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BUS 1381 Business Law I Syllabus

BUS 1381 Syllabus
SOUTH COLLEGE | Business Law I
Course Information
Course Section: BUS 1381
Course Schedule: Online
Credit Hours: 4.5
Requisite: N/A
Required Materials
Business Law and the Legal Environment, Twomey & Jennings, 23rd Edition, Standard Volume, 2016,
Universal Course Policies and Information
The Universal Course Policies and Information (UCPI) document is an addition to the syllabus
for each class and is posted on the Canvas site. Students are responsible for knowing and
following the syllabus, and are also responsible for the material that is covered in the UCPI.
The Academic Honor Code, the Food and Beverage Policy and the Dress Code are included in
the UCPI along with resource information for obtaining academic and personal assistance and
guidance on student technology accounts. https://www.south.edu/general-universalcoursepolicy/
Course Description
Business Law I is the study of the development of American law and procedure, covering information on
the formation and performance of contracts. The course includes the study of sales laws under the
Uniform Commercial Code. Both the text and case study methods are utilized.
Course Objectives
At the completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Explain the origins of the law.
2. Recognize the legal rights and social forces involved in business law.
3. Identify the general principles of criminal law and its relationship to business.
4. Recognize the difference between a crime and a tort.
5. Identify the sources of power by which federal and state governments may regulate business.
6. Recognize the laws for the consumer.
7. Recognize the essential elements of contracts.
8. Identify the impact of legality and public policy upon a contract.
9. Identify the third persons' rights and obligations in relation to the contract.
10. Review ethical issues and codes of ethics in the business environment.
Instructional Methods
This course is being taught in an online format using Canvas software. This course will provide the
learning experience through any or all of the following: Assigned readings from the textbook, quizzes,
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Power point presentations, online discussion, and research and writing assignments. The instructor
facilitates the learning process. How much you learn will be directly related to how much effort and
energy you put into the course.
Evaluation and Grading Policy
Canvas Quizzes:
Discussion Forums
Final Exam:
(All assignments are equally weighted.)
(All quizzes are equally weighted.)
(All discussion forums are equally weighted)
Students will be evaluated on the basis of their ability to evidence a thorough working knowledge of the
subject matter. Students will also be evaluated on the ability to apply critical thinking skills to the
material presented. Evaluation may include testing, discussion forums, quizzes and written assignments.
Weekly Assignments: Students will be assigned readings with corresponding assignments that will be
completed and uploaded to Canvas. These assignments are designed to assess the student’s analytical,
critical thinking skills and ability to read and interpret laws and research. The weekly assignments will be
equally weighted.
Discussion Boards: Students will be required to participate in discussion boards. Posts are due by
midnight on Day 3 unless otherwise instructed. Each student is also required to return to the discussion
board and respond to at least two of their classmate’s posts with constructive comments. Responses are
due by midnight on Day 7.
The grades from the discussion boards will be equally weighted.
Late discussion responses and replies will receive no credit. Do not wait to the last minute to post your
answer. Posting early allows you to write thoughtful answers and to be the first one to make important
points. Posting early also ensures that you will not miss the deadline.
The discussion board is not an informal chat room. Your answers and replies should be thoughtful,
considerate, and use collegiate level language and grammar.
As a class, you will benefit from the discussion boards only as much as you put into it. If someone replies
to your post with a question, you owe him or her the courtesy of a response.
Each week, I will read all the posts and comments posted to the discussion board. I will comment, where
appropriate, on those posts or discussion threads that contain inaccuracies or where there seems to be
some confusion. I will also point out those posts/discussions that I thought were particularly thoughtful,
insightful, or well written.
With regard to replies to other students, you can:
1. Expand on or clarify a point made in the answer.
2. Offer an additional argument to support a position taken in an answer.
3. Suggest ways in which an idea could be more clearly expressed.
4. Identify passages where you think the writer misunderstood a concept or applied it incorrectly.
5. Disagree with a point or position made in an answer.
If you are disagreeing with the views of another student, please be constructive and respectful. You may
criticize a position but not the author. Just writing “Your position on gender discrimination stinks” will
not do! State precisely the point with which you disagree. Offer reasons why you think their view is
incorrect and support your position by citing the text or other sources.
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A good post/comment will have some or all of the following features:
• There are virtually no errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar or usage.
• All parts of the question are completely answered.
• The answer avoids unsupported generalizations.
• Use of supporting information is superior.
• The ideas reflect critical thinking and insight. • There is some originality in the writer’s
• The content has depth and substance.
• The post/comment holds the reader’s interest.
Each discussion board assignment has a total value of ten (10) points. Your answers are worth eight (8)
points and your replies to your classmates are worth two (2) points. Points will be deducted as follows:
a. One (1) – six (6) points will be deducted for any post in which the answer or replies:
• Addresses only a portion of the question(s) posed
• Contains inaccurate or imprecise information/discussion
• Contain punctuation, spelling, grammar or usage errors
• Contain a disrespectful or inappropriate tone/language usage
b. Eight (8) points will be deducted if you fail to post an answer or if it is posted after the deadline.
c. Two (2) points will be deducted if you fail to post at least two (2) replies to a posting or if you
post after the deadline.
d. Exceptional answers/responses may receive bonus points.
