S TA N D A R D S P R A C T I C E B O O K EDITION Standards Practice Book For Home or School Grade 3 INCLUDES: r Home or School Practice r Lesson Practice and Test Preparation r English and Spanish School-Home Letters r Getting Ready for Grade 4 Lessons Whole Number Operations Critical Area Developing understanding of multiplication and division and strategies for multiplication and division within 100 1 Addition and Subtraction within 1,000 Domains Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations in Base Ten Common Core Standards CC.3.OA.8, CC.3.0A.9, CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2 School-Home Letter (English) . . . . . . . . . . . . . School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Algebraäsä.UMBERä0ATTERNSä . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2ä 2OUNDäTOäTHEä.EARESTä4ENäORä(UNDREDä . . . . . . . . 1.3 Estimate Sums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Mental Math Strategies for Addition . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Algebraäsä5SEä0ROPERTIESäTOä!DDä. . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Use Place Value to Add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8ä %STIMATEä$IFFERENCESä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 Mental Math Strategies for Subtraction . . . . . . . 1.10 Use Place Value to Subtract . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11 Combine Place Values to Subtract . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 Problem Solvingäsä-ODELä!DDITIONäANDä3UBTRACTIONä. Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P1 . P2 . P3 . P5 . P7 . P9 P11 P13 P15 P17 P19 P21 P23 P25 P27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P29 P30 P31 P33 P35 P37 P39 P41 P43 P45 Represent and Interpret Data Domain Measurement and Data Common Core Standards CC.3.MD.3, CC.3.MD.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6ä 2.7 School-Home Letter (English) . . . School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . Problem Solvingäsä/RGANIZEä$ATAä Use Picture Graphs . . . . . . . . Make Picture Graphs . . . . . . . Use Bar Graphs . . . . . . . . . . Make Bar Graphs . . . . . . . . . 3OLVEä0ROBLEMSä5SINGä$ATAä. . . . Use and Make Line Plots . . . . . Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Understand Multiplication Domain Operations and Algebraic Thinking Common Core Standards CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.8 3.1 3.2 3.3ä 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4 School-Home Letter (English) . . . . . . . . . . . . School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . . . . . . . . . . Count Equal Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algebraäsä2ELATEä!DDITIONäANDä-ULTIPLICATIONä . . . 3KIPä#OUNTäONäAä.UMBERä,INEä . . . . . . . . . . . Problem Solvingäsä-ODELä-ULTIPLICATIONä . . . . . . Model with Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algebraäsä#OMMUTATIVEä0ROPERTYäOFä-ULTIPLICATIONä Algebraäsä-ULTIPLYäWITHä1 and 0 . . . . . . . . . . Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P47 P48 P49 P51 P53 P55 P57 P59 P61 P63 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P65 P66 P67 P69 P71 P73 P75 P77 P79 P81 P83 P85 P87 Multiplication Facts and Strategies Domain Operations and Algebraic Thinking Common Core Standards CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.OA.8, CC.3.OA.9 School-Home Letter (English) . . . . . . . . . . . School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Multiply with 2 and 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Multiply with 5 and 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Multiply with 3 and 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Algebraäsä$ISTRIBUTIVEä0ROPERTY . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Multiply with 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Algebraäsä!SSOCIATIVEä0ROPERTYäOFä-ULTIPLICATION . 4.7 Algebraäsä0ATTERNSäONäTHEä-ULTIPLICATIONä4ABLE . . 4.8 Multiply with 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Multiply with 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 Problem Solvingäsä-ULTIPLICATIONä . . . . . . . . . Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3 5 Use Multiplication Facts Domains Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations in Base Ten Common Core Standards CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NBT.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 6 School-Home Letter (English) . . . . . . . . . . . School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . . . . . . . . . Algebraäsä$ESCRIBEä0ATTERNSä . . . . . . . . . . . Algebraäsä&INDä5NKNOWNä&ACTORSä. . . . . . . . . Problem Solvingäsä5SEäTHEä$ISTRIBUTIVEä0ROPERTY. Multiplication Strategies with Multiples of 10 . . Multiply Multiples of 10 by 1 $IGITä.UMBERSä. . . Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P89 . P90 . P91 . P93 . P95 . P97 . P99 P101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P103 P104 P105 P107 P109 P111 P113 P115 P117 P119 P121 P123 Understand Division Domain Operations and Algebraic Thinking Common Core Standards CC.3.OA.2, CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.6, CC.3.OA.7 6.1 6.2ä 6.3ä 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 School-Home Letter (English) . . . . . . . . . School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . . . . . . . Problem Solvingäsä-ODELä$IVISIONä . . . . . . 3IZEäOFä%QUALä'ROUPSä . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UMBERäOFä%QUALä'ROUPSä . . . . . . . . . . . Model with Bar Models . . . . . . . . . . . . Algebraäsä2ELATEä3UBTRACTIONäANDä$IVISIONä . . Investigateäsä-ODELäWITHä!RRAYSä . . . . . . . Algebraäsä2ELATEä-ULTIPLICATIONäANDä$IVISIONä. Algebraäsä7RITEä2ELATEDä&ACTS. . . . . . . . . Algebraäsä$IVISIONä2ULESäFORä1 and 0 . . . . . Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v 7 Division Facts and Strategies Domain Operations and Algebraic Thinking Common Core Standards CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.OA.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P125 P126 P127 P129 P131 P133 P135 P137 P139 P141 P143 P145 P147 P149 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company School-Home Letter (English) . . . . . . School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . . . . 7.1ä $IVIDEäBYä2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2ä $IVIDEäBYä10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3ä $IVIDEäBYä5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4ä $IVIDEäBYä3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5ä $IVIDEäBYä4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6ä $IVIDEäBYä6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7ä $IVIDEäBYä7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8ä $IVIDEäBYä8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9ä $IVIDEäBYä9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10 Problem Solvingäsä4WO 3TEPä0ROBLEMSää 7.11 Investigateäsä/RDERäOFä/PERATIONSä . . . Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Fractions Critical Area Developing understanding of fractions, especially unit fractions (fractions with numerator 1) 8 Understand Fractions Domain Number and Operations—Fractions Common Core Standards CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.NF.2a, CC.3.NF.2b, CC.3.NF.3c 8.1ä 8.2 8.3ä 8.4ä 8.5ä 8.6ä 8.7ä 8.8ä 8.9 ä ä © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 9 School-Home Letter (English) . . . . . . . School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . . . . . %QUALä0ARTSäOFäAä7HOLEä . . . . . . . . . . Equal Shares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5NITä&RACTIONSäOFäAä7HOLE . . . . . . . . . &RACTIONSäOFäAä7HOLEä . . . . . . . . . . . &RACTIONSäONäAä.UMBERä,INEä . . . . . . . 2ELATEä&RACTIONSäANDä7HOLEä.UMBERS . . &RACTIONSäOFäAä'ROUPä . . . . . . . . . . . &INDä0ARTäOFäAä'ROUPä5SINGä5NITä&RACTIONSä Problem Solvingäsä&INDäTHEä7HOLEä'ROUP 5SINGä5NITä&RACTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P151 P152 P153 P155 P157 P159 P161 P163 P165 P167 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P171 Compare Fractions Domain Number and Operations—Fractions Common Core Standards CC.3.NF.3a, CC.3.NF.3b, CC.3.NF.3d 9.1 9.2ä 9.3ä 9.4ä 9.5ä 9.6 9.7ä School-Home Letter (English) . . . . . . . . . . . School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . . . . . . . . . Problem Solvingäsä#OMPAREä&RACTIONSä. . . . . . #OMPAREä&RACTIONSäWITHäTHEä3AMEä$ENOMINATORä #OMPAREä&RACTIONSäWITHäTHEä3AMEä.UMERATORä . . #OMPAREä&RACTIONSä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #OMPAREäANDä/RDERä&RACTIONSä . . . . . . . . . . Investigateäsä-ODELä%QUIVALENTä&RACTIONSä . . . . %QUIVALENTä&RACTIONSä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P173 P174 P175 P177 P179 P181 P183 P185 P187 P189 vii Measurement Critical Area Developing understanding of the structure of rectangular arrays and of area 10 Time, Length, Liquid Volume, and Mass Domain Measurement and Data Common Core Standards CC.3.MD.1, CC.3.MD.2, CC.3.MD.4 School-Home Letter (English) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P191 School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P192 10.1ä 4IMEäTOäTHEä-INUTEä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P193 10.2 10.3ä 10.4ä 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11 A.M. and P.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -EASUREä4IMEä)NTERVALSä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5SEä4IMEä)NTERVALSä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problem Solvingäsä4IMEä)NTERVALSä . . . . . . . . Measure Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimate and Measure Liquid Volume . . . . . . Estimate and Measure Mass . . . . . . . . . . . Solve Problems About Liquid Volume and Mass Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P195 P197 P199 P201 P203 P205 P207 P209 P211 Perimeter and Area Domain Measurement and Data Common Core Standards CC.3.MD.5, CC.3.MD.5a, CC.3.MD.6, CC.3.MD.7a, CC.3.MD.7b, CC.3.MD.7c, viii School-Home Letter (English) . . . . . . School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . . . . 11.1 Investigateäsä-ODELä0ERIMETERä . . . . . 11.2ä &INDä0ERIMETERä . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 Algebraäsä&INDä5NKNOWNä3IDEä,ENGTHSä 11.4 Understand Area . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5 Measure Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.6 Use Area Models . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.7 Problem Solvingäsä!REAäOFä2ECTANGLESä. 11.8 Area of Combined Rectangles . . . . . 11.9ä 3AMEä0ERIMETER ä$IFFERENTä!REASä . . . . 11.10ä 3AMEä!REA ä$IFFERENTä0ERIMETERSä . . . . Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P213 P214 P215 P217 P219 P221 P223 P225 P227 P229 P231 P233 P235 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company CC.3.MD.7d, CC.3.MD.8 Geometry Critical Area Describing and analyzing two-dimensional shapes 12 Two-Dimensional Shapes Domain Geometry Common Core Standards CC.3.G.1, CC.3.G.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P237 P238 P239 P241 P243 P245 P247 P249 P251 P253 P255 P257 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 12.1ä 12.2ä 12.3ä 12.4ä 12.5 12.6ä 12.7ä 12.8 12.9 School-Home Letter (English) . . . . . . . . . . . School-Home Letter (Spanish) . . . . . . . . . . $ESCRIBEä0LANEä3HAPESä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ESCRIBEä!NGLESäINä0LANEä3HAPESä . . . . . . . . )DENTIFYä0OLYGONSä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ESCRIBEä3IDESäOFä0OLYGONSä. . . . . . . . . . . . Classify Quadrilaterals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $RAWä1UADRILATERALSä. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ESCRIBEä4RIANGLESä . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problem Solvingäsä#LASSIFYä0LANEä3HAPESä . . . . Investigateäsä2ELATEä3HAPES ä&RACTIONS äANDä!REA Extra Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix End–of–Year Resources Getting Ready for Grade 4 These lessons review important skills and prepare you for Grade 4. Lesson 1 Numbers to Ten Thousand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 2 Read and Write Numbers to Ten Thousand . . . . . Lesson 3 Relative Size on a Number Line . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 4 Compare 3- and 4-Digit Numbers . . . . . . . . . . Checkpoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 5 Multiply with 11 and 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 6 Divide with 11 and 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 7 Algebraäs Multiplication and Division Relationships. Lesson 8 Use Multiplication Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 9 Use Models to Multiply Tens and Ones . . . . . . . Lesson 10 Model Division with Remainders . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 11 Use Models to Divide Tens and Ones . . . . . . . . Checkpoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 12 Model Tenths and Hundredths . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 13 Fractions Greater Than One . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 14 Equivalent Fractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 15 Equivalent Fractions on a Multiplication Table . . . Checkpoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 16 Same Size, Same Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesson 17 Algebraäs Change Customary Units of Length . . . Lesson 18 Algebraäs Change Metric Units of Length . . . . . Lesson 19 Estimate and Measure Liquid Volume . . . . . . . . Lesson 20 Estimate and Measure Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . Checkpoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x .P259 .P261 .P263 .P265 .P267 .P269 .P271 .P273 .P275 .P277 .P279 .P281 .P283 .P285 .P287 .P289 .P291 .P293 .P295 .P297 .P299 .P301 .P303 .P305 PRACTICE GRP1 GRP2 GRP3 GRP4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRP5 . GRP6 . GRP7 . GRP8 . GRP9 GRP10 GRP11 . . . . . . . . GRP12 GRP13 GRP14 GRP15 . . . . . . . . . . GRP16 GRP17 GRP18 GRP19 GRP20 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company LESSON 1 estimate A number close to an exact amount compatible numbers Numbers that are easy to compute mentally and are close to the real numbers Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning to estimate and solve addition and subtraction problems using numbers through hundreds. You can expect to see homework that provides practice with adding and subtracting numbers as well as estimating sums and differences. Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to estimate sums. Estimate Sums These are two methods we will be using to estimate sums. Choosing Compatible Numbers to Estimate Sums and Differences 367 1 512 5 n © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Use rounding. Use compatible numbers. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 1 Round each number to the nearest hundred. Add the Find a rounded compatible numbers. number for each addend. 367 n 400 1 512 n 500 400 1 500 900 105 n 100 1 362 n 400 STEP 2 Add the numbers mentally. 100 1 400 500 A number may have more than one compatible number. For example, a compatible number for 362 could be 350 or 400. Whichever numbers are easiest to add or subtract mentally are the best ones to use for estimations. Activity Provide books with large numbers of pages (3-digit numbers). Have your child use rounding and compatible numbers to estimate the total number of pages in the two books and compare how many more pages one book has than the other. Chapter 1 P1 1 estimación Un número que se aproxima a una cantidad exacta números compatibles Números con los que es fácil calcular mentalmente y que se aproximan a los números reales Querida familia, Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos a estimar y resolver problemas de suma y resta usando números hasta las centenas. Llévare a la casa tareas con actividades para practicar la suma y la resta, y para estimar sumas y diferencias. Este es un ejemplo de la manera como aprenderemos a estimar sumas. Estimar sumas Usa el redondeo. Usa números compatibles. PASO 1 PASO 2 PASO 1 PASO 2 Redondea cada número a la centena más cercana. Suma los números que hallaste. Halla un número compatible para cada sumando. Suma los números mentalmente. 367 n 400 1 512 n 500 400 1 500 900 105 n 100 1 362 n 400 100 1 400 500 Actividad Dé a su hijo o hija dos libros que tengan bastantes páginas (con números de 3 dígitos). Pídale que use el redondeo y los números compatibles para estimar el total de páginas de los dos libros y para averiguar cuántas más páginas tiene un libro que el otro. P2 Elegir números compatibles para estimar sumas y restas Un número puede tener más de un número compatible. Por ejemplo, un número compatible para 362 puede ser 350 o 400. Cualquiera de los números con el que sea más fácil sumar y restar mentalmente sirve para hacer estimaciones. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Estos son dos métodos que usaremos para estimar sumas. 367 1 512 5 n ALGEBRA Lesson 1.1 Name Number Patterns COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.9 Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. Find the sum. Then use the Commutative Property of Addition to write the related addition sentence. 1. 9 1 2 11 5_ 4. 2 1_ 9 5_ 11 _ 2. 4 1 7 5_ 3 1 6 5_ _1_5_ 1 10 5_ 7. _1_5_ 5. _1_5_ 3. 3 6 1 7 5_ 7 1 5 5_ _1_5_ 1 9 5_ _1_5_ 8. _1_5_ 6. 8 0 1 4 5_ _1_5_ 9. 9 1 6 5_ _1_5_ Is the sum even or odd? Write even or odd. 10. 5 1 2 __ 11. 6 1 4 __ 12. 1 1 0 __ 13. 5 1 5 __ 14. 3 1 8 __ 15. 7 1 7 __ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 16. Ada writes 10 1 8 5 18 on the board. Maria wants to use the Commutative Property of Addition to rewrite Ada’s addition sentence. What number sentence should Maria write? 17. Jackson says he has an odd number of model cars. He has 6 cars on one shelf and 8 cars on another shelf. Is Jackson correct? Explain. _______ _______ _______ _______ Chapter 1 P3 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.9) 1. Marvella says that the sum of her addends is odd. Which of the following could be Marvella’s addition problem? 2. Which number sentence shows the Commutative Property of Addition? 3 1 9 5 12 A 513 C 218 A 12 2 9 5 3 C 9 1 3 5 12 B 917 D 516 B 12 5 8 1 4 D 12 2 3 5 9 Spiral Review (Reviews CC.2.MD.3, CC.2.MD.8, CC.2.MD.10) 3. Amber has 2 quarters, a dime, and 4. Josh estimates the height of his 3 pennies. How much money does desk. Which is the best estimate? Amber have? (Grade 2) (Grade 2) A 53¢ C 63¢ A 1 foot C 5 feet B 58¢ D 68¢ B 2 feet D 9 feet Use the bar graph for 5–6. (Grade 2) Books Read B Bob C Juan D Maria 6. Who read 3 more books than Bob? (Grade 2) A Alicia B Juan C Maria D no one P4 Number of Books Read A Alicia 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Juan Bob Maria Student Alicia © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Who read the most books? Lesson 1.2 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.1 Round to the Nearest Ten or Hundred Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Locate and label 739 on the number line. Round to the nearest hundred. 800 700 1. 739 is between _ and _. 2. 739 is closer to _ than it is to _. 3. 739 rounded to the nearest hundred is _. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Round to the nearest ten and hundred. 4. 363 __ 5. 829 __ 6. 572 __ __ __ __ 7. 209 __ 8. 663 __ 9. 949 __ __ __ __ 10. 762 __ 11. 399 __ 12. 402 __ __ __ __ 13. The baby elephant weighs 435 pounds. What is its weight rounded to the nearest hundred pounds? 14. Jayce sold 218 cups of lemonade at his lemonade stand. What is 218 rounded to the nearest ten? Chapter 1 P5 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.1) 1. One day, 758 people visited the Monkey House at the zoo. What is 758 rounded to the nearest hundred? 2. Sami ordered 132 dresses for her store. What is 132 rounded to the nearest ten? A 700 C 800 A 100 C 140 B 760 D 860 B 130 D 200 Spiral Review (Reviews CC.2.G.1, CC.2.G.3; CC.3.OA.9) 3. Which describes the number 4. Which has an even sum? (Lesson 1.1) sentence? (Lesson 1.1) 61056 A Commutative Property of Addition A 714 B Identity Property of Addition B 216 C even 1 odd 5 odd C 514 D odd 1 odd 5 odd D 312 (Grade 2) P6 6. What word describes the equal shares of the shape? (Grade 2) A cone A wholes B cube B thirds C rectangle C halves D triangle D fourths © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. What name describes this shape? Lesson 1.3 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.1 Estimate Sums Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Use rounding or compatible numbers to estimate the sum. 1. 4. 7. 198 1 727 __ 200 1 725 __ 925 52 1 39 __ 2. 5. 1 __ 519 1 124 __ 8. 1 __ 87 1 34 __ 256 1 321 __ 790 1 112 __ 10. 325 1 458 1 1 __ 6. 1 _ _ 9. 1 _ _ 222 1 203 __ 1 __ 302 1 412 __ 1 __ 547 1 326 __ 1 __ 11. 620 1 107 5 12. Stephanie read 72 pages on Sunday © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. and 83 pages on Monday. About how many pages did Stephanie read during the two days? _____ 1 5 13. Matt biked 345 miles last month. This month he has biked 107 miles. Altogether, about how many miles has Matt biked last month and this month? _____ Chapter 1 P7 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.1) 1. The McBrides drove 317 miles on one day and 289 on the next day. What is the best estimate of the number of miles the McBrides drove in all during the two days? 2. Ryan counted 63 birds in his backyard last week. This week, he counted 71 birds in his backyard. About how many birds did Ryan count in all? A 100 A about 70 B 400 B about 100 C 500 C about 130 D 600 D about 200 Spiral Review (Reviews CC.2.G.1; CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.OA.9) 3. What name describes this shape? 4. Which has an odd sum? (Lesson 1.1) (Grade 2) A cone A 919 B 513 C 617 D 218 B cube C quadrilateral 5. What is 503 rounded to the nearest hundred? (Lesson 1.2) P8 6. What is 645 rounded to the nearest ten? (Lesson 1.2) A 500 A 600 B 510 B 640 C 600 C 650 D 610 D 700 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company D square Lesson 1.4 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.2 Mental Math Strategies for Addition Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Count by tens and ones to find the sum. Use the number line to show your thinking. 43 1. 29 1 14 5 _ 1( 2. 36 1 28 5 _ 1(' )0 *' 1* +' +* 3. 45 1 26 5 _ 4. 52 1 34 5 _ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Use mental math to find the sum. Draw or describe the strategy you use. 5. 52 1 19 5 __ 6. 122 1 306 5 __ 7. Shelley spent 17 minutes washing 8. It took Marty 42 minutes to write the dishes. She spent 38 minutes cleaning her room. Explain how you can use mental math to find how long Shelley spent on the two tasks. a book report. Then he spent 18 minutes correcting his report. Explain how you can use mental math to find how long Marty spent on his book report. Chapter 1 P9 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.2) 1. Sylvia spent 36¢ for a pencil and 55¢ for a notepad. Use mental math to find how much she spent in all. 2. Will spent 24 minutes putting together a model plane. Then he spent 48 minutes painting the model. How long did Will spend working on the model plane? A 80¢ C 90¢ A 62 minutes C 72 minutes B 81¢ D 91¢ B 68 minutes D 81 minutes Spiral Review (Reviews CC.2.G.1, CC.2.G.3; CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NBT.1) (Grade 2) shares of the shape? (Grade 2) A hexagon A fourths B pentagon B halves C quadrilateral C sixths D triangle D thirds 5. Tammy wrote an addition problem that has an odd sum. Which could be Tammy’s addition problem? (Lesson 1.1) P10 4. What word describes the equal 6. Greg counted 83 cars and 38 trucks in the mall parking lot. Which is the best estimate of the total number of cars and trucks Greg counted? (Lesson 1.3) A 216 A 100 B 315 B 110 C 516 C 120 D 717 D 130 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. What name describes this shape? ALGEBRA Lesson 1.5 Name Use Properties to Add COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.2 Use addition properties and strategies to find the sum. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 193 Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. 1. 34 1 62 1 51 1 46 5 _ 2. 27 1 68 1 43 5 _ 34 10 46 10 62 1 51 _ 193 3. 42 1 36 1 18 5 _ 4. 74 1 35 1 16 1 45 5 _ 5. 41 1 26 1 149 5 _ 6. 52 1 64 1 28 1 44 5 _ 7. A pet shelter has 26 dogs, 37 cats, 8. The pet shelter bought 85 pounds and 14 gerbils. How many of these animals are in the pet shelter in all? of dog food, 50 pounds of cat food, and 15 pounds of gerbil food. How many pounds of animal food did the pet shelter buy? Chapter 1 P11 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.2) 1. At summer camp there are 52 boys, 47 girls, and 18 adults. How many people are at summer camp? 2. At camp, 32 children are swimming, 25 are fishing, and 28 are canoeing. How many children are swimming, fishing, or canoeing? A 97 A 75 B 107 B 85 C 117 C 95 D 127 D 105 Spiral Review (Reviews CC.2.MD.3; CC.3.NBT.1) of the door to their classroom. Who made the best estimate? (Grade 2) A Ted: 1 foot B Hank: C Ann: 3 feet 10 feet D Maria: 15 feet 5. Jeff’s dog weighs 76 pounds. What is the dog’s weight rounded to the nearest ten pounds? (Lesson 1.2) P12 4. Four students estimated the height of the door to their classroom. Who made the best estimate? (Grade 2) A Larry: 1 meter B Garth: 2 meters C Ida: 14 meters D Jill: 20 meters 6. Ms. Kirk drove 164 miles in the morning and 219 miles in the afternoon. Which is the best estimate of the total number of miles she drove that day? (Lesson 1.3) A 70 pounds B 80 pounds A 100 miles C 90 pounds B 200 miles D 100 pounds C 400 miles D 500 miles © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Four students estimated the width Lesson 1.6 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.2 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Estimate. Then use the break apart strategy to find the sum. 800 1. Estimate: _ 325 5 300 1 20 1 5 400 1 90 1 4 1 494 5 ____ __ 700 1 110 1 9 3. Estimate: _ 473 5 1 123 5 __ 5. Estimate: _ 731 5 1 207 5 __ 2. Estimate: _ 518 5 1 372 5 __ 4. Estimate: _ 208 5 1 569 5 __ 6. Estimate: _ 495 5 1 254 5 __ Use the table for 7–8. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 7. Laura is making a building using Set A and Set C. How many blocks can she use in her building? 8. Clark is making a building using Set B Build-It Blocks Set Number of Blocks A 165 B 188 C 245 and Set C. How many blocks can he use in his building? Chapter 1 P13 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.2) 1. Arthur read two books last week. One book has 216 pages. The other book has 327 pages. Altogether, how many pages are in the two books? 2. One skeleton in a museum has 189 bones. Another skeleton has 232 bones. How many bones in all are in the two skeletons? A 533 A 311 B 543 B 312 C 633 C 411 D 643 D 421 Spiral Review (Reviews CC.2.MD.8; CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NBT.2) a penny. How much money does he have? (Grade 2) 4. Felicia has 34 quarters, 25 dimes, and 36 pennies. How many coins does Felicia have? (Lesson 1.5) A 41¢ A 75 B 55¢ B 85 C 56¢ C 95 D 86¢ D 105 5. Jonas wrote 9 1 8 5 17. Which number sentence shows the Commutative Property of Addition? (Lesson 1.1) 6. At Kennedy School there are 37 girls and 36 boys in the third grade. How many students are in the third grade at Kennedy School? (Lesson 1.4) P14 A 91059 A 63 B 8 1 9 5 17 B 73 C 17 2 9 5 8 C 81 D 17 2 8 5 9 D 91 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Culver has 1 quarter, 3 dimes, and Lesson 1.7 Name Use Place Value to Add COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.2 Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Estimate. Then find the sum. 600 1. Estimate: _ 1 324 1 285 __ 2. Estimate: _ 519 1 347 __ 3. Estimate: _ 323 1 151 __ 4. Estimate: _ 169 1 354 __ 609 5. Estimate: _ 148 1 285 __ 9. Estimate: _ 127 1 290 __ 6. Estimate: _ 270 1 453 __ 10. Estimate: _ 258 1 565 __ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 13. Mark has 215 baseball cards. Emily has 454 baseball cards. How many baseball cards do Mark and Emily have altogether? _______ 7. Estimate: _ 275 1 116 __ 11. Estimate: _ 311 1 298 __ 8. Estimate: _ 157 1 141 __ 12. Estimate: _ 534 1 256 __ 14. Jason has 330 pennies. Richie has 268 pennies. Rachel has 381 pennies. Which two students have more than 700 pennies combined? _______ Chapter 1 P15 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.2) 1. There are 167 students in the third grade. The same number of students is in the fourth grade. How many third graders and fourth graders are there in all? 2. Jamal read a book with 128 pages. Then he read a book with 179 pages. How many pages did Jamal read in all? A 224 A 397 B 234 B 307 C 324 C 297 D 334 D 207 Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) He travels 167 miles on Tuesday. Which is the best estimate for the total number of miles Adam travels? (Lesson 1.3) $36 mowing lawns. How much did he make in all mowing lawns? (Lesson 1.5) A 200 A $116 B 300 B $152 C 400 C $166 D 500 D $188 5. There are 24 students in Mrs. Cole’s class and 19 students in Mr. Garmen’s class. How many students in all are in the two classes? (Lesson 1.4) P16 4. Wes made $14, $62, $40, and 6. There were 475 children at the baseball game on Sunday. What is 475 rounded to the nearest ten? (Lesson 1.2) A 43 A 400 B 40 B 470 C 33 C 480 D 5 D 500 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Adam travels 248 miles on Monday. Lesson 1.8 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.1 Estimate Differences Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Use rounding or compatible numbers to estimate the difference. 1. 4. 7. 10. 40 2 13 __ 98 2 49 __ 68 2 31 __ 2. 5. 2 __ 8. 2 __ 762 2 332 __ 287 2 162 __ 476 2 155 __ 771 2 531 2 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 40 2 10 __ 30 3. 2 __ 6. 2 __ 9. 2 __ 11. 5 12. Ben has a collection of 812 stamps. He gives his brother 345 stamps. About how many 823 2 242 2 __ __ 359 2 224 2 __ __ 622 2 307 __ 2 __ 299 2 61 2 5 13. Savannah’s bakery sold 284 pies in stamps does Ben have left? September. In October the bakery sold 89 pies. About how many more pies did Savannah’s bakery sell in September than in October? _____ _____ Chapter 1 P17 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.1) 1. Jorge has 708 baseball cards and 394 basketball cards. About how many more baseball cards than basketball cards does Jorge have? 2. Danika is making necklaces. She has 512 silver beads and 278 blue beads. About how many more silver than blue beads does Danika have? A about 200 A about 200 B about 300 B about 300 C about 400 C about 400 D about 500 D about 800 Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) 402 baseball caps and 122 ski caps. Which is the best estimate of the total number of caps the manager ordered? (Lesson 1.3) A 300 B 500 C 600 D 700 5. Find the sum. 585 1 346 __ P18 (Lesson 1.7) 4. Autumn collected 129 seashells at the beach. What is 129 rounded to the nearest ten? (Lesson 1.2) A 100 B 120 C 130 D 200 6. Julie made $22, $55, $38, and $25 babysitting. How much did she make in all babysitting? (Lesson 1.5) A 239 A $102 B 821 B $115 C 900 C $140 D 931 D $165 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. A store manager ordered Lesson 1.9 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.2 Mental Math Strategies for Subtraction Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Use mental math to find the difference. Draw or describe the strategy you use. 35 1. 74 2 39 5 __ 2 2 2 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2. 93 2 28 5 __ 2 2 3. 51 2 9 5 __ 4. 76 2 23 5 __ 5. 357 2 214 5 __ 6. 285 2 99 5 __ 7. Ruby has 78 books. Thirty-one of the 8. Kyle has 130 pins in his collection. books are on shelves. The rest are still packed in boxes. How many of Ruby’s books are still in boxes? He has 76 of the pins displayed on his wall. The rest are in a drawer. How many of Kyle’s pins are in a drawer? Chapter 1 P19 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.2) 1. One day, a baker made 54 fruit pies. At the end of the day, only 9 of the pies were NOT sold. How many pies were sold that day? 2. George’s father bought a 50-pound bag of wild bird seed. At the end of two weeks, 36 pounds of seed were left in the bag. How many pounds of seed had been used? A 43 C 63 A 14 pounds C 26 pounds B 45 D 65 B 24 pounds D 86 pounds Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) 3. For a party, Shaun blew up 36 red balloons, 28 white balloons, and 24 blue balloons. How many balloons did he blow up in all? 4. Tiffany has read 115 pages of her book. She has 152 pages left to read. How many pages are in the book? (Lesson 1.6) (Lesson 1.5) A 78 A 37 B 81 B 267 C 87 C 277 D 88 D 367 on Monday. By Tuesday, the shop had 159 flowers left. About how many flowers had been sold? (Lesson 1.8) P20 6. There are 383 books in one section of the school library. Of the books, 165 are fiction books. Which is the best estimate of the number of books in that section that are NOT fiction? (Lesson 1.8) A about 200 B about 300 A about 200 C about 400 B about 300 D about 500 C about 400 D about 500 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. The flower shop had 568 flowers Lesson 1.10 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.2 Use Place Value to Subtract Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Estimate. Then find the difference. 1. Estimate: 500 7 15 585 2 119 __ 5. Estimate: 487 2 290 __ 9. Estimate: © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 627 2 253 __ 2. Estimate: 738 2 227 __ 6. Estimate: 936 2 329 __ 10. Estimate: 862 2 419 __ 13. Mrs. Cohen has 427 buttons. She uses 195 buttons to make puppets. How many buttons does Mrs. Cohen have left? _____ 3. Estimate: 651 2 376 __ 7. Estimate: 270 2 128 __ 11. Estimate: 726 2 148 __ 4. Estimate: 815 2 281 __ 8. Estimate: 364 2 177 __ 12. Estimate: 543 2 358 __ 14. There were 625 ears of corn and 247 tomatoes sold at a farm stand. How many more ears of corn were sold than tomatoes? _____ Chapter 1 P21 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.2) 1. On Saturday, 453 people go to a school play. On Sunday, 294 people go to the play. How many more people go to the play on Saturday? 2. Corey has 510 marbles. He fills one jar with 165 marbles. How many of Corey’s marbles are NOT in the jar? A 159 A 675 B 169 B 455 C 259 C 350 D 747 D 345 Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) at the farmers’ market. There were 12 peppers left at the end of the day. How many peppers did Pattie sell? (Lesson 1.9) morning. Then it flies 385 miles in the afternoon. About how many more miles does the airplane fly in the morning? (Lesson 1.8) A 50 A about 100 miles B 52 B about 200 miles C 62 C about 300 miles D 78 D about 900 miles 5. What is the unknown number? P22 4. An airplane flies 617 miles in the 6. Dexter has 128 shells. He needs (Lesson 1.5) 283 more shells for his art project. (O 1 4) 1 59 5 70 How many shells will Dexter use for his art project? (Lesson 1.6) A 4 A 155 B 6 B 165 C 7 C 401 D 8 D 411 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Pattie brought 64 peppers to sell Lesson 1.11 Name Combine Place Values to Subtract COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.2 Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Estimate. Then find the difference. 200 1. Estimate: _ 476 2 269 __ 5. Estimate: _ 700 2 326 __ 9. Estimate: _ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 826 2 617 __ 2. Estimate: _ 615 2 342 __ 6. Estimate: _ 325 2 179 __ 10. Estimate: _ 900 2 158 __ 13. Bev scored 540 points. This was 158 points more than Ike scored. 3. Estimate: _ 508 2 113 __ 7. Estimate: _ 935 2 813 __ 11. Estimate: _ 607 2 568 __ 4. Estimate: _ 716 2 229 __ 8. Estimate: _ 358 2 292 __ 12. Estimate: _ 973 2 869 __ 14. A youth group earned $285 washing How many points did Ike score? cars. The group’s expenses were $79. How much profit did the group make washing cars? _____ _____ Chapter 1 P23 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.2) 1. A television program lasts for 120 minutes. Of that time, 36 minutes are taken up by commercials. What is the length of the actual program without the commercials? 2. Syd spent 215 minutes at the library. Of that time, he spent 120 minutes on the computer. How much of his time at the library did Sid NOT spend on the computer? A 84 minutes C 104 minutes A 85 minutes C 105 minutes B 94 minutes D 156 minutes B 95 minutes D 335 minutes Spiral Review (CC3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) 568 songs on his music player. To the nearest hundred, about how many songs are on the music player? (Lesson 1.2) 3 buses. One bus had 47 students. The second bus had 38 students. The third bus had 43 students. How many students in all were on the three buses? (Lesson 1.5) A 500 A 108 B 600 B 118 C 700 C 128 D 800 D 138 5. Callie has 83 postcards in her collection. Of the postcards, 24 are from Canada. The rest of the postcards are from the United States. How many of the postcards are from the United States? (Lesson 1.9) P24 4. The students traveled to the zoo in 6. There were 475 seats set up for the school play. At one performance, 189 of the seats were empty. How many seats were filled at that performance? (Lesson 1.10) A 58 A 286 B 59 B 296 C 61 C 314 D 69 D 396 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Xavier’s older brother has à Lesson 1.12 Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄà E:;BÃÞ::?J?EDà 7D:ÃK8JH79J?ED COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.8 Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. Use the bar model to solve the problem. 1. Elena went bowling. Elena’s score in the first game was 127. She scored 16 more points in the second game than in the first game. What was her total score? 127 16 127 143 127 1 16 5 143 5 127 1 143 5 270 5 270 points ____ 2. Mike’s Music sold 287 CDs on the first day of a 2-day sale. The store sold 96 more CDs on the second day than on the first day. How many CDs in all were sold during the 2-day sale? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5 5 ____ Chapter 1 P25 TEST PREP ;IIEDÃ>;9A (CC.3.OA.8) 1. Ms. Hinely picked 46 tomatoes from her garden on Friday. On Saturday, she picked 17 tomatoes. How many tomatoes did she pick in all? 2. Rosa read 57 pages of a book in the morning. She read 13 fewer pages in the afternoon. How many pages did Rosa read in the afternoon? A 109 C 53 A 44 C 70 B 63 D 29 B 60 D 83 Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) has 186 action figures. Which is the best estimate of the number of action figures Mike and Alex have altogether? (Lesson 1.8) the pack Hannah bought. She has used 137 sheets already. How many sheets of paper does Hannah have left? (Lesson 1.11) A 150 A 363 B 250 B 463 C 350 C 400 D 400 D 637 5. There were 378 visitors to the science museum on Friday. There were 409 visitors on Saturday. How many more people visited the museum on Saturday? (Lesson 1.7) P26 4. There are 500 sheets of paper in 6. Ravi scores 247 points in a video game. How many more points does he need to score a total of 650? (Lesson 1.10) A 25 A 897 B 31 B 430 C 171 C 417 D 787 D 403 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Mike has 57 action figures. Alex COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.OA.8, CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2 Name Chapter 1 Extra Practice Lesson 1.1 Find the sum. Then use the Commutative Property of Addition to write the related addition sentence. 