum in MIG
welding, which makes the cleaning of the weld easy and
Less amount of welding fumes is produced in MIG welding
which makes it safer for welders
The cost of weld metal/ length deposited is lower making
MIG welding a cost-effective welding process
The skill level needed for MIG welding is lower than what’s
needed for other types of welding, making it suitable for
The welding wire in MIG welding runs continuously with
lesser downtime for electrodes replacement
MIG welding is excellent for tack and spot welds
Figure 24: Cone Setting tool
Soldering is the process of combining two base metals via a filler solder metal with a lower melting point. In this
process, the metals being joined are heated to the soldering temperature but do not become liquid, only the solder
Soldering Iron Safety
o Never touch the element or tip of the soldering iron. It is very hot (about 400°C) and will burn.
o Hold wires to be heated with tweezers, pliers, or clamps to avoid receiving burns from objects that
are heated.
o Keep the cleaning sponge wet during use.
To the extent possible, conduct soldering
on a solid, level surface and always return
the soldering iron to its stand when not in
use. Never put it down on your
workbench. Be sure the iron is secure in its
stand so it cannot inadvertently dislodge
onto the work surface.
Turn unit off or unplug the iron when not
in use. Soldering stations that feature an
automatic shut off not only extend the life
of tip, iron, and station, but provide an
additional measure of fire safety
Figure 25: soldering equipment
Metal Cutting Band saw Safety
Horizontal band saws utilize a thin metal “ribbon like” loop with hardened teeth moving in a generally horizontal
plane to cut metallic objects. The moving blade sweeps an arc thru a fixed cutting plane to produce repeatable fixed
angle cuts. Only straight cuts at a fixed angle can be made on the horizontal band saw. An integral vice is always used
to clamp the work piece in position for crosscut of material. A hydraulic valve controls the cutting pressure and thus
the effective cutting rate of the saw.
Wear safety glasses when operating the metal
cutting bandsaw.
Never wear loose clothing, or jewellery when
operating the metal cutting bandsaw.
Always keep the blade cover in place.
Disconnect the electrical power when servicing
the saw or replacing blades.
Never adjust the metal cutting bandsaw while it
is in operation.
Use a support when cutting heavy or long stock.
Clamp metal securely before sawing.
Keep the floor free of coolant-water and metal.
Never leave the saw unattended while in
Figure 26: Metal Bend saw
Cutting process:
Locate work piece on saw and secure it with
the vice and any necessary
Turn on the band saw and listen for unusual
and unsteady sounds. If clicking or ticking is
heard, shut down the saw and seek
Turn on and adjust the cutting oil flow if
Adjust the cutting head lowering speed.
Let the blade reach full speed before
attempting the cut.
Allow blade to come to a complete stop
before releasing the vice and prior to
adjusting/advancing work piece.
Figure 27: Daito Metal Bend saw
Rockwell Hardness Tester
Hardness is one of the important characteristics which indicate the mechanic performance of material, while the
hardness testing is an important method to judge the quality of the metal material or its component parts. Due to
the hardness of the metal is correspondent to its mechanic characteristics, and so its mechanic characteristics such
as the strength, tiredness, wriggling and wearing out can be calculated out approximately through its hardness
At Mine Support Products, we use the Hardness tester to test the hardness of the cones for the rock props when
testing their quality
Safety Precautions associated with Hardness tester
Carefully read the USAGE Instruction Manual before you use the
present instrument and get to know thoroughly the operation
procedure and the usage precautions to avoid the damages to the
instrument and the safety accidents caused by the improper
All the bands and the anti-shock tapes should be carefully removed
before the instrument is installed and calibrated.
The single-phase 3-pin socket should be used for the power source
and the ground connecting cable should meet the safety
It is strictly prohibited to dismount and alternate without permission
all the electric component parts, switches and sockets of the
instrument, as well as their fixed position; otherwise, the instrument
may be caused accidents.
Figure 28: Hardness tester
It is to be avoided to turn the Load-Change Hand Wheel or the Rotating Wheel during the loading and
unloading operations and the dwell time of the test force.
Our company tries to improve the quality of the hardness testers and renew their structure. In case the
contents in the USAGE Instruction Manual are a bit different with the actual structure of the instrument, it is
hoped and apologized for the fact that the further notice will not be given.
Overhead Crane
Figure 29: Cranes in MSP Factory
One of the most important machines at MSP factories are cranes as here heavy products that cannot be carried with
human strength. There are 8 cranes in total operating at the factory, it is crucial to understand the safety of a crane
before and when using it.
