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ISDS 361A (03) 12402: Business Analytics I
Fall 2023
Class Meeting Time:
Course Website:
Office hours:
Office Phone:
Panos Skordi
SGMH 4195
Fully Online
On Canvas
Fr 8:00AM–10:00AM Or By Appointment (None in finals week)
MATH 135 or MATH150A or an equivalent course in Business
Calculus; minimum GPA of 2.50 for online sections
Dear students, we have all been through an unprecedented time in our lives – unexpected,
unpredictable, and unimaginable. I hope that you and your family and friends remained healthy
throughout this time. Returning to campus and our normal lives will be another transition for all of
us. I want you to know, without hesitation, that I am here for you to help you navigate through this
period. For some of you, it may be seamless, and yet, for others more challenging. Listed below are
resources for you to contact – do not hesitate if you need support. I’m not a trained therapist, but I’m a
good listener because I care; and if I’m unable to help you, I do know the services that we provide for
our students and can direct you there.
Campus services:
· CAPS 24/7 crisis phone services for students: (657)278-3040
· YOU@Fullerton: A free and confidential wellness portal that connects students to
academic, physical and mental health resources. Student
visit: https://you.fullerton.edu
· CAPS appointments for students: (657) 278-3040 or
visit https://www.fullerton.edu/caps/
· Please call 911 for any and all emergencies.
President’s Directive & Health and Safety Guidelines
Cal State Fullerton (CSUF) is actively working to maintain the safety of our campus community
in response to COVID-19. To stay current with information, please visit CSUF’s Titan’s Return:
COVID Recovery website. Please review the FAQs to help answer any of your questions.
Below are requirements to review.
• Read President’s Directive No. 22 – COVID 19: Mitigation Measures and Guidelines, which
outlines mitigation measures you are required to take, including use of face coverings, re-entry
and surveillance testing, physical distancing/barrier requirements, case reporting, and other
measures. Please read President's Directive No. 22.
• Review the Titans Return: COVID-19 Recovery website. There are important messages
regarding the vaccine requirement, surveillance and testing information, as well as campus
updates and messages from the Dean of Students Office that are important to review.
Stay at home if you are sick! Please refer to http://coronavirus.fullerton.edu/mandatory-healthscreening/ for recommended steps.
The University requests that any employee or student who tests positive for COVID-19 or
becomes aware that they may have been in close contact with someone who either has tested
positive for or is suspected to have COVID-19 report the positive result or exposure using the
CSUF COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form (http://coronavirus.fullerton.edu/report-covid-19-caseor-exposure/). CSUF’s Infectious Diseases Response Team reviews and verifies COVID-19
confirmed cases and responds to concerns from the campus community on COVID-19.
Prior to arriving on campus and before entering class, you should conduct a personal health
screening and self-monitor for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of
respiratory illness. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should stay home and
notify me of your absence. I will work with you to address any COVID-19 related impacts to
your participation in and completion of this course. Before entering the classroom, you should
wash/sanitize your hands and have your face covering on. If in class (there are no anticipated in
class meetings for this fully online class), you are required to:
• Sit in your designated seat;
• Wear your facial covering that covers both the nose and mouth (e.g., masks or face shields);
• Always cough or sneeze into your elbow or tissue;
• Use the materials provided to clean your desk and chair before and after use, and;
• Adhere to other health and safety protocols and directives for your specific classroom, lab,
studio, and campus. Students who do not follow these health and safety requirements may be
reminded of the need to adhere to those measures. Failure to comply may constitute a violation
of campus policy and may result in a referral the Office of Student Conduct. Thank you for your
cooperation and assisting in the University’s efforts to keep our community safe.
Course Description
The course is designed to introduce students to statistical data analysis and inference techniques
within the context of business analytics. Students will learn how to select statistical tools that are
appropriate for a given application and also develop a high level of proficiency in Microsoft Excel.
