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Teaching Profession Exam Review: Professional Education

S2022 PROF ED The Teaching Profession
Education (Philippine Normal University - North Luzon)
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Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
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Which is true of a professional?
A. Completed college/university degree
B. Required of NC IV from TESDA
C. Demonstrates solely ethical competence
D. Abides by his personal Code of Ethics
Based on elements of the profession, can the taxi driver
be considered a professional?
A. No, because a driving is not a college/university
B. Yes, because there's such a term professional driver.
C. It depends on the technical and ethical competence of
the taxi driver.
D. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest.
Which of the following qualities is MOST becoming of a
professional teacher?
A. Humility in work
B. Regularity in discipline
C. Frugality in saving
D. Love of profession
For those who successfully pass the Licensure
Examination for Teachers, the
Chairman of the Philippine Regulation Commission
serves as evidence for law full practice of the profession.
A. Professional license
B. Professional Oath copy
C. Professional registration fee receipt
D. Merit examination certificate
All teachers in private schools are required to have a
license. Is this statement correct?
A. No
B. Yes
C. It depends on the school where the teacher teaches
D. It depends on the teaching experience of the teacher
Are school heads and superintendents required to obtain a
professional teacher’s license?
A. No, since they do administrative functions only
B. Yes, since they are classified as teachers.
C. No, since they are managers not teachers.
D. Yes, since they are also classroom teachers.
Based on RA 10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013 is a non-licensed teacher allowed to teach in the K to
12 Curriculum full time?
A. Yes, provided he/she obtains a license within five
years from the time of hiring.
B. No, no one may teach without a license.
C. Yes, only in Tech-Voc track where there is dearth of
qualified teachers.
D. That depends on the policy of the educational
Among reforms for enhancing teacher professionalism,
which has been implemented by law in order to determine
whether prospective teachers have acquired professional
competencies prior to granting them a permit to teach?
A. accrediting a national organization for teachers
B. setting up centered for excellence in teacher
education centers
licensure examination
creation of a professional board for teachers
After the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the first legal basis
to make teaching as a profession and consider teachers
are professional was
A. RA 9293
C. PD 1006
B. RA 7640
D. RA 7836
10. Based on RA 7836, which of the following are grounds for
the revocation of certificate of registration and professional
teacher license?
Immoral, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct
Insanity as declared by a court or competent
Gross incompetence, gross negligence or serious
ignorance of the practice of the teaching profession.
I and II
II and III
I and III
I, II and III
11. With RA 7836, does the Board for Professional teachers
have the power after due process, to suspend or revoke
the certificate of registration of any registered
professional teacher for a justifiable cause?
A. No, if the professional teacher appeals to the higher
B. No
C. It depends on the gravity of the offense
D. Yes
12. Based on RA 7836, can a professional teacher’s license
be revoked due to willful neglect of continuing professional
A. It depends on the reason for neglect
B. No.
C. Yes.
D. It depends on the number of years of teaching of the
13. Which was the first body to perform regulatory functions
over the teaching profession?
A. Civil Service Commission
B. Professional Regulation Commission
C. National Board of Teachers
D. Board for Professional Teachers
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LET S2022 The Teaching Profession
Downloaded by Adrian Ortiz (casilang004@gmail.com)
14. Who among these graduates is not qualified to take the
Licensure Examination for Teacher (LET)?
A. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
B. Bachelor of Elementary Education
C. Associate in Arts
D. Bachelor of Agricultural Education
15. Which is true of the periodic merit exam for teacher
provided for in RA 7836?
Consist of oral exam
Consist of written exam
May serve as additional basis for merit promotion
in addition to performance rating
Taken with fee of P 1000 per examinee
I only
I and IV
C. I, II and III
D. II only
16. Who are granted special temporary permit to teach based
on RA 9293?
A. Those who failed in the LET
B. Those who failed in the LET but once only.
C. The who failed with an average rating from 70-74%
D. Those who failed not more than twice with an average
rating from 70-74%.
