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Calamansi & Pineapple Mosquito Repellent Research

Mosquito Repellant Candle with Scent of Calamansi
(Citrofurnella microcarpa) and Pineapple peel extract
(Ananas comosus).
Anthonete C. Abio
Jhunnea Farah S. Hugo
Christian Earl S. Pentojo
Aiza A. Abubakar
Lyan M. Aclul
Isabelle R. Agustin
Nada S. Ambil
Nur-Jhanna A. Aramal
Rufaida A. Arip
Manisha L. Ibba
Raiza C. Panangka
The success of this investigatory project is really vital to the researchers
despite the tough and challenging times experienced. The conduct of this study will
not be possible without the help and effort of the significant people whom the
researcher value and forever be grateful of.
First, the researcher would like to extend their gratitude to the school Principal
IV, Dr. Lyna H. Basri, Ed.D., CES of Basilan National High School for the support
and allowing us to conduct this study and the Science Department Head Mrs.
Joseline Alcantara, and Science Laboratory in-charge Mrs. Alelie K. Bazan for the
opportunity given to our section to have an investigatory project and allowed us to
utilized the laboratory apparatuses.
To Mr. Mark Randy Bautista Bertulfo, the researchers Science Investigatory
Project teacher for always giving his best to guide, support, and advices given to the
researchers to always give their best and be positive all the time.
To the researcher's classmates Anthonete C. Abio, Jhunnea Farah S. Hugo,
Christian Earl S. Pentojo, Aiza A. Abubakar, Lyan M. Aclul, Isabelle R. Agustin,
Nada S. Ambil, Nur-Jhanna A. Aramal, Rufaida A. Arip, Manisha L. Ibba, Raiza C.
Panangka whom actually extent their help in gathering and preparing the materials.
Mosquitoes are one of the most common pests that can ruin indoor and outdoor
activities, and their bites can also transmit deadly diseases. Mosquito repellants have
been the go-to solution for many people, but most commercial insecticides contain
harsh chemicals that can be harmful to human health and the environment. To
address this issue, a new type of mosquito repellant candle has been developed,
which is made from natural ingredients and has a pleasant scent.
The mosquito repellent candle is made from natural ingredients such as calamansi
(citrofurnella microcarpa) and pineapple peel extract (ananas comosus). Calamansi
is a citrus fruit that is commonly found in the Philippines and is known for
antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Pineapple peel extract, on the other
hand, contains enzymes that can break down proteins, making it effective in
repelling mosquitoes.
The combination of these two natural ingredients creates a unique scent that is not
only pleasant but also effective in repelling mosquitoes. The candle works by
releasing the scent into the air, which masks the human scent, making it difficult for
mosquitoes to detect their prey. This makes the candle an excellent choice for
outdoor activities such as camping, picnics, and barbecues.
The use of natural ingredients in the mosquito repellent candle makes it a safer and
more sustainable alternative to commercial insecticides. The candle is also easy to
use, and its compact size makes it convenient to carry around. Additionally, the
candle can be recycled, reducing its impact on the environment.
In conclusion, the mosquito repellent candle made from calamansi and pineapple
peel extract is an effective and eco-friendly solution to repel mosquitoes. The natural
ingredients used in the candle make it safer for human health and the environment,
and its unique scent adds a pleasant aroma to indoor and outdoor activities.