Course Requirement
Students are required to have a laptop with a microphone and a camera for all virtual interaction
sessions and examinations. The official software is Microsoft on a PC. If you choose to use
Apple products, you are responsible for knowing how to operate both software and hardware.
The commands may be different between the two platforms. Any sessions will be conducted via
Zoom. Students joining Zoom sessions do not need to create or activate their accounts. Use this
ID for all classes ID:6093799713.
General Class Guidelines
Be respectful to others
Familiarize yourself with the syllabus - do not spam my email with information
that is on the syllabus
If you require a response to an email, you must include your class section
I will respond to emails during regular working hours when I am not in class or a
Any Zoom sessions will not be recorded
You may not record me or the class without permission
If you arrive late, I will not restart the any sessions for you
Ensure your camera is on and your audio off during any sessions
Use your official registered name and the correct class section on Cengage
Proctorio will be used for all examinations (more information on Proctorio can be
found later in this syllabus)
When taking exams on proctorio, your camera must try to show at least the top of
your head down to the top of your desk. Failure to comply may result in a score of 0
for the exam
Arrange with work to take time off for examinations
No make-ups unless there is a verifiable medical or exceptional circumstance
It is your responsibility to complete assignments before the due date
Leaving assignments to the last minute is your choice, but if you run into problems
you will not be given a time extension
All assignments must be submitted on Canvas, and homework on Cengage – emails
will not be accepted
Watch lecture videos as this is a major part of the class
Plagiarism and self-plagiarism count as academic dishonesty
A student claiming they were not aware of information laid out in the syllabus will
not be exempted from those rules
Course Learning Goals
This course is part of CSUF's General Education (GE) curriculum and fulfils the GE requirement
in Area B.5 (Implications and Explorations in Mathematics and the Natural Sciences) since Spring
2019 (UPS 411.201). The purpose of this course is to help students develop skills to apply
statistical data analysis tools to make business decisions. This will be accomplished by
understanding the topics of descriptive statistics, probability distributions, sampling distributions,
confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, analysis of variance and regression. The student will also
develop an understanding of how to determine which statistical technique(s) is (are) appropriate
for a given business context, and also be able to communicate the findings effectively. Students
completing ISDS 361A should be able to:
1. Understand the basic foundational concepts of business analytics
2. Use the basic features of a spreadsheet application for analyzing and solving problems with
techniques of business analytics
3. Apply concepts of descriptive statistics and statistical inference to analyzing data in the
context of business problems
4. Interpret the results of statistical analyses to make suitable business decisions
Excel Training - part of ISDS 361A
Students also participate in mandatory online-only excel training. The excel training will be
conducted over 5 weeks at the beginning of the course. As part of training, students are required
to submit weekly assignments, and complete one comprehensive exam. For more information
about the Excel training and related issues, please refer to the Excel Training Instructions
document which is available on the course's Canvas website. The Excel training is located
Canvas – 5 modules for the five weekly lessons and one module for the Excel comprehensive
Learning goal of the training: Gain a high level of proficiency in Microsoft Excel
GE B.5 Learning Goals
Students completing this course will be able to:
 Integrate themes in mathematics and/or science from cross-disciplinary perspectives.
 Solve complex problems that require mathematical and/or scientific reasoning.
 Relate mathematics and/or science to significant social problems or other related
 When deemed appropriate, apply disciplinary concepts from mathematics and the natural
sciences in a variety of settings, such as community-based learning sites and activities.
GE Writing Requirement
GE writing requirement will be fulfilled through an individual project which contains multiple
components: spelling, grammar, sentence structures together with the quality of the content will
all be graded.
Required Text Book
WebAssign for Anderson/Sweeney/Williams /Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann’s Statistics for
Business & Economics 15th edition, Revised, Single-Term Instant Access ISBN:
9780357981504. The textbook bundle (includes WebAssign for HW assignments) is available at
the university bookstore and online.
