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12 week
workout plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
liezl jayne strydom
All recipes, eating plans, workout plans, information and content
in this book are the original creations of Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and
Liezl Jayne Strydom and are copyrighted. All photographs, images
and designs have been created for The Beautiful Body Guide, Liezl
Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom and are copyrighted. All
rights reserved. They cannot be used in any form for publishing
or any other commercial purposes without prior permission
from Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom. Any other
information or material available in this book is copyright, 2015 ©
Therefore no part of this book and product may in any form or
by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any
other means be redistributed, reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, shared or be broadcast, sold or transmitted without the
prior permission of the publisher, Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd.
© 2015 The Beautiful Body Guide
The Beautiful Body Guide 2015
Liezl Jayne 2015
Creator: Liezl Jayne Strydom
Content and information: Liezl Jayne Strydom
Exercise and workout plans: Liezl Jayne Strydom
Photography styling: Liezl Jayne Strydom, Ross Charnock
Photography: Ross Charnock
Additional Photography: Jessica Charnock
Layout and design: Jessica Charnock
Cover design: Rob Williams, Jessica Charnock
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide
Exercise &
Workout Plan
Weeks 1-12
How to lose weight, shape up, and get the body you’ve
always dreamed of having - the healthy way.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
What is The
Body Guide?
Before we dive into The Beautiful Body Guide, it’s
The Beautiful Body
important to understand what it is and it’s purpose,
Guide is NOT a
so that you can achieve the results that you want.
fad diet, a quick
fix, about one ideal
The Beautiful Body Guide was created as a tool
image, promoting
for helping women to achieve their most beautiful
poor body image,
bodies. Achieving our most beautiful body is not
bland, boring or
about trying to obtain one particular image. We
as women are all different and therefore come in
different natural shapes and sizes.
This book and guide is a
result of the knowledge
Achieving our most beautiful body is about using
that I have gained from
what we have been given (our body) and making
studying nutrition, my
the most of everything that we have (our natural
personal experiences
body shape) by taking care of ourselves through
(my own and women
self love, healthy eating and regular exercise -
that I’ve worked with)
so that we can become our most beautiful selves
and is also based
(outside AND inside).
on factual scientific
The Beautiful Body Guide is authentic.
It does not promote fad diets or quick
fixes. It is only here to promote a healthy
lifestyle, healthy eating habits and
continuous self love.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide is healthy, sustainable, about
becoming and being the best you possible, enjoyable
and fun, based on love (for self and others), informative
and supported by real scientific facts.
I (like so many women) have struggled with my weight. I have
tried every fad diet out there and after years of seeing no results
from any of the diets, I was more passionate than ever about
creating a product that would bring the results that we as women
want. As I have helped women (previous clients, friends, family)
to lose weight and get into better shape over the years.
I have realized that what we as women
want is something very simple - we
want to feel beautiful, confident and
comfortable in our bodies.
And that’s why The Beautiful Body Guide was created - to help
women to feel beautiful, confident and comfortable in their
bodies through healthy eating, physical exercise and through the
way that we view ourselves.
I’m not about promoting exclusionary or fad diets, but I am
about promoting a healthier and more balanced lifestyle that is
affected by the food that we eat, what we drink, the exercise that
we do and even how much sleep we get.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
By sharing the information found in The Beautiful Body Guide,
I am also not judging anyone else’s approach to health, dieting,
fitness and weight-loss. We all have different preferences and
we are all allowed to have our own opinions about these topics.
However, I do believe (after much trial-and-error) that balance
is best when it comes to achieving health, fitness and body goals.
Balance is sustainable and is generally the safest approach to
health long-term. If we are trying to achieve sustainable health
and body goals, it is very important that we approach our goals
in a sustainable way - quick fixes are generally not sustainable
long term.
My intention with creating The Beautiful Body Guide has
been to share the knowledge that I have gained from years of
personal study and trial-and-error, as well as on factual scientific
research that has been done on the topics of health, nutrition,
fitness, weight-loss and mindset - so that I can help women
around the world to achieve their health, fitness, weight and
body goals.
The Beautiful Body Guide is authentic. It does
not promote fad diets or quick fixes. It is only
here to promote a healthy lifestyle, healthy
eating habits and continuous self love.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
What is an exercise
& workout plan?
This fitness & exercise plan is here to help
you achieve your health, fitness, weight-loss
and body goals.
This guide is here to teach you the
Before starting any type of exercise or fitness
basics of exercise in an easy-to-
plan, it is important to understand WHAT you
understand way, so that you can build
are getting yourself into and HOW to do it so
a healthy and sustainable fitness
that you can achieve the results that you WANT!
lifestyle. The guidelines in this book
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
will help you to achieve your goals by
teaching you what kind of exercise
is most effective for weight-loss and
This guide offers the basic fundamentals, as
well as the latest strategies and techniques in
modern exercise that will help you to achieve
This guide is also here to help
the results that you want to see from your
you to ENJOY the process of
body goals.
achieving your health, fitness,
weight-loss and body goals!
This fitness & exercise plan has been
specifically designed for weight-loss, toning
and body sculpting for women. The content
of this book has been carefully planned and
is structured but is also flexible to cater to
your specific needs.
The information in this book will also show
you how to perform exercises with the correct
form. Having the correct form while training
is fundamental to us achieving the results
that we want to see in our bodies. If we are
working out but are not doing our exercises
correctly (a very common mistake) then we
can potentially do more harm to our bodies
than good - and we may not achieve the
results that we want to see.
This guide is also here to help you to ENJOY
the process of achieving your health, fitness,
weight-loss and body goals! This product
is the beginning of a new chapter in your
life - and will help you to achieve your most
beautiful body.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
After more than 10 years of
I decided to study nutrition, health, fitness
unsuccessful dieting, I was finally
and weight-loss myself. After becoming a
able to lose more than 30 lbs in just
certified nutritional therapist, I spent any
a few short weeks - and completely
available time researching health, nutrition,
reinvent the shape of my body.
weight-loss and exercise to find the most
effective diet and workout methods for fat-
Having had struggled with my weight for
years, and continuously failing to get the
body that I wanted despite my efforts, I
decided to just figure it out for myself.
I wanted to have a well balanced
and healthy, yet effective approach to
Having previously spent a lot of time and
weight-loss. I wanted to get results
money on sessions with various personal
from my actions, and I wanted to
trainers, dieticians and nutritionists - and
help other women to get results too.
trying almost every fad diet out there without seeing any results, I was completely
As I was studying weight-loss, I
frustrated about the state of my body. I have
began to identify some key steps
realized that the main reason none of these
that helped me to lose weight and
coaches had been able to help me was because
transform by own body - and so I
they hadn’t been through it themselves. Most
began to share these steps with other
of them had never struggled with their own
women, who started to see dramatic
weight and so they didn’t really understand
transformations of their own.
what it was like - and so I made a decision to
just figure it out for myself. That was when
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
So many women struggle to lose weight,
my own personal body goals and have failed
shape up and get the body that they have
more times than I can count. But after trying
always dreamed of having. And often, it’s just
every approach out there, I was finally able
because they are making a few small mistakes
to achieve success by following a few basic
that can easily be corrected.
steps. I was finally able to lose more than 30
lbs, and completely transform the shape of
An effective, healthy approach to weight-loss
my body.
may not be rocket science - BUT there is SO
much bad advice and information out there
that is being shared with women every single
I want you to achieve the results
day. It can feel completely overwhelming
that you desire, and I want achieving
trying to sift to through of the information
your body goals to be easy for you.
about weight-loss that is out there, and to try
to figure out what is the truth. The reason
that I can help you to achieve your body goals
is not because I am super brilliant or super
And that’s why I created The Beautiful Body
smart - it’s because I have been through a
Guide - to bring everything that I have learned
similar journey to yours.
on my journey about shaping up, losing weight
and achieving body goals together in any easy
to use, easy to understand, balanced, effective,
The reason that I can help you to
healthy, sustainable, result-oriented way.
achieve your body goals is not
because I am super brilliant or super
smart - it’s because I have been
through a similar journey to yours.
