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Mirror Image Close Reading Worksheet

Close Read Practice Page
from Mirror Image
by Lena Coakley
Do a close read of paragraphs 70–71 in the selection by marking the text and answering the
following questions.
from Mirror
Paragraphs 70–71, from
“When Alice met Mr. Jarred”
to “Do you know me?”
Close Read Notes
1. Why might the location where Alice and Mr. Jarred
meet—the middle of the street—be symbolic or
2. Underline three details about the location and
conditions in which Alice and Mr. Jarred meet. How does
the general atmosphere of their meeting place reflect
Alice’s feelings or her situation?
3. Why might meeting Mr. Jarred, rather than Mrs. Jarred,
be especially meaningful for Alice and her story?
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
4. Why do you think the author includes the details that
Mr. Jarred “might have walked right by” Alice had she not
been “staring hard at him”?
5. In your own words, describe how Mr. Jarred’s first line
to Alice is an interesting way to start off their
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.