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The Name of the Game: Financial & Personal Growth Guide

Table of Contents
Operation black ops
Fractional reserve banking system & CBDC’s
The company that owns the world (and you)
The three irreplaceable skills
Process of goal making
How to set up your Mastery checklist
Measuring money and time – how rich people think
The three essential principle to embrace
How to network with high level individuals – approaching technique
Drones and sleeper sheep – how to have them schooled
Principles, rules, avoiding mistake tips and technical information for
striving in the space of ecommerce
Two promising sectors for future investment
Tips for plus 6 figure earners
Fundamentals and tools of money earning – growth from scratch to
massive building
The strategies shared exclusively in the capital club Amsterdam
mastermind – invaluable information streamed directly from multi
7-8-9 figures individual and Luke himself
The closing chapter where lies all the lessons, principles of life and law
of the universe that our mentor tough us along the path of sharing
his wisdom
this is the playbook that serves the purpose to unplug mind that are ready to
be unplug, this document exposes some uncomfortable aspects of the world
that we live in, the information that you are about to study and understand are
the fundamental rules of the game taught by our great mentor. If you are here
and you feel cheated and you feel like your entire life was a scam, you have
the right to feel that way. The first thing we must do is embrace education,
you need to be educated, and this document will provide you a kind of
education that is not publicly available and particularly is not taught in any
area and at any level of traditional education; because of course they don’t
want you to know these truths. The following lectures are what really matters
and you need to understand how the game is played, so that you don’t get
played. The moment when you understand that the last 2 years have been
a scam is the moment where you start to wake up to the reality in which we
live in. We must be aware that till we don’t get out and dissociate from the
system, we are complicit, we are the machine and maybe some of us not by
our thoughts but surely through our daily action and habits. It is statistically
proven that out of 100 people 15 will have basic 9 to 5 job, 4 will be financially
independent, 1 will be rich and the rest will be poor; and the question is,
are you the one?
Our mentor genuinely believe that anybody can make a million dollar,
and after I have internalized his teaching and his concept I came to the
same conclusion; if you can walk and move through space, read, think
and calculate you can make it, you don’t have any excuse. Through these
concepts you will learn how to optimize the return on your time, receiving
the biggest output for the least amount of input, and once you master and
train yourself to operate like this you will be unstoppable. The system taught
us that we cannot dictate the circumstances of our lives but in reality, we
actually can, we are in charge and we make the decision for what we want
to achieve. One thing you need to keep constantly in mind is that we live in
the information era, there’s literally hundreds of books written by billionaires
that give you all the sauce and secrets, information is the only way for get
out of the system and you have to learn it; like you will learn the invaluable
knowledge shared in this document, you must not stop and seeking
knowledge from every valuable source you can find and unless you are
willing to learn it you are not going to win.
Our mentor taught us that the life that we have is the life that we choose,
so if you want a different life you must be willing to make different decision.
The following principles and lessons will literally teach you how to think like
a successful person and a simple rule you can follow if you are a come up
is doing what the winners do, literally shadow them, because this will bring
you forward to your own success. Like you will see in the last chapter,
you have to know that only the educated are truly free; so, the choice is
entirely up to you my friend. This pdf will gain you the access to a different
information that the average people doesn’t have and once you see that,
you will understand that you have to level up on a super fast rate and that
there’s zero time to waste. Know that with this path and teachings you ain’t
gonna be flexing at your 20’s, you are going to sit, grind and build a real
fucking business and make real fucking money, because otherwise you’ll
end up like every body else. The last concept I want to highlight before
the deep dive that you’re going to take is that you need to have goals,
when you wake up you need to crystalize your steps into daily task and in
the following chapters you will receive the perfect tool for accomplish that
every single day with ease and perfection.
Ladies… Gentlemen… I welcome you to the name of the game...
chapter 1
The Russian psyops on United states – Operation Black Ops
There is a slow process called ideological subversion or technically active
measures. It’s a psychological warfare that results in the changing perception
of reality of every citizen of the targeted country (i.e. USA); Despite the
abundance of information no one will be able to come to a sensible
conclusion, this because an inducted state of mind where in the interest of
“defending” themselves, their family and community facts and data don’t
matter anymore. It’s a very brainwash process that is divided into 4 stages;
the first is demoralization, it takes 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation,
the period has to be so long because it’s the minimum amount of time for
educate a generation of student in the targeted country by exposing them to
the ideology of the enemy (after WWII Marxism and Leninism ideology has
been pump into the perception of at least 3 American student generation).
So this phase is implemented through the educational system which helps
a “cognitive dissonance mind-state” making this process irreversible, a
stage that has been completed and overfulfilled by the KGB in the last
25 years (current time of the interview 1984; 1959-1984) and most of it,
particularly in the latest years, was done by Americans to Americans due
to lack of moral standard. As mentioned earlier, a demoralize subject is
unable to asses true information (cognitive dissonance state) and the facts,
documents and authentic proof tells nothing to him/her. The next and second
stage is destabilization and we just went through it (2008-2013). It works by
destabilizing the economy of a country, the foreign relations and the defence
system resulting in a destabilize government and citizens value and moral.
It takes just 2 to 5 years to destabilize a nation. The third phase is of course
crisis which can take place and evolve in just six weeks and bring a country
in the verge of crisis. This will lead to the after crisis period with the violent
changes of structure, power and economy. The consequences of the after
crises period turns out in the last stage of the cycle called the period of
“normalization “and it will last indefinitely. This phase is just happened and
is happening around the globe, they normalize the “pride and pronouns
thing”, they normalize tax rate and gasoline being super high, they normalize
vaccines every three months and viruses coming out every three weeks.