1. 5 1 7 5 _ _ 2. 4 1 9 5 _ 1_5_ _ 3. 0 1 5 5 _ 1_5_ _ 1_5_ Lesson 1.2 Round to the nearest ten and hundred. 1. 622 _ 2. 307 _ 3. 867 _ _ _ _ Lesson 1.3 Use rounding or compatible numbers to estimate the sum. 1. 24 1 82 __ 2. 1 __ 112 1 279 __ 1 __ 3. 583 1 169 __ 1 __ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson 1.4 Use mental math to find the sum. 1. 71 1 99 5 __ 2. 38 1 58 5 __ 3. 307 1 418 5 __ Lesson 1.5 Use addition properties and strategies to find the sum. 1. 13 1 47 1 21 1 79 5 __ 2. 55 1 18 1 15 1 43 5 __ Chapter 1 P27 Lessons 1.6–1.7 Estimate. Then find the sum. 1. Estimate: _ 2. Estimate: _ 325 1 389 __ 219 1 445 __ 3. Estimate: _ 437 1 146 __ 4. Estimate: _ 308 1 593 __ Lesson 1.8 Use rounding or compatible numbers to estimate the difference. 1. 82 2 44 __ 2. 2 __ 192 2 78 __ 3. 2 __ 618 2 369 __ 2 __ Lesson 1.9 Use mental math to find the difference. 1. 92 2 41 5 __ 2. 451 2 125 5 __ 3. 703 2 359 5__ Lessons 1.10–1.11 Estimate. Then find the difference. 622 2 354 __ 2. Estimate: _ 506 2 189 __ 3. Estimate: _ 763 2 295 __ 4. Estimate: _ 848 2 209 __ Lesson 1.12 1. Sara read 81 pages in her book. Colin read 64 pages in his book. How many more pages did Sara read than Colin? P28 2. Herb planted 28 pea plants. He planted 15 fewer tomato plants. How many pea and tomato plants did Herb plant in all? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 1. Estimate: _ 2 bar graph A graph that uses bars to show data data Information that is collected about people or things Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will learn about interpreting and representing data. You can expect to see homework that provides practice with tally tables, frequency tables, picture graphs, bar graphs, and line plots. Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to solve problems using a bar graph. frequency table A frequency table uses numbers to record data. line plot A line plot uses marks to record each piece of data above a number line. picture graph A picture graph uses small pictures or symbols to show information. Use a Bar Graph to Solve a Problem Use the bar graph. How many more sports books than nature books does Richard have? STEP 1 STEP 2 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Count along the scale to find the difference between the bars. The difference is 5 books. Subject Identify the bars for Sports and Nature. Richard’s Books History Sports Reading Scales To make reading the length or height of a bar easier, use a straightedge or ruler to line up one end of the bar with the number on the scale. Nature 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of Books So, Richard has 5 more sports books than nature books. Activity Look for bar graphs in magazines and newspapers or help your child create his or her own bar graphs. Then ask questions such as “how many more” and “how many fewer” and help your child find the answers. Chapter 2 P29 2 gráfica de barras Una gráfica que muestra los datos por medio de barras datos La información que se recolecta sobre las personas o cosas Estimada familia, Durante la próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos acerca de interpretar y representar problemas usando una gráfica de barras datos. Llevaré a la casa tareas que sirven para poner en práctica las tablas de frecuencia, las gráficas de dibujos, las gráficas de barras y los diagramas de puntos. tabla de frecuencia Una tabla de frecuencia registra los datos por medio de números. diagrama de puntos Un diagrama de puntos usa marcas para anotar cada pieza de datos en una recta numérica. gráfica de dibujos Una gráfica de dibujos muestra la información por medio de dibujos pequeños o símbolos. Este es un ejemplo de la manera como aprenderemos a resolver problemas usando una gráfica de barras . Usar una gráfica de barras para resolver un problema Usa la gráfica de barras. ¿Cuántos libros más de deportes que de la naturaleza tiene Richard? PASO 2 Cuenta a lo largo de la escala para hallar la diferencia entre las barras. La diferencia es 5 libros. Historia Tema Identifica las barras para Deportes y Naturaleza. Los libros de Richard Deportes Escalas Para leer más fácil la longitud o altura de una barra, usa una orilla recta o una regla para alinear un extremo de la barra con el número de la escala. Naturaleza 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Número de libros Entonces, Richard tiene 5 libros más de deportes que de la naturaleza. Actividad Busque y recorte gráficas de barras de revistas o periódicos o ayude a su hijo a crear sus propias gráficas de barras. Después haga preguntas como “cuántos más” y “cuántos menos”. Ayúdelo a hallar las respuestas. P30 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company PASO 1 PROBLEM SOLVING Lesson 2.1 Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄÃH=7D?P;Ã7J7 COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.3 Use the Favorite School Subject tables for 1–4. 1. The students in two third-grade classes recorded their favorite school subject. The data are in the tally table. How many fewer students chose science than chose social studies as their favorite school subject? Represent and interpret data. Favorite School Subject Subject Tally Math Science Think: Use the data in the tally table to record the data in the frequency table. Then solve the problem. 12 students social studies: _ 5 students science: _ 7 12 – 5 = _ 7 fewer students chose science. So, _ 2. What subject did the least number of Language Arts Reading Social Studies Favorite School Subject Subject students choose? Math ___ Science 3. How many more students chose math than language arts as their favorite subject? _ more students Number 5 Language Arts Reading Social Studies 12 4. Suppose 3 students changed their vote from © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company math to science. Describe how the frequency table would change. Chapter 2 P31 Lesson Check TEST PREP (CC.3.MD.3) The tally table shows the cards in Kyle’s sports card collection. 1. How many hockey and football Kyle’s Sports Cards cards does Kyle have combined? A 5 B 8 C 12 D 13 Sport Tally Baseball Hockey Basketball Football F?H7BÃ;L?;Mà (CC.3.OA.8, CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) concert hall. What is 472 rounded to the nearest hundred? (Lesson 1.2) A 400 B 470 C 500 D 600 4. Judy has 573 baseball cards in her collection. Todd has 489 baseball cards in his collection. How many fewer cards does Todd have than Judy? (Lesson 1.10) P32 3. Max and Anna played a video game as a team. Max scored 463 points and Anna scored 329 points. How many points did they score in all? (Lesson 1.12) A 892 B 792 C 782 D 134 5. Ms. Westin drove 542 miles last week and 378 miles this week on business. How many miles in all did she drive on business during the two weeks? (Lesson 1.7) A 84 A 810 miles B 94 B 820 miles C 116 C 910 miles D 184 D 920 miles © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2. There are 472 people in the Lesson 2.2 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.3 Use Picture Graphs Represent and interpret data. Use the Math Test Scores picture graph for 1–7. Mrs. Perez made a picture graph of her students’ scores on a math test. Math Test Scores 100 1. How many students scored 100? How can you find the answer? 95 To find the number of ________ students who scored 100, ________ count each star as 4 students. ________ So, 20 students scored 100. ________ 90 2. What does 85 Key: Each = 4 students. stand for? ________ 3. How many students in all scored 100 or 95? _______ 4. How many more students scored 90 than 85? _______ 5. How many students in all took the test? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company _______ 6. Suppose the students who scored 85 and 90 on the math test take the test again and score 95. How many stars would you have to add to the picture graph next to 95? 7. If 2 more students took the math test and both made a score of 80, what would the picture graph look like? Chapter 2 P33 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.3) 1. Karen asked her friends to name their favorite type of dog. 2. Henry made a picture graph to show what topping people like on their pizza. This is his key. Favorite Dog Each Retriever Poodle 5 6 people. stand for? What does Terrier Key: Each = 2 people. How many people chose poodles? A 10 C 4 B 6 D 3 A 2 people B 6 people C 9 people D 12 people Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1) 3. Estimate the sum. (Lesson 1.3) 610 2 187 A 900 C 700 A 800 C 500 B 800 D 600 B 600 D 400 5. What is 871 rounded to the nearest ten? (Lesson 1.2) P34 (Lesson 1.8) 6. What is 473 rounded to the nearest hundred? (Lesson 1.2) A 900 A 400 B 880 B 470 C 870 C 500 D 800 D 570 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 523 1 295 4. Estimate the difference. Lesson 2.3 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.3 Make Picture Graphs Represent and interpret data. Ben asked his classmates about their favorite kind of TV show. He recorded their responses in a frequency table. Use the data in the table to make a picture graph. Follow the steps to make a picture graph. Step 1 Write the title at the top of the graph. Step 2 Look at the numbers in the table. Tell how many students each picture represents for the key. Type Number Cartoons 9 Sports 6 Movies 3 Cartoons Step 3 Draw the correct number of pictures for each type of show. Use your picture graph for 1–5. Favorite TV Show Sports Movies Key: Each 5 1. What title did you give the graph? _________ 2. What key did you use? _________ 3. How many pictures did you use © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company to represent sports? _________ 4. How many pictures would you draw if 12 students chose game shows as their favorite kind of TV show? 5. What key would you use if 10 students chose cartoons? Chapter 2 P35 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.3) 1. Sandy made a picture graph to show the sports her classmates like to play. How many fewer students chose baseball than chose soccer? Favorite Sport Basketball Soccer Baseball Key: Each 5 2 students. A 3 C 7 B 4 D 8 2. Tommy is making a picture graph to show his friends’ favorite kind of music. He plans to use one musical note to represent 2 people. How many notes will he use to represent that 4 people chose country music? A 2 B 4 C 6 D 8 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) (Lesson 1.7) 490 1 234 paper. Which number was NOT a number that Sophie wrote? (Lesson 1.1) A 256 C 664 A 5 C 13 B 624 D 724 B 11 D 20 5. Miles ordered 126 books to give away at the store opening. What is 126 rounded to the nearest hundred? (Lesson 1.2) P36 4. Sophie wrote odd numbers on her 6. Estimate the difference. 422 2 284 A 230 A 100 B 200 B 180 C 130 C 200 D 100 D 700 (Lesson 1.8) © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Find the sum. Lesson 2.4 Name Use Bar Graphs COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.3 Represent and interpret data. Use the After-Dinner Activities bar graph for 1–6. 1. How many students spent the most time watching TV after dinner? After-Dinner Activities Number of Students The third-grade students at Case Elementary School were asked what they spent the most time doing last week after dinner. The results are shown in the bar graph at the right. 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ad Re Do 3 students Ho k or w me W h a tc me TV y Pla a aG Activity _____ 2. How many students in all answered the survey? _____ 3. How many students in all played a game or read? _____ 4. How many fewer students read than did homework? _____ 5. How many more students read than © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company watched TV? _____ 6. Suppose 3 students changed their answers to reading instead of doing homework. Where would the bar for reading end? ____________ Chapter 2 P37 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.3) 1. The bar graph shows the number Number of Sandwiches Sandwiches Sold of sandwiches sold at Lisa’s sandwich cart yesterday. How many tuna sandwiches were sold? 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 Ham Turkey Tuna Peanut Butter A 12 B 16 C 18 D 20 Type Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1) ten? (Lesson 1.2) week. What is 178 rounded to the nearest hundred? (Lesson 1.2) A 500 B 580 A 400 C 200 C 590 B 280 D 180 D 600 4. Estimate the difference. (Lesson 1.8) 371 2 99 P38 3. Savannah read 178 minutes last 5. Estimate the difference. (Lesson 1.8) 625 2 248 A 500 C 300 A 800 C 400 B 400 D 200 B 500 D 300 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2. What is 582 rounded to the nearest Lesson 2.5 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.3 Make Bar Graphs Represent and interpret data. Ben asked some friends to name their favorite breakfast food. He recorded their choices in the frequency table at the right. 1. Complete the bar graph by using Ben’s data. Favorite Breakfast Food Number of Votes 16 12 Favorite Breakfast Food Food Number of Votes Waffles 8 Cereal 14 Pancakes 12 Oatmeal 4 Use your bar graph for 2–5. 2. Which food did the most people choose as their favorite breakfast food? 8 4 3. How many people chose waffles as their favorite breakfast food? 0 Waffles Cereal Pancakes Oatmeal Food © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 4. How did you know how high to draw the bar for pancakes? 5. Suppose 6 people chose oatmeal as their favorite breakfast food. How would you change the bar graph? Chapter 2 P39 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.3) Favorite Pizza Topping Number of Votes 8 6 1. Gary asked his friends to name their favorite pizza topping. He recorded the results in a bar graph. How many people chose pepperoni? A 6 C 4 B 5 D 1 4 2 2. Suppose 3 more friends chose 0 Cheese Sausage Pepperoni Mushrooms Topping mushrooms. Where would the bar for mushrooms end? A 2 C 6 B 4 D 8 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NBT.1) 3. Estimate the sum. (Lesson 1.3) 458 1 214 correct sum? (Lesson 1.1) 700 C 300 B 600 D 200 for an upcoming race. What is 682 rounded to the nearest hundred? (Lesson 1.2) A 140 C 1 B 14 D 0 6. There are 187 new students this year at Maple Elementary. What is 187 rounded to the nearest ten? (Lesson 1.2) A 600 A 100 B 680 B 180 C 700 C 190 D 780 D 200 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company A 5. There are 682 runners registered P40 4. Matt added 14 1 0. What is the Lesson 2.6 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.3 Solve Problems Using Data Represent and interpret data. Use the Favorite Hot Lunch bar graph for 1–3. 1. How many more students chose pizza than chose grilled cheese? Number of Votes Think: Subtract the number of students who chose grilled cheese, 2, from the number of students who chose pizza, 11. 11 2 2 5 9 _ more students Favorite Hot Lunch 2. How many students did not choose chicken patty? _ 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Hot Dog Chicken Pizza Patty Lunch students Grilled Cheese 3. How many fewer students chose grilled cheese than chose hot dog? Ways to Get to School fewer students Use the Ways to Get to School bar graph for 4–7. 4. How many more students walk than ride in a car to get to school? _ more students 5. How many students walk and ride a bike combined? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company _ students 6. Is the number of students who get to school by car and bus greater than or less than the number of students who get to school by walking and biking? Explain. Number of Students _ 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Car Bus Walk Bike Transportation 7. What if 5 more students respond that they get to school by biking? Would more students walk or ride a bike to school? Explain. Chapter 2 P41 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.3) 1. How many fewer votes were for Community Project bench repair than for food drive? B 10 C 11 D 16 Food Drive 2. How many votes were there in all? A 4 C 32 B 14 D 34 Spiral Review Bench Repair Park Pick Up 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Number of Votes (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) 3. Find the difference. (Lesson 1.10) 4. Greyson has 75 basketball cards. What is 75 rounded to the nearest ten? (Lesson 1.2) 650 2 189 A 461 C 539 B 479 D 571 5. Sue spent $18 on a shirt, $39 on a jacket, and $12 on a hat. How much did she spend in all? (Lesson 1.5) P42 Wall Mural A $79 C $57 B $69 D $51 A 60 B 70 C 80 D 90 6. There are 219 adults and 174 children at a ballet. How many people are at the ballet in all? (Lesson 1.7) A 45 C 383 B 293 D 393 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 9 Project A Lesson 2.7 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.4 Use and Make Line Plots Represent and interpret data. Use the data in the table to make a line plot. 1. How many shirts sold for $12? How Many Shirts Were Sold at Each Price? Price Number Sold $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 1 4 6 4 0 2 2. At which price were the most shirts sold? 4 shirts 3. How many shirts in all were sold? 4. How many shirts were sold for $13 or more? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Use the line plot above for 5–6. 5. Were more shirts sold for less than $13 or more than $13? Explain. 6. Is there any price for which there are no data? Explain. Chapter 2 P43 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.4) 1. Pedro made a line plot to show the heights of the plants in his garden. How many plants are less than 3 inches tall? A 4 C 10 B 5 D 16 Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) (Lesson 1.7) 642 1 259 383 A 61 B 801 B 151 C 891 C 161 D 901 D 169 cooked for the school fair. What is 262 rounded to the nearest hundred? (Lesson 1.2) (Lesson 1.10) 460 2 309 A 4. There were 262 hamburgers P44 3. Find the difference. 5. Makenzie has 517 stickers in her collection. What is 517 rounded to the nearest ten? (Lesson 1.2) A 200 A 500 B 260 B 510 C 270 C 520 D 300 D 600 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2. Find the sum. COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.MD.3, CC.3.MD.4, ALSO CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.OA.8 Name Chapter 2 Extra Practice Lesson 2.1 Use the Pets tables for 1–2. 1. Manny collected data about pets owned by students in his class. Complete Manny’s tally table and frequency table. Pets Pets Tally Cat 4 Dog 2 Bird 1 Fish 1 2. How many more students have cats than have dogs and birds combined? Lessons 2.2–2.3 Use the Seashells picture graph for 1–3. 1. Maggie has a picture graph that shows the seashells she collected. How many seashells did Maggie collect in all? Seashells Cockle © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Conch 2. How many more cockle shells did Lightning Whelk she collect than lightning whelks? Key: Each = 10 shells. 5 5 shells?” How many pictures would there be for conch? 3. What if the key were “Each Chapter 2 P45 Lessons 2.4–2.6 Use the Bicycle Rides frequency table for 1–3. Bicycle Rides Bicycle Rides 14 Monday 4 12 Wednesday 9 Saturday 12 Number of Miles Number of Miles Day 10 8 6 4 2 0 1. The frequency table shows the Monday Wednesday Day number of miles Sean rode on his bicycle. Use the data in the frequency table to complete the bar graph. 2. How many more miles did Sean ride Saturday 3. Write a number sentence to show on Saturday than on Monday? how many miles in all Sean rode on his bicycle. Lesson 2.7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1. Kim is making bead necklaces. She records the number of beads on the different necklaces on a line plot. How many necklaces have exactly 50 beads? 2. How many necklaces have fewer than 40 beads? P46 7 7 3. How many necklaces have 50 or more beads? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Use the Number of Beads line plot for 1–3. 3 array A set of objects in rows and columns equal groups Groups that have the same number of objects Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning about multiplication. We will learn how addition is related to multiplication and how to multiply with the factors 0 and 1. You can expect to see homework that provides practice with multiplication. factor A number that is multiplied by another number to find a product multiply When you multiply, you combine equal groups to find how many in all. product The answer in a multiplication problem Here is a sample of how your child will be shown the relationship between addition and multiplication. Relate Addition and Multiplication © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company This is how we will add or multiply to solve problems about equal groups. Add. Multiply. STEP 1 STEP 1 Draw 2 counters in each rectangle to show 4 equal groups. Draw 2 counters in each rectangle to show 4 equal groups. STEP 2 STEP 2 Write an addition sentence to find how many counters in all. 212121258 Write a multiplication sentence to find how many counters in all. 43258 Skip Counting Skip counting is another way to count equal groups to find how many in all. For example, there are 4 groups with 2 counters in each group, so skip counting by 2s can be used: 2, 4, 6, 8. There are 8 counters in all. Activity Help your child arrange 3 equal groups of like objects (no more than 10 objects in each group). Then have him or her write an addition sentence and a multiplication sentence to find how many objects in all. Chapter 3 P47 3 Querída Familia, Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos sobre la multiplicación. Aprenderemos cómo la suma se relaciona con la multiplicación y a multiplicar por los factores 0 y 1. Llevaré a la casa tareas que sirven para practicar la multiplicación. arreglo Un grupo de objetos organizados en filas y columnas grupos iguales Grupos que tienen la misma cantidad de objetos factor Un número que se multiplica por otro número para hallar el producto multiplicar Cuando uno multiplica, combina grupos iguales para hallar cuántos hay en total. producto El resultado de una multiplicación Este es un ejemplo de la manera como aprenderemos la relación entre la suma y la multiplicación. Relacionar la suma y multiplicación Suma. Multiplica. PASO 1 PASO 1 Dibuja 2 fichas en cada rectángulo para mostrar 4 grupos iguales. Dibuja 2 fichas en cada rectángulo para mostrar 4 grupos iguales. PASO 2 PASO 2 Escribe un enunciado de suma para hallar cuántas fichas hay en total. 212121258 Escribe un enunciado de multiplicación para hallar cuántas fichas hay en total. 43258 Actividad Ayude a su hijo a formar 3 grupos iguales de objetos parecidos (no más de 10 objetos en cada grupo). Después, pídale que escriba un enunciado de suma y uno de multiplicación para hallar cuántos objetos hay en total. P48 Contar salteado Contar salteado es otra manera de contar grupos iguales para hallar cuánto hay en total. Por ejemplo, hay 4 grupos con 2 fichas cada uno, por lo tanto puedes contar salteado de 2 en 2: 2, 4, 6, 8. Hay 8 fichas en total. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Así es como vamos a sumar o multiplicar para resolver problemas de grupos iguales. Lesson 3.1 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.1 Count Equal Groups Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Draw equal groups. Skip count to find how many. 1. 2 groups of 2 4 3. 5 groups of 3 2. 3 groups of 6 4. 4 groups of 5 Count equal groups to find how many. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. 6. groups of groups of in all in all 7. Marcia puts 2 slices of cheese on each sandwich. She makes 4 cheese sandwiches. How many slices of cheese does Marcia use in all? 8. Tomas works in a cafeteria kitchen. He puts 3 cherry tomatoes on each of 5 salads. How many tomatoes does he use? Chapter 3 P49 (CC.3.OA.1) 1. Jen makes 3 bracelets. Each bracelet has 3 beads. How many beads does Jen use? needs 2 stamps. How many stamps does Ian need? A 12 C 6 A 2 C 10 B 9 D 3 B 5 D 15 Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) 3. There were 384 people at a play on Friday night. There were 512 people at the play on Saturday night. Which is the best estimate of the total number of people who attended the play on both nights? (Lesson 1.3) A B 900 C 700 800 D 500 5. The Lakeside Tour bus traveled 490 miles on Saturday and 225 miles on Sunday. About how many more miles did it travel on Saturday? (Lesson 1.8) P50 2. Ian has 5 cards to mail. Each card 4. Walking the Dog Pet Store has 438 leashes in stock. They sell 79 leashes during a one-day sale. How many leashes are left in stock after the sale? (Lesson 1.10) A 459 C 369 B 441 D 359 6. During one week at Jackson School, 210 students buy milk and 196 students buy juice. How many drinks are sold that week? (Lesson 1.7) A 500 miles C 300 miles A 496 C 396 B 400 miles D 100 miles B 406 D 306 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson Check TEST PREP ALGEBRA Lesson 3.2 Name Relate Addition and Multiplication COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.1 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Draw a quick picture to show the equal groups. Then write related addition and multiplication sentences. 1. 3 groups of 5 5 1 ___ 5 1 ___ 5 5 ____ 15 ___ 3 3 ___ 5 5 ____ 15 ___ 2. 3 groups of 4 ___ 1 ___ 1 ___ 5 ___ ___ 3 ___ 5 ___ 3. 4 groups of 3 ___ 1 ___ 1 ___ 1 ___ 5 ___ ___ 3 ___ 5 ___ 4. 5 groups of 2 ___ 1 ___ 1 ___ 1___ 1___ 5 ___ ___ 3 ___ 5 ___ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Complete. Write a multiplication sentence. 5. 7 1 7 1 7 5 ___ 6. 3 1 3 1 3 5 ___ ___ 3 ___ 5 ___ ___ 3 ___ 5 ___ 7. There are 6 jars of pickles in a box. 8. Each day, Jani rides her bike 5 miles. How many miles does Jani ride in all in 4 days? Write Ed has 3 boxes of pickles. How many jars of pickles does he have in all? Write a multiplication sentence to find the answer. a multiplication sentence to find the answer. ___ 3 ___ 5 ___ jars ___ 3 ___ 5 ___ miles Chapter 3 P51 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.1) 1. Which is another way to show 2. Use the model. How many counters are there in all? 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3? A 533 B 433 C 833 D 633 A 8 C 12 D 10 D 14 Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.4) 3. A school gave 884 pencils to 4. Find the difference. students on the first day of school. What is 884 rounded to the nearest hundred? (Lesson 1.2) 632 274 A 800 C 890 A 906 C 358 B 880 D 900 B 442 D 354 6. Darrien read 97 pages last week. 5. The line plot below shows how (, (- (. (/ (0 )' Points Scored In how many games did Trevor score at least 18 points? A 3 C 6 B 5 D 10 A 13 B 171 C 181 D 271 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Evan read 84 pages last week. How many pages in all did the boys read? (Lesson 1.7) many points Trevor scored in 20 games. (Lesson 2.7) P52 2 (Lesson 1.10) Lesson 3.3 Name Skip Count on a Number Line COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.3 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Draw jumps on the number line to show equal groups. Find the product. 1. 6 groups of 3 ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' (( () (* (+ (, (- (. (/ (0 )' )( )) )* )+ ), 18 6335 2. 3 groups of 5 ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' (( () (* (+ (, (- (. (/ (0 )' )( )) )* )+ ), 3355 Write the multiplication sentence the number line shows. 3. 2 groups of 6 ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' (( () (* (+ (, (- (. (/ (0 )' )( )) )* )+ ), © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3 5 4. Allie is baking muffins for students in her class. There are 6 muffins in each baking tray. She bakes 5 trays of muffins. How many muffins is she baking in all? 5. A snack package has 4 cheese sticks. How many cheese sticks are in 4 packages? Chapter 3 P53 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.3) 1. Louise skip counts by 4 on a number line to find 5 3 4. How many jumps should she draw on the number line? 2. Theo needs 4 boards that are each 3 feet long to make bookshelves. How many feet of boards does he need altogether? A 3 A 12 feet B 4 B 7 feet C 5 C 4 feet D 9 D 3 feet Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Estimate the sum. (Lesson 1.3) 518 1 251 _ frequency table to show |||| ||| ? (Lesson 2.1) A 5 A 200 C 800 B 700 D 900 6 B C 7 D 8 an order for 346 pairs of shoes. What is 346 rounded to the nearest hundred? (Lesson 1.2) 6. Toby is making a picture graph. Each picture of a book is equal to 2 books he has read. The row for Month 1 has 3 pictures of books. How many books did Toby read during Month 1? (Lesson 2.2) A 400 A 2 B 350 B 3 C 340 C 6 D 300 D 8 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. A manager at a shoe store received P54 4. Which number would you put in a Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄà E:;Bà KBJ?FB?97J?ED Draw a diagram to solve each problem. à Lesson 3.4 COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.8 Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. 1. Robert put some toy blocks into 3 rows. There are 5 blocks in each row. How many blocks are there in all? 15 blocks _____ 2. Mr. Fernandez is putting tiles on his kitchen floor. There are 2 rows with 9 tiles in each row. How many tiles are there in all? _____ 3. In Jillian’s garden, there are 3 rows of carrots, 2 rows of string beans, and 1 row of peas. There are 8 plants in each row. How many plants are there in all? _____ 4. In Sorhab’s classroom, there are 3 rows with 7 desks in each row. How many desks are there in all? _____ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Maya visits the movie rental store. On one wall, there are 6 DVDs on each of 5 shelves. On another wall, there are 4 DVDs on each of 4 shelves. How many DVDs are there in all? _____ 6. The media center at Josh’s school has a computer area. The first 4 rows have 6 computers each. The fifth row has 4 computers. How many computers are there in all? _____ Chapter 3 P55 TEST TEST PREP PREP ;IIEDÃ>;9A (CC.3.OA.8) 1. There are 5 shelves of video games in a video store. There are 6 video games on each shelf. How many video games are there in all? 2. Ken watches a marching band. He sees 2 rows of flute players. Six people are in each row. He sees 8 trombone players. How many flute or trombone players does Ken see? A 35 A 2 B 30 B 6 C 20 C 16 D 11 D 20 F?H7BÃ;L?;M (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.3) 4. Estimate the sum. (Lesson 1.7) A 720 C 820 B 810 D 910 5. Francine uses 167 silver balloons and 182 gold balloons for her store party. How many silver and gold balloons in all does Francine use? (Lesson 1.7) P56 1 (Lesson 1.3) 622 84 A 500 C 700 B 600 D 800 6. Yoshi is making a picture graph. Each picture of a soccer ball stands for two goals he scored for his team. The row for January has 9 soccer balls. How many goals did Yoshi score during January? (Lesson 2.2) A 15 A 18 B 345 B 16 C 349 C 11 D 359 D 9 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. What is the sum of 438 and 382? Lesson 3.5 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.3 Model with Arrays Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Write a multiplication sentence for the array. 1. 2. 21 3375_ 2355 _ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Draw an array to find the product. 3. 4 3 2 5 _ 4. 4 3 4 5 _ 5. 3 3 2 5 _ 6. 2 3 8 5 _ 7. Lenny is moving tables in the school 8. Ms. DiMeo directs the school choir. cafeteria. He places all the tables in a 7 3 4 array. How many tables are in the cafeteria? She has the singers stand in 3 rows. There are 8 singers in each row. How many singers are there in all? ____ ____ Chapter 3 P57 (CC.3.OA.3) 1. What multiplication sentence does this array show? 2. What multiplication sentence does this array show? A 23356 C 3 3 4 5 12 A 3 3 9 5 27 C 3 3 7 5 21 B 6 3 3 5 18 D 3 3 5 5 15 B 3 3 8 5 24 D 4 3 5 5 20 Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Use the table to find who traveled 700 miles farther than Paul during summer vacation. 4. Use the bar graph to find what hair color most students have. (Lesson 1.6) Hair Color Summer Vacations Distance in Miles 233 380 790 933 853 Black Blond Red 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Number of Students A Andrew C Susan A Brown C Blond B Bonnie D Tara B Black D Red 5. Spencer ordered 235 cans of tomatoes to make salsa for the festival. What is 235 rounded to the nearest ten? (Lesson 1.2) P58 Brown Color Name Paul Andrew Bonnie Tara Susan (Lesson 2.4) 6. Which bar would be the longest on a bar graph of the data? (Lesson 2.5) Favorite Pizza Topping Topping Cheese Pepperoni Vegetable Sausage Votes 5 4 1 A 200 B 230 C 240 A Cheese C Vegetable D 300 B Pepperoni D Sausage 3 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson Check TEST PREP ALGEBRA Lesson 3.6 Name Commutative Property of Multiplication COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.5 Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. Write a multiplication sentence for the model. Then use the Commutative Property of Multiplication to write a related multiplication sentence. 1. 2. 5 2 3 3 2 5 10 5 10 5 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. 3 5 3 5 4. 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5. A garden store sells trays of plants. Each tray holds 2 rows of 8 plants. How many plants are in one tray? ____ 6. Jeff collects toy cars. They are displayed in a case that has 4 rows. There are 6 cars in each row. How many cars does Jeff have? ____ Chapter 3 P59 Lesson Check TEST PREP (CC.3.OA.5) 1. Which is an example of the Commutative Property of Multiplication? 2. What factor makes the number sentence true? 7345O37 A 8345834 B 4325234 A 2 C 2385434 B 4 D 2145234 C 7 D 28 Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Ms. Williams drove 149 miles on Thursday and 159 miles on Friday. About how many miles did she drive altogether the two days? 4. Inez has 699 pennies and 198 nickels. Estimate how many more pennies than nickels she has. (Lesson 1.8) (Lesson 1.3) A about 150 miles A about 500 B about 200 miles B about 600 C about 300 miles C about 700 D about 400 miles D about 900 floats. That is 34 fewer floats than last year. How many floats were in the parade last year? (Lesson 1.7) P60 6. Jeremy made a tally table to record how his friends voted for their favorite pet. His table shows llll llll ll next to Dog. How many friends voted for dog? (Lesson 2.1) A 161 A 6 B 151 B 8 C 103 C 10 D 93 D 12 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. This year, the parade had 127 ALGEBRA Lesson 3.7 Name Multiply with 1 and 0 COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.5 Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. Find the product. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 4 1. 1 3 4 5 _ 2. 0 3 8 5 _ 3. 0 3 4 5 _ 4. 1 3 6 5 _ 5. 3 3 0 5 _ 6. 0 3 9 5 _ 7. 8 3 1 5 _ 8. 1 3 2 5 _ 9. 0 3 6 5 _ 10. 4 3 0 5 _ 11. 7 3 1 5 _ 12. 1 3 5 5 _ 13. 3 3 1 5 _ 14. 0 3 7 5 _ 15. 1 3 9 5 _ 16. 5 3 0 5 _ 17. 10 3 1 5 _ 18. 2 3 0 5 _ 19. 5 3 1 5 _ 20. 1 3 0 5 _ 21. 0 3 0 5 _ 22. 1 3 3 5 _ 23. 9 3 0 5 _ 24. 1 3 1 5 _ 25. Peter is in the school play. His teacher gave 1 copy of the play to each of 6 students. How many copies of the play did the teacher hand out? ______ 26. There are 4 egg cartons on the table. There are 0 eggs in each carton. How many eggs are there in all? ______ Chapter 3 P61 Lesson Check TEST PREP (CC.3.OA.5) 1. There are 0 bicycles in each bicycle 2. What is the product? rack. If there are 8 bicycle racks, how many bicycles are there in all? 1 3 0 5 ___ A 80 C 1 A 0 C 10 B 8 D 0 B 1 D 11 Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Mr. Ellis drove 197 miles on Monday and 168 miles on Tuesday. How many miles did he drive in all? 4. What multiplication sentence does the array show? (Lesson 3.5) (Lesson 1.6) A 29 miles C 365 miles A 13656 B 255 miles D 400 miles B 33256 C 2 3 6 5 12 D 51156 Use the bar graph for 5–6. 5. How many cars were washed on Friday and Saturday combined? Cars Washed 55 C 90 B 80 D 120 6. How many more cars were washed on Saturday than on Sunday? (Lesson 2.6) A 95 B 30 P62 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 C 25 D 15 y da Fri S ay y da r atu S d un Day © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company A Number of Cars (Lesson 2.6) COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.8 Name Chapter 3 Extra Practice Lesson 3.1 Draw equal groups. Skip count to find how many. 1. 2 groups of 4 2. 4 groups of 3 Lesson 3.2 Draw a quick picture to show the equal groups. Then write related addition and multiplication sentences. 1. 2 groups of 5 2. 3 groups of 2 1 5 1 1 3 5 3 5 5 Lesson 3.3 1. Draw jumps on the number line to show 3 groups of 6. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Find the product. ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' (( () (* (+ (, (- (. (/ (0 )' )( )) )* )+ ), 3365 2. Write the multiplication sentence the number line shows. ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' (( () (* (+ (, (- (. (/ (0 )' )( )) )* )+ ), 3 5 Chapter 3 P63 Lesson 3.4 1. Destiny placed her hair ribbons in 3 groups of 5 on her dresser. How many hair ribbons in all does Destiny have? Draw a diagram to solve. Lesson 3.5 Draw an array to find the product. 1. 2 3 7 5 _____ 2. 2 3 6 5 _____ Lesson 3.6 Write a multiplication sentence for the model. Then use the Commutative Property of Multiplication to write a related multiplication sentence. 2. _3_5_ _3_5_ _3_5_ _3_5_ Lesson 3.7 Find the product. 1. 6 3 0 5 _____ 2. 5 3 1 5 _____ 3. 0 3 9 5 _____ 4. 1 3 8 5 _____ 5. 1 3 4 5 _____ 6. 9 3 1 5 _____ 7. 1 3 0 5 _____ 8. 7 3 0 5 _____ P64 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 1. 4 Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning how to multiply with the factors 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. You can expect to see homework that provides practice with multiplication facts and strategies. Associative Property of Multiplication The property that states that when the grouping of factors is changed, the product remains the same. Distributive Property The property that states that multiplying a sum by a number is the same as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the products. multiple A number that is the product of two counting numbers Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to multiply with 3 as a factor. Multiply with 3 This is one way we will be multiplying with 3 to solve problems. Teddy made a face on 1 cookie, using 3 raisins. How many raisins will he need for 4 cookies? Drawing a picture is a way to solve this problem. Another Way to Solve Multiplication Problems Making an array is another way to solve the problem. Use tiles to make an array of 4 rows with 3 tiles in each row. 3, 6, 9, © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Skip count by 3s to find the number of raisins in all. 3, 6, 9, 12 4 groups of 3 is 12. 4 3 3 5 12 12 Count all the tiles. 4 groups of 3 is 12. 