I have a passion for helping women
to achieve their most beautiful bodies
through a healthy and sustainable
lifestyle. I believe in helping women to
I have spent a lot of time studying and
researching the topics of health, nutrition,
exercise and weight-loss to find methods
that bring the results that we as women
want - to achieve our most beautiful body.
I have tried many approaches to achieving
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
get the results that they have always
wanted, and I believe in promoting
methods that are balanced, safe and
I truly believe that EVERY women CAN
achieve her most beautiful body!
A little bit about
Hey I’m Liezl Jayne.
I’m the author of The Beautiful Body Guide
other women create healthier & happier lives
and the blogger at www.liezljayne.com
for themselves.
I love to share the healthy recipes that I
I’m a South African who enjoys being
create on my blog so that other people can
outdoors in the sunshine, exploring big cities,
enjoy them too. I believe that healthy food
painting, sketching, photography, singing,
can taste absolutely amazing, and I believe
song-writing and acting! I also love cooking,
that when you know how to make healthy
baking and creating healthy recipes in the
food taste delicious then you don’t feel like
kitchen, as well as fitness and blogging. I am
you are depriving yourself.
very passionate about health and nutrition
For even more healthy recipes and
(because I have been through a long health
health, fitness & lifestyle tips you can
and weight journey myself), and I love to help
visit my blog at www.liezljayne.com
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
How do I use The Beautiful Body Guide?
The Beautiful Body Guide is a 3 part guide that will help you to achieve your
health, fitness, weight-loss and body goals - and your most beautiful body.
The Beautiful Body Nutrition & Healthy Eating Plan, The Beautiful Body
14 Day Eating Plan’s, The Beautiful Body Guide Exercise & Workout Plan
and The Beautiful Body Guide 10 Day Kickstarter Plan have been designed
to be used in conjunction with one another.
How to get started:
Days 1-10:
Start and complete The Beautiful Body Guide 10 Day Kickstarter Plan
Weeks 1-12:
Start and complete The Beautiful Body Nutrition & Healthy Eating Plan,
The Beautiful Body Guide 14 Day Eating Plan and The Beautiful Body
Guide Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Nutrition
Exercise && Workout
Healthy Eating
Plan Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
How do I use this
exercise guide?
This exercise & workout plan has been designed as a
12 week program that will enable you to achieve optimal
results from The Beautiful Body Guide.
This program is here to help you achieve
your health, fitness, weight-loss and
body goals successfully.
For this guide to be most effective and easy-to-use,
read through the sections that have been highlighted
in sequential order and complete the workouts for
each week as recommended.
While following this program, each HIIT workout
should take 16 minutes to complete, each LISS
session should take 15-20 minutes to complete, and
each resistance training workout should take roughly
30-40 minutes (or less) to complete.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
How do I use The
Why is exercise important?
Beautiful Body Guide?
and what are the benefits of
How do I use this exercise
How does exercise affect
weight-loss & toning?
What results can I expect
from using this guide?
What is cardio?
How do I track my
Endurance vs. interval
training - which is better
for weight-loss?
Why do I need to track my 36
What is HIIT?
Workout plan guidelines
What is LISS
What is resistance training?
What will I be doing while
following this 12 week
workout plan?
The 12 week workout
The 16 minute workout
Warming up before a
Time guidelines per training
HIIT speed, intensity and
Cooling down after a
time and HIIT variations &
Exercise equipment:
How does posture affect
what you’ll need and
LISS variations & options
your body shape?
workout checklist
and LISS speed, distance
and time
PHASE ONE weeks 1-2
Fun tips: 5 ways to make
your workouts FUN!
Exercise glossary
PHASE ONE weeks 3-4
End note
Top fitness tips
How to stay in touch
Stretching glossary
Thank you!
What is stretching and why
FAQ: frequently asked
is it important?
How do I stretch out a
Terms of use for
PHASE THREE weeks 11-12
The Beautiful Body Guide
PHASE TWO weeks 5-6
PHASE TWO weeks 7-8
PHASE THREE weeks 9-10
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
What results can I expect
from using this Guide?
It is important to understand that no one is going to give you your most
beautiful body for looking at The Beautiful Body Guide. No one is going to
grant a magic wish and give you your health, fitness, weight-loss and body
goals in an instant.
Health, fitness, weight-loss and body goals have to be worked for. If you
want to achieve these goals then you have to work for them - nothing
in life comes for free. We must all work hard for everything we want in
life, and that includes having a healthy body that we feel confident in.
If you want to reach your goals and have increased body confidence
then you must be willing to put time and effort into your entire lifestyle.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
This lifestyle includes the food you choose to eat, what
achieving their own goals,
you choose to drink, how often you exercise, how much
if they choose to use the
sleep you get and even how you think about your
information and guidelines
approach to this lifestyle.
that I share with them. If
you wish to achieve the
I enjoy maintaining the health and wellbeing of my body,
results that you seek from
and the topic of health is very important to me. I expect
this program then you must
the women that I work with to have a similar attitude - in
be committed to achieving
fact, I am only willing to work with women who are 100%
your goals - every single
committed to their goals.
day for the duration of this
program. Every single day
Join real women all over the world
who are changing their lives!
for 12 weeks.
In order to achieve goals that
we have set out for ourselves,
I cannot make anyone achieve their body goals, and I
we need to be committed to
cannot make someone healthier, stronger or fitter. I can
achieving those goals. When
only offer advice and guidelines, make recommendations
we are committed to our
and share information to the best of my knowledge on
goals and ourselves, then we
the topics of health, nutrition, weight-loss and exercise.
are able to create discipline
Any women that I work with have to put the effort in to
in our lives and consistently
practice that discipline every day. Rather
committed to creating a body and a life that
than giving up when self doubt creeps in, use
you love? Are you committed to achieving
it as fuel to keep going. No one ever escapes
your goals? Are you 100% committed to this
resistance and so we’ve all got to learn to
deal with it. In order to achieve your health,
fitness, weight-loss or body goals, you need
Being committed to achieving your goals is
to be committed to achieving those goals for
a choice that you must make for yourself, no
yourself and for your life.
one can make make them happen for you.
Are you committed to yourself ? Are you
Be a part of the #beautifulbodymovement
How do I track my
There are many ways to measure and track
weight-loss, but I find that one of the most
effective ways is to use photographs. When you
take photographs, you can really see the progress
that you have made with your body.
I recommend to the women that I work with
that they take photos and weigh themselves,
at the start of their journey as well as
continuously throughout their journey. There
is no need to weigh yourself every single
day (in fact I do not recommend weighing
I also recommend to women that I work
with that they take progress photo’s every
second week (or every 14 days).