Another argument we can analyse is that every country’s politician, media,
educational system does is to train the next generation of people to think
they’re at peace time, in freedom and that everything around them is good,
this is resulting in the majority of the people being weak and comfortable.
Source: KGB defector Yuri Benzmenov’s warning to America: https://www.
What is money? How money works?
The fiat system: Fractional reserve banking
In our financial system the reality is that the money is sucked up from all of
us into the pocket of a very small group of people (through tax, loans and
interest). This happen because of how money is created by the federal
reserve and central banks (fake paper money printed out a thin air. We must
know that almost all of the money in our economy is created by banks when
they make loans. There is a myth that loans is people else’s money but the
truth is that when they give you a loan the bank create electronically that loan
(money) by typing numbers into your bank account.
Another common scheme bank does is when you deposit; when you walk into
a bank with a 100$ note and want to deposit it the bank keeps a percentage
of that deposit (around 10% that is called fractional reserve), so they got 10$
out of your 100$ let’s say as a collateral. But where the other 90 dollar go? It
goes from the first bank to another bank, than bank 2 keeps the 9$ take the
81$ and goes to another bank (3) and the process of printing goes along and
multiply till you remain with the left over. A tangible fact to analyse is that 97%
of the money in our economy is created as loans (electronic typed number);
in our economy the more loans people take, the more debt there is and so
the more (created) money there is. A fun fact is that in our economy if no one
get into debt there will be almost no money in the economy. So our economy
depends on the money electronically created by banks (when people borrow)
and because of that someone has to pay interest on every dollar created.
Guess who pays? We are paying, citizen, tax payer exc.. we pay interest on
the fake created money loaned back to us. An example is the UK tax payers
that pays 192 million dollar in interest every day. As we can see the debt
is held mostly by the bottom 90% of the population and wealth is held by
the top 10% and this system of paying interest is constantly increasing the
gap between the elite and the peasants. In poor words what the bank does
is create money from nothing and lend it to you with interest; of course if a
citizen print just 1$ is going to prison but if a bank does it is perfectly legal in
our system.
Every economic crisis, from the housing market to the inflation rate
skyrocketing, in the consequence of the banking system printing money
out of nothing and pumping into the market (look what they have done with
covid and how much they print). They create a dubious pandemic (99.9%
survival rate) to flood the system with trillion of dollars of fake printed money
getting into massive debt with the IMF and Federal Reserve, while first have
bought their positions in the stock market and possibly in every other market,
then they pump this new fresh fake money giving it to the peasants in a
small amount “the stimulus check” right before when they had to exit those
positions in the market place, resulting in the value of the shares of the elites
rising up, ready to sell them at the top (In this scenario they create the bottom
as well as they create the top). It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last,
the tax payer money is cashed out by government and funnelled into private
industry, directly into the pocket of rich people.
But how the banks are able to do that and when this is happened?
In 1971 the so called “Federal Reserve Act” has given all the power to the
banks because with president Nixon they took the gold standard and ripped
apart from money, so money was no longer valued based off gold (which is
a tangible treasury) but bound to an imaginary currency paper known as fiat,
one of the reason was to create a synthetic market prices and manipulation
which resulted in the value of the dollar collapse to 1/500 of the value that
previously had. So previous to 1971 the dollar was tied and backed by the
value of gold, the fiat system instead is “backed by the full faith and credit of
the united states government”, but credit to who? And faith to what? Well for
the credit we can attribute it to the International monetary fund (IMF) Federal
Reserve and his owners and central banks. But what has made the dollar
so powerful compared to the other currencies that were issue with the same
method? The new standard after the 1971 was tied to oil (the US government
agree with the Saudi that all the oil that they would sell has to be traded just in
US dollar) this means that there wasn’t an increase of the value of the dollar
like could happen with gold, but an exponential increase of the demand of
the currency making it the new official most powerful global reserve currency.
The Dollar, Euro and Sterlin are all government fiat currencies, only the
government has the power to issue fiat currencies but banks can create it
through lending. Obviously in the last fifty years the supply of money has
growth exponentially and this benefit just the banks, governments and mega
corporation. Their playbook in that the companies and individuals that get
or know where will go the printed money early, can spend it before the price
of the things they want to buy will increase because pf the effect of the new
money in circulation. In poor words they get products, services and asset
cheap (houses, stock, share, cars exc..) and when the prices will rise all of
those asset will have a massive gain without any type of improvement of the
market that they’re manipulating; this processes leads to fabricated bubbles
(2008/1981), that means that for the bottom chain of society by the time of this
created money arrive in their hands, the price of the things they might want
to buy has increased, their savings value less and their salary/wages remain
unchanged; and in some cases for buy the things they want to buy they have
to take on debt, which means get back to the banks for a loan and repeating
the cycle again (the banks will give them the money which they have to pay
back with interest that are the real money going directly in the pocket of the
elites. For every dollar you deposit in the bank they can print 5.5x more of it
and for this 97% of the money in circulation is debt.
A window of the future of monetary system of our world: CBDC’S
Published in July 2022 by bank of international settlements, the annual
economic report explain what do they want from the monetary system; their
definition is “the monetary system is the set of institution and arrangements
that support monetary exchange, it consist in money and payment system
which is required to such a payment system to serve society”. The full article
will be here below and I urge you to read it and understand it fully because
this shit is crucial. One plausible reason they putting out this article is the
initiation of Central Bank Digital Currencies and the goals that they fix for the
new monetary system (read the full article) is related and in conjunction. The
governor of central bank of Albania has responded to a question of Luke
himself where he ask him if the CBDC will exist in the future; the answer
was: “without a doubt Central Bank Digital Currency will be impossible to
live without and the federal reserve and the central banks should be private
institutions completely and unanimously separated from the public”. If this
happen means that all money will be privately hold and no longer operate
as money, but will operate as coupon code/voucher that legitimize your
purchase. The scenario is a central bank digital currency based off of nothing
that is controlled in fully and printed autonomously without any permission of
congress like the federal reserve.