4 3 3 5 12 So, he will need 12 raisins for 4 cookies. Activity Have your child draw more groups of 3 for 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 cookies. Then have your child answer questions such as “How many raisins would be on 8 cookies? What do you multiply to find out?” Chapter 4 P65 4 Propiedad asociativa de la multiplicación La propiedad que establece que cuando se cambia la agrupación de los factores, el producto no cambia Querida familia, Propiedad distributiva La propiedad que establece que multiplicar una suma por un número es lo mismo que multiplicar cada sumando por ese número y luego sumar los productos Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos cómo multiplicar con los factores 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 y 10. Llevaré a la casa tareas que sirven para practicar las operaciones de multiplicación y sus estrategias. múltiplo Un número que es el producto de dos números naturales distintos de cero Este es un ejemplo de la manera como aprenderemos a multiplicar por el factor 3. Multiplicar por 3 Esta es una manera de multiplicar por 3 para resolver problemas. Teddy hizo una cara en 1 galleta, con 3 pasas. ¿Cuántas pasas necesitará para hacer caras en 4 galletas? 6, 9, Otra manera de resolver problemas de multiplicación Hacer una matriz es otra manera de resolver el problema. Usa fichas para hacer una matriz de 4 filas con 3 fichas en cada fila. Una manera de resolver el problema es hacer un dibujo. 3, 12 3, 6, 9, 12 4 grupos de 3 son 12. 4 3 3 5 12 Por tanto, Teddy necesitará 12 pasas para 4 galletas. Cuenta todas las fichas. 4 grupos de 3 son 12. 4 3 3 5 12 Actividad Pida a su hijo o hija que dibuje más grupos de 3 para 5, 6, 7, 8 y 9 galletas. Después, pídale que conteste preguntas como “¿Cuántas pasas se necesitan para hacer 8 galletas? ¿Qué factores debes multiplicar para hallar la respuesta?”. P66 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Cuenta salteado de 3 en 3 para hallar el número total de pasas. Lesson 4.1 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.3 Multiply with 2 and 4 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Write a multiplication sentence for the model. 1. 2. Think: There are 2 groups of 5 counters. 2 _ 5 5_ 10 3_ _ 3_5_ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Find the product. 3. 2 3 6 _ 4. 4 3 8 _ 5. 2 3 3 _ 6. 4 3 6 _ 7. 4 3 4 _ 8. 2 3 7 _ 9. 4 3 5 _ 10. 2 3 4 _ 11. On Monday, Steven read 9 pages 12. Courtney’s school is having a of his new book. To finish the first chapter on Tuesday, he needs to read double the number of pages he read on Monday. How many pages does he need to read on Tuesday? family game night. Each table has 4 players. There are 7 tables in all. How many players are at the game night? _______ _______ Chapter 4 P67 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.3) 1. Which multiplication sentence matches the model? 2. Find the product. 2 3 8 _ A 10 B 14 A 33256 C 4 3 4 5 16 C 16 B 43258 D 4 3 8 5 32 D 18 Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Sean made a picture graph to show his friends’ favorite colors. This is the key for the graph. Each 5 2 friends. How many friends does stand for? (Lesson 2.3) some walking trails. Walking Trails Name Length (in feet) Mountain Trail Lake Trail Harmony Trail 844 792 528 A 4 B 8 C 20 A 216 feet C 316 feet D 40 B 264 feet D 528 feet 527 1 154 __ A 373 B 581 C 671 D 681 How many feet longer is Mountain Trail than Harmony Trail? (Lesson 1.10) (Lesson 1.7) 6. A bar graph shows that sports books received 9 votes. If the scale is 0 to 20 by twos, where should the bar end for the sports books? (Lesson 2.5) A between B on 10 C on 8 D between 8 and 10 6 and 8 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Find the sum. P68 4. The table shows the lengths of Lesson 4.2 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.3 Multiply with 5 and 10 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Find the product. 35 1. 5 3 7 5 ______ 2. 5 3 1 5 ______ 3. 2 3 10 5 4. ______ 5 8 3 5 5. 1 3 10 5______ 6. ______ 5 4 3 5 7. 5 3 10 5 _____ 8. 7 3 5 5 ______ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 9. ______ 5 5 3 5 10. 5 3 8 5 ______ 11. ______ 5 5 3 9 12. 10 3 0 5 ______ 13. 5 3 6 _ 14. 10 3 7 _ 15. 5 3 3 _ 16. 10 3 4 _ 17. 5 3 0 _ 18. 10 3 8 _ 19. 5 3 2 _ 20. 10 3 6 _ 21. Ginger takes 10 nickels to buy some pencils at the school store. How many cents does Ginger have to spend? 22. The gym at Evergreen School has three basketball courts. There are 5 players on each of the courts. How many players are there in all? Chapter 4 P69 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.3) 1. Mrs. Hinely grows roses. There are 6 roses on each of her 10 rose bushes. How many roses in all are on Mrs. Hinely’s rose bushes? 2. Find the product. 5 3 8 _ A 16 C 60 A 8 C 35 B 54 D 66 B 16 D 40 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Mr. Miller’s class voted on where to 4. Zack made this table for his survey. go for a field trip. Use the picture graph to find which choice had the most votes. (Lesson 2.2) Favorite Juice Flavor Grape Orange Berry Apple Field Trip Choices Science Center Aquarium Museum Key: Each = 2 votes. A Science Center C Zoo B Aquarium D Museum 5. Which of the following numbers is even? (Lesson 1.1) 25, 28, 31, 37 A 38 B 43 C 47 D 49 6. Estimate the sum. (Lesson 1.3) 479 1 89 __ A 25 C 31 A 300 C 500 B 28 D 37 B 400 D 600 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company How many students were surveyed in all? (Lesson 2.6) Zoo P70 Votes 16 10 9 12 Lesson 4.3 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.3 Multiply with 3 and 6 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Find the product. 24 1. 6 3 4 5 _ 2. 3 3 7 5 _ 3. _ 5 2 3 6 4. _ 5 3 3 5 6. _ 5 6 3 8 7. 3 3 9 5 _ 8. _ 5 6 3 6 Think: You can use doubles. 3 3 4 5 12 12 1 12 5 24 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. 1 3 3 5 _ 9. 4 3 3 _ 10. 6 3 5 _ 11. 2 3 3 _ 12. 6 3 3 _ 13. 10 3 6 _ 14. 3 3 6 _ 15. 7 3 6 _ 16. 3 3 0 _ 17. 9 3 6 _ 18. 3 3 3 _ 19. 10 3 3 _ 20. 1 3 6 _ 21. James got 3 hits in each of his 22. Mrs. Burns is buying muffins. There baseball games. He has played 4 baseball games. How many hits has he had in all? are 6 muffins in each box. If she buys 5 boxes, how many muffins will she buy? _______ _______ Chapter 4 P71 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.3) 1. Paco buys a carton of eggs. The carton has 2 rows of eggs. There are 6 eggs in each row. How many eggs are in the carton? 2. Find the product. 9 3 3 _ A 8 C 14 A 18 C 27 B 12 D 24 B 24 D 36 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Find the difference. (Lesson 1.10) 568 2 283 __ 4. Dwight made double the number of baskets in the second half of the basketball game than in the first half. He made 5 baskets in the first half. How many baskets did he make in the second half? (Lesson 4.1) A 285 C 385 A 7 C 10 B 325 D 851 B 9 D 20 symbol represents two students. One row in the picture graph has 8 symbols. How many students does that represent? 6. What multiplication sentence does this array show? (Lesson 3.5) (Lesson 2.3) P72 A 40 A 5 3 6 5 30 B 32 B 6 3 6 5 36 C 24 C 5 3 5 5 25 D 16 D 1365 6 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. In Jane’s picture graph, the ALGEBRA Lesson 4.4 Name Distributive Property COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.5 Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. Write one way to break apart the array. Then find the product. 1. 2. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company (3 3 7) 1 (3 3 7) 42 3. 4. 5. There are 2 rows of 8 chairs set up 6. A marching band has 4 rows of in the library for a puppet show. How many chairs are there in all? Use the Distributive Property to solve. trumpeters with 10 trumpeters in each row. How many trumpeters are in the marching band? Use the Distributive Property to solve. Chapter 4 P73 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.5) 1. Which number sentence is an example of the Distributive Property? A 7365637 B 7 3 (2 3 3) 5 (7 3 2) 3 3 C 7 3 6 5 (7 3 3) 1 (7 3 3) D 716571313 2. What is one way to break apart the array? A (2 3 6) 1 (2 3 6) B (4 3 2) 1 (4 3 2) C (4 3 4) 1 (4 3 4) D (6 3 3) 1 (6 3 3) Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.3) 3. The school auditorium has 448 chairs set out for the thirdgrade performance. What is 448 rounded to the nearest ten? 4. Find the difference. (Lesson 1.11) 400 2 296 __ (Lesson 1.2) A 500 C 450 A 104 C 204 B 440 D 400 B 114 D 296 622 1 186 __ P74 (Lesson 2.4) Sports Students Play Football Baseball Basketball Soccer A 436 B 708 C 768 A Football C Basketball D 808 B Baseball D Soccer 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Number of Students © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company crate and 186 in another crate. How many fruit snacks are there in all? (Lesson 1.7) 6. Which sport do 6 students play? Sport 5. There are 622 fruit snacks in one Lesson 4.5 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.7 Multiply with 7 Multiply and divide within 100. Find the product. 1. 6 3 7 5 _ 42 2. _ 5 7 3 9 3. _ 5 1 3 7 4. 3 3 7 5 _ 5. 7 3 7 = _ 6. _ 5 2 3 7 7. 7 3 8 5 _ 8. _ 5 4 3 7 7 3 5 _ 10. 7 3 1 _ 11. 6 3 7 _ 12. 7 3 4 _ 13. 2 3 7 _ 14. 10 15. 3 3 7 _ 16. 7 3 9 _ 17. 8 3 7 _ 18. 7 3 0 _ 9. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3 7 _ 19. Julie buys a pair of earrings for $7. Now she would like to buy the same earrings for 2 of her friends. How much will she spend for all 3 pairs of earrings? _______ 20. Owen and his family will go camping in 8 weeks. There are 7 days in 1 week. How many days are in 8 weeks? _______ Chapter 4 P75 (CC.3.OA.7) 1. Find the product. 7 3 8 _ 2. What product does the array show? A 54 A 14 B 56 B 17 C 64 C 21 D 66 D 24 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Which statement is true about the numbers below? (Lesson 1.1) 4. How many more people chose retriever than poodle? (Lesson 2.1) 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 A All of the numbers are odd. B Some of the numbers are odd. C All of the numbers are even. D Some of the numbers are even. 5. What is 94 rounded to the nearest ten? (Lesson 1.2) Favorite Breed of Dog Dog Number Shepherd Retriever Poodle 58 65 26 A 31 C 41 B 39 D 49 6. Jack has 5 craft sticks. He needs 4 times that number for a project. How many craft sticks does Jack need altogether? (Lesson 4.2) P76 A 90 A 9 B 94 B 16 C 95 C 20 D 100 D 24 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson Check TEST PREP ALGEBRA Name Associative Property of Multiplication Lesson 4.6 COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.5 Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. Write another way to group the factors. Then find the product. 1. (3 3 2) 3 5 2. (4 3 3) 3 2 3 3 (2 3 5) 30 ____ ____ 4. 9 3 (2 3 1) 3. 2 3 (2 3 8) ____ ____ ____ ____ 5. 2 3 (3 3 6) 6. (4 3 2) 3 5 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Use parentheses and multiplication properties. Then, find the product. 7. 9 3 1 3 5 5 _ 8. 3 3 3 3 2 5 _ 9. 2 3 4 3 3 5 _ 10. 5 3 2 3 3 5 _ 11. 7 3 1 3 5 5 _ 12. 8 3 2 3 3 5 _ 13. 7 3 2 3 3 5 _ 14. 4 3 1 3 3 5 _ 15. 10 3 2 3 4 5 _ 16. Beth and Maria are going to the county fair. Admission costs $4 per person for each day. They plan to go for 3 days. How much will the girls pay in all? _______ 17. Randy’s garden has 3 rows of carrots with 3 plants in each row. Next year he plans to plant 4 times the number of rows of 3 plants. How many plants will he have next year? _______ Chapter 4 P77 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.5) 1. There are 2 benches in each car 2. Crystal has 2 CDs in each box. She has 3 boxes on each of her 6 shelves. How many CDs does Crystal have in all? of a train ride. Two people ride on each bench. If a train has 5 cars, how many people in all can be on a train? A 4 A 6 B 9 B 12 C 10 C 18 D 20 D 36 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT2, CC.MD.3) (Lesson 1.7) 472 1 186 __ 4. Trevor made a picture graph to show how many minutes each student biked last week. This is his key. Each A 658 What does B 648 A 2 minutes C 20 minutes C 558 B 10 minutes D 25 minutes D 286 5. Madison has 142 stickers in her collection. What is 142 rounded to the nearest ten? (Lesson 1.2) P78 5 10 minutes. stand for? (Lesson 2.2) 6. There are 5 pages of photos. Each page has 6 photos. How many photos are there in all? (Lesson 4.2) A 40 A 12 B 140 B 20 C 150 C 24 D 200 D 30 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Find the sum. ALGEBRA Lesson 4.7 Name Patterns on the Multiplication Table COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.9 Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. Is the product even or odd? Write even or odd. even 1. 2 3 7 5 ______ Think: Products with 2 as a factor are even. 2. 4 3 6 5 ______ 3. 8 3 3 5 ______ 4. 2 3 3 5 ______ 5. 9 3 9 5 ______ 6. 5 3 7 5 ______ 7. 6 3 3 5 ______ Use the multiplication table. Describe a pattern you see. 8. in the column for 5 9. in the row for 10 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 10. in the rows for 3 and 6 11. Carl shades a row in the multiplication table. The products in the row are all even. The ones digits in the products repeat 0, 4, 8, 2, 6. What row does Carl shade? ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ( ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' ) ' ) + - / (' () (+ (- (/ )' * ' * - 0 () (, (/ )( )+ ). *' + ' + / () (- )' )+ )/ *) *- +' , ' , (' (, )' ), *' *, +' +, ,' - ' - () (/ )+ *' *- +) +/ ,+ -' . ' . (+ )( )/ *, +) +0 ,- -* .' / ' / (- )+ *) +' +/ ,- -+ .) /' 0 ' 0 (/ ). *- +, ,+ -* .) /( 0' (' ' (' )' *' +' ,' -' .' /' 0' ('' ' 12. Jenna says that no row or column contains products with only odd numbers. Do you agree? Explain. Chapter 4 P79 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.9) 1. Which has an even product? 2. Which describes this pattern? 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 A 139 A Even and then odd B 333 B Add C 537 C Subtract D 439 D Multiply by 10. 5. 5. Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Lexi has 2 cans of tennis balls. There are 3 tennis balls in each can. She buys 2 more cans. How many tennis balls does she now have in all? (Lesson 4.6) Color of Eyes Blue A 12 Green B 9 Brown C 7 D 6 Key: Each = 4 students. each box has 6 pencils, how many pencils did Sasha buy in all? (Lesson 4.3) A 4 C 12 B 8 D 16 6. Find the sum. (Lesson 1.7) 219 1 763 __ A 9 C 18 A 992 C 976 B 12 D 24 B 982 D 972 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company How many students have green eyes? (Lesson 2.2) 5. Sasha bought 3 boxes of pencils. If P80 4. Use the picture graph. Lesson 4.8 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.7 Multiply with 8 Multiply and divide within 100. Find the product. 1. 8 3 10 5 _ 80 2. 8 3 8 5 _ 3. 8 3 5 5 _ 4. 3 3 8 5 _ 5. _ 5 4 3 8 6. 8 3 7 5 _ 7. 6 3 8 5 _ 8. _ 5 9 3 8 9. 8 3 2 _ 10. 6 3 8 _ 11. 8 3 7 _ 12. 0 3 8 _ 13. 8 3 5 _ 14. 8 3 8 _ 15. 9 3 8 _ 16. 8 3 3 _ 17. 8 3 1 _ 18. 4 3 8 _ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 19. There are 6 teams in the basketball league. Each team has 8 players. How many players are there in all? _______ 21. Tomas is packing 7 baskets for a fair. He is placing 8 apples in each basket. How many apples are there in all? _______ 20. Lynn has 4 stacks of quarters. There are 8 quarters in each stack. How many quarters does Lynn have in all? _______ 22. There are 10 pencils in each box. If Jenna buys 8 boxes, how many pencils will she buy? _______ Chapter 4 P81 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.7) 2. There are 7 tarantulas in the spider 1. Find the product. exhibit at the zoo. Each tarantula has 8 legs. How many legs do the 7 tarantulas have in all? 5385 A 30 B 32 C 42 A 15 C 56 D 40 B 49 D 63 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.NB.1, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.3) (Lesson1.9) 652 2 99 __ of 232 new books. What is 232 rounded to the nearest ten? (Lesson 1.8) A 99 A 200 B 552 B 230 C 553 C 240 D 653 D 300 5. Sam’s picture graph shows that 8 students chose pizza as their favorite lunch. This is the key for the graph. Each 5 2 students. How many should be next to pizza on Sam’s graph? (Lesson 2.2) P82 4. The school library received an order A 2 B 4 C 6 D 8 6. Tashia buys 5 packages of oranges. Each package has 4 oranges. How many oranges in all does Tashia buy? (Lesson 4.2) A 1 B 9 C 20 D 25 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Find the difference. Lesson 4.9 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.7 Multiply with 9 Multiply and divide within 100. Find the product. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 90 1. 10 3 9 5 _ 2. 2 3 9 5 _ 3. 9 3 4 5 _ 4. 0 3 9 5 _ 5. 1 3 9 5 _ 6. 8 3 9 5 _ 7. 9 3 5 5 _ 8. 6 3 9 5 _ 9. 9 3 4 _ 10. 5 3 9 _ 11. 9 3 7 _ 12. 2 3 9 _ 13. 9 3 9 _ 14. 10 3 9 _ 15. 3 3 9 _ 16. 9 3 8 _ 17. 6 3 9 _ 18. 9 3 1 _ 19. There are 9 positions on the softball 20. Carlos bought a book for $9. Now team. Three people are trying out for each position. How many people in all are trying out? he would like to buy 4 other books for the same price. How much will he have to pay in all for the other 4 books? _______ _______ Chapter 4 P83 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.7) 2. Clare buys 5 tickets for the high 1. Find the product. school musical. Each ticket costs $9. How much do the tickets cost in all? 7395 A 63 B 56 C 45 A $36 C $45 D 36 B $40 D $52 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.MD.3) girls in Kim’s class. How many girls have brown hair? (Lesson 2.1) Kim’s Class Hair Color Number of Girls the dry cleaners. It costs $4 to clean each shirt. How much did Miles spend to have all the shirts cleaned? (Lesson 4.1) A $13 B $22 Blonde C $36 Red D $45 Brown Black A 1 C 4 B 3 D 6 5. In a picture graph, each picture of a baseball is equal to 5 games won by a team. The row for the Falcons has 7 baseballs. How many games have the Falcons won? (Lesson 2.2) P84 4. Miles picked up 9 shirts from 6. An array has 8 rows with 4 circles in each row. How many circles are in the array? (Lesson 4.8) A 40 C 12 A 12 C 32 B 35 D 7 B 24 D 36 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. The table shows the hair color of PROBLEM SOLVING Lesson 4.10 Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄà KBJ?FB?97J?ED COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.8 Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. Solve. 1. Henry has a new album for his Pages with 6 Cards Pages with 3 Cards baseball cards. He uses pages that hold 6 cards and pages that hold 3 cards. If Henry has 36 cards, how many different ways can he put them in his album? Total Cards 1 2 3 4 5 10 8 6 4 2 36 36 36 36 36 Henry can put the cards in his 5 ways. album _ 2. Ms. Hernandez has 17 tomato plants that she wants to plant in rows. She will put 2 plants in some rows and 1 plant in the others. How many different ways can she plant the tomato plants? Make a table to solve. Rows with 2 Plants Rows with 1 Plant Total Plants Ms. Hernandez can plant the tomato plants _ ways. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Bianca has a total of 25¢. She has some nickels and pennies. How many different combinations of nickels and pennies could Bianca have? Make a table to solve. Bianca could have _ combinations of 25¢. Number of Nickels Number of Pennies Total Value Chapter 4 P85 TEST PREP ;IIEDÃ>;9A (CC.3.OA.8) 1. The table shows different ways that Cameron can display his 12 model cars on shelves. How many shelves will display 2 cars if 8 of the shelves each display 1 car? A 1 C 3 B 2 D 4 Shelves with 1 Car 2 4 6 8 10 Shelves with 2 Cars 5 4 3 8 8 Total cars 12 12 12 12 12 F?H7BÃReview (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.3) 3. The school cafeteria has an order (Lesson 1.6) for 238 hot lunches. What is 238 rounded to the nearest ten? 317 1 151 __ (Lesson 1.2) A 166 C 468 A 300 C 230 B 268 D 568 B 240 D 200 4. Tyler made a picture graph to show students’ favorite colors. This is the key for his graph. Each 5 3 votes. If 12 students voted for green, how many should there be in the green row of the graph? (Lesson 2.2) P86 5. There are 5 bikes in each bike rack at the school. There are 6 bike racks. How many bikes in all are in the bike racks? (Lesson 4.2) A 11 B 24 A 3 C 9 C 25 B 4 D 12 D 30 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2. Find the sum. COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.OA.8, CC.3.OA.9 Name Chapter 4 Extra Practice Lessons 4.1–4.2 Find the product. 1. 4 3 2 5 _____ 5. 6 3 10 _ 2. 8 3 5 5 _____ 6. 3. 10 3 7 5 4. 2 3 9 5 5 3 7 _ 7. 2 3 10 _ 8. 4 3 5 _ 3 3 9 _ 3. 7 3 3 _ 4. 8 3 6 _ Lessons 4.3–4.5 Find the product. 1. 6 3 2 _ 2. Write one way to break apart the array. Then find the product. 5. ________________________________ _________________________________ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Find the product. 6. 5 3 7 5 _____ 7. 2 3 6 5 _____ 10. Abby has 5 stacks of cards with 7 cards in each stack. How many cards does she have in all? 8. 4 3 7 5 _____ 9. 8 3 3 5 _____ 11. Noah has 3 sisters. He gave 6 balloons to each sister. How many balloons did Noah give away in all? Chapter 4 P87 Lesson 4.6 Write another way to group the factors. Then find the product. 1. (3 3 2) 3 4 2. 2 3 (5 3 3) 3. (1 3 4) 3 2 Lesson 4.7 Is the product even or odd? Write even or odd. 1. 6 3 6 5 ___ 2. 2 3 3 5 ___ 3. 3 3 9 5 ___ ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ( ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' ) ' ) + - / (' () (+ (- (/ )' * ' * - 0 () (, (/ )( )+ ). *' + ' + / () (- )' )+ )/ *) *- +' , ' , (' (, )' ), *' *, +' +, ,' - ' - () (/ )+ *' *- +) +/ ,+ -' ' Lessons 4.8–4.9 Find the product. 1. 8 3 2 5 _____ 2. 5 3 9 5 _____ 3. _____ 5 3 3 9 4. 4 3 8 5 _____ 5. _____ 5 9 3 4 6. 6 3 8 5 _____ 7. 9 3 7 5 _____ 8. _____ 5 8 3 7 1. Leo has a total of 45¢. He has some dimes and pennies. How many different combinations of dimes and pennies could Leo have? Make a table to solve. Leo could have _____ combinations of 45¢. P88 Number of Dimes Number of Pennies Total Value © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson 4.10 5 Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning more about multiplication. We will learn strategies for finding an unknown factor and for multiplying with multiples of 10. equation A number sentence that uses the equal sign to show that two amounts are equal factor A number that is multiplied by another number to find a product multiple A number that is the product of two counting numbers product The answer to a multiplication problem You can expect to see homework that provides practice with strategies for multiplying with multiples of 10. Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to use a number line to multiply. Use a number line to find 3 3 50. Think: 50 5 5 tens STEP 1 STEP 2 Draw a number line and write the labels for multiples of 10. Draw jumps on the number line to show 3 groups of 5 tens. ' (' )' *' +' ,' -' .' /' 0' ('' ((' ()' (*' (+' (,' (-' (.' (/' © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company So, 3 3 50 5 150. Using Place Value to Multiply Using a multiplication fact and place value is another way to multiply by a multiple of 10. To multiply 6 3 70, use the basic fact 6 3 7 5 42. Think: 6 3 7 tens 5 42 tens, or 420. Activity Help your child draw and use models to multiply with multiples of 10. Ask your child to solve problems such as, “There are 6 chocolate chips on one cookie. How do you multiply to find the number of chocolate chips on 20 cookies?” Chapter 5 P89 5 ecuación Una expresión numérica que muestra que dos cantidades son iguales factor Un número que se multiplica por otro número para hallar un producto Querida familia, Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos más sobre la multiplicación. Aprenderemos estrategias para hallar un factor desconocido y para multiplicar por múltiplos de 10. múltiplo Un número que es el producto de dos números naturales distintos de cero producto El resultado en un problema de multiplicación Llevaré a casa tareas para practicar estrategias para multiplicar con múltiplos de 10. Este es un ejemplo de cómo usaremos una recta numérica para multiplicar. Usar una recta numérica para hallar 3 3 50 PASO 1 PASO 2 Traza una recta numérica y escribe los rótulos para los múltiplos de 10. Dibuja saltos en la recta numérica para mostrar 3 grupos de 5 decenas. ' (' )' *' +' ,' -' .' /' 0' ('' ((' ()' (*' (+' (,' (-' (.' (/' Por tanto, 3 3 50 5 150. Actividad Ayude a su hijo/a a dibujar y usar modelos para multiplicar con múltiplos de 10. Pida a su hijo/a que resuelva problemas como “Hay 6 chispas de chocolate en una galleta. ¿Cómo multiplicas para hallar el número de chispas de chocolate que hay en 20 galletas?” P90 Usar el valor posicional para multiplicar Otra forma de multiplicar por un múltiplo de 10 es usar una operación de multiplicación y el valor posicional. Para multiplicar 6 3 70, usa la operación básica 6 3 7 5 42. Piensa: 6 3 7 decenas 5 42 decenas, o 420. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Piensa: 50 5 5 decenas ALGEBRA Lesson 5.1 Name Describe Patterns COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.9 Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. Describe a pattern for the table. Then complete the table. 1. Pans 1 2 3 Muffins 6 12 18 4 5 2. 24 30 Add 6 muffins for _______ each pan; Multiply the _______ number of pans by 6. _______ 3. Vases Flowers 2 14 3 4 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2 3 4 Wheels 8 12 16 5 6 _______ _______ _______ 4. Spiders Legs 1 8 2 28 5 6 Wagons 3 24 4 42 5 40 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 5. Caleb buys 5 cartons of yogurt. Each carton has 8 yogurt cups. How many yogurt cups does Caleb buy? _______ 6. Libby bought 4 packages of pencils. Each package has 6 pencils. How many pencils did Libby buy? _______ Chapter 5 P91 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.9) 1. Which of the following describes a 2. Which number completes this pattern in the table? table? Tables 1 2 3 4 5 Butterflies 3 4 5 6 7 Chairs 5 10 15 20 25 Wings 12 16 20 O 28 A Multiply by 3. C Add 1. A 30 C 24 B Multiply by 5. D Add 4. B 26 D 22 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.7) There are 6 crayons in each pack. How many crayons does Jennilee buy in all? (Lesson 4.3) tickets. Each book has 5 tickets. How many tickets does Maverick have in all? (Lesson 4.2) A 13 A 10 B 36 B 15 C 42 C 20 D 48 D 25 5. Bailey walked his dog 2 times each day for 9 days. How many times did Bailey walk his dog in all? (Lesson 4.9) P92 4. Maverick has 5 books of circus A 9 B 11 C 18 D 27 6. Drew’s Tree Company delivers pear trees in groups of 4. Yesterday, the company delivered 8 groups of pear trees. How many pear trees were delivered in all? (Lesson 4.8) A 12 B 16 C 24 D 32 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Jennilee buys 7 packs of crayons. ALGEBRA Lesson 5.2 Name Find Unknown Factors COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.4 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Find the unknown factor. 1. n 3 3 5 12 2. s 3 8 5 64 Think: How many groups of 3 equal 12? s5_ 3. 21 5 7 3 n 4. y 3 2 5 18 n5_ y5_ 4 n5_ 5. 5 3 p 5 10 6. 56 5 8 3 t 7. m 3 4 5 28 p5_ t5_ m5_ 9. 18 5 6 3 r r5_ u5_ 13. b 3 6 5 54 14. 5 3 T 5 40 b5_ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 10. u 3 5 5 30 T5_ 17. Carmen spent $42 for 6 hats. How much did each hat cost? 11. 4 3 O 5 24 O5_ 15. 30 5 d 3 3 d5_ 8. ) 3 1 5 9 )5_ 12. w 3 7 5 35 w5_ 16. 7 3 k 5 42 k5_ 18. Mark has a baking tray with 24 cupcakes. The cupcakes are arranged in 4 equal rows. How many cupcakes are in each row? Chapter 5 P93 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.4) 1. What is the unknown factor? b 3 7 5 56 2. What is the unknown factor shown by this array? A 6 B 7 C 8 3 3 O 5 24 D 9 A 3 C 8 B 6 D 9 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5) Commutative Property of Multiplication? (Lesson 3.6) 6145416 A 13 B 4365634 B 22 C 4335418 C 40 D 3365932 D 80 example of the Distributive Property? (Lesson 4.4) (Lesson 4.6) 5 3 (4 3 2) A 5. Which number sentence is an P94 4. Find the product. 6. In a group of 10 boys, each boy had 2 hats. How many hats did they have in all? (Lesson 4.2) A 4 3 7 5 (4 3 3) 1 (4 3 4) A 5 B 4375734 B 12 C 4 3 7 5 28 C 20 D 7 3 4 5 15 1 13 D 40 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Which is an example of the PROBLEM SOLVING Lesson 5.3 Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄÃI;ÃJ>;à ?IJH?8KJ?L;ÃHEF;HJO COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.3 Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Read each problem and solve. 1. Each time a student turns in a perfect spelling test, Ms. Ricks puts an achievement square on the bulletin board. There are 6 rows of squares on the bulletin board. Each row has 30 squares. How many perfect spelling tests have been turned in? Think: 6 3 30 5 6 3 (10 1 10 1 10) 5 60 1 60 1 60 5 180 180 spelling tests _____ 2. Norma practices violin for 50 minutes every day. How many minutes does Norma practice violin in 7 days? _____ 3. A kitchen designer is creating a new backsplash for the wall behind a kitchen sink. The backsplash will have 5 rows of tiles. Each row will have 20 tiles. How many tiles are needed for the entire backsplash? _____ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 4. A bowling alley keeps shoes in rows of cubbyholes. There are 9 rows of cubbyholes, with 20 cubbyholes in each row. If there is a pair of shoes in every cubbyhole, how many pairs of shoes are there? _____ 5. The third-grade students are traveling to the science museum in 8 buses. There are 40 students on each bus. How many students are going to the museum? _____ Chapter 5 P95 TEST PREP ;IIEDÃ>;9A (CC.3.NBT.3) 1. Each snack pack holds 20 crackers. How many crackers in all are there in 4 snack packs? 2. A machine makes 70 springs each hour. How many springs will the machine make in 8 hours? A 60 A 500 B 80 B 520 C 100 C 540 D 800 D 560 F?H7BÃ;L?;M (CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.MD.4) 3. Lila read 142 pages on Friday and 168 pages on Saturday. Which is the best estimate of how many pages Lila read on Friday and Saturday combined? (Lesson 1.3) A 100 C 300 B 200 D 400 4. Jessica wrote 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 on the board. Which is another way to show 6 1 6 1 6 1 6? (Lesson 3.2) A 434 C 43436 B 436 D 636 Use the line plot for 5–6. number of birds he saw at his bird feeder. How many more sparrows than blue jays did he see? (Lesson 2.7) A 2 C 4 B 3 D 5 6. How many robins and cardinals combined did Eliot see? (Lesson 2.7) P96 A 2 C 4 B 3 D 5 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Eliot made a line plot to record the Lesson 5.4 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.3 Multiplication Strategies with Multiples of 10 Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Use a number line to find the product. 80 1. 2 3 40 5 _ 2. 4 3 30 5 _ Use place value to find the product. 3. 5 3 70 5 5 3 _ tens 5 _ tens 5 _ 5. 7 3 30 5 7 3 _ tens © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5 _ tens 5 _ 7. One exhibit at the aquarium has 5 fish tanks. Each fish tank holds 50 gallons of water. How much water do the 5 tanks hold in all? 4. 60 3 4 5 _ tens 3 4 5 _ tens 5 _ 6. 90 3 3 5 _ tens 3 3 5 _ tens 5 _ 8. In another aquarium display, there are 40 fish in each of 7 large tanks. How many fish are in the display in all? Chapter 5 P97 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.3) 1. Each bag of pattern blocks contains 50 blocks. To make a class pattern, the teacher combines 4 bags of blocks. How many pattern blocks are there in all? A 20 C B 200 D 240 250 2. A deli received 8 blocks of cheese. Each block of cheese weighs 60 ounces. What is the total weight of the cheeses? A 420 ounces C 480 ounces B 460 ounces D 560 ounces Spiral Review (CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Alan and Betty collected cans for recycling. Alan collected 154 cans. Betty collected 215 cans. How many cans did they collect in all? (Lesson 1.6) A 369 C 469 B 379 D 479 4. The third graders collected 754 cans. The fourth graders collected 592 cans. Which is the best estimate of how many more cans the third graders collected? (Lesson 1.8) A 50 C 200 B 100 D 300 Use the bar graph for 5–6. 5. How many more books did Ed read Books Read in June than Bob? (Lesson 2.4) C 4 B 3 D 5 6. How many books in all did the four students read in June? (Lesson 2.4) A 22 C 26 B 24 D 36 Ed Ann Bob Eve 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Number of Books P98 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2 Student A Lesson 5.5 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NBT.3 Multiply Multiples of 10 by 1-Digit Numbers Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Find the product. Use base-ten blocks or draw a quick picture. 200 1. 4 3 50 5 _ 2. 60 3 3 5 _ 3. _ 5 60 3 5 Find the product. 4. 30 3 8 _ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 8. 6 3 90 5 ____ 5. 50 3 2 _ 9. 9 3 70 5 ____ 12. Each model car in a set costs $4. There are 30 different model cars in the set. How much would it cost to buy all the model cars in the set? 6. 60 3 7 _ 10. 8 3 90 5 ____ 7. 70 3 4 _ 11. ____ 5 6 3 80 13. Amanda exercises for 50 minutes each day. How many minutes will she exercise in 7 days? Chapter 5 P99 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NBT.3) 1. Each shelf in one section of the library holds 30 books. There are 9 shelves in that section. How many books will these shelves hold? 2. One can of juice mix makes 60 ounces of juice. How many ounces of juice can be made from 6 cans of juice mix? A 220 A 300 ounces B 260 B 360 ounces C 270 C 390 ounces D 280 D 600 ounces Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.8) There are 3 balls in each can. How many balls did Sue buy? (Lesson 4.3) 4. Which is an example of the Commutative Property of Multiplication? (Lesson 3.6) A 10 A 3145413 B 21 B 53050 C 28 C 13757 D 37 D 3345433 5. Lyn drew this bar model to solve a problem. Which operation should she use to find the unknown number? (Lesson 1.12) A addition B division C multiplication D subtraction P100 6. Joe drew this bar model to find the unknown number of balls. Which is the correct answer? (Lesson 1.12) A 356 C 144 B 256 D 124 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Sue bought 7 cans of tennis balls. COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NBT.3 Name Chapter 5 Extra Practice Lesson 5.1 Describe a pattern for the table. Then complete the table. 1. Teams 2 3 4 Players 12 18 24 5 6 2. Tables 4 5 Chairs 16 20 6 7 8 28 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Lesson 5.2 Find the unknown factor. 1. 72 5 9 3 t © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company t5_ 2. 4 3 ) 5 28 )5_ 3. b 3 5 5 30 b5_ 4. d 3 3 5 24 5. 48 5 8 3 p 6. 6 3 T 5 24 d5_ p5_ T5_ 7. 56 5 7 3 O O5_ 10. 9 5 9 3 a a5_ 8. 2 3 g5 20 g5_ 11. c 3 4 5 36 c5_ 9. h 3 7 5 35 h5_ 12. 5 3 y 5 40 y5_ Chapter 5 P101 Lesson 5.3 Solve. 1. Hailey plants 6 rows of marigolds. 2. A meeting room has 8 rows of Each row has 20 marigolds. How many marigolds does Hailey plant in all? chairs. Each row has 10 chairs. The first people to arrive fill 2 rows. How many chairs are not filled? Lesson 5.4 1. Use a number line to find the product. 4 3 30 5 _ Use place value to find the product. 2. 40 3 8 5 _ tens 3 8 3. 5 3 60 5 5 3 _ tens 5 _ tens 5 _ 5 _ tens 5 _ Lesson 5.5 Find the product. 90 3 3 _ 2. 50 3 8 _ 3. 70 3 9 _ 4. 80 3 7 _ Solve. 5. During the summer, Jayden volunteers at the library for 20 hours each week for 7 weeks. How many hours does Jayden volunteer in all? P102 6. Trisha teaches 8 different cooking classes. There are 20 students in each class. How many students in all are in Trisha’s cooking classes? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 1. 6 dividend The number that is to be divided in a division problem Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning about division. We will learn how division is related to subtraction, and how multiplication and division are inverse operations. dividend, divisor, quotient The parts of a division problem. There are two ways to record division. 10 4 dividend divisor You can expect to see homework that provides practice with division. 2 5 divisor 5 quotient 5 10 2qw quotient dividend Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to use repeated subtraction to solve division problems. Use Repeated Subtraction to Divide This is how we will be using repeated subtraction to divide. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 Start with the dividend and subtract the divisor until you reach 0. Count the number of times you subtract 5. Record the quotient. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 15 4 5 5 ____ 15 25 10 10 25 5 5 25 0 15 10 5 15 4 5 5 3, or 2 5 2 5 2 5 (3 times) 3 10 5 0 5qw 15 There are 3 groups of 5 in 15. Fifteen divided by 5 equals 3. Counting Back on a Number Line Counting back on a number line is another way to find a quotient. On a 0–15 number line, for example, start at 15 and count back by 5s to 0. Then count the number of jumps on a number line (3 jumps) to find that 15 4 5 = 3. Activity Display a number of objects that are divisible by 5. Have your child use repeated subtraction to solve division problems. For example: “Here are 20 crayons. I want to subtract 5 crayons at a time until there are no crayons left. How many times can I subtract?” Check answers by arranging the objects. Chapter 6 P103 6 dividendo El número que se divide en un problema de división. dividendo, divisor, cociente Las partes de un problema de división. Hay dos maneras de anotar la división. Estimada familia, Durante las próximas semanas, nuestra clase de matemáticas aprenderá sobre la división. Aprenderemos sobre cómo la división se relaciona con la resta, y cómo la multiplicación y la división son operaciones inversas. 10 4 dividendo Pueden esperar ver tareas que sirven para practicar la división. divisor 2 5 divisor 5 10 2qw 5 cociente cociente dividendo Esta es una muestra de cómo su hijo o hija aprenderá a usar la resta repetida para resolver problemas de división. Así es como usaremos la resta repetida para dividir. PASO 2 PASO 1 Cuente la cantidad Comience con el dividendo y réstele de veces que restó 5. el divisor hasta 15 10 5 llegar a 0. 25 25 25 (3 veces) 15 4 5 5 ____ 10 5 0 15 25 10 10 25 5 5 25 0 Hay 3 grupos de 5 en 15. PASO 3 Anote el cociente. 15 4 5 5 3, o 3 5qw 15 Quince dividido entre 5 es igual a 3. Contar hacia atrás en una recta numérica Contar hacia atrás en una recta numérica es otra manera de hallar un cociente. En una recta numérica de 0–15, por ejemplo, comience en 15 y cuente hacia atrás de 5 en 5 hasta 0. Después cuente la cantidad de saltos que da en la recta numérica (3 saltos), para hallar que 15 4 5 5 3. Actividad Muestre una cantidad de objetos que sea divisible entre 5. Pida a su hijo o hija que use la resta repetida para resolver problemas de división. Por ejemplo: “Aquí hay 20 crayolas. Quiero restar 5 crayolas a la vez hasta que no queden crayolas. ¿Cuántas veces puedo restar?”. Compruebe las respuestas ordenando los objetos. P104 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Usar la resta repetida para dividir PROBLEM SOLVING Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄà E:;BÃ?L?I?ED Lesson 6.1 COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.3 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Solve each problem. 