Microsoft Excel 2019 or Excel 2016 for Windows. Please note that some Excel functions and
Add-ins that we will use do not work on Mac computers. One of the Add-ins, "Data Analysis",
works only on Mac Office 2016 (and not on any previous versions of Mac Office). Office 2016
for both Mac and PCs can be downloaded for free from the campus IT website:
Course websites
There will be two web sites used to provide instructional support for the class:
Canvas website: Fall 2023 ISDS 361A 03 12402
WebAssign homework details below:
Course name: Fall 2023 ISDS 361A-03 (12402)
Follow the link on the Canvas Course Information Module:
Register (CLICK HERE) for Anderson Statistics for Business and Economics Revised Multi Term
Cengage WebAssign Technical Support: Live support is available 24/7; phone: 800-354-9706.
Please check the Cengage WebAssign resources on Canvas for details.
Contact helpdesk@fullerton.edu or (657) 278-8888 for technical issues related to Canvas.
Canvas is often unavailable Thursday nights after 10 PM for regularly scheduled maintenance.
Supplemental Instruction (SI)
Supplemental Instruction (SI) study sessions are offered for this course. SI sessions meet two
times a week, throughout the semester. Supplemental Instruction is an academic assistance
program which provides peer-led group study sessions to assist students in traditionally difficult
courses. SI sessions are led by a SI leader who has already mastered the course material and has
been trained to facilitate group sessions where students can meet to improve their understanding
of course material, review and discuss important concepts, develop study strategies and prepare
for exams. SI is for everyone, and open to all students enrolled in this class; not just those
students who are struggling. Attendance at SI sessions is free and voluntary. Students, who
attend SI sessions weekly, typically earn higher final course and exam grades than students who
do not participate in SI. Students are required to bring their laptops to each class and SI session
as there are no computers in the session rooms. Computers are essential to achieving maximum
benefit from the SI sessions as Excel is used extensively in the ISDS 361A course. Also, please
bring your lecture notes, books, and questions with you to all sessions.
For information regarding SI study sessions days/times and meeting locations, please follow the
following LINK. You may attend any SI’s session. This information is subject to change. Any
changes can also be found by following this same link. It is the students own responsibility to
keep informed of these changes.
1) Students joining Zoom SI sessions (when available) do not need to create or activate their
accounts. Just click on the respective links to join a session at a particular time. You can
join from any device with an Internet connection, including smartphones and tablet
Attendance Policy
Class is fully online and there are no class sessions.
Homework Assignments
Cengage WebAssign is the text book's companion website. All homework assignments are
assigned and graded via Cengage WebAssign. To get access to Cengage WebAssign, you must
purchase the textbook from the CSUF bookstore or online through the Cengage website.
Cengage WebAssign assignments must be completed on the Cengage WebAssign website by the
deadline of Thursday, December 7 by 11:59 PM. It is your responsibility to submit your
homework on time. In case of technical difficulties, you are required to inform your instructor
BEFORE the deadline, but they cannot be accepted as excuses for late/missed submissions
AFTER the deadline has passed.
Each homework covers several chapters:
 Homework 1: Chapters 3 and 6
 Homework 2: Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10
 Homework 3: Chapters 13 and 14
The homework assignments are automatically graded, and you can check your work before
submission. You have unlimited attempts on each assignment, and the best one is recorded in the
grade book. Cengage WebAssign offers many study tools, including guided examples and video
demonstrations, so use this as a learning tool to master the topics and prepare for your exams as
To successfully complete this course, you are strongly advised to complete all the assignments.
Cengage WebAssign due date Please review the information on Cengage WebAssign and your
course website to see which chapters are included in each homework.
Practice Questions: There are several practice questions on Canvas that are not graded but
meant to provide you with additional practice to master the topics and prepare for exams. These
have unlimited attempts, you can check your answer unlimited times, and there are no deadlines.
Practice Exams: In addition, there are two practice examinations on Canvas for each midterm
and the final. I have set these up for my students, and they have proved a very useful tool
enhancing understanding of the material and in obtaining a high grade.