17. According to RA 9293, are passers of the Professional
Board Examination for Teachers (PBET) given the Civil
Service Commission required to take the LET to obtain a
A. No, PBET rating is a professional license itself
B. Yes, that’s the only way to obtain a license
C. No, PBET passers may apply for conversion of their
PBET rating into a license with PRC
D. Yes, only the text for General Education
18. Teacher Kevin has not practiced his profession for the past
five years. Can he go back to teaching immediately?
A. Yes, if nobody can take his place
B. No
C. No, unless he has enrolled in refresher course of 12
D. Yes
19. Can Manny Pacquiao be given a special permit to teach
boxing in a special school?
A. No, he is not a teacher education graduate
B. No, he has not passed the LET
C. Yes, he is a graduate of ALS
D. Yes, he has excelled and gained international
20. Is an alien qualified to take the Licensure Examination for
A. No, he/she is not a natural born citizen of the
B. Yes, provided his/her country has reciprocity with the
Philippines in the practice of the teaching profession.
C. Yes, provided he/she is a teacher education graduate.
D. No, because she/he is not a citizen of the Philippines.
21. By way of language medium, which is best for students of
diverse cultural backgrounds?
A. Regional dialects C. National language
English and Filipino
D. Multi-lingual teaching
22. Which is TRUE of the Alternative Learning System?
A. Learning system parallel to the formal system
B. Lower than the formal system
C. More practical than the formal system
D. Excludes informal learning system
23. Under the 1987 Philippine Constitution, which has been
provided as official languages for purposes of
communication and instruction?
A. Filipino only
B. Filipino, English and Spanish
C. English only
D. Filipino and English
24. The terms ethnicity, minority, multiculturalism, and diversity
are integral to the understanding of cultural proficiency in
teaching. Religion is a component of culture. What
constitutional provision refers to religious instruction?
A. The parents or guardians may express in writing that
religion shall be allowed to be taught within regular
hours by instructors designated or approved by the
religious authorities of the religion to which the
children belong.
B. Religion may be taught in Values Education/Character
Education by the classroom teacher.
C. Public elementary and high schools may offer religion
as an optional curricular subject.
D. Religion is a required subject in all private elementary
and high schools.
25. A high school graduate was denied admission to a
university on the grounds that he failed the admission test.
The student insisted that he had the right to be admitted
and the act was a violation of his right to education. Was
the student correct?
A. No, the university may refuse the student in its
exercise of academic freedom.
B. No, if the university is exclusively for girls.
C. Yes, education is everyone’s right.
D. Yes, especially if he belongs to the Indigenous
People’s group
26. A school personnel can avail of free legal service under
certain circumstances. Principal Bert was accused of
maligning his neighbor. Is Principal Bert entitled to the said
A. Yes, she should defend herself.
B. No, if funds are not available.
C. No, it might bring some disagreements in school
D. No, the case is not related to her professional duties.
27. As provided for in the Education Act of 1982, how are the
institutions of learning encouraged to set higher standards
of quality over the minimum required for state recognition?
A. Academic freedom
C. Granting of Special Permit
D. Voluntary accreditation
28. With RA 9155, to which body were all the functions,
programs, and activities of the Department of Education
related to Sports competition transferred?
A. Commission on Higher Education
B. Technical Education Services Development Authority
C. Philippine Sports Commission
D. Commission on Higher Education
29. With the RA 10157 or the Kindergarten Education Act,
which rule applies?
A. The Kindergarten child learns subjects such as Math,
English, Science and Filipino.
B. No child can go to Grade 1 without completing
C. A child who is more than 5 years of age won’t qualify
for Kindergarten.
D. A child beyond 5 years of age may go to Grade 1.
30. Accrediting the Madrasah is a government’s move towards
A. Promoting science and technology, culture and sports
B. Meeting the manpower needs of the country
C. Democratizing access to education
D. Improving the quality of education
31. Under the educational service contracting scheme,
students not accommodated in public elementary and
secondary schools because of lack of classrooms,
teachers and instructional materials, enroll in private
schools in their respective communities with the
government paying for the students’ tuition and other fees
instead of constructing additional buildings, hiring new
teachers, and purchasing more teaching materials. This
system is in line with which educational goals?
