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Business Intelligence Assignment: Processes & Tools

BI Assignment 1
HND in Computing (ESOFT Metro Campus)
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Higher Nationals
Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)
HND in Computing
Program title
Internal Verifier
Unit 14:
Business Intelligence
Applying BI solutions
Assignment title
to enhance and improve business operations
Student’s name
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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID
Unit Title
Unit 14:
Business Intelligence
Assignment Number
Submission Date
Date Received
1st submission
Re-submission Date
Date Received 2nd
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support business decision-making.
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence functionality.
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and technologies for
effective decision-making purposes and the legal/regulatory context in which
they are used.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P5
Assessor Signature:
Resubmission Feedback:
Assessor Signature:
Internal Verifier’s Comments:
Signature & Date:
Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades
decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
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Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student
Action Plan
Summative feedback
Feedback: Student to Assessor
Student signature
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Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 14: Business
Intelligence Assignment 01
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Higher National Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number
Unit Number and Title
Unit 14 :
Academic Year
Business Intelligence
Unit Tutor
Assignment Title
Business Process Support Mechanisms
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name & Date
Submission format
The submission should be in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a
concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use
of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced. Follow Harvard referencing system for in-text citations, reference list and
the bibliography. The recommended word limit is 4,000–4,500 words, although you will not be
penalized for exceeding the total word limit.
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Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support business
LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence
LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies
LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and technologies for effective
decision-making purposes and the legal/regulatory context in which they are used
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Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Data and information are core to any organizational business process. Meaningful information is
a necessity to drive profitable business actions. The concept of Business Intelligence (BI) has
evolved through technologies such as Decision Support Systems (DSS) to a number of tools,
technologies, architectures and methods which involves data cleaning, data integration, data
mining, data evaluation and data representation. Hence BI can be identified as a software suite of
software and services to transform data into actionable intelligence and knowledge.
Yard of Ale is a large-scale brewery in Sri Lanka and well establish company control 20% market
share of beer market which is the 2nd biggest market shares from entire beer market. The
company have automated production line include mills, Brew house and bottling plant and each
control by separate embedded software system not allowed to access operational data stores but
can be configured to generate CSV or excel operational data file at the end of each batch. The
company consists of multiple departments responsible for each operations of the organization
such as Production, Engineering, HR/Legal, finance, Sales and marketing, Procurement,
Administration, Quality control, Research and development, IT and each and every department
have its own operational systems to record keeping purposes and each operational application
software developed by professionally. Each department manages by a department manager. For
an example, production department manages by the production manager and he is responsible
for manage all production related operations in sub departments. Mills, Brew house, Bottling
plant, raw material and finish products stores and each sub department managed by operational
manager. This hierarchical configuration replicates throughout most of the department. Upper
management of brewery required to consolidate all these data in to one data warehouse with the
data contain in the legacy system as well. Other than that upper management required to
incorporate every external data about company and products from various data collection and
research agencies the business intelligent system. Those external data available as JSON/XML data
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files, plain text reports, social media comments/posts and all negative and positive online
comments about organization and products.
Upper management of company believe more you know about organization and the external
environment you have better completive advantage. Have potential to control bigger market
share and effectively become number 1 beer in Sri Lanka
Task 1
Analyse the business processes and the supporting processes of the organization given in
the scenario and differentiate between semi structured and unstructured data. Evaluate
the benefits and drawbacks of using application software to handle the business processes
in Yard of Ale.
Task 2
Compare how strategic, tactical and operational decisions are supported within the
organization for business decision making process. You have to furthermore compare and
contrast how various information systems (TPS, MIS, DSS) could be utilized to enhance those
decisions with related to key features of BI framework. Justify your answer with relevant to
the functionalities of business intelligence.
Task 3
Chief Engineer is the tactical manager of engineering department who oversees all repairs and
maintenance of the total eight sectors of the factory that include water purification plant, Mill,
Brew house, bottling plant, waste treatment plant, factory maintenance and repair/ fabrication
shop. Each sector consists of two or more sub sectors and each subsector have 4- 10 of
machines. Chief engineer requires to track the maintenance and repair all the machineries with
minimal disruption to production and he must maintain healthy inventory of spare parts which
consist of over 5000s items, track the progress of every jobs, Identify problematic arias, Track
engineers and mechanics work logs and efficiency and monitor system downtime.
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3.1. Explain what business intelligence is and the tools and technologies associated with it by
taking relevant examples to the organization given in the scenario.
3.2. Design a Managerial dash board for chief engineer using various data visualizations
methodologies that includes 6-8 widgets to present required information. Apply appropriate
customizations that can utilize to improve the managerial dashboard designed above. Critically
evaluate how your Dashboard design and the suggested enhancement could optimize chief
engineer’s performance by delivering accurate and reliable information to increase his
Task 4
4.1. Discuss how organizational decision-making process can be improved by implementing
business intelligence tools. Conduct a research to identify the organizations that have utilized
new business intelligent innovations and trends to improve their performance and to extend BI
systems to target audience, provide better competitive advantage within the market.
4.2. Sharing data within the organization through a BI tool can raise legal, ethical and
professional concerns. Explore the legal issues that may result when using business intelligence
tools (Egg: Data protection laws, Cyber security, etc.) and
evaluate how the chosen
organization and extend the target audience / gain a competitive advantage by securely
exploiting Business Intelligence tools.
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Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria
LO1 Discuss business processes and the mechanisms
used to support business decision-making.
P1 Examine, using examples, the terms ‘Business
Process’ and ‘Supporting Processes’.
M1 Differentiate between unstructured and semistructured data within an organization.
D1 Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using
application software as a mechanism for business
LO2 Compare the tools and technologies associated
with business intelligence functionality
P2 Compare the types of support available for business
decision-making at varying levels within an
M2 Justify, with specific examples, the key features of
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business intelligence functionality.
D2 Compare and contrast a range of information
systems and technologies that can be used to support
organizations at operational, tactical and strategic
LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools
and technologies
P3 Determine, with examples, what business
intelligence is and the tools and techniques associated
with it.
P4 Design a business intelligence tool, application or
interface that can perform a specific task to support
problem-solving or decision-making at an advanced
M3 Customize the design to ensure that it is user
friendly and has a functional interface.
D3 Provide a critical review of the design in terms of
how it meets specific user or business requirement and identify
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what customization has been integrated into the
LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools
and technologies for effective decision-making
purposes and the legal/regulatory context in which
they are used
P5 Discuss how business intelligence tools can
contribute to effective decision-making.
P6 Explore the legal issues involved in the secure
exploitation of business intelligence tools.
M4 Conduct research to identify specific examples of
organizations that have used business intelligence
tools to enhance or improve operations
D4 Evaluate how organizations could use business
intelligence to extend their target audience and make
them more competitive within the market, taking
security legislation into consideration.
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Table of content
1. Task 1: Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support business
1.1. Business Process and supporting process of Yard Ale-------------------------------------------------------19
1.1.1. Business process---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
1.1.2. Business process---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23
1.2. Differentiation between semi structured and unstructured data in
organizational context.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
1.2.1. Semi-structured data---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
1.2.2. Unstructured Data-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25
1.2.3. Semi-structured vs Unstructured ------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
Benefits and drawbacks of using application software to handle the
business processes in yard ale. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27
1.3.1. Defining Business Process System – Software to track and maintain
business process in Yard Ale.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27
1.3.2. Benefits of using a software to handle business process in Yard Ale---------------------------------28
1.3.3. Drawbacks of using a software to handle business process in Yard Ale------------------------------29
1.3.4. Types of Business process management system-----------------------------------------------------------31
Task 2 – Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence
2.1. Comparison of the type of support for business and decision making levels-------------------------32
2.1.1. Levels of Management in organizational context----------------------------------------------------------33
2.1.2. Decision making levels in an organization-------------------------------------------------------------------35
2.2. Comparison on how various information systems (TPS, MIS, DSS) could be
utilized to enhance decision making. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------37
2.2.1. Types of Business information systems----------------------------------------------------------------------39
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2.2.2. Utilizing information systems according to BI Frame works -------------------------------------------44
2.3. Justification of the above table according to functionalities in
Business Intelligence------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45
2.3.1. Purpose of Business information systems-------------------------------------------------------------------46
Task 3 – Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies. ---------------------------48
3.1. Business Intelligence and Tools and Techniques used------------------------------------------------------48
3.1.1. Tools in use for Business Intelligence-------------------------------------------------------------------------49
3.1.2. Techniques acquired when implementing Business Intelligence---------------------------------------51
3.2. Design Managerial Dash Board for Data visualization for Yard Ale Beer. ------------------------------53
3.3. Critical evaluation on the dashboard design and the suggested
enhancements in optimizing chief engineer’s performance.----------------------------------------------------56
Task 4 – Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and technologies
for effective decision-making purposes and legal context.------------------------------------------------------58
4.1.1. How implementing Business intelligence tools can improve organizational
decision-making.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------58 Direct impact of BI Tools and Decision making-----------------------------------------------------------59 Advanced BI Tools Help in Decision Making--------------------------------------------------------------59
4.1.2. Research to identify how organizations have utilized new BI
innovations and trends.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------61 Business Intelligence innovations----------------------------------------------------------------------------62 Business Intelligence Trends----------------------------------------------------------------------------------63
4.2.1. Exploring the legal issues involved in the secure exploitation of business
intelligence tools. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------72 Privacy and Security Issues in Business Intelligence-----------------------------------------------------72 Data Privacy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------73 Data security-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------74 Cyber security and BI------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------74
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lOMoARcPSD|20942097 Data protection and privacy laws----------------------------------------------------------------------------74
4.2.2.Evaluation on how organizations could use BI to extend the target
audience and be more competitive in market.---------------------------------------------------------------------79 Secure use of consumer data from BI Tools--------------------------------------------------------------81 Data protections strategies------------------------------------------------------------------------------------82
Reference List---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------85
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The success and final outcome of this assignment required a lot of guidance and
assistance from many people and I am extremely fortunate to having been able to work
with great minds specially during intensive practical sessions. My gratitude goes to
specially Mr. Suchith for providing us with all his insights in regards to the module and much
more. It was because of his guidance and efforts collectively that we were able to complete
the assignment on time and submit our best work. I would also like to further extend my
gratitude to the Esoft academic staff for facilitating us in this journey.
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Business intelligence, also known as BI, should be seen as more than simply one particular
"thing". The processes and methods used to gather, store, and analyze data from business
processes or activities in order to improve performance are all included under this broad
phrase. Together, these steps produce a holistic picture of the company that aids in decisionmaking and improves efficiency. By presenting both recent and historical data in a business
context, business intelligence aids organizations in making better decisions. Organizations
can operate more smoothly and effectively if analysts use business intelligence to benchmark
their peers' performance and deliver performance information to them.
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Task 1: Discuss business processes and the mechanisms used to support business
1.1. Business Process and supporting process of Yard Ale
Business process
A business process is an action or series of actions that fulfill a certain organizational
objective. Business procedures should deliver consistent results, have clear objectives, and be
as explicit as feasible.
Business process management (BPM) is a methodical strategy for enhancing processes,
which aids businesses in achieving their objectives. Business process outsourcing may be
used by an organization if cost or resource limitations prevent it from carrying out specific
business operations internally. Many businesses use a third-party service provider to handle
certain company responsibilities, such payroll, human resources (HR), or accounting.
Organizations track the accomplishment of several process phases, or benchmarks, or assess
the standard of the process' endpoint to determine whether a business process is successful.
There are a number of ways a company may employ to enhance a business process if it
deems that it is not producing the expected results. For instance, a company can decide to
concentrate on business process visibility to find problems with process execution or
Business process mapping is another strategy used by organizations to improve the efficiency
of their daily operations. Business process mapping gives firms improved visibility into how
their business operates by visualizing how various processes work. (Pratt & Roy, 2022)
According to (Gaikwad, 2021) a business process improvement is crucial from a strategic
standpoint for a company since it forms the basis of all business activities. Implementing a
business process management approach, boosts initiatives' chances of success at a higher
rate. Businesses all around the world are spending a lot of time and money managing and
enhancing their business processes. Projects and procedures are frequently mixed up with
business processes. Processes are limited, adaptable, repeatable, and they produce value
when they are completed.