Grading and Related Issues
Evaluation Item
3 Cengage WebAssign Homework
APA 7 Style Professional Report
Conducted online through Cengage
WebAssign. Due: Thursday, Dec 7
by 11:59 PM
Due: Thursday Nov 30 by 11:59 PM
Excel Training – 5 Quizzes
Weekly for 5 weeks of the course
Midterm 1 (Non-Cumulative)
Friday September 22
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM
30 Questions
Excel Comprehensive Exam
Friday September 29
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM
27 Questions
Midterm 2 (Non-Cumulative)
Friday November 17
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM
42 Questions
Final (Cumulative)
Friday December 15
50 Questions
Extra Credit - EdPuzzle
Maximum TOTAL possible
Due Thursday December 7 by 11:59
Final Letter Grade
Your final grade will be based upon your total accumulated points in the Excel quizzes, exams,
reports, Cengage homework assignments and any available extra credit points. The following
scale will be used.
Cumulative Points
Letter Grade
90 – 99
80 – 89
70 – 79
60 – 69
< 60
o Before a letter grade is assigned, the total cumulative score will be calculated and not
o NO CURVE is used to determine grades. Grades are based on the fixed scales above and
will be strictly followed.
Exam Policies:
 No handheld calculators to be used during exams – you may only use Excel or an onscreen calculator
You may only use one monitor to take the exam
You may not print during the examination
One page of notes (front & back) allowed for each exam, including the Excel
comprehensive exam
No sharing of notes allowed during exam. Each student must have his/her own set of
notes to use during the exam.
Google Chrome must be used as your browser when taking the online midterms and
final examinations via Proctorio. Install the Proctorio extension prior to the
examination (student guides are available IT website).
o It is your responsibility that your computer is working
o Cheat sheet must be electronic and accessible via your computer only – no
o Ensure that you can access these before your exam
o Make sure your camera and audio are turned on during the exam
o Make sure your video shows your full face, not just part of it
o Your camera should show at least the top of your head down to the top of
your desk as shown in the screenshot below. Failure to comply will result in a
0 for the exam
o You may not use your phone to communicate with anybody during the exam
o You are not allowed to use your phone as a calculator
o Restart your computer before the exam – this will minimize the chance of
any mishaps
o Ordinarily you will NOT be asked for an access code. If you are asked for an
access code you most likely have not restarted your computer or are not
using Google Chrome, so do so
Saying you did not know about the exam policies listed above is not a valid excuse
If you do not follow exam rules as stated in the syllabus, it is a not acceptable to say
that Proctorio did not warn you
Makeup Exam: There will be NO MAKE-UP EXAM except under extreme
circumstances such as illness that require doctor's visit or family emergencies. The
student is required to submit verifiable documentation supporting the make-up request
within four business days after the exam. Please be aware that a letter stating that a
student visited a doctor on exam day does not qualify as a valid document.
Exam and Proctorio Q&A
Q. The exam is asking me for an access code. What should I do?
A. There is no access code for the exam. Follow these steps:
1) Make sure you are using Google Chrome. Make sure Google Chrome is updated.
Make sure the Proctorio extension is installed correctly.
2) If you are still being asked for an access code, restart your computer.
3) If you are still having issues, you need to contact Student IT Help Desk at (657) 2788888.
Q. My webcam or microphone is failing to connect on Proctorio. What should I do?
A. Make sure you are allowing Google Chrome to share your camera and microphone. If you are
still having issues, restart your computer. If none of these work, you need to contact Student IT
Help Desk at (657) 278-8888.
Q. The exam kicked me out and it is now saying I am locked out. What should I do?
A. You need to close all your tabs, then reopen Google Chrome and go back into the exam. As
long as you have not submitted your exam, you will be able to get back in.
Q. I am still having issues getting into the exam.
A. You need to contact Student IT Help Desk at (657) 278-8888.
Individual Analytics Project
You will be writing an APA 7 style professional report. A document with the project report
preparation guidelines and formatting instructions is available on the Canvas course website.