A. Access
C. Adequacy
B. Relevance
D. Access and equity
LET S2022 The Teaching Profession
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32. Based on the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013,
which does basic education in the Philippines
Early Childhood Education
Elementary Education
Secondary Education
Alternative Learning System
Education for Children with Special Needs
II and III
I II, III, and IV
C. I, II and III
D. I, II, III, IV, and V
33. Senior high students from private schools are supported
by the government when they go to private schools by
way of
A. low tuition fees
C. scholarship grants
B. voucher system
D. free tuition fees
34. What is TRUE of Alternative Delivery Modes (ADMs)?
Address the learning needs of the marginalized
pupils and those learners at risk of dropping out
Help learners overcome social and economic
constraints in their schooling
Simplify curriculum for students at risk of
dropping out
I only
II and III
C. II only
D. I and II
35. Assigning teachers in their own barangay, municipality or
province is a consideration of economic and cultural
factors in the educational system. R.A. 8190 provides that
in the appointment or assignment of teachers to public
elementary or secondary schools, priority shall be given to
bona fide residents of the barangay, municipality, city or
province where the school is located, provided, and that
the teacher possesses all the minimum qualifications for
the position as required by the law. Under R.A. 8190, a
bona fide resident is a teacher who has resided a
particular barangay, municipality, city or province where
the school is located for a period of at least prior to
A. Three months
C. Six months
B. Six years
D. Three months
36. In R.A. 8980 which of the following is covered by the early
childhood development?
A. Early childhood to late childhood
B. Early childhood to middle childhood
C. Birth to 6 yrs old
D. One year old to 6 yrs old
37. Which are classified as bullying?
Punching, pushing, shoving, kicking, slapping,
headlocks, inflicting school pranks, and fighting
using available objects as weapons
Any act that causes damage to a victim’s psyche
and/or emotional well-being.
Name-calling, tormenting, and commenting
negatively on victim’s looks, clothes, and body
Cyber-bullying or any bullying done using
technology or any electronic means
I and II
III and IV
C. II, III, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV
38. R.A. 8491 is known as the “Flag and Heraldic Code of the
Philippines.” This act declares that “reverence and respect
shall at all times be accorded the flag, the anthem, and
other national symbols which embody the national ideals
and traditions and which express the principles of
sovereignty and national solidarity.” Flags which have
become worn out through wear and tear shall be
A. Thrown away
B. Solemnly burned
C. Kept in storage section
D. Washed, and given to schools without flags
39. Which is one example of service learning immersion that
is part of teaching-learning program for professional
A. On-the-job training
B. Field studies
C. Laboratory experiments
D. Seminars and workshops
40. Since quality of teacher competencies is critical to
education, which of the following strategies is the most
likely indicator of teacher effectiveness and achievement?
A. Internship competition
B. Standards for teacher performance
C. Graduation standards
D. Admission requirement
41. Which of the following is an acceptable initiative
conductive to the teacher’s making a difference in the
achievement of new generations of the country’s youth?
A. Quality teacher preparation
B. Greatest prestige in the community
C. Highest pay in the country
D. Wearing of distinctive teacher’s uniform
42. What is the LATEST standards for teachers in the
A. National Competency Based Teacher Standards
B. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
C. National Competency Based Teaching Standards
D. Philippine Professional Standards for Teaching
43. Among factors to professionalism, what is the LEAST of
the characteristics that determine the quality of
professional service by teachers?
A. Commitment to ethical standards
B. Continuing professional development
C. Salary range in service
D. Long and arduous work preparation
44. Why is CPD necessary for professional teachers?
To continuously improve personal and professional
To be at par with other professionals
To abide the CPD Act of 2016
II and III
I, II and III
C. III only
D. I and III
45. Which statement is TRUE of society’s demand from the
professional teacher?
A. The professional teacher is concerned only with
classroom teaching.
B. Effective teaching is the primary duty of the
professional teacher.