How to take your progress photos:
yourself every day) but I do recommend
» Take “before” or starting photos at the
weighing yourself every second week.
start of your journey (day 1)
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
» Set reminders on your phone (or put it in
your calendar) to take progress photo’s every
second week (every 14 days)
» Set your reminder for a day that you
know you will probably have time to take
them (example: Sunday 7am)
» Wear the same clothes each time you take
your photos (ideally a crop top with shorts, a
bikini, or bra and underwear)
» Take the photos at the same time of day
(example: Sunday 7am before breakfast)
» Take the photos in the same place (example:
bathroom mirror or bedroom mirror
» Take a front view photo as well as a side
view photo (full length)
How to weigh yourself:
» Weigh yourself before starting your
journey (day 1)
» Set reminders on your phone (or put it
in your calendar) to weigh yourself every
second week (every 14 days)
» Set your reminder for a day that you
know you will probably have time to weigh
yourself (example: Sunday 7am)
» Wear the same clothes each time you
weigh yourself
» Weigh yourself at the same time of day
(example: Sunday 7am before breakfast)
» Join real women all over the world who
are changing their lives!
» Take the photo from the same angle each time
» Have a natural, relaxed pose (feet
together, hands at your sides) when you take
your photos
» Do not delete any of your starting or
progress photos along your journey
Be a part of the #beautifulbodymovement
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Why do I need to
track my progress?
Before beginning any new diet or exercise program, it
is important to measure your starting point. This is so
that you can measure how far you have come, and so
that you can identify whether you are making progress
(to make sure what you are doing is working).
During your weight-loss journey, or while you are working towards
reaching new body goals, it is also important to keep tracking your
progress. Tracking weight-loss is very important for self-motivation. I
often find that when people do not track their progress, they can often
lose their motivation.
I would love to see your results & transformation!
Please tag me in your photos via social media @liezljayne - use the
hashtags #liezljayne and #beautifulbodymovement on Instagram,
Twitter and Facebook
You can also email your progress photos to me at
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
wo r ko u t p l a n
g u i d eli n es
To get the best results from this program, it is recommended that you follow the exercises and
workout routines as they have been laid out in the appropriate phases, weeks and days.
» Do not perform a HIIT workout two days in a row, as the body
needs roughly 48 hours to recover from this type of exercise.
» Resistance training workout have been planned to be performed
every second day, however they can be performed 2 or 3 days in a
row (this is safe).
» It is not recommended that you perform a HIIT (high intensity
interval training) workout on the same day that you perform a RT
(resistance training) workout.
» LISS workouts can safely be performed on the same day as RT
» Do not perform more than 1 session of resistance or HIIT
training per day.
» It is not recommended that you perform LISS training sessions
that are longer than 30 minutes.
» It is not recommended that you perform HIIT training sessions
that are longer than 16-20 minutes (or more than 8 sprints).
The Beautiful Body Guide
- Exercise & Workout Plan
» It is recommended that you perform at
Guide Nutrition & Healthy Eating Plan,
least one stretching session each week, or as
The Beautiful Body Guide 14 Day Eating
Plan’s as well The Beautiful Body Guide 10
» It is also recommended that you stretch
before performing workouts to warm up the
body, especially before performing HIIT
Day Kickstarter Plan. For the best results
all of these guides should be followed in
conjunction with each other.
and LISS workouts. Daily stretching sessions
» If you have no history of performing
are recommended to increase flexibility and
planned physical exercise, or you have
to prevent injury.
a poor level of personal fitness it is
» For the best results, it is best to begin this
program at the start of phase one where we
will focus on building up core strength in
certain muscles. Having this core strength
will enable you to perform the workouts
recommended that you perform basic
cardio training (20 to 30 minute LISS
sessions) such as walking, speed-walking,
light jogging or cycling for 1-2 weeks prior
to beginning this program.
in phases 2 and 3 with the correct form.
» If you feel dizzy, faint, nauseous, light
Having the correct form while performing
headed, exhausted or sick in any way, or
exercises (such as squats, lunges and
if you suffer from any kind of negative
deadlifts) is vital. Without this core strength
affects induced by the physical exercise
it is possible to cause injury to the body.
recommendations in this guide - then you
» These exercise guidelines are only general
recommendations that you might like to use
to achieve your fitness and body goals, your
should stop your workout immediately and
seek the medical advice of your GP, health
practitioner or doctor.
personal exercise needs may differ.
» For the best results, this exercise program
» Please note that you should be in a fit and
should be complemented with a healthy
healthy state before you perform any of these
and well balanced diet, enough water and
workouts or exercises. It is always a good idea
enough sleep.
to consult with your doctor, GP, fitness coach
» This exercise training program has
been designed to be paired with, and is
well complemented by The Beautiful Body
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
or medical practitioner to see if a new exercise
program (including this one) is suitable for you,
your body and your personal goals.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Exercise is not a pastime, hobby, a luxury or something that we do just for
fun - or even to look good. It is a necessity.
Exercising our bodies regularly is very
Regular exercise is also a vital part of losing
important for many reasons.
weight and shaping up.
When we move, we increase the flow of blood
What are the benefits of exercise?
in our bodies which transports nutrients (from
There are many benefits of performing
the food that we eat) to all of the cells in our
regular exercise and working out consistently.
bodies. When we move and breathe we also
Not only does exercise promote healthy
increase the amount of oxygen in our blood
weight-loss, it can also tone and sculpt the
that gets transported around our bodies. Our
body - and these are just some of the obvious
bodies need nutrients and oxygen to function
benefits. Regular exercise can increase and
and survive.
sustain energy, strengthen the immune
system, strengthen the heart and boost the
When we exercise we are also strengthening
general mood of a person.
our muscles (this includes all of our organs),
bones and nervous systems. Regular exercise
Performing regular exercise…
decreases the risk for all kinds of sickness
- Promotes healthy weight-loss
and diseases. It also boosts the health of the
- Tones muscles and sculpts the body
immune system.
- Increases fat-loss
- Boosts the metabolism
Our bodies need to move to be healthy and
- Increases and sustains energy
to maintain general good long-term health!
- Increases stamina
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
- Strengthens the immune system
- Stabilizes blood pressure
- Stabilizes blood sugar levels
- Strengthens muscles (including organs)
- Strengthens bones
- Strengthens the nervous system
- Decreases the potential for osteoporosis
- Decreases the risk for diabetes
- Strengthens the heart
- Boosts general mood (as endorphins are
- Improves mental clarity
- Increases amount of oxygen in blood
- Detoxifies the body
Regular exercise boosts
the metabolism, promotes
healthy weight-loss and and
t o n e s t h e b o d y.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
How does exercise
affect weight-loss
and toning?
Simply put, exercise burns calories.
Calories are energy (or fuel) that come from the
Regular exercise can tone and
food that we eat every day. Our bodies needs this
sculpt the muscles of the body,
energy (or fuel) from food to complete every day
and can improve the general
activities such as walking, sitting, standing and
shape of the body. Exercise
exercising - but consuming too many calories
also reduces the appearance of
(or too much food) when we are not burning
cellulite to promote smoother
enough calories can cause weight gain.
looking, more toned skin.
You see, when we burn calories through
Regular exercise
exercise we are increasing our daily
tones and sculpts
energy output.
t h e b o d y, a n d c a n
improve the general
When our energy output (the calories that
s h a p e o f t h e b o d y.
we burn through daily activities) is above our
energy intake (the calories from the food that we
eat in a day), our bodies are able to lose weight.
This is how exercise can help us to
lose weight in a healthy way - because
it increases our daily energy output,
promoting fat-loss.
Performing the right kinds of exercise can also
teach our bodies to use fat that we may be
storing more efficiently.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
What is cardio?
Cardio stands for cardiovascular exercise.
Cardio is an aerobic activity that gets your cardiovascular system
working (your heart and blood circulation). It makes your heart
rate go up along with your breathing, and increases your blood
circulation to get your body into what is called the aerobic zone.