When considering the Business process of Yard Ale, we can see that as leading Beer market
in the country they possess a complex Business processes such as;
1. Beer preparation process in warehouses and Beer packaging process.
2. Beer Delivery process to stores and outlets.
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3. Beer marketing process.
4. Cash flow and billing customers.
5. Handling and maintaining quality of beer.
Fig1: Beer Manufacturing process
Steps to create Business process
Step 1: Define clear goals such as purpose of the process, why was it created? How to
measure success rates etc.?
Step 2: Plan and map the process as to what are the strategies needed to achieve the goals,
this is the broad roadmap for the process.
Step 3: Set actions and assign stakeholders by identifying the individual tasks for each teams
and machines need to do in order to execute the plan.
Step 4: Test the process which means by running the process on a small scale to see how it
performs. Observe any gaps and make adjustments.
Step 5: Implement the process by running the process in a live environment. Properly
communicate and train all stakeholders.
Step 6: Monitor the results and reviewing the process by analyzing its patterns and
documenting the process history.
Step 7: It is ok to repeat the process if expected results are achieved. (Kissflow, 2022)
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Fig 2: Business process
Types of business processes
According to (Bunce, 2021) there are mainly three types of business process such as core
process, support process and management process.
Core process: The cross-functional procedures that make up a company's value chain and
directly benefit customers are its core procedures. They exist to meet the needs of clients
outside the company and to bring in money. Consider the procurement procedure at a car
manufacturer, which is in charge of locating the raw materials required by the production
floor to create the finished vehicle.
Support process: These are the procedures that make it possible to carry out fundamental
procedures. They help internal customers and make sure that things get done despite not
bringing in any revenue for the company. Taking Yard ale as an example the HR department
is in charge of assisting in the hiring of individual’s proper individual who has experience ins
brewing mills and beer making processes to smooth out the process who have the necessary
skills to operate the equipment used, allowing the company to produce its final product.
Management: Planning, measuring, monitoring, and controlling the core and support
processes are all part of these processes. They are there to make sure the company is
operating effectively. They are in charge of ensuring that laws are followed, dealing with any
opportunities or threats, and maintaining the business's overall success. Sales forecasting is
an illustration of a management procedure, as it aids in projecting future revenue to ensure
the smooth operation of the company.
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Importance of business process
Business components are vital because they provide a step-by-step description of how things
should be carried out and make it simpler to concentrate on process improvement.
The efficient and successful operation of the organization and structure depends heavily on
business processes. Why are business processes so crucial? Following are some benefits of
strategically planned business processes:
1. Reduced risk and expenditure: A business process lays out the most efficient way to
do a job, taking into account future shortcomings. This reduces risk and expense.
2. Reduced human error: Tasks are given to people who are more capable, thereby
reducing the risk of human error.
3. Improved efficiency: Moves and relevant steps are clearly mapped out, which
enhances productivity.
4. Collaboration - Working together as a team in a process and optimizing the way the
business works.
5. Improved customer focus: A business process continuously updates your company
with information relating to the needs of the customer and reviews about the service
or product they receive.
6. Effective communication: Using market research and reviews, you can communicate
much better with the customer.
7. Improved time management: Certain activities can be done more efficiently thanks to
the development of strategies and flowcharts.
8. Ability to adapt to new technology: Business processes can be improved by taking
advantage of the latest technologies. (checkify, n.d.)
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Supporting process.
According to (Management Mania, 2016) Due to the fact that they assist with the primary
processes, they guarantee the business resources in the required quality and quantity, as well
as the quality of resource supplies or support services, ensuring the overall efficient operation
of the organization. Also (Pratt & Roy, 2022) suggests that these are back-office procedures
inside the corporate operations that are also referred to as secondary procedures. The fact that
supporting processes don't immediately benefit consumers distinguishes them from
operational procedures.
The primary distinction between support and core processes is that whereas core processes
directly provide value to external consumers, support processes only offer value to internal
Support activities can cross functional boundaries, and they frequently do. For instance,
building internal capacity enhances an organization's capacity to offer required goods or
services, even while it does not immediately benefit external consumers.
Although support processes don't immediately benefit consumers, it doesn't imply they aren't
significant to an organization. Support processes can be crucial and important to
organizations since they have a direct impact on their capacity to carry out core operations
successfully. (Viewpoint, 2022)
For instance, support processes included in Yard ale are as follows:
Human Resource Management
Legal department
Engineering department to control and maintain in-house beer manufacturing
Financial Management processes
IT processes
Procurement processes (supplier selection processes, purchasing services, purchasing
Quality Management processes
Sales and marketing to control over all advertisement publishing to promote Yard ale
Research and development team to come up with various beer flavors with new
ingredients and nutrients values.
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1.2. Differentiation between semi structured and unstructured data in organizational
Semi-structured data
Data that is neither recorded or formatted in a typical manner is referred to as semi-structured
data. Because semi-structured data lacks a set schema, it does not adhere to the format of a
tabular data model or relational databases. The data does include certain structural
components, such as tags and organizational metadata, which facilitate analysis, so it is not
entirely unstructured or raw. In comparison to structured data, semi-structured data has the
advantages of being more adaptable and easier to scale. (teradata, n.d.)
Further emphasized by (Naeem, 2020) delimited files are a type of semi-structured data
format. It has components that can split the data into several hierarchies. Similar to digital
pictures, which contain certain structural qualities but lack a predefined internal organization,
these images are semi-structured. For example, a smartphone photograph might include
structured features like a geotag, device ID, and date/time stamp. Images can be given tags
like "pet" or "dog" after being saved to give them structure.
Some of the examples of semi-structured data sources include Emails, XML and other
markup languages, binary executables, TCP/IP packets, compressed files, data merged from
several sources, and web pages are a few instances of semi-structured data sources. The
rising web presence and the demand for adaptable formats for data transmission between
dissimilar databases are both contributing factors to the growing volume of semi-structured
data. Additionally, certain scientific databases that demand a wider range of structural and
text data, coupled with annotations and attribute extensibility, also provide this sort of data.
(Treehouse Technology Group, 2023)
Common examples of Semi-structured data
NoSQL database
Electronic Data Interchange
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Unstructured Data
Unstructured data is described as information that is present in its purest form. Due to its
intricate organization and structure, this material is challenging to analyze. Unstructured data
management may arrange data in a data store in a logical, preset way using information from
a variety of sources, such as social network postings, conversations, satellite images, IoT
sensor data, emails, and presentations. (Naeem, 2020)
Data that isn't actively handled in a transactional system, such as data that doesn't reside in a
relational database management system (RDBMS), is referred to as unstructured data. In a
database setting, structured data may be compared to records (or transactions), such as the
rows in a table of a SQL database. Whether data is organized or unstructured has no
preference. Both have information access methods available to consumers. Simply put, there
is more unstructured data available than organized data. (NetApp, 2023)
Examples of Unstructured Data
Multimedia content: Digital photos, audio, and video files are all unstructured. Complicating
matters, multimedia can come in multiple format files, produced through various means. For
instance, a photo can be TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, or RAW, each with their own
Examples of unstructured data are:
1. Rich media. Media and entertainment data, surveillance data, geo-spatial data, audio,
weather data
2. Document collections. Invoices, records, emails, productivity applications
3. Internet of Things (IoT). Sensor data, ticker data
4. Analytics. Machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI)
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Semi-structured vs Unstructured
Semi structured
Although the data and information
contained have organizational
characteristics, they are not the same as
predefined structured data.
Semi-Structured Data works on the basis of
Relational Data Framework (RDF) or XML.
The data is comparatively less flexible than
unstructured data but way more flexible
than the structured data.
It adapts the transaction from DBMS. It is
not of mature type.
It is possible to version over graphs or
Scaling a Semi-Structured type of data is
comparatively much more feasible.
Semi-structured queries over various nodes
(anonymous) are most definitely possible.
The system or database's available data and
information are not already organized in any
particular way.
Unstructured data works on the basis of
binary data and the available characters.
Schema is totally absent. Thus, it is the
most flexible of all.
It consists of no management of transaction
or concurrency.
It is possible to version the data as a whole.
An unstructured data type is the most
scalable in nature.
Unstructured data only allows textual types
of queries.
Table1: Semi-structured vs Unstructured.
Fig 3 - Structured vs. Semi-Structured Data vs. Unstructured Data.
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1.3. Benefits and drawbacks of using application software to handle the business
processes in yard ale.
Defining Business Process System – Software to tack and maintain business process in
Yard Ale.
Methodical processes are needed to move a business forward which means these are what
will enable to keep costs under control, maintain constant levels of productivity, and preserve
the caliber of the customer experience you offer. It is best to have a business process
management plan in place if to ensure that every aspect of the operations is running
The discipline of business process management involves planning, reviewing, and enhancing
various operational workflows. This would be the grease that lubricates the gears that keep
the company running if it were a machine. It frequently involves a number of structured
methodologies and techniques that lets to evaluate and standardize workflows, get around
unforeseen circumstances, and make sure that operations are cost-effective. As previously
mentioned, modern business process management solutions are frequently used to carry out
this practice rather than manual methods. By removing time-consuming tasks and compiling
your information into a single convenient location, these tools are intended to streamline and
optimize the entire process. (Financesonline, 2023)
However, considering the processes handled in Yard ale a well-established process
management system would definitely be helpful, some of the key features that should be
included in the process management system Yard Ale would be:
Visual process modelling
Business Rule Engine
Business process testing
Social collaboration
KPI Monitoring and measurement
Data Analytics
The stages of a workflow must first be defined for a Business process management system to
be effective. This aids the team in identifying areas for development and metrics to gauge
advancement. Organizations can enhance their operations and produce better business results
by implementing business process management. You need to have a thorough understanding
of the BPM lifecycle to achieve these results.
The stages of a workflow must first be defined for a Business process management system to
be effective. This aids the team in identifying areas for development and metrics to gauge
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advancement. Organizations can enhance their operations and produce better business results
by implementing business process management.
Benefits of using a software to handle business process in Yard Ale.
1. Increased efficiency and cost savings: BPM systems aid in both the optimization of
current processes and the addition of more structure during the creation of new
processes. This is accomplished by removing bottlenecks and redundant steps in the
process, which boosts productivity and efficiency. Businesses that are more agile can
accomplish their goals more quickly and divert any extra resources to projects that are
of the utmost importance.
2. Enhanced employee and customer experience: A BPM toolkit helps to reduce
repetitive tasks and improve information accessibility. Distractions are eliminated so
that employees can concentrate on their work and their clients, which increases client
satisfaction. The learning curve during the employee onboarding process is also
shortened by clear workflows, increasing productivity and engagement.
More scalable processes: BPM makes it possible for better workflow automation and
process execution, which translates well when scaling processes to other regions of
the globe. Tools for business process management can clarify roles and ensure
consistency throughout the process. They can also highlight opportunities for
business rules to be incorporated for automation, freeing teams to concentrate more
on innovation.
Greater Transparency: Business process automation increases openness and
accountability throughout a particular process by clearly defining owners for each job
along the way. This encourages improved team communication.
Less dependency on development team: Low-code characteristics provided by BPM
eliminate any potential reliance on development. These solutions allow for rapid and
simple onboarding of business users, enhancing process automation throughout the
organization. (IBM, n.d.)
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Drawbacks of using a software to handle business process in Yard Ale.
According to recent website publication by (Kissflow, 2021) below lists some of the few
drawbacks that implementing such a business process software for Yard Ale could be
It prevents processes from being repeated.
Because of its extremely rigid framework, it tends to limit innovations.
Its structure does not give employees the freedom to approach problems however they
see fit.
If improperly implemented, it wastes time and money;
It frequently necessitates the assistance of outside consultants who are more
knowledgeable about the tools needed to implement BPM.
