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Multigrade Program in Philippine Education (MPPE) Overview

Multigrade Program in
Philippine Education
An Overview
Multigrade Program in Philippine Education
• Multigrade teaching involves teaching multiple
grade levels with mix-ages, diverse
backgrounds, and different grade levels and
abilities placed in one classroom.
It can be one or more than five grade levels in a
classroom at the same time.
It could be traced back that the first multigrade
classroom was built in the North America
during 1800s and was organized by the
Americans in the Philippines during 1900s.
It was due to the lacks of support, teachers,
building and services.
Multigrade Program in Philippine Education
• There various theories that supports the development for teaching and learning of the
students in multigrade classroom.
• In a self-paced learning teacher accommodate to the student’s response and needs.
Students can learn and develop, critical, social interaction skills, and self-esteem through
cooperative learning.
• Teachers must not uniform his/her standard to all students because each of these students
has different levels and they also need strategies and lesson fit to their developmental
• While in the differentiated learning students must be engage in a various activities and
experiences to help develop their individual skills and capabilities.
Multigrade Program in Philippine Education
• The students in multigrade are unique in their own, each has their capabilities.
• Students learn best through experience, students are unique in their own, students can
learn and do well with others, the role of teacher in a classroom involves setting up and
managing a learning environment, the implementation of the school curriculum must take
into consideration the varied abilities, levels and interests within particular group, the
value of any educational program will be judged according to how well it can
achieve the goals of the program, inter – aging or the combination of children of
different ages is more respectful of the individual needs of learners and reflects reallife.
Programs that supports
Multigrade Classroom
Multigrade Program in Philippine Education
Multigrade classroom also needs different supports and programs. These programs are:
1. Multigrade Demonstration Schools Projects
• The MDSP Program was financially assisted by
UNICEF (United Nations International
Children's Emergency Fund) and the primary
goal of the program is to achieve a high quality
of education and thus improve the over-all
achievement levels of pupils in MG schools.
Multigrade Program in Philippine Education
Multigrade classroom also needs different supports and programs. These programs are:
2. DepEd-CCFPI Little Red Schoolhouse Project
• It was organized in 1997 by a partnership of DEPEd BEE and Coca-Cola Foundations
Philippines, Inc., organized the little Red Schoolhouse Project in 1997. The
The project components included:
• The construction of three 50 three-room school buildings with toilet facility in each room,
water system and furnishings.
• Training for multigrade teachers ,coordinators and schoolheads on MG instruction.
• Capacity building program for the community.
Multigrade Program in Philippine Education
Multigrade classroom also needs different supports and programs. These programs are:
3. Pupil Learning Enhancement Program
• In 1996-2000 the PLEP a support program for
the universalization of primary education, was
assisted by UNDP (United Nations
Development Program) to the strengthening of
the Multigrade Program in Philippine
Education (MPPE).
Multigrade Program in Philippine Education
Multigrade classroom also needs different supports and programs. These programs are:
4. Search for Multigrade Teacher Achiever
• It was a quest or search that started in 2004 for
the most outstanding Filipino teacher assigned
in the multigrade class in country.
5. The Multigrade School Training Video
• It was a documentary video project about the
multigrade practices in the class. It documented
how the strategies work effectively within a
multigrade school.
Multigrade Program in Philippine Education
Multigrade classroom also needs different supports and programs. These programs are:
6. Congress on Multigrade Education
• In October 2004, the first multigrade class was
conducted and aligns with DEPED policy in improving
the quality and access of elementary education.
• The congress aimed to raise awareness of participants
on the multigrade program in the Philippines to:
enhance their knowledge on effective instructional
strategies and best practices to improve multigrade
instruction; and share among themselves effective
practices in managing and supervising multigrade