Title Page ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1
Acknowledgment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
a. Background of the Study ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
b. Statement of the problem………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
c. Objectives of the Study ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….9
d. Hypothesis …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
e. Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…11
f. Scope and Delimitation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…11
g. Definition of Terms …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…12
Review of Related Literature ……………………………………………………………………………………………..13
a. Research locale ……….………………………………………………………………………………………...18
b. Research design …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18
c. Materials and Apparatuses ………………………………………………………………………….. 18
d. Procedures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
e. Flow Chart ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………20
Result and Discussions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..21
Conclusions and Recommendations …………………………………………………………………………….…..25
Reference List …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..27
Appendices …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………29
A. Background of the Study
Mosquitoes are insects that could threaten people's health in a variety of ways and they are
certainly among the animal kingdom's most obnoxious and repulsive insects. Mosquitoes are
harmful to our health because they are known to transmit a diversity of harmful diseases. Using its
saliva, the mosquito can spread illnesses and parasites to the next person it bites. Any illness that
spreads this manner from a mosquito to a person or an animal is referred to as a mosquito-borne
disease. Common types of mosquito-borne diseases are Malaria, Dengue, West Nile virus,
Chikungunya, Yellow fever and Zika. Eliminating mosquito breeding grounds is the first step in
preventing mosquito-related diseases. Other steps include utilizing anti-insect lotion, chemicalburning anti-mosquitoes, anti-mosquito spray, chemical-based electric mosquito repellent, and
more. The various approaches to dealing with the most significant role in solving for mosquitorelated issues include chemical-based mosquito coils and chemical-based creams, sprays, and
electronic insect repellents are all options. Nonetheless, each of these insecticides has adverse
negative effects that impact both the health and damage the environment. Calamansi (citrofurnella
microcarpa) often referred to as calamondin or Filipino lime, is a crucial citrus hybrid that is
mostly grown in the Philippines. In the industrial field, the juice of calamondin is used as a stain
remover, body deodorant, skin bleach and hair shampoo. Calamansi, the main ingredient in
microcarpa is d-limonene, which has a bitter taste and irritates insects by dissolving the wax
covering on their respiratory systems, acting as a good insect repellant. Pineapple (ananas
comosus) a large tropical fruit with a rough orange or brown skin and pointed leaves on top and
one of the key crops and top agricultural commodities of the Philippines. Pineapple can be
processed into products such as pulp, juice, beverages, jam and many more. On the other hand,
only the flesh and skin of the pineapple can be used.
Despite the fact that the pineapple's skin is underutilized and is just discarded as organic waste has
numerous advantages, including the creation of compost, ingredients for cleaning agents, and even
benefits for physical health in the form of customary medical care. Several investigations have
been carried out to discover plant-based natural repellents, and one of them uses pineapple peel
extract. Flavonoid chemicals, tannins, and saponins found in pineapple peel extract have the ability
to both kill and repel mosquitoes. Previous integrated programs to reduce the spread of insectborne diseases have recognized the use of repellents to protect individuals from mosquito bites.
Insect repellents interfere with an insect's sense of taste and smell to keep it from locating a human
or animal host. According to the theorized mechanism, repellent engage the "odor binding
proteins" (OBP) in the insect antenna, causing them to flee (Ditzen et al., 2008). This study is
conducted to determine the "Effectiveness of calamansi (Citrofurnella Microcarpa) and pineapple
peel extract (Ananas Comosus) as a mosquito repellant."
B. Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of Calamansi (citrofurnella
microcarpa) and pineapple peel extract (ananas comosus) as a mosquito repellent.
Specifically, by providing answers to the following questions:
1. Can researchers make a mosquito repellant?
2. Is calamansi with pineapple peel extract effective mosquito repellent?
C. Objectives of the Study
The following are the objectives of the study:
1. Determine if calamansi and pineapple peel extract has mosquito-repelling
2. Provide information and evidence-based data that can contribute to the
development of natural and sustainable mosquito repellants.
D. Research Hypothesis
From the problem that is stated in the significance of the study, the following hypotheses
were formulated:
1. Ho1: Researchers cannot make a mosquito repellant with the scent of calamansi and
pineapple peel.
Ha1: Researchers can make mosquito repellant with the scent of calamansi and
pineapple peel.
2. Ho2: Calamansi with pineapple peel extract is not effective mosquito repellent.
Ha2: Calamansi with pineapple peel extract is effective mosquito repellant.
