Uploaded by Zenat Moneeb

Portable Electric Nail Drill Design Flaw Analysis

System: Portable Electric Drill and Nail Bit
Portable Electric Nail Drill bit with adapter, and it is frequently used at a
nail salon for nail enhancements. This tool is very effective in cutting
time, while also: buffing, scraping, sanding, shaping, filing, cleaning,
cutting, and smoothing out nail surfaces, electrically.
Design flaw 1:
- visibility of button(s) and location of button(s).
Violation of design principle of Visibility. There are no buttons on the device, only on the wire, which
can be confusing to newbies. A button on the nail drill system would’ve been more effective for the
design of the system and for the use. It not having any buttons on the actual device, makes it a
difficult for people who are used to pushing on buttons for extra stability,or when they need help
turning the device on/off quickly. This design doesn’t allow for a quick on/off button, in case of
emergency. This can be seen as a major flaw.
ViDesign flaw 2:
- size of button(s), size of the drill bits, length of nail drill.
Violation of three-dimensional projection, the size of the buttons do not allow for visibility. Size of
drill bits do not fit on the nail bit device. It slips off randomly, which can be a hazard. Length of drill
bits aren’t convenient for the top of the device, it doesn’t always screw correctly to the top of
Design flaw 3:
- safety with grip of handle and accessibility issues.
Violation of threat detection mechanism of the product/system. It is definitely a violation of the
physical characteristic of the design principle. There is nothing to give a valid warning, no signs, no
lights, nothing on there to say “keep fingers away,” or “do not touch here.” It should be imprinted on
the device, “DANGER, Keep body parts away.”
Design flaw 4:
- No sensor on there to tell you if you are screwed on correctly.
Violation of three-dimensional projection, size refers to the noticeability of the item.
Design flaw 5:
- User manual being in foreign language (pictures somewhat helpful).
Violation of assumption of all users speaking certain language, not universal for everyone either. No
braille for disability or people with disabilities.
Design Improvement 1:
- Make it more visible to user by designing it to where there is an off/on button near the bottom of
the drill bit device, in case of emergencies and easy shut-off. Add the button on the device.
Design Improvement 2:
- Location of Buttons would be moved closer to the bottom of the drill, away from wire. The drill
bits and nail file system would be sized to fit each other’s dimensions correctly.
Design Improvement 3:
There should be added constraints on the device itself to show that the device has some sort
of caution or care for human life. Handle should be smaller to fit ALL hands normal, the base
seems a bit huge in current design but it would be better if change was done.
Design Improvement 4:
- Create a sensor on there with a light indicating 3 colors for 3 different possible battery charges/or
if there is a problem with connecting device, i.e. hardware difficulties, user problems. 3 lights
indicate - red - dead/off speed, yellow - almost dead/half battery capacity/normal-low speed, green
- full battery/fast-low speed.
Design Improvement 5:
- Make images bigger, manual- less about product ingredients and how its not harmful to people,
more about how to use product/system. Create a more easier manual to read for instructions and
clear images for each little slide option.
- Electric Nail device was created for ease in the nail filing, buffing, and shaping department of
participating in nail enhancements. There is also a time efficiency in using the device.
Production of the design manual thought their manual would be easy to read and universal for
everyone. It is not universal to the US as US is to China.
Efficient device and very Cost Affordable.
Not many design flaws, just changes/tweaks to the design system.