Cardio relies on oxygen for its metabolism of energy. This
basically refers to the use of oxygen in our bodies to adequately
meet energy demands during exercise.
What kinds of cardio are there?
- Endurance training
- Interval training
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Endurance vs. interval training
which is better for weight-loss?
Interval training refers to a type of
Most people think that in order to
cardio workout that mixes higher-intensity
be healthy and lose weight, they
and lower-intensity exercise. It is generally
should be running long distances
performed for a shorter period of time than
every day - but does running long
most endurance style cardio workouts.
distances really make a person
healthier, or thinner?
Endurance training refers to a type of
cardio workout that increases endurance
If we look at how many calories are burned
capacity - it is generally performed at a low-
during interval and endurance training, let’s
intensity to moderate-intensity level for a
say for example while sprinting or jogging,
lengthy period of time.
we will see that sprinting burns more calories
than jogging.
Deciding which form of cardio is
best for you really depends on the
This is because sprinting is higher in
outcome that you are wanting to
achieve from it.
therefore our bodies need to metabolize
more energy during the period of a sprint.
Most people think that in order to be healthy
However, during a HITT workout - if we
(and lose weight), they should be running
perform a 30 second sprint a total of 8
long distances every day (endurance training)
times, we are only sprinting for a total of
- but does running long distances really make
4 minutes (the balance of the 16 minute
a person healthier, or thinner?
workout is “rest” time).
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
If your desired outcome is to be a long distance
keep going for a long period of time if it
marathon runner then you would need to
needs to. Therefore shorter training sessions
focus on endurance training (frequently
may be more effective for weight-loss. I
running long distances) to achieve endurance
generally recommend to women that they
fitness. But if your desired outcome is to lose
perform LISS sessions for no longer than 20-
weight and tone up then you need to perform
30 minutes. LISS stands for Low Intensity
exercises that are good for weight-loss.
Steady State training.
If your desired outcome is to lose
Studies have also shown that extreme
weight and tone up then you need
endurance training can cause high levels of
to perform exercises that are good
oxidative stress, inflammation, and damage
for weight-loss.
to heart tissues. It has been recommended
by experts that intense endurance training
Studies have shown that interval
sessions should be capped after 30 minutes to
training is much more effective for
avoid damage to the heart tissue (this applies
weight-loss than endurance training,
to higher intensity endurance training, not
this is because HIIT training boosts
LISS which is of a lower intensity).
the metabolism like no other kind of
exercise method.
Long exercise sessions can also cause excess
cortisol (a stress hormone) to be released in
When performing endurance training, which
the body which can lead to weakening of the
is very a monotonous kind of exercise, your
immune system and may even lead to disease.
body can go into a “save energy mode” where
Intense endurance training, for example
it will try to use as little energy as possible to
running for an hour at a time, can put major
conserve it’s resources. For this reason, long
stress on the heart. Stressing a muscle can
endurance training sessions can actually be
make it stronger, but extreme stress can cause
counter productive if we are trying to lose
major damage - and this is not good when
weight. You see, when we are running or
the heart is involved.
jogging at the same speed for an extended
period of time (endurance style), the body
Short LISS sessions (which are of low to
does not know how long it will be running
moderate intensity) that are capped after
or jogging for and so it naturally wants to
20-30 minutes safely enable us to burn extra
save as much energy as it can - so that it can
calories without putting our bodies at risk -
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
and they are generally capped before our bodies
go into “save energy mode”.
When we perform high intensity interval
training (HIIT), our bodies burn a lot of energy
in a short space of time (during a sprint) - and
before our bodies can go into “save energy
mode”, we take a rest (during the rest interval).
Repeating this kind of exercise (sprinting and
then resting) several times in a row can result in a
large amount of calories burned in a short space
of time without the body trying to conserve as
much energy as possible.
Research has shown that interval
training can help to lower body fat,
improve muscle tone and boost energy
levels - more than long distance
endurance training sessions.
(HIIT) appear to be much safer for the heart
than high-intensity endurance training. This
is why LISS is generally performed at a “slow
sate”. High-intensity endurance training has
been identified as one of the least efficient forms
of exercise.
It has been proven that short bursts of
high-intensity exercise (HIIT), and short
low-intensity (LISS) workouts are far
more efficient and effective for weightloss, toning and body sculpting.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
What is HIIT?
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training.
High intensity interval training consists of two intervals known
as the ‘sprint’ and ‘rest’ periods.
HIIT is the best type of workout for weight-loss
and shaping up because it fires up the metabolism.
High-intensity workouts promote fat-loss, toning
and reshaping of the body.
When performing HIIT, we sprint (or run as fast as we can) at a
90 - 100% capacity for 30 seconds and then we rest (or walk) for
90 seconds. Then we repeat this process several times.
It is recommended by fitness experts that we repeat this process
8-12 times before ending our workout. I recommend to women
that they perform 8 x 30 second sprints - this workout only takes
16 minutes to complete.
When performing HIIT, we must rest for a minimum
of 90 seconds (no matter how fit we are) because our
bodies need this amount of time to recover between
HIIT can be done on a treadmill, an elliptical machine or a
spinning bike at gym, or you can go outside with a stop watch.
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Please note: when performing HIIT at the gym on one of these
machines, instead of continuously changing the speed, simply jump your
feet to the side of the machine (like the treadmill) for the rest period and
then jump back on for the sprint period. Always be careful when you
make this transition as the equipment will be going very fast!
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
What is liss?
LISS stands for Low Intensity Steady State training.
Low Intensity Steady State training is generally used to define
types of exercise such as walking or jogging.
Walking (low intensity) and jogging (moderate intensity) are
both training methods that you maintain at a similar pace
for the duration of the exercise. LISS is therefore any low to
moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise that maintains the
same pace throughout.
Recommended LISS methods can include speedwalking, jogging, cycling or swimming at a low to
moderate pace for a duration of 20-30 minutes. You
can also use exercise machines such as an elliptical
or stepper for LISS training.
It is generally safe to perform LISS exercise sessions at a low
to moderate pace for up to 30 minutes (and at a low pace for
up to 60 minutes or more). Higher intensity LISS exercise
sessions should generally be capped after 20-30 minutes.
Short LISS sessions help to burn extra calories
and increase general endurance capacity.
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What is resistance
Resistance training is when you exercise your body against resistance (such as weights or
your own body weight) and this builds up the muscle. It is also commonly referred to as
strength training or weight training.
Resistance training helps to build
lean and healthy body mass, and also
helps to get rid of stored body fat and it doesn’t have to make us bulky.
Did you know that even
Marilyn Monroe performed
This type of training has gotten a
weight training?
pretty bad reputation over the past
few decades with women, because
And Marilyn Monroe was
generally women seem to believe
definitely not bulky.
that any kind of weight training will
make their bodies look bulky (like a
body builder).
However, resistance training does not
have to make us look bulky, in fact
depends on what kind of exercises we perform,
resistance training can actually help
and how we perform them (our form).
women to create a slimmer looking
Having the correct form while
performing workouts is crucial for us
It is possible to perform resistance training
to get the results that we desire with
workouts and still remain petite - it really just
our bodies.
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Have you ever heard the saying
“practice doesn’t make perfect, only
perfect practice makes perfect”?
Well this applies to form and
resistance training.
When you practice perfectly (and pay
attention to getting your form right) then
you make perfect (and create good form).
Good form makes for effective exercise and
amazing results. Resistance training includes
multiple styles of training to cover all aspects
of the body and is a form of high-intensity
training. It burns lots of calories, promotes
fat-loss, promotes healthy weight-loss and it
tones the body.