E. Significance of the Study
There is limited scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of calamansi and
pineapple peel extract as mosquito repellents. Although both components have a strong
scent that may repel mosquitoes, further studies need to be conducted to confirm their
effectiveness as mosquito repellents. Natural substances such as calamansi and pineapple
peel extract as mosquito repellents is an important area of research as it can potentially
provide an alternative to synthetic and chemical-based repellents, which may have harmful
effects on human health and the environment. One study published in the Journal of Vector
Ecology found that calamansi extract had some repellent properties against Aedes aegypti
mosquitoes, which are known to spread dengue fever. However, the researchers noted that
the effectiveness was limited and did not last very long compared to other commercial
mosquito repellents. If the study shows that calamansi and pineapple peel extract are
effective as mosquito repellents, it can have significant implications for public health and
mosquito control efforts. This can be particularly relevant in areas where mosquito-borne
diseases are prevalent and where access to chemical-based repellents may be limited.
The effectiveness of pineapple extract against Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi
mosquitos was investigated in a study published in the journal PLoS ONE. The extract had
some repellent properties, according to the study, but their effectiveness was short-lived
and inconsistent. Moreover, the use of natural substances as mosquito repellents can also
have economic benefits as they are often more affordable and readily available compared
to synthetic and chemical-based repellents. Overall, more research is needed to determine
the effectiveness of calamansi and pineapple peel extract as mosquito repellents. People
should continue to use other proven mosquito repellents, such as picaridin, to protect
themselves from mosquito bites and potential diseases and to provide a safer and more
sustainable alternative to traditional mosquito repellents, thereby improving public health
and reducing the environmental impact of mosquito control efforts.
F. Scope and Delimitations
The focus of this study is to determine the potential of a mosquito repellant candle
with the scent of Calamansi (citrofurnella microcarpa) and pineapple peel extract (ananas
comosus) against the mosquitoes. Specifically, the duration of making the scented candle
and experiment using the product to the mosquitoes.
This study will be conducted at Barangay San Rafael, Purok Almaciga Isabela City,
The experiment will last two weeks to ensure that enough data is collected and
reliable results are obtained.
•The delimitation of this study is that it only repels mosquitoes and does not eliminate them
completely. This means that even though the scent of calamansi and pineapple peel extract
may repel mosquitoes, they may still be present in the area. Thus, it cannot be relied upon
as the only measure to keep mosquitoes away.
•The study will only focus on Calamansi (citrofurnella microcarpa) and pineapple peel
extract (ananas comosus) and not examine the potential of the other fruits as a scent of
mosquito repellant candle.
•The effectiveness of the mosquito repellent candle may vary depending on the
environment and the number of mosquitoes present in the area. In outdoor areas with a
high concentration of mosquitoes, the candle may not be sufficient to keep.
•The study will examine the potential of Calamansi (citrofurnella microcarpa) and
pineapple peel extract (ananas comosus) scented candle as a mosquito repellant not as
insect repellant.
G. Definition of Terms
Pineapple peel extract- The rind of a pineapple is the tough outer skin you can recognize
the rind as the parts of the pineapple that you do not usually eat.
The solvent extracts of pineapple peel constitute of major flavonoids and other phenolic
compounds like gallic acid, catechin, ferulic acid.
Calamansi extract- It is an extract made from real pressed Calamansi fruits.
Mosquito repellant- A mosquito repellant is a substance put on skin, clothing, or other
surfaces which discourages mosquitoes from landing or crawling on that surface.
Scented candle- Made with fragrant oils mixed into the wax, gives off a pleasant aroma
when burning.
Natural substances- A natural product is a natural compound or substance produced by a
living organism that is found in nature.
Aedes aegypti- A yellow fever mosquito, it is a mosquito that can spread dengue fever.
Anopheles stephensi- Is a primary mosquito vector of malaria in urban India and is
included in the same subgenus as Anopheles gambiae, the primary malaria vector in Africa.
Picaridin- It is an insect repellent that is applied directly to the skin.