The company that owns you: Overview on the monopoly world in which we
live in
The names of the two powerful companies in the world are BlackRock &
Vanguard and they are the world’s largest asset manager worth 9 trillion
dollar. They influence and control every industry and sector around the globe.
But whose asset are they managing?
In 1999 BlackRock went public (at that time they were managing 165 billion
dollar) while Vanguard group is still private which means you cannot know
the shareholders and whose behind the company. BlackRock growth was
superlative, and they did it through the acquisition of almost everything, every
company that has influence over a country/world, every business publicly
listed have them as major shareholder (that means they have absolute control
and influence over that company. Apple – Twitter – Google – Tesla – Pfizer
– Bank of America – J&J – Nestlé – Bayer – Visa – Disney – Facebook –
Amazon – Goldman Sachs – Shell – CNN – Sky – Netflix – Booking – Airbnb
– American Airlines – CocaCola – PepsiCo – Mastercard – PayPal – Exxon –
Microsoft – Honeywell – Walmart – JPMorgan chase bank – Moderna – KLM
– TripAdvisor – Fox – CBS.
All of of this company have BlackRock as the majority of shareholders and I
urge you to go deeper and check it by yourself going on Yahoo finance and
research any company that matters around the world and check the holders
section; eventually you will see that we live in a monopoly. The results are that
the news are controlled, the food supply is controlled, the pharmaceutical
and vax manufacturer are controlled, the social network are controlled and
almost every source of information on Web 2.0 in controlled by them. We are
aware that a handful of mega corporation and private investment company
dominate every aspect of our life; what we watch, eat, drink, buy, wear and
go is all dictated and BlackRock is the head of them. This investing firm is so
enormous that controls the money flow and while there appear a hundreds
of competing brands on the market, the reality is that a handful of larger
parent companies actually own multiple smaller brands, like a Russian
nesting dolls. If you do a proper research you will see that the whole industry
of packaged food is owned by less than 10 companies and guess who’s
the majority shareholders of this ten companies? It’s sad but they literally
owns you, everything you have, use, consume, pay is theirs. Literally in
every major company you can find BlackRock among the top 10 institutional
investor and BlackRock is essentially the fourth branch of the government,
in fact in past time of crisis the federal reserve
has asked BlackRock help managing funds and
that’s how did they get all the money for buy
every company of the world, the Federal reserve
have printed for them. The name of the game
of warfare nowadays is lies, manipulations and
distraction. BlackRock owns 90% of the world’s
media and if you don’t know about them is
because they don’t want you to, there is power in anonymity.
In august 2020 became the first foreign company to be allowed into China
mutual fund industry and if we research what was the first investments they
did in the Chinese market was in a company named Hikivision (a security and
communication software blacklisted by the United States that makes facial
recognition for the use of Chinese government). If you are asking yourself
with what money they buy/bought and invest for all of this besides the fake
printed money of the Federal Reserve, you can find your answers in your
bank account. They invest with the taxpayer money and with the pension fund
monetary system of ordinary civilians and if you don’t believe it listen what
the CEO of BlackRock Larry Fink think and say about that in the video that I’ll
share with you down below.
The 3 irreplaceable skills that you need to master in order to embrace
The first one is SELLING; if you want to make money in life you must learn
how to sell, master the ability to exchange something for something else.
Offer value in exchange for price
The second one is the ability be RESILIENT; you must bounce back from all
the negativity ( like bad comment, hate, close doors, people say no to you)
once you have mastered the ability to thrive after you have failed you can
start going up through the levels.
The third one is the ability to be PRO-ACTIVE; in your life and in any situation
instead of being reactive for the circumstances that you’re in and that’s
happening around you must begin to stop for a second and think how
you’re gonna solve the problem in front of you in a proactive manner. Being
proactive means have the ability to problem solve, the ability to look at the
situation emotionlessly (or just with little emotion) and calibrate your response
accordingly. The most simple explanation that I can give you is that you must
stop and think instead of just reacting on things.
The process of Goal making: the blueprint for success
The name of the game is that you need to have a goal in life. Before you
select a goal you must understand every in’s and out’s of the goal that you
want to accomplish. Unless you have consistency over a long period of time
you will definitely not achieve your goals. For accomplish a goal you need to
have the blueprint (the specific metric of what is required to get to that goal)
and also you’ll need somebody that has been able to master that blueprint
before. What do you have to ask yourself about your goal is; what is the first
and next step that I need for accomplish it? That’s all you need and you must
willing to compromise temporary gain for the accomplishment and fulfilment
of your goal because that is the name of the game.
This principles are a fundamental blueprint for be successful and there
are three rules for you to embrace and develop; you need to have the right
network (and if you are reading this and follow the capital club revolution
you’re doing pretty good) you need to have the right education (the list
of every past posted books on Luke’s profiles will be shown down below)
and you need to be consistent, without a goal you will not start but without
consistency you will not finish. This are the big differences between being
rich and being poor, both in the mind and pocket because the two things
are interrelated. A principles worth sharing is that success is the persistent
pursuit of your potential and if you come to understand that your potential is
limitless, that consistent pursuit is what makes you a success.
How to set up your Mastery checklist and become a goal achieving
For each of the tasks you have to attribute two numbers, one based off
difficulty and the second based on importance, doing the math calculating
the sum of these two numbers will give you the result of the order of your
mastery checklist.