Resistance training uses resistance to bring
about muscular contraction. This type of
exercise can help to cause an increase in
strength and anaerobic endurance. It usually
consists of sets of exercises with a specified
numbers of repetitions of each.
Resistance training does not have to make us look bulky,
that is a busted myth - in fact resistance training can
actually help women to create a slimmer looking physique.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
What will I be doing while
following this 12 week workout plan?
Throughout this workout plan, you will be
using 3 methods of exercise. This program has
been designed in a way that promotes fat-loss
and toning of the body.
especially before performing HIIT
workouts. Stretching only takes a few
short minutes to complete, and can
be done before or after a workout (or
both). A stretching session means an
You will be performing high intensity interval
entire stretching routine (all of the
training (HIIT) workouts, low intensity steady
stretches included in this program).
state (LISS) workouts as well as resistance
training (RT) workouts.
HIIT workouts will be shorter (only 16 minutes
each) and will be of a higher intensity. A HIIT
There are 3 phases of
workouts in this program.
workout will be performed 2-3 times a week.
LISS workouts will be short (roughly 20 minutes)
and will be of a low to moderate intensity. A LISS
workout will be performed 1-3 times a week.
RT workouts will be slightly longer in duration
(generally 30-40 minutes, or less) and will be
performed 3 times a week.
The intensity of the RT workouts
increase gradually as the phases
and weeks progress so that form
and technique can be focused
on, and so that the appropriate
strength can be built up for the
recommended exercises that will
be performed in phases 2 and 3.
It is recommended that you stretch before
performing workouts to warm up the body,
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The 12 week workout breakdown
Here is a breakdown of the workouts to be completed in each phase and week:
PHASE 1 (week 1-4)
Rest day
Recommended training for weeks 1-4:
RT - 3 sessions per week
LISS - 1 session per week
HIIT - 2 to 3 sessions per week
Stretching - 1 to 3 sessions per week (or as needed)
PHASE 2 (week 5-8)
Rest day
Recommended training for weeks 5-8:
RT - 3 sessions per week
LISS - 1 to 2 sessions per week
HIIT - 2 to 3 sessions per week
Stretching - 1 to 3 sessions per week (or as needed)
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
PHASE 3 (week 9-12)
Rest day
Recommended training for weeks 9-12:
RT - 3 sessions per week
LISS - 1 to 3 sessions per week
HIIT - 3 sessions per week
Stretching - 1 to 3 sessions per week (or as needed)
Time guidelines per training
RT - 30 to 40 minutes, or less (average)
HIIT - 16 minutes total
LISS - roughly 20 minutes (15-30 minutes total)
Stretching - 5 to 10 minutes
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what you’ll need
An exercise mat
An exercise ball (55-75cm)
Dumbbells (1kg-8kg)
A weighted spin lock bar (10-40kg)
A small bench, low table, stool or
chair (30cm+)
A stopwatch, or timer on your phone
or iPod
OR access to a gym
Workout checklist
Water bottle
Stopwatch, or timer on your phone
Sweat towel
Exercise mat
Exercise equipment
Music (here’s my Spotify playlist):
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Always remember to focus on
your form while performing
resistance exercises. Having the
correct form while working out is
crucial for us getting the results
that we desire with our bodies.
If you are struggling to keep your correct
form while performing any exercise that
requires the use of weights, do the first
rep of each set without using weights so
that you can really focus on your form.
Once you’ve got your form down, add
weights to the exercise for the rest of the
reps in that set.
If you have just started including a new
exercise in your training routine and
cannot manage to perform a full set of that
exercise (a set is usually 12 reps), then start
by performing half a set until you have
built up enough strength to complete a full
one (6 reps a set instead of 12). From 6 reps,
work your way up to a full set of 12 reps.
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
w eek 1+2
phase 1
R e s i s ta n c e t r a i n i n g
Pelvic lifts (on floor)
Pelvic lifts (feet on ball)
Pelvic lifts (head on ball)
Tricep dips
Dynamic stretch
Weighted Russian twist
Knee push ups
Side lat raises
Gluteus medius
Dumbbell rows
Bent over reverse fly
Russian twist
Ball Squats
Horse stance
Hip extension
week 3+4
phase 1
R e s i s ta n c e t r a i n i n g
Pelvic lifts (on floor)
Pelvic lifts (head on ball)
Pelvic lifts (feet on ball)
Knee push ups
Russian twist
Weighted Russian twist
Hip extension
Tricep dips
Dumbbell rows
Side lat raises
Bent over reverse fly
Gluteus medius
Ball Squats
Horse stance
Dynamic stretch
w eek 5+6
phase 2
R e s i s ta n c e t r a i n i n g
i s t a n c e t r a i n i n gFRIDAY
P H A S E # 2 R e sWEDNESday
Pelvic lifts (on floor)
Pelvic lifts (feet on ball)
Pelvic lifts (on floor)
Full push ups
Hip extension
Arm square press
Single arm benchpress
Russian twist
Weighted Russian Twist
Side lat raises
Tricep dips
Bent over reverse fly
Dumbbell rows
Bent over rows
Gluteus Medius
week 7+8
R e s i s ta n c e t r a i n i n g
s i s t a n c e t r a i n i n gFRIDAY
phase 2
Pelvic lifts (feet on ball)
Pelvic lifts (head on ball)
Pelvic lifts (on floor)
Weighted Russian Twist
Tricep dips
Gluteus Medius
Bent over reverse fly
Side lat raises
Arm square press
Bent over rows
Hip extension
Full push ups
Single arm benchpress
Dumbbell rows
Russian twist
week 9+10
phase 3
R e s i s ta n c e t r a i n i n g
Pelvic lifts (on floor)
Pelvic lifts (head on ball)
Pelvic lifts (feet on ball)
Weighted lunges
Dumbbell squats
Decline push ups
Bent over rows
Single leg deadlift
Tricep dips
Arm square press
Single arm benchpress
Side lat raises
Russian twist
Weighted Russian Twist
Dumbbell rows
Gluteus medius
week 11+12 R e s i s t a n c e t r a i n i n g
phase 3
Pelvic lifts (head on ball)
Pelvic lifts (feet on ball)
Pelvic lifts (on floor)
Dumbbell squats
Decline push ups
Weighted lunges
Side lat raises
Single leg deadlift
Bent over rows
Single arm benchpress
Tricep dips
Arm square press
Gluteus medius
Weighted Russian twist
Russian twist
Dumbbell rows
Bent over reverse fly
The 16 minute
workout challenge
Why 16 minutes?
I have been doing these HIIT (high intensity
Recent studies have shown that people who
interval training) workouts 2 or 3 times a
do a few minutes of high-intensity exercise
week for years now and I absolutely love
a few times a week are more likely to lose
it! It only takes 16 minutes to perform one
weight and tone up than people who spend
of these workouts and then it’s over. Many
longer amounts of time performing low-
people (myself and my clients included) have
intensity to moderate-intensity exercise, the
seen exceptional results from doing this type
same amount of times each week.
of exercise. I have seen way more results (with
weight-loss and toning) doing HIIT than
And with HIIT (high intensity interval
I ever saw from long, endurance workouts
training) 16 minutes is all that you need.
(which I did for many years previously).