Furthermore (Adamyan, 2008) suggests that Business management software typically has a
learning curve and a slower rate of feature releases than competing products. Additionally,
many users find it too difficult to use, and it is not industry-specific.
Another web article by (Quixy, 2023) suggest another perspective of drawbacks in
implementing Business process software’s.
1. Implementation Woes - It takes too long and costs too much money to implement too
many software solutions. Typically, setup expenses are high. Training, onboarding,
and integrating outdated systems also require time investment. The management and
the team may have to spend a lot of time on each of these processes.
2. Inefficiency - Although using too many tools can have the opposite effect, business
tools do increase productivity. When there is a different tool for every task, switching
between apps and tools becomes routine. It approaches multitasking, which is not at
all a good sign. Multitasking results in inefficiency and distraction. In other words,
investing a lot of money in tools will only result in lower productivity.
3. Disconnected Data - When everything is in one location, tracking and analysis are
simple. What happens, however, if there are too many software options? Integration
is essential. Processes sluggish down if that doesn't happen. Members of the team will
have to spend time moving data, but that time could be used for something much
more crucial.
4. Metric failure - Because team members spend time using different tools, it can be
challenging to compile a performance overview at the end of the week or month. The
fact that so many tools are used will make process optimization difficult.
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Fig 4: Business process software UI
Step to create Business process management system
1. Process Design – The process milestones should be outlined by the team first. The
task owners for each stage in the workflow should then be defined together with
specific tasks inside the larger BPM process.
2. Model - The group should provide a visual depiction of the process model during this
stage. Timelines, task descriptions, and any data flow in the process should all be
included in this.
3. Execute - The group should run a proof of concept test using a small number of
people to evaluate the new BPM system.
4. Monitor - assessing efficiency gains and locating any new bottlenecks.
5. Optimize - make any final adjustments to the process to improve business activity.
(IBM, n.d.)
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Types of Business process management system
There are mainly 3 main categories for Business process management for Yard ale to be
One of them will be Integration Centric Business Management Plan, such a system will be
very help full HR and Legal department of Yard ale due to the efficiency and to maintain and
analyze up to date data of the employees. These systems typically have connectors and API
access to speed up the processes. Depending on the vastness of the business as a leading ale
brewing company it is important keep track of human involvement.
Another type would be Document Centric BPM again useful for Yard ale legal department
and HR and also for the Quality control department, when there needs to be kept of lot of
documentation, enabling routing, formatting, verifying, and getting the document signed as
the tasks pass along the workflow.
Lastly Human Centric BPM mainly focused on tasks executed by human, such packaging of
yard ale beer bottles, barcoding beer bottles storing beer in warehouse in wooden barrels and
for possibly fermenting process, for these a Human Centric BPM is useful due to the fact that
these often have a lot of approvals and tasks performed by individuals. These platforms excel
at a friendly user interface, easy notifications, and quick tracking. (indeed, 2021)
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Task 2 – Compare the tools and technologies associated with business intelligence
2.1. Comparison of the type of support for business and decision making levels
Business Intelligence
According to research publication by (Negash, 2004) Systems for business intelligence
convey complicated and competitive information to planners and decision-makers by
combining operational data with analytical tools. The goal is to make decision-making inputs
more timely and of higher quality. Using business intelligence
Comprehend the business's strengths, the current status of the markets, technology, and
regulatory environment in which the firm competes, as well as the competitor's strategies and
the effects of those strategies. A richer business intelligence environment is now possible
because to the development of the data warehouse as a repository, improvements in data
purification, improved hardware and software capabilities, and the rise of the web
Business intelligence systems are frequently utilized in industry, although little is known
about them. In addition to serving as a lesson, this paper suggests a BI framework and new
research areas. The framework emphasizes the significance of unstructured data as well as
the requirement for the creation of BI tools for its collection, integration, cleansing, search,
and distribution. In order to facilitate research, this article also investigates a matrix for BI
data types (structured vs. unstructured) and data sources (internal and external).
Fig 5: Variety of information inputs available to provide the intelligence needed in decision making
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The notion—or rather the ideal—that business intelligence systems offer useful data to
decision-makers at the appropriate time, in the appropriate place, and in the appropriate
format is implicit in this statement. The goal is to make decision-making processes more
efficient by increasing the timeliness and quality of inputs. Online decision-making, or
immediate reaction, is also referred to as business intelligence. Most frequently, it means
reducing the time frame so that the information is still helpful to the decision maker when it
is time to make a choice. Using business intelligence is often seen as being proactive.
Levels of Management in organizational context
According to a recent article by (SpriggHR, 2020) suggest that the separation between
distinct administrative positions in a company is referred to as its levels of management. The
number of management levels grows in tandem with the company's and its workforce's size,
and vice versa. The chain of command within an organization, as well as the degree of power
and, often, the effect on decision-making that each managerial position accrues, may all be
influenced by the various levels of management. Management levels may be broadly divided
into three main types, each of which assigns various tasks to managers.
1. Administrative, Managerial, or Top Level of Management
The chief executive or managing director of an organization and the board of directors make
up this level of management. Given that it is in charge of a company's objectives, rules, and
practices, it is the ultimate source of power and authority. The strategic planning and
execution of the entire business performance is their top focus.
Following is a summary of the top level of management's functions and responsibilities:
 defining the company enterprise's goals and basic policies.
 provide the required guidelines for the creation of budgets, timetables, processes, etc.,
particular to a department.
 creating the organization's strategic strategies and policies.
 appointing departmental managers as executives for middle-level management.
 putting in place controls across all organizational divisions.
 The highest management level, which is made up of the Board of Directors, is also in
charge of interacting with the outside world and is accountable to an organization's
shareholders for the operation of the business.
 Providing general direction, encouragement of cooperation and harmony.
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2. Executive or Middle Level of Management
This intermediate management level is composed of the branch and departmental managers.
These individuals spend more time on organizational and directed tasks since they are
directly responsible to upper management for the operation of their particular departments.
Smaller businesses often just have one layer of middle management, but bigger businesses
may have senior and junior levels.
Following is a summary of the middle level of management's functions and responsibilities:
 putting the organization's goals into action in conformity with the guidelines and rules
established by the highest management level.
 creating plans for the organizational divisions they are in charge of.
 taking part in lower-level management's recruiting and training processes.
 communicating and interpreting the policies to lower-level management from top
 sending data and reports in a timely and effective manner to senior management.
 assessing the effectiveness of junior managers.
 motivating lower-level managers to enhance their output.
Supervisory, Operative, or Lower Level of Management
Supervisors, foremen, section officers, superintendents, and any other executives that oversee
operational staff and are primarily responsible for human resources are considered to be at
this level of management. Simply said, lower level managers are largely focused on the
execution and coordination of daily workflow that ensures project completion and delivery of
Following is a summary of the lowest level of management's tasks and responsibilities:
distributing responsibilities and assignments across different employees.
assisting and training employees in daily tasks.
monitoring both the volume and the quality of output.
preserving positive relationships with lower echelons of the organization.
acting as mediators by explaining higher-level aims and objectives to workers while
also expressing difficulties, recommendations, and other worker input to higher levels
of management.
 assisting in addressing and resolving employee complaints.
 having control over and directing their subordinates.
 participating in the recruiting and training of their employees.
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 putting together the equipment, tools, supplies, etc. required to carry out
organizational activities.
 the creation of regular reporting on the workers' performance.
 upholding peace, order, and discipline in the workplace.
 enhancing the company's reputation as a whole thanks to their close relationships
with the employees.
Hierarchy level of Yard of Ale
The hierarchical structure for Yard of Ale is designed in a similar manner where upper level
management will be monitoring overall functionality and the data received from BI systems
in the form JSON/XML/CSV files to monitor all ongoing operations and financial flow, after
the upper level management of Ale brewery will set specific missions that will be passed on
to the middle level management such as HR Managers, IT Managers, Brewery warehouse
managers which will be analyzed and goals will be set and passed on to first line managers
such team leaders operational managers which will then be conveyed to labors and other staff
members to perform their respective duties.
Decision making levels in an organization
According to a recent web article by (Thompson, 2019), The management role is typically
divided into three levels in conventional organizational organizations, each of which has a
varying amount of power and influence. The company plan is often developed by top
managers, put into action by middle managers, and overseen by line managers while
employees carry out their daily tasks. All managers have some degree of decision-making
authority, but as you progress down the ranks, the type of decisions you make varies
1. Strategic levels of decision-making authority:
Strategic planning/decision making is the responsibility of the C-suite, which includes the
chief executive officer, chief operating officer, chief financial officer, and presidents. This
entails creating policies that will have an effect on the company for at least the next five
years and making long-term, strategic choices. Examples comprise:
Launching new products.
Becoming a market leader.
Gaining market share.
Diversifying revenue streams.
Going international.
Improving customer satisfaction.
Reducing financial waste.
Developing the company's reputation as an ethical business.
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Making strategic decisions is essential to a company's success or failure since they influence
the growth and development of the enterprise. These choices carry a certain amount of risk,
and top management will do extensive financial modeling and situational research to evaluate
the risk based on forecasts of upcoming market circumstances.
2. Tactical decision making:
The majority of tactical decisions are made by middle managers. They are responsible for
converting the company's strategic goals into action plans, such as those that outline work
procedures, cash levels, pricing points, inventory levels, and labor needs. To accomplish the
goals outlined in the strategic plan, the emphasis is on leveraging available resources and
developing performance criteria.
Tactical choices encompass a significantly shorter time frame than strategic decisions something in the area of 12 to 36 months is common - and are linked with less uncertainty
and risk.
The following are some instances of management decision-making at the tactical level:
Allocating budgets and resources.
Manpower planning.
Designing jobs and work processes, including the automation of tasks.
Specifying technology to improve production efficiency.
Pricing decisions.
"Make or buy" decisions.
Developing preventive maintenance plans to ensure that production runs smoothly.
3. Operational-level decision making:
Operational decisions are made by the lower echelons of management. Who should do this
job? is one example of a choice that is regular in nature and involves the day-to-day
operations of the company. What tools or resources ought we to employ? How many stock
items should we order?
A company may unknowingly make hundreds or even thousands of operational choices on
any one day. Compared to tactical or strategic judgments, these decisions are often
administrative in nature and have significantly lower scopes and scales. Usually, they can be
quantified in terms of time and objectives. For an example, a line manager may choose the
number of production units for yard ale beer bottles required to complete a work order for a
local bar or the number of labor hours to allot in producing and packaging these beer bottles.
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Fig 6: Decisions Commonly Made within Organizations
2.2. Comparison on how various information systems (TPS, MIS, DSS) could be utilized
to enhance decision making.
Business Intelligence and Information systems
According to (Stedman, 2023) Business intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for
data analysis and information delivery that aids managers, employees, and executives in
making wise business decisions. In order to make the analytics results available to business
users for operational decision-making and strategic planning, organizations collect data from
internal IT systems and external sources, prepare it for analysis, run queries against the data,
and create data visualizations, BI dashboards, and reports.
Better business decisions that help organizations boost revenue, boost operational
effectiveness, and gain a competitive edge over rival companies are the ultimate goal of BI
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initiatives. In order to accomplish that, BI combines analytics, reporting, and data
management tools with a number of different data management and analysis methodologies.
Beyond BI software, a business intelligence architecture consists of other components.
Business intelligence data is typically kept in a data warehouse created for the entire
company or in smaller data marts, which frequently have connections to an enterprise data
warehouse and hold subsets of business information for specific departments and business
units. Data lakes built on Hadoop clusters or other big data systems are also being used more
and more as repositories or landing pads for BI and analytics data, particularly for log files,
sensor data, text, and other kinds of unstructured or semi structured data.
BI solutions may assist both strategic and tactical decision-making processes by using data
from source systems that can contain both historical information and real-time data that is
collected as it is created. To guarantee that BI teams and business users are studying correct
and consistent data, raw data from many source systems typically has to be merged,
aggregated, and cleaned using data integration and data quality management technologies
before it is utilized in BI applications.