The objective is to master the task with the highest added number first (i.e.,
1 is being difficult and 10 is being extremely easy on the difficulty side; the
opposite stands for the importance side, 10 is being very important and
1 means not important). So you select to master the task with the higher
number first because is based off your importance to accomplish that. The
chart up here will dictate your day through the order of which the number
results; you do always your tasks in this specific order and don’t move on to
the next one till you finish the previous one. By doing so you take off all the
emotion of wanting or not wanting to do one thing and you’re left just with
your rules set that dictate your operative system. Keep in mind that even the
same task could have different level of importance depending on the day
you’re facing, anyway it’s always you that choose the importance, so you
are the ruler. This system allows you to check, see and track if your day has
been successful or not. If you track your improvement you will be able to see
how far you’ve come and continue to be encouraged trough out your day or
week which it translate in even more progress. This checklist will give you the
data and metrics for track your performance every day showing that you’re
consistently winning in mastering the art of life.
How does a rich person Measure money? The untold truth: the value of our
People correlate money with the time and effort that it took them to buy that
specific product (cheap vs expensive concept). When you earn money you
need to correlate (it) based on how much effort in time and energy metric,
it requires you to yield that return. You must learn and be in the business of
optimizing that return on your time (essentially the biggest input for the least
amount of output) and in order to do that you have to be skilful with the time
that you have. Most people are exchanging their time and energy (our most
valuable asset) for monopoly money. The first step you have to take and the
first question you must ask to yourself is how many hours do I have to work
and how much my hours should be worth in order to be a millionaire? A
basic simple answer in a millionaire span is 500$, you need to get the skill for
exchange an hour of your time with a value 500$, you will not be a millionaire
if your hour is worth less than that number.
The starting point is to get rid of
every single task (in your business
and your work schedule) in your
life that is worth less than 500$.
A rich person when it spends
4 hours in a grocery shopping
weekend doesn’t think at the 200$
he has spent during that time, he
thinks in terms of the value of the
time of that 4 hours spent for shopping, that is worth 2000$ of his time if we
take the previous example. So, he did not spent 200$ in that weekend but
2000$ because he could use that 4 hours figuring out how to make that 500$
instead of spending it buying bullshit at the grocery shop. You need to realize
that the value of your time need to go always up and upon this principle
you need to get rid off all the task that are worth less than your current hour
value (in your 40 hours work week). Think in terms of time and energy instead
of money and always watch out for the ROI when you’re spending time. A
simple vision of this concept is that you have to figure out how much do you
wanna be making per hour, then when you realize that your time must be
valued at a specific number you quit wasting it. So to recap; a product or
service it’s cheap if you didn’t have to spend a lot of time and energy to get it,
it isn’t about money but it’s about the time and energy and what you need to
figure out is how to increase the $ income while reducing the time and energy
that you spent, maximizing the dollar amount. In conclusion, we must think
into this terms because we want to live our life based on what we believe
we’re worth, we don’t want to base our life off a coin or paper bill and for this
exact reason you have to measure your wealth.
3 essential principles to learn and embrace: how to
In order to succeed in these three different sequential phases in your life,
for each of one you need to embrace a different state of mind and mindset,
be in a different environment, have a different set of rules and get different
information that gives you the right mentality to navigate each of this phases.
For glitching the matrix/system you have to become ungovernable, but how?
You need to operate on multiple grids, operate on multiple skill sets and you
need to create a deep network; the crucial step is to understand how money
flows (tax loopholes-insider information-insurance loopholes etc…) and
ultimately you need to understand the culture barrier of the country with you
operate. These are elements to master for earn true wealth and the strategy
to gain it is to study what millionaires and billionaires habits looks like, what
their strategy look like, what their mindset look like, the way of behaviour,
the attitude, the kind of network that forge millionaires and replicate that.
Remember that you have to live in the present as if your future truth has
already become a reality and unless you begin to act that way from the
very beginning, you will never get there. You also need to know the source
of information and if you don’t, have a filter experience that cleanse the
informations for you; feed yourself with clarity, transparency and purity and
you will not have any issue get through each of this stages. The technical
skills and information for succeed in every of this phases will be down below
in the section of capital club pop up Amsterdam.
How to network with high level individuals: from network to net worth
Rich and high level individuals value their time and their “circle” (the
trust that they put in the people around them) much more than they
value money. For this reason you got to be extremely careful of who
you hang out with because you are the sum of the five people you
spend more time with. A skill you need to be able to develop is to rasp
the attention of individuals quickly for two reason; the first one, like
said before, high level individuals value much more time than money
and for sure they don’t want to waste it on you. The second one is in
term of attention ratio, in our society generation after generation is
becoming lesser and lesser speaking of time (in the just three past
generation we see a radical drop in the level of attention, 40seconds
to just 7seconds). An important aspect you need to understand is that
you have to become “familiar” with this individuals, you don’t want to
be liked, loved, admired, ext… A familiar sentiment is what you want
establish in the relationship with this individuals because people do
business with people they know. You have to become valuable for
getting responses from the people and the circle you want to enter,
but how? Spot, visualize and provide a need that the person require
in order to get in their inner circle. The secret is providing a good or
services that’s very difficult to replace or to find. You need to figure
out a skill set that is irreplaceable and that is required from a lot of
people, in our case, high level individuals. A must for approach this
people is to be direct with your inquiry, provide value of a need, you
have to be able to spot a need and providing the solution with your
service. Always show up giving, never present yourself with the kind
of questions “what can I do for you sir”, this is exactly the kind of
behaviour that you want to avoid. A sum of this paragraph could be
that in order to network with whoever person in your aim, your ability to
perceive a problem/need and supply it it’s what makes you valuable to
those individual.