It’s best to perform one of these
HIIT workouts every second day
With a HIIT workout 16 minutes is all that you need.
because studies have shown that
when performed every day it does
not add any more benefit to the
body. The body needs roughly 48
hours to recover fully from a high
Studies have shown that high-intensity
intensity workout.
exercise done over a short period of
time can result in exceptional physical
and health benefits, more than lowintensity exercise done over long
periods of time.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
speed, intensity and time
Recommended intensity: HIIT should ideally be performed at a high
intensity. During a HIIT “sprint” you should ideally be sprinting at a 90-100%
capacity (high intensity or as fast as you can), and then during the rest period
you should be going at a 10-20% capacity (low to very low intensity).
Recommended time: I generally recommend performing each HIIT sprint
for 30 seconds and each recovery period for 90 seconds. It’s important to make
sure that you rest for a minimum of 90 seconds during the recovery time.
The total time of a HIIT workout session should generally take 16 minutes to
Recommended speed: HIIT is generally performed at a high intensity,
meaning that during a sprint you will usually be moving (or sprinting) at a
fast pace (as fast as you can go). However, it’s important to note that while for
some people a 90-100% capacity means sprinting very fast, for other people a
90-100% capacity may mean running at a medium to high intensity - and in
some cases it may even mean speed walking or jogging at a medium to high
intensity. Your speed during a HIIT “sprint” will be determined by your age,
your natural speed ability, your current level of fitness and your current health.
Your speed will also generally increase as your level of fitness increases.
HIIT variantions & options
Here are 5 examples of HIIT cardio workouts that will each take roughly 16
minutes to complete:
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
H I I T # 1 | 30 Second Sprints
Use the cardio equipment at the gym (the elliptical and the treadmill are perfect)
or simply go outside with a stopwatch.
Warm up (this does not have to be long, just
Repeat this combination 8 times
until you feel warm)
Sprint (fast running) as fast as you can for 30
seconds and then slow down to recover until
your breathing is back to normal (usually 90
For example, if you ran during the sprint,
then you will walk to recover.
Do a short cool down
Sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds +
recover 90 seconds x 8 times = 16 minutes.
Workout over.
H I I T # 2 | 30 Second High Knee’s
Warm up (this does not have to be long,
Do a short cool down and then your
just until you feel warm)
workout is over
For 30 seconds do as many high knee’s as
you can (as fast as you can)
Do as many high knee’s as you can for
30 seconds + rest 90 seconds x 8 = 16
Rest for 90 seconds
minutes. Workout over.
Repeat workout 8 times
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H I I T # 3 | 30 Second Steps
Warm up (this does not have to be long,
Repeat this combination 8 times
just until you feel warm)
Do a short cool down and then your
Use a stepper (like those small plastic
workout is over
Reebok steppers – not a machine) at the
gym or a set of stairs & step back and forth,
up & down one step (or two if you want to)
as fast as you can for 30 secondser
Step as fast as you can for 30 seconds
+ recover 90 seconds x 8 = 16 minutes.
Workout over.
Rest for 90 seconds
This is the only type of HIIT workout that I perform for a longer period of time
- where each sprint is longer than 30 seconds - because I find that with skipping
a 30 second sprint is not quite long enough. If I do skipping for my HIIT workout
then I usually do each sprint for 45-60 seconds instead of the usual 30 seconds. I
aim for 60 seconds.
Warm up (this does not have to be long,
Rest for 90 seconds
just until you feel warm)
Repeat this combination 8 times
Using a skipping rope, skip as fast as you
can for 45-60 seconds (aim for 60 seconds)
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Do a short cool down and then your
workout is over
Skip as fast as you can for 45-60 seconds
+ recover for 90 seconds x 8 = 18-20
minutes. Workout over.
H I I T # 5 | Mix it up
Warm up (this does not have to be long,
Rest for 90 seconds
just until you feel warm)
Perform as many jumping jacks as you can
Sprint (fast running) as fast as you can
(and as fast as you can) for 30 seconds
for 30 seconds
Rest for 90 seconds
Rest for 90 seconds
Repeat entire workout 2 times
For 30 seconds do as many high knee’s
as you can
(as fast as you can)
Do a short cool down and then your
workout is over
Use a stepper (like those small plastic
Reebok steppers – not a machine) at the
gym or a set of stairs & step back and
You will be performing a total of 8 high
forth, up & down one step
intensity 30 seconds “sprints”, and then you
will be resting for 90 seconds between each
(or two if you want to) as fast as you can
sprint. 30 seconds + recover 90 seconds x 8
for 30 seconds
= 16 minutes. Workout over.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
LISS variantions &
Here are 5 examples of LISS cardio
Recommended intensity:
workouts that will each take 15-20
LISS should ideally be performed at a low to
minutes to complete:
moderate intensity. You should perform your
» speed walking
LISS training sessions at an intensity that
feels good for you.
» jogging
» swimming
» cycling
» training on an elliptical machine
LISS speed,
and time
Recommended distance in miles:
If you jogged at 5mph for 15 minutes you
would have covered just under 1.5 miles in
distance. 20 minutes at the same pace would
cover just under 2 miles.
Recommended distance in kilometers:
If you jogged at 8 km for 15 minutes you
would have covered roughly 2 km in distance.
20 minutes at the same pace would cover
nearly 3 km.
Recommended speed:
LISS sessions can generally be performed
safely at a constant speed of 4mph up to
Recommended time:
6mph, or less (that’s roughly 6.45 kph to 9.65
I generally recommend performing each LISS
kph, or less).
training session for no longer than 20 minutes.
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Friendly reminder
Always make sure that you are in a fit and healthy state before you
perform any of these workouts or exercises. It is a good idea to consult
with your doctor, GP, fitness coach or medical practitioner to see if a
new exercise program (including this one) is suitable for you, your body
and your personal goals.
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE # 1 | Pelvic lift (on floor)
T i p : This is a great exercise to do before performing squats, lunges or deadlifts
- because it helps to warm up the glute muscles (buttocks). I recommend
doing 3 sets of 12 reps before attempting any butt exercise - so that you get
the best benefit from your workout and so that you don’t hurt your back.
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : an exercise mat.
Lie on your back with your legs straight in front of you, your knees bent and your feet on the
floor (feet in line with your hips). Keep your arms at your sides and on the floor.
Squeeze your glutes (butt muscles) together
Push down through the heels of your feet and lift your butt off the floor (while still squeezing
your butt cheeks) so that your glutes are engaged (not your lower back)
While pushing down through your heels, lift your pelvis
off the floor and up so that your shoulders, hips and
knees are in a straight line. Keep your hips, knees and
feet in line (without letting your knees fall inwards) You
should feel your glutes and stomach muscles working,
while never straining your lower back
Keep your glutes squeezed together and return to your
starting position. Repeat the exercise.
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
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Do a short cool down and then your workout is over
EXERCISE # 2 | Pelvic lift (on ball)
T i p : This is a great exercise to do before performing squats, lunges or
deadlifts - because it helps to warm up the glute muscles (buttocks). I
recommend doing 3 sets of 12 reps before attempting any butt exercise
- so that you get the best benefit from your workout and so that you
don’t hurt your back.
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : an exercise ball.
Rest your back on an exercise ball with your legs
straight in front of you, your buttocks just off the floor,
your knees bent and your feet on the floor (feet and
knees in line with your hips) Use your hands to support
your neck (without pushing your neck forwards)
Keep your shins vertical (with your heels and your
knees in a straight vertical line) Squeeze your glutes
(butt muscles) together.
