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Acupuncture for Internal Disease: Impotence & Infertility

Acupuncture treatment for
Internal Disease
Male infertility
Wasting and Thirsty disorder
Fever due to internal disorder
Consumptive frail syndrome
Refer to inability to engage in sexual intercourse due to
inability to have an erection or a strong erection
WM: can appear in neurosis, cardiovascular disease, nerve
disorders, hormonal disorders, medications
Etiology and pathogenesis
 Excessive sexual activity
 Mental overexertion or emotional distress
 Improper diet
Decline of Mingmen fire (kidney yang)
Clinical manifestations
Failure in erection, spermatorrhea with thin clear cold seminal
fluid, dizziness, tinnitus, low spirit, sore weak waist and knees,
aversion to cold, cold limbs, pale complexion, pale tongue, thin
weak pulse
Treatment principle
Warm kidney yang, tonify original qi, replenish essence
Decline of Mingmen fire (kidney yang)
 RN4, DU4
 BL23, SP6
 Baliao (BL31-34)
 Tonifying method, moxa
 Thin cold seminal fluid: + DU3 moxa
 Poor appetite: + ST36
 Dizziness, tinnitus: + GB20
Liver qi stagnation
Clinical manifestations
Failure in erection, or short time erection, worsen by emotional
distress, depressed mood, frustration, irritable, distention in lower
abdomen, epigastrium and hypochondria, frequent sigh, reduced
appetite, thin white coating, wiry pulse
Treatment principle
Sooth liver, promote flow of qi, nourish tendons and collaterals
Liver qi stagnation
 LV3, BL18
 LV8, SP6
 RN6
 Reducing method
Damp heat flowing downward
Clinical manifestations
Short time erection and premature ejaculation, wet scrotum with foul
smell, sore and heavy lower limbs, dark yellow urine, yellow greasy
coating, soft rapid pulse
Treatment principle
Clear heat, resolve damp, restore the flow of qi and blood
Damp heat flowing downward
 LV2, KI8
 RN3, SP9
 SP6
 Reducing method
Sore lower limbs: + KI10
Ear acupuncture treatment
Points: Heart, Kidney, Endocrine, External genitalia, Testis,
Shenmen, Liver
Method: select 2-4 points, mild stimulation, 20-30 min
Points: BL31-34, KI2 / RN4, SP6.
Method: Use the two groups of points alternately with low
frequency pulse for 3-5 min.
Check the medication and medical history thoroughly.
Impotence/seminal emission in many cases is a functional
Ask the patient to abstain from sexual activity during
Male Infertility
Inability to have baby for 2 or more years with normal sexual
life and without using contraceptives
WM: caused by abnormal sperm production or function,
problem with sperm delivery
Etiology and pathogenesis
Constitution, overexertion
External damp heat invasion
Emotional distress
Male Infertility
Kidney yang deficiency
Clinical manifestations
Infertility for long time, low sex drive, impotence or premature
ejaculation, spermatorrhea, dizziness, tinnitus, low spirit, sore
weak waist and knees, aversion to cold, cold limbs, clear urine,
loose stool, pale complexion, pale tongue, deep thin pulse
Treatment principle
Tonify kidney yang, supplement qi, replenish essence
Male Infertility
Kidney yang deficiency
 RN4, DU4
 BL23, SP6
 BL20, ST36
 Tonifying method, moxa
 Loose stool: + ST25
Male Infertility
Kidney yin deficiency (empty fire)
Clinical manifestations
Infertility for long time, frequent nocturnal emission or premature
ejaculation, dizziness, tinnitus, hot sensation in 5 centers, night
sweat, dry stool, red tongue, little coating, deep thin rapid pulse
Treatment principle
Nourish kidney yin, clear deficiency fire, replenish essence
Male Infertility
