Table of Contents I. Getting Start II. The New Interface III. Excel Basic I. Getting Start - Starting Out 1. What is Excel ? Excel is a computerized spreadsheet, which is an important s tool that helps you report and analyze information. busines Excel is software that lets you create tables, calculate and analyze data. This type of software is called spreadsheet software. - Microsoft 2. What is spreadsheet ? A type of application program which manipulates numerical and string data in rows and columns of cells. The value in a cell can be calculated from a for mula which can involve other cells. A value is recalculated automatically whe never a value on which it depends changes. Different cells may be displayed with different formats. I. Getting Start - Starting Out 3. Common scenarios for using Excel include: Accounting - Exp. cash-flow, income P&L statement etc. Budgeting - Exp. Marketing, event, retirement etc. Billing and sales - Exp. Sale invoice, purchase order etc. Reporting - Exp. Project performance, forecast data. Etc. Planning - Exp. Weekly report, yearly report etc. Tracking - Exp. Timesheet, to do list etc. I. Getting Start – About workbook Excel stores spreadsheets in documents called workbooks. 1. Each workbook is made up of individual worksheets, or sheets 2. By default, Excel will open a blank workbook that contains three worksh eets (spreadsheets) I. Getting Start – Exploring workbook I. Getting Start – Exploring workbook * Use the Alt + Enter key combination to enter text on multiple lines within the same cell I. Getting Start – Getting Help in Excel 2010 II. Getting Start – Tool Bar The Quick Access Toolbar this is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of commands that are independent of the tab on the Ribbon that is currently displayed. You can move the Quick Access Toolbar from one of the two possible locations, and you can add buttons that represent commands to the Quick Access Toolbar. II. Getting Start – Tool Bar Home Tab : The Home Tab in Microsoft Excel 2010 has a lot of functionality for number crunching built right into it. You can do things like formatting, alignment, inserting and deleting rows or columns, sorting and filtering numbers, applying styles and formatting effects, finding and replacing data and much more using the Tab. II. Getting Start – Tool Bar Insert tab : The insert Tab in Microsoft Excel 2010 has a lot of functionality for analyzing. You can do things like table, charting, links, symbols, text decoration and much more using the Tab. II. Getting Start – Tool Bar Page layout : The page layout Tab in Microsoft Excel 2010 has a lot of functionality for printing. You can do things like page setup, scaling, sheet option and much more using the Tab. II. Getting Start – Tool Bar Formula : The Formulas Tab in Microsoft Excel 2010 greatly simplifies the task of number crunching. The Excel Formulas Tab has the following groups: •Function Library •Defined Names •Formula Auditing •Calculation II. Getting Start – Tool Bar Data tab : Using this tab, you can import data from external sources including but not limited to a text files, Microsoft Access databases, web pages, xml documents, Microsoft Query, Microsoft SQL Server databases. II. Getting Start – Tool Bar Review tab : This Tab has functionality that will let you proof read your Excel workbooks, add and delete comments, protect and unprotect Excel sheets/workbooks and finally allow users to track changes in a multi user Excel workbook. III. Excel Basic Short cut key : My favorite: Action Insert A New Line Within A Cell Enable Editing With In Cell Add A Comment To A Cell Open Print Preview Fill Data Down Or To The Right Through Selected Cells Create Name Insert The Current Data Or Time Toggle The Display Of Formulas Select Colomn Delete Rows Insert New Row Shortcut <ALT> + <Enter> <F2> <Shift> + <F2> <CTRL> + <F2> <CTRL> + <D> or <CTRL> + <R> <CTRL> + <F3> <CTRL> + < ; > or <CTRL> + < : > <CTRL> + < ~> <CTRL>+ < space> <CTRL> + < - > <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + < + > III. Excel Basic Learn copy and paste: Through mouse. Through keyboard. III. Excel Basic Excel Formula Errors – Understand and Debug Them The following are some errors that may appear in a spreadsheet (there are others too) - ####### Cell is too narrow to display the results of the formula. To fix this simply make the column wider and the “real” value will be displayed instead of the ###### signs. Note that even when the ###### signs are being displayed, Excel still uses the “real” value to calculate formulas that reference this cell. - #NAME? You used a cell reference in the formula that is not formed correctly (e.g. =BB+10 instead of =B3+10) - #VALUE! Usually the result of trying to do math with a textual value. Example: =A1*3 where A1 contains the word “hello” III. Excel Basic - #DIV/0! Trying to divide by zero. Example: =3/A1 where A1 contains 0 (zero) - Circular Reference Using a formula that contains a reference to the cell that the formula “lives in”. Example: putting the formula =A1+1 in cell A1 or putting the formula =SUM(A1:B2) in any of the cells A1, B1, A2, B2 -#N/A this is one of the frequent errors you see while using vlookup formula. The N/A error is shown when some data is missing, or inappropriate arguments are passed to the lookup functions (vlookup, hlookup etc.) -#REF! This is one of the most common error messages you see when you fiddle with a worksheet full of formulas. You get #REF! error when one of the formula parameters is pointing to an invalid range. This can happen because you deleted the cells. For eg. try to write a sum forumla like =SUM(A1:A10, B1:B10, C1:C10) and then delete the column C. Immediately the sum formula returns #REF! error. III. Excel Basic - Create Formulas. Formulas are equations that can perform calculations, return information, manipulate the contents of other cells, test conditions, and more. A formula always starts with an equal sign (=). =sum(syntax) Cell references identify individual cells or cell ranges in columns and rows. Cell references tell Excel where to look for values to use in a formula. III. Excel Basic - Reference of cells. 1) Relative references: automatically change as they’re copied down a column or across a row. 2) Absolute references: They are fixed. They don’t change if you copy a formula from one cell to another. Absolute references have dollar signs ($) like this: $D$9 III. Excel Basic - Function. 1) SUM 2) Average 3) SUMIF 4) COUNT 5) COUNTA 6) COUNTIF 7) IF Cell formatting… Thank You!