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Technology in Education: Evolution, Challenges, and Future

Thinking different.
Exploring technology in different
use cases
Technology in
How we are using it, and how
it could be used better.
Historically speaking...
Technology in the classroom has changed a lot as the people in charge began to think
different. [advance slide] Some early uses of modern technology from 1977 are seen
here. These Commodore PET computers are considered part of the first generation of
personal computers. Other ubiquitous of the time include [advance slide] the famous
Apple II, and [advance slide] the commoner’s Tandy Radio Shack Model 80. These
simple computers, which had capability to perform basic actions such as math, typing
documents, and programming in a language called BASIC. For many people, these
computers were the first taste of the future. [advance slide] The Next Generation of
computers began with the Apple Lisa, [advance slide] and the more competitively
priced Macintosh, which was advertised to schools. These computers featured this
little futuristic gimmick called... [advance slide] the mouse. Shortly after the
Macintosh’s release, Microsoft released the Windows system based on MS-DOS for
IBM PCs which also utilized the mouse. [advance slide] The third generation of
personal computers truly began with the legendary iMac, which may have been some
students’ first look at the internet in its early form. This was followed by modern
versions of Windows, including 95, XP, and 7. These computers led the way for
today’s answer to modern computing, [advance slide] which includes laptops and
netbooks, such as Google Chromebooks. [advance slide]
The Present
● Chromebooks and other
netbooks used in schools
● Cheap access to the internet and
cloud storage
● Gives schools a modern learning
tool with minimal technical
knowledge required
[advance slide] Advance to the present now. The modern age has come in quick with
rapidly developing mobile device technology, from smartphones to tablets, from
wearables to laptops, everything has advanced so far. Now in schools, we have
devices for students to use [advance slide] like chromebooks, or other netbooks,
[advance slide] which gives us cheap access to the internet and offers cloud storage
for schoolwork and other assignments, [advance slide] and these devices offer
schools a modern learning tool that requires minimal technical knowledge from both
staff and students. These laptops have revolutionized how schools work, and after
just a few short years, much of our daily classwork is completed digitally. [Advance
Sounds perfect,
doesn’t it?
Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? [Advance slide]
What’s wrong?
Unfortunately, no. This platform offers much for the classroom, but can easily take
away more than it may be worth. [advance slide] Bugs, [advance slide] lack of internet
connection, [advances slide] and off-task interventions take away from learning time
in the classroom. [advance slide] Many of these problems are not uncommon, and
can be extremely problematic to a class or block of digital learning.
Contingency Plans
-- Contingency
Student engagement
-- Student
-- Student
Better Monitoring
Don’t let all those problems get you down, though! [advance slide] We do have
solutions for these! A major piece is [advance slide] contingency plans. However,
when administration heres
For the future?
● Virtual Reality
● Augmented Reality
● Self-Serve Education
Now, looking forward? What do I see? I see a bright future involving technology in
education. Many technologies of today that are seen as futuristic and unique may
have their place in the classroom in 10, 15 years! What I see? Virtual and Augmented
reality, and self-led education. [advance slide]
Virtual reality technology has advanced tenfold in the last five years, [advance slide]
and companies like ClassVR, a division of Avantis Systems, are keeping pace,
nudging this tech into the classroom. The standalone ClassVR headset offers so
much to education. For instance, it allows classes to visit and experience things that
are simply not possible under certain circumstances at their schools. [advance slide]
The headset technology features a lot of things that can help streamline the
experience for students and teachers. [advance slides]
Now, other technologies like augmented reality offer schools a more subtle approach
to use of technology in schools. Google Expeditions has just that! Their app for
modern smartphones offers explorations
What can
you do?
there’s no better time to get to the future than the present. Teachers, many new
systems could add to your teaching experience; don’t be afraid to try them, since
they’re not replacing you. Students, introduce your teachers and administrators to
these new technologies as well! Who knows? Maybe you can single handedly move
your school into the world of the future!
Technology Addiction
What we can do about it
Bryce Kubas
Technology addiction is an impulse
control disorder that involves the
obsessive use of mobile devices,
the internet or video games,
despite negative consequences to
the user of the technology.
What can technology addiction do to you?
These are some following symptoms that are
characteristic of someone who uses the computer
for a very long period of time:
Backache, headaches, weight gain or loss,
disturbances in sleep, carpal tunnel syndrome, and
blurred or strained vision.
Mental or Emotional Side Effects
A study by psychologist Jean
Twenge found that heavy users of digital
media are 56% more likely to say they
are unhappy and 27% more likely to be
Benefits of Technology
● Can you keep connected with others
● Information at your fingertips
● Facilitates independence
● Can keep you organized
How you can figure out
your time on screens
How you can help
There are a few things that you can do to prevent this from
happening. You can limit screen time by using tech tools like Apple’s
Screen Time and the setting on instagram. Also you can be more aware
of how your using it, and trying to balance your time.