Kidney yin deficiency (empty fire)
 KI3, KI6
 BL23, BL52
 RN4
 Tonifying method
 Severe deficiency fire: + KI2, HT8
 Dizziness, tinnitus: + GB20, LV3
Male Infertility
Qi and Blood deficiency
Clinical manifestations
Infertility for long time, reduced sex drive, insufficient erection,
fatigue, shortness of breath, dislike talking, poor appetite,
dizziness, blurry vision, palpitation, dream-disturbed sleep,
cramping in the legs, pale complexion, pale tongue, white thin
coating, deep thin weak pulse
Treatment principle
Tonify qi and blood, support kidney, replenish essence
Male Infertility
Qi and Blood deficiency
 BL20, ST36, SP6
 RN4, RN6
 BL23
 Tonifying method
 Palpitation, dream-disturbed sleep: + HT7
Male Infertility
Liver qi stagnation
Clinical manifestations
Infertility, depressed mood, low sex drive, may have impotence,
fullness in the chest, hypochondrial pain, reduced appetite, dark
tongue, thin white coating, wiry pulse
Treatment principle
Sooth liver, promote flow of qi, support kidney qi
Male Infertility
Liver qi stagnation
 LV3, BL18
 BL23, SP6
 RN2
 Reducing method
Poor appetite: + ST36, RN12
Irritability, fullness in the chest: + PC6
Male Infertility
Damp heat
Clinical manifestations
Infertility, history of STD or infection, swollen scrotum, may with
itchiness and burning sensation during urination or turbid
discharge, heavy sensation in the body and lower limbs, fullness
and distention in lower abdomen, dark scanty urine, yellow
greasy coating, soft rapid pulse
Treatment principle
Clear heat, resolve damp, replenish essence
Male Infertility
Damp heat
 RN3
 SP6, SP9
 RN2, BL32
 Reducing method
Itchiness, burning sensation, turbid discharge: + LV2, KI2
Wasting and Thirsty Disorder (Xiao Ke)
A condition characterized by excessive drinking, eating and
Western medicine: diabetes mellitus
Etiology and pathogenesis
Emotional stress or mental overstrain
Indulgence in sweet fatty food, spicy food or alcohol
Excessive sexual activity
Root – yin deficiency, Branch – dry heat
Wasting and Thirsty Disorder
Upper Xiao (Lung heat consuming body fluid)
Clinical manifestations
Excessive thirst and drinking, dry mouth and tongue, may
accompanied by profuse urine, excessive eating, red tip of tongue,
yellow thin coating, flooding rapid pulse
Treatment principle
Clear heat, moisten lung, generate body fluid, relieve thirst
Wasting and Thirsty Disorder
Upper Xiao
 HT8, BL15
 LU10
 LU9, BL13
 Yishu
 Tonifying / reducing method
Dry mouth and tongue: + RN23, RN24
Wasting and Thirsty Disorder
Middle Xiao (Excessive stomach heat)
Clinical manifestations
Markedly increased food intake, easily become hungry, burning pain
in stomach, irritability, feeling hot, profuse sweating, emaciation, dry
hard stool, may accompanied by excessive drinking and urination,
dry yellow coating, slippery rapid pulse
Treatment principle
Clear stomach heat, tonify yin fluid, relieve hunger and thirst
Wasting and Thirsty Disorder
Middle Xiao
 ST44, BL21
 SP6, BL20
 Yishu
 Tonifying / reducing method
burning pain in stomach, easily hungry: + RN12, PC6
Wasting and Thirsty Disorder
Lower Xiao (deficiency of kidney yin essence)
Clinical manifestations
Frequent and profuse urination with cloudy sweet urine, dry mouth
and tongue, thirst with excessive drinking, dizziness, blurry eyes,
flushed cheeks, restless, feverish sensation in 5 centers, insomnia,
easily hungry but without excessive eating, sore and weak lower
back and knee, red tongue, thin rapid pulse
Treatment principle
Nourish kidney yin, clear deficient heat, preserve essence