Drones and sleeper sheep are proud and close minded people, wake
them up or have them schooled? A psychological blueprint:
Every problem in our society is a made up problem by the
indoctrination of the system that mind us since we were born, this result
in having the majority of the people in a status of cognitive dissonance.
An important questions is - how they perpetuate all the nonsense on
our thinking brain? Usually with the narrative that get pushed by taking
and showing abstract scenarios that are bias, anomalies and minority
cases and make an argument upon that. This is a phenomenon
used not just by institutions and governments, but also from all the
indoctrinated people that were forged by them; they have the so called
Mr. Smith effect (when the truth is lighted in front of them they turn into
a guardian of the system, refusing to see the facts and data under
their nose). Remember that you have to make your arguments based
off stats, data and facts representing the majority case of scenarios.
Despite the differences and the status quo which most people are
cage in, if you want to think and have freedom of thought, you must
be willing to say things that makes people uncomfortable. When
you do that, outsmarting the people in front of you and standing for
your values they’re going to attack your person (because they can’t
obviously fuck with your logic) making accusations and scenarios that
are not realistic but just vague arguments. They do that because your
logic is undeniable so they attack the person in a completely different
and uncentered topic; when they’re doing it you explain this process
to them, sticking to their weaknesses and thinking deficiencies and
you’ll have them schooled. In this and in every situation the definition
of words is extremely important, question and think at the effective
definition of the words when people puts labels or make statements for
your behaviour and use the definition as a point of force.
What is a brand?
Brand is perception, brand is how people perceive your brand, product,
logo, customer service and so on… to many people, one single brand may
have different perceptions and for that it lay just on your ability to control
the messaging that is coming out. If you can master how people perceive
you and I mean what they perceive automatically you gain the control of the
narrative and you will win. So for the building of your brand the necessity is
to understand how people feel and making sure that the perceiving value of
you product or services is higher than the price. A first question you must ask
yourself is what kind of brand I want to build? A cash flow brand, a growth
brand or a brand for future acquisition? Based off on your answer you will
have your end goal in front of you and the possibility to operate accordingly.
The best efficient way to start a brand is running a white label (operate in the
same way you operate a drop shipping business but much more in branded
structure). The X factor for drop shipping is testing (do a ton of testing an do
it consistently for spot the daily or weekly trend) and find a trending niche.
Figure out a product that make sense in the niche and in the time (period
of the year) for selling it; this means to spot a low resistance entry based on
this two determinants. For E-commerce a simple yet efficient way to build
your store is to find the bigger niche (almost general) that is evergreen and
that it isn’t capped by audience size and product line. (for example if you
look at a product that is extremely niched like a specific product of a specific
colour exc.. you’re going to have less of an audience that if you had a general
product similar to that niche) In the general space remember to select niches
and product contingent on the season and word’s event that is taking place
in the near future because this will push organic traffic and engagement on
your ads. Speaking of organic traffic a crucial point to analyse is the comment
section of your ads. You must learn to use the live feedback and review of
your current client in the comment section as a forum for improve your site
and create engagement; learn how to drive organic traffic and audiences
(an example for you and your staff is the ability to create threads and
conversation with people that comment). You have to create ads not for the
mere selling but design it for convince people that the action they’re about
to take is a good decision; the sale isn’t the important thing, it’s the person
behind the sale that matters and the key word for this concept is reasoning,
reason with your audience.
The winning product myth: every product is a winning product, is not about
the qualities of the products but it’s about the association that a person
perceive to the product and the bond that is creating between them; that
bond makes a person decide if they want to continue and purchase it or
not. The bond could be an ease of access, euphoria for the product, an
associated nostalgia between the product and a past period of their lives
exc... you must find the connection between the product and the people
that is an emotion, a relationship not just an unanimated use. Focus on
understanding that your paid traffic is correlated to your attention and
awareness that are nurturing the relationship between you two, finalize for
get them to know you and not for bag them out on day one. One of the most
profitable instruments that we can use today for drive our E-com businesses
is TikTok organic, that for Luke is going to change formula for his algorithm
and paid ads in about a year from the current writing of this document
(nov.2022). The principles explained above are the essential and nonnegotiable fundamentals for build a business that you must implement with
mastering the following skills: learn hoe to manage a team, hoe to build a
landing page, how to advertise, how to market, how to budget and how to do
the legal stuff and taxes. An encouragement for learn all of this skills is that
the E-commerce space will be the primary purchase system in the next few
years and learn this principles and skill in the near future will be useful like
write and read.
Tips from a multi 7 figures marketing agency runner directly from the
CAPITAL CLUB AMSTERDAM POP UP for investing in 2022: for the
aspiring eCommercer you must know that a method for convert massively
is diversifying your risk by increasing the price of your product or services
because an high and increasing price converts better; in practice
think it in term that the price for a customer is what he/she paid and
the value is what he/she get, as long as the perception of the created
value supersedes the price you can charge whatever the fuck you want.
A tips of Luke himself from the Amsterdam pop-up shared in confidence with
me while we were talking before the mastermind: he said that the best way
to make money right now is still dropshipping; you just have to be in the
situation where you can make money by doing an arbitrage of the information
because if you do it you add a premium to that information. That means that
the person/costumer didn’t know that for example Ali-express or X other
platform offer their wanting and desired product at a cheaper price and cost
overall, so you capitalize on that information gap.
