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Revenue Milestones & Math:
Let’s take a moment to do some quick maths to crunch the numbers, simplify our
approach, and dive confidently into achieving our realistic milestones: $10. $50k,
and another $100k a month!
1. $10k a month
2. $50k a month
3. $10k a month
Remember, Black Bear journey isn’t just about these milestones, though they’re our
foundation. These are the numbers grounded in reality that we’re set to conquer. In
the initial 3 years, we’re laser-focused on reaching those first three milestones: $10k,
$50k, and $100k per-month.
And once we’ve achieved these, the sky’s the limit for what we can soar toward next!
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Time Runway & Break Even:
Let’s talk about Black Bear Time Runway & Break Even’ strategy. Think of the next
12 months as our launchpad and investment trail. We’re seeking an investment of
just 25 million rupees, which will fuel our CapEx, OpEx, expenditure stream, and
growth over this 12-month runway.
After this runway, we’ll hit the Break Even point. In other words, we’ll reach that
exciting moment where our revenue matches our expenses, starting with our first
milestone of $10k per-month.
Break Even: It’s highly likely that we’ll cross that break-even threshold within 12 to
15 months
● 12-Month launchpad: with a 25 million rupee investment, the next year drives
● Break Even Goal: We’ll hit the Break Even point post 15 months, starting with
our $10k monthly milestone.
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Bottom Line - Actions & Fundamentals :
If Black Bear will land 5 new clients per month at $1350+ monthly then we can build
a 7 figure company in just 12 months…(after Break-Even)
Well, the fact is, if you just do the maths, $83,000 per month makes you a seven
figure company.
And as we mentioned above if you remembered that our 3rd milestone is $100k per
month. So, within 3 years we’ll conquer this milestone.
Where we want to be in 12 months time, and where we want to be in 3 years time.
12 months — — — $10k – $15k+ /month → STARTUP
3 Years — — — $83k – $100k+ /month → SIGNIFICANCE
Here are the main points:
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