The summary of readings and modifications from the internet, journals, books, and other
research projects is included in this chapter. This is crucial since it offers data that will
inform and underpin the current investigation. This would be a big assist in giving people
a better knowledge of the subject at hand.
Mosquitoes are widespread flying insects that can be found almost anywhere in the
world except for Antarctica, every continent on Earth has at least one of the more than
3,500 mosquito species. Not all mosquitoes bite humans or other creatures. Itching and
swelling are the most frequent responses to mosquito bites in humans. Some mosquitoes
have the potential to carry diseases. An animal, bug, or tick that transmits infections
(germs) to people and animals is referred to as a vector. You could become ill from the
viruses and parasites that mosquitoes transmit. Some mosquitoes that bite do not transmit
disease. These mosquitoes are referred to as nuisance mosquitoes. A mosquito's lifespan as
an adult- ranges from two to four weeks, depending on the species, humidity, temperature,
and other conditions. Male and female mosquito lifespans frequently differ. In order to
consume blood, only female mosquitoes bite humans and other animals. In order to lay
their eggs, female mosquitoes require a blood meal. A neighborhood can experience an
outbreak of disease with just a few infected mosquitoes, putting you and your family at risk
of being infected with it. (Centers for Disease Control and prevention, 2020).
Mosquito is one of the organisms that has been the subject of the greatest research. They
are deserving of such focus due to their significance in the spread of diseases and
annoyance biting. However, only a tiny number of these diverse species may harbor
disease-causing pathogens, and it is these species that have been the focus of the most
extensive research. This extensive body of research has aided in the development of disease
and mosquito-control strategies and helped us better understand how diseases are spread
by mosquitoes for the benefit of public health (Hawkes, Frances M., and Richard J.
Hopkins ,2021).
The calamansi fruit, which is tiny and extremely spherical and is called kalamansi
in the native Tagalog dialect.
In the Philippines, citrus fruit is quite common. When the peel is still thin, the fruits are
frequently utilized Its corresponding color is green since it has a green exterior. Typically,
it is used to make a juice that is widely available commercially and is also used to flavor
meals. Another application is using it for cleaning, and it's also occasionally used as bleach,
body deodorant, spot remover, and other things (Office of the City Agriculturist, 2012).
Apparently, Morton J. (1987), the calamondin is said to have originated in China and was
transported to Indonesia and the Philippines in the past. It became the primary source of
citrus juice in the Philippine Islands and is widely grown in Malaysia, India, and southern
Asia. In Hawaii, Bahamas and some islands of the West Indies, and parts of Central
America uses it is a typical decorative dooryard.
Tvedten (2011) claims that the skin of citrus fruits contains limonene. Oil Limonene, which
is the primary ingredient in citrus oils, is taken from the peels. A natural insect repellant is
limonene. Linalool, an additional insecticide derived by extracting oil from the rind of
citrus fruits, is found in citrus peels. Pests detest limonene and linalool and will stay away
from places that have been treated with them. Limonene paralyzes adult fleas but may not
always kill them.
Properties of Calamansi
Carminative, deodorant, antiseptic, antiphlogistic, aromatic, and refrigerant.
hepatoprotectants, expectorants, and antioxidant characteristics (Straut Jr., 2016). The
growth of blood vessels (angiogenic process) and radical oxidation (oxidative process) Two
major mechanisms that aid in the development of cancer are cellular substance
transformation and cancer metastasis. Accordingly, a research that examined the
antiangiogenic and antioxidant effects of various doses of calam ansi (Citrus microcarpa)
ethanolic peel extract found that it had more antioxidant qualities than the vitamin C
(Anonymous, 2016).