Weekly Quizzes: Students will complete weekly online quizzes to assess understanding and command of
terms and concepts related to course materials. The weekly quizzes will be equally weighted.
Week 1 Participation: Students must complete the Week 1 Discussion Forum on or before the
due date for Week 1, to be considered as being academically participating in this course. Simply
logging into Canvas does not determine participation.
Your continued participation in your courses is essential to your success and our responsibilities
as an institution. Academic participation is checked in weeks 4, 7 and 9 of each course. If it is
determined a student is no longer academically participating at the regular check points, the
student will be officially withdrawn by the college. Participation in a course is defined as
participating in any graded academic activity online in Canvas (e.g. posting to a discussion,
submitting an assignment, taking a quiz etc.). Please ensure that you have participated in a
graded academic activity during these weeks to remain active and enrolled in your course. If you
are encountering issues and are not able to participate, you must contact your faculty member
immediately to avoid being withdrawn from the course.
Policy for Late and Missing Work
Discussion Questions: Initial posts are due by day 3. Initial posts that are submitted late will be penalized 5% per day up to
25%, after 7 days initial submissions will not be accepted and receive a score of 0. The required follow up posts are due on day
7. Follow up posts not submitted by day 7 will not be accepted and receive a score of 0.
All Other Assignments: All other assignments submitted late will be penalized 5% per day up to 25%, after 7 days submissions
will not be accepted and receive a score of 0. No assignments will be accepted after the end of the course.
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Academic Support
To comply with the Rehabilitation act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities act, South College
provides Student Services to ensure that the learning environment is accessible to all our students by
providing appropriate accommodations for students with unique needs. Documentation of specific needs
and disabilities will be required. For more information about how to apply for academic support, refer to
the Policy for Requesting Academic Adjustments section of the student handbook.
Course Withdrawal:
Students who withdraw from a course after the add/drop deadline and before the end of week 7
for 10 and 11-week courses, week 8 for 12-week courses, and week 3 for 5-week courses will
receive a W (withdrawal) grade. Students who withdraw after these dates will receive the grade
they earn after factoring in the total points for the course. While a W grade does not count in the
GPA calculation, it does count as an attempt in the satisfactory academic progress calculation.
To withdraw, you must notify your student success advisor, registrar, or Dean/Department Chair.
Using Canvas – The Classroom
This is a distance learning course and as such, course materials, quizzes and other assessments
are delivered via the learning management system, Canvas. Students access Canvas at
http://canvas.south.edu using their student portal username and password. Students who
experience problems logging into Canvas, accessing the student portal, or other technical issues
should submit a ticket to the helpdesk at: http://helpdesk.south.edu . Students will need to
remain self-motivated and on task throughout the term in order to be successful.
Communication with the instructor can be done by phone, in office, by email or by virtual chat.
If by Email, please include the course name in the subject line.
Issues with Technology
For more help learning to use Canvas, please see the Canvas Student Orientation from your
Canvas course list. For issues within Canvas, contact Canvas support from the “Help” menu
within Canvas. For issues, specifically with your South College accounts, submit a helpdesk
ticket by accessing the South College Helpdesk within the “Help” menu on Canvas, or at
Cell Phone and Technology Use:
For online classes please make sure that your internet connection or wi-fi capability are in good
running order. Computer malfunctions are not an acceptable excuse for late work.
Course Calendar
Below is a tentative schedule that will assure that all topics are covered.
The Nature and Sources of Law
The Court System and Dispute Resolution
Business Ethics, Social Forces & the Law//
The Constitution as the Foundation of the Legal Environment
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Government Regulation of Competition and Prices
Administrative Agencies
The Legal Environment of International Trade
Intellectual Property Rights and the Internet and Cyberlaw
Nature & Classes of Contracts: Contracting on the Internet
Formation of Contracts: Offer and Acceptance
Capacity & Genuine Assent
Legality & Public Policy
Form of Paper & Electronic Contract
Interpretation of Contracts
Third Persons & Contracts
Discharge of Contracts
*In the event of extenuating circumstances, the above schedule and the procedures for this course are
subject to change.
Course and Instructor Evaluation
Two weeks before finals, course evaluations will be available online. Please take the time to complete the
evaluation for each course. Your feedback is appreciated and necessary to ensure that South College
offers the best courses and instructors to meet the needs of our students.
Additional Items and Policies:
Student Success
The keys to success in this course are to understand and meet the deadlines for completion of
assignments. If you do not understand the expectations for assignments or material being
presented it is your obligation to contact the professor to ask for assistance. The instructor
facilitates the learning process. How much you learn will be directly related to how much effort
and energy you put into the course.
Professionalism and Respect
Expectations: Students are expected to read the assigned chapters prior to class, come prepared to
participate in discussions and apply critical thinking skills to chapter concepts. The Criminal
Justice field is one that demands competency, dedication and professionalism. This course will
expect no less. Professional behavior includes appropriate dress (see the South College Dress
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Code Policy), appropriate language, respecting other classmates, guests and maintaining a
positive attitude.
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