Two promising sectors for future investment:
One of the most developing sector in our present and past present is the
Artificial Intelligence research, we have to keep an eye alert on the most
advanced companies and national institutions doing the best work on the
field. A second promising sector is what the word has the most shortage
right now, inducted or not, the energy sector will play a crucial role in the
years coming and you want to be in it. So if you wanna start a business
(doesn’t matter what it is) start it by incorporating this two things and look for
investment figuring out which companies are at the forefront of the sector
and see if their projects presents tangible and sustainable. Another important
consideration is the upcoming 2030 agenda and the Carbon Credit project (if
I were you I will look into that) and the changing method of energy production
that is verging on nuclear.
Tips for plus 6 figures earners:
where do I put my money?
Money is liquid so you need to be able to move your money according to
where the trends are going. When you have plus than 100.000$ and you ask
your self where can your money be safe in the current economy and financial
space you must know certain information. Look at the central bank that has
printed the least amount of money (cash bill) in the last two to three years,
and most important look at the inflation rate of every country and put your net
worth in countries with very low inflation rate like Switzerland and Singapore.
Right now is favourable detain the currencies of this country because in
strong and financially stable. Last but not least, you need to have some hard
asset, some gold and some silver, and not hold them in some form of stock
etc… you need to have them in the physical form stored in a safe place.
The last thing you need to consider is having some cash paper money for
inconvenient, a 5% to 10% of your net worth is a good percentage.
But how can you get money in the first place?
The fundamentals and the tools for the art of money earning: 3 different
ways for 3 different timeframes
Online courses
E-com store
Time (ususally yours)
Web 2.0 subscription
Brands and collection
This is the start
of the journey
(marketing services,
webservices, labour
services etc...)
Shoes (sneaker
Have credibility and
establish report
through your website
and social media
(google, yelp, ig,
This is the last step
you want to get into
because it has an
upfront cost and
deep technical
background is
required to start
This is the phase
where you start
SERVICES: this is the easiest one, is the first avenue of business where
you can make money. For start in a service the element required are sweat
– manpower – time, in the beginning probably yours, but that’s none of
your problem because even if you’re broke you have and control this three
elements. In this stage you and your services are the product. If your skill set
is limited find a service that requires these three elements but not a lot of skill
(land scaping, gardener etc…) ; still you want to search for services that are
a necessity for most of the people and this is important because the fist thing
you need to learn is the ability to earn money asap for succeed through the
levels and phases. So you need to start by selecting businesses and being
in niches where your output is in direct correlation with your input and the risk
and return is very well balanced; like this you’re never going to lose money.
This is a must process because when you’re running services you understand
the fundamental of business (customer service and experience , customer
lifetime value, how to treat individuals in order to supply their needs etc…).
you want to choose a service based on a subscription or services that have
a return customer relationship; you definitely are not going to select services
where people will not come back for a long period of time (like a shoes
cleaning service) but on the contrary a service with a high intensity and
customer base (like for example a marketing monthly package for restaurants
or small store).
DIGITAL GOODS: digital goods are about everything that has to do with
digital life; sound promising right? Yes, our digital life increase on a daily
basis and for sure digital good are one of the most exponential sector in
which you can create something great, but there’s a few thing you should
acknowledge. Digital goods are intangible, are products that you cannot
touch but for example you can watch or you can read. A good point about
digital goods is that even if the start-up cost are very high, usually the
maintenance cost is not as high because once you have start you got
the management cost, maintenance cost, server cost and then the rest is
pretty much upside and has to do just with your ability to attract customers.
Nowadays is very difficult to have a successful developed app of efficient
digital goods so it is not recommended for the start. Meanwhile you can
think of a digital good when you have mastered the other two solutions that’s
actually teaches you the real dynamic of businesses and sales. Digital good
are like the final frontier for building something massive unless you are a
genius in coding, if that’s the case go for it.
PHYSICAL GOODS: physical goods are highly competitive, especially
nowadays with the internet; this because you have to worry abut the
additional cost, rolling cost, inventory cost, the on going cost of supply
chain management etc… but most importantly, depending on what kind of
E-commerce store/physical good sale you’re tunning, it’s always required
building a bran.
The ways in which you can build a brand has different avenue, you definitely
don’t want to build a brand based on one single product because your
brand dies when the product becomes irrelevant. Understand that people
select your brand and your product not because they need – like – see your
product, but because you selected the right audience and showed to the
right people your concept of brand. So it doesn’t come down to the product
but on the individual of what your ideal customer/avatar is; there’s no such
thing as a winning product because every product is a winning product, it has
just to be sold to the winning person (right audience). You must understands
how audiences moves, how they’re divided, what is the demographic of the
territory and then you will understand which products serve this people’s
best. Note that in physical goods you are limited by the quality of the supply
chain, that is going to determine your ability to have a successful business
that run smoothly (an advise is to set up your logistic as soon as you can e
don’t rely on third party logistic run your shit). In e-commerce nowadays is
hard and difficult for the long-term because the requiring tools are a lot and
not easy, such like back-end marketing system, retargeting ads, retargeting
funnels, lifetime value of the customer mapped (means have a blueprint of
where the customer starts and when finishes). A tangible solution to break
the hardship and barrier entry in 2023 is to build a meaningful brand and a
brand which the products transcends just a short term culture trends or fidget
spinner trends. In every of this three ways, note that is extremely important to
be review on google, so you can incentivize people and dictate the narrative
based on your good rate reviews. For example if you run a physical business
give the customer a discount with a QR code that links them to your actual
google profile/page to leave a review; incentivizing people to take action
build reciprocity with your clientele long term.
CAPITAL CLUB AMSTERDAM POP-UP: the secret strategy of the Federal
How can you build an investment and entrepreneurial strategy where
I can convert debt into a money printing machine? But first of all we
must understand what actually is money; the government give the
permission to the federal reserve and central banks for going along
with the money printing machine, in the meanwhile of all this printing of
fractional reserve notes (bill paper money) the interest rates will raise
and those interest rates are put on loans and debt.
