MEASUREMENT, PRECISION AND ACCURACY Dr. Abayomi A. A. Measurement • Measurement is the process observing and recording the observations that are collected as a research effort. • It is an act of assigning numbers to objects or events. • Some of the measurements and calculations in chemistry involve quantities such as pressure, volume, mass and energy. • Every quantity includes both a number and a unit. For Example If the mass of a sample is 20 grams, it means that the mass is 20 times the mass of 1 gram. Although 20 grams has the dimension of mass, 20 is a pure dimensionless number, being the ratio of two masses, that of the sample and that of the reference, 1 gram. International System of Units • The international system of units (usually known as SI units, from the French Sys-tème International) consists of several base units from which all other units (such as those of volume or energy) are derived. • Because the base units are sometimes too large or too small for use, SI prefixes are used to produce smaller or bigger units. • the milligram (0.001 g, and symbolized mg) is used if small masses are being recorded. • The cubic metre (written m3) is too large for most purposes in chemistry, and the cubic decimetre, dm3 (or litre) is commonly used 3 3 3 i.e 1m = 1000 dm = 1 000 000 cm Base Unit SI base unit Base quantity Length Mass Time Electric current Name meter kilogram second ampere Symbol m kg s A Thermodynamic temperature kelvin K Amount of substance Luminous intensity mole mol candela cd Derived Unit Derived quantity Name Symbol area square meter m2 volume cubic meter m3 speed, velocity meter per second m/s acceleration meter per second squared m/s2 wave number reciprocal meter m-1 mass density kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3 specific volume cubic meter per kilogram m3/kg current density ampere per square meter A/m2 magnetic field strength ampere per meter A/m amount-of-substance concentration mole per cubic meter mol/m3 luminance candela per square meter cd/m2 mass fraction kilogram per kilogram, which may be represented by the kg/kg = 1 number 1 Significant Figures • The numerical value of every observed measurement is an approximation, since no physical is exact. • The accuracy of a measurement is always limited by the reliability of the measuring instrument. For Example A recorded length of 15.7 to the nearest 0.1 cm means that the actual length lies between 15.65 and 15.75 cm. If the same measurement was made to the nearest 0.01 cm, it will recorded as 15.70 cm. While 15.7 has 3 sf. 15.70 has 4 sf. Significant Figures (cont.) • Measurement are often recorded to show the degree of uncertainty in the measurement using the “±” sign. • Thus the measured 15.7 cm could be written as 15.7 ± 0.1 • The recorded digits (both certain and uncertain) are called significant figures. • Generally, the ± could be dropped by assuming an uncertainty of one unit in the rightmost. • The greater the number of significant figures in a maesurement, the greater is the uncertainty. Significant Figures (cont.) Determining Which Digits are Significant i. Ensure the measured digit has a decimal point. i. Starting from the left, move to the right until the first non zero digit is reached. ii. This digit and every digit to its right is significant. i. v. Zeroes that end a number and lie either after or before the decimal point are significant. Thus, 1.030, 5300 and 5.300 x 103 have 4 sf. Sample Questions i. For each of the following quantities, underline the zeros that are significant figures and determine the number of significant figures in each quantities: a. 0.0030 L b. 0.1044 g c. 53069 mL d. 0.00004715 m e. 57,600 s f. 0.0000007160 cm3 Significant Figures and Calculations When doing arithmetic operations as common in most calculations in chemistry, the urge to round off must be avoided. The following must be observed in such cases: i. For multiplication and division, the answer should contain the same number of sf as in the measurement with the lowest sf. e.g What is the volume of a graphite composite with 9.2 cm length, 6.83 cm width and 0.3744 cm thickness? V (cm3) = 9.2 cm x 6.83 cm x 0.3744 cm = 23 cm3 ii. For addition and subtraction, the answer will have the same no. of decimal places as the measurement with the least no. of decimal places e.g What is the final volume of a mixture containing 38.5 mL water and 23.28 mL protein solution V (cm3) = 38.5 mL + 23.28 mL = 106.8 mL Rules for Rounding Off i. If the digit removed is more than 5, the preceding number is increased by 1. Thus 5.379 rounds off to 5.38 i. If the digit removed is less than 5, the preceding number remains unchanged. Thus 0.2413 becomes 0.241. ii. If the digit remove is 5, the preceding number is increased by 1 if it is odd and remains unchanged if it is even. Thus 17.75 rounds up to 17.8 while 17.65 become 17.6. iii. Always carry one or two additional sf through multistep calculation and round up. Statistical Treatment of Data • Significant Figures : number of digits know with certainty + the first in doubt. • Rounding off: use the same number of significant figures. •Addition and subtraction: 13.4+ 1478.224 = 1491.624 ~ 1491.6 •Multiplication and division: 31x350.1=10,853.1~11,000 Statistical Treatment of Data • Mean, arithmetic mean, and average are synonyms. N x xi i 1 N • Median: is the middle result when replicate data are arranged in order of size. Statistical Treatment of Data • Accuracy: indicates the closeness of the measurement to its true value or accepted