Information Systems
A recent publication by Harvard Business review (Alter, 1976) Managers currently use a
wide range of technologies to formulate and carry out decisions thanks to recent
advancements in computer-based information technology. These systems, which differ
greatly from conventional electronic data processing systems, have often been created from
the ground up for specialized objectives. Sadly, managers seldom have a voice in the creation
of these decision support systems, and those who do create them frequently have a narrow
perspective on their potential applications. Despite these shortcomings, the author discovered
that some of the 56 methods he evaluated are effective. And the ability of managers to use
the system to boost their performance inside their businesses is the difference between
success and failure.
According to (EMERITUS, 2022) A mix of hardware, software, and communication
networks make up an information system, which is used to gather meaningful data,
particularly inside an organization. Information technology is used by many firms to carry
out and manage operations, engage with customers, and outperform rivals. Today, some
businesses are totally dependent on information technology.
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Types of Business information systems
Transaction Processing Systems:
The majority of a company's everyday operations are documented and handled by its
transaction processing system, which takes input data and transforms it into output—
information—meant for different users. Transactions are events that have an impact on a
business and constitute input data. An economic event is a financial transaction if it has an
impact on the firm's assets, appears on its accounting accounts, and is measured in monetary
terms. Financial activities include buying inventory from suppliers, selling items to clients,
and paying employees' salaries. Every other transaction is not financial. For instance, the
marketing division may add certain demographic information to its consumer database.
Although it wouldn't be a financial transaction, the information would be handled by the
company's transaction processing system.
The output of a transaction processing system can include not only documents delivered to
third parties (in this example, a receipt of payment notice), but also information circulated
internally (in the form of reports), information stored into the database for updating, and
information disseminated internally. (University of Minnesota, 2010)
Fig 7: Transaction Processing System
Management information systems
Tactical managers utilize management information systems (MIS) to track the organization's
present performance status. A management information system receives its input from a
transaction processing system's output. The tactical managers utilize the reports that the MIS
system generates to monitor, regulate, and forecast future performance by routinely
analyzing the data with algorithms that aggregate, compare, and summarize the findings. For
instance, data from a point of sale system may be utilized to examine trends in the sales of
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both successful and unsuccessful items. Future inventory orders may be made using this
information, increasing orders for goods that are performing well and decreasing orders for
underperforming products.
The semi-structured decision is the tactical manager's responsibility. The tactical managers
make judgment decisions based on their knowledge and the information provided by MIS
systems to anticipate how much inventory or items should be ordered for the second quarter
based on the first quarter's sales. (Martin, 2023)
Examples of management information systems include;
Sales management systems – they get input from the point of sale system
Budgeting systems – gives an overview of how much money is spent within the
organization for the short and long terms.
Human resource management system – overall welfare of the employees, staff
turnover, etc.
Decision Support Systems
An interactive system called a decision support system gathers, presents, and combines data
from many sources to assist managers in making no routine choices. Management might
utilize a decision support system to determine if it would be a sensible business choice. To
determine whether the business has the financial stability to grow its activities, the first step
is to obtain data from internal sources. Managers could locate the information required to
decide if there is enough demand in the state for a casino. Both sorts of data will be used by
the decision support system as variables in a quantitative model that managers may examine
and decipher. The final choice must be made by a person, but the decision support system
facilitates and improves the decision-making process by making sense of the pertinent facts.
(University of Minnesota, 2010)
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Fig 8: Decision Support System
Further comparisons and contrasts on TPS vs MIS vs DSS
 While management information systems are intended for medium-term planning and
strategic decision-making, transaction processing systems are designed for day-to-day
 If a system for processing transactions is down for an hour or a day, it will have a
negative impact on the organization's operations and result in losses. The MIS data,
however, is not calculated as frequently.
 Systems for transaction processing typically work with large amounts of data. The
MIS typically handles much less data volume.
 The operators and supervisors involved in particular operations are the intended users
of the transaction processing system. Managers at middle and senior levels should use
the MIS.
 The TPS is frequently a source of data for MIS. Periodically, the TPS summary is
transferred to MIS.
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 Data from TPS and MIS are used by decision support systems. They also incorporate
information from additional sources, such as competitor reports and website
 To make better decisions in a particular situation, decision support systems employ a
variety of scientific techniques and statistical calculations. (Mishra, 2013)
Use of these information systems in organizational decision making
Table1: Illustrates suitable information system to decision making with correspondence to Managerial
Management Level
Type of system(s) suitable
Administrative, Managerial, or
Top Level of Management
Executive information system
Using graphics-based
searches on summary
and comprehensive
data, they offer
executive information
in an easily accessible,
interactive style.
They are also
employed to compare,
evaluate, and highlight
patterns in order to
guide a company's
strategic path.
They frequently
interact with
operational systems,
allowing managers to
dig deeper to learn
more about an issue.
Typically, it allows for
both an overall
description of the
organization and the
ability to dig down to
certain levels of detail.
As a result, they
labeled it as an MIS
for executive usage.
(Watson, 1992)
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Decision Support System
Executive or Middle Level of
Management Information
System (MIS)
It is obvious that DSS
have higher analytical
power than other systems
by design. They either
compress massive
volumes of data into a
form that decision makers
can understand, or they
utilize a number of models
to analyze the data.
DSS specifically
incorporate user-friendly
software, and they are
designed to be used
directly by consumers.
DSS are interactive; the
user is able to alter
presumptions, pose fresh
queries, and add fresh
MIS offers a suitable
framework for wise
In essence, it would be
very challenging for
enterprises to make
choices without the
established mechanisms of
acquiring information in
Through its methodical
tools, timely information,
and suitable management
policies and regulations,
MIS often creates a solid
foundation for the
development of tangible
Supervisory, Operative, or
Lower Level of Management
Transaction Processing System
the procedure for acquiring and
compiling the data required to
finish transactions. Both
human and automated
processes can be used to
collect data. Automated data
gathering systems have made
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data collection quicker, more
reliable, more efficient. They
also enable businesses to use
the data obtained in far more
versatile ways. For instance,
retail establishments utilize
scanners to automatically input
the price item into TPS after
reading the bar code from the
Utilizing information systems according to BI Frame works
Below show several functions of Management Information systems to
Data Collection: MIS may gather a variety of data kinds. A variety of data may be
provided to MIS, which is connected with other employee-used software, including
financial data, personnel details, sales data, etc.
Decision making: MIS is used to assist in making decisions. The senior management
can use the reports on aggregate data that are presented to make daily choices.
Collaboration: Access to amend and share MIS data can be given to employees. The
system's routine problems are handled by the MIS division.
Business Reporting: Based on the business reports produced by MIS, managers make
choices. Reports are available for everyone to compare data or generate a data file.
Furthermore, below outlines how a well implemented information system in BI frame work
would need to handle the enterprises functionalities with relation to Decisions making:
 Data mining is the practice of examining massive amounts of data in order to learn
more. Data mining makes use of datasets, statistics, and machine learning.
 Data Preparation: To keep it ready for data analytics, data is gathered, cleansed, and
formatted from both internal and external sources.
 Types of Analytics: Depending on the needs of the firm, business intelligence can
offer a variety of analytics. For instance, descriptive analytics uses preliminary data;
statistical analytics uses descriptive analytics data; and predictive analytics combines
statistical analytics with data mining and machine learning.
 Querying is the process through which an employee requests specification data from a
BI tool. In order to answer the query, the tool analyses data from datasets using
computational resources.
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 Data visualization is the process of displaying data graphically and in real-time. For
ease of comprehension, the reports produced by the BI tool are displayed as charts,
graphs, holograms, heat maps, etc. (Roy, 2022)
2.3. Justification of the above table according to functionalities in Business Intelligence
The above described systems play a key role when it comes to organizational decision
making with varied levels of management. All of the above described systems, Decision
Support System, Management Information System and Transaction Processing System will
need to have extensive capabilities when it comes to handling data because these systems are
used to describe data exploration, data analytics, data visualizations, reports, software
infrastructure, the gathering, cleaning, and aggregating of data, as well as the general
procedures organizations use to become more data-driven. It includes a variety of procedures
and tasks, such as data collection, storage, and preparation, statistical analysis, visual
analysis, and more, usually with the intention of maximizing performance. Therefore, in
order cater these needs these systems need to have 5 key functionalities to assist in the
process as mentioned below:
1. Executive dashboards
Business executives receive relevant, understandable real-time data from a customized
business intelligence dashboard, which speeds up decision-making and reduces response
times to both internal and external events. Executives want easy-to-understand KPIs and
summary data delivered on a regular, scheduled basis through customizable dashboards.
2. Location intelligence
The capacity to map and visualize data in geographical representations is known as location
intelligence. Customers' geographic whereabouts are tracked in real-time data streams, which
may be a useful tool for organizations.
“What if” analysis
Businesses can evaluate the possible outcomes of important business decisions before they
are actually taken by using "what if" analysis. Users may create strategies to accomplish
corporate goals and steer clear of the standard "hit and miss" strategy using the data that is
already available. This facilitates proper strategic planning by management.
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4. Interactive reports
Users are assisted in turning data into knowledge through interactive reporting. In order to
promote improved decision-making, they enable users to better grasp the analyses contained
in reports and the underlying data they are based on.
5. Ranking reports
By choosing precise criteria, this tool enables you to generate reports that rank particular
categories of data from several dimensions. You may evaluate the top and worst performing
areas of your organization using ranking reports. For instance, you may produce a report that
lists the top 10 selling goods, geographical areas, or sales representatives. (Yellow Fin, 2022)
Purpose of Business information systems
All levels of an organization use business information systems, including technical support
and human resources, and many of those systems fall under the "umbrella" of a larger,
company-wide system. (The University of Arizona Global Campus, 2022)
Business information systems perform a number of crucial tasks, such as:
 Information analysis and archiving:
Businesses utilize business information systems to store and analyze data, whether it's the
mailing lists your favorite brands use to send out special offers or the explosive increase in
health care informatics. Time and money may be saved and enhanced insight into a certain
area of the business is provided by having all of that information in one convenient location.
 Decision-making:
Organizations and their executives may examine information and utilize it to decide on longand short-term strategy using the aforementioned facts at their disposal. For instance,
incoming consumer data might provide management with information on what customers
think of a company's products, what new things they want, and what prices they're ready to
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 Increasing productivity
Today's firms use software solutions that can complete activities that would take people
minutes or hours to complete in microseconds. Business information systems are helpful in
various aspects, such as project planning, budgeting, and more. They also lessen repetition
while increasing efficiency and streamlining complex procedures. People frequently
approach to those who develop and execute these systems with inquiries that only they can
respond to, making them an essential component of the business since they have a much
greater understanding of how their firm operates.
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Task 3 – Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies.
3.1. Business Intelligence and Tools and Techniques used
What is Business Intelligence?
According a recent web report by (Olavsrud & Fruhlinger, 2023) Business intelligence (BI)
is a collection of techniques and tools used by organizations to evaluate business data and
provide insights that can be used to make strategic and tactical business decisions. In order to
give users in-depth knowledge about the condition of the business, BI tools access and
analyze data sets and show analytical results in reports, summaries, dashboards, graphs,
charts, and maps.
The phrase "business intelligence" is frequently used to describe a variety of technologies
that offer rapid, simple-to-understand access to insights about the present status of a company
based on accessible data. Although the phrases "business analytics" and "business
intelligence" are sometimes used interchangeably and have similar functions, BI is really a
subset of business analytics. To review historical company data and better comprehend
currently available information, BI focuses on descriptive analytics, data gathering, storage,
and analysis. Business analytics involves looking ahead, as opposed to business intelligence
(BI), which uses previous data to inform decision-making. It makes predictions about what
could occur in the future using machine learning, data modeling, and data mining to
determine why something occurred.
Business intelligence is a collection of procedures and tools for transforming unprocessed
data into information that can be used to make smart business choices. It is an allencompassing word that integrates data mining, data tools, business analytics, data
visualization, infrastructure, and best practices to provide easily digestible data summaries
and support a company in making more data-driven choices. Enterprises may create new
business capabilities and uncover sales and marketing potential with the help of BI.