Project Grade: In total, the APA 7 style professional report constitutes 10% of your final course
Recommended Optional Book for Business Writing: The Business Writers' Handbook, by
Alred, Brusaw and Oliu (12th edition), this book is available at the university bookstore for
purchase and is required for BUAD 301 course.
Extra Credit
Three extra credit points are available. This entails you watching several videos on Canvas and
answering questions. The EdPuzzle platform will be utilized. The videos are clearly identified on
Policy on Retention of Student Work
Work is submitted through the Canvas course site and shall be retained on the course website for
a year after the semester is completed.
Internet Related
o It is your responsibility to check that you can access the course websites before any work is
due. Connectivity problems will not be accepted as an excuse for not turning in the assigned
o It is your responsibility to frequently check Canvas as well as your email for updates,
announcements and other course related resources.
o Tracking and netiquette: Your online activity on all course websites will be tracked, and a
copy of your online activity log will be kept. Appropriate online behavior is expected from
all students using the course and any other platforms pertaining to the course.
Attendance & Participation
You are expected to attend every class, complete the assigned readings before class, arrive on time,
and demonstrate your preparedness and familiarity with class materials through active class
participation. Unless you are prepared, it will be hard for you to learn the concepts discussed in
the class and enjoy the class. You are responsible for all of the assigned reading whether or not it
is covered during class. To create a positive learning environment, I expect everyone in the
classroom to treat one other with dignity and respect.
Due Dates and Make-Up Work
Assignments must be turned in either on or before the due date. When a conflict arises, it is your
Cell Phones
Turn off your cell phone and put it away before entering the classroom. If you are expecting an
extremely important call, please put your cell phone on vibrate mode. Absolutely no texting is
allowed during class.
Academic Dishonesty
As a student taking coursework in this College, you have an obligation to maintain the highest
standards of ethical conduct. This involves avoiding acts of academic dishonesty. The reason for
requiring the highest standards of ethical conduct is to ensure fairness, honesty and integrity in the
evaluation of student performance. Evaluation of student performance should not be invalidated
by students intending or attempting to misrepresent the skill, achievement or ability of either
themselves or others. If detected, academic dishonesty may result in an F for the course plus
additional university-level disciplinary actions. In addition, any incident of academic dishonesty
may be reported to the department chair and Judicial Affairs.
I encourage you to use the resources listed in the syllabus and posted to Canvas or Titanium.
Before using other resources that you find online, I encourage you to discuss them with me. The
use of sites, including but not limited to Chegg and Course Hero, which require subscriptions
and provide solutions to homework problems, exam questions, etc., is explicitly prohibited in
this course and is considered academic dishonesty.
Collaborating has been made easier by the many tools available to use on the internet (e.g.
Discord, Zoom, Microsoft Teams). I encourage you to use these tools to work together, to form
study groups, etc. However, any sharing of assignments (even if just to help) or using these
communication tools for unauthorized collaboration is considered academic dishonesty. Unless
otherwise explicitly stated by the instructor, assignments, and examinations must be completed
on your own.
Assessment Statement
The programs offered in Mihaylo College of Business and Economics (MCBE) at Cal State
Fullerton are designed to provide every student with the knowledge and skills essential for a
successful career in business. Since assessment plays a vital role in Mihaylo College's drive to
offer the best, several assessment tools are implemented to continually evaluate our program as
well as our students' progress. Students, faculty, and staff should expect to participate in MCBE
assessment activities. In doing so, Mihaylo College can measure its strengths and weaknesses,
and continue to cultivate a climate of excellence in its students and programs.
Assurance of Learning (AoL) is an integral part of both our AACSB and WASC accreditation.
For more information on our College-based assurance of learning efforts, please visit the
Assessment and Instructional Support website.