1. Six customers at a toy store bought 18 jump ropes. Each customer bought the same number of jump ropes. How many jump ropes did each customer buy? 3 jump ropes _____ 2. Hiro has 36 pictures of his summer trip. He wants to put them in an album. Each page of the album holds 4 pictures. How many pages will Hiro need for his pictures? _____ 3. Katia has 42 crayons in a box. She buys a storage bin that has 6 sections. She puts the same number of crayons in each section. How many crayons does Katia put in each section of the storage bin? _____ 4. Ms. Taylor’s students give cards to each of © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company the 3 class parent helpers. There are 24 cards. How many cards will each helper get if the students give an equal number of cards to each helper? _____ 5. Jamie divides 20 baseball stickers equally among 5 of his friends. How many stickers does each friend get? _____ Chapter 6 P105 TEST PREP ;IIEDÃ>;9A (CC.3.OA.3) 1. Maria buys 15 apples at the store and places them into bags. She puts 5 apples into each bag. How many bags does Maria use for all the apples? 2. Tom’s neighbor is fixing a section of his walkway. He has 32 bricks that he is placing in 8 equal rows. How many bricks will Tom’s neighbor place in each row? A 2 C 4 A 3 C 5 B 3 D 10 B 4 D 6 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.MD.4) 3. Find the unknown factor. (Lesson 5.2) 7 3 O5 56 4. How many students practiced the piano more than 3 hours a week? (Lesson 2.7) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 A 6 B 7 C 8 A 2 C 8 D 9 B 6 D 10 5. Count equal groups to find how many there are. (Lesson 3.1) 6. Which is another way to group the factors? (Lesson 4.6) A 3 C 12 B 4 D 16 P106 A (3 1 2) 1 5 B (3 3 2) 1 5 C 3 3 (2 1 5) D 3 3 (2 3 5) © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company ( 3 3 2) 3 5 Lesson 6.2 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.2 Size of Equal Groups Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Use counters or draw a quick picture. Make equal groups. Complete the table. Counters Number of Equal Groups Number in Each Group 1. 15 3 5 2. 21 7 3. 28 7 4. 32 4 5. 9 3 6. 18 3 7. 20 5 8. 16 8 9. 35 5 10. 24 3 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 11. Alicia has 12 eggs that she will use to make 4 different cookie recipes. If each recipe calls for the same number of eggs, how many eggs will she use in each recipe? 12. Brett picked 27 flowers from the garden. He plans to give an equal number of flowers to each of 3 people. How many flowers will each person get? Chapter 6 P107 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.2) 1. Ryan has 21 pencils. He wants to put the same number of pencils in each of 3 pencil holders. How many pencils will he put in each pencil holder? 2. Corrine is setting out 24 plates on 6 tables for a dinner. She sets the same number of plates on each table. How many plates does Corrine set on each table? A 6 A 3 B 7 B 4 C 8 C 5 D 9 D 6 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.9) 3. Each table has 4 legs. How many legs do 4 tables have? (Lesson 3.1) 4. Tina has 3 stacks of 5 CDs on each of 3 shelves. How many CDs does she have in all? (Lesson 4.6) A 1 A 14 B 8 B 30 C 16 C 35 D 20 D 45 5. What is the unknown factor? 6. Which of the following describes a 7 3 O5 35 Number of packs 1 2 3 4 5 Number of yo-yos 3 6 9 12 ? A 4 A Add B 5 B Multiply by C 6 2. C Multiply by D 7 3. D Add P108 2. 12. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company pattern in the table? (Lesson 5.1) (Lesson 5.2) Lesson 6.3 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.2 Number of Equal Groups Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Draw counters on your MathBoard. Then circle equal groups. Complete the table. Counters Number of Equal Groups Number in Each Group 1. 24 3 8 2. 35 7 3. 30 5 4. 16 4 5. 12 6 6. 36 9 7. 18 3 8. 15 5 9. 28 4 10. 27 3 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 11. In his bookstore, Toby places 21 books on shelves, with 7 books on each shelf. How many shelves does Toby need? 12. Mr. Holden has 32 quarters in stacks of 4 on his desk. How many stacks of quarters are on his desk? Chapter 6 P109 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.2) 1. Ramon works at a clothing store. He puts 24 pairs of jeans into stacks of 8. How many stacks does Ramon make? 2. There are 36 people waiting in line for a hay ride. Only 6 people can ride on each wagon. If each wagon is full, how many wagons are needed for all 36 people? A 5 A 5 B 4 B 6 C 3 C 7 D 2 D 8 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.8, CC.3.OA.9, CC.NBT.3) the array show? (Lesson 3.5) 4. Austin buys 4 boxes of nails for his project. There are 30 nails in each box. How many nails does Austin buy in all? (Lesson 5.4) A 12 B 34 A 4 3 5 5 20 C 4 3 7 5 28 C 70 B 4 3 6 5 24 D 4 3 8 5 32 D 120 5. Which describes the number sentence? (Lesson 1.1) 81058 A odd 1 odd 5 odd B Identity Property of Addition 6. Each month for 6 months, Kelsey completes 5 paintings. How many more paintings does she need to complete before she has completed 38 paintings? (Lesson 4.10) C even 1 even 5 even A 2 C 8 D Commutative Property of B 6 D 9 Addition P110 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Which multiplication sentence does Lesson 6.4 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.2 Model with Bar Models Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Write a division equation for the picture. 1. 2. 27 4 3 5 9 or 27 4 9 5 3 3. 4. Complete the bar model to solve. Then write a division equation for the bar model. 5. There are 15 postcards in 3 equal stacks. How many postcards are in each stack? 6. There are 21 key rings. How many groups of 3 key rings can you make? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company _______ 7. Jalyn collected 24 stones. She put them in 4 equal piles. How many stones are in each pile? _______ 8. Tanner has 30 stickers. He puts 6 stickers on each page. On how many pages does he put stickers? Chapter 6 P111 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.2) 1. Jack and his little sister are stacking 24 blocks. They put the blocks in 3 equal stacks. How many blocks are in each stack? 2. Melissa made 45 greeting cards. She put them in 5 equal piles. How many cards did she put in each pile? A 4 A 9 B 6 B 8 C 7 C 7 D 8 D 6 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.MD.4) 3. Angie puts 1 stamp on each envelope. She puts stamps on 7 envelopes. How many stamps does Angie use? (Lesson 3.7) 4. A carnival ride has 8 cars. Each car holds 4 people. How many people are on the ride if all the cars are full? (Lesson 4.8) A 0 A 34 B 1 B 32 C 7 C 28 D 8 D 24 5. How many families have 1 computer at home? (Lesson 2.7) A 4 C 6 B 5 D 7 6. How many families have more than 1 computer at home? (Lesson 2.7) A 4 C 7 B 5 D 8 P112 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Use the line plot for 5–6. Lesson 6.5 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.3 Relate Subtraction and Division Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Write a division equation. 1. 16 2 4 _ 12 12 2 4 _ 8 8 2 4 _ 4 4 2 4 _ 0 2. 16 4 4 5 4 4. 3. 20 2 5 _ 15 15 2 5 _ 10 10 2 5 _ 5 5 2 5 _ 0 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Use repeated subtraction or a number line to solve. 5. 28 4 7 5 _ 6. 18 4 6 5 _ 7. 8qww 40 8. 9qww 36 9. Mrs. Costa has 18 pencils. She gives 9 pencils to each of her children for school. How many children does Mrs. Costa have? 10. Boël decides to plant rose bushes in her garden. She has 24 bushes. She places 6 bushes in each row. How many rows of rose bushes does she plant in her garden? Chapter 6 P113 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.3) 1. Which division equation is shown? A 3 3 4 5 12 C 12 4 3 5 4 B 12 4 6 5 2 D 12 4 4 5 3 2. Isabella has 35 cups of dog food. She feeds her dogs 5 cups of food each day. For how many days will the dog food last? A 6 days C 8 days B 7 days D 9 days Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.8, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Ellen buys 4 bags of oranges. There are 6 oranges in each bag. How many oranges does Ellen buy? (Lesson 4.3) 4. Each month for 7 months, Samuel mows 3 lawns. How many more lawns does he need to mow before he has mowed 29 lawns? (Lesson 4.10) A 10 C 24 A 1 C 7 B 12 D 30 B 3 D 8 Use the graph for 5–6. 5. How many hours did Eli volunteer? (Lesson 2.4) P114 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 A 4 hours C 9 hours B 8 hours D 10 hours 6. Madi volunteered 2 hours less than Jill Ben Madi Student Eli Jill. At what number should the bar for Madi end? (Lesson 2.5) A 3 C 8 B 6 D 12 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Number of Hours Hours Volunteered Lesson 6.6 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.3 Model with Arrays Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Use square tiles to make an array. Solve. 1. How many rows of 4 are in 12? 3 rows ____ 3. How many rows of 6 are in 30? ____ 2. How many rows of 3 are in 21? ____ 4. How many rows of 9 are in 18? ____ Make an array. Then write a division equation. 5. 20 tiles in 5 rows ____ 7. 18 tiles in 9 rows © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company ____ 9. A dressmaker has 24 buttons. He needs 3 buttons to make one dress. How many dresses can he make with 24 buttons? _______ 6. 28 tiles in 7 rows ____ 8. 36 tiles in 6 rows ____ 10. Liana buys 36 party favors for her 9 guests. She gives an equal number of favors to each guest. How many party favors does each guest get? _______ Chapter 6 P115 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.3) 1. Mr. Canton places 24 desks in 2. Which division equation is shown 6 equal rows. How many desks are by the array? in each row? A 2 B 3 C 4 A 12 4 6 5 2 C 12 4 2 5 6 D 5 B 12 4 3 5 4 D 12 4 1 5 12 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.1, CC.OA.4, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.7) trophies on each of her 3 shelves. How many sports trophies does Amy have in all? (Lesson 4.6) 4. What is the unknown factor? (Lesson 5.2) 9 3 p 5 45 A 8 A 4 B 9 B 5 C 12 C 6 D 24 D 7 5. Sam has 7 stacks with 4 quarters each. How many quarters does Sam have? (Lesson 4.5) A 11 B 12 C 24 D 28 P116 6. How can you skip count to find how many counters in all? (Lesson 3.1) A 3 groups of 2 B 3 groups of 3 C 9 groups of 2 D 18 groups of 2 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Amy has 2 rows of 4 sports ALGEBRA Lesson 6.7 Name Relate Multiplication and Division COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.6 Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. Complete the equations. 1. 2. 4 5 20 5 rows of _ 4 5 20 53_ 4 20 4 5 5 _ 3. 4 rows of _ 5 24 3 rows of _ 5 24 4 3 _ 5 24 3 3 _ 5 24 24 4 4 5 _ 24 4 3 5 _ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Complete the equations. 4. 4 3 _ 5 28 28 4 4 5 _ 5. 6 3 _ 5 36 36 4 6 5 _ 6. 7 3 _ 5 35 35 4 7 5 _ 7. 7 3 _ 5 21 21 4 7 5 _ 8. 9 3 _ 5 27 27 4 9 5 _ 9. 2 3 _ 5 16 16 4 2 5 _ 10. 4 3 _ 5 36 36 4 4 5 _ 11. 8 3 _ 5 40 40 4 8 5 _ 12. Mr. Martin buys 36 muffins for a 13. Ralph read 18 books during his class breakfast. He places them on plates for his students. If he places 9 muffins on each plate, how many plates does Mr. Martin use? summer vacation. He read the same number of books each month for 3 months. How many books did he read each month? _______ _______ Chapter 6 P117 ALGEBRA Lesson 6.8 Name Write Related Facts COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.7 Multiply and divide within 100. Write the related facts for the array. 1. 2. 2 3 6 5 12 6 3 2 5 12 ____ 12 4 2 5 6 ____ 12 4 6 5 2 ____ ____ 3. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Write the related facts for the set of numbers. 4. 3, 7, 21 5. 2, 9, 18 6. 4, 8, 32 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Complete the related facts. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 7. 4 3 9 5 _ 8. _ 3 7 5 35 9. 6 3 _ 5 18 9 3 _ 5 36 _ 3 5 5 35 3365_ 36 4 _ 5 4 _ 4755 18 4 _ 5 3 _ 4459 35 4 5 5 _ 10. CDs are on sale for $5 each. Jennifer has $45 and wants to buy as many as she can. How many CDs can Jennifer buy? _ 4356 11. Mr. Moore has 21 feet of wallpaper. He cuts it into sections that are each 3 feet long. How many sections does Mr. Moore have? Chapter 6 P119 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.7) 1. Which number completes the set of related facts? 53 5 40 3 5 5 40 2. Which equation is not in the same set of related facts as 4 3 7 5 28? 40 4 5 5 40 4 5 5 A 6 A 7 3 4 5 28 B 7 B 4 1 7 5 11 C 8 C 28 4 4 5 7 D 9 D 28 4 7 5 4 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NBT.3) 4. Find the product. 8 weeks. How many miles does Beth run in 8 weeks? (Lesson 5.5) A 16 miles B 28 miles C 100 miles D 160 miles 5. Uri’s bookcase has 5 shelves. There are 9 books on each shelf. How many books in all are in Uri’s bookcase? (Lesson 4.9) 530 A 0 B 1 C 5 D 10 6. There are 6 batteries in one package. How many batteries will 6 packages have? (Lesson 3.1) A 12 A 14 B B 36 18 C C 45 24 36 D 54 D P120 (Lesson 3.7) © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Beth runs 20 miles each week for ALGEBRA Lesson 6.9 Name Division Rules for 1 and 0 COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.5 Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. Find the quotient. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3 1. 3 4 1 5 _ 2. 8 4 8 5 _ 3. _ 5 0 4 6 4. 2 4 2 5 _ 5. _ 5 9 4 1 6. 0 4 2 5 _ 7. 0 4 3 5 _ 8. _ 5 0 4 4 9. 7qw 7 10. 1qw 6 11. 9qw 0 12. 1qw 5 13. 1qw 0 14. 4qw 4 15. 1qww 10 16. 2qw 2 17. There are no horses in the stables. There are 3 stables in all. How many horses are in each stable? 18. Jon has 6 kites. He and his friends will each fly 1 kite. How many people in all will fly a kite? Chapter 6 P121 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.5) 1. Candace has 6 pairs of jeans. 2. There are 0 birds and 4 bird cages. She places each pair on its own hanger. How many hangers does Candace use? Which division equation describes how many birds are in each cage? A 0 C 6 A 04450 C 44154 B 1 D 12 B 44451 D 03450 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.MD.3) 3. There are 7 plates on the table. 4. Which shows a way to break apart There are 0 sandwiches on each plate. How many sandwiches are on the plates in all? (Lesson 3.7) the array to find the product? (Lesson 4.4) 730 0 B 1 C 7 D 70 5. Which of the following describes a A (3 3 5) 1 (3 3 2) B (2 3 8) 1 (1 3 8) C (4 3 7) 1 (1 3 7) D (3 3 6) 1 (3 3 3) 6. Use the graph. pattern in the table? (Lesson 5.1) 1 6 2 12 3 18 4 24 Students Vans Students Can Food Drive 5 30 Sam Lee 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Number of Cans A Add 5. B Multiply by C Subtract 1. D Multiply by P122 2. 6. How many more cans did Sam bring in than Lee? (Lesson 2.5) A 4 C 7 B 5 D 9 21 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company A COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.OA.2, CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.6, CC.3.OA.7 Name Chapter 6 Extra Practice Lessons 6.1–6.3 Make equal groups. Complete the table. Counters Number of Equal Groups Number in Each Group 1. 18 9 2. 24 3. 12 6 4. 35 7 5. 32 4 6. 25 5 8 Lesson 6.4 Write a division equation for the picture. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 1. 2. Lesson 6.5 Write a division equation. 1. 2. 0 5 10 15 24 2 6 _ 18 18 2 6 _ 12 12 2 6 _ 6 6 2 6 _ 0 Chapter 6 P123 Lesson 6.6 Make an array. Then write a division equation. 1. 12 tiles in 4 rows 2. 18 tiles in 3 rows 3. 35 tiles in 5 rows 4. 28 tiles in 7 rows Lesson 6.7 Complete the equations. 1. 8 3 _ 5 40 40 4 8 5 _ 2. 6 3 _ 5 36 36 4 6 5 _ 3. 3 3 _ 5 21 21 4 3 5 _ 4. 2 3 _ 5 18 18 4 2 5 _ Lesson 6.8 (pp. 239–243) Write the related facts for the array. 2. 3. Lesson 6.9 Find the quotient. 1. 7 4 1 _ 2. 4 4 4 _ 3. 9 4 1 _ 5. Anton has 8 flower pots. He plants 1 seed in each pot. How many seeds does Anton use? P124 4. 0 4 1 _ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 1. 7 array An arrangement of objects in rows and columns equation A number sentence that uses the equal sign to show that two amounts are equal Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning about division facts and strategies. We will learn strategies to use to divide by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. We will also learn the order of operations rules to solve problems involving more than one operation. order of operations A special set of rules that gives the order in which calculations are done to solve a problem related facts A set of related multiplication and division equations You can expect to see homework that provides practice with dividing by these divisors. Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to divide. Use an Array This is how we can use arrays to divide. STEP 1 STEP 2 20 4 4 5 O Count the number of rows to find the quotient. Draw rows of 4 tiles until you have drawn all 20 tiles. There are 5 rows of 4 tiles. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company So, 20 4 4 5 5. Use a Related Multiplication Fact Since division is the opposite of multiplication, using a multiplication fact is another way to find a quotient. To divide 20 by 4, for example, think of a related multiplication fact: 4 3 O 5 20. 4 3 5 5 20. So, 20 4 4 5 5. Activity Provide 12 pennies. Have your child make as many arrays as possible using all 12 pennies. Have your child write a division equation for each array. Chapter 7 P125 7 ecuación Una oración numérica que usa el signo de igual para mostrar que dos cantidades son iguales matriz Una forma de ordenar objetos en filas y columnas Querida familia, Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos sobre las operaciones de división y sus estrategias. Aprenderemos estrategias para dividir entre 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 y 10. También aprenderemos las reglas del orden de las operaciones para resolver problemas en los que hay más de una operación. orden de las operaciones Un conjunto especial de reglas que expresa el orden en el que se realizan las operaciones para resolver un problema Llevaré a la casa tareas que sirven para practicar la división entre estos divisores. Este es un ejemplo de la manera como aprenderemos a dividir. Usar una matriz PASO 1 PASO 2 20 4 4 5 O Cuenta la cantidad de filas para encontrar el cociente. Traza filas de 4 fichas cuadradas hasta tener las 20 fichas. Hay 5 filas de 4 fichas. Por lo tanto, 20 4 4 5 5. Actividad Dé a su hijo 12 monedas de 1¢. Pídale que haga la mayor cantidad posible de matrices usando las 12 monedas de 1¢. Luego, pídale que escriba un enunciado de división para cada matriz. P126 Usar una operación de multiplicación relacionada Dado que la división es opuesta a la multiplicación, usar una operación de multiplicación es otra manera de hallar un cociente. Para dividir 20 entre 4, por ejemplo, piensa en una operación de multiplicación relacionada: 4 3 O = 20. 4 3 5 5 20. Por lo tanto, 20 4 4 = 5. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Esta es la manera como podemos usar matrices para dividir. Lesson 7.1 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.3 Divide by 2 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Write a division equation for the picture. 1. 2. 12 4 2 5 6 or 12 4 6 5 2 ____ ____ 3. ____ ____ ____ ____ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Find the quotient. You may want to draw a quick picture to help. 4. _ 5 14 4 2 5. _ 5 4 4 2 6. 16 4 2 5 _ 7. 2qw 18 8. 2qw 12 9. 2qw 14 10. Mr. Reynolds, the gym teacher, divided a class of 16 students into 2 equal teams. How many students were on each team? ____ 11. Sandra has 10 books. She divides them into groups of 2 each. How many groups can she make? ____ Chapter 7 P127 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.3) 1. Ava has 12 apples and 2 baskets. She puts an equal number of apples in each basket. How many apples are in a basket? 2. There are 8 students singing a song in the school musical. Ms. Lang put the students in 2 equal rows. How many students are in each row? A 2 A 2 B 4 B 4 C 6 C 6 D 8 D 10 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.2, CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.9) 3. Find the product. (Lesson 4.1) 4. Jayden plants 24 trees. He plants the trees equally in 3 rows. How many trees are in each row? 236 (Lesson 6.2) A 4 A 6 B 8 B 8 C 12 C 9 D 18 D 27 6. A tricycle has 3 wheels. How many this pattern? (Lesson 4.7) wheels are there on 4 tricycles? 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 (Lesson 4.3) A Multiply by 3. A B Multiply by 5. 7 B 9 C 12 D 15 C Add 3. D Subtract P128 3. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Which of the following describes Lesson 7.2 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.7 Divide by 10 Multiply and divide within 100. Find the unknown factor and quotient. 1. 10 3 _ 5 20 2 2 20 4 10 5 _ 2. 10 3 _ 5 70 70 4 10 5 _ 3. 10 3 _ 5 80 80 4 10 5 _ 4. 10 3 _ 5 30 30 4 10 5 _ 7. 20 4 2 5 _ 8. 50 4 10 5 _ 9. 90 4 10 5 _ 10. 10 4 10 5 _ 11. _ 5 30 4 10 12. 40 4 10 5 _ Find the quotient. 5. 60 4 10 5 _ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 13. 10qw 40 6. _ 5 40 4 4 14. 10qw 70 17. Pencils cost 10¢ each. How many pencils can Brent buy with 90¢? 15. 10qw 100 16. 10qw 20 18. Mrs. Marks wants to buy 80 pens. If the pens come in packs of 10, how many packs does she need to buy? Chapter 7 P129 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.7) 1. Gracie uses 10 beads on each necklace she makes. She has 60 beads to use. How many necklaces can Gracie make? A 6 C 50 B 10 D 70 2. A florist arranges 10 flowers in each vase. How many vases does the florist need to arrange 40 flowers? A 3 C 30 B 4 D 50 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.2, CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.NBT.3) (Lesson 5.2) 7 3 p 5 14 4. Aspen Bakery sold 40 boxes of rolls in one day. Each box holds 6 rolls. How many rolls in all did the bakery sell? (Lesson 5.4) A 21 A 24 B 7 B 46 C 3 C 240 D 2 D 320 5. Mr. Samuels buys a sheet of stamps. There are 4 rows with 7 stamps in each row. How many stamps does Mr. Samuels buy? (Lesson 4.1) 6. There are 56 students going on a field trip to the science center. The students tour the center in groups of 8. How many groups of students are there? (Lesson 6.2) A 11 A 6 B 14 B 7 C 21 C 9 D 28 D 64 P130 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. What is the unknown factor? Lesson 7.3 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.3 Divide by 5 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Use count up or count back on a number line to solve. 8 1. 40 4 5 5 _ 2. 25 4 5 5 _ ' , (' (, )' ), © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Find the quotient. 3. _ 5 10 4 5 4. _ 5 30 4 5 5. 14 4 2 5 _ 6. 5 4 5 5 _ 7. 45 4 5 5 _ 8. _ 5 60 4 10 9. _ 5 15 4 5 10. 18 4 2 5 _ 11. _ 5 0 4 5 12. 20 4 5 5 _ 13. 25 4 5 5 _ 14. _ 5 35 4 5 15. 5qw 20 16. 10qw 70 17. 5qw 15 18. 5qw 40 19. A model car maker puts 5 wheels in each kit. A machine makes 30 wheels at a time. How many packages of 5 wheels can be made from the 30 wheels? 20. A doll maker puts a small bag with 5 hair ribbons inside each box with a doll. How many bags of 5 hair ribbons can be made from 45 hair ribbons? Chapter 7 P131 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.3) 1. A model train company puts 5 boxcars with each train set. How many sets can be completed using 35 boxcars? A B C D 5 6 7 8 2. A machine makes 5 buttons at a time. Each doll shirt gets 5 buttons. How many doll shirts can be finished with 5 buttons? A B C D 0 1 2 5 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.MD.4) 3. Julia earns $5 each day running errands for a neighbor. How much will Julia earn if she runs errands for 6 days in one month? (Lesson 4.3) A B C D $40 $35 $30 $25 4. Marcus has 12 slices of bread. He uses 2 slices of bread for each sandwich. How many sandwiches can Marcus make? (Lesson 7.1) A B C D 6 7 8 9 5. How many students have no pets? (Lesson 2.7) A B 0 3 C D 4 5 6. How many students answered the question “How many pets do you have?” (Lesson 2.7) A B P132 10 12 C D 14 15 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Use the line plot for 5–6. Lesson 7.4 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.7 Divide by 3 Multiply and divide within 100. Find the quotient. Draw a quick picture to help. 4 1. 12 4 3 5 _ 2. 24 4 3 5 _ 3. _ 5 6 4 3 4. 40 4 5 5 _ 6. _ 5 21 4 3 7. 16 4 2 5 _ 8. 27 4 3 5 _ 10. 9 4 3 5 _ 11. _ 5 30 4 3 12. _ 5 12 4 4 14. 3qw 15 15. 3qw 24 16. 3qw 9 Find the quotient. 5. _ 5 15 4 3 9. 0 4 3 5 _ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 13. 3qw 12 17. The principal at Miller Street School has 12 packs of new pencils. She will give 3 packs to each third-grade class. How many third-grade classes are there? ______ 18. Mike has $21 to spend at the mall. He spends all of his money on bracelets for his sisters. Bracelets cost $3 each. How many bracelets does he buy? ______ Chapter 7 P133 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.7) 1. There are 18 counters divided equally among 3 groups. How many counters are in each group? 2. Josh has 27 signed baseballs. He places the baseballs equally on 3 shelves. How many baseballs are on each shelf? A 5 A 6 B 6 B 7 C 7 C 8 D 8 D 9 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.6, CC.3.MD.4) many wheels do 8 bicycles have? 4. How many students watch less than 3 hours of TV a day? (Lesson 2.7) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 (Lesson 3.1) A 10 B 16 C 24 A 3 C 8 D 32 B 7 D 13 5. Which of the following is an example of the Distributive Property? (Lesson 4.4) 6. Which unknown number completes the equations? (Lesson 6.7) 3 3 O 5 21 A 3 3 6 5 18 A 3 B 6 3 3 5 15 1 3 B 6 C 3365633 C 7 D 3 3 6 5 (3 3 2) 1 (3 3 4) D 18 P134 21 4 3 5 O © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Each bicycle has 2 wheels. How Lesson 7.5 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.7 Divide by 4 Multiply and divide within 100. Draw tiles to make an array. Find the quotient. 4 1. _ 5 16 4 4 2. 20 4 4 5 _ 3. 12 4 4 5 _ 4. 10 4 2 5 _ 6. _ 5 8 4 2 7. 32 4 4 5 _ 8. _ 5 28 4 4 Find the quotient. 5. 24 4 3 5 _ 9. 4qw 36 10. 4qw 8 11. 4qw 24 12. 3qw 30 Find the unknown number. 13. 20 4 5 5 a © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company a5_ 14. 32 4 4 5 p p5_ 17. Ms. Higgins has 28 students in her gym class. She puts them in 4 equal groups. How many students are in each group? ______ 15. 40 4 10 5 O5_ O 16. 18 4 3 5 x x5_ 18. Andy has 36 CDs. He buys a case that holds 4 CDs in each section. How many sections can he fill? ______ Chapter 7 P135 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.7) 1. Darion picks 16 grapefruits off a tree in his backyard. He puts 4 grapefruits in each bag. How many bags does he need? 2. Tori has a bag of 32 markers to share equally among 3 friends and herself. How many markers will Tori and each of her friends get? A 3 A 6 B 4 B 7 C 5 C 8 D 6 D 9 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.2, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.OA.9) (Lesson 4.5) 337 4. Which of the following describes this pattern? (Lesson 4.7) 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 A 18 A Multiply by B 21 B Add C 24 C Multiply by D 28 D Subtract 5. Which is an example of the Commutative Property of Multiplication? (Lesson 3.6) 4. 2. 4. 6. Jasmine has 18 model horses. She places the model horses equally on 3 shelves. How many model horses are on each shelf? (Lesson 6.2) A 3365239 A 6 B 2345513 B 7 C 4355534 C 15 D 2355515 D 21 P136 4. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Find the product. Lesson 7.6 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.7 Divide by 6 Multiply and divide within 100. Find the unknown factor and quotient. 1. 6 3 _ 5 42 7 7 42 4 6 5 _ 2. 6 3 _ 5 18 18 4 6 5 _ 3. 4 3 _ 5 24 24 4 4 5 _ 4. 6 3 _ 5 54 54 4 6 5 _ Find the quotient. 5. _ 5 24 4 6 9. 6qw 36 6. 48 4 6 5 _ 10. 6qw 54 7. _ 5 6 4 6 8. 12 4 6 5 _ 11. 6qw 30 12. 1qw 6 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Find the unknown number. 13. p 5 42 4 6 14. 18 4 3 5 q 15. r 5 30 4 6 16. 60 4 6 5 s p5_ q5_ r5_ s5_ 17. Lucas has 36 pages of a book left to read. If he reads 6 pages a day, how many days will it take Lucas to finish the book? _______ 18. Juan has $24 to spend at the bookstore. If books cost $6 each, how many books can he buy? _______ Chapter 7 P137 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.7) 1. Ella earned $54 last week babysitting. She earns $6 an hour. How many hours did Ella babysit last week? 2. What is the unknown factor and quotient? 6 3 O 5 42 A 6 hours A 6 B 7 hours B 7 C 8 hours C 8 D 9 hours D 9 42 4 6 5 O Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.OA.2, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.OA.8) in his P.E. class. He places the students in teams of 6 for an activity. How many teams can Coach Clarke make? (Lesson 6.3) 4. Each month for 7 months, Eva reads 3 books. How many more books does she need to read before she has read 30 books? (Lesson 4.10) A 7 A 7 B 8 B 9 C 9 C 27 D 54 D 33 5. Each cow has 4 legs. How many legs will 5 cows have? (Lesson 3.1) 6. Find the product. 339 A 9 A 36 B 16 B 27 C 20 C 18 D 24 D 12 P138 (Lesson 4.9) © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Coach Clarke has 48 students Lesson 7.7 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.7 Divide by 7 Multiply and divide within 100. Find the unknown factor and quotient. 1. 7 3 _ 5 42 6 6 42 4 7 5 _ 2. 7 3 _ 5 35 35 4 7 5 _ 3. 7 3 _ 5 7 7475_ 4. 5 3 _ 5 20 20 4 5 5 _ Find the quotient. 5. 7qw 21 9. _5 35 4 7 6. 7qw 14 10. 0 4 7 5 _ 7. 6qw 48 8. 7qw 63 11. _ 5 56 4 7 12. 32 4 8 5 _ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Find the unknown number. 13. 56 4 7 5 e 14. k 5 32 4 4 15. g 5 49 4 7 16. 28 4 7 5 s e5_ k5_ g5_ s5_ 17. Twenty-eight players sign up for basketball. The coach puts 7 players on each team. How many teams are there? _______ 18. Roberto read 42 books over 7 months. He read the same number of books each month. How many books did Roberto read each month? _______ Chapter 7 P139 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.7) 1. Elliot earned $49 last month walking his neighbor’s dog. He earns $7 each time he walks the dog. How many times did Elliot walk his neighbor’s dog last month? 2. Which is the unknown factor and quotient? 7 3 O 5 63 63 4 7 5 O A 6 C 8 A 6 C 8 B 7 D 9 B 7 D 9 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.6, CC.3.OA.7) smoothie she makes. She makes 3 smoothies. Altogether, how many strawberries does Maria use in the smoothies? (Lesson 4.3) 4. Kaitlyn makes 4 bracelets. She uses 8 beads for each bracelet. How many beads does she use in all? (Lesson 4.8) A 9 A 12 B 12 B 16 C 18 C 32 D 24 D 40 5. What is the unknown factor? (Lesson 3.6) 235553O 6. Which division equation is related to the following multiplication equation? (Lesson 6.7) 3 3 4 5 12 A 10 A 12 4 4 5 3 B 5 B 84254 C 2 C 12 4 2 5 6 D 1 D 10 4 5 5 2 P140 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Maria puts 6 strawberries in each Lesson 7.8 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.4 Divide by 8 Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Find the unknown factor and quotient. 4 1. 8 3 _ 5 32 32 4 8 5 _ 2. 3 3 _ 5 27 27 4 3 5 _ 3. 8 3 _ 5 8 8485_ 4. 8 3 _ 5 72 72 4 8 5 _ Find the quotient. 5. _ 5 24 4 8 9. 8qw 64 6. 40 4 8 5 _ 10. 7qw 28 7. _ 5 56 4 8 8. 14 4 2 5 _ 11. 8qw 16 12. 8qw 48 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Find the unknown number. 13. 16 4 p 5 8 14. 25 4 O 5 5 15. 24 4 a 5 3 16. k 4 10 5 8 p5_ O5_ a5_ k5_ 17. Sixty-four students are going on a field trip. There is 1 adult for every 8 students. How many adults are there? 18. Mr. Chen spends $32 for tickets to a play. If the tickets cost $8 each, how many tickets does Mr. Chen buy? Chapter 7 P141 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.4) 1. Mrs. Wilke spends $72 on pies for the school fair. Each pie costs $8. How many pies does Mrs. Wilke buy for the school fair? 2. Find the unknown factor and quotient. 8 3 O 5 40 40 4 8 5 O A 6 A 4 B 7 B 5 C 8 C 6 D 9 D 7 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.OA.5) 4. Which of the following has the (Lesson 4.6) same product as 4 3 9? (Lesson 3.6) (3 3 2) 3 5 A 6 A 338 B 10 B 934 C 20 C 536 D 30 D 732 5. Find the unknown factor. 8 3 O 5 32 (Lesson 5.2) 6. Which multiplication sentence represents the array? (Lesson 3.5) A 4 A 13858 B 5 B 41458 C 6 C 23458 D 24 D 4 3 3 5 12 P142 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Find the product. Lesson 7.9 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.7 Divide by 9 Multiply and divide within 100. Find the quotient. 4 1. _ 5 36 4 9 2. 30 4 6 5 _ 3. _ 5 81 4 9 4. 27 4 9 5 _ 5. 9 4 9 5 _ 6. _ 5 63 4 7 7. 36 4 6 5 _ 8. _ 5 90 4 9 9. 9qw 63 10. 9qw 18 11. 7qw 49 12. 9qw 45 15. m 5 0 4 9 16. 54 4 9 5 n Find the unknown number. 13. 48 4 8 5 g © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company g5_ 14. s 5 72 4 9 s5_ 17. A crate of oranges has trays inside that hold 9 oranges each. There are 72 oranges in the crate. If all trays are filled, how many trays are there? m5_ n5_ 18. Van has 45 new baseball cards. He puts them in a binder that holds 9 cards on each page. How many pages does he fill? Chapter 7 P143 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.7) 1. Darci sets up a room for a banquet. She has 54 chairs. She places 9 chairs at each table. How many tables have 9 chairs? 2. Mr. Robinson sets 36 glasses on a table. He puts the same number of glasses in each of 9 rows. How many glasses does he put in each row? A 5 B 6 C 7 A 4 C 6 D 8 B 5 D 7 (CC.3.OA.2, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.OA.8) 3. Each month for 9 months, Jordan 4. Find the product. buys 2 sports books. How many more sports books does he need to buy before he has bought 25 sports books? (Lesson 4.10) 8 37 _ A 6 A 49 B 7 B 56 C 8 C D 9 63 D 64 5. Adriana made 30 pet collars to bring to the pet fair. She wants to display 3 pet collars on each hook. How many hooks will Adriana need to display all 30 pet collars? (Lesson 6.3) 6. Carla packs 4 boxes of books. Each box has 9 books. How many books does Carla pack? (Lesson 4.9) A 32 A 36 B 12 B 27 C 10 C 13 D 9 D 5 P144 (Lesson 4.8) © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Spiral Review PROBLEM SOLVING Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄÃMEÂJ;FÃHE8B;CI Lesson 7.10 COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.8 Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. Solve the problem. 1. Jack has 3 boxes of pencils with the same number of pencils in each box. His mother gives him 4 more pencils. Now Jack has 28 pencils. How many pencils are in each box? Think: I can start with 28 counters and act out the problem. 8 pencils _____ 2. The art teacher has 48 paintbrushes. She puts 8 paintbrushes on each table in her classroom. How many tables are in her classroom? _____ 3. Ricardo has 2 cases of video games with the same number of games in each case. He gives 4 games to his brother. Ricardo has 10 games left. How many video games were in each case? _____ 4. Patty has $20 to spend on gifts for her friends. Her mother gives her $5 more. If each gift costs $5, how many gifts can she buy? _____ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Joe has a collection of 35 DVD movies. He received 8 of them as gifts. Joe bought the rest of his movies over 3 years. If he bought the same number of movies each year, how many movies did Joe buy last year? _____ 6. Liz has a 24-inch-long ribbon. She cuts nine 2-inch pieces from her original ribbon. How much of the original ribbon is left? _____ Chapter 7 P145 TEST PREP ;IIEDÃ>;9A (CC3.OA.8) 1. Gavin saved $16 to buy packs of baseball cards. His father gives him $4 more. If each pack of cards costs $5, how many packs can Gavin buy? 2. Chelsea buys 8 packs of markers. Each pack contains the same number of markers. Chelsea gives 10 markers to her brother. Then, she has 54 markers left. How many markers were in each pack? A 3 A 6 B 4 B 7 C 5 C 8 D 6 D 9 F?H7BÃ;L?;M (CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.OA.8) 3. Each foot has 5 toes. How many toes will 6 feet have? (Lesson 3.1) 4. Each month for 5 months, Sophie makes 2 quilts. How many more quilts does she need to make before she has made 16 quilts? (Lesson 4.10) 11 A 3 B 25 B 6 C 30 C 7 D 35 D 8 5. Meredith practices the piano for 3 hours each week. How many hours will she practice in 8 weeks? 6. Find the unknown factor. 9 3 O 5 36 (Lesson 4.3) A 18 hours A 3 B 21 hours B 4 C 24 hours C 6 D 27 hours D 8 P146 (Lesson 5.2) © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company A Lesson 7.11 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.OA.8 Order of Operations Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. Write correct if the operations are listed in the correct order. If not correct, write the correct order of operations. 1. 45 2 3 3 5 2. 3 3 4 4 2 subtract, multiply divide, multiply multiply, subtract 3. 5 1 12 4 2 4. 7 3 10 1 3 divide, add add, multiply Follow the order of operations to find the unknown number. 5. 6 1 4 3 3 5 n 6. 8 2 3 1 2 5 k n5_ k5_ p5_ 9. 7 3 8 2 6 5 j 10. 4 1 3 3 9 5 w j5_ w5_ 8. 12 2 2 3 5 5 r © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company r5_ 11. Shelley bought 3 kites for $6 each. She gave the clerk $20. How much change should Shelley get? 7. 24 4 3 1 5 5 p 12. Tim has 5 apples and 3 bags with 8 apples in each bag. How many apples does Tim have in all? Chapter 7 P147 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.OA.8) 1. Natalie is making doll costumes. Each costume has 4 buttons that cost 3¢ each and a zipper that costs 7¢. How much does she spend on buttons and a zipper for each costume? 2. Leonardo’s mother gave him 5 bags with 6 flower bulbs in each bag to plant. He has planted all except 3 bulbs. How many flower bulbs has Leonardo planted? A 19¢ C 40¢ A 12 C 27 B 33¢ D 49¢ B 15 D 33 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NBT.3) building is 9 feet tall. There are 10 stories in the building. How tall is the apartment building? (Lesson 5.5) 4. Which of the following describes a pattern in the table? (Lesson 5.1) Tables 1 2 3 4 Chairs 4 8 12 16 A 90 feet A Add 3. B 80 feet B Multiply by C 19 feet C Subtract D 9 feet 3. D Multiply by 5. For decorations, Meg cut out 8 groups of 7 snowflakes each. How many snowflakes did Meg cut out in all? (Lesson 4.5) 2. 4. 6. A small van can hold 6 students. How many small vans are needed to take 36 students on a field trip to the music museum? (Lesson 7.6) A 72 C 58 A 4 C 7 B 63 D 56 B 6 D 8 P148 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Each story in Will’s apartment COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.OA.8 Name Chapter 7 Extra Practice Lessons 7.1–7.2 Find the quotient. You may want to draw a quick picture to help. 1. 8 4 2 5 _ 2. _ 5 14 4 2 3. 18 4 2 5 _____ 4. _ 5 12 4 2 5. 70 4 10 5 _ 6. 50 4 10 5 _ 7. 40 4 10 5 _ 8. 90 4 10 5 _ 1. 15 4 5 5 _ 2. _ 5 45 4 5 3. _ 5 10 4 5 4. 40 4 5 5 _ 5. 6 4 3 5 _____ 6. _ 5 21 4 3 7. _ 5 24 4 3 8. _ 5 18 4 3 Lessons 7.3–7.4 Find the quotient. 9. There are 30 balloons arranged in 6 equal groups. How many balloons are in each group? 10. Mr. Song spends $27 on sports drinks. Each bottle costs $3. How many bottles does Mr. Song buy? Lesson 7.5 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Find the quotient. 1. 