Send to Future podcast script Dear me, 2020 is quite a critical time for us, and in many ways also quite - revolutionary. Many things are happening around us, countries are being locked down, economies are in recession and it’s even greater than the Great Depression during the 1930s. The corona virus is putting aside the economy for the sake of human lives, though politicians are discussing whether or not quarantining is right when the economy is fragile. Our government is currently finding compromises to balance both the economy, and the guidelines provided from the Health Ministry. Though from my own moral point of view, I believe that staying home keeps us safe, but then again, I do see the importance in accessing the economy while we are in those critical times because the economy is what is holding the society together, people are losing jobs, businesses are closing, and medical assistance is more sought out than ever before. 2020 is also the year for demonstration and using the power of speech to express institutionalized oppression. Just recently, a black man was killed by a police officer which kickstarted a chain of activists to stand up and protest against the system. I think 2020 is a beautiful year spite all the deaths… but I truly believe that 2020 is a year of awakening. It’s a year to show how powerful we are when we stand in solitude and it’s also the year for resolving racism among our communities. For my future self in 25 years, I hope that the world is a better place, that there are more antiracists than racists, that human rights are universal for everyone, that those who lead are world are humanists and not cynical human beings that manipulated their way through to the top. I also hope that you are following your dreams/followed your dream. I hope that you did something meaningful, or that you positively affected someone else’s life. I hope that you always stood strong to your values and led a life of compassion and happiness. I hope you could somehow brighten the world a little by just existing. Most of all, I hope you’re living life as you want to live it and are free of any constraints that keeps you small. Life isn’t just one way, but it’s several of unique and individual ways. Stay present and hold wisdom dear.