Safety Tips for Overhead Crane Operation
Before use, ensure the crane is suitable for the planned hoisting task. Confirm it has appropriate travel, lift,
and capacity.
Visually and physically inspect the crane before use. Check for damage, wear, and proper operation of all
Confirm the load weight. Check the capacity of all equipment including the hardware, rope, and slings. Do
not exceed these capacities.
Select the right sling for each lift. Inspect slings and other rigging hardware before use for wear, stretch, or
other damage. Do not use damaged or defective slings. Use softeners around sharp corners. Do not splice
broken slings.
Warn all people in the load lift area before starting the lift. Ensure that the path of the load is clear of
persons and obstructions. Do not lift loads over anyone. Centre the crane hoist over the load before hoisting
to prevent swinging of the load.
Slide the sling fully onto the hoisting hook and ensure the safety latch is closed. Do not load the hook tip or
hammer a sling into place.
Secure unused sling legs. Do not drag slings or leave loose materials on a load being hoisted.
Keep hands and fingers from being trapped when slack is taken out of a sling. Step away before the lift is
Move the load and controls smoothly. Minimize load swing.
Walk ahead of the load during travel and warn people to keep clear. Use a tagline to prevent rotation or
other uncontrolled motion. Raise the load only as high as necessary to clear objects. Do not ride on the hook
or load.
Set loads down on blocking, never directly on a sling. Do not pull or push loads out from under the hoist.
Do not leave the load (or the crane) unattended while the load is suspended.
Where crane operation by other personnel must be restricted, employ lockout and tagging procedures.
Store slings off the floor in a clean, dry location on hooks or racks. Do not leave slings, accessories, or
blocking lying on the floor.
I was fortunate enough to be trained for Crane operation and be presented with a certificate and licence proving my
competence :
Pumps and Motors
A pump is a device that moves fluids (liquids or gases) by mechanical action, typically converted from electrical
energy into hydraulic energy. Pumps can be classified into three major groups according to the method they use to
move the fluid:
direct lift
Gravity pumps.
Pumps operate by some mechanism (typically reciprocating or rotary) and consume energy to perform mechanical
work moving the fluid. Pumps operate via many energy sources, including manual operation, electricity, engines, or
wind power, and come in many sizes, from microscopic for use in medical applications, to large industrial pumps.
An electric motor is an electrical machine that
converts electrical energy into mechanical
energy. Most electric motors operate through
the interaction between the motor's magnetic
field and electric current in a wire winding to
generate force in the form of torque applied on
the motor's shaft. An electric generator is
mechanically identical to an electric motor, but
operates with a reversed flow of power,
converting mechanical energy into electrical
Electric motors can be powered by direct
current (DC) sources, such as from batteries, or
rectifiers, or by alternating current (AC)
sources, such as a power grid, inverters or
electrical generators.
Figure 30: Motors and Pumps connected
Gear box
Make regular visual inspections of gearboxes. Look for oil leaks on the input and output shafts, and
discolouration of the paint that might indicate overheating.
Listen to the gearbox too if possible and check for excessive vibration. Some plant operators claim to know
their gearboxes so well they can tell immediately when things aren’t right.
Try to keep them as clean as possible to avoid the potential ingress of contaminants into the unit and aid
visual inspections.
Routine lubrication in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications is essential. Make sure you’re using
the right lubricant with the correct additives for your application and consult the manufacturer or your
distributor if there is any ambiguity.
Monitor the gearbox temperature with an infrared gun and note any sudden changes that will almost
certainly indicate a problem.
Regular vibration analysis is particularly important in a noisy environment that would prevent it being heard.
Monitor vibration of the bearings and internal gears. An increase in vibration is a sure sign of impending
Misalignment would indicate worn bearings or housings.
Check the breathers are of the correct type and are always kept clean and free of debris as much as possible.
Figure 31: Gearbox
Mechanical systems
A mechanical system is a system of elements that interact on mechanical principles. Manages power to accomplish a
task that involves forces and movement. Modern machines are systems consisting of
a power source and actuators that generate forces and movement
a system of mechanisms that shape the actuator input to achieve a specific application of output forces and
a controller with sensors that compare the output to a performance goal and then directs the actuator input,
An interface to an operator consisting of levers, switches, and displays.
V belt is a flexible machine element used to
transmit power between a set of grooved
pulleys or sheaves. They are characterized
as belts having a trapezium cross-section.