Business intelligence (BI) solutions are technology that help organizations recognize patterns
and provide quick access to robust data analysis capabilities. In addition to helping
businesses expand, immediate problems may be solved, and future outcomes can be
predicted, business intelligence tools and software are used for a variety of additional
purposes. All BI solutions on the market assist firms in making strategic decisions.
(simplilearn, 2023)
Example of Business intelligence illustration
If world renowned pharmaceuticals supply firm requires BI technologies to identify the
particular issues within its supply chain process, such as locating the cause of delays and
detecting the inconsistencies that exist inside the supply process, in order to enhance its
supply chain management.
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The company's BI skills may also be utilized to show which transportation methods are
engaged in delaying the process or supply of which items are more frequently affected or
delayed as a result of this.
Another instance would be Yard Ale beer to track all company data visualizations and profit
margins and to monitor all financial aspects from beer sales in Sri-Lanka, the need of a
strong BI plat form is required not only for financial monitoring but also to monitor
employee performance and to determine market shares dominance and etc.
Tools in use for Business Intelligence
Large volumes of organized and unstructured data are gathered, processed, and analyzed by
business intelligence tools from both internal and external sources. Documents, pictures,
emails, movies, diaries, books, postings on social media, and more can all be used as data
sources. BI tools employ queries to retrieve this data, which may then be shown as reports,
dashboards, charts, and graphs for ease of use.
The tools are capable of carrying out many different tasks, including text mining, predictive
analytics, performance management, analytics, and reporting. So that they may base their
decisions on forecasts, market trends, and key performance indicators (KPIs), staff can use
this information. (Coursera, 2022)
Below is a list of some of the Business Intelligence Tools in use today:
1. SAP Business objects
A business intelligence tool called SAP Business Objects provides in-depth reporting,
analysis, and interactive data visualization. The platform places a lot of emphasis on areas
like digital supply chain, ERP, and customer experience (CX) and CRM. The self-service,
role-based dashboards that this platform offers are particularly good since they let users
create their own dashboards and apps. SAP is a powerful program with a wealth of features
that is designed for all jobs (IT, end users, and management). However, the product's
intricacy does increase the price, so be ready for that.
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Fig 9: SAP Interface
2. Data pine
Even for non-technical people, Datapine's all-in-one business intelligence platform simplifies
the challenging process of data analytics. Data analysts and business users may both easily
connect various data sources, do complex data analysis, develop interactive business
dashboards, and provide useful business insights thanks to datapine's solution, which
employs a full self-service analytics strategy.
3. Microstrategy
A corporate business intelligence tool called MicroStrategy provides hyper intelligence,
cloud solutions, and sophisticated (and quick) dash boarding and data analytics. Users may
recognize new possibilities, spot trends, increase productivity, and more with this service.
Whether the incoming data comes via a spreadsheet, cloud-based service, or business data
program, users can connect to one or more sources. You may access it from a PC or a mobile
device. However, setup can be complicated and need a lot of application knowledge from a
variety of parties.
4. SAS Business Intelligence
Although powerful predictive analytics are SAS' most well-known product, it also offers a
fantastic business intelligence platform. Users may utilize data and analytics using this wellestablished self-service platform, which was established back in the 1970s, to make decisions
about their business. Users have several possibilities for customization when using their set
of APIs, and SAS assures high-level data integration and sophisticated analytics & reporting.
To provide you with extra contextual insights into your data, they also provide a fantastic text
analytics option.
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5. Microsoft Power BI
Data visualization is the strength of Microsoft Power BI, a set of web-based corporate
analytics tools. Users may see trends in real-time, and it contains brand-new connections that
let you improve your campaigning. Microsoft Power BI may be accessible from just about
anywhere as it is a web-based application. Users may give reports and real-time dashboards
with this software, as well as integrate their apps.
6. Tableau
A business intelligence tool with a focus on data discovery and data visualization is Tableau.
Without assistance from IT, you may quickly analyze, visualize, and share data using the
program. Multiple data sources, including MS Excel, Oracle, MS SQL, Google Analytics,
and SalesForce, are supported by Tableau. Users will have access to user-friendly dashboards
that have been thoughtfully built. In addition, Tableau provides a number of independent
solutions, such as Tableau Desktop (available to everyone), Tableau Server (locally
executable analytics for businesses), Tableau Online (hosted analytics for businesses), and
many more.
7. Oracle BI
Business intelligence technologies and applications are part of the Oracle BI enterprise suite.
With the use of this technology, customers may access almost all business intelligence
features, including dashboards, proactive intelligence, ad hoc analysis, and more. Because it
is a very reliable solution, Oracle is also fantastic for businesses that need to analyze massive
data volumes from both Oracle and non-Oracle sources. Data archiving, versioning, a selfservice portal, and alerts/notifications are other crucial aspects. (Haije, 2022)
Techniques acquired when implementing Business Intelligence.
According to a recent publication by (Beatrice, 2021) Modern organizations such as the
Yard Ale beer produce large data on a regular basis in the digital age ranging from beer
shipments daily and cost calculations. Recent technological advancements have made it
possible for businesses to efficiently store and analyze large data in order to release datadriven choices and insights. The gap between data storage and utilization is regrettable.
Business intelligence is being used to minimize this data gap. Business intelligence
approaches have proliferated in response to the surge in demand for real-time data
processing, making data and analytics available to more people than just analysts.
Top business intelligence strategies drive the efforts while business intelligence technology
aids decision-makers in data analysis and making educated judgments. They enable analysts
in finding patterns in the masses of big data that companies accumulate by helping them
analyze trends. There are now too many business intelligence approaches because of the need
for greater disruption in decision-making and the rising demand for it. In this article,
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Analytics Insight has provided a list of the best business intelligence strategies that enable
organizations to make the most of big data.
Below lists some of the techniques used:
The important business intelligence method known as online analytical processing (OLAP) is
used to resolve analytical issues with multiple dimensions. The flexibility that OLAP's multidimensionality affords users to examine data issues from various angles is one of its main
advantages. They may even find hidden issues as a result of doing this. In order to complete
tasks like budgeting, CRM data analysis, and financial forecasting, OLAP is primarily used.
Data Visualization:
The most common way to store data is as a matrix of integers. However, understanding the
matrix in order to make business judgments is a crucial responsibility. When data is kept in a
set, even a layperson or analyst can determine how far along it is. Data visualization is used
to disentangle the mess. Professionals may use data visualizations to examine data from
several angles and come to well-informed conclusions. As a result, seeing data as charts is a
simple and practical approach to comprehend the position.
Data Mining:
Data mining is the technique of automatically or semi-automatically analyzing vast amounts
of data to find significant patterns and rules. The volume of data kept in a company data
warehouse is enormous. It is quite important to locate the true facts that might inform
company decisions. As a result, analysts employ data mining techniques to reveal the
underlying correlations and patterns in data. The whole process of using the database,
together with any necessary selection, processing, subsampling, and selecting the best
method for data transformation, is knowledge discovery in databases.
Business intelligence reporting encompasses the entire process of planning, creating
performance data, sales data, reconciling data, and preserving content. It supports the
management, planning, and decision-making processes by assisting businesses in efficiently
gathering and presenting information. According to their demands, business executives can
read the reports every day, every week, or every month.
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3.2. Design Managerial Dash Board for Data visualization for Yard Ale Beer.
Fig 10: Dash Board 1 - Maintenance of Machinery
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Fig 11: Dash Board 2 - Monitor Machine downtimes, Inventory and labor forecast
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Fig 12: Dash Board 3 - Monitor Works Completion rate and System Downtime
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3.3. Critical evaluation on the dashboard design and the suggested enhancements in
optimizing chief engineer’s performance.
The BI dash for Yard Ale has been implemented in a sophisticated manner, it is a cloud
based platform, that will store employee information, sales numbers, profit margins,
technical details, Yard Ale is a large scale beer producing business it houses a factory fully
functional and equipped with cutting edge and high tech machinery along with a huge work
force of 200 men and active technicians maintain these operations and these machinery to
delivery on time productions toward business the factory consists of Eight sectors Mill, Brew
house, bottling plant, waste treatment plant and factory maintenance and repair/fabrication
As described above there are thousands of operations that take place in this factory in
combination of all eight factors, and to stay on top of all of these functions is going to be a
crucial task for the Chief engineer and to help with the Engineers duties a very power full BI
system has been implemented to monitor almost all of the corners in the business and mainly
in the operation of the factors and the data is presented to the Engineer in terms of statistical
graphs, analysis, data tables pie charts, line graphs etc. to take necessary actions and have
control on all the operations to smoothly function with Business operations.
When we dive into the BI system and in comparison to the tasks or activities that the chief
engineer needs to stay focused on; for instance the chief engineer would need to track the
maintenance and repair all the machineries with minimal disruption, So the BI system will
play a key role in assisting this task for the Engineer because the BI dash board shown above
in (Fig.10) shows Down time cause of machinery in two separate statistical graphs where the
chief engineer can have an idea of the rate of the machine failures and the machines currently
in active and function which the engineer will be able to report and decide on how the Beer
fulfilment orders can be completed with tight deadlines in correspondence to the limited
number of machines that are currently active and working with these statistical reports the
chief engineer can make and inform the productions managers or whoever is in charge that
for a certain amount of time period the production rate could go down due to machinery
repairs and that customers will be informed in order to reduce complaints and to support a
smooth flow in the operations.
Another instance would be maintaining healthy inventory of spare parts which consists of
over 5000 items, this is a lot of numbers in spare parts that is stored in the factory store, if
these inventory is not handled carefully it will affect a large sum of company money spent on
machinery Equipments since these high tech beer manufacturing machines and they can be
very costly, so to overcome these types of problems the BI system has dash boards created to
monitor inventory in (Fig.11) gives data in a tabular view where the chief engineer can
determine the available stock of spare parts along with numbers and most recent price
updates and can also monitor the number of spare parts that were used in one specific Job
and this will help massively for the chief engineer to decide what quantities of parts are
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required to complete certain repair task of machines, and based on these the engineer can also
plan ordering of new spare parts in the proper amount without wasting more money.
Another important task that falls under the chief engineer’s portfolio would be track work
progress of every job, labor work logs, efficiency and system downtimes, (Fig.12) shows a
detailed tabular view of all the ongoing tasks in the factory mainly focused and customized
on maintenance and repairs of machinery it will give the chief engineer a good exposure by
providing details of the task owner and the priority status an brief description and the overall
progress in the work, with this information the engineer is capable to handle future task and
any ongoing tasks that are taking longer to be completed can be focused more and pushed to
be completed promptly all of this will eventually affect the big picture which is a smooth
flow of beer production and supply, and last but not least it also possible to monitor any
issues with system and if there was a particular system outage through the customized BI tool
with a mixture of Artificial Intelligence to provide quick alerts automatically to IT System
Departments possible outage to investigate and provide root causes.
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Task 4 – Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and technologies for effective
decision-making purposes and legal context.
4.1.1. How implementing Business intelligence tools can improve organizational
Software solutions for business intelligence (BI) have grown more and more crucial for
businesses to gather insights, maintain competitiveness, and accelerate growth. In order to
assure improved corporate decision-making, BI refers to the process of collecting and
analyzing insights and analytics from raw data. To develop suitable business strategies and
make wise judgments, businesses of all sizes must be able to efficiently analyze, monitor,
manage, and display their data.
Business intelligence has been in some form or another since the days of hand-written
spreadsheets and basic visualizations. Connecting databases and obtaining summaries
became more and more difficult as applications grew more complicated. Business customers
started to demand that BI solutions adapt to shifting markets and technology as a result.
Companies eventually began searching for independent BI solutions that could operate in the
complex and fragmented business ecosystem while being vendor-neutral.
