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For which time period would the nurse notify the health care provider that the client had no bowel sounds?
A. 2 minutes
B. 3 minutes
C. 4 minutes
D. 5 minutes
John Joseph was scheduled for a physical assessment. When percussing the over the client’s stomach, the nurse would
expect to find which assessment data as a normal sign over his stomach?
A. Dullness
B. Resonance
C. Hyperresonance
D. Tympany
Physical assessment is being performed to Geoff by Nurse Tine. During the abdominal examination, Tine should perform
the four physical examination techniques in which sequence?
A. Auscultation immediately after inspection and then percussion and palpation
B. Percussion, followed by inspection, auscultation, and palpation
C. Palpation of tender areas first and then inspection, percussion, and auscultation
D. Inspection and then palpation, percussion, and auscultation
Chuck, who is in the hospital, complains of abdominal pain that ranks 9 on a scale of 1 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain). Which
interventions should the nurse implement? (Select all that apply.)
A. Assessing the client’s bowel sounds
B. Taking the client’s blood pressure and apical pulse
C. Obtaining a pulse oximeter reading
D. Notifying the health care provider
E. Determining the last time the client received pain medication
F. Encouraging the client to turn, cough, and deep breathe
The nurse is performing an assessment of a client’s abdomen. Upon palpation, the nurse feels an abnormal lump in the
left upper quadrant that is extremely painful for the client. The nurse is likely palpating which of the following?
A. Inflamed spleen
B. Inflamed appendix
C. Enlarged liver
D. Bilious gallbladder
The nurse is performing an abdominal assessment and inspects the skin of the abdomen. The nurse performs which
assessment technique next?
A. Palpates the abdomen for size
B. Palpates the liver at the right rib margin
C. Listens to bowel sounds in all for quadrants
D. Percusses the right lower abdominal quadrant
The sigmoid colon is located in this area of the abdomen: the
A. Left upper quadrant
B. Left lower quadrant
C. Right upper quadrant
D. Right lower quadrant
The colon originates in this abdominal area: the
A. Left upper quadrant
Left lower quadrant
Right upper quadrant
Right lower quadrant
While palpating a female client’s right upper quadrant (RUQ), the nurse would expect to find which of the following
A. Sigmoid colon
B. Appendix
C. Spleen
D. Liver
10. The primary function of the gallbladder is to
A. Store and excrete bile
B. Aid in the digestion of protein
C. Produce alkaline hormones
D. Produce hormones
11. The nurse is planning to assess the abdomen of an adult male. What should be done first?
A. Ask client to empty bladder
B. Place the client in side-lying position
C. Ask client to hold his breath for a few seconds
D. Tell client to raise arms above the head
12. The nurse is percussing the seventh right intercostal space at the mid-clavicular line over the liver. Which sound should
the nurse expect to hear?
A. Dullness
B. Tympany
C. Resonance
D. Hyperresonance
The nurse is planning to assess a client’s abdomen for rebound tenderness. The nurse should
Perform this abdominal assessment first
Ask the client to assume a side-lying position
Palpate lightly while slowly releasing pressure
Palpate deeply while quickly releasing pressure
13. The nurse is aware that one change that may occur in the gastrointestinal system of an aging adult is:
A. Increased salivation
B. Increased liver size
C. Increased esophageal emptying
D. Decreased gastric acid secretion
14. A client visits the clinic for routine examination. The client tells the nurse that she has become constipated because she
is taking iron tablets prescribed for anemia. The nurse has instructed the client about the use of iron preparations and
possible constipation. The nurse determines that the client has understood the instructions when she says:
A. “I can decrease the constipation if I eat foods high in fiber and drink water.”
B. “I should cut down on the number of iron tablets I am taking each day.”
C. “Constipation should decrease if I take the iron tablets with milk.”
D. “I should discontinue the iron tablets and eat foods that are high in iron.”