Perception of Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z About Consumption And Conservation Of Non-Renewable Energy: A Comparative Study Project synopsis submitted to MANIPAL ACADEMY OF HIGHER EDUCATION For Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology by Ritwik Amod Reg. No.170911156 Under the guidance of Under the Guidance of: Mr. Nithesh Naik Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Feb 2021 1 Introduction Non-renewable energy as it is classified , is a form of energy which comes from sources that cannot be renewed or replenished in a feasible amount of time. The rate of depletion of these resources is so high that replenishment is unable to keep up with demand s of current energy needs . Organic material, such as plant and animal remains that existed millions of years ago, decay, degen erate to form almost all of the non-renewable resources th at exist in this globe. As the materials were formed over millions of years ago, millions of years are needed for the replenishment of them . This concludes to provide a very harsh truth that all non-renewable forms of energy which are currentl y in use, wil l get depleted with time. There are many obstacles that come in the way of development. Most of the obstacles mainl y include adoption, improper execution and ethnic, religious conflicts. although some of them have helped us understand extremel y critical issues that go hand in hand with development . It took us a lot of time along with many critical crises to understand that development just for the sake of it is deteriorating the ecological and social balance of our ecosystem. From the second half of the 19th century, Western societies began to discover that their economic and industrial activities had a significant impact on the environment and the social balance. Several ecological and social crises took place in the world and rose awareness that a more sustainable model was needed. As a direct result of this now, the newer generations have a greater sense and responsibilit y for sustainable development which emphasizes development without compromising the abilit y of future generations to meet the ir own needs. This has led to the growing popularit y of so -called renewable forms of energy. A research should not be accompanied even to a small extent by assumptions . This raises a question about sustainable development . Does economic development and hu man capital reduce non -renewable energy consumption? Some may argue that such developments may in turn increase the dependance of human race on non -renewable forms of energy. Others tend to the belief that technological advancements are needed to overcome the energy crisis and climate change. The most efficient way would be to balance technological developments with sustainabilit y. If more and more research went into sustainable technological developments that help counter the climate change and other ecological problems like increase in pollution levels and energy consumption rather than development just for the sake of development, alternative more effective solutions would come to light. Like the production of commercial electric cars that aims to nullify the air pollution caused by transportation alongside offering better performance and range, many engineering solutions are yet to emerge that offer technologies that are cleaner, better and less detrimental to the atmosphere . Since the development of several renewable forms of energy it is the first time that 5 generations have been functioning side by side in modern societ y, namel y, Gen Z right on the heels of Gen Y, Gen X, Baby Boomers and Traditionals. The views of these groups vary significantl y depend ing on individual experiences and their beliefs on different affairs . It would be very fascinating to see how Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z view energy use and conservation , especially non-renewable, as compared to renewable. 2 Problem Definition Multiple generations of people reside in this world at a given point in time . Modern societ y has divided generations according to age and year of birth . Three main key classes (most recent born) include: • Gen X - born between 1965 and 1979/80 . • Gen Y - born between 1981 and 1994/6 (Millennials). • Gen Z - born between 1997 and 2012/15 . Attempting to understand the perceptions of individuals can be challenging a t best let alone condensing the views of generations into one, which is backbreaking. This paper attempts to understand the difference in perceptions of different generations on non -renewable energy sources and contrast these views from views of same on renewable energy sources. It mainl y focuses on consumption and conservation of non -renewable energy and the changes in patterns of usage and concerns regarding sustainabilit y. 3 Objective The main objectives of the project include: • To assess the awareness of Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z on PCRA, BEE, Energy Star label. • To assess the knowledge and perception of Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z on energy saving in transportation, household electrical appliances and gas consumption. • To find the attitude of Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z towards energy and environment. • To examine the level of motivation and obstacles of Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z to follow the energy saving ways. • To measure the level of Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z attitudes towards energy saving on transportation, household electrical appliances and gas consumption. • To find out the behavior of Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z towards energy -saving ways on transportation, household electrical appliances and LPG gas consumption. 4 Scope All nature’s phenomenon involves energy or conversion of energy from one form to other. Just as ecosystems depend on energy , human societies are also dependent on energy for infrastructure, transportation, food, and most other t ypes of human activities. With the growth of humankind, the demand of energy is growing at a rapid rate, which in turn has led to energy sources deplet ing at an ever-growing rate. With the growing concerns of depletion of fossil fuels and other non-renewable forms of energy, this paper attempts to enlighten the societ y with perceptions of individuals of different classes to give an overall idea on global energy crisis. The scope of this research can be classified into three broad categories: • Social Important insights related to energy conservation will help increase awareness and spread information and can even encourage modifications of fuel regulation and laws. • Health Insights on harmful affects of burning non -renewable fuels can motivate the development of cleaner, more efficient fuels and improved fuel regulations for better air qualit y. • Industrial The overall idea of non -renewable energy conservation and consumption will help markets of all sectors to improve the qualit y of fuels used, ranging from CNG/Petroleum in automobile sector to use of LPGs in cooking . The condensed perception of different generations will help manufacturers gain an idea on the everchanging markets and shifts in energy demands. 5 Literature Survey • • • • 6 The Future of Nuclear Power: Value Orientations and Risk Perception . -6924.2008.01155 The survey of economic growth, energy consumption and carbon emission. Energy Ratio anal ysis and accounting for renewable and non -renewable electricit y generation: A review. Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption -growth nexus: Evidence from a panel error correction model. . Methodology The project is carried o ut according to the following flow : • Research [1] Search and allocation on pre -existing literature journals . [2] Devise a conceptual framework. [3] Study t ype aspects of the conceptual system. [4] Prepare a Questionnaire for survey. • Data Collection [1] Collect all papers to link the t ype aspects. [2] Build hypothesis. [3] Collect a sample data via Google Form s and other methods. [4] Collect finalized data which can give well -informed insights. • Analysis [1] Recollection of collected data. [2] Interrelating the recollected data. [3] Integrating information for well-informed insights. 7 Timeline • February 2021 [1] Searching research papers and articles loosel y connected with the problem statement . [2] Collection of sample data and articles. [3] Presentation to the project review committee. • March 2021 [1] Designing survey questionnaire. [2] Creation of conceptual framework. • April 2021 [1] Data collection. [2] Data anal ysis . [3] Preparing the final report. • May 2021 [1] Presentation of the research to the committee. [2] Documentation. References [1] A Descriptive Study on Attitude of Gener ation Z towards Green Behavi or. 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