BI solutions use OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) to assist businesses with data
analysis, KPI monitoring, and report generation. As a consequence, businesses may
recognize both good and bad business trends, share results with their stakeholders, and get
useful information for making decisions. These technologies may also provide businesses an
advantage over the competition by giving data that can be used to forecast market trends,
identify fresh possibilities, and create game-changing plans. (Peernova, 2020)
Slow decision-making procedures are one of the most challenging issues that businesses must
deal with. You may enable your teams to make quick decisions and maintain your
competitive advantage by using business intelligence, which extracts, analyzes, and turns raw
data into intelligent, pertinent, and usable insights. Data is the secret to corporate insight, and
connection and technology may assist. Data analytics accelerates decision-making, according
to evidence as described further.
The number of channels that provide data has likewise been rising year after year. The
growth of social media and e-commerce, which produce staggering amounts of data each
day, is to blame for this. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rising idea that has made it possible
for all types of smart devices to collect, analyse, and produce more data. A research found
that the capacity of computer storage is increasing by around 58% annually. The entire
quantity of stored data that is currently known to the public is 41 zettabytes. Global public
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data is anticipated to exceed 175 trillion gigabytes by 2025, despite attempts to eliminate
pointless data and manage data effectively.
Business intelligence (BI) gives corporate organizations the chance to combine data from
several sources into a single, cohesive source, compile and organize the data, and provide
end users with an interface for extracting reports and dashboards that may help them make
better informed business decision. In order to provide predictions and projections that may
lead to improved operational models, market responses, innovation, and profitability,
businesses need to have access to data and business intelligence. This allows them to
understand their industry and consumers better. (Pennywise, 2021)
Direct impact of BI Tools and Decision making.
According to a recent publication by (Connor , 2021) suggest that companies devote a
significant amount of money throughout time to creating and implementing various
technologies that facilitate decision-making. The creation of business intelligence reports,
dashboards, and web-based apps are some of these tools. Tools for business intelligence have
become crucial to a company's success. The use of these technologies can ultimately help
revolutionize how risk is handled and decision-making is structured.
Good business judgments may have positive outcomes, just like they can with most other
decisions. Data analysis may assist a corporation in making wise business decisions if it is
done carefully. Understanding and defining the problem is the first stage in applying
business intelligence when making choices. This might happen to the organization through
strategic planning, which involves identifying the company's goal and values.
Using a business intelligence solution is intended to boost productivity and decision-making,
both of which will lower risk. Risks are categorized as "low," "medium," and "high"
depending on their frequency and severity in decision-making for risk reduction that may be
represented as a decision tree. High-risk choices are typically more challenging and call for
more thorough preparation.
Today's corporate environment may benefit greatly from the ability to gather and combine
data. It enables you to decide and act based on the same information that informs so many
decisions in the first place. This is the core purpose of business intelligence.
Advanced BI Tools Help in Decision Making:
1. Generate reports with valuable insights – Every firm need reports as a necessary
component. Each department produces reports to convey the current business position
in various formats, from inventories to accounting to sales. Enterprises may create
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extensive reports that convey important details about their income, sales, inventory,
prior performance, and more with the aid of business intelligence consulting.
2. Data visualization – Employees can utilize data visualization technologies with little
to no training. These tools are designed to provide information in a straightforward
and understandable manner for a wide audience. Using the drag-and-drop capability,
staff members may add and remove elements from the dashboard. They can easily
understand how many aspects affect the overall performance of the company thanks
to this.
3. Increased Benchmarking standards – Creating benchmarks is a difficult process. For
the purpose of creating an action plan to implement the systems and procedures
utilized by the industry leaders in the company, extensive research is needed. BI
tools, however, have made benchmarking easier.
4. Efficiently using unstructured data – This facilitates gaining comprehensive insights
from data, which is not achievable when businesses use a single form of data. Only
structured data can be worked with using traditional techniques. Advanced BI
technologies can assist in gaining insights from unprocessed data. A step in the
process involves applying machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and
trends. Organizations benefit from these trends and insights as they get ready for the
5. Access to Real-time sales intelligence – Increasing knowledge of markets and
corporate processes is a major duty of business intelligence consulting services. How
can businesses use an opportunity to increase their market share if they are not even
aware of it? By opening up new doors to generate chances and seize them with both
hands, BI tools assist management keep on top of the market's altering trends. It's also
crucial to know which to target and which to avoid.
6. Streamline Business operations - SMEs can shorten the product life cycle and
decrease faults by automating routine processes. Businesses may cut waste by
streamlining their numerous activities and aligning them with business information.
BI systems may track and evaluate every action the company does, from acquiring
raw materials to providing the finished product to the consumer and enhancing the
user experience. Enterprises may eliminate duplication, reduce and automate
repetitive operations, speed up production and delivery, and more by utilizing the
insights produced by BI technologies. (Chopra, 2021)
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4.1.2. Research to identify how organizations have utilized new BI innovations and
Business Intelligence innovations
According to (Dialani, 2021) The only criteria to outperform the competition are no longer a
product's price, design, or advertising. Understanding customer needs and being aware of
their willingness and ability to pay are the things that determine competitive advantage. The
value of data to a business has never been greater. The third generation of business
intelligence (BI) is what we are currently in. But a BI team's primary responsibility has
always been to comprehend, assess, and use the past in order to inform future decisions. The
innovations that have influenced the current BI landscape are as described below.
1. Technology Shifts
BI platforms began developing products in the early 2000s using the architecture that was in
vogue at the time. The purchase of high-performance desktop computers with single CPU
server systems that had more memory and directly attached storage was prompted by the fact
that more users meant more data. In contrast to the third generation, which is moving toward
a network-centric stack, the first two generations had a data-centric stack as their design
point. Critical technological shifts started to emerge as mega-vendors like IBM and Oracle
were busy consolidating. Early business intelligence (BI) solutions were primarily desktopinstalled, and deploying enterprise software globally was challenging. But as time went on,
the internet took center stage in design, and a fully web-based architecture was created with
options for quicker deployment and a straightforward installation process.
2. Data About Data
Vendors realized that analytics was an enterprise-wide function, not just a desktop function,
and that products with proper governance and security had to be designed with the
enterprise's involvement in mind. A metadata layer was used to build products. In a metadata
repository, metadata is managed and stored. There are three different kinds of metadata:
descriptive (for finding and identifying resources), structural (for describing types, versions,
and other features of digital content), and administrative (for providing technical details like
file type, creation method, and audience).
3. Storytelling with Data
Early BI systems used tools that were solely dedicated to reporting and dashboards. But BI
solutions evolved functionally along with changing architectures. A knowledgeable
individual can claim that a certain set of facts has shown insights that are quite self-evident.
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But your audience must also comprehend insights in the same manner. Analytical logic can
assist close the gap by telling tales using facts. A dashboard will just provide tables or
graphical information that the viewer may not completely comprehend. Solutions to include
narrative techniques were developed in order to comprehend the true meaning of the data.
4. Smart Data Discovery
Smart data discovery, sometimes referred to as augmented intelligence, is quickly laying the
groundwork for the next major transformation of the analytics industry. According to a
survey, customers of contemporary BI and analytics systems who are distinguished by smart
data discovery skills will increase twice as quickly and provide twice as much corporate
value as those who are not. Machine learning algorithms can examine trillions of data
combinations from several data sources without the need for any data modeling. These tools
are now only available from a few number of providers, and they also prevent users from
understanding why certain events occurred. End customers with highly scalable needs are
now anticipated on modern BI solutions. Delivering reports and analysis to hundreds or
thousands of users simultaneously is a function that a contemporary BI server should offer.
The current BI platform need to be fully utilizing the network-centric architecture without
charging more.
Fig 13: Process of smart Data discovery
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Business Intelligence Trends
For firms of all sizes and sorts, business intelligence has all the characteristics of a necessary
software solution. However, not all businesses have always embraced BI. Business
intelligence used to be a secret weapon only accessible to big businesses with vast budgets
for purchasing computer power and sophisticated data collecting facilities. Fortunately, cheap
data analysis tools made available by technology like cloud computing let small firms join
the BI revolution. Due to technology developments, nearby small and midsized businesses
may now take use of BI. Many people have jumped on the bandwagon out of concern that
they would miss out on these advantages. (Calzon, 2022) describes below a list of Business
Intelligence trends that widely in use in the present day.
1) Artificial Intelligence
2) Data Security
3) Data Discovery
4) Predictive & Prescriptive Analytics Tools
5) Collaborative BI
6) Data Governance
7) Data Literacy
8) Natural Language Processing (NLP)
9) Data Automation
10) Embedded Analytics
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 Artificial Intelligence
Businesses are transitioning from static, passive reporting of things that have already
occurred to proactive analytics with dashboards that enable them understand what is
occurring at all times and provide alarms when something is not going as it should. As it
learns from past trends and patterns, solutions like an AI algorithm built on the most
sophisticated neural networks offer great accuracy in anomaly identification. Any unexpected
incident will be promptly recorded in this manner, and the user will be notified by the
The ability to provide upscale insights is another benefit that AI-powered BI systems may
provide. Essentially, it examines your dataset completely automatically without any effort on
your part. Simply choose the column or variable (for example, revenue) that the algorithm
should concentrate on and the data source you wish to study. The results of the computations
will then be sent to you along with growth/trends/forecasting, value driver, correlations
between important segments, anomalies, and what-if analysis. That is a significant time
savings since a tool will handle tasks that would often be done by a data scientist, giving
business users access to high-quality insights and a better grasp of their data even if they lack
a strong IT experience.
 Data Security
Businesses have been compelled to make security investments in order to comply with the
new rules and to safeguard themselves against cybercrime. In fact, it is predicted that in the
following five years, worldwide spending on cybersecurity goods would exceed $1.75
trillion. In order to strengthen accountability for cyber risk management, 50% of c-level
executives will have risk-related obligations inserted in their employment contracts by 2026.
SaaS BI tools must ensure they are providing a safe solution that customers will trust with
their sensitive data in order to address the cybersecurity issue, which creates a problem for
them. Online business intelligence software is exposed to security threats just like any other
cloud service. Some of these include vulnerabilities when transporting data from user
systems to the BI tool's cloud or when the tool allows access to data from different devices
that may be risky and vulnerable to attacks. Other ones include processing data fast to deliver
real-time insights that could be subject to regulatory compliance. BI software must have a
strong emphasis on security in order to stop any of this from happening.
 Data discovery/visualization
It is anticipated that data finding via visuals will continue to expand in the years to come.
Data discovery has become more accessible because to visuals. The top 4 business
intelligence trends already included data discovery, which is anticipated to continue
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expanding in the near term. The empowerment of business users is a powerful and enduring
trend, as BI practitioners consistently demonstrate.
Data discovery is essentially the act of gathering data from numerous internal and external
sources, then combining it all utilizing complex analytics and visualizations. By giving
people the tools to intuitively examine, alter, and derive useful insights from the information,
organizations can maintain the interest of all pertinent stakeholders in the information.
Businesses of all sizes employ contemporary solutions, such as business intelligence tools, to
accomplish this goal. These tools include data integration, interactive visualizations, a userfriendly interface, and the ability to work effectively and intuitively with large volumes of
Fig 14: Importance of Data BI and analytics
 Predictive and prescriptive analytics tool
The process of obtaining data from already-existing data sets in order to predict future
probability is known as predictive analytics. It is a development of data mining that solely
considers historical data. The notion of predictive analytics always involves the risk of errors,
even though these errors continuously get less as software that handles massive amounts of
data today gets smarter and more effective.
Prescriptive analytics advances technology much farther. It looks at information or content to
decide what choices to make and what actions to take to accomplish a goal. Techniques
including neural networks, graph analysis, simulation, complicated event processing,
heuristics, and machine learning are used to define it. In order to change decisions before
they are actually made, prescriptive analytics aims to predict the outcomes of future
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Fig 15: Sample view of how software’s automatically calculates predictions based on historical and
current data.
 Collaborative Business Intelligence
The main objectives of contemporary BI systems are collaborative information, information
augmentation, and collaborative decision-making. However, collaborative business
intelligence goes beyond simple document updates or exchanges. It must monitor the
different developments of conferences, phone conversations, email correspondence, and the
gathering of ideas.
