Problems With History and IR 1. Data and Methods Limitations on data, historical records (esp. considering age of info, as well as phenomena – war – being studied) Cross-time comparison: ignores context Requires a bit of humility 2. Frames (spatial and temporal) When (years, centuries) and where (people, groups, regions, systems?) do we ‘cut’ into for analyzing? 3. Biases (next slide) The problem with History of IR, as commonly presented to students, is selectivity or biased presentations Usually focused on 4 particular perspectives: a. Europe or West or White North as ‘normal’ (at expense of other areas of world) [postcolonial point] b. Role of men and ‘public sphere’ as ‘normal’ (at expense of women and private sphere) [feminist point] c. Nation-states or countries as ‘normal’ (at expense of other forms of political organization) [poststructuralist point] d. History unfolding as a series of ‘causes’ from which we draw eternal ‘lessons’ rather than contingencies or accidents or random outcomes [interpretive or postpositivist point] Classical and Medieval Eras Antiquity: AAnitnnyArenninAnn Aomen o Provide initial notions of sovereignty (polis), democracy (demos kratia), and nationalism; and International (or polis) relations o Roman Empire: Proves example for Imperial States even after ‘sovereign’ model is norm Mt lnAAgnsAnn AnniminynesAwtyhAEnsyA(400~1500) o Overlapping authorities: Religious, secular, and local (feudal) o ChtnnAnn AIn tn AImportant influences on development of state (gunpowder – China) IslnetiAgml nnA(700~1300)Ann AtnynenntimnnlAenlntimns o First major, widespread advances in sciences, law, mathematics, and history o Vast and deep investment in scholarship and education (including philosophy), first universities in world (Morocco) Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406, Tunisia) Historian, Sociologist, and (perhaps?) IR theorist Introduces cyclical theory of rise/fall of societies and civilizations Articulates key understandings of political economy Decline of Feudal/Religious Authorities (1200~1600s) Feudal order challenged by: 1. Military Technology (gunpowder) Feudal fiefdoms become difficult to defend Nobles pay Kings, centralize authority 2. Economic expansion (trade) Italy (14th-16th centuries), Egypt as a node for global trade More trade Bigger ships Bigger units Growth of towns/urbanization Other factors: Famine and Disease (Black Death), Labor scarcity Decline in Religious Authority: Factors 1. Renaissance (1350~1650) Scientific inquiry and personal freedom Although see Islamic Golden Age [~700s-1200s] 2. Protestant Reformation (1517) Challenges Catholic Church’s authority Leads to further splintering England (1534) – Henry VIII and Anglican Church Struggles culminate in Thirty Years War (1618-1648) Modern State System Kn:AEvnnysAtnAMm nenASynynAs:syne’sA nvnlmpenny 1. Peace of Augsburg (1555) Cuius regio, eius religio, ‘whose realm, his religion’ First establishes religion of ruler over ruled (but just Lutheranism and Catholicism) 2. Thirty Years War (1618-1648) Begins as an inter-religion war: Protestants and Catholics Migrates into a territorial/sovereign war 3. Peace of Westphalia (~1648) Treaties of Osnabruck and Munster Ends Thirty Years War Religious Realm Modern N-S 4. Peace of Utrecth (1713) Ends war of Spanish succession (1701~1713) Prevents unity of France and Spain Establishes of ‘balance of power’ principle Sovereignty: Why the Sovereign State? Sovereign state competed against other political forms of organization at that time: o City-states (Vince, Genoa) o City-leagues (Hanseatic) “In the long run, sovereign states won because their institutional logic gave them an advantage in mobilizing their societies’ resources” -Hendrik Spruyt, Sovereign State and its competitors, 1994,185. ‘Institutional Logics’, Sovereign States, Usually Have: 1. Mass Standing Armies Charles Tilly: ‘State made war and war made the state’ 2. Large Bureaucracies Taxes or ‘revenue’ for state functions (to be able to pay for war-making, primarily 19th century) 3. National Identity, unity, belonging Esp. important in chance from absolute to popular sovereignty (all of these things support each other- national identity helps you join the army, etc.) 4. Recognized Borders (first 3 is inside of a state, this only happens when you’re recognized by other states) Sovereignty and International Politics Two ‘layers’ of sovereignty 1. Internal – attribute of a nation-state Sole Authority of a territory, monopolizes violence within this area Weber, ‘Monopoly of legitimate use of physical force’ within borders – the minute you have to start using more and more force, the legitimacy of the physical force starts decreasing (i.e. Israel/Palestine) 2. External – Sovereignty recognized in a community of other nation-states Internal sovereignty means little w/out neighbors recognizing borders Ext. sovereignty as a principle for international me neA(non-interference) ‘Age of Revolutions’ ~1760-1848 Significant revolutions that transformed international system, including 4 in particular Significant revolutions that transformed international system, including 4 in particular 1. Industrial, ~1760-1820 2. American, ~1765-1783 3. French, ~1789-1799 4. Haitian, ~1791-1803 First (almost entirely) Black sovereign state Napoleon fails to recapture, in part leads to Louisiana purchase Influences British decision to ban and enforce ban on slave trade Inspires especially sugar plantation slave revolts in southern US Each an example of how ‘unit’ or ‘agent’ influences intl. structure (as opposed to just structure determining agents/units) Revolutionary (1792-1802) and Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) Importance for Intl. Politics (non-exhaustive list( 1. Hegemony, hubris and ‘Imperial overstretch’ France stronger than any one Euro power, but various coalitions (~seven) math up to defeat France, and… By 1812, Napoleon controls most of continental Europe, but gets too ambitious and invades Russia, forces overstretched Important example of difficulties of land acquisition and hegemony (burdens of occupying territory) 2. Leaves UK as major naval power ‘Pax Britannica’ of 19th Century, and Hegemonic Stability Theory Napoleonic Wars, impt, contd 3. Aids development of US Louisiana Purchase (see also Haitian revolution) Shortens War of 1812 4. Levee en masse (Mass conscription) First major example of increasing move to ‘National’ armies 5. “Second image reversed” How war in intl realm affects domestic politics In France, power shifts from decentralized (popular sovereignty) back to imperial (monarchy) 6. ‘Concert of Europe’ results from Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) Congress of Vienna, Historical Importance 1. ‘Concert of Europe’ ‘Stable’ multipolar system (1815~1870) (exception: Crimean War) Defeat of France leads to war ‘weariness’ 2. British push for condemnation of slave trade 19th C: Britain enforces ban on Atlantic slave trade (see also Haitian Revolution) 3. Seen as ‘success’ of ‘high politics’ Stems revolutionary threat of French nationalism/transnationalism Ensures ‘order’ of system 3 Other Pre-WWI Developments 1. IepnetnlAme nesAtnAInynenntimnnlAs:syne Colonization of Africa, further parts of Asia 2. HnginACmnfnenninsA(1899,A1907) First formal intl agreements on certain laws of war Influences developments of LoN 3. oissm-JnpnnnsnAWneA(1904-1905) Raises Japan’s prestige, becomes a world power Incredibly costly (presages WWI) Weakens Russia’s material power and prestige Source of Russian insecurity through Second World War (see Soviet invasion of Manchukuo, August 1945)