V-belts are the most widely used belt
drives since their geometry causes them to
wedge tightly into the groove as the
tension is increased. As the belt wedges
into the groove, friction between the
surface of the belt is increased, allowing
high torques to be transmitted. The
increased friction minimizes the loss of
power through slippage.
Figure 32: V-Belt drive
Chain drives
Chain drives are most used to transmit power between two components that are at a greater distance, but they may
also be used for short distances. They are one of the five most frequently used mechanical power transmission
methods alongside shaft couplings, gear drives, belt drives and lead screws. Each method has several advantages
and disadvantages over others, which means engineers must be careful before making the final selection.
Figure 33: Chain Drive
Breaking systems
Braking system means the combination of parts whose function is progressively to reduce the speed of a moving
vehicle or bring it to a halt, or to keep it stationary if it is already halted
Shaft keys
A Shaft key is a piece of metal used to connect a rotating machine element to the shaft. A shaft key prevents a
relative rotation between the two parts and may enable torque transmission to occur. For a shaft key to function
properly, both the shaft and rotating elements (gear, pulley, and coupling) must have a keyway and a key seat.
One part of the Shaft key fits into a pre-cut slot in the shaft known as a key seat and the other part fits into a slot in
the hub called a keyway. The whole system is called a keyed joint. A keyed joint may allow relative axial movement
between the parts.
Shaft Keys are made of varied types of materials and
come in different shapes and sizes. The most common key
shapes are rectangular or tapered and are typically made of
Types Of Shaft Keys
There are five main types of shaft keys: sunk, saddle, tangent,
round, and spline
Figure 34: Key Way
Sunk Keys
Rectangular & square keys.
Parallel keys.
Gib head keys.
Feather key
Woodruff key.
Saddle keys
Tangent keys
Round/Circular keys
Splines keys
Shat misalignment in machines are a common causes of machine failures. There are numerous courses of
misalignment, which includes:
Relative Movement - Thermal growth, or expansion, can cause one piece of equipment to move
proportionately to another, causing relative movement misalignment.
Strain-Misalignment caused by strain can reoccur after a successful alignment due to the continuous action
of forces caused by strained equipment.
Torsional Movement - The initial high torque caused during start-up can force shafts out of alignment,
causing torsional movement misalignment.
Settling - Over time, foundations or base-plates can settle to lower positions, causing settling misalignment.
The equipment can be realigned, but without addressing the cause of the misalignment, the problem can
Human Error- A mistake in an alignment procedure or not completing an alignment procedure can cause
Mis bored Couplings - Manufacturing defects, creating couplings that are mis bored or otherwise distorted,
can cause mis bored coupling misalignment. This form of misalignment is mostly found on new equipment;
however, damaging a coupling during an alignment will cause similar problems.
Effects of Misalignment
Excessive Vibration – Misalignment is one of the leading causes of equipment vibration. In spite of selfaligning bearings and flexible couplings, it is difficult to align two shafts and their bearings so that no forces
exist that will cause vibration. The significant characteristic of vibration due to misalignment is that it will be
in both the radial and axial directions.
Noise – Like vibration, noise can be detected simply by noticing a change in the equipment sounds during
operation. All running equipment produces a certain normal amount of noise. Only if an operator is familiar
with normal equipment noise will they be able to detect abnormal sounds.
Lost Production – Misalignment can directly affect the lifetime of equipment. With a shortened service life,
equipment will require unplanned maintenance, thereby reducing the time available for production.
Poor Quality of Products – Product quality can suffer directly from equipment misalignment. Misalignment
can cause both the manufacturing process to produce defects and directly damage product.
Higher than Normal Repair Orders – Misalignment-induced failures will increase the amount of unplanned
maintenance, causing more repair orders to be generated.
Increased Inventory of Spare Parts – As the amount of maintenance increases due to misalignment-induced
failures, more spare parts will need to be ordered. This results in increased spending and a larger spare parts
Reduced Profits – As machines fail early and unexpectedly, more money must be spent for maintenance and
spare parts. Coupled with lower production, misalignments can rapidly reduce profitability.
My time at Mine Support Products has provided me with what I consider crucial experience in this Mechanical
engineering career building. The combination of the theoretical lessons at Vaal university of technology and this eye
opening environmental experience at MSP has provided me with a better understanding of the Engineering field.
After so many things that I have learned, I still believe that there are still so many things I’m yet to learn, and I’m
looking forward to learning and grasping as much as I possibly can