Wasting and Thirsty Disorder
Lower Xiao (deficiency of kidney yin essence)
 KI3, BL23
 LV3, BL18
 Yishu
 Tonifying method
Blurry vision: + GB37, BL1, Qiuhou
Dizziness: + DU23
Insomnia: + HT7, SP6
Wasting and Thirsty Disorder
Lower Xiao (deficiency of kidney yin and yang)
Clinical manifestations
Very frequent and excessive urination with thick turbid urine, dry
mouth and tongue, dry lusterless ears, thirst, dizziness, blurry eyes,
sore and weak lower back and knee, dark dim complexion, afraid of
cold, cold limbs, excessive urination, impotence in men, amenorrhea
in women, pale tongue, white coating, deep thin forceless pulse
Treatment principle
Warm yang & nourish yin of Kidney, restore control, astringe and
preserve essence
Wasting and Thirsty Disorder
Lower Xiao (deficiency of kidney yin and yang)
 KI3, BL23
 ST36, RN6
 DU4
 Yishu
 Tonifying method, moxa
Impotence: + BL52 moxa, RN2
Amenorrhea: + SP6, RN4
Wasting and Thirsty Disorder
Ear acupuncture treatment
Points: Pancreas, Endocrine, Kidney, Sanjiao, Shenmen,
Heart, Liver
Method: select 3-5 points, mild stimulation, 20 min, every
other day
Cutaneous needling
Points: Jiaji points (T7-T10)
Method: tapping on the points everyday or every other day, 510 treatment
Wasting and Thirsty Disorder
This disease should be differentiated from diabetes insipidus
and nervous pollakiuria
Diabetic patients get easily infected. Extra caution is required
in sterilization and clean needle technique
Fever due to internal disorder
Fever caused by disorders of Zangfu organs, qi, blood, yin,
Characterized by slow onset, long disease course, low fever,
but sometimes high fever or just feverish sensation
Western medicine: fever with unknown reasons, fever due to
chronic diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis
Fever due to internal disorder
Etiology and pathogenesis
Emotional distress, trauma
Mental / physical overexertion
Improper diet
Deficient constitution, prolonged illness, febrile disease
Loss of blood, multiple labor
Abuse/misuse of medicine of warm dry or cold nature
Fever due to internal disorder
Qi stagnation fever
Clinical manifestations
Low fever or tidal fever which influenced by emotional change,
depression or short temper, distending sensation in chest and
hypochondria, dry mouth, bitter taste, reduced appetite, red tongue,
yellow coating, wiry rapid pulse.
Treatment method
Sooth liver, regulate qi, resolve stagnation, clear heat
Fever due to internal disorder
Qi stagnation fever
 LV2, LV3, BL18
 SP6
 Reducing
Severe qi stagnation, hypochondriac pain: + LV14, GB34
Severe heat, constipation, dry mouth: + SJ6
Reduced appetite: + RN12
Fever due to internal disorder
Blood stagnation fever
Clinical manifestations
Fever in the afternoon or night, usually begin after trauma or
postpartum, feeling feverish sensation in some parts of body, may
have fixed pain or lump at the feverish area, dry mouth and throat
without drinking much water, sallow or dark complexion, bluish
purple tongue, petechia or ecchymosis, wiry or choppy pulse.
Treatment method
Invigorate blood, remove stasis, relieve fever
Fever due to internal disorder
Blood stagnation fever
 BL17, SP6, SP10
 LV3
 Reducing
High fever: + LI11
Pain in the body and limbs: + LI4, BL40 BL60
Fever due to internal disorder
Damp retention fever
Clinical manifestations
Low fever worse in the afternoon, oppression in the chest and stuffy
epigastrium, general heavy sensation, poor appetite, thirst without
desire for water, nausea, vomiting, loose stool or sticky stool, white
or yellow greasy coating, soggy rapid pulse.
