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Digicards X Knock

Digicards || From Branding to Leads to Sales
Process Includes:
Branding & Visual Identity
Marketing & Lead Generation
NOTE: The purpose of each step will be inclined towards our final step which is quality leads
and sales. From brand identity to persuasive ad copies, visual communication
(Creative ads), marketing & quality lead generation are all these steps which are
interlinked with the ultimate end goal which is sales.
As a social media marketing agency, branding is an integral part of our services.
Here’s how we can assist you with branding which includes:
1. Brand Identity:
Brand colours or colour palette
Brand New logo for Digicards
Font & Typography for Digicards
Brand Messaging & Visual Styles
Facebook banner & Cover
Instagram Feed Theme
All that aligns with the Digicard target audience and business goals.
2. Packaging & Product Design:
If you have already designed your product which is your digital card according to
your brand identity (right now there is no brand identity digicards have) then we’re
good to go, if not then after our brand identity step we’ll create product design
aligning with your brand identity.
So, imagine you’re about to receive an e-commerce product you’ve ordered. Think
about the excitement you feel as you anticipate its arrival. Now, the moment the
package arrives at your doorstep, what’s the first thing that captures your
It’s likely the design of the packaging and the visual cues that it gives about the
product inside. This initial impression forms the foundation of your expectations for
the product.
Key Points:
First Impression: Branding is about creating a strong and memorable initial
impression through packaging design and visual communication.
Balancing Act: While the product and service are crucial, effective branding strikes
a balance between these and the visual representation.
Emotional Connection: Well-designed packaging and consistent visual identity
create an emotional connection with customers, showing that the company values
their experience.
Competitive Edge: In a competitive market, a strong brand identity distinguishes
your business and attracts customers looking for unique experiences.
Experience Matters: Customers seek not just products but meaningful experiences;
branding enhances this by making the entire interaction memorable.
Additionally, it's important to recognize that this branding process directly correlates
with your business's sales. Consider it an investment, a one-time effort that can yield
continuous returns. When you invest in creating a strong brand identity, captivating
packaging, and compelling visual communication, you're essentially setting the stage
for increased sales.
On the flip side, if you choose not to prioritise this process, generating sales and
leads could become an uphill battle. Without a well-crafted brand identity and
captivating packaging, you might find yourself investing extra time, effort, and
resources to attract customers. It's a choice between a smoother path to success
and a potentially challenging road ahead.
Marketing & Lead Generation:
Content Marketing
Social Media Management
Business page settings & optimization
Business Manager Creation
Ads Manager Creation
Integrate & Setup Facebook Pixel
Funnel Creation for Leads
Campaigns & Marketing
1. Content Marketing:
In content marketing we’ll implement and follow a content marketing strategy called
EIPS. EIPS stands for:
Educational – Inspirational – Promotional – Sharing
In simple words, we’ll create our monthly content based on this strategy.
In education content we’ll create educational content like “in networking events, how
to give people a way to follow up?”
A simple and effective way to stay connected with people is by sharing your digital
business card.
☝ Something like this. I hope you get it and this EIPS is the best way of marketing
your product and services.
2. Facebook Pixel
The Facebook Pixel is a snippet of JavaScript code that you place on your website
or landing page. Its primary purpose is to track user activity, such as page views,
clicks, and conversions (like purchases or sign-ups), and send this data back to
It’s a powerful tool that we’ll use for Re-targeting and marketing.
3. Funnel Creation For Leads
A sales funnel serves as a structured journey for potential customers, guiding them
from initial awareness (entry point A) to making a purchase decision (exit point B).
It's akin to a well-designed pathway, often starting with a landing page, that assists
users in their decision-making process and enhances their overall experience.
By strategically leading users through different stages, from awareness to interest,
consideration, and action, a sales funnel significantly boosts the chances of
converting leads into actual sales. This organised approach not only streamlines
customer interactions but also maximises sales conversions by providing tailored
information and addressing user needs at each step of the process.
Have a look:
NOTE: There are two ways to generate quality leads for Digicards, through social media
marketing facebook lead generation forms, and 2nd one is through sales funnels
Lead Generation / Sales through sales funnels:
Sales Funnel
Stages of Sales Funnel
1. Marketing
Stage 1: Awareness
Stage 2: Credibility
2. Sales
Stage 3: Interest
Stage 4: Decision
Stage 5: Action
3. Re-marketing
Stage 6: Retention & referrals.
→ I've dedicated my efforts to ensuring you're well-informed through every possible
means. Now, take a moment to assess your website – is that powerful, if not
powerful yet compelling and simple sales funnel in place, guiding your customers
seamlessly towards conversions?
The choice to elevate your business lies in your hands – we’re here to empower you
with necessary expertise, and our commitment will be to provide the services you
4. Campaigns & Marketing
In this step we’ll create or start our paid advertising with different campaign
objectives and we’ll choose the right objectives that align with our business goals
and targets. Like:
Traffic Campaigns
Engagement Campaigns
Brand Awareness Campaign
Lead Generation Campaigns → In lead generation campaigns we’ll use
facebook Lead Forms and generate leads through a qualified process.
Our goal is to educate and empower entrepreneurs with a transparent and
crystal-clear process. We believe in working with those who understand the
significance of investment, entrepreneurs who grasp the long-term benefits of
creating a brand experience that stands out.
The document we're crafting for you is more than just words on a page. It's a
result of meticulous time, effort, and thorough research. We're investing in this
because we believe in the transformative power of a tailored process. This
isn't a generic template; it's a comprehensive plan designed specifically for
Digicards business goals.
In summary, considering the scope of tasks involved – including solidifying the brand
identity process, refining product and packaging design, and implementing lead
generation strategies, – it's important to outline a minimum engagement period of at
least 3 months. This duration is crucial for realising tangible returns on your
investment and achieving the desired outcomes for Digicards.
Indeed, a minimum engagement period of 3 months is standard and essential for
our comprehensive approach. It's important to note that this timeline doesn't
necessarily mean results will only manifest after 3 months. In fact, results can start
appearing as swiftly as the completion of our brand identity and design process.
The potential for results to emerge begins as early as the end of the first month or
even at the beginning of the second month.
Project Services
The project's scope is according to the Custom package, Which includes Social Media
Marketing & Management, Branding & Graphic Design.
The criteria set forth below should be met to achieve successful completion of the
1. Social Media Marketing & Management
Content Marketing
Social Media Management
Business page settings & optimization
Business Manager Creation
Ads Manager Creation
Integrate & Setup Facebook Pixel
Funnel Creation for Leads
Campaigns & Marketing
2. Branding & Graphic Design
● Brand Identity
● 20 creatives | Ads & Pots
● Packaging & Product Design
50% of the total payment (Upfront payment) will be paid before starting the project.
All Prices are Exclusive of Taxes.
Investment You Need:
Social Media Marketing & Management:
→ Package: $420 per-month
→ Advertising Budget: At least should be $300 to $ 500 per-month. Reminder: For quality
leads. Otherwise, $150 to $250 is enough.
Branding & Graphic Designing:
→ $470 || Includes
● Brand Identity
● 20 creatives | Ads & Pots
● Packaging & Product Design
→ From $470:
● $120 is per-month for creatives.
● $370 is a one time investment.
Supporting Data:
Ecommerce Client:
Deliverables Includes;
Just performance marketing
Shopify Management
Retainer Customer for 9 months
$850 per-month