Push down through the heels of your feet and lift your
butt off the floor (while still squeezing your butt cheeks)
so that your glutes are engaged (not your lower back)
Your shins should still be vertical as you lift your pelvis
(with your heels and knees in a straight vertical line)
While pushing down through your heels, lift your
pelvis off the floor and up so that your shoulders, hips
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
and knees are in a straight line Keep your hips, knees and feet in line (without
letting your knees fall inwards) You should feel your glutes and stomach muscles
working, while never straining your lower back
Keep your glutes squeezed together and return
to your starting position
Breathe in as you return to your starting
position and out as you perform the pelvic lift
so that you engage your abdominal muscles
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE # 3 | Pelvic lift ( feet on ball)
T i p : This is a great exercise to do before performing squats, lunges or deadlifts
- because it helps to warm up the glute muscles (buttocks). I recommend
doing 3 sets of 12 reps before attempting any butt exercise - so that you get
the best benefit from your workout and so that you don’t hurt your back.
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : an exercise ball and an exercise mat.
Lie on your back with your legs straight in front of you, with your feet
resting on the ball (feet hip width apart)
Keep your arms at your sides and on the floor
Squeeze your glutes (butt muscles) together
Push down through the heels of your feet onto the ball and lift your
butt off the floor (while still squeezing your butt cheeks) so that your
glutes are engaged (not your lower back)
Your shoulders, hips and knees should be in a straight line
You should feel your glutes and stomach muscles working, while
never straining your lower back.
Keep your glutes squeezed together and return to your
starting position
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE # 4 | Horse stance
T i p : This exercise is great for helping to engage abdominal muscles (abs),
it can also help to realign the hips (this can be beneficial for performing
exercises such as squats and lunges correctly).
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : an exercise mat.
Start on your hands and knees, with your wrists directly below your shoulders and
your knees directly below your hips
Your elbows should be pointing backwards and your fingers should be facing forwards
Keep your face looking down towards your exercise mat, with your head, neck, spine
and and tailbone all in a straight line - your spine should be parallel to the floor at all
times (this is your starting position)
Breathe out and when you do, pull your tummy
and belly button up towards your spine (still
keeping your spine in a straight line) so that you
engage your abdominal muscles
Press one hand down into the floor and the
opposite knee down into the floor (all of your
weight should now be resting on this one hand
and one knee), then fractionally lift the alternate
hand and knee off the floor (the ones that your
weight are not resting on) without shifting your
body sideways
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The hand and knee that you lift should only be lifted about 1 cm off the ground
Your head, neck, spine and tailbone should still remain in a straight line
Hold this position for 10 seconds, then return your hand and knee to the ground
You should never feel a straining in your lower back
Repeat the exercise
Perform 6 reps on each side
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE # 5 | Dynamic Stretch
T i p : This is a great exercise to do before performing butt exercises because it helps to warm up and strengthen the glute muscles (buttocks).
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : an exercise mat.
Lie on your stomach with your body in a straight line and your arms at your sides
about 45 degrees from your body
Keep your feet in line with your hips, knees and shoulders
Rotate your arms so that your palms face away from your body with your thumbs
pointing towards the ceiling
Squeeze your glutes (butt muscles) together
While squeezing your butt together, lift your chest off the floor and stretch your hands
up slightly (palms still facing upwards) and towards your buttocks
Lift your feet slightly off the floor as you squeeze your glutes
While you perform the movement keep your chin tucked in and your neck straight in
line with your spine
You should feel your butt muscles working as well as the muscles just below your
shoulder blades (if you feel a strain in your lower back then you are lifting too high,
Keep your glutes squeezed together and return to your starting position
Repeat the exercise
Perform 3 sets of 6-12 reps
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
it only needs to be a slight lift)
EXERCISE # 6 | Gluteus medius
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : an exercise mat.
Lie on your side with your back in a straight line with your feet
Bend your hips and knees in front of you. While keeping this position, lift your
knee up towards the ceiling without rolling your hips backwards
Keep the toes from your top foot resting on your bottom foot (so that your feet
are always touching)
Return to your starting position
Repeat the exercise
Perform 3 sets of 12-20 reps on each side
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EXERCISE # 7 | Side lat raise
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : dumbells (2-4 kg)
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and slightly turned
outwards. Keep your shoulders directly above your hips, with
your chest out
Hold a dumbbell in each hand (2-4kg), with your hands at
your sides
While keeping this position, bend your elbows slightly
and lift the weight out to your side with your palm
facing the front
Stop when your hand reaches shoulder height, then
gently lower the dumbbells back to your sides
Do one arm at a time
Repeat the exercise
Perform 6 sets of 12 reps
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EXERCISE # 8 | Tricep dips
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : a small bench, low table or chair (30cm+)
Place a small bench, low table or chair behind you (30cm+)
and sit on the edge with your knees bent in front of you
Place your hands behind you on the edge of the bench with
your fingers facing forwards
Shift your buttocks forwards (off the bench) and walk
your feet forwards so that your legs are almost straight
while you balance on your heels
Your buttocks should still be in line with the
top of the bench and your weight should be
supported by your hands
Bend your elbows and lower your body so that you create a 90 degree angle with your arms
behind you
Your shoulders, elbows and wrists should all remain in line with each other
Push up off the bench through the heel of your hand and return to the starting position, while
remaining in an upright position
Repeat the exercise
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE # 9 | Knee push-ups
T i p : If you are not used to performing push-ups, or are not sure if you
have been performing them correctly in the past - then always start with
knee push-ups! As you get good at doing your knee push-ups (and become
stronger), then you can progress to full push-ups and eventually to decline
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Lie face down on the floor with your hands placed face down at shoulder level (they should
be slightly wider than shoulder width apart)
Rest on your knees with your feet together (one foot crossed over the other)
Keeping your back wide (avoid collapsing your shoulders), lift yourself up by pushing up
through the palms of your hands (you should feel it in your chest and abdominal muscles)
Your hands should be directly below your shoulders
Keeping your back wide (avoid collapsing your shoulders), lift yourself up by pushing up
through the palms of your hands (you should feel it in your chest and abdominal muscles)
Your hands should be directly below your shoulders
Bend your elbows and lower your torso towards the floor until your arms are at a 90 degree angle
Breathe in as you lower your upper body towards
the floor and exhale as you push
yourself back up
Maintain a straight spine and
don’t drop your head
Repeat the exercise
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
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EXERCISE #10 | Full push-ups
T i p : If you are not used to performing push-ups, or are not sure if you
have been performing them correctly in the past - then always start with
knee push-ups! As you get good at doing your knee push-ups (and become
stronger), then you can progress to full push-ups and eventually to decline
Lie face down on the floor with your hands
placed face down at shoulder level (they should
be slightly wider than shoulder width apart)
Keeping your back wide (avoid collapsing
your shoulders), lift yourself up by pushing up
through the palms of your hands (you should
feel it in your chest and abdominal muscles)
Your hands should be directly below your
Keeping your back wide (avoid collapsing
your shoulders), lift yourself up by pushing up
through the palms of your hands (you should
feel it in your chest and abdominal muscles)
Your hands should be directly below your
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Bend your elbows and lower your torso towards the floor until your arms are at a 90 degree angle
Breathe in as you lower your upper body towards the floor and exhale as you push yourself
back up
Maintain a straight spine
and don’t drop your head
Repeat the exercise
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE #11 | Decline push-ups
T i p : If you are not used to performing push-ups, or are not sure if you have been
performing them correctly in the past - then always start with knee push-ups! As
you get good at doing your knee push-ups (and become stronger), then you can
progress to full push-ups and eventually to decline push-ups.