Treatment method
Drain damp, clear heat, disperse stagnation, relieve fever
Fever due to internal disorder
Damp retention fever
 SP9, ST44
 RN12, ST36
 Reducing
Nausea, vomiting: + PC5
Stuffy and oppressed sensation in the chest: + RN17, PC6
Damp heat in Shaoyang, alternate chills and fever with more fever,
bitter taste: + GB34, GB43
Fever due to internal disorder
Qi deficiency fever
Clinical manifestations
Fever can be low or high, starting or worse on exertion, fatigue,
shortness of breath, dislike talking, spontaneous sweating, easily
catch cold, poor appetite, loose stool, pale tongue, white thin coating,
thin weak pulse.
Treatment method
Tonify spleen, replenish qi, clear Yin fire, relieve fever
Fever due to internal disorder
Qi deficiency fever
 ST36, RN6
 BL13, BL12
 DU20
 Tonifying, moxa
Severe sweating: + BL43, DU14
Chills and fever: + BL11
Stuffy epigastrium, greasy coating: + SP9, RN12
Poor appetite, loose stool: + BL20, BL21
Fever due to internal disorder
Blood deficiency fever
Clinical manifestations
Low fever in most cases, dizziness, blurry vision, fatigue, lassitude,
palpitation, agitation, pale complexion, lips and nails, pale tongue,
thin dry coating, thin weak pulse.
Treatment method
Tonify qi, nourish blood, harmonize ying, relieve fever
Fever due to internal disorder
Blood deficiency fever
 BL17, BL18, SP6
 ST36, BL20
 Tonifying
Severe blood deficiency: + RN4, RN6
High fever: + DU14
Due to bleeding: +SP1 moxa
Fever due to internal disorder
Yin deficiency fever
Clinical manifestations
Tidal fever in the afternoon or night fever, feverish sensation in 5
centers, steaming bone, night sweat, dry mouth and throat, malar
flush, irritability, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, or dry eyes, blurry
vision, dry stool, scanty yellow urine, red dry tongue, may with
cracks, little or no coating, thin rapid pulse.
Treatment method
Nourish yin, descend deficiency fire, relieve fever
Fever due to internal disorder
Yin deficiency fever
 KI2, KI3, KI6
 HT6, HT8
 SP6
 Tonifying & reducing
Severe night sweating: + KI7, BL43
Insomnia, palpitation: + HT7, PC6
Blurry vision, dry eyes: + BL18, BL2
Fever due to internal disorder
Yang deficiency fever
Clinical manifestations
Fever with desire to put on more clothes, afraid of cold, cool limbs
especially legs, shortness of breath, dislike talking, dizziness, drowsy,
sore lower back and knees, poor appetite, loose stool, pale
complexion, pale puffy wet tongue, or with teeth mark, slippery white
coating, deep thin weak or floating large forceless pulse.
Treatment method
Warm and tonify yang qi, lead fire back to source, relieve fever
Fever due to internal disorder
Yang deficiency fever
 RN4, DU4
 BL20, BL23
 KI1
 Tonifying, moxa
Severe shortness of breath: + BL13, RN6
Diarrhea: + ST36, RN8 moxa
Fever due to internal disorder
Ear acupuncture treatment
Points: Kidney, Spleen, Liver, Shenmen, Subcortex, Adrenal
gland, Ear apex, Supratragic apex
Method: select 3-4 points, mild stimulation, 30 min, once per
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Chronic condition characterized by chronic fatigue, weakness,
or other deficiency symptoms due to low function of Zangfu
organs, deficiency of qi, blood, yin and yang.