Digital Privacy: How
businesses could take
our data
We can’t let people take our personal info and sell
In this topic though I focus on the concept of data brokers (people who steal your data for a living) stealing
your data and selling it to businesses.
“It is estimated that 99 percent of online consumer data is never analyzed; however, it remains available.”
Online privacy
“Random bits of information can be pieced together to determine things like religion, political views. These are
all available to your employer if they choose to purchase it.” Le VPN
“Your privacy has been taken, chopped up into packets of data,
and circulated through commercial transactions beyond your
view.” (Silverman).
In this topic though I will focus on the concept of data brokers
(people who steal your data for a living) stealing your data and
selling it to businesses.
People find a way to bust into your home and see or hear what
you do or what you do on your computer.
Home assistants
As long as assistants are plugged in, they will collect
data about your private conversations.
Home assistants don’t need you to give an command to do it,
they can do it anything they want themselves.
“However, the voice assistants are making cyber-attackers' jobs easier as
well.” Five ways digital assistants pose security threats in home.
“Even when a voice assistant is not taking an action on your behalf, it
continues to listen for commands. Like mobile phones, home voice
assistants are sensors that know a lot about you. This gives the companies
behind the devices a privileged place in your home, and your life, making
them an ideal target for attackers.” Five ways digital assistants pose
security threats in home.
According to the article “Five Ways Digital Assistants pose Security
Threats in Home, Office”(3), “In an attack presented in 2017, six
researchers from Zhejiang University showed that they could use sound
inaudible to humans to command Siri to make a phone call or to take
other actions. Hiding commands inside other audio are not the only way
to create a covert way to manipulate voice assistants”.
Home assistants can help a lot in the home They can:
Control lights and thermostats
Tell you jokes and play games
Cast movies on to your TV(if you have chromecast or amazon
fire stick)
You can search things up and get quick answers without
getting your phone or computer out.
You can play music
Serve as a great speaker( especially the homepod)
But like us, they have a dark side. They secretly without you knowing
hear every word you say and people can access these audio files.
How people get your data
People use cookies, fingerprinting and tracking beacons to get your data
Cookie are 4 kilo byte files that help the website recognize you and keep track of your preferences.
Tracking beacons are 1x1 pixel images that are on websites or emails that monitors the behavior of a
person on an website
Fingerprint tracking is “Rather than storing a file in your browser or on your computer to identify
you, it’s done by checking your browser configurations and settings.”
Cookies are tiny files that contain info about your website preferences
like say you go into amazon and put a bunch of stuff into your shopping
cart. That stuff is stored into a cookie so if you press a different link in
amazon, it will still be there. These things are helpful but businesses use
this info to make targeting ads. Like for example say that you were
looking for shoes and ties then this info will go into a cookie and
businesses will access this cookie to give ads about shoes and ties.
Web beacons are images that are 1x1 pixel which is so small and can be
used to track people's behavior on the web like if there was a web beacon
on an email then it would track if you opened it or not.
Fingerprint tracking is when a website uses advanced HTML5
canvas info storage that can store lots of info including cursor
Why businesses want your data
Businesses defend their actions by noting that they are providing convenience - giving your the
information they think you want but they are in the end just taking our data which is a breach of privacy.
To succeed as a retailer, you have to know which products to stock for your likely customers, which
entails keeping track of data about inventory, prices, advertising, and customers’ buying habits.”
(Weigend). This quote tells you why they are doing this.
Customers data=money
Amazon became famous by taking people’s data along the way
They only try to get your data so that they can make money off you and be
Social media
This picture shows how we do nothing to stop facebook from taking our data because they don’t
know that they are.
“In 2011, Max Schrems, an Austrian law student, requested and received a copy of his data file from
Facebook; and it was 1,222 pages and contained information that Schrems hadn’t intended to turn
over to the social network., such as geographic coordinates of where he logged in from, people he
had unfriended and other data he had deleted.” (Silverman).
Have you heard of Cambridge Analytica? This is a company that sells data to Facebook about their
users. This company also did something in the 2016 presidential election.
Cambridge analytica is a company that gives facebook data. They collect a lot of data
about you. Apparently(as you see on the board) there was a guy that found 1,22
pages of info about geographic coordinates of where he logged in from, people he
unfriended and other data he had deleted.
Cambridge analytica was hired by donald trump to see the personalities of american
voters on more then 50 million users.
How to prevent the collection of data
“It is impossible to go online without having some form of information collected about you.” (6).
You could use tracker blockers which prevent tracking from tracking cookies and fingerprinting.
You can use VPNs so you can’t be tracked by the private network.
Don’t track on your web browser only works for some sites but not all of them.
You can use tracker blockers to prevent tracking from cookies and fingerprinting.
Firewalls to prevent anti malware and antivirus. You can use VPNs which are private
networks which you can’t be tracked from. You might think the do not track thing
works but it doesn’t.
Call to action
Boycott any product targeted ad.
“It is estimated that 99 percent of online
consumer data is never analyzed;
however, it remains available.”
Thank you!
Thanks for putting up with us! Hope
you’ve enjoyed it!