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Interior Design Syllabus

Department of Media, Career Studies, & Educational Leadership
CTE 1300 – Housing Environments
Fall 2023
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Study of individual and family housing needs and housing space.
Students will apply the elements and principles of design to ensure the creation of functional,
safe and aesthetically pleasing living environments which foster individual and family wellbeing and accommodate relevant life cycle stages.
Dr. Cheryl L. Lee
email: leecl@appstate.edu
Phone: 828-262-2634
Jones, L.M. (2014). Beginnings of Interior Environments (11th Ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students will have opportunities to:
1. Examine the impact and interaction of living environments and individuals and families.
2. Demonstrate knowledge related to decisions involving space allocations, space planning,
and technological influences on housing and the environment.
3. Explore the use of design principles and elements in creating safe, secure, and aesthetic
living environments.
4. Evaluate housing styles, furniture styles, and floor plans to promote customer
5. Explore various building system components, interior materials, furnishings, and textiles
related to housing and interiors.
COURSE FORMAT: Online instruction
UNIVERSITY POLICIES: Refer to the link below for information regarding university
policies which are applicable to this class (Academic Integrity Code, Disability Services,
Attendance, and Student Engagement with Courses).
Assignments/Applications (13 @ 10 points each)
Quizzes (12 @ 20 points each)
Housing Styles Project
Point Value
130 points
520 points
Assignments/Applications – 130 points
Class assignments/applications will be made throughout the semester, along with instructions for
completion. See schedule for due dates.
Criteria for Evaluation of Assignments/Applications
High quality (9-10 points)
 Ideas/responses are extremely clear and accurate
 All parts are addressed, and all questions are answered
 Product is presented in professional manner (writing, grammar, visual representation, etc)
Good quality (8 points)
 Ideas less clear than for highest quality response
 All parts are addressed, and all questions are answered
 Product is presented in professional manner (writing, grammar, visual representation, etc)
Average quality (7 points)
 Ideas/responses are somewhat unclear and/or inaccurate
 All parts are addressed and all questions are answered.
 Product is presented in less professional manner (small errors in writing, grammar, or
visual representation, etc.)
Below average (0-6 points)
 Ideas/responses are unclear or inaccurate
 All parts are not addressed
 Product is presented in less professional manner (small errors in writing, grammar, or
visual representation, etc.)
Quizzes – 240 points
There will be 12 chapter quizzes (20 points each) throughout the semester.
Housing Styles Project – 50 points
Information will be provided in Module 4 for this project.
Exam – 100 points
GRADING PROCEDURES: Criteria for the completion and evaluation of assignments will be
provided. Assignments are due at the time designated by the instructor. Late assignments will
be penalized 20% for each day late; they will not be accepted after 5 days late. Points are
cumulative and translate to the scale below:
A = 93-100%
A-= 90-92%
B = 83-86%
B- =80-82%
C = 73-76%
C- =70-72%
D = 63-66%
D-= 60-62%
F = Below 60%