Etiology and pathogenesis
Weak constitution
Improper diet
Chronic long-term illness
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Qi deficiency
Clinical manifestations
 Fatigue, pale complexion, pale tongue, weak pulse
 Lung: shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, low voice, may
have fever and chills, easily catch cold
 Heart: palpitation, insomnia, shortness of breath worse on exertion,
spontaneous sweating
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Qi deficiency
Clinical manifestations (continued)
 Spleen: poor appetite, epigastric distention after meal, loose stool
 Kidney: sore weak lower back and knees, frequent clear urination,
clear thin leucorrhea
Treatment method
Tonify Zang organs, supplement qi, restore health
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Qi deficiency
 ST36, BL20
 BL13
 RN6
 Tonifying, moxa
Lung qi def.: + LU9, BL12
Heart qi def.: + HT7, BL15
Kidney qi def.: + BL23, BL52, KI3
Poor appetite: + RN12, BL21
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Yang deficiency
Clinical manifestations
Lassitude, listless, drowsy, afraid of cold, cold limbs, pale complexion,
pale tongue
Heart: Palpitation, spontaneous sweating, oppression and pain in the
chest, purplish dark tongue, thin weak or deep slow pulse.
Spleen: sallow complexion, poor appetite, loose stool or diarrhea,
abdominal pain with borborygmus worse when cold or have improper
diet, weak pulse
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Yang deficiency
Clinical manifestations (continued)
Kidney: cold pain in the lower back, impotence, seminal emission,
profuse urination or incontinence, or scanty urine with edema, thin
watery diarrhea with undigested food or early morning diarrhea,
puffy tongue, teeth mark, deep slow pulse
Treatment method
Fortify yang, tonify qi, restore health
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Yang deficiency
 RN4, RN6, RN8
 BL43
 ST36
Tonifying, moxa
Heart yang def.: + BL15, HT7, HT8
Spleen yang def.: + BL20, SP2
Kidney yang def.: + BL23, DU4, BL52, RN2
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Blood deficiency
Clinical manifestations
Lassitude, pale lusterless complexion, pale tongue, thin pulse
Heart: severe palpitation, anxiety, insomnia, a lot of dreams, poor
memory, irregular pulse.
Liver: dizziness, blurry vision, dull pain in hypochondria, numbness
in limbs, rigid stiff muscles, or tremor and twitching, irregular menses
or amenorrhea in women, wiry pulse
Treatment method
Tonify blood, nourish Heart/Liver
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Blood deficiency
 BL17, SP6
 ST36, BL20
 Tonifying
Heart blood def.: + HT7, HT5
Liver blood def.: + BL18, LV3
Hypochondriac pain, stiff muscle, spasm: + LV14, GB34
Poor memory, dizziness: + DU20, GB20
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Yin deficiency
Clinical manifestations
Listless, lassitude, tidal fever, night sweat, malar flush, emaciation,
red tongue, little moist, thin rapid pulse.
Lung: dry cough, dry throat, hemoptysis, loss of voice
Heart: palpitation, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, ulcer on mouth &
Stomach: dry mouth and lips, poor appetite, hunger without desire to
eat, dry stool, dry heaves, hiccups
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Yin deficiency
Clinical manifestations (continued)
Liver: headache, dizziness, tinnitus, dry eyes, sensitive to light,
blurry vision, irritability, short temper, numb extremities, tremor or
twitching, wiry pulse
Kidney: sore lower back, seminal emission, weak legs, dizziness,
tinnitus, even deafness, dry mouth, sore throat, deep pulse
Treatment method
Replenish yin, clear heat, nourish Zangfu organs
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Yin deficiency
 KI3, SP6
 BL43, DU13, Bailao
 Tonifying
Lung yin def.: + LU6, BL13
Heart yin def.: + BL15, HT6
Stomach yin def.: + BL21, ST36
Liver yin def.: + BL18, LV3, GB37
Kidney yin def.: + BL23, BL52, KI6
Consumptive Frail syndrome
Ear acupuncture treatment
Points: Kidney, Spleen, Heart, Liver, Lung, Endocrine, Adrenal,
Thyroid 1 & 2
Method: select 2-4 points, mild stimulation, 20 min, every
other day
Points: ST36, RN4, RN6, RN12, BL43
Method: 3-5 ea on each point