Tentative Schedule
Aug 25 –
Chapter 1, All Sections,
Statistics & Data
Key Concepts
Data – information, data-driven decision making,
business analytics, data types and measurement
scales, descriptive/inferential statistics,
population/sample, sampling biases
Sep 1 –
Chapter 3, Sections 1 - 4,
Descriptive Statistics
Excel Quiz 1 - Due Sunday,
Sep 3 by 11:59 PM (10
Excel Quiz 2 - Due Sunday,
Sep 3 by 11:59 PM (10
Histogram- density, symmetry, skewness, modality,
mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard
deviation, coefficient of variation, the empirical rule,
Chebysheff's theorem, box-plots,
Sep 8 –
Chapter 6, Section 2, Bell
Excel Quiz 3 - Due Sunday,
Sep 10 by 11:59 PM (17
Random variable, discrete, continuous, normal
density, bell-curve, calculating probabilities, dealing
with inverse problems
Sep15 –
Review for Midterm 1
Excel Quiz 4 - Due Sunday,
Sep 17 by 11:59 PM (10
Sep 22 –
Midterm 1, 10:00 AM - 11:15
AM (30 Questions)
Excel Quiz 5 - Due Sunday,
Sep 22 by 11:59 PM (10
Chapters 1, 3, 6
Sep 29 –
Excel Comprehensive Exam,
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM (27
APA 7 Professional Report
Oct 6 –
Chapter 7, Sections 4 - 6,
Sampling Distributions
Sampling distribution, central limit theorem, normal
distribution, t-distribution, sample mean, sample
Oct 13 –
Chapter 8, Sections 1-4,
Interval Estimation
Interval estimator, point estimator, confidence level,
precision, known/unknown population standard
deviation, t-distribution, degrees of freedom, sample
Oct 20 –
Chapter 9, Sections 1-5,
Hypothesis Testing OneSample
Null and alternative hypothesis, claim, sample
evidence, critical value, p-value, rejection region,
Type 1 and 2 errors
Oct 27 –
Chapter 10, Sections 1-3,
Hypothesis Testing TwoSample
Nov 3 –
Review for Midterm 2
Nov 10 –
Nov 17 –
Midterm 2, 10:00 AM - 11:15
AM (42 Questions)
Two populations, independent samples, matched
samples, interval estimators, hypothesis tests
Veterans’s Day - No Class
Chapters 7, 8, 9 & 10
Nov 24 –
Dec 1 –
Chapter 13, Sections 1, 2, 4, 5
APA 7 Professional Report,
Due: Thursday, November 30
by 11:59 PM
Fall Recess - No Class
ANOVA as a generalization of two-sample tests,
one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, ANOVA with
interactions, ANOVA without interactions,
Completely randomized design
Dec 8 –
Chapter 14, Sections 1-7,
Scatter plot, correlation, causation, linear regression
Linear Regression
models, p-value, t-tests, F-tests, ANOVA table, RExtra Credit EdPuzzle Quizzes
squared, prediction
Due: Thursday, May 4 by
11:59 PM
Dec 8 –
Cengage WebAssign
Due: Thursday, Dec 7 by
11:59 PM
Dec 15 –
Final, TBA (50 Questions)
Cumulative All Chapters
Technical competencies expected of students:
The following technical computer skills are required of students during this online timeframe:
 Use of Zoom (tutorial may be accessed here: https://youtu.be/gWEPFFx9PfI)
 Use of word processing (i.e., Microsoft Word)
 Use of Adobe Reader and converting formats to PDF
 Use of a Web Browser (i.e., Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet
Explorer, or Safari)
 Handling email communications and inserting attachments; your CSUF email account
should be checked at least three times weekly – as this is the instructor's
communication method for an online class
Downloading and uploading files from the internet
Computer hardware, software, and settings requirements:
Hardware/Software Requirements:
 Operating System: Windows 7, 8, 10 or Mac OS X/X+
 Processor: 2+ GHz
 Memory: 4+ GB
 Plug-ins: PDF Reader, QuickTime, Java (use the current version) Note: Flash Player is
no longer recommended.