Uses of Calamansi
One of the tiniest and least expensive fruits available is the calamansi. Although it
is a tiny fruit, it does not adequately convey the various advantages it may provide your
body. This fruit helps you look better, strengthen your immune system, and become in
shape. (Yayang, 2014). Other use for calamansi include the following, including hair
Calamansi can be used to lessen dandruff if you have it. To lessen irritation, just apply it
on your scalp. Additionally, it functions as a deodorant, it will assist lighten your armpit
because deodorant occasionally causes our armpits to become darker. It aids in skin
lightening. If you smell the calamansi peel and feel queasy or nauseated, squeeze it. Just
be cautious not to press it too close to your eyes. Your clothing may also be cleaned of
stains using it. Simply apply some calamansi drops. Unclean space. Additionally, it aids in
the lightening of white clothing and the treatment of acne (Yayang,2014).
An edible fruit from a perennial plant in the Bromeliaceae family is known as a
pineapple (Ananas comosus). Pineapples are a tropical fruit with a cone-like form and a
tough, waxy covering that has tiny spines sticking out of it. There is a firm core in the
midst of the golden interior flesh. The center, leafy top, and hard skin are not consumed.
Although pineapple is currently grown all over the world, it was first domesticated in South
America. Despite the fact that the Caribbean was covered in pineapple trees when
Columbus and other European explorers first arrived in the New World, current botanists
regard the Parana Paraguay River basin in South America to be the genuine home of the
pineapple fruit (Mary Ellen Ellis, 2019). The possibility for pineapple peel extract to be
used as a natural pesticide that is less harmful to the environment and can be used to control
Aedes aegypti, a vector of dengue hemorrhagic fever in its larval stage.
Properties of Pineapple
Not many people are aware of the advantages of the fruit's peel, despite the fact that
it is praised and consumed practically everywhere. Pineapple peel extract may have
antibacterial properties. Based on findings from an investigation that included
phytochemical substances made from alkaloids, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, and
terpenoids. A plant's secondary metabolite composition determines the specific insecticidal
effects it has on insects. The phytochemical compounds found in pineapple peel are toxic
to Aedes aegypti larvae, with flavonoids having the ability to impair breathing and cause
nerve wilting, saponins to reduce mucous membranes, alkaloids to act as stomach poisons,
tannins to harm tissues, and terpenoids to impair breathing (Journal of Pharmaceutical,
Uses of pineapple
Additionally mentioned are the possible culinary items and waste processing of
pineapples. In relation to the prospective uses of pineapple, future views and problems are
critically discussed. According to the analysis, pineapples offer a number of health
advantages and may represent a breakthrough in the food and agriculture industries. The
processing of pineapple offers a lot of possibilities to add value. Protease and antioxidants
are present. It works well against thrombus development, inflammation, and the production
of cancerous cells. In order to preserve the nutritional value of the pineapple fruit,
processing firms throughout the world are experimenting with or utilizing innovative
technology. The peel from these pineapple processing businesses may be used to make
biogas, animal feed, and manure. The pineapple is a source of nutritious and useful foods
to which the scientific community still has to pay attention (Journal of Pharmacognosy and
Phytochemistry, 2019).
This chapter presents the various procedures that were used in carrying out or
conducting this experiment. Additionally, it provides information about the research locale,
research design, materials and apparatuses, procedure and flow chart.
A. Research Locale
This study, particularly the preparations of Calamansi and Pineapple peel extract
were conducted at Barangay San Rafael, Purok Almaciga, Isabela City Basilan. The
Calamansi and Pineapple were bought at Isabela City Public Market. The making of
Scented Candle was conducted at the house of one of the researchers at Barangay San
Rafael Purok Almaciga, Isabela City, Basilan.
B. Research Design
In this research study, the researchers used experimental method wherein the
researchers attempted to produce mosquito repellant as scented candle from natural
resources such as soy wax, calamansi, and pineapple peel extract. Experimental research
is a powerful tool for understanding cause and effect relationship. It allows us to manipulate
variables and observe the effects, which is crucial for understanding how different factors
influence the outcome of the study. This method is considered applicable to the study titled
“Mosquito Repellant Candle with Scent of Calamansi (Citrofurnella macrocarpa) and
pineapple peel extract (ananas comosus)". The independent variable of this study was the
scent of calamansi and pineapple peel extract while the dependent variable was the
mosquito repellant candle used to determine the effect of scented candle to the mosquitoes.