28 4 4 5 _ 2. _ 5 16 4 4 3. _ 5 20 4 4 4. _ 5 32 4 4 5. 4qw 36 6. 4qw 12 7. 4qw 24 8. 4qw 4 Find the unknown number. 9. a 5 40 4 4 a5_ 10. 0 4 4 5 b b5_ 11. c 5 36 4 4 c5_ 12. 8 4 4 5 d d5_ Chapter 7 P149 Lessons 7.6–7.7 Find the unknown factor and quotient. 1. 7 3 _ 5 35 35 4 7 5 _ 2. 6 3 _ 5 54 54 4 6 5 _ 3. 6 3 _ 5 18 18 4 6 5 _ 4. 7 3 _ 5 49 49 4 7 5 _ Find the quotient. 5. 36 4 6 5 _ 6. 48 4 6 5 _ 7. 7qw 63 8. 7qw 56 2. _ 5 24 4 8 3. 72 4 9 5 _ 4. _ 5 81 4 9 7. 48 4 8 5 b 8. 56 4 8 5 p b5_ p5_ Lessons 7.8–7.9 Find the quotient. 1. 40 4 8 5 _ Find the unknown number. 5. 36 4 9 5 m m5_ 6. 18 4 9 5 O O5_ Lesson 7.10 2. Lizzy bought 4 bags of apples. Each vase has the same number of flowers. Sixteen flowers are sold. Now there are 24 flowers left. How many flowers were in each vase? bag had the same number of apples. Her mom gave her 8 more apples. Now Lizzy has 36 apples. How many apples were in each bag? _______ _______ Lesson 7.11 Follow the order of operations to find the unknown number. 1. 10 2 3 1 4 5 t t5_ P150 2. 8 2 3 3 2 5 p p5_ 3. 24 4 6 1 2 5 w w5_ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 1. At a store, there are 5 vases. Each 8 denominator The part of a fraction below the line that tells how many equal parts are in the whole or in the group Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning about fractions. We will learn to identify, read, and write fractions as part of a whole and as part of a group. You can expect to see homework that provides practice with fractions. Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to use unit fractions to find a fractional part of a group. equal parts Parts that are exactly the same size fraction A number that names part of a whole or part of a group numerator The part of a fraction above the line that tells how many equal parts are being counted unit fraction A fraction that names 1 equal part of a whole. It has 1 as its top number, or numerator. Find How Many in a Fractional Part of a Group This is how we will be finding how many are in a fractional part of a group. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 __ of 9. Find 1 Since you want to __ of the find 1 3 group, there should be 3 equal groups. Circle one of the __. groups to show 1 3 Then count the number of counters in that group. 3 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Put 9 counters on your MathBoard. Equal Groups or Parts Before you name a fraction, be sure there are equal groups or parts. There are 3 counters in 1 group. __ of 9 5 3. So, 1 3 Activity Display a group of 12 objects, such as crayons. Have your child find fractional parts of the group by counting objects in equal groups. Ask your 1 (4), __ 1 (3), __ 1 (6), __ 1 (2). child to find these fractional groups of 12: __ 2 3 4 6 Chapter 8 P151 8 denominador La parte de una fracción que está debajo de la barra y que indica cuántas partes iguales hay en el entero o en el grupo partes iguales Las partes que son exactamente del mismo tamaño Querida familia, Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos sobre las fracciones. Aprenderemos a identificar, leer y escribir fracciones como parte de un todo y como parte de un grupo. Llevaré a la casa tareas que sirven para practicar las fracciones. Este es un ejemplo de la manera como aprenderemos a usar fracciones para hallar una parte fraccionaria de un grupo. fracción Un número que representa una parte de un todo o una parte de un grupo numerador La parte de una fracción que está arriba de la barra y que indica cuántas partes iguales del entero se están tomando en cuenta fracción unitaria Una fracción que se refiere a 1 parte igual de un entero. Tiene un 1 en la parte de arriba o numerador. Hallar cuántos hay en una parte fraccionaria de un grupo Así es como hallaremos cuántos hay en una parte fraccionaria de un grupo. PASO 1 PASO 2 PASO 3 Grupos o partes iguales __ de 9. Halla 1 Como quieres Encierra en un círculo uno de los Antes de que nombres una fracción, asegúrate de que haya grupos o partes iguales. Coloca 9 fichas en el MathBoard. __ del grupo, hallar 1 3 debe haber 3 grupos iguales. grupos para mostrar 1. Luego cuenta la __ 3 cantidad de fichas en el grupo. Hay 3 fichas en 1 grupo. Por lo tanto, 1 de 9 5 3. __ 3 Actividad Muestre un grupo de 12 objetos, como crayolas. Pida a su hijo que halle las partes fraccionarias del grupo contando objetos en grupos iguales. Luego, pídale 1 (6), 1 __ (4), 1 _ (3), 1 _ (2). que halle estos grupos fraccionarios de 12: __ 2 4 6 3 P152 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3 Lesson 8.1 Name Equal Parts of a Whole COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.1 Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Write the number of equal parts. Then write the name for the parts. 1. 2. 4 equal parts _ _ equal parts fourths ___ ___ 4. 3. _ equal parts _ equal parts ___ ___ Write whether the shape is divided into equal parts or unequal parts. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. 6. ___ parts 7. Diego cuts a round pizza into eight ___ parts 8. Madison is making a place mat. She equal slices. What is the name for the parts? divides it into 6 equal parts to color. What is the name for the parts? ___ ___ Chapter 8 P153 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NF.1) 1. How many equal parts are in this shape? A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 2. What is the name for the equal parts of the whole? A fourths C eighths B sixths D thirds Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.7) 4. Find the unknown factor find the quotient. (Lesson 6.8) and quotient. (Lesson 6.8) 49 4 7 5 93 A 6 C 8 B 7 D 9 5. There are 5 pairs of socks in one package. Matt buys 3 packages of socks. How many pairs of socks in all does Matt buy? (Lesson 4.2) 45 4 9 5 A 4 C 6 B 5 D 7 6. Mrs. McCarr buys 9 packages of markers for an art project. Each package has 10 markers. How many markers in all does Mrs. McCarr buy? (Lesson 4.2) A 30 A 10 B 15 B 19 C 10 C 81 D 8 D 90 P154 5 45 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Use a related multiplication fact to Lesson 8.2 Name Equal Shares COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.1 Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. For 1–2, draw lines to show how much each person gets. Write the answer. 1. 6 friends share 3 sandwiches equally. 3 sixths of a sandwich _______ 2. 8 classmates share 4 pizzas equally. _______ 3. 4 teammates share 5 granola bars equally. Draw to show how much each person gets. Shade the amount that one person gets. Write the answer. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company _______ 4. Three brothers share 2 sandwiches equally. How much of a sandwich does each brother get? 5. Six neighbors share 4 pies equally. How much of a pie does each neighbor get? Chapter 8 P155 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NF.1) 1. Two friends share 3 fruit bars equally. How much does each friend get? 2. Four brothers share 3 pizzas equally. How much of a pizza does each brother get? A 3 halves B 4 thirds A 1 half C 2 halves C 3 fourths B 2 thirds D 3 halves D 2 fourths Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NBT.2) (Lesson 7.4) 3qw 27 4. Tyrice put 4 cookies in each of 7 bags. How many cookies in all did he put in the bags? (Lesson 4.5) A 6 B 7 A 11 C 32 C 8 B 28 D 40 D 9 5. Ryan earns $5 per hour raking leaves. He earned $35. How many hours did he rake leaves? (Lesson 7.3) 6. Hannah has 229 horse stickers and 164 kitten stickers. How many more horse stickers than kitten stickers does Hannah have? (Lesson 1.10) A 5 hours B 6 hours A 45 C 145 C 7 hours B 65 D 293 D 35 hours P156 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Find the quotient. Lesson 8.3 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.1 Unit Fractions of a Whole Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Write the number of equal parts in the whole. Then write the fraction that names the shaded part. 1. 2. 6 __ equal parts __ equal parts 1 _ 6 __ __ 4. 3. __ equal parts __ equal parts __ __ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Draw a picture of the whole. __ is 5. 1 3 7. Tyler made a pan of cornbread. He cut it into 8 equal pieces and ate 1 piece. What fraction of the cornbread did Tyler eat? __ 1 is 6. __ 8 8. Anna cut an apple into 4 equal pieces. She gave 1 piece to her sister. What fraction of the apple did Anna give to her sister? __ Chapter 8 P157 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NF.1) 1. What fraction names the 2. Tasha cut a fruit bar into 3 equal shaded part? parts. She ate 1 part. What fraction of the fruit bar did Tasha eat? __ A 1 __ A 1 3 __ B 1 4 __ C 1 6 __ D 1 8 2 __ B 1 3 __ C 1 4 __ D 1 6 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.MD.3) equally among 5 cages. How many lizards does Alex put in each cage? (Lesson 6.9) 4. Find the product. 8315 A 0 A 0 B B 1 1 C C 5 8 D D 10 9 5. Leo bought 6 chew toys for his new puppy. Each chew toy cost $4. How much did Leo spend in all for the chew toys? (Lesson 4.1) 6. Lilly is making a picture graph. Each picture of a star is equal to two books she has read. The row for the month of December has 3 stars. How many books did Lilly read during the month of December? (Lesson 2.2) A $10 A 3 B $12 B 5 C $18 C 6 D $24 D 9 P158 (Lesson 3.7) © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Alex has 5 lizards. He divides them Lesson 8.4 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.1 Fractions of a Whole Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Write the fraction that names each part. Write a fraction in words and in numbers to name the shaded part. 1. 2. 1 _ 6 Each part is __. Each part is ___. three ____ sixths ____ eighths 3 _ 6 ____ ____ 3. 4. Each part is __. Each part is __. ____ thirds ____ ____ fourths ____ Shade the fraction circle to model the fraction. Then write the fraction in numbers. 5. four out of six © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company __ 7. Emma makes a poster for the 6. eight out of eight __ 8. Lucas makes a flag. It has 6 equal school’s spring concert. She divides the poster into 8 equal parts. She uses two of the parts for the title. What fraction of the poster does Emma use for the title? parts. Five of the parts are red. What fraction of the flag is red? ____ ____ Chapter 8 P159 Lesson Check TEST PREP (CC.3.NF.1) 1. What fraction names the shaded part? 2. What fraction names the shaded part? 4 A __ 4 C __ 6 __ B 2 4 8 __ D 2 6 A one fourth B one third C three fourths D four thirds (CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.3) 3. Sarah biked for 115 minutes last week. Jennie biked for 89 minutes last week. How many minutes in all did the girls bike? (Lesson 1.7) 4. Harrison made a building using 124 blocks. Greyson made a building using 78 blocks. How many more blocks did Harrison use than Greyson did? (Lesson 1.10) A 26 minutes C 204 minutes A 46 C 154 B 194 minutes D 294 minutes B 56 D 202 5. Von bought a bag of 24 dog treats. He gives his puppy 3 treats a day. How many days will the bag of dog treats last? (Lesson 7.4) 6. How many students chose swimming? (Lesson 2.2) Favorite Activity Skating A 3 days Swimming B 6 days Biking C 8 days D 21 days P160 Key: Each 5 5 votes. A 5 C 20 B 10 D 25 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Spiral Review (CC.3.NF.2a, CC.3.NF.2b) 1. Which fraction names point G on the number line? the number line? ' ' + > __ A 1 ) + * + ( ' + + ' * __ C 4 4 __ B 2 4 4 __ D 4 1 Spiral Review 2. Which fraction names point R on ( I ( * __ A 1 3 2 B __ 3 __ C 3 3 __ D 3 2 (CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NF.1) 3. Each table in the cafeteria can seat 10 students. How many tables are needed to seat 40 students? (Lesson 7.2) 4. Which is an example of the Commutative Property of Multiplication? (Lesson 3.6) A 6315631 A 10 C 5 B 4195439 B 8 D 4 C 4395934 D 6335239 5. Pedro shaded part of a circle. Which fraction names the shaded part? (Lesson 8.4) 1 A __ 8 __ B 1 7 P162 * * 7 C __ 8 __ D 8 7 6. Which is true? (Lesson 6.9) A 84158 B 84858 C 83058 D 15831 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson Check TEST PREP Lesson 8.6 Name Relate Fractions and Whole Numbers COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.3c Develop an understanding of fractions as numbers. Use the number line to find whether the two numbers are equal. Write equal or not equal. 0 1. __ and 1 6 not equal ____ 6 2. 1 and __ 6 1 __ 3. __ and 6 6 6 ____ ____ Each shape is 1 whole. Write a fraction greater than 1 for the parts that are shaded. 4. 5. 25_ 6. 7. 35_ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 45_ 8. Rachel jogged along a trail that __ of a mile long. She jogged was 1 4 15_ 1 9. Jon ran around a track that was __ of 8 along the trail 8 times. How many miles did Rachel jog in all? a mile long. He ran around the track 24 times. How many miles did Jon run in all? ______ ______ Chapter 8 P163 (CC.3.NF.3c) 1. Each shape is 1 whole. Which fraction greater than 1 names the parts that are shaded? 6 A ___ __ C 6 __ B 3 ___ D 18 18 6 Spiral Review 3 6 fraction greater than 1 names the parts that are shaded? __ A 8 2 ___ B 16 8 8 C ___ 16 __ D 2 8 (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.NF.1) 3. Tara has 598 pennies and 231 nickels. How many pennies and nickels does she have in all? (Lesson 1.7) 598 1 231 __ A 719 C 819 B 729 D 829 5. Alyssa divides a granola bar into halves. How many equal parts are there? (Lesson 8.1) A 2 C 4 B 3 D 6 P164 2. Each shape is 1 whole. Which 4. Dylan read 6 books. Kylie read double the number of books that Dylan read. How many books did Kylie read? (Lesson 4.1) A 4 B 8 C 12 D 14 6. There are 4 students in each small reading group. If there are 24 students in all, how many reading groups are there? (Lesson 7.5) A 5 C 7 B 6 D 8 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson Check TEST PREP Lesson 8.7 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.1 Fractions of a Group Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Write a fraction to name the shaded part of each group. 1. 6 _ 8 __ 2. __ Write a whole number and a fraction greater than 1 to name the part filled. Think: 1 container = 1 3. 4. ___ ___ ___ ___ Draw a quick picture. Then, write a fraction to name the shaded part of the group. 5. Draw 4 circles. Shade 2 circles. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company ___ 7. Brian has 3 basketball cards and 5 baseball cards. What fraction of 6. Draw 6 circles. Make 3 groups. Shade 1 group. ___ 8. Sophia has 3 pink tulips and 3 white Brian’s cards are baseball cards? tulips. What fraction of Sophia’s tulips are pink? ___ ___ Chapter 8 P165 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NF.1) 1. What fraction of the group is shaded? 2. What fraction of the group is shaded? __ A 1 __ A 5 3 __ B 5 8 __ C 3 5 __ D 3 8 4 __ B 1 2 __ C 2 4 __ D 4 1 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NBT.2) 3. Which number sentence does the array represent? (Lesson 4.5) 4. Juan has 436 baseball cards and 189 football cards. How many more A 4 3 7 5 28 B 3 3 8 5 24 C 3 3 7 5 21 D 3 3 6 5 18 5. Sydney bought 3 bottles of glitter. Each bottle of glitter cost $6. How much did Sydney spend in all on the bottles of glitter? (Lesson 4.3) A $24 C $12 B $18 D $9 P166 A 625 B 353 C 347 D 247 6. Add. (Lesson 1.7) 262 1 119 A 143 C 381 B 371 D 481 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company baseball cards than football cards does Juan have? (Lesson 1.10) Lesson 8.8 Name Find Part of a Group Using Unit Fractions COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.1 Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Circle equal groups to solve. Count the number of items in 1 group. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3 1 of 12 5 _ 1. __ 4 1 of 16 5 _ 2. __ 8 1 of 12 5 _ 3. __ 3 1 of 9 5 _ 4. __ 3 1 of 18 5 _ 5. __ 6 1 of 4 5 _ 6. __ 2 7. Marco drew 24 pictures. He drew 1 __ of them in art class. How many 6 8. Caroline has 16 marbles. One eighth pictures did Marco draw in art class? ____ of them are blue. How many of Caroline’s marbles are blue? ____ Chapter 8 P167 (CC.3.NF.1) 1. Ms. Davis made 12 blankets for her grandchildren. One third of the blankets are blue. How many blue blankets did she make? 2. Jackson mowed 16 lawns. One fourth of the lawns are on Main Street. How many lawns on Main Street did Jackson mow? A 3 C 9 A 4 C 8 B 4 D 12 B 6 D 12 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2) 3. Find the difference. (Lesson 1.10) 4. Find the quotient. (Lesson 7.6) 6qww 54 509 2175 __ A 334 A 6 B 374 B 7 C 434 C 8 D 474 D 9 5. There are 226 pets entered in the pet show. What is 226 rounded to the nearest hundred? (Lesson 1.2) 6. Ladonne made 36 muffins. She put the same number of muffins on each of 4 plates. How many muffins did she put on each plate? (Lesson 7.5) A 200 C 300 A 3 C 9 B 220 D 400 B 6 D 12 P168 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson Check TEST PREP PROBLEM SOLVING Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄÃ?D:ÃJ>;Ã>EB;à HEKFÃI?D=ÃD?JÃH79J?EDI Lesson 8.9 COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.1 Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Draw a quick picture to solve. 1. Katrina has 2 blue ribbons for her hair. One fourth of all her ribbons are blue. How many ribbons does Katrina have in all? 8 ribbons _____ 2. One eighth of Tony’s books are mystery books. He has 3 mystery books. How many books does Tony have in all? _____ 3. Brianna has 4 pink bracelets. One third of all her bracelets are pink. How many bracelets does Brianna have? _____ 4. Ramal filled 3 pages in a stamp album. This is one sixth of the pages in the album. How many pages are there in Ramal’s stamp album? _____ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Jeff helped repair one half of the bicycles in a bike shop last week. If Jeff worked on 5 bicycles, how many bicycles did the shop repair in all last week? _____ 6. Layla collects postcards. She has 7 postcards from Europe. Her postcards from Europe are one third of her total collection. How many postcards in all does Layla have? _____ Chapter 8 P169 TEST PREP ;IIEDÃ>;9Aà (CC.3.NF.1) 1. A zoo has 2 male lions. One sixth of the lions are male lions. How many lions are there at the zoo? 2. Max has 5 red model cars. One third of his model cars are red. How many model cars does Max have? A 4 C 8 A B 6 D 12 B 15 12 C D 10 8 F?H7BÃ;L?;Mà (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.NBT.1, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.NF.1) park. What is the number of trees rounded to the nearest hundred? (Lesson 1.2) 4. The Jones family is driving 458 miles on their vacation. So far, they have driven 267 miles. How many miles do they have left to drive? A 300 B 380 C 400 458 2 267 __ D 500 A 191 miles C 211 miles B 201 miles D 291 miles 5. Ken has 6 different colors of marbles. He has 9 marbles of each color. How many marbles does Ken have in all? (Lesson 4.3) A 15 B 45 C 54 D 63 P170 (Lesson 1.10) 6. Eight friends share two pizzas equally. How much of a pizza does each friend get? (Lesson 8.2) A 8 halves C 2 sixths B 4 eighths D 2 eighths © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. There are 382 trees in the local COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.NF.2a, CC.3.NF.2b, CC.3.NF.3c Name Chapter 8 Extra Practice Lesson 8.1 Write the number of equal parts. Then write the name for the parts. 1. 3. 2. ____ equal parts ____ equal parts ____ equal parts Lesson 8.2 Draw lines to show how much each person gets. Write the answer. 1. 4 friends share 3 oranges equally. 2. 6 sisters share 4 sandwiches equally. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lessons 8.3–8.4 Write the number of equal parts in the whole. Write a fraction in words and in numbers to name the shaded part. 1. 2. ____ equal parts ____________ eighths ____ equal parts ____________ thirds Chapter 8 P171 Lesson 8.5 Write the fraction that names the point. 1. point A _ 3. point C _ 2. point B _ Lesson 8.6 Each shape is 1 whole. Write a fraction greater than 1 for the parts that are shaded. 1. 2. 35_ 25_ Lesson 8.7 Write a fraction to name the shaded part of each group. 2. ______ ______ Lessons 8.8–8.9 Draw a quick picture to solve. 1. Charlotte has 12 T-shirts. One fourth of her T-shirts are green. How many of Charlotte’s T-shirts are green? P172 2. Josh walks 18 dogs each week. Today, he is walking 1_3 of the dogs. How many dogs is he walking today? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 1. 9 Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning more about fractions. We will learn how to compare fractions, order fractions, and find equivalent fractions. equivalent fractions Two or more fractions that name the same amount greater than (.) A symbol used to compare two numbers, with the greater number given first less than (,) A symbol used to compare two numbers, with the lesser number given first You can expect to see homework that provides practice with fractions. Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to compare fractions that have the same numerator. Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator This is one way we will be comparing fractions that have the same numerator. STEP 1 STEP 2 __ and 4 __ . Compare 4 Since the numerators are the same, look at the denominators, 8 and 6. 8 6 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Look at the numerators. Each numerator is 4. The more pieces a whole is divided into, the smaller the pieces are. Eighths are smaller pieces than sixths. The numerators are the same. __ is a smaller fraction of the So, 4 8 __. whole than 4 6 4 4,4 __ is less than 4 __. __ __ 8 6 8 6 Identifying Fewer Pieces The fewer pieces a whole is divided into, the larger the pieces are. For example, when a whole is divided into 6 equal pieces, the pieces are larger than when the same size whole is divided into __ 8 equal pieces. So, 4 6 4 is greater than (.) _8_. Activity Play a card game to help your child practice comparing fractions. On several cards, write a pair of fractions with the same numerator and draw a circle between the fractions. Players take turns drawing a card and telling whether greater than (.) or less than (,) belongs in the circle. Chapter 9 P173 9 fracciones equivalentes Dos o más fracciones que representan la misma cantidad mayor que Símbolo que se usa para comparar dos números. El número mayor se escribe primero (.). Querida familia, Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos más sobre las fracciones. Aprenderemos a comparar y ordenar fracciones, y a hallar fracciones equivalentes. menor que Símbolo que se usa para comparar dos números. El número menor se escribe primero (,). Llevaré a la casa tareas para practicar las fracciones. Este es un ejemplo de la manera como aprenderemos a comparar fracciones que tienen el mismo numerador. Comparar fracciones que tienen el mismo denominador Paso 1 Paso 2 __ y 4 __. Compara 4 8 6 Dado que los numeradores son iguales, Mira los denominadores 8 y 6. Mira los numeradores. Cada numerador es 4. Los numeradores son iguales. Entre más piezas se divida un entero, las piezas serán más pequeñas. Los octavos son piezas más pequeñas que los sextos. __ es una fracción menor Por lo tanto, 4 8 __. del entero que 4 6 Identificar menos piezas Entre menos piezas se divida un entero, las piezas serán más grandes. Por ejemplo, si un entero se divide en 6 piezas iguales, las piezas son más grandes que las piezas del mismo entero, si éste se divide en 8 piezas iguales. Por 4 es mayor que lo tanto, __ 6 4 (.) __. 8 4 es menor que 4 4,4 __ __. __ __ 8 6 8 6 Actividad Ayude a su hijo a comparar fracciones jugando con tarjetas de fracciones. En varias tarjetas, escriba pares de fracciones con el mismo numerador y dibuje un círculo entre las fracciones. Túrnense para dibujar cada tarjeta y decir qué debe ir en el círculo: “mayor que” o “menor que.” P174 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Esta es una manera como compararemos fracciones que tienen el mismo numerador. PROBLEM SOLVING Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄÃECF7H;ÃH79J?EDI Lesson 9.1 COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.3d Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Solve. 2 1. Luis skates __ mile from his home to 3 __ mile to get to school. Isabella skates 2 4 school. Who skates farther? Think: Use fraction strips to act it out. Luis ______ 2. Sandra makes a pizza. She puts __ of the pizza. She adds mushrooms on 2 8 __ of the pizza. Which green peppers to 5 8 topping covers more of the pizza? ______ 3. The jars of paint in the art room have different amounts of paint. The green __ full. The purple paint jar is paint jar is 4 8 4 full. Which __ paint jar is less full? 6 ______ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 4. Jan has a recipe for bread. She uses 2 __ cup of flour and 1 __ cup of chopped 3 3 onion. Which ingredient does she use more of, flour or onion? ______ 3 5. Edward walked __ mile from his home to 4 __ mile from the park. Then he walked 2 4 the park to the library. Which distance is shorter? ______ Chapter 9 P175 TEST PREP ;IIEDÃ>;9AÃ(CC.3.NF.3d) 1. Ali and Jonah collect seashells in identical buckets. When they are __ full and finished, Ali’s bucket is 2 3 full. 6Which of Jonah’s bucket is __ 6 the following correctly compares the fractions? 2 A __ __ 53 6 6 2 3 B __ . __ 6 6 __ C 3 __ ,2 6 6 3 2 D __ . __ 6 6 2. Rosa paints a wall in her bedroom. __ of the She puts green paint on 5 8 __ of the wall and blue paint on 3 8 wall. Which of the following correctly compares the fractions? 5 A __ __ C 3 __ .3 8 8 5 3 B __ , __ 8 8 __ .5 8 8 3 5 D __ 5 __ 8 8 F?H7BÃ;L?;MÃ(CC.3.OA.6, CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NF.1) 3. Dan divides a pie into eighths. How 4. Which shows equal parts? (Lesson 8.1) many equal parts are there? (Lesson 8.1) 3 B 6 C 8 D 10 5. Charles places 30 pictures on his bulletin board in 6 equal rows. How many pictures are in each row? (Lesson 6.7) A C B D 6. Which of the following describes a pattern in the table? (Lesson 5.1) Tables 1 2 3 4 5 Chairs 5 10 15 20 25 A 3 B 4 A Add 1. C Multiply by 2. C 5 B Add 4. D Multiply by 5. D 6 P176 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company A Lesson 9.2 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.3d Compare Fractions with the Same Denominator Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Compare. Write ,, ., or 5. __ 1. 3 4 . 1__4 __ 2. 3 6 0 __ 6 __ 3. 1 2 1 __ 2 5 4. __ 6 6 __ 6 7 5. __ 8 5 __ 8 2 6. __ 3 3 __ 3 8 7. __ 8 0 __ 8 1 8. __ 6 1 __ 6 3 9. __ 4 2 __ 4 1 10. __ 6 2 __ 6 1 11. __ 2 0 __ 2 3 12. __ 8 3 __ 8 1 13. __ 4 4 __ 4 5 14. __ 8 4 __ 8 4 15. __ 6 6 __ 6 5 16. Ben mowed __ of his lawn in 6 __ of his one hour. John mowed 4 6 lawn in one hour. Who mowed less of his lawn in one hour? 17. Darcy baked 8 muffins. She put __ of the muffins. blueberries in 5 8 3 of the She put raspberries in __ 8 muffins. Did more muffins have blueberries or raspberries? Chapter 9 P177 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NF.3d) 2 1. Julia paints __ of a wall in her room 6 white. She paints more of the wall green. Which fraction could show the part of the wall that is green? 1 A __ 6 2 B __ 6 2. Liam is comparing fraction circles. Which of the following statements is true? 1 __ A __ 5 1 2 2 3 4 __ B __ . 4 4 __ C 3 6 0 D __ 6 4,3 __ C __ 6 6 2 3 D __ 5 __ 8 8 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NBT.3) each of his kitchen cabinets. The kitchen has 9 cabinets. How many knobs does he buy? (Lesson 4.1) 4. Allie builds a new bookcase with 8 shelves. She can put 30 books on each shelf. How many books can the bookcase hold? (Lesson 5.4) A 20 A 30 B 18 B 38 C 16 C 240 D 12 D 300 5. The Good Morning Café has 28 customers for breakfast. There are 4 people sitting at each table. 6. Ella wants to use the Commutative How many tables are filled? Property of Multiplication to help find the product 5 3 4. Which number sentence can she use? (Lesson 7.5) (Lesson 3.6) A 8 A 51459 B 7 B 5 3 5 5 25 C 6 C 52451 D 4 D 4 3 5 5 20 P178 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Mr. Edwards buys 2 new knobs for Lesson 9.3 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.3d Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator Compare. Write ,, ., or 5. 1 3 1 1. __ , __ 2. __ 8 8 2 2 3. __ 3 2 __ 4 3 __ 6 2 4. __ 8 2 __ 3 3 5. __ 6 3 __ 4 1 6. __ 2 1 __ 6 5 7. __ 6 5 __ 8 4 8. __ 8 4 __ 8 6 9. __ 8 6 __ 6 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. 10. Javier is buying food in the lunch __ full. line. The tray of salad plates is 3 8 __ full. Which The tray of fruit plates is 3 4 tray is more full? 11. Rachel bought some buttons. __ are yellow and Of the buttons, 2 4 2 are red. Rachel __ bought more 8 of which color buttons? Chapter 9 P179 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NF.3d) 1. Which symbol makes the 2. Which symbol makes the statement true? 3 M __ 3 __ 4 8 statement true? 2 M __ 2 __ 4 3 A . A . B , B , C 5 C 5 D none D none Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NF.1) 4. Which fraction names the shaded parts and shaded 1 of the parts. Which fraction names the part she shaded? (Lesson 8.3) part of the rectangle? (Lesson 8.4) 1 A __ 1 A __ 6 1 B __ 5 __ C 5 6 1 D __ 1 5. Chip worked at the animal shelter for 6 hours each week for several weeks. He worked for a total of 42 hours. Which of the following can be used to find the number of weeks Chip worked at the animal shelter? (Lesson 7.6) 8 2 B __ 8 8 8 D __ 8 6. Mr. Jackson has 20 quarters. If he gives 4 quarters to each of his children, how many children does Mr. Jackson have? (Lesson 7.5) A 6 1 42 A 3 B 42 2 6 B 4 C 42 4 6 C 5 D 42 3 6 D 6 P180 __ C 6 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Anita divided a circle into 6 equal Lesson 9.4 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.3d Compare Fractions Develop an understanding of fractions as numbers. Compare. Write ,, ., or 5. Write the strategy you used. 3 3 7 __ __ __ 1. __ 2. 2 8 , 4 3 8 Think: The numerators are the same. Compare the denominators. The greater fraction will have the lesser denominator. 3 3. __ 4 1 __ 4 same numerator ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Name a fraction that is less than or greater than the given fraction. Draw to justify your answer. 1 4. greater than __ ___ 3 3 5. less than __ ___ 4 6. At the third-grade party, two groups 7. Ben and Antonio both take the same bus to school. Ben’s ride is _78 mile. Antonio’s ride is 3_ mile. Who has a each had their own pizza. The blue group ate 7_8 pizza. The green group ate 2_8 pizza. Which group ate more of their pizza? longer bus ride? 4 Chapter 9 P181 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NF.3d) 1. Which statement is correct? 2.7 __ A __ 3 8 2 7 B __ , __ 3 8 __ 5 7 __ C 2 3 8 7 2 D __ , __ 8 3 2. Which symbol makes the statement true? 2 2 __ __ M 4 6 A . B , C 5 D none Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.NBT.3, CC.3.NF.3c) 40 apples. They put all their apples in one crate. How many apples are in the crate? (Lesson 5.5) A 40 B 43 C 120 D 123 5. Which related multiplication fact can you use to find 16 4 O 5 2? (Lesson 7.8) 4. Each shape is 1 whole. Which fraction is represented by the shaded part of the model? (Lesson 8.6) 2 A __ 4 4 B __ 4 4 8 D __ 1 6. What is the unknown factor? 9 3 O 5 36 A 4 3 4 5 16 A 7 B 8 3 2 5 16 B 6 C 83158 C 4 D 43258 D 3 P182 __ C 8 (Lesson 5.2) © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Cam, Stella, and Rose each picked Lesson 9.5 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.3d Compare and Order Fractions Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Write the fractions in order from greatest to least. 4, __ 1, 3 __ 1. __ 4 4 4 4 3 1 _ _ _ 4 _, 4 _ 4 _, 2 5, 1 __ _, _, _ 2. __, __ 8 8 8 Think: The denominators are the same, so compare the numerators: 4 . 3 . 1. 1, 1 __, 1 __ _, _, _ 3. __ 3 6 2 2 2, 2 __ _, _, _ 4. __, __ 3 6 8 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Write the fractions in order from least to greatest. 2 __, 3 __ _, _, _ 5. __, 4 4 4 4 __, 5 __, 2 __ _, _, _ 6. 4 6 6 6 7 __, 3 __ _, _, _ 7. __, 0 8 8 8 3 __, 3 __ _, _, _ 8. __, 3 4 6 8 7 9. Mr. Jackson ran __ mile on Monday. 8 __ mile on Wednesday and He ran 3 8 5 mile on __ Friday. On which day 8 did Mr. Jackson run the shortest distance? 10. Delia has three pieces of ribbon. __ foot long. Her Her red ribbon is 2 4 __ foot long. green ribbon is 2 3 __ foot long. Her yellow ribbon is 2 6 She wants to use the longest piece for a project. Which color ribbon should Delia use? Chapter 9 P183 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NF.3d) 1. Which list orders the fractions from 2. Which list orders the fractions least to greatest? from greatest to least? 1 __ , 1 __ A __ , 1 3 __ , 3 __ A __ , 3 8 1 B __ , 3 __ , C 1 8 1 D __ , 6 3 1 __ , 6 1 __ , 6 1 __ , 8 8 3 B __ , 4 __ , C 3 4 3 D __ , 6 6 1 __ 8 1 __ 3 1 __ 3 6 3 __ , 6 3 __ , 8 3 __ , 4 4 3 __ 8 3 __ 4 3 __ 8 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.MD.3) 3. What fraction of the group of cars is shaded? (Lesson 8.7) 4. Wendy has 6 pieces of fruit. Of these, 2 pieces are bananas. What fraction of Wendy’s fruit is bananas? (Lesson 8.7) 8 1 B __ 2 __ C 5 8 3 D __ 5 5. Toby collects data and makes a bar graph about his classmates’ pets. He finds that 9 classmates have dogs, 2 classmates have fish, 6 classmates have cats, and 3 classmates have gerbils. Which pet will have the longest bar on the bar graph? (Lesson 2.5) 2 A __ 6 2 B __ 4 C cat B fish D gerbil P184 6 2 D __ 2 6. The number sentence is an example of which multiplication property? (Lesson 4.4) 6 3 7 5 (6 3 5) 1 (6 3 2) A Associative B Commutative C Distributive A dog __ C 4 D Identity © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3 A __ Lesson 9.6 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.3a Model Equivalent Fractions Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Shade the model. Then divide the pieces to find the equivalent fraction. 1. 2. 4 2 5 ___ __ 8 4 1 5 ___ __ 3 6 Use the number line to find the equivalent fraction. 3. 1 5 ___ __ 4 2 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3 5. Mike says that __ of his fraction 3 model is shaded blue. Ryan says that 6 of the same model is shaded blue. __ 6 Are the two fractions equivalent? If so, what is another equivalent fraction? 4. 3 5 ___ __ 4 8 4 6. Brett shaded __ of a sheet of 8 notebook paper. Aisha says he __ of the paper. Are the two shaded 1 2 fractions equivalent? If so, what is another equivalent fraction? Chapter 9 P185 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NF.3a) 2 1. Find the fraction equivalent to __. 3 1 2. Find the fraction equivalent to __. 4 3 A __ 2 4 B __ 6 3 C __ 6 1 D __ 3 1 A __ 2 2 B __ 4 2 C __ 8 6 D __ 8 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NF.1) 3. Eric practiced piano and guitar for a total of 8 hours this week. He __ of that practiced the piano for 1 4 time. How many hours did Eric practice the piano this week? 4. Kylee bought a pack of 12 cookies. One-third of the cookies are peanut butter. How many of the cookies in the pack are peanut butter? (Lesson 8.8) (Lesson 8.8) A 6 hours C 3 hours A 9 C 4 B 4 hours D 2 hours B 6 D 3 game. The coach puts 7 students in each van. Which number sentence can be used to find how many vans are needed to take the students to the game? (Lesson 7.7) 6. Which number sentence can be used to describe the picture? (Lesson 7.1) A 56 1 7 5 n A 21456 B n 1 7 5 56 B 42252 C n 3 7 5 56 C 43154 D 56 2 7 5 n D 84254 P186 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. There are 56 students going to the Lesson 9.7 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.NF.3b Equivalent Fractions Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Each shape is 1 whole. Shade the model to find the equivalent fraction. 1. 2. 3 6 __ 5 ___ 4 3 1 5 ___ __ 2 6 Circle equal groups to find the equivalent fraction. 3. 4. 2 5 ___ __ 4 2 4 5 ___ __ 6 3 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. May painted 4 out of 8 equal parts of a poster board blue. Jared painted 2 out of 4 equal parts of a same-size poster board red. Write fractions to show which part of the poster board each person painted. 6. Are the fractions equivalent? Draw a model to explain. Chapter 9 P187 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.NF.3b) 6 1. Which fraction is equivalent to __? 8 1 A __ 4 1 B __ 3 __ C 3 4 4 D __ 6 1 2. Which fraction is equivalent to __? 3 1 A __ 6 2 B __ 8 __ C 2 6 2 D __ 3 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.OA.6, CC.3.OA.7) by the array? (Lesson 6.7) 4. Cody put 4 plates on the table. He put 1 apple on each plate. Which number sentence can be used to find the total number of apples on the table? (Lesson 3.7) A 82256 A 41155 B 83158 B 42153 C 2 1 8 5 10 C 43154 D 16 4 2 5 8 D 44252 5. Which number sentence is a related fact to 7 3 3 5 21? (Lesson 6.8) 6. Find the quotient. 4 qw 36 A 7 1 3 5 10 A 9 B 72354 B 8 C 7 3 2 5 14 C 7 D 21 4 3 5 7 D 6 P188 (Lesson 7.5) © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Which number sentence is shown COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.NF.3a, CC.3.NF.3b, CC.3.NF.3d Name Chapter 9 Extra Practice Lesson 9.1 Solve. Show your work. Nick 2. Rafael walked mile and then rode his scooter _2 mile. Which distance _ mile _2 3 Ed 6 is farther? homework before dinner. Who finished the greater part of his homework? 8 1. Nick finished 4_8 of his homework before dinner. Ed finished 7_ of his is farther. Lessons 9.2–9.3 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Compare. Write <, >, or =. 2 1. __ 6 3 __ 6 6 2. __ 8 1 __ 8 3 3. __ 8 3 __ 4 1 4. __ 6 1 __ 8 2 5. __ 3 2 __ 6 1 6. __ 8 3 __ 8 Lesson 9.4 Compare. Write <, >, or = . Write the strategy you used. 2 1. __ 8 2 __ 3 5 2. __ 6 1 __ 6 7 3. __ 8 3 __ 4 Chapter 9 P189 Lesson 9.5 Write the fractions in order from greatest to least. 1 __ , 1 __ 1. __ , 1 2 4 3 , , 4 __ , 2 __ 2. __ , 1 6 6 6 , , , , Write the fractions in order from least to greatest. 3 3, 3 __ 3. __ , __ 6 4 8 , , 6 , __ 3, 5 __ 4. __ 8 8 8 Lessons 9.6–9.7 Shade the model. Then divide the pieces to find the equivalent fraction. 1. 2. 1 __ 5 ___ 4 8 2 __ 5 ___ 3 6 Use the number line to find the equivalent fraction. 4. 1 ___ __ 25 8 6. 3 ___ __ 45 8 P190 2 ___ __ 25 6 Each shape is 1 whole. Shade the model to find the equivalent fraction . 5. 1 ___ __ 25 6 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. 10 A.M. The times after midnight and before noon elapsed time The amount of time that passes from the start of an activity to the end of the activity Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning about measurement. We will learn to measure time, length, liquid volume, and mass. P.M. The times after noon and before midnight You can expect to see homework that provides practice with telling time, finding elapsed time, and solving problems with measurement. Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to find elapsed time. Find Elapsed Time This is one way we will be learning to find elapsed time. Start time: 2:06 P.M. End time: 2:20 P.M. STEP 1 STEP 2 Find the starting time on a the number line. Count on to the ending time, 2:20. Add the minutes. +d`e 1 (' min 2:06 2:10 2:20 4 1 10 5 14 Another Way to Find Elapsed Time Another way to find the elapsed time is to use an analog clock. 