The question is: how much debt can I get into?
Before answering we must keep in mind that money isn’t a net positive
thing, every dollar that you see and have is debt (as indicates in
the chapter FRB 97% of the money in circulation is debt). So being
aware that all the money in circulation is debt we must know that our
job is to take debt and put it into produce of money. You need to do
exactly what the fractional reserve banking system does: the perfect
example for you to understand how they work is this; when you walk
into a bank with a 100$ note and want to deposit it the bank keeps
a percentage of that deposit (around 10% that is called fractional
reserve that is a reserve that is a fraction of the entire balance), so they
got 10$ out of your 100$ let’s say as a collateral. But where the other
90 dollar go? It goes from the first bank to another bank, then bank
2 keeps the 9$ take the 81$ and goes to another bank (3) and the
process of printing goes along and multiply till you remain with the left
over. Now that we have a basic understanding of how the Fiat system
and world bank works let’s copy their strategy and implement it for our
businesses. This strategy is a model shaped for accomplish the three
phases we talk about in the chapter CMP; the following information
hasn’t been shared completely nowhere else besides the mastermind
event occurred in Amsterdam a month ago and it is of extreme value.
Phase 1: most of the people that are going through cycle one are
usually doing the following: while they’re generating income, people
tend to match their expenditures with their income and it’s a huge
mistake, is what it keeps you stuck in phase one because it doesn’t
allow you to have any wiggle room.
Chart 1
Wiggle room
In this chart (1) we see that the net worth is the income/profit versus
expenditures/debt, the resulting is that you can’t have a growing net
worth because there is not room for air between what you make and
what you spend. So we need to understand that in the first step we
have to save money instead of investing it like everyone told you to do;
look at the federal reserve currency of the world (the US dollar currently
manage the entire planet and is strong in the present moment) and get
in your hand as much as it possible, like this you’ll gain power because
you’re holding the most powerful currency in the world (remember that
if you are worry for a plunge of the currency know that if the reserve
currency is sinking every other currency in the world is going in the
same direction).
But how can you get as much as possible of it?
For the level up you need to create the so called “convenience
gap” (the gap between your income and your expenditures). This
gap showed in chart (2) that’s formed between the income and
the expenditures is the key to success. The main objective isn’t to
make a meaningless number of money but to make enough of it for
concentrate on yourself full time, once you gain enough convenience
gap it will transform itself in freedom of time.
time over
Wiggle room
E Expenditure
The question now is how to reduce the expenditures for creating a
wider gap; you must evaluate the total percentage of your stream of
income and then take your spending standard that has to be 33%
(even below if possible) and the other 66% never gets touched; it
doesn’t get invested, it stays in dried powder. This because it’s going
to give you this gap that will allow you to progress to phase 2. So what
do you do with the gap “time over money”? most of the people will
instantly deploy it into the market making the wrong step because you
are not considering the risk that is attributed to that money that was
generated. This initial money that you made was and is dictated by the
time and sweat that you put in to actually earn it, so if your investment
on this money goes down you didn’t just lose money, you also wasted
the time that took you to make that income.
Having said that, your goal is to protect this time by making sure that
what you invest yields money and then the money yields investments
(phase 3) we’ll get into the details in just a moment. To summarize
in phase 1 one of the most important aspect is that the expenditures
must be fixed (know exactly how much you spend every single week/
months) and then the needs to be 33% or below and the restant 66%
stays in the bank account waiting for phase 2; anyway in this stage
your expenditures need to remain the same while your income is
The convenience gap bring us to
Phase 2: So now we no longer have income over time (because
income has already been created and produced and is now sitting
in the bank account), but we have investment over time. Rolling over
your money (buying real estate – investing in a company etc…) to have
your investment to produce income; your investment need to produce
cash flow. Those kind of investment where we put our initial income are
the one called “passive active income investment” and this passive
investment over time will yield profit. Anyway we must understand that
in every operation, when it comes to running a business investments
you will still have expences and you need to figure out when cap this
expenses resulting in a fixed expense.
profit of the investment
Wiggle room
expenditure of the investment
T Time
After this is set, you implement the same strategy with your passive active
investment as you did with your income by capping your expenditure. Now
you are in the scenario where you’re not only producing income that is
leaving you at a net positive but you’re rolling over that net positive into a
new cycle that is no longer an income but an active investment; the gap that
we find in chart 3 between the expenditure of the investment and the profit
of the investment is where wealth is created. And now the time that you have
produce by this two determinants in chart 3 is time that is chronological and
it’s not dictated by effort like the time that you had in phase 1. In other words
phase 2 goal is to produce active passive income and the money that you
get through your active passive income is different then the income money
because it didn’t require time, therefore is not as valuable as the previous
money. So if this money has a different value, it can be spent, wasted,
invested without regard or emotion. This process lead to...