C. Materials and Apparatuses
The materials that the researchers used in conducting the experiment were:
Calamansi and pineapple, plastic gloves, tissue,120g soy wax, candle wicks, 2.5 oz tin
cans, 600 ml steel cup, wax core clips, olive oil, measuring cups, blender, stove, pot, 2 cups
of water, thermometer, weighing scale, strainer and an empty container.
D. Procedure
Gathering of Materials
The researchers gathered all the materials such as: Calamansi and Pineapple that
were bought from the Isabela City Public Market, Plastic Gloves and tissue are bought at
Mabuhay enterprise, 120g of soy wax, candle wicks, 2.5 oz of tin cans, 600 ml steel cup,
wax core clips were bought at the KCC Mall de Zamboanga, and the thermometer,
weighing scale, are borrowed at Basilan National High School Laboratory, Leroy S.
Brown, Eastside Barangay Isabela City, Basilan, measuring cup, blender, stove, pot, 2 cups
of water, strainer and an empty container.
Procedure in Extracting Calamansi and Pineapple peel
1. Wash the calamansi and pineapple thoroughly
2. Peel the calamansi and slice the side of the pineapple to get the peel
3. Put the peel of calamansi in the blender
4. Blend and wait until it cuts into small pieces, set it aside and do the same process for
the pineapple.
Procedure in Making Scented Candles
1. Prepare your materials.
2. Melt the 120g soy wax flakes on the pot over medium heat. Stir occasionally until the
wax reaches a temperature of 85°C.
3. Add three (3) tablespoons of calamansi and pineapple peel. Stir well to combine the
extract on the melted wax.
4. Remove the wax from the heat and let it cool to 70oC.
5. Place the wick with the metal base in the center of the candle mold.
6. Slowly pour the melted wax into the candle mold, taking care not to disturb the wick.
7. Allow the candle to cool and solidify for several hours. Trim the wick to ¼ inch.
E. Flow Chart
This chapter presented the data collected and interpretation of qualitative analysis and data
are combined in this portion of the study.
The results and discussion present the same order stated in the statement of the problem
(SOP) stated in the beginning of the study.
Problem 1:
Can researchers make a mosquito repellant?
Table 1: Making Scented Candles
Number of Experimentation Process
in making candle.
Trial 1
bought The extracts did not mix in the
candles, wax and the candle has no
calamansi, and pineapple and color.
started to get the extracts of
the two (2) fruits.
Trial 2
The researchers tried to make The
a calamansi and pineapple together. However, all the
peel essential oil (to see if the researchers agreed to make
oil and wax will mix together) another procedure and tried
and stored it in seven (7) days, the extracts from the peel of
researchers bought soy wax calamansi and pineapple peel
a instead of essential oil.
mosquito repellant.
Trial 3
The researchers started to peel The extracts of calamansi and
the calamansi and pineapple pineapple successfully mixed
then melted the soy wax and together in the wax and
put the peels of the said fruit.
achieved the desired candle
mosquito repellant.
The table above presented the results, number of making the candle and process done by
the researchers. Trial one (1) stated that the first experiment failed because the wax and extracts
did not mix together, in Trial two (2) the researchers made an essential oil using calamansi and
pineapple and waited for seven (7) days to produce the oils. The Trial three (3) shows how
researchers finally achieved the mosquito repellant candles by putting peels of calamansi and
pineapple in the melted wax.
Problem 2:
Is calamansi with pineapple peel extract effective mosquito repellent?
Table 2: Tests whether candle can repel mosquitoes.
Number of tests whether the Process
candle can repel mosquitoes.