0 4 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 9 4 8 7 6 5 14 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company So, the elapsed time is 14 minutes. Activity Have your child practice telling time and finding elapsed time. Ask questions such as, “Soccer practice starts at 3:30 P.M. It ends at 4:20 P.M. How many minutes does it last?” Chapter 10 P191 10 Querida familia, Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos sobre mediciones. Aprenderemos a medir el tiempo, la longitud, el volumen de los líquidos y la masa. A.M. El tiempo después de la media noche y antes del medio día tiempo transcurrido El periodo de tiempo que transcurre desde el inicio hasta el final de una actividad P.M. El tiempo después del medio día y antes de la media noche Llevaré a la casa tareas con actividades que incluyen decir la hora, hallar el tiempo transcurrido, y resolver problemas con mediciones. Este es un ejemplo de la manera como aprenderemos a hallar el tiempo transcurrido. Esta es una manera de hallar el tiempo transcurrido. Hora de inicio: 2:06 P.M. Final: 2:20 P.M. PASO 1 PASO 2 Halla en una recta numérica la hora de inicio. Cuenta hacia adelante hasta llegar a la hora final, 2:20. Suma los minutos. 4 1 10 5 14 +d`e 1 (' min 2:06 2:10 2:20 Otra manera de hallar el tiempo transcurrido Otra manera de hallar el tiempo transcurrido es usar un reloj analógico. 0 4 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 9 4 8 7 6 5 14 Por tanto, el tiempo transcurrido es 14 minutos. Actividad Pida a su hijo o hija que practique cómo decir la hora y hallar el tiempo transcurrido. Usen las actividades familiares o las actividades programadas para practicar el tiempo transcurrido. Por ejemplo, “El entrenamiento de fútbol empieza a las 3:30 P.M. y termina a las 4:20 P.M. ¿Cuántos minutos dura?” P192 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Hallar el tiempo transcurrido Lesson 10.1 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.1 Time to the Minute Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. Write the time. Write one way you can read the time. 1. 2. 1:16; sixteen ____ minutes after ____ one ____ 4. 5. 3. 4:13 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 6. 7:24 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Write the time another way. 7. 23 minutes after 4 _______ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 9. 10 minutes before 9 _______ 11. What time is it when the hour hand is a little past the 3 and the minute hand is pointing to the 3? _______ 8. 18 minutes before 11 _______ 10. 7 minutes after 1 _______ 12. Pete began practicing at twenty- five minutes before eight. What is another way to write this time? _______ Chapter 10 P193 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.1) 1. Which is another way to write 13 minutes before 10? 2. What time does the clock show? A 9:47 B 10:13 C 10:47 A 2:20 C 3:20 D 11:13 B 2:40 D 4:10 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.OA.2, CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.OA.6) 4. Find the unknown factor. wings will 5 birds have? (Lesson 3.1) 9 3 O 5 36 A 7 A 4 B 8 B 6 C 9 C 8 D 10 D 27 5. Mr. Wren has 56 paintbrushes. He places 8 paintbrushes on each of the tables in the art room. How many tables are in the art room? (Lesson 6.3) 6. Which number completes the equations? (Lesson 6.7) 4 3 T 5 20 A 4 B 5 A 6 C 6 B 7 D 16 C 9 D 48 P194 (Lesson 5.2) 20 4 4 5 T © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Each bird has 2 wings. How many Lesson 10.2 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.1 A.M. and P.M. Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. Write the time for the activity. Use A.M. or P.M. 1. eat lunch 2. go home after school 12:20 P.M. ____ 4. go for a walk 3. see the sunrise 2:53 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 ____ ____ 5. go to school 6. get ready for art class 8:10 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 ____ ____ ____ Write the time. Use A.M. or P.M. 7. 13 minutes after 5:00 in the morning _______ 9. quarter before midnight 8. 19 minutes before 9:00 at night _______ 10. one-half hour after 4:00 in the morning © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company _______ _______ 11. Jaime is in math class. What time is it? 12. Pete began practicing his trumpet at Use A.M. or P.M. _______ fifteen minutes past three. Write this time using A.M. or P.M. _______ Chapter 10 P195 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.1) 1. Steven is doing his homework. What time is it? Use A.M. or P.M. 4:35 2. After he finished breakfast, Mr. Edwards left for work at fifteen minutes after seven. What time is this? Use A.M. or P.M. A 4:15 P.M. A 6:15 A.M. B 4:25 A.M. B 7:15 A.M. C 4:35 P.M. C 6:45 P.M. D 4:35 A.M. D 7:30 P.M. Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.6, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.NBT.3, CC.3.NF.3d) to the multiplication equation 4 3 6 5 24? (Lesson 6.7) 4. There are 50 toothpicks in each box. Jaime buys 4 boxes for her party platter. How many toothpicks does Jaime buy in all? (Lesson 5.4) A 24 4 8 5 3 A 20 B 12 4 3 5 4 B 54 C 6 3 4 5 24 C 200 D 24 4 4 5 6 D 2,000 5. A pet store sold 145 bags of beef-flavored dog food and 263 bags of cheese-flavored dog food. How many bags of dog food were sold in all? (Lesson 1.6) A 118 B 308 C 408 D 422 P196 6. Victoria and Melody are comparing fraction strips. Which statement is NOT correct? (Lesson 9.2) 1 4 A __ < __ 4 4 3 4 B __ > __ 6 6 2 __ C __ >1 8 8 2 3 D __ < __ 3 3 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Which division equation is related TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.1) 1. Marcus began playing basketball at 3:30 P.M. and stopped playing at 3:55 P.M. For how many minutes did he play basketball? 2. The school play started at 8:15 P.M. and ended at 8:56 P.M. How long was the school play? A 25 minutes A 15 minutes B 30 minutes B 31 minutes C 55 minutes C 41 minutes D 85 minutes D 56 minutes Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.OA.6, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.NBT.3) wheels will 7 cars have? (Lesson 3.1) 4. Which number completes the equations? (Lesson 6.7) 3 3 O 5 27 A 11 A 6 B 24 B 7 C 27 C 8 D 28 D 9 5. There are 20 napkins in each package. Kelli bought 8 packages for her party. How many napkins did Kelli buy in all? (Lesson 5.4) 6. Mr. Martin drove 290 miles last week. This week he drove 125 miles more than last week. How many miles did Mr. Martin drive this week? (Lesson 1.7) A 28 A 125 miles B 40 B 165 miles C 160 C 315 miles D 180 D 415 miles P198 27 4 3 5 O © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Each car has 4 wheels. How many Lesson 10.4 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.1 Use Time Intervals Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. Find the starting time. 1. Ending time: 4:29 P.M. Elapsed time: 55 minutes 2 -d`e 2)'d`e *1*+ *1+' 2. Ending time: 10:08 A.M. Elapsed time: 30 minutes 2 )'d`e 2 0d`e +1'' +1)' +1)0 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 3:34 P.M. Find the ending time. 3. Starting time: 2:15 A.M. Elapsed time: 45 minutes 4. Starting time: 6:57 P.M. Elapsed time: 47 minutes © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 5. Jenny spent 35 minutes doing research on the Internet. She finished at 7:10 P.M. At what time did Jenny start her research? 6. Clark left for school at 7:43 A.M. He got to school 36 minutes later. At what time did Clark get to school? Chapter 10 P199 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.1) 1. Cody and his friends started playing a game at 6:30 P.M. It took them 37 minutes to finish the game. At what time did they finish? 2. Delia worked for 45 minutes on her oil painting. She took a break at 10:35 A.M. At what time did Delia start working on the painting? A 5:07 P.M. C 6:53 P.M. A 9:40 A.M. C 11:20 A.M. B 5:53 P.M. D 7:07 P.M. B 9:50 A.M. D 11:30 A.M. Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.2, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.MD.1) wants to put an equal number of pins in each of 5 boxes. How many pins should she put in each box? 4. What time is shown on the clock? (Lesson 10.1) 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 (Lesson 6.4) ? ? ? ? ? 30 pins A 4 C 6 B 5 D 8 5. Ricardo has 32 books to put on 4 shelves. He puts the same number of books on each shelf. How many books does Ricardo put on each shelf? (Lesson 7.5) A 1:24 C 4:12 B 2:24 D 5:12 6. Jon started playing a computer game at 5:35 P.M. He finished the game at 5:52 P.M. How long did Jon play the game? (Lesson 10.3) A 6 C 8 A 17 minutes C 25 minutes B 7 D 9 B 23 minutes D 27 minutes P200 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Sierra has 30 collector’s pins. She PROBLEM SOLVING Lesson 10.5 Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄÃ?C;ÃDJ;HL7BI COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.1 Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. Solve each problem. Show your work. 1. Hannah wants to meet her friends downtown. Before leaving home, she does chores for 60 minutes and eats lunch for 20 minutes. The walk downtown takes 15 minutes. Hannah starts her chores at 11:45 A.M. At what time does she meet her friends? 1:20 P.M. _____ 2. Katie practiced the flute for 45 minutes. Then she ate a snack for 15 minutes. Next, she watched television for 30 minutes, until 6:00 P.M. At what time did Katie start practicing the flute? _____ 3. Nick gets out of school at 2:25 P.M. He has a 15-minute ride home on the bus. Next, he goes on a 30-minute bike ride. Then he spends 55 minutes doing homework. At what time does Nick finish his homework? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company _____ 4. The third-grade class is going on a field trip by bus to the museum. The bus leaves the school at 9:45 A.M. The bus ride takes 47 minutes. At what time does the bus arrive at the museum? _____ Chapter 10 P201 TEST PREP ;IIEDÃ>;9A (CC.3.MD.1) 1. Gloria went to the mall and spent 50 minutes shopping. Then she had lunch for 30 minutes. If Gloria arrived at the mall at 11:00 A.M., at what time did she finish lunch? 2. The ball game begins at 2:00 P.M. It takes Ying 30 minutes to get to the ballpark. At what time should Ying leave home to get to the game 30 minutes before it starts? A 11:30 A.M. A 12:30 P.M. B 11:50 A.M. B 1:00 P.M. C 12:20 P.M. C 1:30 P.M. D 12:30 P.M. D 3:00 P.M. F?H7BÃ;L?;M (CC.3.OA.2, CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.NF.3d) 4. Find the unknown factor. from least to greatest? (Lesson 9.5) 2 2 2 A __ , __ , __ 8 2 B __ , 4 2, __ C 8 2 D __ , 4 4 2, __ 8 2, __ 6 2, __ 6 6 2 __ 6 2 __ 4 2 __ 8 5. There were 405 books on the library shelf. Some books were checked out. Now there are 215 books left on the shelf. How many books were checked out? (Lesson 1.10) 6 3 O 5 36 A 4 B 6 C 7 D 8 6. Savannah has 48 photos. She places 8 photos on each page of her photo album. How many pages in the album does she use? (Lesson 6.3) A 620 A 5 B 220 B 6 C 210 C 7 D 190 D 9 P202 (Lesson 5.2) © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Which lists the fractions in order Lesson 10.6 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.4 Measure Length Represent and interpret data. Measure the length to the nearest half inch. 1. 2. 1 1_ 2 inches _ _ inches 3. _ inches Measure the length to the nearest fourth inch. 4. 5. __ inches 6. 7. _ inch © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company _ inches _ inches Use a separate sheet of paper for 8. 8. Draw 8 lines that are between 1 inch and 3 inches long. Measure each line to the nearest fourth inch, and make a line plot. 1 9. The tail on Alex’s dog is 5__ inches 4 long. This length is between which two inch-marks on a ruler? Chapter 10 P203 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.4) 1. What is the length of the eraser to 2. What is the length of the leaf to the the nearest half inch? nearest fourth inch? 1 A __ inch 2 C 1 1__ inches 2 A 1 inch D 2 inches B B 1 1__ inches 2 3 1__ inches 4 C 2 inches D 1 2__ inches 4 Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.MD.1) 3. Which equation is NOT included in the same set of related facts as 6 3 8 5 48? (Lesson 6.8) 4. Brooke says there are 49 days until July 4. There are 7 days in a week. In how many weeks will it be July 4? (Lesson 7.7) A 8 3 6 5 48 A 9 weeks B 8 3 8 5 64 B 8 weeks C 48 4 6 5 8 C 7 weeks D 48 4 8 5 6 D 6 weeks 5. It is 20 minutes before 8:00 in the morning. Which is the correct way to write that time? (Lesson 10.2) 6. Marcy played the piano for 45 minutes. She stopped playing at 4:15 P.M. At what time did she A 7:40 A.M. A 3:00 P.M. B 7:40 P.M. B 3:30 P.M. C 8:20 A.M. C 4:45 P.M. D 8:40 A.M. D 5:00 P.M. P204 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company start playing the piano? (Lesson 10.4) Lesson 10.7 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.2 Estimate and Measure Liquid Volume Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid measures, and masses of objects. Estimate how much liquid volume there will be when the container is filled. Write more than 1 liter, about 1 liter, or less than 1 liter. 1. large milk container 2. small milk container 3. water bottle n 1 gallo 1 pin t more than 1 liter © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 4. spoonful of water 5. bathtub filled halfway 6. filled eyedropper Use the pictures for 7–8. Alan pours water into four glasses that are the same size. 7. Which glass has the most amount of water? __ 8. Which glass has the least amount A B C D of water? __ Chapter 10 P205 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.2) 1. Felicia filled the bathroom sink with 2. Kyle needed about 1 liter of water water. About how much water does she put in the sink? to fill a container. Which container did Kyle most likely fill? A about 1 liter B more than A a small glass 1 liter B a spoon C a little less than 1 liter C a large pail D much less than 1 liter D a vase Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.5, CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.MD.1, CC.3.MD.4) 3. Cecil had 6 ice cubes. He put 1 ice cube in each glass. In how many glasses did Cecil put ice cubes? the muffins in a bag. How many muffins does Juan put in the bag? (Lesson 8.8) A 6 C 1 B 5 D 0 5. Which is one way to read the time shown on the clock? (Lesson 10.1) 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 A 2 C 4 B 3 D 5 6. Julianne drew the line segment below. Use your ruler to measure the segment to the nearest fourth inch. (Lesson 10.6) 3 A __ inch A 4 minutes before 7 B 26 minutes before 11 B C 54 minutes after 6 C D 56 minutes after 7 D P206 4 1 1_4 inches 1 1_2 inches 1 3_4 inches © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company (Lesson 6.9) 4. Juan has 12 muffins. He puts 1_4 of Lesson 10.8 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.2 Estimate and Measure Mass Solve problems involving measurement and intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. Choose the unit you would use to measure the mass. Write gram or kilogram. 1. CD 2. boy 3. bag of sugar gram 4. lion 5. paper clip 6. empty plastic bottle Compare the masses of the objects. Write is less than, is the same as, or is more than. 8. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 7. The mass of the candle __ the mass of the light bulb. 9. A red ball has a mass that is less than 1 kilogram. A blue ball has a mass of 1 kilogram. Is the mass of the blue ball more than or less than the mass of the red ball? The mass of the watch __ the mass of the necklace. 10. Brock’s dog is a collie. To find the mass of his dog, should Brock use grams or kilograms? Chapter 10 P207 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.2) 1. Which unit of measure would 2. Elsie wants to find the mass of her you use to measure the mass of a grape? pony. Which unit should she use? A gram C kilogram A gram C kilogram B inch D meter B liter D centimeter Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.2, CC.3.OA.8, CC.3.MD.2) 3. Marsie blew up 24 balloons. She tied the balloons together in groups of 4. How many groups did Marsie make? (Lesson 6.3) 4. Clark used the order of operations to find the unknown number in 15 2 12 4 3 5 n. What is the value of the unknown number? (Lesson 7.11) A 5 C 7 A 1 C 9 B 6 D 8 B 6 D 11 Use the pictures for 5–6. Ralph pours juice into four bottles that are the same size. 5. Which bottle has the most amount A Bottle A C Bottle C B Bottle B D Bottle D 6. Which bottle has the least amount of juice? (Lesson 10.7) A Bottle A C Bottle C B Bottle B D Bottle D P208 A B C D © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company of juice? (Lesson 10.7) Lesson 10.9 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.2 Solve Problems About Liquid Volume and Mass Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. Write an equation and solve the problem. 2. 1. Luis was served 145 grams of meat and 217 grams of vegetables at a meal. What was the total mass of the meat and the vegetables? The gas tank of a riding mower holds 5 liters of gas. How many 5-liter gas tanks can you fill from a full 20-liter gas can? Think: Add to find how much in all. l 145 1 _ 217 5 _ _ _ 3. To make a lemon-lime drink, Mac mixed 4 liters of lemonade with 2 liters of limeade. How much lemon-lime drink did Mac make? _ l_5_ _ 5. Four families share a basket of 16 kilograms of apples equally. How many kilograms of apples does each family get? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company _ l_5_ _ 7. Zoe’s fish tank holds 27 liters of water. She uses a 3-liter container to fill the tank. How many times does she have to fill the 3-liter container in order to fill her fish tank? _ l_5_ _ 4. A nickel has a mass of 5 grams. There are 40 nickels in a roll of nickels. What is the mass of a roll of nickels? _ l_5_ _ 6. For a party, Julia made 12 liters of fruit punch. There were 3 liters of fruit punch left after the party. How much fruit punch did the people drink at the party? _ l_5_ _ 8. Adrian’s backpack has a mass of 15 kilograms. Theresa’s backpack has a mass of 8 kilograms. What is the total mass of both backpacks? Chapter 10 P209 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.2) 1. Mickey’s beagle has a mass of 15 kilograms. His dachshund has a mass of 13 kilograms. What is the combined mass of the two dogs? 2. Lois put 8 liters of water in a bucket for her pony. At the end of the day, there were 2 liters of water left. How much water did the pony drink? A 2 kilograms C 23 kilograms A 4 liters C 10 liters B 18 kilograms D 28 kilograms B 6 liters D 16 liters Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.8, CC.3.NF.3d, CC.3.MD.1, CC.3.MD.2) 3. Josiah has 3 packs of toy animals. Each pack has the same number of animals. Josiah gives 6 animals to his sister Stephanie. Then Josiah has 9 animals left. How many animals were in each pack? 3 4. Tom jogged __ 10 mile, Betsy jogged 5 2 __ __ 10 mile, and Sue jogged 10 mile. Who jogged a longer distance 4 than __ 10 mile? (Lesson 9.5) A Betsy B Sue A 1 C 5 C Tom B 3 D 6 D None 5. Bob started mowing at 9:55 A.M. It took him 25 minutes to mow the front yard and 45 minutes to mow the back yard. At what time did Bob finish mowing? (Lesson 10.5) 6. Juliana wants to find the mass of a watermelon. Which unit should she use? (Lesson 10.8) A 10:20 A.M. C 11:05 A.M. A gram C liter B 10:55 A.M. D 11:20 A.M. B kilogram D meter P210 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company (Lesson 7.10) COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.MD.1, CC.3.MD.2, CC.3.MD.4 Name Chapter 10 Extra Practice Lessons 10.1–10.2 Write the time. Write one way you can read the time. 1. 6:20 2. 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 3. 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 Write the time. Use A.M. or P.M. 1. 30 minutes past noon 2. 14 minutes before 7:00 in the morning Lesson 10.3 Find the elapsed time. 1. Start: 10:10 P.M. End: 10:45 P.M. 2. Start: 7:05 A.M. End: 7:33 A.M. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 Lessons 10.4–10.5 1. Delia spent 45 minutes working on her book report. She finished the report at 6:10 P.M. At what time did Delia start working on her report? 2. Lucas leaves school at 3:05 P.M. The bus ride home takes 25 minutes. Then it takes Lucas 15 minutes to ride his bike to soccer practice. At what time does Lucas get to soccer practice? Chapter 10 P211 Lesson 10.6 Measure the length to the nearest half inch. 1. 2. _ inches _ inches Measure the length to the nearest fourth inch. 3. _ inches Lesson 10.7 Estimate how much liquid volume there will be when the container is filled. Write more than 1 liter, about 1 liter, or less than 1 liter. 1. mug 2. watering can 3. sports bottle Lesson 10.8 Choose the unit you would use to measure the mass. Write gram or kilogram. 2. bag of flour 3. brick Lesson 10.9 Write an equation and solve the problem. 1. Miles ate two hot dogs with buns. Each hot dog has a mass of 45 grams, and each hot dog bun has a mass of 33 grams. How many grams of hot dogs and buns did Miles eat in all? P212 2. Celia’s famous raspberry limeade comes in 3-liter containers. Celia gets an order for 8 containers of raspberry limeade. How many liters of raspberry limeade were ordered? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 1. pen 11 area The measure of unit squares needed to cover a flat surface perimeter The distance around a shape Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning about perimeter and area of shapes. You can expect to see homework that provides practice with measuring and finding perimeter, and finding area by counting squares, using addition, or using multiplication. Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to find perimeter. unit square A square with a side length of 1 unit that is used to measure area Find Perimeter These are two ways to find perimeter. Use addition. Find the perimeter of the shape by counting each unit around the shape. Find the perimeter of the rectangle. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Finding Unknown Side Lengths Count units. Perimeter is the distance around a shape. So, the perimeter is 12 units. Perimeter 5 length 1 width 1 length 1 width Sometimes not all lengths of the sides of a shape are given. If you know the perimeter, you can add the lengths of the sides you know and use an equation to find the unknown side length. Add: 9 1 6 1 9 1 6 5 30 inches So, the perimeter is 30 inches. Activity Have your child practice finding the perimeter and area of items around the house. Find and measure the sides of items that have plane shapes, such as an envelope, a place mat, a square potholder, a pennant, or a rug. Chapter 11 P213 11 área La medida del número de los cuadrados de una unidad que se necesitan para cubrir una superficie plana Querida familia, perímetro La distancia alrededor de una figura Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos acerca del perímetro y el área de las figuras. cuadrado de una unidad Un cuadrado cuyo lado mide 1 unidad y que se usa para medir un área unidad cuadrada Una unidad que mide el área como del pies cuadrado, metro cuadrado y así sucesivamente Llevaré a la casa tareas que sirven para practicar cómo medir y hallar el perímetro, además de hallar el área contando cuadrados usando la suma o la multiplicación. Este es un ejemplo de la manera como aprenderemos a hallar el perímetro. Hallar el perímetro Estas son dos maneras de hallar el perímetro. Contar unidades. Usar la suma. Halla el perímetro del rectángulo. El perímetro es la distancia alrededor de una figura. Por tanto, el perímetro es 12 unidades. Perímetro 5 largo 1 ancho 1 largo 1 ancho Hallar longitudes desconocidas de los lados A veces no se dan las longitudes de los lados de una figura. Si conoces el perímetro, puedes sumar las longitudes de los lados que conoces y usar una ecuación para hallar la longitud desconocida del lado. Sumo: 9 1 6 1 9 1 6 5 30 pulgadas Por tanto, el perímetro es 30 pulgadas. Actividad Pida a su hijo que practique hallando el perímetro y el área de algunos objetos de la casa. Hallen y midan los lados de objetos que tengan formas planas, como un sobre, un individual para la mesa, un agarrador de ollas cuadrado, un banderín o un tapete. P214 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Halla el perímetro de la figura contando cada unidad alrededor de la figura. Lesson 11.1 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.8 Model Perimeter Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures. Find the perimeter of the shape. Each unit is 1 centimeter. 1. 2. 22 __ centimeters 4. 3. __ centimeters © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company __ centimeters __ centimeters Use the drawing for 5–6. Each unit is 1 centimeter. 5. What is the perimeter of Patrick’s shape? _______ 6. How much greater is the perimeter of Jillian’s shape than the perimeter of Patrick’s shape? _______ Chapter 11 P215 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.8) 1. Find the perimeter of the shape. Each unit is 1 centimeter. 2. Find the perimeter of the shape. Each unit is 1 centimeter. A 14 centimeters A 19 centimeters B 16 centimeters B 26 centimeters C 18 centimeters C 33 centimeters D 20 centimeters D 55 centimeters Spiral Review (CC.3.NF.3d, CC.3.MD.1, CC.3.MD.2) from least to greatest? (Lesson 9.5) 2, __ 2, __ 2 __ 4 3 6 2 2 2 A __, __, __ 3 4 6 2 2 2 B __, __, __ 6 4 3 2 2 2 C __, __, __ 4 3 6 2 2 2 D __, __, __ 3 6 4 5. Michael and Dex are comparing fraction strips. Which statement is NOT correct? (Lesson 9.2) 1 2 4 3 C __ , __ A __ , __ 2 2 8 8 2 1 4 2 B __ . __ D __ . __ 3 3 6 6 P216 4. Kasey’s school starts at the time shown on the clock. What time does Kasey’s school start? (Lesson 10.1) 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 A 6:40 C 8:30 B 8:06 D 9:30 6. Aiden wants to find the mass of a bowling ball. Which unit should he use? (Lesson 10.8) A liter C gram B inch D kilogram © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Which lists the fractions in order Lesson 11.2 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.8 Find Perimeter Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures. Use a ruler to find the perimeter. 1. 2. 12 centimeters _ 3. _ centimeters 4. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company _ inches Draw a picture to solve 5–6. 5. Evan has a square sticker that measures 5 inches on each side. What is the perimeter of the sticker? _ inches 6. Sophie draws a shape that has 6 sides. Each side is 3 centimeters. What is the perimeter of the shape? Chapter 11 P217 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.8) Use an inch ruler for 1–2. 1. Ty cut a label the size of the shape shown. What is the perimeter, in inches, of Ty’s label? 2. Julie drew the shape shown below. What is the perimeter, in inches, of the shape? A 4 inches C 6 inches A 2 inches C 6 inches B 5 inches D 7 inches B 4 inches D 8 inches Spiral Review (CC.3.NF.3d, CC.3.MD.1, CC.3.MD.2, CC.3.MD.8) 3. What is the perimeter of the shape after school at the time shown on the clock. What time does Vince arrive for his trumpet lesson? (Lesson 10.2) A 3:26 A.M. B 4:26 A.M. A 8 units C 20 units C 3:26 P.M. B 10 units D 22 units D 4:26 P.M. 5. Matthew’s small fish tank holds 12 liters. His large fish tank holds 25 liters. How many more liters 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 6. Cecila and Sasha are comparing fraction strips. Which statement is correct? (Lesson 9.3) does his large fish tank hold? (Lesson 10.9) A 12 liters C 25 liters B 13 liters D 37 liters P218 1 1 A __ , __ 2 3 1 1 B __ . __ 8 6 1 1 C __ . __ 4 2 1 1 D __ , __ 6 4 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company below? (Lesson 11.1) 4. Vince arrives for his trumpet lesson ALGEBRA Lesson 11.3 Name Find Unknown Side Lengths COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.8 Find the unknown side lengths. 1. Perimeter 5 33 centimeters Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures. 2. Perimeter 5 14 feet DN Y DN GU DN S S GU DN 5 1 8 1 7 1 4 1 x 5 33 24 1 x 5 33 x59 9 x 5 __ centimeters 3. Perimeter 5 37 meters 11 m 8m r 5 __ feet 4. Perimeter 5 92 inches JO JO JO U 5m i JO JO 2m © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company s 5 __ meters 5. Steven has a rectangular rug with a perimeter of 16 feet. The width of the rug is 5 feet. What is the length of the rug? t 5 __ inches 6. Kerstin has a square tile. The perimeter of the tile is 32 inches. What is the length of each side of the tile? Chapter 11 P219 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.8) 1. Jesse is putting a ribbon around a square frame. He uses 24 inches of ribbon. How long is each side of the frame? 2. Davia draws a shape with 5 sides. Two sides are each 5 inches long. Two other sides are each 4 inches long. The perimeter of the shape is 27 inches. What is the length of the fifth side? A 4 inches B 5 inches C 6 inches A 9 inches C 14 inches D 8 inches B 13 inches D 18 inches Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.1, CC.3.OA.8, CC.3.NF.3c, CC.3.MD.1) 3. Which of the following represents 7 1 7 1 7 1 7? (Lesson 3.2) 4. Bob bought 3 packs of model cars. He gave 4 cars to Ann. Bob has 11 cars left. How many model cars were in each pack? (Lesson 7.10) A 434 B 437 C 637 A 18 C 7 D 737 B 11 D 5 started and finished reading. How long did Randy read? (Lesson 10.3) 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 11 12 1 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 4UBSU &OE A 55 minutes C 35 minutes B 45 minutes D 15 minutes P220 6. Which statement does the model represent? (Lesson 8.6) 4 A __ 5 1 4 3 B __ 5 1 4 2 C __ 5 1 4 1 D __ 5 1 4 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Randy looked at his watch when he Lesson 11.4 Name COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.MD.5, CC3.MD.5a Understand Area Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. Count to find the area for the shape. 1. 2. 6 square units Area = _ 4. Area = _ square units 5. Area = _ square units Area = _ square units 3. Area = _ square units 6. Area = _ square units © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Write area or perimeter for each situation. 7. carpeting a floor 8. fencing a garden Use the diagram for 9–10. 9. Roberto is building a platform for his model railroad. What is the area of the platform? 10. Roberto will put a border around the edges of the platform. How much border will he need? Chapter 11 P221 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.5, CC.3.MD.5a) 1. Josh used rubber bands to make 2. Wilma drew the shape below on the shape below on his geoboard. What is the area of the shape? dot paper. What is the area of the shape she drew? A 3 square units A 4 square units B 4 square units B 5 square units C 5 square units C 6 square units D 6 square units D 7 square units Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.MD.1, CC.3.MD.2) 3. Leonardo knows it is 42 days until summer break. How many weeks is it until Leonardo’s summer break? (Hint: There are 7 days in a week.) 4. Nan cut a submarine sandwich into 4 equal parts and ate one part. What fraction represents the part of the sandwich Nan ate? (Lesson 8.3) (Lesson 7.7) 5 weeks C 7 weeks B 6 weeks D 8 weeks 1 A __ 4 1 B __ 3 4 C __ 4 4 D __ 1 5. Wanda is eating breakfast. Which is 6. Dick has 2 bags of dog food. Each a reasonable time for Wanda to be eating breakfast? (Lesson 10.2) bag contains 5 kilograms of food. How many kilograms of food does Dick have in all? (Lesson 10.8) A 7:45 A.M. B 7:45 P.M. C 2:15 A.M. A 3 kilograms C 7 kilograms D 2:15 P.M. B 5 kilograms D 10 kilograms P222 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company A Lesson 11.5 Name COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.MD.5b, CC.3.MD.6 Measure Area Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. Count to find the area of the shape. Each unit square is 1 square centimeter. 1. 2. 14 square centimeters Area 5 _ 3. 4. Area 5 _ square centimeters © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Area 5 _ square centimeters Alan is painting his deck gray. Use the diagram at the right for 5–6. Each unit square is 1 square meter. Area 5 _ square centimeters "MBOT%FDL 5. What is the area of the deck that Alan has already painted gray? 6. What is the area of the deck that Alan has left to paint? Chapter 11 P223 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.5b, CC.3.MD.6) Each unit square in the diagram is 1 square foot. 1. How many square feet are shaded? A 19 square feet B 21 square feet C 23 square feet D 25 square feet 2. What is the area that has NOT been shaded? A 19 square feet B 21 square feet C 23 square feet D 25 square feet Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.NF.3b, CC.3.MD.2) There are 6 rolls in each package. How many rolls does Sonya buy? (Lesson 4.3) 4. Charlie mixed 6 liters of juice with 2 liters of soda to make fruit punch. How many liters of fruit punch did Charlie make? (Lesson 10.9) A 42 C 24 A 3 liters C 8 liters B 36 D 12 B 4 liters D 12 liters 5. Which drawing shows _23 of the circle shaded? (Lesson 8.4) A C B D 6. Use the models to name a fraction that is equivalent to _1 . (Lesson 9.7) 2 2 A __ 1 2 B __ 2 P224 2 C __ 4 4 D __ 4 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Sonya buys 6 packages of rolls. Lesson 11.6 Name COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.MD.7, CC.3.MD.7a Use Area Models Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. Find the area of each shape. Each unit square is 1 square foot. 1. 2. There are 3 rows of 8 unit squares. 3 3 8 5 24 24 square feet Find the area of each shape. Each unit square is 1 square meter. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. 4. 6. Landon made a rug for the hallway. Each unit square is 1 square foot. What is the area of the rug? 5. 7. Eva makes a border at the top of a picture frame. Each unit square is 1 square inch. What is the area of the border? Chapter 11 P225 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.7, CC.3.MD.7a) 1. The entrance to an office has a tiled floor. Each square tile is 1 square meter. What is the area of the floor? 2. Ms. Burns buys a new rug. Each unit square is 1 square foot. What is the area of the rug? A 8 square meters A 5 square feet B 9 square meters B 7 square feet C 10 square meters C 10 square feet D 12 square meters D 12 square feet Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.4, CC.3.NF.3d, CC.3.MD.1, CC.3.MD.8) strips. Which statement is correct? (Lesson 9.2) 3 5 A __ . __ 8 8 3 1 B __ , __ 4 4 3 4 C __ . __ 6 6 1 2 D __ , __ 3 3 5. Austin left for school at 7:35 A.M.. He arrived at school 15 minutes later. What time did Austin arrive at school? (Lesson 10.4) 4. Claire bought 6 packs of baseball cards. Each pack had the same number of cards. If Claire bought 48 baseball cards in all, how many cards were in each pack? (Lesson 7.8) A 54 C 8 B 42 D 6 6. Wyatt’s room is a rectangle with a perimeter of 40 feet. The width of the room is 8 feet. What is the length of the room? (Lesson 11.3) A 7:40 A.M. C 7:55 A.M. A 5 feet C 16 feet B 7:50 A.M. D 8:00 A.M. B 12 feet D 32 feet P226 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Ann and Bill are comparing fraction PROBLEM SOLVING Lesson 11.7 Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄÃÞH;7ÃE<à ;9J7D=B;I COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.7b Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. Use the information for 1–3. An artist makes rectangular murals in different sizes. Below are the available sizes. Each unit square is 1 square meter. " # $ % 1. Complete the table to find the area of each mural. Mural Length (in meters) Width (in meters) A B C D 2 2 2 2 1 Area (in square meters) 2 2 4 2. Find and describe a pattern of how the length changes and how the width changes for murals A through D. 3. How do the areas of the murals change when © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company the width changes? 4. Dan built a deck that is 5 feet long and 5 feet wide. He built another deck that is 5 feet long and 7 feet wide. He built a third deck that is 5 feet long and 9 feet wide. How do the areas change? Chapter 11 P227 TEST PREP ;IIEDÃ>;9A (CC.3.MD.7b) 1. Lauren drew the designs below. Each unit square is 1 square centimeter. If the pattern continues, what will be the area of the fourth shape? 2. Henry built one garden that is 3 feet wide and 3 feet long. He also built a garden that is 3 feet wide and 6 feet long, and a garden that is 3 feet wide and 9 feet long. How do the areas change? A The areas do not change. A 10 square centimeters B 12 square centimeters C 14 square centimeters D 16 square centimeters B The areas double. C The areas increase by 3 square feet. D The areas increase by 9 square feet. F?H7BÃ;L?;M (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.NBT.3, CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.MD.5b, CC.3.MD.6) cards equally. How many cards does each boy get? (Lesson 7.4) 4. Nita uses _13 of a carton of 12 eggs. How many eggs does she use? (Lesson 8.7) A 7 B 8 C 9 A 3 C 6 D 10 B 4 D 9 5. Brenda made 8 necklaces. Each necklace has 10 large beads. How many large beads did Brenda use to make the necklaces? (Lesson 5.4) 6. Neal is tiling his kitchen floor. Each square tile is 1 square foot. Neal uses 6 rows of tiles with 9 tiles in each row. What is the area of the floor? (Lesson 11.6) A 80 B 85 A 15 square feet C 90 B 52 square feet D 100 C 54 square feet D 57 square feet P228 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Joe, Jim, and Jack share 27 football Lesson 11.8 Name COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.MD.7c, CC.3.MD.7d Area of Combined Rectangles Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. Use the Distributive Property to find the area. Show your multiplication and addition equations. 1. 2. 4 3 2 5 8; 4 3 5 5 20 ____ 1 20 5 28 8 ____ 28 square units _ ____ ____ _ square units Draw a line to break apart the shape into rectangles. Find the area of the shape. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. 4. Rectangle 1: _ 3 _ 5 _ Rectangle 1: _ 3 _ 5 _ Rectangle 2: _ 3 _ 5 _ Rectangle 2: _ 3 _ 5 _ _ 1 _ 5 _ square units _ 1 _ 5 _ square units A diagram of Frank’s room is at right. Each unit square is 1 square foot. 5. Draw a line to divide the shape of Frank’s room into rectangles. 6. What is the total area of Frank’s room? _ square feet Chapter 11 P229 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.7c, CC.3.MD.7d) 1. The diagram shows Ben’s backyard. Each unit square is 1 square yard. What is the area of Ben’s backyard? 2. The diagram shows a room in an art gallery. Each unit square is 1 square meter. What is the area of the room? A 12 square yards A 24 square meters B 16 square yards B 30 square meters C 18 square yards C 36 square meters D 24 square yards D 40 square meters Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.6, CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.MD.4, CC.3.MD.8) What related multiplication fact can she use to find the unknown number? (Lesson 6.7) 4. Karen drew a triangle with side lengths 3 centimeters, 4 centimeters, and 5 centimeters. What is the perimeter of the triangle? (Lesson 11.2) A 3 3 7 5 21 B 4 3 7 5 28 A 7 centimeters C 5 3 7 5 35 B 9 centimeters D 6 3 7 5 42 C 11 centimeters D 12 centimeters 5. The rectangle is divided into equal 6. Use an inch ruler. To the nearest parts. What is the name of the equal parts? (Lesson 8.1) half inch, how long is this line segment? (Lesson 10.6) A half C fourth A 1 inch C 2 inches B third D sixth B 1 1_2 inches D 2 1_2 inches P230 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Naomi needs to solve 28 4 7 5 O. Lesson 11.9 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.8 Same Perimeter, Different Areas Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures. Find the perimeter and the area. Tell which rectangle has a greater area. 1. 