Collaborative BI will begin at early stages and go beyond just exchanging insights. Data
exploration should be the first step in the complete analytical workflow for a more effective
decision-making process that involves all stakeholders, regardless of where they are located.
This final point is particularly crucial when taking into account the rising security issues that
many firms are currently experiencing
 Data Governance
Data governance is the next item on our list of developing business intelligence trends. This
idea refers to a collection of procedures, guidelines, and job descriptions that guarantee
proper assessment, production, consumption, and management of corporate data at the
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tactical, strategic, and operational levels. To provide a safe and effective data management
process, it specifies roles and responsibilities regarding who may change the data, under what
circumstances, and with what tools and techniques.
Data governance has become a required practice in today's fiercely competitive corporate
world, where the amount of data being gathered keeps increasing every second. In addition to
helping firms stay legal, a well-implemented governance structure also helps them save
expenses, increase internal and external communication, and achieve their strategic
 Data Literacy
The capacity to comprehend this data and utilize it as a collaborative tool that everyone in the
organization can use is crucial for success as data increasingly serves as the basis for
strategic choices for organizations of all sizes. In light of this, one of the important data
analytics trends to is data literacy.
 Natural Language Processing
One of the most recent developments in business intelligence, Natural Language Processing
(NLP), is redefining how organizations approach their analytical procedures. NLP, one of the
most potent disciplines of AI, is separated into two subsets: natural language understanding
(NLU) and natural language generation (NLG). NLU and NLG enable computers and robots
to comprehend, learn from, and interpret spoken or written human language. While NLG
focuses on text creation based on particular data input, NLU focuses on understanding the
meaning behind text and speech.
 Data Automation
Topics relating to business intelligence would be incomplete without automated data
analysis. Since there was so much data created, saved, and available for processing during
the past ten years, businesses and organizations have been actively searching for cutting-edge
data automation solutions to handle the enormous amounts of information that have been
gathered. Since we are unsure of the exact timing of the automation of data science jobs, it is
important that we keep a watch on this trend in business intelligence.
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Fig 16: Data Automation Journey
 Embedded Analytics
Embedded analytics is the name of the game when data analysis happens within a user's
normal workflow. Businesses have realized the possibility of integrating different BI
elements, like as reports or dashboards, into their own applications to enhance productivity
and decision-making. Companies have learned how using integrated dashboards enables
them to give better value within their own apps after previously being choked by
Below depicts the sample overview of how embedded analytics is.
Fig 17: Demonstration of Embedded Analytics
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Example of companies that have implemented innovations and trends in BI
Koodos - it is a new startup from Harvard Business School’s Rock Center for
Entrepreneurship that builds content curation technology for Gen Z based on usergenerated data.
Workflow difficulty before implementing BI Tool:
Before using a BI tool, they lacked a simple method for accurately analyzing product
performance in order to gauge the success of their experiments.
Product logs would need to be downloaded as CSV files and then uploaded to Google
Sheets. They occasionally used SQL to run queries from there, but because their data wasn't
centralized, they discovered that it was challenging and time-consuming to demonstrate that
their experiments were carrying out as intended.
Workflow change after implementing BI Tool:
Koodos can combine their data using a business intelligence tool to understand how their
experiments are performing and then apply those insights to create a better product.
As a "central repository" for all product log data, they first configured their business
intelligence tool. No matter how clean the dataset was, they could run queries after gathering
all that data. With the help of those queries, they could create dashboards that directly
compared sets of data in real time, making it simple to spot trends and connections.
2. New York Shipping Exchange (NYSHEX) – it is a shipping-technology company
working to improve the process of shipping overseas. They’ve been doing very well
recently, doubling enrollment in 2019, thanks in no small part to business
Workflow difficulty before implementing BI Tool:
Before, they manually imported all of the data from their various cloud apps and proprietary
application into Excel. Few people had access to this data because it was such a timeconsuming process, and the engineering team was responsible for fulfilling the majority of
report requests.
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Workflow change after implementing BI Tool:
NYSHEX made the decision to make their business intelligence tool available to the entire
organization. This is made possible by the fact that all of the data is housed in a single system
and that even those without coding experience can easily conduct in-depth analysis.
Any employee of NYSHEX is able to run queries, set up dashboards, and produce reports.
They can still get exactly what they need, when they need it, even if they have no idea what
SQL (structured query language) is.
3. Reddit – It is a social media website with a focus on aggregating news and
community discussion.
Workflow difficulty before implementing BI Tool:
Reddit has a lot of data to manage with over 430 monthly visitors from all over the world.
The data team used to be entrusted with finishing ad hoc requests, which not only took time
away from their own projects but also complicated access to data for other teams. This
bottleneck hid valuable information and made it practically hard to take full use of the
available monetization potential.
Workflow change after implementing BI Tool:
Reddit didn't intend for everyone to use its business intelligence tool, but due to the
simplicity of BI tools, they continued getting requests from staff members to run their own
data queries.
The sales team became some of the greatest BI aficionados after they granted access to the
rest of the organization. They used it to analyze Reddit's enormous data collection in real
time to discover when brands or items were discussed among the 2-million+ groups.
4. CareLinx - CareLinx is a nationwide, in-home care network connecting families to
over 300,000 in-home caregivers.
Workflow difficulty before implementing BI Tool:
CareLinx is a nationwide, in-home care network connecting families to over 300,000 inhome caregivers. CareLinx works with protected health information (PHI) for the benefit of
the families that utilize their program. They require a BI solution that complies with the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) due to the sensitivity of PHI.
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They had two systems prior to establishing a HIPAA-compliant solution: a BI for non-PHI
data and a different manual system for PHI data. To be compliant, they would have to filter
out any PHI data if they sought to perform any type of business analysis, which would result
in an incomplete picture of the clients they serve. This dual-system strategy proved
impractical as CareLinx planned to expand operations countrywide.
Workflow change after implementing BI Tool:
CareLinx is a nationwide, in-home care network connecting families to over 300,000 inhome caregivers. Now that a fully working BI solution has been implemented, any team
inside the organization is able to securely query any data, including PHI, to better understand
their consumers. customer satisfaction
No matter how big CareLinx becomes, they can still provide each family who utilizes their
product individualized attention by utilizing a HIPAA-compliant BI tool.
Clever - clever is a portal for digital learning that is being utilize by 60% of K–12
schools in the United States.
Workflow difficulty before implementing BI Tool:
In order to make sense of the large amount of data that Clever had to deal with due to its
rapid growth, the company used a database called MongoDB, a data warehouse called
Amazon Redshift, and SQL. They needed a speedier technique to go through all that data so
that things could continue to function smoothly. They specifically wanted to comprehend
how teachers employed technology.
Workflow change after implementing BI Tool:
The firm gained more understanding of how its customers interact with the company's
product after using a powerful BI tool. For instance, the customer success team may
independently find patterns in the support-ticket data provided by educators, which the
product team might then use to prioritize new features.
With 90% of the organization operating in this manner, business intelligence enables Clever
to recognize and act on insights more quickly. (David, 2021)
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4.2.1. Exploring the legal issues involved in the secure exploitation of business
intelligence tools.
In an organizational context data plays a major role in many aspects of the company ranging
from sales and marketing, to productions units, service offerings, employee relations and all
sort of associated direct and indirect decision making. A greater focus has been placed on
assuring data quality by preventing duplication and making sure the most correct, recent
information are used as a result of the proliferation of data in companies. Data cleansing and
extract, transform, and load (ETL) methods for integrating data are two of the several phases
in contemporary data management. Metadata, sometimes known as "data about data," has
increasingly being added to data for processing to aid administrators and users in
understanding databases and other types of data.
Making sense of your company's business data can be difficult and complex. Our expertise
and the demonstrated efficacy of our software solutions can help you locate, gather, report,
and portray data from all of your organizational data sources, creating a genuine picture of
the past, present, and future performance of your business. (Vaughan, 2019)
Privacy and Security Issues in Business Intelligence
The corporate sector is becoming increasingly concerned about privacy and security risks as
the market for business intelligence expands. Everyone has the right to control the
information that is disclosed about them, and while there are laws and procedures in place to
protect this right, they are ineffectual. It is crucial to access and keep safe information since
businesses use BI to gather and analyze data to boost performance. Although technology
advancements make it simple to get information freely from a variety of sources, it also
makes it necessary to design systems that can safeguard that information from outsiders
misusing it.
There are many other types of information that may exist, such as information on the clients
who are the main sources of revenue. They are a company's most valuable intellectual
property since they give customers meaningful advantages. Therefore, if a competing
business can identify these clients' wants, it might try to entice them with fresh offers, which
would be detrimental to the first business. Data may be stolen primarily from two sources,
including any person: an employee with permission to access it and afterwards pass it to
anybody outside the company, and secondly, a technical malfunction. Better security
measures should be in place for the company data warehouse to guard against it falling into
the wrong hands. (Rose India, 2022)
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Further security issues when using BI Tools
According to (Smallcombe, 2021) below describes some of the security/privacy concerns
when companies who are dealing with Business Intelligence tools
 Analytics Software Processes Tons of Data Quickly – When working with data from
many sources, the usual BI solution strives to enhance reporting speed and accuracy,
especially if you have real-time or almost real-time needs. The system could take in
private information that must comply with legal requirements, which could result in
fines and other sanctions.
 Dependent on the Security of Third-Party Providers for Cloud-Based BI Tools –
When using cloud services, you depend on the provider to take care of necessary
security precautions. Your data may be at danger if they don't prioritize security, lack
a culture focused on security, or have dangerous policies and processes. The degree
of IT security might differ greatly amongst BI systems.
 Poor Access Control for Sensitive Data – More than just technological security
measures are needed to keep your data safe. Additionally, you require rules and
regulations that control risks and guarantee effective data governance.
 Security Flaws with APIs – To connect your data sources to the platform, you may
use either the API capabilities provided by the BI tool or custom built functionality.
An opportunistic attacker might utilize that connection if the API has security
weaknesses to access your systems and data.
Data Privacy
According to a recent web publication by (Cloudfare, n.d.) The capacity to choose when,
how, and how much personal information about oneself is shared with or conveyed to others
is known as data privacy. One's name, address, phone number, or online or offline conduct
are examples of personal information. Many internet users desire to regulate or limit specific
sorts of personal data collecting, much as someone may want to keep certain persons out of a
private chat.
Over time, as Internet usage has grown, so has the significance of data privacy. In order to
deliver services, websites, software, and social media platforms frequently need to gather and
preserve personal data about users. However, certain platforms and applications could go
beyond what consumers had anticipated in terms of data gathering and utilization, giving
them less privacy than they had anticipated. Other platforms and applications could not put
enough protections in place for the data they gather, which might lead to a data breach that
breaches user privacy.
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Data security
The term "data security" is similarly ambiguous and not always clear-cut as it relates to data
privacy. This misunderstanding is magnified when contrasting the ideas of data privacy, data
security, and data protection.
Data security is the concept of protecting digital data from theft, corruption, or unauthorized
access throughout its entire lifecycle of:
Data security covers a wide range of topics, including administrative access restrictions, the
security of software applications, and the physical security of storage devices and hardware.
Cyber security and BI
Companies can no longer operate without a cyber-security team as the business community
grows more dependent on business intelligence technologies to be competitive in the global
marketplace. They cannot see their cyber security staff as a distinct unit within their
company. If a corporation wants to safeguard both itself and its clients, business intelligence
must be supported by cyber security.
A survey found that 59% of Asian organizations experienced security breaches that had a
negative impact on their operations at least once a month. To meet these issues, business
intelligence and cyber security solutions must be integrated. Cybersecurity is becoming a
business concern as well as a technical issue.
