CANCER In this activity you will compare normal cells to cancerous cells and observe the differences between them. PROBLEM How do normal and cancerous cells compare? PROCEDURE 1. Choose a type of cell. (Skin, muscle, liver, lung, etc.) 2. Examine slides/pictures of normal cells/tissue (from your choice in #1). Describe and draw your observations. 3. Repeat step 2 with slides/pictures of cancer cells/tissues (from your choice #1). © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Holt McDougal Biology QuickLab 1 Cell Growth and Division Section 3: Regulation of the Cell Cycle ANALYZE AND CONCLUDE: COMPARE AND CONTRAST 1. How does the structure of the normal cells compare to the structure of the cancerous cells for each of the slides/pictures you viewed? 2. How do cancer cells divide in comparison to normal cells? 3. How do cancer cells get nutrition? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Holt McDougal Biology QuickLab 2 Cell Growth and Division Section 3: Regulation of the Cell Cycle