2. B A A 12 units ; A: Perimeter 5 ___ A: Perimeter 5 ___ ; 9 square units Area 5 ____ Area 5 ____ B: Perimeter 5 ___ ; B: Perimeter 5 ___ ; Area 5 ____ Area 5 ____ Rectangle _ has a greater area. Rectangle _ has a greater area. 3. Tara’s and Jody’s bedrooms are © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company B shaped like rectangles. Tara’s bedroom is 9 feet long and 8 feet wide. Jody’s bedroom is 7 feet long and 10 feet wide. Whose bedroom has the greater area? Explain. 4. Mr. Sanchez has 16 feet of fencing to put around a rectangular garden. He wants the garden to have the greatest possible area. How long should the sides of the garden be? Chapter 11 P231 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.8) 1. Which shape has a perimeter of 12 units and an area of 8 square 2. All four rectangles below have the units? same perimeter. Which rectangle has the greatest area? A A B B C C D D Spiral Review (CC.s.MD.7, CC.3.MD.7a, CC.3.MD.8) of square tiles. There are 7 tiles in each row. What is the area that Kerrie covers in square units? (Lesson 11.6) 4. Von has a rectangular workroom with a perimeter of 26 feet. The length of the workroom is 6 feet. What is the width of Von’s workroom? (Lesson 11.3) A 15 square units A 7 feet B 35 square units B 13 feet C 42 square units C 20 feet D 56 square units D 26 feet P232 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Kerrie covers a table with 8 rows Lesson 11.10 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.MD.8 Same Area, Different Perimeters Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures. Find the perimeter and the area. Tell which rectangle has a greater perimeter. 8 square units ; 1. A: Area 5 ____ 18 units Perimeter 5 ____ " B: Area 5 ____ ; Perimeter 5 ____ # Rectangle _ has a greater perimeter. 2. 3. " # # " A: Area 5 ____ ; A: Area 5 ____ ; Perimeter 5 ___ Perimeter 5 ___ B: Area 5 ____ ; B: Area 5 ____ ; Perimeter 5 ___ Perimeter 5 ___ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Rectangle _ has a greater perimeter. Rectangle _ has a greater perimeter. Use the tile designs for 4–5. 4. Compare the areas of Design A and Design B. #FUIT5JMF%FTJHOT " 5. Compare the perimeters. Which design has the greater perimeter? # Chapter 11 P233 TEST PREP Lesson Check (CC.3.MD.8) 1. Jake drew two rectangles. Which statement is true? 2. Alyssa drew two rectangles. Which statement is true? " " # # A The perimeters are the same. A The perimeter of B is greater. B The area of A is greater. B The perimeter of A is greater. C The perimeter of A is greater. C The area of B is greater. D The perimeter of B is greater. D The perimeters are the same. Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.8, CC.3.NF.2a, CC.3.NF.2b, CC.3.NF.3d) value of 8 2 3 3 2. She wrote a wrong answer. Which is the correct answer? (Lesson 7.11) A 22 C 4 B 10 D 2 4. What fraction names the point on the number line? (Lesson 8.5) 3 C __ 1 A __ 4 2 B __ 3 5. Kyle drew three line segments with these lengths: 2_4 inch, 2_3 inch, and 2 _ inch. Which list orders the 6 fractions from least to greatest? 4 3 D __ 1 6. On Monday, 3_8 inch of snow fell. On Tuesday, 5_ inch of snow fell. Which 8 statement correctly compares the snow amounts? (Lesson 9.2) (Lesson 9.5) 2 2 2 A __, __, __ 6 2 B __, 3 P234 4 3 2 __, 2 __ 4 6 2 2 2 C __, __, __ 4 2 D __, 6 3 6 2 __, 2 __ 3 4 3 5 A __ 5 __ 8 8 3 5 B __ , __ 8 8 5 3 C __ , __ 8 8 3 5 D __ . __ 8 8 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Marsha was asked to find the COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.MD.5, CC.3.MD.5a, CC.3.MD.5b, CC.3.MD.6, CC.3.MD.7a, CC.3.MD.7b, CC.3.MD.7c, CC.3.MD.7d, CC3.MD.8 ALSO CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.OA.9, CC.3.NBT.2, CC.3.MD.4 Name Chapter 11 Extra Practice Lessons 11.1, 11.3 1. Find the perimeter of the shape. 2. The square has a perimeter of Each unit is 1 centimeter. 28 inches. What is the length of each side of the square? Lesson 11.2 Use a centimeter ruler to find the perimeter. 1. 2. Zd Zd Zd Zd Zd Zd Zd Zd Zd © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lessons 11.4–11.6 Find the area of the shape. Each unit square is 1 square inch. 1. 2. Area 5 square inches Chapter 11 P235 Lesson 11.7 Use the rectangles at the right for 1–2. 1. How do the length and width change GU from Rectangle A to Rectangle B? GU > GU GU 2. How do the areas change from Rectangle A to Rectangle B to Rectangle C? GU GU Lesson 11.8 Draw a line to break apart the shape into rectangles. Find the area of the shape. 1. 2. Rectangle 1: 3 5 ; Rectangle 1: 3 5 ; Rectangle 2: 3 5 ; Rectangle 2: 3 5 ; + = square units + = square units Find the perimeter and area of each rectangle. Use your results to answer questions 1–2. 1. Which two rectangles have the same perimeter? Rectangles and 2. Which two rectangles have the > same area? Rectangles P236 and © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lessons 11.9–11.10 12 Dear Family, During the next few weeks, our math class will be learning about plane shapes. We will learn to identify polygons and describe them by their sides and angles. angle A shape formed by two rays that share an endpoint closed shape A shape that begins and ends at the same point polygon A closed plane shape made up of straight line segments quadrilateral A polygon with four sides and four angles You can expect to see homework that provides practice with shapes. Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to classify quadrilaterals. Classify Quadrilaterals Use sides and angles to name this quadrilateral. STEP 1 There are 2 right angles. STEP 2 There is exactly 1 pair of opposite sides that are parallel. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company So, the quadrilateral is a trapezoid. Checking Angles The corner of a sheet of paper or an index card can be used to check whether an angle in a polygon is right, less than a right angle, or greater than a right angle. Activity Point out everyday objects that resemble plane shapes, such as books, photos, windows, and traffic signs. Have your child identify the shape and describe it by its sides and angles. Chapter 12 P237 12 ángulo Una figura compuesta por dos rayos que comparten un extremo figura cerrada Una figura que comienza y termina en el mismo punto Querida familia, Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase de matemáticas aprenderemos sobre figuras planas. Aprenderemos a identificar polígonos y a describirlos según sus lados y ángulos. polígono Una figura plana cerrada compuesta por segmentos rectos cuadrilátero Un polígono con cuatro lados y cuatro ángulos Llevaré a casa tareas para practicar con figuras. Este es un ejemplo de cómo clasificaremos cuadriláteros. Clasificar cuadriláteros Usa los lados y los ángulos para nombrar este cuadrilátero. PASO 1 Hay dos ángulos rectos. PASO 2 Hay exactamente 1 par de lados opuestos que son paralelos. Por tanto, el cuadrilátero es un trapecio. Comprobar ángulos Puedes usar la esquina de una hoja o de una tarjeta para comprobar si un ángulo de un polígono es recto, menor que un ángulo recto o mayor que un ángulo recto. Señalen objetos cotidianos que parezcan figuras planas, como libros, fotografías, ventanas y señales de tráfico. Pida a su hijo o hija que identifique la figura y que la describa según sus lados y ángulos. P238 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Actividad Lesson 12.1 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.G.1 Describe Plane Shapes Reason with shapes and their attributes. Write how many line segments the shape has. 1. 2. 4 _ line segments 3. _ line segments 4. _ line segments _ line segments Write whether the shape is open or closed. 5. 6. _____ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 7. Carl wants to show a closed shape in his drawing. Show and explain how to make the drawing a closed shape. _____ 8. The shape of a fish pond at a park is shown below. Is the shape open or closed? Chapter 12 P239 Lesson Check TEST PREP (CC.3.G.1) 1. How many line segments does this shape have? 2. Which of these is part of a line, has one endpoint, and continues in one direction? A ray B line A 2 C 4 C line segment B 3 D 5 D point Spiral Review (CC.3.OA.3, CC.3.OA.7, CC.3.NF.3a) 3. What multiplication sentence does the array show? (Lesson 3.5) 4. What is the unknown factor and quotient? (Lesson 6.8) 93 5 27 27 4 9 5 A 3 B 4 A 3 3 8 5 24 C 8 3 5 5 40 C 5 B 4 3 8 5 32 D 4 3 9 5 36 D 6 to 4 _? 8 6. Mr. MacTavish has 30 students from his class going on a field trip to the zoo. He is placing 6 students in each group. How many groups of students from Mr. MacTavish’s class will be going to the zoo? (Lesson 7.6) (Lesson 9.6) 3 A __ 1 C __ 4 A C 1 B __ 1 D __ 5 7 B 6 D 36 4 2 P240 8 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Which fraction is equivalent Lesson 12.2 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.G.1 Describe Angles in Plane Shapes Reason with shapes and their attributes. Use the corner of a sheet of paper to tell whether the angle is a right angle, less than a right angle, or greater than a right angle. 1. 3. 2. less than a right angle Write how many of each type of angle the shape has. 4. 5. 6. _ right _ right _ right _ less than a right _ less than a right _ less than a right _ greater than a right _ greater than a right _ greater than a right © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 7. Jeff has a square piece of art paper. He cuts across it from one corner to the opposite corner to make two pieces. What is the total number of sides and angles in both of the new shapes? 8. Kaylee tells Aimee that the shape of a stop sign has at least one right angle. Aimee says that there are no right angles. Who is correct? Explain. Chapter 12 P241 Lesson Check TEST PREP (CC.3.G.1) 1. What describes this angle? 2. How many right angles does this shape have? A right angle A 1 B less than a right angle B 2 C greater than a right angle C 3 D small angle D 4 Spiral Review (CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.NF.3d, CC.3.G.1) 3. What fraction of the group is shaded? (Lesson 8.7) 4. Compare. 3 4 __ __ 8 8 (Lesson 9.2) A . 1 C __ 6 1 B __ 3 6 1 D __ 8 5. Which of the following does NOT describe a line segment? (Lesson 12.1) B , C 5 D 4 6. How many line segments does this shape have? (Lesson 12.1) A does not end B is straight C is part of a line D has P242 2 endpoints A 5 C 7 B 6 D 8 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5 A __ Lesson 12.3 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.G.1 Identify Polygons Reason with shapes and their attributes. Is the shape a polygon? Write yes or no. 1. 2. no _ 3. _ 4. _ _ Write the number of sides and the number of angles. Then name the polygon. 6. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. _ sides _ sides _ angles _ angles _____ _____ 7. Mr. Murphy has an old coin that 8. Lin says that an octagon has six has ten sides. If its shape is a polygon, how many angles does the old coin have? sides. Chris says that it has eight sides. Whose statement is correct? _____ _____ Chapter 12 P243 Lesson Check TEST PREP (CC.3.G.1) 1. Which is a name for this polygon? 2. How many sides does this polygon have? A hexagon A 4 B octagon B 5 C quadrilateral C 6 D pentagon D 7 (CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.G.1) 3. How many right angles does this shape have? (Lesson 12.2) 4. Erica has 8 necklaces. One fourth of the necklaces are blue. How many necklaces are blue? (Lesson 8.9) A 2 B 3 A 4 C 2 C 4 B 3 D 0 D 8 5. Which of these is straight, is part of a line, and has 2 endpoints? 6. What describes this angle? (Lesson 12.2) (Lesson 12.1) A line A greater than a right angle B line segment B large angle C point C less than a right angle D ray D right angle P244 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Spiral Review Lesson 12.4 Name Describe Sides of Polygons COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.G.1 Reason with shapes and their attributes. Look at the dashed sides of the polygon. Tell if they appear to be intersecting, perpendicular, or parallel. Write all the words that describe the sides. 1. 2. parallel ____ 4. ____ 7. ____ ____ 8. ____ ____ 6. 5. ____ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. 9. ____ ____ Use shapes A–D for 10–11. 10. Which shapes appear to have parallel sides? ____ 11. Which shapes appear to have perpendicular sides? ____ Chapter 12 P245 Lesson Check TEST PREP (CC.3.G.1) 1. How many pairs of parallel sides 2. Which sides appear to be parallel? does the quadrilateral appear to have? A a and c only B b and d only A 1 C 3 C a and b, c and d B 2 D 4 D a and c, b and d Spiral Review (CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.G.1) 3. Mr. Lance designed a class banner shaped like the polygon shown. What is the name of the polygon? 4. How many angles greater than a right angle does this shape have? (Lesson 12.2) A pentagon C hexagon A 0 C 2 B octagon D decagon B 1 D 3 5. How many line segments does this shape have? (Lesson 12.1) A B P246 6 C 7 D 8 9 6. Which fraction names the shaded part? (Lesson 8.3) 1 A __ 1 C __ 1 B __ 5 D __ 3 4 6 6 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company (Lesson 12.3) Lesson 12.5 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.G.1 Classify Quadrilaterals Reason with shapes and their attributes. Circle all the words that describe the quadrilateral. 1. 2. 3. square square square rectangle rectangle rectangle rhombus rhombus rhombus trapezoid trapezoid trapezoid Use the quadrilaterals below for 4–6. 4. Which quadrilaterals © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company appear to have no right angles? 5. Which quadrilaterals appear to have 4 right angles? 7. A picture on the wall in Jeremy’s classroom has 4 right angles, 4 sides of equal length, and 2 pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. What quadrilateral best describes the picture? 6. Which quadrilaterals appear to have 4 sides of equal length? 8. Sofia has a plate that has 4 sides of equal length, 2 pairs of opposite sides that are parallel, and no right angles. What quadrilateral best describes the plate? Chapter 12 P247 (CC.3.G.1) 1. Which word describes the quadrilateral? 2. Which quadrilaterals appear to have 2 pairs of opposite sides that are parallel? A square A A and B B trapezoid B A, B, and C C rhombus C A only D rectangle D B only Spiral Review (CC.3.G.1) 3. Aiden drew the the polygon shown. 4. How many pairs of parallel sides What is the name of the polygon he drew? (Lesson 12.3) does this shape appear to have? A decagon C octagon A 4 C 1 B hexagon D pentagon B 2 D 0 5. What word describes the dashed (Lesson 12.4) 6. How many right angles does this sides of the shape shown? (Lesson 12.4) shape have? (Lesson 12.2) A intersecting C perpendicular A 0 C 2 B parallel D right B 1 D 3 P248 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson Check TEST PREP Lesson 12.6 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.G.1 Draw Quadrilaterals Reason with shapes and their attributes. Draw a quadrilateral that is described. Name the quadrilateral you drew. 1. 4 sides of equal length 2. 1 pair of opposite sides that are parallel square Draw a quadrilateral that does not belong. Then explain why. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. 4. Layla drew a quadrilateral with 4 right angles and 2 pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. Name the quadrilateral she could have drawn. 5. Victor drew a quadrilateral with no right angles and 4 sides of equal length. What quadrilateral could Victor have drawn? Chapter 12 P249 Lesson Check TEST PREP (CC.3.G.1) 1. Chloe drew a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. Which shape could NOT be Chloe’s quadrilateral? 2. Mike drew a quadrilateral with four right angles. Which shape could he have drawn? A rectangle A rectangle B hexagon B rhombus C trapezoid C square D triangle D trapezoid Spiral Review (CC.3.MD.7, CC.3.MD.8, CC.3.G.1) 3. A quadrilateral has 4 right angles and 4 sides of equal length. What is the name of the quadrilateral? (Lesson 12.5) 4. Mark drew two lines that form a right angle. Which word describes the lines Mark drew? (Lesson 12.4) A perpendicular A pentagon B parallel B square C acute C trapezoid D obtuse D hexagon paper. What is the perimeter of the rectangle Dennis drew? (Lesson 11.2) 6. Jill drew the rectangle on grid paper. What is the area of the rectangle Jill drew? (Lesson 11.5) A 7 units A 12 square units B 12 units B 15 square units C 14 units C 16 square units D 15 units D 18 square units P250 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Dennis drew the rectangle on grid Lesson 12.7 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.G.1 Describe Triangles Reason with shapes and their attributes. Use the triangles for 1–3. Write A, B, or C. Then complete the sentences. B 1. Triangle _ has 3 angles less than a right angle and 3 sides of equal length. appears to have _ 2. Triangle _ has 1 right angle and appears to have _ sides of equal length. 3. Triangle _ has 1 angle greater than a right angle and appears to have _ sides of equal length. 4. Kyle, Kathy, and Kelly each drew a triangle. Who drew the triangle that has 1 angle greater than a right angle and appears to have no sides of equal length? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company ______ 5. Matthew drew the back of his tent. How many sides appear to be of equal length? 6. Sierra made the triangular picture frame shown. How many angles are greater than a right angle? Chapter 12 P251 (CC.3.G.1) 1. How many angles less than a right angle does this triangle have? 2. How many sides of equal length does this triangle appear to have? A 0 C 2 A 0 C 2 B 1 D 3 B 1 D 3 Spiral Review (CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.MD.8, CC.3.G.1 ) 3. A quadrilateral has 4 right angles 4. Mason drew a quadrilateral with and 2 pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. Which quadrilateral could it be? (Lesson 12.5) only one pair of opposite sides that are parallel. Which quadrilateral did Mason draw? (Lesson 12.6) A trapezoid A square B hexagon B rhombus C triangle C trapezoid D rectangle D rectangle 5. Which shape has an area of 8 square units and a perimeter of 12 units? (Lesson 11.10) A C B D 6. What fraction of the square is shaded? (Lesson 8.4) 3 A __ 5 5 B __ 3 P252 3 C __ 8 8 D __ 3 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson Check TEST PREP PROBLEM SOLVING Lesson 12.8 Name HE8B;CÃEBL?D=ÃÄÃB7II?<OÃB7D;Ã>7F;I COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.G.1 Reason with shapes and their attributes. Solve each problem. 1. Steve drew the shapes below. Write the letter of each shape where it belongs in the Venn diagram. 2. Janice drew the shapes below. Write the letter of each shape where it belongs in the Venn diagram. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. Beth drew the shapes below. Write the letter of each shape where it belongs in the Venn diagram. Chapter 12 P253 TEST PREP ;IIEDÃ>;9A (CC.3.G.1) 1. Which shape would go in the section where the two circles overlap? A triangle C square B trapezoid D hexagon 2. Which shape could NOT go in the circle labeled All Sides of Equal Length? A rhombus C square B trapezoid D triangle F?H7BÃ;L?;M (CC.3.NF.1, CC.3.G.1) right angle does this triangle have? (Lesson 12.7) 4. How many sides of equal length does this triangle appear to have? (Lesson 12.7) A 0 C 2 A 0 C 2 B 1 D 3 B 1 D 3 5. Madison drew this shape. How many angles less than a right angle does it have? (Lesson 12.2) 6. How many dots are in _12 of this group? (Lesson 8.7) A 0 C 3 A 6 C 9 B 1 D 5 B 8 D 18 P254 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. How many angles greater than a Lesson 12.9 Name COMMON CORE STANDARD CC.3.G.2 Relate Shapes, Fractions, and Area Reason with shapes and their attributes. Draw lines to divide the shape into equal parts that show the fraction given. 1. 2. 3. 1 __ 1 __ 3 1 __ 8 2 Draw lines to divide the shape into parts with equal area. Write the area of each part as a unit fraction. 4. 5. 6. 4 equal parts 6 equal parts 3 equal parts _ _ _ 7. Robert divided a hexagon into © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3 equal parts. Show how he might have divided the hexagon. Write the fraction that names each part of the whole you divided. 8. Show how you might divide the shape into 8 equal parts. What fraction names the area of each part of the divided shape? Chapter 12 P255 (CC.3.G.1) 1. What fraction names each part of 2. What fraction names the whole the divided whole? area that was divided? 1 A __ 1 A __ 1 C __ 2 1 B __ 3 Spiral Review 4 1 D __ 6 8 C __ 8 1 B __ 2 8 8 D __ 1 (CC.3.G.1) 3. Lil drew the figure below. Which 4. How many line segments does this word does NOT describe the shape? (Lesson 12.1) shape have? A plane shape A 6 B closed shape B 5 C open shape C 4 D curved path D 3 Use the Venn diagram for 5–6. (Lesson 12.1) (Lesson 12.8) 5. Which shape would go in the section where the two circles overlap? A triangle C trapezoid B square D pentagon 6. Which shape could NOT go in the circle labeled All Sides of Equal Length? A square C triangle B rhombus D rectangle P256 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson Check TEST PREP COMMON CORE STANDARDS CC.3.G.1, CC.3.G.2 Name Chapter 12 Extra Practice Lessons 12.1–12.3 Name the polygon. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lesson 12.4 Look at the dashed sides of the polygon. Tell if they appear to be intersecting, perpendicular, or parallel. Write all the words that describe the sides. 1. 2. 3. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson 12.5 Circle all the words that describe the quadrilateral. 1. 2. 3. rhombus square trapezoid trapezoid rhombus rectangle rectangle trapezoid rhombus Chapter 12 P257 Lesson 12.6 Draw a quadrilateral that does not belong. Then explain why. Lesson 12.7 Use the triangles for 1–2. Write A, B, or C. Then complete the sentences. 1. Triangle _ has 1 angle greater than a right angle and appears to have _ sides of equal length. 2. Triangle _ has 1 right angle and appears to have _ sides of equal length. Lesson 12.8 1. What label could you use to describe Circle A? Lesson 12.9 Draw lines to divide the shape into equal parts that show the fraction given. 1. P258 1 __ 4 2. 1 __ 3 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2. What label could you use to describe Circle B? Lesson 1 Name Numbers to Ten Thousand Essential Question How can you represent numbers to ten thousand in different ways? The Thousand Bolts factory uses boxes of 1,000 bolts to fill crates of 10,000 bolts. How many boxes of 1,000 bolts are in each crate of 10,000? t $ JSDMFUIFOVNCFSZPVXJMM OFFEUPDPVOUUPGJOEUIF BOTXFS Count by thousands to find the total number of boxes of 1,000 bolts that will go into each crate. Then count the boxes. 1,000 2,000 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 1 2 __ __ __ So, there are _ boxes of 1,000 bolts in each crate of 10,000. Suppose the factory has no crates and must use cases of 100 to fill an order for 3,200 bolts. How many cases will it pack? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company There are _ cases of 100 in 1,000. So, there are _ cases of 100 in 3,000. There are _ cases of 100 in 200. Add the cases. 30 1 2 5 _. So, the factory will pack 32 cases of 100. 8IBU JG UIF GBDUPSZ IBE CPYFT PG BOE CBHT PG CVU OP DBTFT PG Explain IPX JU DPVME QBDL UIF PSEFS GPS CPMUT Getting Ready for Grade 4 P259 Share and Show 1. The Thousand Bolts factory has an order for 3,140 bolts. How can it pack the order using the CPY5 CPMUT fewest packages? DBTF5 CPMUT CBH5 CPMUT 2. Suppose the bolt factory has only cases and bags. How can it pack the order for 3,140 bolts? 3. Suppose the bolt factory has only boxes and bags. How can it pack the order for 3,140 bolts? On Your OwnN Complete the packing chart. Use the fewest packages possible. When there is a zero, use the next smaller size package. Crates (Ten Thousands) Boxes (Thousands) Cases (Hundreds) Bags (Tens) 7 0 4. 5,267 5. 2,709 6. 5,619 7. 8,416 0 1 8. 3,967 0 0 5 9. The Thousand Bolts factory used 9 boxes, 9 cases, and 10 bags to fill an order. How many bolts did they pack? P260 Single Bolts (Ones) 6 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Number of Bolts Ordered Lesson 2 Name Read and Write Numbers to Ten Thousands Essential Question What are some ways you can read and write numbers? The ABC Block Factory receives an order for blocks. The base-ten blocks show the number of blocks ordered. t )PXNBOZCMPDLTXFSFPSEFSFE 5IFMPDBUJPOPGBEJHJUJO BOVNCFSUFMMTJUTWBMVF Each worker on the team checks the order by expressing the number in a different way. What way does each worker use? Read and write numbers. 8PSEGPSNJTBXBZUPXSJUFBOVNCFSVTJOHXPSET 4BNHFUTUIFPSEFSBOESFBETUIFOVNCFSUP.BSZUXP UIPVTBOE GJWFIVOESFEUIJSUFFO &YQBOEFEGPSNJTBXBZUPXSJUFBOVNCFSCZTIPXJOHUIF WBMVFPGFBDIEJHJU © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company .BSZVTFTUIFWBMVFPGFBDIEJHJUUPSFDPSEUIFOVNCFSPG CMPDLTUIBUXJMMCFJOFBDIUZQFPGQBDLBHF 2,000 1 500 1 10 1 3 4UBOEBSEGPSNJTBXBZUPXSJUFBOVNCFSVTJOHUIFEJHJUT UP XJUIFBDIEJHJUIBWJOHBQMBDFWBMVF 8IFOUIFPSEFSJTDPNQMFUF ,ZMFXSJUFTUIFUPUBMOVNCFSPG CMPDLTPOUIFQBDLJOHTMJQ So, Sam says the number using ___ form, Mary uses ___ form, and Kyle uses ___ form. ExplainIPX UPGJOEUIFWBMVFPGUIF VOEFSMJOFEEJHJUJO7,521. Getting Ready for Grade 4 P261 Share and Show 1. Write the number shown in expanded form. TEN THOUSANDS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS TENS ONES 7, 5 9 8 1 500 1 90 1 Write the number in standard form. 2. 4,000 1 600 1 70 1 4 3. eight thousand, two hundred sixty-one Write the value of the underlined digit two ways. 4. 6,920 5. 8 ,063 On Your OwnN Write the number in standard form. 6. 5,000 1 600 1 90 1 7 7. two thousand, three hundred fifty-nine 8. one thousand, three hundred two Write the value of the underlined digit two ways. 9. 6,818 10. 9,342 12. Rename 2,934 as tens and ones. and tens. hundreds tens 13. The number of children who attended the fair on opening day is 351 more than the value of 4 thousands. How many children attended the fair on opening day? P262 tens ones © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 11. Rename 3,290 as hundreds Lesson 3 Name Relative Size on a Number Line Essential Question How can you locate and name a point on a number line? Wilfren has 40 pennies, Ella has 400 pennies, and Matt has 4,000 pennies. How do their amounts of pennies compare? t $ JSDMFUIFBNPVOUTZPVOFFE UPDPNQBSF Compare the relative sizes of the amounts of pennies. Think:UFOTJT Think: IVOESFETJT Think:UIPVTBOETJT So, Ella has _ times as many pennies as © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Wilfren, and Matt has _ times as many pennies as Ella. Try This! Find the number represented by the point. Start at 0. Skip count by 1,000s until you reach point A. There are _ jumps of 1,000. So, point A represents __. ExplainIPXUP MPDBUFBOEESBXUIFQPJOU POBOVNCFSMJOF Getting Ready for Grade 4 P263 Share and Show Find the number that point B represents on the number line. 1. On Your OwnN Find the number represented by the point. 2. 3. Use the number line for 4–5. Nestor and Elliot are playing a number line game. 4. Nestor’s score is shown by point N on the number line. What is his score? 5. Elliot’s score is 8,000. Is Elliot’s score located to the right or to the left of Nestor’s score? Explain. P264 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Lesson 4 Name Compare 3- and 4-Digit Numbers Essential Question What are some ways you can compare numbers? Cody collected 2,365 pennies. Jasmine collected 1,876 pennies. Who collected more pennies? t 8 IBUEPZPVOFFE UPGJOE You can compare numbers in different ways to find which number is greater. One Way Use base-ten blocks. Compare the values of the blocks in each place-value position from left to right. Keep comparing the blocks until the values are different. 2 thousands is greater than 1 thousand. So, 2,365 1,876. So, Cody collected more pennies. Another Way Use place value. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Compare 7,376 and 7,513. Compare digits in the same place-value position from left to right. 3FBE,BTis less than 3FBE.BTis greater than 3FBE5BTis equal to THOUSANDS HUNDREDS TENS ONES 7, 3 7 6 7, 5 1 3 STEP 1:$PNQBSFUIFUIPVTBOET5IFEJHJUTBSFUIFTBNF STEP 2:$PNQBSFUIFIVOESFET So, 7,376 7,513. 5 ExplainIPX ZPVLOPXUIBUJT MFTTUIBO Getting Ready for Grade 4 P265 Share and Show 1. Compare 2,351 and 3,018. Which number has more thousands? Which number is greater? Compare the numbers. Write ,, ., or 5 in the 2. 835 4. 809 853 890 . 3. 7,891 7,891 5. 3,834 3,483 On Your OwnN Compare the numbers. Write ,, ., or 5 in the 6. 219 8. 5,154 10. 1,837 2,119 5,154 837 . 7. 2,517 2,715 9. 5,107 5,105 11. 9,832 9,328 12. Nina has a dictionary with 1,680 pages. Trey has 13. The odometer in Ed’s car shows it has been driven 8,946 miles. The odometer in Beth’s car shows it has been driven 5,042 miles. Which car has been driven more miles? 14. Avery said that she is 3,652 days old. Tamika said that she is 3,377 days old. Who is younger? P266 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company a dictionary with 1,490 pages. Use ,, ., or 5 to compare the number of pages in the dictionaries. Name Concepts and Skills Complete the packing chart. Use the fewest packages possible. When there is a zero, use the next smaller size package. (pp. P259–P260) Number of Bolts Crates Ordered (Ten Thousands) 1. 5,267 2. 2,709 Boxes (Thousands) Cases (Hundreds) Bags (Tens) 7 0 Single Bolts (Ones) 5 Find the number that point A represents on the number line. (pp. P263–P264) 3. Compare the numbers. Write ,, ., or 5 in the . (pp. P265–P266) 4. 4,310 4,023 5. 5,136 5,136 6. 732 6,532 7. 9,436 4,963 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company (pp. P261–P262, P265–P266) 8. The number of people who attended the Spring Festival is 799 more than 8 thousands. How many people attended the festival? ______ 9. There are 1,290 photos on Nadia’s memory card. There are 1,450 photos on Trevor’s memory card. Use ,, ., or 5 to compare the number of photos on the memory cards. ______ Getting Ready for Grade 4 P267 TEST PREP Fill in the bubble for the correct answer choice. 10. A marble factory ships marbles using bags of 10, cases of 100, cartons of 1,000, and boxes of 10,000. The factory has an order for 3,570 marbles. How can they pack the order if the factory is out of cartons? (pp. P259–P260) A 350 cases, 7 bags B 35 cases, 7 bags C 35 cases, 57 bags D 3 cases, 75 bags 11. The number of fans who attend the baseball game on opening day is 283 more than 4 thousands. How many fans are attending the baseball game on opening day? (pp. P261–P262) A 283 B 4,000 C 4,283 D 4,823 Use the number line for 12–13. 12. Kam scored 6,000 points in a game. Which letter A F C H B G D I 13. Taissa scored 9,000 points in a game. Which letter on the number line names the point that represents Taissa’s score? (pp. P263–P264) A F C H B G D I P268 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company on the number line names the point that represents Kam’s score? (pp. P263–P264) Lesson 5 Name Multiply with 11 and 12 Essential Question What strategies can you use to multiply with 11 and 12? It takes Bobby 11 minutes to walk to school each morning. How many minutes will Bobby spend walking to school in 5 days? t 8 IBUBSFUIFHSPVQTJOUIJT QSPCMFN Multiply. 5 3 11 5 One Way Break apart Another Way Find a pattern. an array. Look at the list. Make 5 rows of 11. Use the 10s facts and the 1s facts to multiply with 11. Notice the product has the same factor in the tens and ones places. To find 5 3 11, write the first factor in the tens and ones places. 5 3 (10 1 1) 5 3 10 5 5 3 11 5 5315 5 3 11 5 55 1 1 3 11 5 2 3 11 5 3 3 11 5 4 3 11 5 11 22 33 44 5 3 11 5 6 3 11 5 7 3 11 5 8 3 11 5 9 3 11 5 66 77 88 99 5 3 11 5 So, Bobby will spend 12 minutes to walk to school? How many minutes will he spend walking to school in 5 days? Try This! © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company minutes walking to school. What if it took Bobby Break apart the factor 12. Double a 6s fact. 5 3 (10 1 2) Find the 6s product. 5 3 10 5 50 5 3 12 5 So, 5 3 12 5 5 3 2 5 10 1 Double that product. 5 . Bobby will spend 5 3 6 5 30 1 5 minutes walking to school. Getting Ready for Grade 4 P269 Share and Show 1. How can you use the 10s facts and the 2s facts to find 4 3 12? Find the product. 2. 9 3 11 5 _ 3. 7 3 12 5 _ 4. _ 5 4 3 11 5. _ 5 11 3 6 6. _ 5 12 3 2 7. 0 3 11 5 _ 8. _ 5 6 3 12 9. 8 3 12 5 _ 10. 7 3 11 5 _ 11. 12 3 9 5 _ 12. 3 3 12 5 _ 13. 1 3 12 5 _ On Your OwnN Find the product. Miles from Home to School miles some students travel to school each day. How many miles will Carlos travel to school in 5 days? Matt Carlos Mandy 0 2 4 P270 8 10 Number of Miles 15. Suppose that Mandy takes 9 trips to school, and Matt takes 11 trips to school. Who travels more miles? Explain. 6 12 14 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 14. The graph shows the number of Student Use the graph for 14–15. Lesson 6 Name Divide with 11 and 12 Essential Question What strategies can you use to divide with 11 and 12? Tara collects 60 postcards. She arranges them in 12 equal stacks. How many postcards are in each stack? t % PZPVOFFEUPGJOEUIF OVNCFSPGHSPVQTPSUIF OVNCFSJOFBDIHSPVQ Divide. 60 4 12 5 n One Way Use a multiplication table. Since division is the inverse of multiplication, you can use a multiplication table to find a quotient. ¨ t -PPLVQUPGJOEUIFVOLOPXOGBDUPS t 5IFVOLOPXOGBDUPSJT Since 12 3 5 5 60, then Think of a related multiplication fact. 12 3 n 5 60 t 'JOEUIFSPXGPSUIFGBDUPS t -PPLBDSPTTUPGJOEUIFQSPEVDU 60 4 12 5 _. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Another Way Use repeated subtraction. t 4UBSUXJUI t 4VCUSBDUVOUJMZPVSFBDI t $PVOUUIFOVNCFSPGUJNFTZPVTVCUSBDU 2 _ 48 48 2 2 2 _ _ _ 2 _ You subtracted 12 five times. 60 4 12 5 _ So, there are 5 postcards in each stack. 8IBUPUIFS TUSBUFHJFTDBOZPVVTF UPEJWJEF Getting Ready for Grade 4 P271 Share and Show 1. Use the multiplication table on page P271 to find 99 4 11. Think: What is a related multiplication fact? Find the unknown factor and quotient. 2. 11 3 5 66 66 4 11 5 5_ 4. 3 3 3. 2 3 5_ 5 33 24 4 2 5 5_ 33 4 3 5 5_ 5 24 5. 12 3 5_ 5 72 5_ 72 4 12 5 5_ 5_ On Your OwnN Find the unknown factor and quotient. 6. 11 3 5 55 55 4 11 5 5_ 8. 8 3 7. 12 3 5_ 5 96 48 4 12 5 5_ 96 4 8 5 5_ 5 48 9. 8 3 5_ 5 88 5_ 88 4 8 5 5_ 5_ Find the quotient. 10. 11 4 11 5 _ 11. 77 4 7 5 _ 12. _ 5 60 4 12 13. _ 5 22 4 11 14. 108 4 9 5 _ 15. 84 4 12 5 _ 16. 36 4 3 5 _ 17. _ 5 96 4 12 18. 12 4 12 5 _ 19. 96 4 8 96 4 12 20. 77 4 11 . 84 4 12 21. 99 4 11 22. Justin printed 44 posters to advertise the garage sale. He gave 11 friends the same number of posters to display around the neighborhood. How many posters did Justin give each friend? P272 84 4 7 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Compare. Write ,, ., or 5 for each ALGEBRA Lesson 7 Name Multiplication and Division Relationships Essential Question How can you write related multiplication and division equations for 2-digit factors? Multiplication and division are inverse operations. Megan has a rose garden with the same number of bushes planted in each of 4 rows. There are 48 bushes in the garden. How many bushes are in each row of Megan’s garden? One Way t 8IBUEPZPVOFFEUPGJOE Another Way .BLFBOBSSBZ 8SJUFSFMBUFEFRVBUJPOT 48 4 4 5 n 48 4 4 5 n $PVOUUJMFT.BLFSPXTCZ QMBDJOHUJMFJOFBDISPX Think:UJNFTXIBUOVNCFS FRVBMT $POUJOVFQMBDJOHUJMFJOFBDIPG 4 3 _ 5 48 UIFSPXTVOUJMBMMUIFUJMFTBSFVTFE :PVDBODIFDLZPVSBOTXFSVTJOH %SBX UIFBSSBZZPVNBEF SFQFBUFEBEEJUJPO _1_1_1_5_ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 8SJUFSFMBUFEFRVBUJPOT _ 3 _ 5 48 5IFSFBSF_UJMFTJOFBDISPX 48 4 _ 5 _ _4_5_ So, there are _ bushes in each row of Megan’s garden. )PXDBOZPV UFMMJGUXPFRVBUJPOT BSFSFMBUFE Getting Ready for Grade 4 P273 Share and Show 1. Complete the related equations for this array. 3 3 11 5 33 33 4 3 5 11 Complete the related multiplication and division equations. 2. 1 3 11 5 _ 3. 5 3 _ 5 60 4. _ 3 11 5 77 _ 3 1 5 11 12 3 5 5 _ _ 3 7 5 77 11 4 1 5 _ _ 4 5 5 12 77 4 _ 5 11 _ 4 11 5 1 60 4 _ 5 5 _ 4 11 5 7 On Your OwnN Complete the related multiplication and division equations. 6. 6 3 _ 5 66 7. 12 3 8 5 _ _ 3 7 5 84 11 3 _ 5 66 8 3 _ 5 96 _ 4 7 5 12 66 4 6 5 _ 96 4 _ 5 8 84 4 _ 5 7 66 4 11 5 _ 96 4 8 5 _ 8. Megan cut 108 roses to make flower arrangements. She made 9 equal arrangements. How many roses were in each arrangement? P274 9. Megan put 22 roses in a vase. She cut the same number of roses from each of 11 different bushes. How many roses did she cut from each bush? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. _ 3 12 5 84 Lesson 8 Name Use Multiplication Patterns Essential Question How can you multiply with 10, 100, and 1,000? Mrs. Goldman ordered 4 boxes of yo-yos for her toy store. Each box had 100 yo-yos. How many yo-yos did Mrs. Goldman order? t $ JSDMFUIFOVNCFSTZPVOFFE UPVTF t 8 IBUPQFSBUJPODBOZPVVTF UPGJOEUIFUPUBMXIFOZPV IBWFFRVBMHSPVQT Use a basic fact and a pattern to multiply. Factors Products 431 5 4 4 3 10 5 40 4 3 100 5 400 Think: Use the basic fact 4 3 1 5 4. Look for a pattern of zeros. "TUIFOVNCFSPG[FSPT JOBGBDUPSJODSFBTFT UIFOVNCFSPG[FSPTJO UIFQSPEVDUJODSFBTFT So, Mrs. Goldman ordered 400 yo-yos. Try This! Use a basic fact and a pattern to find the products. A. 13353 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 10 3 3 5 B. 531 55 5 3 10 5 50 5 3 100 5 5 3 1,000 5 8IFONVMUJQMZJOH 9 3 IPXNBOZ[FSPT XJMMCFJOUIFQSPEVDU Explain Getting Ready for Grade 4 P275 Share and Show 1. Explain how to use a basic fact and a pattern to find 6 3 100. Use a basic fact and a pattern to find the products. 2. 7 3 10 5 3. 10 3 5 5 4. 3 3 10 5 7 3 100 5 100 3 5 5 3 3 100 5 7 3 1,000 5 1,000 3 5 5 3 3 1,000 5 On Your OwnN Use a basic fact and a pattern to find the products. 5. 2 3 10 5 6. 10 3 8 5 7. 9 3 10 5 2 3 100 5 100 3 8 5 9 3 100 5 2 3 1,000 5 1,000 3 8 5 9 3 1,000 5 Find the product. 8. 10 3 8 5 11. 1,000 3 4 5 9. 6 3 100 5 12. 10. 5 4 3 100 5 1,000 3 3 13. 9 3 100 5 Name Use the picture graph. 14. Patty has 20 fewer yo-yos in her collection than Chuck. Draw yo-yos in the picture graph. to show the number of yo-yos in Patty’s collection. Explain your answer. Max Chuck Patty Key: Each P276 Number of Yo-Yos 5 10 Yo-Yos. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Yo-Yo Collections Lesson 9 Name Use Models to Multiply Tens and Ones Essential Question How can you use base-ten blocks and area models to model multiplication with a 2-digit factor? Three groups of 14 students toured the state capitol in Columbus, Ohio. How many students toured the capitol in all? t 8IBUEPZPVOFFEUPGJOE t $ JSDMFUIFOVNCFSTZPVOFFE to use. Multiply. 3 3 14 5 O One Way Another Way STEP 1 STEP 1 Model 3 3XJUICBTFUFOCMPDLT Model 3 3 14 with an area model. 3 rows of 10 3 rows of 4 3 rows of 10 STEP 2 Multiply the tens and ones. Record each product. 