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Computational & Financial Mathematics Minor Syllabus

Online Syllabuses and Regulations (4 Years Curriculum)
21/8/2023, 2:04 PM
Enquiry for Major/Minor/Programme Requirements
Minor Title
Minor in Computational & Financial Mathematics
Offered to students 2015-2016
admitted to Year 1 in
The Minor in Computational & Financial Mathematics provides students with fundamental knowledge in
both computational mathematics and financial mathematics. It is specifically designed for students who are
interested in the above subjects and those whose majors require sophisticated mathematical skills. It aims
to nurture quantitative reasoning, logical, analytical and critical thinking, innovative imagination,
meticulous care to work, ability to conceptualize, skills for problem-solving and skills to tackle novel
situations and ill-defined problems. It is particularly useful for solving mathematical problems arising from
computational sciences and financial industry.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this programme, students should be able to:
PLO 1 :understand and describe fundamental concepts in computational and financial mathematics (by
means of coursework, tutorial classes and project-based learning in the curriculum)
PLO 2 :apply mathematical methods and analysis to real life problems (by means of coursework, tutorial
classes and project-based learning in the curriculum)
PLO 3 :communicate and discuss scientific issues related to mathematics (by means of coursework, tutorial
classes and presentation opportunities in the curriculum)
Impermissible Combination:
Major in Mathematics
Minor in Mathematics
Minor in Operations Research & Mathematical Programming
Required courses (42 credits)
1. Introductory level courses (18 credits) (note 3)
Disciplinary Core Course (6 credits)
University mathematics II (6)
Disciplinary Electives (12 credits)
Select either List A or List B:
List A
Linear algebra I (6)
Multivariable calculus (6)
List B
Fundamental concepts of mathematics (6)
Multivariable calculus and linear algebra (6)
2. Advanced level courses (24 credits)
Disciplinary Core Courses (12 credits)
Numerical analysis (6)
Financial calculus (6)
Disciplinary Electives (12 credits)
At least 12 credits selected from the following courses:
Computational methods and differential equations
with applications (6)
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Online Syllabuses and Regulations (4 Years Curriculum)
21/8/2023, 2:04 PM
Probability theory (6)
Introduction to optimization (6)
Game theory and strategy (6)
Scientific computing (6)
Numerical methods for financial calculus (6)
1. Double counting of credits is not permissible for major-minor or double-minors combinations. For a
course appears as a core course ("disciplinary core") in the major-minor or double-minors, students have to
make up the credits by taking replacement course in the minor. For details, please refer to "Students taking
double Majors, Major-Minor or double Minors with overlapping course requirements" in the BSc
2. Students must have level 2 or above in HKDSE Extended Module 1 or 2 of Mathematics or equivalent to
take this major. Students who do not fulfill this requirement are advised to take MATH1011 University
mathematics I.
3. Students taking the Mathematics related major/minor should check the exemption and replacement
arrangement for the introductory level Disciplinary Core Mathematics courses at
Important! Ultimate responsibility rests with students to ensure that the required pre-requisites and corequisite of selected courses are fulfilled. Students must take and pass all required courses in the selected
primary science major in order to satisfy the degree graduation requirements.
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