 Web browser: Chrome (Chrome is required for taking exams through Proctorio), Firefox
or Safari (use the current version)
 Display: 1336x768 or higher
 Internet connection: FiOS/DSL/Cable
 Email: CSUF student email account
 Sound card or built-in sound: required
 Software: Microsoft Office 365 or similar; Zoom and any other software required by
your instructor
 Microphone: required (external or built-in)
 Webcam: required (external or built-in, you can also use your mobile phone as a
Important Settings/Considerations:
 For Zoom, a smartphone will work, but you may have a hard time viewing the
PowerPoint(s), so a laptop/computer/tablet is recommended. Test your Zoom
technology: https://zoom.us/test
 Free software to CSUF students (including Zoom, Microsoft Office, and Adobe):
 Resources for Proctorio: http://www.fullerton.edu/it/services/software/proctorio/. Make
sure to review the contents on the page before your first exam.
What to do when technical problems develop:
If students are having problems using the features implemented in the course site, they should
call the Help Desk at (657) 278-8888 or email helpdesk@fullerton.edu.
Netiquette (appropriate online behavior):
Navigating the internet dictates that you adhere to a certain unspoken code of conduct. This
online set of rules, called netiquette, ensures that you are not misunderstood (and that you do not
offend anyone) when communicating online.
Zoom Etiquette:
 Use your webcam and put your microphone on mute during Zoom class sessions (unless
instructed otherwise). Test your camera position before each class begins to ensure
you're centered in the camera.
 Make sure to limit distractions as much as possible during class (i.e., find a quiet space,
do not browse other apps, put your phone away, etc.) to be more engaged
Do not use inappropriate Zoom backgrounds or nicknames; this course is centered
around professionalism, and it is expected that you act as such
 Keep professional behavior during the Zoom session (e.g. dress appropriately for class,
consider your body language, don't participate in non-course related activities)
 Keep irrelevant chat to a minimum (remember to answer discussion questions and not
chat with your classmates about something not relevant to the course during in-class
discussion time)
 Do not offend or enrage a classmate (be sensitive and use appropriate language); no
shouting (using all capital letters); if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say it
 Do not personally record the class meeting on your device. This is a policy from campus
to protect individual privacy, and violating this rule can result in campus disciplinary
More Core Rules of Netiquette can be found at http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html
Please inform your instructor ASAP is you need any technical support, so your instructor
can request the necessary devices for you.
President's Directive & Health and Safety Guidelines:
Cal State Fullerton (CSUF) is actively working to maintain the safety of our campus
community. To stay current with information, please visit CSUF's Titan's Return: A Phased
Approach website. Please review the FAQs to help answer any of your questions.
University Resources
As a registered student, you are enrolled in Canvas. You may access Canvas for all your classes
by clicking on your student portal, found on the CSUF website. Problems? Contact the student
help desk at (657) 278-8888 or email StudentITHelpDesk@fullerton.edu.
University Learning Center
The goal of the University Learning Center is to provide all CSUF students with academic
support in an inviting and contemporary environment. The staff of the University Learning
Center will assist students with their academic assignments, general study skills, and computer
user needs. The ULC staff work with all students from diverse backgrounds in most
undergraduate general education courses, including those in science and math; humanities and
social sciences; as well as other subjects. They offer one-to-one peer tutoring, online writing
review, and many more services. More information can be found on the University Learning
Center website.
Writing Center
The Writing Center offers 30-minute, one-on-one peer tutoring sessions and workshops, aimed at
assisting with all written assignments and student writing concerns. Writing Center services are
available to students from all disciplines. Registration and appointment schedules are available at
the Writing Center Appointment Scheduling System. Walk-in appointments are also available on
a first-come, first-served basis, to students who have registered online. More information can be
found at the Writing Center webpage. The Writing Center is located on the first floor of the
Pollak Library their phone number is (657) 278-3650.