Phase 3: here we have the net positive income from your active passive
investment and here is where you multiply wealth; you roll over your active
passive income investment that is yielding a return, and logically if something
is working you don’t fix it but you iterate and do it again. In other worlds what
we do with our initial revenue generated from the gap in chart 3 (income
stream number 2) is duplicating it in version 2.0 and the fundamental
difference is that this version 2.0, compared to the previous one, is no longer
an income that’s paying for the investment but it’s the investment that is
paying for the investment. In this last phase what you do is take the channel
that you have and you channel the energy flow from the first income stream
(active passive investment in chart 3) into the second investment stream
scaling vertically in a deep path. This because you have just get what it’s
called expenditures, your ability to use cash flow for what it stands, flow; you
have to move and let flow the money because when the money still it’s just
debt. So the money needs to be moving and you get the money to move
when you have no risk associated to that money. So for example if you made
a million dollar passively (means it cost me no time and effort to make it) you
will be more willing to throw that money in a risky investment instead of being
hesitant if that money has come from your time – sweat – effort.
dots connection: charts summary
E Expenditure
I Investment 1
profit of the investment
Investment 2
profit of the investment
T Time
true net
expenditure of the investment
expenditure of the investment
T Time
A sum of the strategy: practical examples for clarification
As we see above we have income one leading to investment one, leading to
investment 2 and the algorithm of the strategy looks the following way: let’s
take the example of an Airbnb unit or secondary business as investment 2;
this investment also have expenditures because obviously every investment
has expenditures and at some point (indicated by O in the charts) you must
capped it because the gap that you’ll gain from that capping is your true
net profit. This is your spending money because it cost you no time to earn
it, therefore the money means nothing you have just printed it out of thin air
because it took you no effort to make it, it was paid for by another person who
paid me and I just rolling it over, using the difference for the value provided
as my wish. Starting from the bottom (less then 10k month) the mission is
to save money and figure out which will be the investment vehicle that will
going to deploy that money to produce more money so that I can spend that
money. In the entrepreneurial there are three fundamental phases: the ability
to create wealth, the ability to multiplying wealth and the ultimate goal is to
preserve wealth. Preserving wealth is how you sustain long-term success and
you do it by protecting your initial capital (in everything you do you need to
remember the amount of effort and time that took you to generate that money
in the first place). When you have your active passive income investment
number one (*) yielding the revenue for your income stream number two (XX)
and then the net profit of active passive investment number two being your
lively hood expenditures you are living in the so called - state of bliss. The
question that are you asking yourself right now is what if I replicate the exact
same thing 100x fold? Or 200x fold? And you guess it right that is the recipe;
using your active passive investments as the cash source and fuel for your
third, fourth, fifth investment strategy, and only those investment strategies
are going to pay the bills.
You must be and feel in hurry to get to phase two, be in hurry for make the
initial money and have an investment portfolio because of the price that asset
are going to have and how cheap will be the acquisition of those asset in the
next two years is timeless. In the next two years there will be opportunities
for 30x to 50x your portfolio. Keep in mind that investment is a psychological
game and once we remove risk in the investment (the psychological frame9
then we’re free, making your decision with no fear but based on logic and
if you stick to this three chart illustrated previously you will gain and have
this freedom. A strategy that you can imply for cutting the expenditures in
each phases and cycles is the following; in every business you have fixed
expenses and flexible expenses (recurring and non-recurring expenses) so
for every secondary expenditures that aren’t truly necessary in order to run
your business/investment you must cut them out (the first example that pop
up into my mind is the welcome glass of champagne when the customer
arrives in your Airbnb units, that is a flexible and non-necessary expenses).
chapter 8
PRINCIPLES: virtues, purposes, quotes and teaching of our mentor for start
walking the path to freedom:
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. For every input there is an output
of equal proportion”; this is the third law of Isaac Newton
“Sacrifice the life that you have for the life that you want”
“You don’t have nothing to lose. This pursuit for freedom, success, truth and wealth is your
duty as a man”
“Consistency compounds”
“Pain is a substantial part of the equation, embrace it”
“Live an intentional life, a life where you’re in charge and be define by your vision of the
“The journey of truth is alonely, the path to success is hard, the habits that are worth forming
are difficult; but it’s worth it”
“only the educated are truly free”
“look at what the 99% of the people are doing (what they tell’em to do) and do the opposite,
there’s a likely chance you’ll be in the remain 1%”
“Courage is what is required to excel in life, and the opposite of courage is not cowardness
but conformity; conform with the status quo without even ask yourself why”
“The life that you have is the life that you choose”
“Every single successful person has one thing in common: they didn’t quit”
“What if you actually gave your 100% for the next 365 days? No distraction, no selfsabotaging, no quitting… what person would you be?”
“No money or fame in the world can replace being healthy and fit a 80”
“Your success will come from your ability to deal better with what you don’t know than
anything you think you know”
“Every man is self – made but only the rich will admit it”
“You have to understand, most of this people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of
them are so inert and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it”
“Become a student of the way and life will teach you all the things necessary to win”
“Daily remainder; you have six years to get rich and get out”
“The truth will hurt you, the lies will kill you”
“I’m not popular when I say these things, but I’m usually right”
I want to write a few words and devote some thoughts about these principles; some of
the concept expressed by Luke trough all this time have changed my perception of life
completely, his wisdom and the wisdom of his mentors overwhelmed me from every
perspective and I think this chapter is more important for our being than every other
previous one. We must embrace gratefulness for the genuine action he has decided
to take, we must thank him every day of our life for the mission he has decided to
undertake, a few men like this are left in our world; if we have the fortune to encounter
one, it’s our duty to let him show us the way of life, it’s our duty to thank the universe
for making it happen. I genuinely believe that if you stick to these principles and seek
the intersection between the material and the spiritual lesson he has freely gifted us
you can reborn, stronger, smarter and braver than you ever been because is exactly
what happened with me. The last quote I want to mark directly in this gratitude letter
is in my opinion one of the most meaningful he has ever share; “once you conquer
yourself, you can conquer the whole world”, and I can tell you on my own skin that’s
a universal and undeniable principle that can make us extremely powerful and no one
is exempt from it. Thank you my mentor, may god bless you and guide you through
salvation, I know one day I will return you this immense gift you have done to all of us.
thank you, my mentor.
A student of the jack of all trades, master of life.
A student
the way
Study collections