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South American Slavery & Labor Bibliography

South America
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 Newson, Linda A. and Susie Minchin. From Capture to Sale: The Portuguese
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 Phillips, William D., Jr. “Slavery in the Atlantic Islands and the Early Modern
Spanish Atlantic World.” In The Cambridge World History of Slavery, vol. 3, AD
1420 – AD 1804, edited by David Eltis and Stanley Engerman, 325-349.
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 Arrelucea-Barrantes, Maribel. “Work, Family, and Honor: Understanding
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 Brosseder, Claudia. The Power of Huacas: Change and Resistance in the Andean
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 Cole, Jeffrey A. The Potosí Mita, 1573-1700: Compulsory Indian Labor in the
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 Donnan, Christopher B., and Donna McClelland. Moche Fineline Painting: Its
Evolution and Its Artists. Los Angeles: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, 1999.
 Graubart, Karen B. With Our Labor and Sweat: Indigenous Women and the
Formation of Colonial Society in Peru, 1550-1700. Stanford: Stanford Universty
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 Latasa, Pilar. “’If They Remained as Mere Words:’ Trent, Marriage, and Freedom
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(2016): 13-38.
 Prieto, Gabriel, John W. Verano, Nicolas Goepfert, Douglas Kennett, Jeffrey
Quilter, Steven LeBlanc, and Lars Fehren-Schmitz, et al. “A mass sacrifice of
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74.2 (2017): 139-170.