Important University Information and Student Policy Website (← click here)
Students with Special Needs
 Academic Dishonesty Policy
 Library Support
 Final Exams Schedule
 University Learning Goals
 Degree Program
 Learning Outcomes
 Emergency Preparedness
Classroom Emergency Preparedness Guide
Emergency Preparedness for ISDS 361A
On the first day of every semester:
• Know the emergency exits and evacuation areas for every classroom.
• Devise "buddy systems" so that everyone is accounted for in an evacuation.
• Evaluate the challenges that you might face during an evacuation and speak with your
• Add the CSUF Emergency Information number – 877-278-1712 – to your cell phone
to hear recorded information regarding campus conditions or closure.
• Personal Preparation website
Emergency Communication
Campus emergency communication is done via a voice message, text and/or an email. Go to
your Portal to review your contact information. A guide to update your personal
Evacuations – Drills or real
• You may not know if this is a drill or not, so take every call to evacuate seriously.
• Take your personal belongings and immediately leave the building.
• Know where the evacuation area is for every building. A map of all campus
evacuation areas
• Re-enter buildings only when directed by Building Marshals or other campus authority.
• Leave the campus only if instructed.
For this class, the closest 2 exits are: Follow exit signs out of West Pavillion
We will meet Outside of LH by water fountains.
As soon as you feel shaking, DROP, COVER and HOLD ON: Immediately seek shelter (under a
desk or table) cover your head and hold on. Evacuate if directed, or you feel it is safe to do so.
When you see smoke or fire, immediately evacuate the building.
If not already activated, pull the fire alarm switch to alert others of the situation.
Use a fire extinguisher only if you know how to use it and the fire is small.
Shelter in Place or Dangerous Situation
If directed, or you feel it is best to do so, seek shelter in a room with a lock.
Turn off the lights and silence all cell phones.
Hide as best as possible until the all-clear signal has been given by authorities.
If possible, move away from the dangerous situation as fast as you can.
If you cannot safely hide or escape, be prepared to take action to protect yourself.
See some helpful videos on sheltering in place
When you need help Immediately or to report a dangerous situation, CALL 911. University
Police non-emergency line: (657) 278-2515.
For more information
Ask your instructor, or go to Campus Preparedness website
Analytics Professional Report Grading Rubric
Professional Report: 10%
Introduction &
Purpose, business problem
b) Description of variables and
outline of the statistical
methods to be applied
(descriptive statistics for
Phase 1 and inferential
methods for Phase 2)
a) Purpose unclear and
the problem description
b) Description of
variables and statistical
methods incorrect or
vague (as relevant to
each Phase)
a) Purpose included but
the problem description
lacks clarity;
b) Outline of variables
and statistical methods
adequate (1 error at most)
but can be improved
a) Problem well-defined
and covers the scope;
b) Variable descriptions
and statistical methods
accurately and clearly
Application of the appropriate
statistical methods and analyses
(as relevant to each Phase)
Interpretation of the results,
conclusions, and final decisionmaking in the context of the
business problem
Development, layout, flow and
Paragraphs, grammar,
punctuation, & word choice;
Introduction & conclusion
Incorrect statistical
method used and
incorrect analysis (Does
not meet)
Correct method used but
some errors in
intermediate steps of the
analyses and calculations
Correct method used,
correct steps followed,
and correct final answers
(meets expectations)
Conclusion is incorrect
and interpretation is
incorrect or missing
(does not meet)
Correct interpretation of
results but the
conclusions are not
communicated properly
in the business context
(meets but can be
Correct interpretation of
results and conclusions in
the context of the
business problem (meets
expectations completely)
Points not sequential –
hard to follow; layout
incorrect; design is
incorrect or messy
Points are sequential;
layout is adequate; design
and flow are adequate
(meet but can be
Points are well
developed, layout is
clean, and design is
Several misspellings;
grammar and/or word
usage errors are
disruptive; does not
include introduction or
Minor errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, or
word choice; introduction
and/or conclusion are
included but are not wellstructured
Not more than 1 or 2
errors overall; effective
introduction and