value. It is expressed by the error. • Precision: describes the reproducibility of measurements. That is: the closeness of results that have been obtained in exactly the same way. Precision and Accuracy Accuracy refers to the closeness of a measured value to a standard or known value. For example, if a weight measurement is 3.2 kg for a given substance, but the actual or known weight is 10 kg, then the measurement is not accurate. Precision refers to the closeness of two or more measurements to each other. For example: If the above measurement is made thrice to give 3.2, 3.1 and 3.2, then the measurement is precise. Statistical Treatment of Data Low accuracy, low precision Low accuracy, high precision High accuracy, low precision High accuracy, high precision Precision and Accuracy The concept of precision and accuracy are linked with two types of errors: i. Systematic error: This produces values that are either all higher or all lower than the actual or true value. Such errors are common and may be due to a faulty or uncalibrated measuring device. ii. Random error: this produces some values that are higher or lower than the true values. Random errors depend on the measurer’s skill. Precise measurements have low random error. Accurate measurements have low systematic error and generally low random error. Statistical Treatment of Data Distribution of Experimental Data • Precision: •Describes the reproducibility of measurements. •It can be represented by the deviation from the mean. That is: di xi x Distribution of Experimental Data Precision: Describes the reproducibility of the measurements. •It can be represented by: •The deviation from the mean. di xi x xi x •Average Deviation. d N x N •Standard Deviation s i 1 x 2 i N 1 Statistical Treatment of Data • Kind of Errors: •Systematic: instrument or the measuring technique. •Random: judgement of the observer, fluctuations in conditions (temp., voltage, pressure, etc.) Statistical Treatment of Data • Absolute Error: E xi xtrue xi xtrue • Relative Error: E 100% xtrue Standard Deviation • Sample Standard deviation (for use with small samples n< ~25) • Population Standard deviation (for use with samples n > 25) – m = population mean – IN the absence of systematic error, the population mean approaches the true value for the measured quantity. ( xi x ) s n 1 2 ( xi m ) N 2 Example • The following results were obtained in the replicate analysis of a blood sample for its lead content: 0.752, 0.756, 0.752, 0.760 ppm lead. Calculate the mean and standard deviation for the data set. Standard deviation • 0.752, 0.756, 0.752, 0.760 ppm lead. x 0.755 ( xi x ) s n 1 2 You’d report the amount of lead in this sample of blood as Excel® Demo Distributions of Experimental Data • We find that the distribution of replicate data from most quantitative analytical measurements approaches a Gaussian curve. • Example – Consider the calibration of a pipet. Replicate data on the calibration of a 10-ml pipet. Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Volume 9.988 9.973 9.986 9.980 9.975 9.982 9.986 9.982 9.981 9.990 9.980 9.989 9.978 9.971 9.982 9.983 9.988 Mean 9.982 ml median 9.982 ml spread 0.025 ml Standard Deviation Trial 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 0.0056 ml Volume 9.975 9.980 9.994 9.992 9.984 9.981 9.987 9.978 9.983 9.982 9.991 9.981 9.969 9.985 9.977 9.976 9.983 Trial 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Volume 9.976 9.990 9.988 9.971 9.986 9.978 9.986 9.982 9.977 9.977 9.986 9.978 9.983 9.980 9.983 9.979 Frequency distribution Volume Range, mL Number in Range % in range 9.969 to 9.971 3 9.982 to 9.974 1 9.975 to 9.977 7 9.978 to 9.980 9 9.981 to 9.983 13 9.984 to 9.986 7 9.987 to 9.989 5 9.990 to 9.992 4 9.993 to 9.995 1 6 2 14 18 26 14 10 8 2 14 Average= 9.982 12 Number of measurements Std. Dev = + 0.0056 10 8 6 4 2 0 9.965 9.970 9.975 9.980 9.985 9.990 Range of measured values 9.995 Confidence Intervals For small data sets ts Confidence Interval for m x n small data sets m is the true mean and the above equations express that the “true mean” will be in the calculated range at a given confidence. Example • The following results were obtained in the replicate analysis of a blood sample for its lead content: 0.752, 0.756, 0.752, 0.760 ppm lead. Calculate the mean and standard deviation for the data set. 0.755 0.003 ppm Find (a) the 50% CL and (b) the 90% CL Confidence Intervals ? ts CL for m x n CL for m 0.755 t 0.003 4 Confidence Intervals ? ts CL for m x n 50% CL for m 0.755 50% CL for m 0.755 t 0.003 4 0.765 0.003 50% CL for m 0.755 0.001 4 Confidence Intervals ? ts CL for m x n t 0.003 90% CL for m 0.755 4 2.353 0.003 90% CL for m 0.755 4 90% CL for m 0.755 0.004 Confidence Intervals 90 % CI 50 % CI 0.750 0.755 0.760 There is a 50% chance that the true mean, m, lies in the range 0.755 + 0.001 ppm (of from 0.754 to 0.756 ppm) Likewise, these calculations mean that there is a 90% chance that the true mean, m, lies in the range 0.755 + 0.005 ppm (of from 0.750 to 0.760 ppm) Confidence limits and uncertainty • Suppose we measure the volume of a vessel five times and observe values: 6.372, 6.375, 6.374, 6.377, and 6.375 mL. And find average = 6.374 mL And s = 0.001 mL Use a 90% CL to Estimate uncertainty! Experimental Uncertainty • Well, a 90% CI means that there is a 90% chance that the true volume is within the range. And find average = 6.374 mL And s = 0.001 mL ts CL for m x n CL for m 6.374 t (0.001 ) 5 Experimental Uncertainty ______(0.0018 ) 90% CL for m 6.3746 5