3 rows of 4 STEP 2 Multiply the tens. Multiply the ones. 3 3 10 5 _ 3345_ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company STEP 3 Add the products. 30 1 12 5 42 3 3 14 5 42 3 3 10 5 _ 3345_ STEP 3 Add the products. 30 1 12 5 42 3 3 14 5 42 So, 42 students toured the capitol. How are the two ways to find a product alike? Getting Ready for Grade 4 P277 Share and Show 1. One way to model 18 is 1 ten 8 ones. How can knowing this help you find 4 3 18? Find the product. Show your multiplication and addition. 2. 3. 3 3 16 5 n 4. 6 3 14 5 n 5 3 13 5 n On Your OwnN Find the product. Show your multiplication and addition. 7. 6. 4 3 13 5 n 5 3 15 5 n 8. Randy rakes yards for $5 an hour. How much money does he earn if he works for 12 hours? P278 3 3 17 5 n © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Lesson 10 Name Model Division with Remainders Essential Question How can you use counters to model division with remainders? Madison has 13 seeds. She wants to put the same number of seeds in each of 3 pots. How many seeds can Madison put into each pot? How many seeds are left over? Activity t ) PXEPZPVLOPXIPXNBOZ HSPVQTUPNBLF Materials O counters Use counters to find 13 4 3. STEP 1 Use 13 counters. Draw 3 circles for the 3 pots. STEP 2 Place one counter in each group until there are not enough to put 1 more in each of the groups. There are _ counters in each circle. There is _ counter left over. 13 4 3 is 4 with 1 left over. The quotient is 4. The remainder is 1. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company So, Madison can put 4 seeds in each pot. There is 1 seed left over. After dividing a group of objects into equal groups as large as possible, there may be some left over. The amount left over is called the remainder. Try This! What if Madison wants to put Explain why you cannot have a remainder of 3 when you divide by 3. 4 seeds in each pot. How many pots will Madison need? How many seeds will be left over? _________ Getting Ready for Grade 4 P279 Share and Show 1. Divide 13 counters into 2 equal groups. There are _ counters in each group, and _ counter left over. Complete. 2. April divided 17 counters into 4 equal groups. There were _ counters in each group and _ counter left over. 3. Divide 20 counters into groups of 6. There are _ groups and _ counters left over. On Your OwnN Complete. 5. Divide 60 pieces of chalk into groups. groups of 8. There are _ pencils in each There are _ groups and _ pieces of chalk left over. group and _ pencils left over. Find the total number of objects. 6. There are 2 shoes in each of 6 groups and 1 shoe left over. There are _ shoes in all. 7. There are 4 apples in each of 3 groups and 2 apples left over. There are _ apples in all. Use the bar graph for 8. 8. If Hector divides the oak leaves evenly into 4 display boxes, how many leaves will be in each box? How many leaves will be left over? Number of Leaves Leaf Collection 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Elm P280 Maple Leaf Oak © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 4. Divide 14 pencils into 3 equal Lesson 11 Name Use Models to Divide Tens and Ones Essential Question How can you model division with a 2-digit quotient? Emma baked 52 muffins. She wants to put an equal number of muffins on each of 4 trays. How many muffins can she put on each tray? t $ JSDMFUIFOVNCFSTZPVOFFE to use. t ) PXNBOZFRVBMHSPVQTBSF there? Find 52 4 4. STEP 1 Use base-ten blocks to model the problem. Draw 4 rectangles to represent the 4 equal groups. STEP 2 Share the tens. Place 1 ten in each group until there are not enough tens to put 1 more ten in each group. STEP 3 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Regroup the remaining ten as ones. There are now 12 ones. STEP 4 Share the ones. Place 1 one in each group until there are not enough ones to put 1 more one in each group. So, Emma can put _ muffins on each tray. )PXDBOZPV DIFDLZPVSBOTXFS Getting Ready for Grade 4 P281 Share and Show 1. Find 42 4 2. sä(OWäMANYäEQUALäGROUPSäAREäTHEREä_ sä(OWäMANYäTENSäGOäINäEACHäGROUPä_ sä(OWäMANYäONESäGOäINäEACHäGROUPä_ sä4HEäQUOTIENTäISä_. Use base-ten blocks and your MathBoard to divide. 2. 65 4 5 5 _ 3. 90 4 3 5 _ 4. 88 4 4 5 _ On Your OwnN Use base-ten blocks and your MathBoard to divide. 6. 69 4 3 5 _ 8. Roger has 84 trading cards. He wants to put an equal number in each of 3 boxes. How many cards will he put into each box? P282 7. 96 4 6 5 _ 9. Riley has 78 postcards. She wants to put 6 on each poster board. How many poster boards will she need? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. 72 4 2 5 _ Name Concepts and Skills Find the product. 1. _ 5 (pp. P269–P270) 11 3 5 2. Find the unknown factor and quotient. 3. 43 5 44 12 3 7 5 _ (pp. P271–P272) 44 4 4 5 5_ 5_ 4. Write the related multiplication and division equations for the numbers 5, 12, 60. (pp. P273–P274) __ __ __ __ Use a basic fact and a pattern to find the products. (pp. P275–P276) 5. 3 3 10 5 __ 6. 10 3 7 5 __ 3 3 100 5 __ 100 3 7 5 __ 3 3 1,000 5 __ 1,000 3 7 5 __ Find the product. Show your multiplication and division. 3 3 10 5 _ 7. 3345_ _1_5_ 3 3 14 5 3 3 14 5 _ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Use base-ten blocks and your MathBoard to divide. 8. 132 4 6 5 _ 10. Jerry printed (pp. P277–P278) 48 photos. He gave 4 friends the same number of 9. (pp. P281–P282) 160 4 8 5 _ 11. Tina divides 17 crayons into 3 equal photos. How many photos did each friend receive? (pp. P271–P272) groups. How many crayons will be in each group? How many crayons will be left over? (pp. P279–P280) ______ ______ Getting Ready for Grade 4 P283 Fill in the bubble for the correct answer choice. 12. Marita cuts 72 daisies to make bouquets. She makes 6 equal bouquets. How many daisies are in each bouquet? (pp. P273–P274) A 6 C 8 B 7 D 12 TEST PREP $5 an hour to babysit. How much money does she earn in 16 hours? (pp. P277–P278) 13. Christine charges A $21 C $64 B $50 D $80 14. Use the bar graph. Hector divides the carrot seeds evenly in 4 garden plots. How many carrot seeds will be left over? (pp. P279–P280) Vegetable Seeds Vegetable Corn Peas Carrots A 5 B 4 C 3 D 2 39 model cars. He wants to display an equal number of model cars on each of 3 shelves. 15. Roberto has How many model cars will he put on each shelf? (pp. P281–P282) A 2 B 9 C 13 D 39 P284 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Number of Seeds Lesson 12 Name Model Tenths and Hundredths Essential Question How can you model and write fractions in tenths and hundredths? You can use models to represent fractions in tenths and hundredths. t 8IBUEPZPVOFFEUPGJOEUP write the fraction? A STEP 1 STEP 2 This model has 10 equal parts. Each part is one tenth. Shade three parts out of ten equal parts. Write the fraction. Think: Three tenths are shaded. _ B STEP 1 STEP 2 This model has 100 equal parts. Each part is one hundredth. Shade eight of one hundred equal parts. Write the fraction. Think: Eight hundredths are shaded. _ Try This! © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Shade the model to show nine of the ten equal parts. Shade the model to show sixty-five of the hundred equal parts. Which number in a fraction represents the number of parts being counted, and which represents the number of equal parts in the whole? Read: ____ Read: ____ Write: _ Write: _ Getting Ready for Grade 4 P285 Share and Show Write the fraction that names the shaded part. 1. 2. 3. Think: )PXNBOZ equal parts are shaded? __ __ __ Shade to model the fraction. Then write the fraction in numbers. 4. three tenths 5. twenty-three hundredths __ __ On Your OwnN Write the fraction that names the shaded part. 7. 10. Each player shot a basketball 10 times. Eric made 4 baskets. Write a fraction to represent the part of Eric’s shots that were baskets. P286 8. 9. 11. Nina asked 100 students if they have a pet. Of the students, 19 ___ 100 have a cat. How many students have a cat? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 6. Lesson 13 Name Fractions Greater Than One Essential Question When might you use a fraction greater than 1 or a mixed number? 1 Troy uses __ of a box of clay to make one 4 model of a car. How many boxes of clay does he use to make 5 model cars? t ) PXNVDIDMBZEPFT5SPZVTF UPNBLFFBDINPEFMDBS t ) PXNBOZNPEFMDBSTEPFT 5SPZNBLF Make a model. 4 Think: __ 51 4 t %SBXTRVBSFTEJWJEFEJOUPGPVSUITUPTIPXUIF CPYFTPGDMBZ4IBEF__ 14 GPSUIFBNPVOUPGDMBZ 5SPZVTFTGPSFBDIPGUIFNPEFMDBST 0OFXIPMFBOE POFGPVSUIBSF TIBEFE __ Write: 11 4 t $PVOUUIFOVNCFSPGTIBEFEQBSUT5IFSFBSF _ TIBEFEQBSUT t 8SJUFUIFGSBDUJPO ____ TIBEFEQBSUT QBSUTJOUIFXIPMF © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5 The number __ is a fraction greater than 1. 4 A fraction greater than 1 can be written as a mixed number. A mixed number has a whole number and a fraction. 1 BTone Read 1__ 4 and one fourth 5 1 boxes of clay to make 5 model cars. So, Troy uses __ or 1__ 4 4 1 equal? 1__ 4 5 Why are __ and 4 Getting Ready for Grade 4 P287 Share and Show 1. Each fraction circle is 1 whole. Write a mixed number for the parts that are shaded. There are _ parts shaded. There are _ equal parts in the whole. Fraction: ____ shaded parts parts in a whole There is _ whole shaded and _ thirds shaded. The mixed number is _ . Each shape is 1 whole. Write a mixed number for the parts that are shaded. 2. 3. On Your OwnN 4. 5. 6 6. Luis played __ games of soccer this 4 7 7. Marci used __ packages of juice 3 season. How can you write the number of games Luis played as a mixed number? P288 drinks. How can you write the number of packages of juice drinks Marci used as a mixed number? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Each shape is 1 whole. Write a mixed number for the parts that are shaded. Lesson 14 Name Equivalent Fractions Essential Question How can you use models to find equivalent fractions? Bart brought an apple pie to the picnic. He cut the pie into 6 equal pieces and 3 pieces were eaten. sä ä7HATäFRACTIONäNAMESäTHEäAMOUNTäOFäTHEäPIEäTHATä was eaten? _ sä ä7HATäFRACTIONäNAMESäTHEäAMOUNTäOFäTHEäPIEäTHATä WASäLEFTäOVERä_ "ARTäDIVIDEDäEACHäOFäTHEäLEFTOVERäPIECESäINTOä2 equal pieces. Draw a dashed line on each piece to show how "ARTäDIVIDEDäITä © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company !FTERäYOUäDIVIDEäEACHäSIXTH SIZEäPIECEäINTOä2 equal pieces, there will be 12 pieces in the whole pie. The pieces are CALLEDäTWELFTHSä sä ä7HATäFRACTIONäNAMESäTHEäTOTALäNUMBERäOFäPIECESä ä "ARTäHASäLEFTä_ ____ and ____äAREäEQUIVALENTäSINCEäTHEYäBOTHäNAMEäTHEä 6 12 SAMEäAMOUNTäOFäTHEäPIEä How do the size of the parts compare in the equivalent fractions? How do the number of parts compare? Getting Ready for Grade 4 P289 Share and Show Use models to find the equivalent fraction. 1 1. __ 5 ____ 2 4 ä ä ä4HISäMODELäSHOWSäAäWHOLEäDIVIDEDäINTOä2 equal parts. __. 3HADEäTHEäMODELäTOäSHOWäTHEäFRACTIONää1 2 ä ä ä4HISäMODELäSHOWSäAäWHOLEäDIVIDEDäINTOä4 equal parts. __. 3HADEäTHEäMODELäTOäSHOWäAäFRACTIONäEQUIVALENTäTOää1 2 So, ____ 5 ____. 2 4 On Your OwnN Use models to find the equivalent fraction. 1 5 ____ 2. __ 9 5 ____ 3. ___ 4. !äLOAFäOFäBREADäHASä12äSLICESä-ICKYä 5. Sandra used 1_4 äOFäAäMETERäOFäSTRINGä 6 ate 1_4 äOFäTHEäLOAFä7RITEäTHEäFRACTIONäOFä THEäLOAFä-ICKYäATEäINäTWELFTHS P290 12 4 TOäMAKEäAäBRACELETä7RITEäTHEäFRACTIONä OFäAäMETERäOFäSTRINGä3ANDRAäUSEDä in eighths. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2 Lesson 15 Name Equivalent Fractions on a Multiplication Table Essential Question How can you generate equivalent fractions using a multiplication table? You can use a model to show the equivalent fractions 1_2 , 2_4 , and 3_6 . CONNECT Think: The same amount is shaded in the models; the second model and third model have more parts shaded. 55 You can use a multiplication table for other equivalent fractions for 1_2 . Activity What are some equivalent fractions for _1 ? 2 Materials O t *OBNVMUJQMJDBUJPOUBCMF IPX BSFB QSPEVDUBOEUIFQSPEVDU CFMPXJUSFMBUFE multiplication table t 4 IBEFUIFSPXGPSUIFOVNFSBUPSPGUIFGSBDUJPO12_ . 5IFOVNFSBUPSJT t 4IBEFUIFSPXGPSUIFEFOPNJOBUPSPGUIFGSBDUJPO_12 . 5IFEFOPNJOBUPSJT t -PPLBDSPTTUIFSPXTGPSOVNFSBUPSBOE EFOPNJOBUPS 8SJUFUIFQSPEVDUTXJUIUIFOVNFSBUPSBTBGBDUPS5IFOXSJUFUIFQSPEVDUT XJUIUIFEFOPNJOBUPSBTBGBDUPS5IFGJSTUUISFFBSFEPOFGPSZPV numerator denominator 152 6 __ __ 5 3 __5 ___ 5 ___ 8 2 4 6 8IZJTUIFBSSBOHFNFOU PGGBDUPSTBOEQSPEVDUTJOB NVMUJQMJDBUJPOUBCMFIFMQGVMJO GJOEJOHFRVJWBMFOUGSBDUJPOT © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company t 8 IBUEPZPVOPUJDFBCPVUUIFQSPEVDUTGSPNUIFDPMVNO GPSUPUIFDPMVNOGPS 5IFOVNFSBUPSBOEEFOPNJOBUPSCPUIJODSFBTFCZBGBDUPSPG_. t 8IBUEPZPVOPUJDFBCPVUUIFQSPEVDUTGSPNUIFDPMVNO GPSUPUIFDPMVNOGPS 5IFOVNFSBUPSBOEEFOPNJOBUPSCPUIJODSFBTFCZBGBDUPSPG_. t 8IBUEPZPVOPUJDFBCPVUUIFQSPEVDUTGSPNUIFDPMVNO GPSUPUIFDPMVNOGPS 5PGJOEBOFRVJWBMFOU GSBDUJPO ZPVDBO NVMUJQMZCPUIUIF OVNFSBUPSBOE EFOPNJOBUPSCZUIF TBNFOVNCFS 5IFOVNFSBUPSBOEEFOPNJOBUPSCPUIJODSFBTFCZBGBDUPSPG_. 6 1 _ So, _24 , 3_6 , _48 , and __ 12 are some equivalent fractions for 2 . Getting Ready for Grade 4 P291 Share and Show Use a multiplication table to find equivalent fractions. 1. Write 3 equivalent fractions for 1_3 . ä ä sää3HADEäTHEäROWäFORäTHEäNUMERATORäof the fraction 1 _. 3 The numerator is _. ä ä sää3HADEäTHEäROWäFORäTHEäDENOMINATORäof the fraction _13 . The denominator is _. ä ä sää,OOKäACROSSäTHEäROWSäFORäNUMERATORä1 and denominator 3. Write the products with the numerator 1 as a factor. Then write the products with the denominator 3 as a factor. numerator denominator 1 __ 5 ___ 5 ___ 5 ___ . 6 3 1 5 ____ 5 ____ 5 ____ So, __ 3 List 3 equivalent fractions. __ 2. 1 6 __ 3. 1 4 On Your OwnN Use a multiplication table to find three equivalent fractions. __ 4. 2 3 5. ___ 6. On Jan’s soccer team, 1_5 of the 7. Chen used 3_4 of a carton of milk. players are on the field. What are three equivalent fractions that name the part of the team on the field? P292 10 What are three equivalent fractions that name the part of the carton of milk that Chen used? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5 Name Concepts and Skills Write the fraction that names the shaded part. 1. (pp. P285–P286) 2. ______ ______ Each shape is 1 whole. Write a mixed number for the parts that are shaded. (pp. P287–P288) 3. ______ Use models to find the equivalent fraction. 1 4. __ 5 ____ 4 (pp. P289–P290) 5 5. __ 5 ____ 12 6 12 Use a multiplication table to find three equivalent fractions. 3 6. __ 4 7. ___ 4 10 ______ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company (pp. P291–P292) 8. Three friends shared 4 pies equally. Each person got _4 pies. How can ______ 9. Bill bought a large submarine you write how much pie each person got as a mixed number? sandwich and cut it into 8 equal pieces. He ate 1_4 of the sandwich. How can you write how much of the sandwich Bill ate as eighths? ______ ______ 3 Getting Ready for Grade 4 P293 Fill in the bubble for the correct answer choice. 10. Each player hit a baseball 10 times. Linda batted 8 balls to the outfield. Write a fraction to show what part of 10 hits Linda batted to the outfield. (pp. P285–P286) TEST PREP ___ A 18 B C D 11. Vilma used 8_3 packages of graham crackers to make piecrusts. How can you write the packages of crackers Vilma used as a mixed number? (pp. P287–P288) A B 12. 18 10 ___ 8 9 ___ 10 8 ___ 10 __ 21 8 __ 21 3 C D __ 22 3 __ 31 3 __ of a meter of ribbon to decorate a Sam used 10 12 picture frame. What fraction of a meter of ribbon, in sixths, did Sam use? (pp. P289–P290) B C D 13. 12 5 __ 6 6 ___ 12 12 ___ 10 Leona used 3_8 of a bottle of juice. Which is an equivalent fraction that names the part of the bottle of juice that Leona used? (pp. P291–P292) 6 A ___ 3 C __ B D P294 16 5 __ 8 4 8 __ 3 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2 A ___ Lesson 16 Name Same Size, Same Shape Essential Question How can you identify shapes that have the same size and are shaped the same? You can tell if two shapes have the same size and are shaped the same by comparing the matching parts of the shapes. Activity t 8IBUQBSUTPGUIF TIBQFTEP ZPVOFFEUPDPNQBSF Compare size and shape. Materials O grid paper O scissors O ruler STEP 1 Trace Shape A on grid paper. Cut out Shape A. STEP 2 Move Shape A in any way to compare it to Shape B. STEP 3 Move Shape A in any way to compare it to Shape C. t %PUIFTIBQFTNBUDIFYBDUMZ __ t %PUIFTIBQFTNBUDIFYBDUMZ __ Shape A and Shape B __UIFTBNF Shape A and Shape C __TIBQFEUIF TJ[FBOE__TIBQFEUIFTBNF TBNF © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Try This! Since all the angles in Shapes A and B are the same, you can compare shapes by their matching sides. The length of the shorter side of Shape A is __ units. Explain how the TJ[FBOETIBQFPG4IBQFA DPNQBSFTUPUIFTJ[FBOE TIBQFPG4IBQFC. The length of the shorter side of Shape B is __ units. The length of the longer side of Shape A is __ units. The length of the longer side of Shape B is __ units. So, Shape A and Shape B have the __ size and are shaped the __. Getting Ready for Grade 4 P295 Share and Show 1. Which shape appears to have the same size and the same shape as Shape A? Think: If I trace Shape A and move it, which shape might it match exactly? On Your OwnN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Kyra says that these shapes have the same size and same shape. Is she correct? Explain. P296 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Look at the first shape. Tell if it appears to have the same size and shape as the second shape. Write yes or no. ALGEBRA Lesson 17 Name Change Customary Units of Length Essential Question How can you change feet to inches? You can use different units to name the same length. t 8IBUEPZPVOFFEUPGJOE Erin has a shelf that is 2 feet long. How many inches long is Erin’s shelf? One Way Draw a picture. 1 foot 5 12 inches Draw one box to show each foot. Below each foot, draw 12 small boxes to show the number of inches in 1 foot. Count the total number of small boxes. There are 24 small boxes in all. 2 feet 5 _ inches. So, Erin’s shelf is _ inches long. Another Way Use a number line. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Erin has a table that is 3 feet long. How many inches long is her table? Draw a number line and label it in feet. 1 1 Draw a 12-inch jump for each foot. Add the lengths of the jumps to find the total number of inches. Why do you count by 12s when you rename feet as inches? 3 feet 5 _ inches. So, Erin’s table is _ inches long. Getting Ready for Grade 4 P297 Share and Show 1. Use the number line. Rename 4 feet using inches. 4 feet 5 _ inches On Your OwnN Draw a picture. 2. Rename 7 feet using inches. 7 feet 5 _ inches 3. Rename 6 feet using inches. 6 feet 5 _ inches 4. Use the number line. Rename 8 feet using inches. 5. Ella has a rope that is 10 feet long. How many inches long is the rope? P298 6. Jose is 5 feet tall. How many inches tall is he? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 8 feet 5 _ inches ALGEBRA Lesson 18 Name Change Metric Units of Length Essential Question How can you change meters to centimeters? You have learned to change feet to inches. In this lesson, you will change meters to centimeters. CONNECT Gina needs a piece of wood that is 4 meters long to make a bench. How many centimeters of wood does Gina need? t 8 IBUEPZPVOFFEUPEPUP answer the question? Complete the table to show how the units are related. STEP 1 Look for a pattern to complete the table. Describe the relationship. 1 meter 5 100 centimeters Meters Centimeters 1 2 3 4 100 200 300 400 5 To find the number of centimeters, add _ centimeters for each meter. STEP 2 Use the relationship to find the number of centimeters in 4 meters. 4 meters 5 _ centimeters © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company So, Gina needs _ centimeters of wood to make a bench. Examples A. Change 6 meters to centimeters. B. Change 8 meters to centimeters. Add 100 to _ centimeters. Multiply 100 centimeters by _. So, 6 meters 5 _ centimeters. So, 8 meters 5 _ centimeters. 8IBUEPZPVOFFEUPLOPXJOPSEFS to change from one unit of length to another? Getting Ready for Grade 4 P299 Share and Show 1. How can you change 3 meters to centimeters? Complete the table to show how the units are related. Meters Centimeters 1 2 100 200 3 4 400 To find the number of centimeters, add _ centimeters for each meter. So, 3 meters 5 _ centimeters. Find the unknown number. 2. 2 meters 5 _ centimeters 3. 5 meters 5 _ centimeters On Your OwnN Complete the table. 4. Meters Centimeters 3 4 5 300 400 500 6 7 8 9 10 900 5. 8 meters 5 _ centimeters 6. 3 meters 5 _ centimeters 7. Jorge needs 7 meters of wire for 8. Wanda needs 9 meters of fabric a garden fence. The wire is sold in centimeters. How many centimeters of wire does Jorge need? P300 to make curtains. She has 1,000 centimeters of fabric. Does Wanda have enough fabric to make the curtains? Explain. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Find the unknown number. Lesson 19 Name Estimate and Measure Liquid Volume Essential Question How are cups, pints, quarts, and gallons related? You can use customary units to measure the amount of liquid a container will hold. Some customary units are cup (c), pint (pt), quart (qt), and gallon (gal). Low fat t Low Fa 1 cup (c) at Low F t 1 pin 1 pint (pt) ilkn M 1 gallo Milk Milk 1 quart 1 quart (qt) 1 gallon (gal) Activity Show how cups, pints, quarts, and gallons are related. Materials O cup, pint, quart, gallon containers O water STEP 1 Estimate the number of cups it will take to fill the pint container. Record your estimate in the table. STEP 2 Fill a cup and pour it into the pint container. Repeat until the pint container is full. Record the number of cups it took to fill the pint container. STEP 3 Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the quart and gallon containers. Number of Cups © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Number of Cups in a Pint Number of Cups in a Quart Number of Cups in a Gallon Estimate Liquid Volume Which unit would you use to measure the amount of water needed to fill an aquarium? Explain your choice. Getting Ready for Grade 4 P301 Share and Show Choose the unit you would use to measure the amount of liquid the container will hold. Write cup, pint, quart, or gallon. Think: A cup is small. 1. cup 2. 3. 4. glass bucket bathtub On Your OwnN Choose the unit you would use to measure the amount of liquid the container will hold. Choose the better unit of measure. 5. a dog’s water bowl: 2 cups or 2 gallons 7. Lila made 3 quarts of lemonade. How many cups of lemonade did she make? P302 8. Richard made 2 gallons of fruit punch for a party. How many 1-cup servings can he make? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 6. a juice box: 1 cup or 1 quart Lesson 20 Name Estimate and Measure Weight Essential Question How are ounces and pounds related? Weight is the measure of how heavy an object is. Customary units of weight include ounce (oz) and pound (lb). Customary Units of Weight 1 pound = 16 ounces 1 slice of bread weighs about 1 ounce. Activity 1 loaf of bread weighs about 1 pound. Show how ounces and pounds are related. Materials O spring scale O classroom objects STEP 1 Estimate the weight of the object shown in the table. Record your estimate. STEP 2 Use a scale to measure the weight of the object to the nearest ounce or pound. Record the weight. Include the unit when you record each estimate and measurement in your table. STEP 3 Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each object. Weight of Objects © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Object Estimate Weight apple book pencil box How do your estimates compare to the actual weights? tape dispenser Getting Ready for Grade 4 P303 Share and Show 1. Which unit would you use to measure the weight of Think: A grape is a small, light object. a grape? Write ounce or pound. ounce Choose the unit you would use to measure the weight. Write ounce or pound. 2. 3. 4 On Your OwnN Choose the unit you would use to measure the weight. Write ounce or pound. 6. 8. Duane bought some oregano to use in a batch of pasta sauce. Which is a more likely weight for the oregano, 1 ounce or 1 pound? P304 7 9. Erin bought a bag of flour to use for baking dinner rolls. Did she buy 5 ounces of flour or 5 pounds of flour? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Name Concepts and Skills Look at the first shape. Tell if it appears to have the same size and shape as the second shape. Write yes or no. (pp. P295–P296) 1. 2. ______ 3. Use the number line. Rename ______ 5 feet using inches. (pp. P297–P298) 5 feet 5 _ inches Find the unknown number. 4. (pp. P299–P300) 6 meters 5 _ centimeters 5. 8 meters 5 _ centimeters Choose the unit you would use to measure the amount of liquid the container will hold. Choose the better unit of measure. (pp. P301–P302) © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 6. a pitcher of iced tea: 7. A tea pot holds 1 cup or 1 gallon 4 quarts of tea. 8. Evan bought a large bag of dry How many 1-cup servings of tea does it hold? (pp. P301–P302) dog food for his dog. Did Evan buy 6 ounces or 6 pounds of dog food? (pp. P303–P304) ______ ______ Getting Ready for Grade 4 P305 Fill in the bubble for the correct answer choice. 9. Which shapes appear to have the same size and shape? (pp. P295–P296) TEST PREP A A and B C B and D B B and C D A and C 10. Trey’s desk is 3 feet wide. How many inches wide is the desk? (pp. P297–P298) A 3 inches C 36 inches B 24 inches D 48 inches 11. Juana needs 2 meters of yarn for a friendship bracelet. How many centimeters of yarn does she need? (pp. P299–P300) A 2,000 centimeters C 20 centimeters B 200 centimeters D 2 centimeters 12. Lana made 3 quarts of soup. How many pints of soup A 6 pints C 18 pints B 12 pints D 24 pints 13. Which object weighs about 1 ounce? (pp. P303–P304) A a loaf of bread C a strawberry B a watermelon D a chair P306 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company did she make? (pp. P301–P302) Lesson 1 Name Numbers to Ten Thousand Complete the packing chart. Use the fewest packages possible. When there is a zero, use the next smaller size package. Number of Crates Boxes Cases Stacks Single Blocks Blocks Ordered (Ten Thousands) (Thousands) (Hundreds) (Tens) (Ones) 1. 1,492 2. 3,016 3. 2,804 4. 4,675 5. 1,727 6. 0 4 9 2 1 0 0 2 2,351 0 0 7. 5,008 0 0 8. 4,976 0 0 9. A worker at the block factory © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 1 packed blocks in 3 boxes of 1,000, 4 cases of 100, and 9 single blocks. How many blocks did the worker pack? 7 10. Matt needs to pack an order for 1,816 blocks. How can Matt pack the blocks without using boxes of 1,000? _______ _______ _______ Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP1 Lesson 2 Name Read and Write Numbers to Ten Thousands Write the number in standard form. 2,635 1. 2,000 1 600 1 30 1 5 ____ 2. five thousand, three hundred sixty ____ 3. 8,000 1 800 1 90 1 9 ____ 4. one thousand, fifty-one ____ 5. three thousand, six hundred nine ____ Write the value of the underlined digit two ways. 6. 5,896 7. 4,492 8. 1 ,350 9. 3,413 10. Rename 4,180 as hundreds and 11. Rename 7,168 as tens and ones. tens. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company _ hundreds _ tens 12. The population of a town is 4,951 people. What is the value of the digit 4 in the number? _____ tens ___ ones 13. The number of tourists who visited a national park in one day was nine thousand, four hundred twelve. Write this number in two other ways. Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP2 Lesson 3 Name Relative Size on a Number Line Find the number represented by the point. 1. 7 tens is 70 70 2. For 3–4, use the number line below. Colin and Sophia score points in a game. They show their score on a number line. 3. Colin’s score is shown by point D on the number line. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company How many points has he scored? 4. Sophia scored 3,000 points more than Colin. Draw a point on the number line to show Sophia’s score. What is her score? Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP3 Lesson 4 Name Compare 3- and 4-Digit Numbers Compare the numbers. Write ,, ., or 5 in the . 1. 576 . 567 2. 9,876 9,886 3. 490 409 4. 7,245 7,245 9,034 5. 2,145 2,245 6. 9,304 7. 8,691 8,691 8. 245 9. 1,807 807 10. 5,247 5,247 11. 3,485 3,548 12. 1,953 9,351 13. 6,310 6,310 14. 589 15. 760 17. 7,645 1,760 7,546 254 5,890 16. 5,123 5,321 18. 5,612 5,622 19. On Saturday, 4,567 people saw the new animal © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company movie. On Sunday, 4,078 people saw the movie. Use ,, ., or 5 to compare the number of people who saw the movie on the two days. 20. Captain Fry flies 1,764 miles. Captain Hale flies 764 miles. Who flies more miles? 21. Adam says he is 1,352 millimeters tall. Bobby says that he is 1,452 millimeters tall. Who is shorter? Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP4 Lesson 5 Name Multiply with 11 and 12 Find the product. 99 1. _ 5 9 3 11 2. 12 3 9 5 _ 3. _ 5 1 3 11 4. 2 3 11 5 _ 5. _ 5 12 3 0 6. _ 5 5 3 11 7. _ 5 7 3 12 8. 4 3 11 5 _ 9. _ 5 12 3 4 10. 8 3 11 5 _ 11. _ 5 3 3 12 12. _ 5 9 3 12 Think: 9 3 10 5 90 and 93159 So, 9 3 11 5 90 1 9 5 99. Use the table for 13–14. Supplies 13. Mr. Wang buys 6 packs of pencils. How many Item pencils does Mr. Wang buy? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Pencils 14. Mr. Wang buys 12 packs of pens and 11 packs Number in Each Pack 12 Pens 8 Erasers 9 of erasers. Does Mr. Wang buy more pens or erasers? Explain. Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP5 Lesson 6 Name Divide with 11 and 12 Find the unknown factor and quotient. 1. 11 3 O 5 88 8 O5 _ 88 4 11 5 O 2. 11 3 O 5 55 8 O5 _ 3. 12 3 p 5 36 p5_ O5 _ O5 _ 36 4 12 5 p 4. 12 3 g 5 84 p5 _ g5 _ 55 4 11 5 O 84 4 12 5 g g5 _ Find the quotient. 5. _ 5 96 4 8 6. 44 4 4 5 _ 7. _ 5 60 4 5 8. 55 4 5 5 _ 9. _ 5 66 4 6 10. _ 5 48 4 4 11. 72 4 6 5 _ 12. 88 4 8 5 _ 13. _ 5 108 4 9 14. _ 5 12 4 1 15. _ 5 24 4 2 16. 33 4 3 5 _ Compare. Write ,, ., or 5 for each © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 17. 60 4 12 55 4 11 18. 22 4 2 20. Mrs. Green bought 72 pencils for her class. There were 12 pencils in each box. How many boxes of pencils did Mrs. Green buy? . 48 4 4 19. 96 4 8 84 4 12 21. Henry baked 33 cookies. He put the same number of cookies in each of 11 bags. How many cookies did he put in each bag? Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP6 ALGEBRA Lesson 7 Name Multiplication and Division Relationships Complete the related multiplication and division equations. 1. 4 3 12 5 12 48 4 48 48 4 5 12 12 3 4 8 5 11 58 5 12 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 4 12 5 8 4 12 5 6 5 36 5 36 6. 4 3 11 5 11 3 5 44 36 4 3 5 44 4 5 11 36 4 12 5 44 4 11 5 3 11 5 22 8. 3 8 5 96 96 4 5. 3 3 5 12 72 4 55 55 4 3 8 5 88 7. 8 3 12 5 3 12 5 72 3. 3 6 5 72 4 5 5 11 4 12 5 4 88 4 5 55 11 3 5 5 3 4 5 48 3 11 5 88 4. 2. 5 3 9. 1 3 11 3 2 5 3 1 5 12 22 4 5 11 22 4 11 5 10. Lisa put 66 flowers in vases. She put the same number of flowers in each of 6 vases. How many flowers did Lisa put in each vase? 5 12 4 1 5 12 12 4 51 11. Lisa used 84 flowers to make bouquets. She used 7 flowers in each bouquet. How many bouquets did Lisa make? Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP7 Lesson 8 Name Use Multiplication Patterns Use a basic fact and a pattern to find the products. 30 300 3 3 100 5 _ 3 3 1,000 5 3,000 _ 1. 3 3 10 5 _ 4. 10 3 6 5 _ 2. 10 3 2 5 _ 3. 8 3 10 5 _ 100 3 2 5 _ 8 3 100 5 _ 1,000 3 2 5 _ 8 3 1,000 5 _ 5. 5 3 10 5 _ 6. 10 3 7 5 _ 100 3 6 5 _ 5 3 100 5 _ 100 3 7 5 _ 1,000 3 6 5 _ 5 3 1,000 5 _ 1,000 3 7 5 _ Find the product. 7. 10 3 3 5 _ 8. 9 3 100 5 _ 9. _ 5 6 3 100 10. 1,000 3 9 5 _ 11. _ 5 5 3 10 12. 4 3 100 5 _ 13. _ 5 2 3 10 14. _ 5 1,000 3 1 15. 7 3 1,000 5 _ Use the picture graph for 16–17. 16. How many rocks does Eva have? Explain how you found your answer. Rock Collections Name Number of Rocks Eva © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Tim Sam 17. Sam has 30 more rocks in his collection than Tim. Draw rocks in the picture graph to show the number of rocks in Sam’s collection. Explain your answer. Key: Each 10 rocks. Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP8 Lesson 9 Name Use Models to Multiply Tens and Ones Find the product. Show your multiplication and addition. 1. 2. 3 3 15 5 O 2 3 14 5 O 3 3 10 5 30 3 3 5 5 15 30 1 15 5 45 4. 5. 5 3 14 5 O 7. 4 3 11 5 O 6. 6 3 13 5 O 8. 4 3 17 5 O © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3. 6 3 15 5 O 9. 4 3 16 5 O 5 3 16 5 O 10. Mia babysits for $4 an hour. How much money does she earn if she works for 12 hours? Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP9 Lesson 10 Name Model Division with Remainders Complete. 1. Divide 15 hats into 4 equal groups. 2. Divide 50 forks into 6 equal groups. 3 hats in each There are _ There are _ forks in each 3 hats left over. group and _ group and _ forks left over. 3. Divide 29 cookies into groups of 3. 4. Divide 46 paper cups into groups of 5. There are _ groups There are _ groups and _ cookies left over. and _ paper cup left over. Find the total number of objects. 3 groups and 4 books left over. 6. There are 7 muffins in each of There are _ books in all. 5 groups and 1 muffin left over. There are _ muffins in all. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Use the bar graph for 7–8. 7. If Sarah divides the white shells evenly onto 2 shelves, how many shells will be on each shelf? How many shells will be left over? 8. If Sarah puts an equal number of tan shells into some boxes and has 1 shell left over, how many boxes will she use? How many shells will be in each box? Shell Collection Number of Shells 5. There are 8 books in each of 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 e hit W ay Gr n Ta Color Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP10 Lesson 11 Name Use Models to Divide Tens and Ones Use base-ten blocks and your MathBoard to divide. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 15 1. 60 4 4 5 _ 2. 65 4 5 5 _ 3. 54 4 3 5 _ 4. 90 4 5 5 _ 5. 74 4 2 5 _ 6. 98 4 7 5 _ 7. 75 4 5 5 _ 8. 60 4 3 5 _ 9. 78 4 6 5 _ 10. 84 4 4 5 _ 11. 96 4 6 5 _ 12. 95 4 5 5 _ 13. The third-grade students collected 90 cans of food for a food drive. They want to put an equal number of cans into each of 6 boxes. How many cans will they put into each box? Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP11 Lesson 12 Name Model Tenths and Hundredths Write the fraction that names the shaded part. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 2 __ 10 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. 9. Pedro spins the pointer of a spinner 10 times. The pointer lands on the color blue 7 times. Write a fraction to represent the part of Pedro’s spins that were blue. 10. Anya asks 100 students if they walk 83 to school. Of the students, ___ say 100 they walk to school. How many students walk to school? Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP12 Lesson 13 Name Fractions Greater Than One Each shape is 1 whole. Write a mixed number for the parts that are shaded. 1. 2. _ 21 2 __ 3. __ 4. __ 5. 6. __ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company __ 7. Rachel and her friends eat _54 pizzas. How can you write the amount of pizza they ate as a mixed number? __ 8. Ms. Fuller has _83 pies left over from her party. How can you write the number of pies she has left over as a mixed number? Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP13 Lesson 14 Name Equivalent Fractions © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Use models to find the equivalent fraction. 1 1. __ 5 ___ 5 10 2 2 2. __ 5 __ 8 4 1 3. __ 5 ___ 6 12 2 4. __ 5 __ 4 2 1 5. __ 5 ___ 3 12 3 6. __ 5 ___ 6 12 1 7. __ 5 ___ 2 10 2 8. __ 5 __ 3 6 9. Jamie uses _13 of a package of juice boxes. There were 6 juice boxes in the package to start with. Write the fraction of the package Jamie used in sixths. 10. Luis colors _14 of a spinner using a red crayon. Write the fraction of the spinner Luis colored red in twelfths. Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP14 Lesson 15 Name Equivalent Fractions on a Multiplication Table Use a multiplication table to find three equivalent fractions. 1 1. __ 2 1 2. __ 5 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2 _, 3 _, 4 _ 4 6 8 1 3. ___ 10 2 4. __ 3 2 5. __ 8 2 6. __ 5 3 7. ___ 10 5 8. __ 6 9. Nicki eats _14 of a cereal bar. What are 10. In a crate of apples, 3_5 of the apples three equivalent fractions that name the part of the cereal bar that Nicki eats? are green apples. What are three equivalent fractions that name the part of the apples in the crate that are green? Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP15 Lesson 16 Name Same Size, Same Shape Look at the first shape. Tell if it appears to have the same size and shape as the second shape. Write yes or no. 1. 2. no 3. 4. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5. Juanita draws the rectangles shown. Do the rectangles have the same size and are they shaped the same? Explain. Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP16 ALGEBRA Lesson 17 Name Change Customary Units of Length Draw a picture. 1. Rename 3 feet using inches. 36 inches 3 feet 5 _ 2. Rename 5 feet using inches. 5 feet 5 _ inches 3. Draw a number line. Rename 8 feet using inches. 8 feet 5 _ inches © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 4. Use the number line. Rename 9 feet using inches. 9 feet 5 _ inches 5. Robbie has a piece of rope that is 6 feet long. How many inches long 6. A fence is 4 feet tall. How many inches tall is the fence? is the rope? Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP17 ALGEBRA Lesson 18 Name Change Units for Length Complete the table. 1. 1 2 3 4 5 100 200 300 400 500 Meters Centimeters Think: To find the number of centimeters, add 100 centimeters for each meter. 2. Meters Centimeters 6 7 600 700 9 800 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Find the unknown number. 3. 1 meter 5 _ centimeters 4. 5 meters 5 _ centimeters 5. 4 meters 5 _ centimeters 6. 8 meters 5 _ centimeters 7. 3 meters 5 _ centimeters 8. 7 meters 5 _ centimeters 9. 2 meters 5 _ centimeters 10. 6 meters 5 _ centimeters 11. 9 meters 5 _ centimeters 12. 10 meters 5 _ centimeters 13. Ben paints 5 meters of fence before 14. Dana needs 6 meters of ribbon stopping for lunch. Then he paints 3 more meters of fence. How many centimeters of fence does Ben paint in all? to make bows. She has 160 centimeters of ribbon. Does Dana have enough ribbon to make the bows? Explain. Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP18 Lesson 19 Name Estimate and Measure Liquid Volume Choose the unit you would use to measure the amount of liquid the container will hold. Choose the better unit of measure. 1. a bath tub: 40 cups or 40 gallons 2. a drinking mug: 1 cup or 1 quart 3. a soup bowl: 2 cups or 2 quarts 4. a water bucket: 1 cup or 1 gallon 5. Jay made 4 quarts of fruit juice. milk into cups. How many cups will she fill? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company How many cups of fruit juice did he make? 6. Vanessa will pour 2 gallons of Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP19 Lesson 20 Name Estimate and Measure Weight Choose the unit you would use to measure the weight. Write ounce or pound. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company pound 10. Scott picks some apples to use for a batch of applesauce. Which is a more likely weight for the apples he picks, 5 ounces or 5 pounds? 11. Ms. Mott measures some sugar to make muffins. Does the sugar weigh 4 ounces or 4 pounds? Getting Ready for Grade 4 GRP20