C. Because the professional teacher is expected to
campaign for the good candidate during election time.
D. The professional teacher is not expected to lead in
community affairs in order not to jeopardize her
46. With PPST as guide, an ideal learning environment should
have the following characteristic, EXCEPT
A. Is safe and conducive for learning
B. The learning environment promotes fairness
C. Establishes and maintains consistent standards of
learner’s behavior
D. Build many professional linkages.
47. What is the highest career stage of a teacher in the PPST?
A. Distinguished
C. Highly proficient
B. Proficient
D. Most proficient
48. What does PQF mean?
A. Philippine Quality Framework
B. Philippine Qualifications Frame
C. Philippine Qualifications Framework
D. Philippine Quality Framework
49. How is the “professional standards” in the PQF best
A. As a status
C. As a benchmark
B. As a law
D. As ethical code
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LET S2022 The Teaching Profession
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50. What is the concrete proof that teacher as a public servant
and or official has violated RA 6713 mandate to
demonstrate straight of modest lives appropriate to their
positions and income?
A. Extravagance and ostentatious wealth
B. Fettling undue patronage
C. Inefficient use of public funds
D. Political party affiliation and preferences
51. Principal B acted on the letter of complaint received by his
office 30 days after saying he was preoccupied by more
important things the past days. Is his reason acceptable?
A. Yes, because he has to prioritize things.
B. No, RA 6713 states that public officials and
employees must act promptly on letters and requests
within 15 working days from receipt thereof.
C. Yes, because the letter of complaint can wait and is of
no urgency.
D. No, the reason is simple unacceptable.
52. Which is an exemption in the code of ethics of teachers?
A. Principal C. Division Office Superintendent
B. Librarian D. Master Teacher
53. The promulgation of the Code of Ethics for Professional
Teachers under Resolution 435 of the PRC expressly
covers teachers in all educational institutions at the
following levels, and implicitly at the
A. Elementary
C. Preschool and primary
B. Tertiary level
D. Secondary
58. Mr. Sanchez is always willing to work overtime as
requested by his superior due to exigency of the service.
What percentage of his regular remuneration after he has
completed at least 6 hours of actual teaching should be
paid to him as additional compensation?
A. 20%
C. 25%
B. 30%
D. 35%
59. Teacher Rey has been in active service for 10 years when
he decided to pursue higher studies. Under RA 4670, what
kind of leave of absence can he avail of?
A. Indefinite leave
C. Scholarship leave
B. Study leave
D. Vacation leave
60. Teacher Janus is assigned in a rural area; Teacher
Vanessa in a depressed community; Teacher Iah in a
hazardous area; and Teacher Prince in a place where
standard of living is high. Who is entitled to a hardship
A. Teacher Janus
C. Teacher Iah
B. Teacher Vanessa
D. Teacher Prince
“You are capable of amazing
54. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching
assignments that adversely affect their teaching. Does this
mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with
A. No, because every teacher is expected to provide
leadership and initiative in activities for the betterment
of communities.
B. Yes, because teaching is more than enough for full
time job.
C. No, because to lead in community activities is the job
of elected officials.
D. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice
demands that they be properly compensated.
55. A teacher discovers that a product of a certain bottling
company brings about damage to teeth. Much as he wants
to share the products of his research, he could not
because of harassment from all sides. Which teacher’s
right is violated?
A. Right to one’s honor
B. Right to make a livelihood
C. Academic freedom
D. Right to property
56. A teacher has the right to engage in legitimate income
generation. Which is/are NOT legitimate income
Tutoring one’s own pupil in school for a fee
Giving remedial teaching for a slow learner in
class for a fee
Selling books to parents of failing pupils for a
I only
II only
C. III only
D. I, II and III
57. On which policy is RA 4670 known as the Magna Carta for
Public School Teachers focused?
A. Right to establish or join organizations
B. Code of ethics for professional teachers
C. Recruitment shall take place after training
D. To promote and improve the social and economic
status of public school teachers
LET S2022 The Teaching Profession
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