Business intelligence systems' usage of digital data marts and warehouses to store data has
only enhanced the possibility of cyberattacks to disrupt trade. Technology is used by BI
systems to convert gathered client and operational data into usable processes and broad
business directions. During an attack, both private information and important commercial
insights from studied data may be taken. Data warehouses and data marts that host BI data
must match the protection of vaulted file cabinets from the past. (Sentient Digital, 2019)
Data protection and privacy laws
System design must take a comprehensive approach to data protection and include
administrative, technological, and legal precautions. To begin with, legislative frameworks
that protect user rights, personal information, and privacy should serve as the foundation for
ID systems. The ID system and other government or private-sector initiatives that process
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personal data are covered by general data protection and privacy legislation that many
nations have implemented. These laws often include extensive regulations and principles
relevant to the gathering, storing, and use of personal information, in conformity with
international standards on privacy and data protection, such as:
Purpose limitation.
Proportionality and minimization
Fairness and transparency
Storage limitations
Privacy-enhancing technologies
To overcome these types of problems companies would strictly need to comply to some of
the below listed data protection acts to safeguard employee information and customer
information without letting them to get into wrong hands.
Data protection laws UK
The Data Protection Act 2018 controls how your personal information is used by
organizations, businesses or the government.
The Data Protection Act 2018 is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR).
Everyone responsible for using personal data has to follow strict rules called ‘data protection
principles’. They must make sure the information is:
used fairly, lawfully and transparently
used for specified, explicit purposes
used in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary
accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
kept for no longer than is necessary
handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against
unlawful or unauthorized processing, access, loss, destruction or damage
There is stronger legal protection for more sensitive information, such as:
 race
 ethnic background
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political opinions
religious beliefs
trade union membership
biometrics (where used for identification)
sex life or orientation
There are separate safeguards for personal data relating to criminal convictions and
Under the Data Protection Act 2018, you have the right to find out what information the
government and other organizations store about you. These include the right to:
be informed about how your data is being used
access personal data
have incorrect data updated
have data erased
stop or restrict the processing of your data
data portability (allowing you to get and reuse your data for different services)
object to how your data is processed in certain circumstances
You also have rights when an organization is using your personal data for:
 automated decision-making processes (without human involvement)
 profiling, for example to predict your behavior or interests (GOV.UK, n.d.)
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Fig 17: UK/EU Data protection laws
Data protection laws Sri-Lanka
Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), No. 9 Of 2022, passed on 19 March 2022. It covers
all the bases that a data protection regulation is expected to cover related to data subject
rights. Additionally, it states the responsibilities of data processors/controllers and penalties
for those that fail to comply with the PDPA.
 The protection of national security, defense, public safety, public health, economic
and financial systems stability of the Republic of Sri Lanka;
 The impartiality and independence of the judiciary;
 The prevention, investigation and prosecution of criminal offences;
 The execution of criminal penalties;
 The protection of the rights and fundamental freedoms of persons, particularly the
freedom of expression and the right to information.
Computer Crime Act, No. 24 of 2007
This Act may be cited as the Computer Crime Act,
No.24 of 2007 and shall come into operation on such date as
the Minister may by Order published in the Gazette appoint
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(hereinafter referred to as the “appointed date”).
2. (1) The provisions of this Act shall apply where—
(a) a person commits an offence under this Act while
being present in Sri Lanka or outside Sri Lanka;
(b) the computer, computer system or information
affected or which was to be affected, by the act which
constitutes an offence under this Act, was at the
material time in Sri Lanka or outside Sri Lanka;
(c) the facility or service, including any computer
storage, or data or information processing service,
used in the commission of an offence under this
Act was at the material time situated in Sri Lanka or
outside Sri Lanka;
(d) the loss or damage is caused within or outside Sri
Lanka by the commission of an offence under this
Act, to the State or to a person resident in Sri Lanka
or outside Sri Lanka.
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4.2.2. Evaluation on how organizations could use BI to extend the target audience
and be more competitive in market.
As a leading Beer producing company Yard Ale has successfully implemented a powerful I
tool and almost 70% of the staff now use it to fast phase all the work that is being one and all
the levels of management tiers inside the Beer giant is using the tool to make powerful
decisions. Now one of the challenges for Yard Ale is to learn to how utilize the data gathered
and visualized from the BI tool and get to more target audience without exploiting any data
in legal wise.
In order to do this Yard Ale would need to utilize their BI tool with collaboration with the
Sales and Marketing team to gain insights and mine data more towards the consumer side of
the business and will need to utilize and gather data toward groups that has more interest in
using Beer products below describes some of the ways a BI tool can be utilized efficiently to
capture the beer market in Sri-Lanka.
Using Business Intelligence to enhance Yard Ale consumer rates
BI technologies support decision-making with data while increasing the marketing function
and making sales data more visible, enabling marketers to fine-tune their marketing
strategies. Business intelligence may assist marketers in defining KPIs that are most pertinent
to business objectives if your organization works with big quantities of data.
Business Intelligence enhanced Marketing The effectiveness of your company's marketing
campaigns may be tracked and analyzed using business intelligence, and results can be
compared to prior patterns. With this knowledge, businesses may maximize their marketing
expenditures and identify the most effective promotional tactics.
Businesses may implement their cross-sell and best-sell efforts while releasing the brakes on
underperforming initiatives by employing marketing data. Following careful research, the
campaigns may either be improved upon or scrapped, enabling companies to maximize
performance and cut down on resource wastage.
Business Intelligence enhanced Marketing Businesses may enhance their marketing strategy
thanks to business intelligence in marketing, which makes it easier to organize data into a
multichannel stream. Marketers may send campaigns to the appropriate audience at the right
time through the right channels by evaluating demographic data.
Any source of consumer data may be gathered and analyzed by business intelligence in
marketing to create a dashboard that shows:
 Purchasing habits
 Preferred products
 Demographic stats
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 Interaction models
 Pain points
A company has to have the right data in order to do predictive forecasting and develop a
successful sales plan. Businesses may achieve these smaller goals while still achieving the
overall goal of boosting sales thanks to business intelligence in sales.
Accurate sales predictions have a number of advantages, including better order fulfillment,
cheaper inventory, and larger earnings. By utilizing adjacent information based on product
requests, promotional activities, and other factors, business intelligence increases the speed
and accuracy of sales projections. For instance, the study of sales history data may increase
the accuracy of forecasts, enabling more timely purchases, the prediction of future income,
and effective inventory management.
Product firms may optimize revenue by making the most of every dollar spent on marketing
and advertising by integrating sales-based business analytics. By enabling businesses to
carefully track client responses to their sales promotion initiatives, business intelligence tools
encourage decision-makers to devote more funds to the most successful programs.
Building on existing sales through client retention is more profitable and cost-effective for
ecommerce firms than attracting and selling to new consumers. Salespeople who use
business intelligence solutions may keep track of what their existing customers purchase and
don't buy. When salespeople have this knowledge, they may target repeat customers with
targeted offers and marketing initiatives.
To give clients a comprehensive sales experience, sales teams rely on cross-functional data
from CRMs, customer service, and marketing departments. By integrating information from
spreadsheets, Excel, CRM, help desks, and call center apps, which offer a thorough analysis
of completing transactions and customer service quality, business intelligence may increase
revenue. One of the major benefits of BI tools is that they pull data in real time from other
applications, eliminating the drawbacks of importing static data between systems.
(MxrAutomation, 2022)
Finding more sales opportunities
Sales managers can immediately determine which clients are making purchases and, more
crucially, which goods are losing popularity. By tracking client purchases on a daily, weekly,
monthly, or annual basis, business intelligence (BI) enables you to instantly visualize
consumer spending trends.
Identifying these trends highlights new sales opportunities. An important opportunity lies
with cross-selling complementary products. For example, Yard Ale will sell 6 can beer packs
and 12 can beer packs. A customer may need to buy some beer packs for a picnic, but by
bundling them together at a very attractive price point, you are offering an incentive to
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purchase the pack rather individual beer cans, because it shows as more cost effective buy for
the customer and more demand will be added to the beer packs.
Below is the BI Analytics dash board used by the Yard Ale sales and marketing team to
analyze market competition using consumer data
Fig 18: Sales & Marketing Dash board.
Secure use of consumer data from BI Tools
According to (BROWN, 2022) 87% of customers said they would not make a purchase from
a firm if they are concerned about personal data protection, demonstrating the serious worry
that consumers have for data privacy nowadays. At a time when data is the new oil, more
people will refuse to share their data with a corporation that lacks data protection, which
poses a severe concern.
By carefully choosing your BI tools, you can persuade your clients that their data is secure.
Look for analytics tools with security protection built in and data repositories that anonymize
data to secure consumer identities while not impairing your ability to comprehend their
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Data protections strategies
Multi-level user access.
To access their services, most systems rely on a single, distinct security level. Once the user
has authenticated, he or she can access any service to which they have been granted access,
regardless of whether or not that service contains sensitive or confidential data that
necessitates a stronger identity verification of the user. RBAC (role-based access control), or
any other kind of authorization policy, is typically used to do this. (Redhat, n.d.)
Multi factor authentication.
In order to access a resource like an application, an online account, or a VPN, the user must
provide two or more verification factors, which is known as multi-factor authentication
(MFA). A robust identity and access management (IAM) policy must include MFA as a
fundamental element. MFA demands one or more extra verification elements in addition to a
login and password, which lessens the possibility of a successful cyberattack. (Onelogin,
Fig 19: How MFA works
Data de-identification (Anonymization).
According to (BOURDILLON, 2021) Data de-identification, a type of dynamic data
masking, refers to severing the connection between the data and the person with whom it was
originally linked. In essence, this calls for the elimination or transformation of personal
identification. It is significantly simpler to reuse and share the data with third parties once
personal identifiers have been altered or erased utilizing the data de-identification procedure.
Data encryption.
Data encryption is a technique for ensuring the secrecy of data by encoding it into cipher
text, which can only be decoded using a special decryption key that is either produced at the
moment of encryption or previously. To make sure that keys are only given to or used by
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authorized users, data encryption is frequently used in combination with authentication
services during data storage and transfer. (Cloudian, n.d.)
Limiting access to raw data.
Raw data should never be made available to anybody not involved in the project. Usually, the
likelihood that confidentiality will be violated, either unintentionally or on purpose, increases
with the number of individuals who have access to sensitive material. Implementing rolebased limits, keeping track of who has access to the data, and restricting the ability to copy
datasets are all examples of good information security procedures.
Breach responses
Any breaches must be easy to find, look into, evaluate for risk, and document. They must be
reported if necessary. You may do this with the use of efficient procedures. Numerous
negative consequences for people may result from a breach of personal data. There may be
severe ramifications for businesses, their staff, and their clients, including possible financial
Monitoring and auditing
As per the details shown by (Kusserow, 2017) Sampling procedures are one type of
monitoring approach that allows program managers to spot and analyze deviations from a
predetermined baseline. Reviewing the continuous monitoring procedure and confirming that
it is successful in producing the desired result are both aspects of ongoing auditing.
Data swapping
The data swapping approach is implemented by creating pairs of records with similar
attributes and then interchanging identifying or sensitive data values among the pairs.
Data perturbation.
Data perturbation is a data security technique that adds 'noise' to databases allowing
individual record confidentiality. This technique allows users to ascertain key summary
information about the data that is not distorted and does not lead to a security breach.
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BI software connects people with information when and where they need it, and provides
capabilities far beyond spreadsheets to deliver a true picture of the business. For small and
mid-size firms, however, finding a BI strategy that matches their resources, expertise and
budgets can be particularly challenging.
Organizations often start small with BI implementations by creating periodic reports or being
reactive to enterprise events. That reporting is often based on historical data. However,
moving past that is a real possibility.
Over time, organizations can move to using data to make predictive decisions. Big Data,
mobile computing, internal data stores, and the cloud combine to create an environment in
which “the sky is the limit” when it comes to using data to understand customers' perceptions
as well as the general state of the business. Creating useful BI is a moving target that must
adapt as available data and organizational needs change.
BI is not just the job of the IT department. It often starts that way, but it must grow. IT may
focus on the storage, processing, and dissemination of BI, but for BI to be truly useful to your
organization, IT must work alongside the business constituents who generate, understand,
and use the intelligence. BI is not just a tool of the IT department it may be enabled by
technology, but it is a tool of business to enhance the understanding of the state of affairs.
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