Trial 1:
The researchers placed the While waiting for five (5)
sample candle inside the minutes
cage and lit it. Waited for researchers
five (5) minutes and the fire mosquitoes are starting to
was then extinguished.
fly everywhere. After five
mosquitoes are lying inside
the cage.
Trial 2.
Researchers tried the same As stated in the trial number
process in the next day. one, still the same outcome
the was established.
sample candle was placed
outside the cage.
The table above manifested the tests whether candle can repel mosquitoes, number of
experimentations, process and the outcome.
The researchers cultured mosquitoes and made an improvised mosquito cage so that
mosquitoes can stay in one place. Trial one (1) shows how the candle effectively repel mosquitoes
and made some mosquitoes dizzy. The same process made in the trial two (2) but the candle is
placed outside the cage and the outcome are still the same.
A. Findings
1. Determine if Calamansi and pineapple peel extract has a mosquito--repelling
The findings of a study investigating the mosquito repellent properties of calamansi
and pineapple peel extract revealed that both extracts exhibited repellant effects against
mosquitoes. The extracts showed the ability to repel mosquitoes, reducing their attraction
and subsequent biting.
2. Provide information and evidence-based data that can contribute to the development of
natural and sustainable mosquito repellants.
1. Calamansi Peel: Calamansi (Citrus microcarpa) peel contains essential oils and
compounds that have shown insecticidal and repellent properties against certain
insects. These compounds may have the potential to repel mosquitoes as well.
However, more research is needed to determine the specific repellent effectiveness
of calamansi peel against mosquitoes.
2. Pineapple Peel: Pineapple (Ananas comosus) peel contains bromelain, an enzyme
that has insecticidal properties and can act as a natural repellent. Some studies have
shown the repellent effects of pineapple extract against certain insects, but its
efficacy against mosquitoes specifically is not well-documented.
B. Conclusion
Based on the experiment conducted by the researchers, calamansi and pineapple peel
extract has a potential to repel mosquitoes. Therefore, the experiment proved the potential
of two ingredients such as calamansi and pineapple peel extract used in making the
mosquito repellant, in which it creates a unique scent and effective way on repelling
C. Recommendations
This study manifests the mosquito repellant candle with scent of calamansi (citrofurnella
macrocarpa) and pineapple (ananas comosus) peel extract. With this, the following
recommendations are expressly presented.
1. The mosquito repellant with scent of calamansi (citrofurnella macrocarpa) and
pineapple (ananas comosus) peel extracts has been conducted. So, the researchers
recommend for the future researchers to conduct the same study to determine if the
same results of the research will be established.
2. For the future researchers, repeat the same study and try if the candle with scent of
calamansi and pineapple peel extract can repel not only on mosquitoes but also to some
insects like flies.
3. Mosquitoes are carrier of diseases and one of the most dangerous insects within the
world. In addition, researchers recommend to always use mosquito repellant such as
lotions, stickers, sprays or other commercial products so that diseases like malaria
carried by mosquitoes can be avoided.
(Centers for Disease Control and prevention, 2020). Retrieved April 6, 2023 from
(Hawkes, Frances M., and Richard J. Hopkins ,2021). Retrieved April 6, 2023 from
Tvedten (2011) Get Set, Inc.; What Is in Product Called Bugs 'R' Done; Retrieved April 6, 2023
from http://www.thebestcontrol.com/bugstop/control_alternatives_favorite.htm
(Anonymous, 2016). Retrieved April 6, 2023 from http://eprints.upnyk.ac.id/22761/1/2.%20ABS3.pdf
(Yayang,2014). Retrieved April 6, 2023 from https://group6jstud.wordpress.com/2017/03/08/aloevera-and-calamansi-peelings-as-agent-for-hair-oil-research-proposal/
(Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2019). Retrieved April 6, 2023 from
Preparation for Gathered Materials.
Preparation for Calamansi and Pineapple peel.
Preparation for making candle repellant.
The researchers transferred the ingredients into a single boil pot in order for wax to melt or boil