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : a small bench, low table or chair (30cm+)
Start on your hands and knees with your feet
Bend your elbows and lower your torso
resting on a flat bench behind you
towards the floor until your arms are at a 90
degree angle
Walk forwards slightly on your hands so that
your legs are extended behind you and so that
Breathe in as you lower your body towards
the balls of your feet are resting on the bench
the floor and exhale as you push yourself
Place your hands face down at shoulder level,
back up. Maintain a straight spine and don’t
they should be slightly wider than shoulder
drop your head
width apart (this is your starting position)
Your buttocks should be in a straight line with
your back and head (lifted slightly in the air
Keeping your back wide (avoid collapsing
if it’s easier to maintain your form that way)
your shoulders), lift yourself up by pushing
up through the palms of your hands (you
should feel it in your chest and abdominal
As you return to your starting position, look
up slightly to avoid hitting your nose/ head
Your hands should be directly below your
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
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Repeat the exercise
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : an exercise ball and an exercise mat
Lie flat on your back with your arms extended at each side (in line with your shoulders)
and with your calves resting on an exercise ball (bent at a 90 degree angle)
Pull your heels towards your hamstrings so that you have a firm hold on the ball,
while keeping your knees pointing upwards at 90 degree’s
Slowly rotate your legs to one side while maintaining the 90 degree angle (so that
they are almost touching the ground but not quite) and keep both shoulders flat
on the ground at all times
You should feel your abdominal muscles working
Return to your starting position and then repeat the exercise on your opposite side
Repeat the exercise
Perform 4-6 sets of 12 reps
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE #13 | Weighted Russian twist
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : an exercise ball and one dumbbell (2-6 kg’s)
Start with your upper back and shoulders resting on an exercise ball, your legs out in
front of you with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle and your feet on the ground
(shoulder width apart)
Your pelvis and knees should be in a straight line at all times
Hold one dumbbell with both hands up towards the ceiling
Slowly rotate your arms and torso so that you are lying on the outside of your shoulder,
while keeping your pelvis facing upwards
Your pelvis and knees should still be at a 90 degree angle
Then quickly turn your arms and torso
back up to your starting position
Breathe in as you turn to the side and
out as your turn back upwards
Each time you turn down to your side go
slowly and then come up again quickly
You should feel your abdominal muscles
working (you should not feel a strain in
your lower back)
You can rest the back of your neck on
the ball with your shoulders if you feel
you need the neck support
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Return to your starting position and then repeat the exercise on your opposite side
Always keep your knee’s and pelvis in a straight line
Repeat the exercise
Perform 4-6 sets of 12 reps
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE #14 | Hip Extension
T i p : This is a great exercise to do before performing butt exercises - because it
helps to warm up and strengthen the glute muscles (buttocks).
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : an exercise ball.
You should feel your glutes, hamstring and
Start with your feet resting against a wall and
abdominal muscles working (not your lower back)
with the exercise ball in front of you
Push your body up onto the ball so that
your pelvis is resting up against it (not your
Lower your body again to the starting position
stomach) Your knees should be just off the
Breathe in as you return to the starting
ground and slightly apart and your feet
position and exhale as your press your pelvis
should still be against the wall
into the ball to lift your body upwards
Your upper body should be gently resting on
Repeat the exercise
top of the ball with your face down in front
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
of you (this is the starting position)
Squeeze your glutes together (butt cheeks)
and press your thighs into the ball
Push your pelvis forwards into the ball and
push your heels against the wall behind you
at the same time
As you push your pelvis into the ball, lift your
body up slightly
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE #15 | Squats
T i p : Remember to warm up your glute muscles (buttocks) before performing
squats - so that you get the best benefit from your workout and so that you don’t
hurt your back. I recommend doing 3 sets of pelvic lifts or hip extension exercises
as a warm up!
If you are not used to performing squats, or are not sure if you have been
performing them correctly in the past - then always start squatting with ball
squats! As you get good at doing your ball squats (and glute muscles get strong),
then you can progress to regular squats and eventually to dumbbell squats.
Try to keep your knees strong so that they
Start standing upright with your feet hip don’t wobble or cave inwards as you keep your
width apart, facing outwards slightly
chest sticking out and your arms out in front
of you
Stick your chest out slightly, keep your head STEP 4
faced forward and place your arms out in Push up through your heels and straighten
front of you (this is your starting position)
your legs without locking them
You should feel your glute and abdominal
muscles working
Bend your hips downwards and stick your
tailbone out behind you (imagine that your STEP 5
buttocks is resting on a bench)
Exhale as you return to the starting position
and inhale as you go down into the squat
Repeat the exercise
your knees and feet facing slightly outward
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
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Avoid bending from your lower-back and keep
EXERCISE #16| Ball Squats
T i p : Remember to warm up your glute muscles (buttocks) before performing
squats - so that you get the best benefit from your workout and so that you don’t
hurt your back. I recommend doing 3 sets of pelvic lifts or hip extension exercises
as a warm up!
If you are not used to performing squats, or are not sure if you have been
performing them correctly in the past - then always start squatting with ball
squats! As you get good at doing your ball squats (and glute muscles get strong),
then you can progress to regular squats and eventually to dumbbell squats.
W h at y o u w i l l n e e d : an exercise ball.
tailbone towards the wall behind you (imagine
Start standing upright with your mid-back that your buttocks is resting on a bench)
resting against a ball, against a wall
Allow the ball to push your torso forward
Your feet should be hip width apart and while your buttocks moves backward
facing outwards slightly
Avoid bending from your lower-back and keep
your knees and feet facing slightly outward
Try to keep your knees strong so that they
Stick your chest out slightly, keep your head don’t wobble or cave inwards
faced forward and place your arms out in
front of you (this is your starting position)
Push up through your heels and straighten
your legs without locking them
Stick your chest out slightly, keep your head You should feel your glute and abdominal
faced forward and place your arms out in muscles working
front of you (this is your starting position)
Exhale as you return to the starting position
and inhale as you go down into the squat
Repeat the exercise
Bend your hips downwards and stick your Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE #17 | Dumbbell squats
T i p : Remember to warm up your glute muscles (buttocks) before performing
squats - so that you get the best benefit from your workout and so that you don’t hurt
your back. I recommend doing 3 sets of pelvic lifts or hip extension exercises as a
warm up! If you are not used to performing squats, or are not sure if you have been
performing them correctly in the past - then always start squatting with ball squats!
As you get good at doing your ball squats (and glute muscles get strong), then you can
progress to regular squats and eventually to dumbbell squats.
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : dumbbells (2-8 kg)
Start standing upright with your feet hip
Push up through your heels and straighten
width apart, facing outwards slightly
your legs without locking them. You should
Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides
feel your glute and abdominal muscles working
Stick your chest out slightly, keep your head
Exhale as you return to the starting position
faced forward (this is your starting position)
and inhale as you go down into the squat
Repeat the exercise
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
Bend your hips downwards and stick your
tailbone out behind you (imagine that your
buttocks is resting on a bench) while keeping
your arms at your sides
Avoid bending from your lower-back and
keep your knees and feet facing slightly
outward. Try to keep your knees strong so
that they don’t wobble or cave inwards as you
keep your chest sticking out and your arms
out in front of you
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EXERCISE #18 | Bent over reverse fly
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : dumbbells (2-4 kg)
Start standing upright with your feet slightly further than shoulder width apart, facing
outwards. Hold one dumbbell in each hand at your sides
Bend forward from your hips until you feel
tension in your hamstrings, then bend your
knees slightly (so that you still feel tension)
You should not feel any tension in your
lower back
Stick your chest out slightly, keep your head
faced forward and extend your arms directly
below your chest (this is your starting position)
Keeping this position, raise your arms up
towards the side until the dumbbells are at
shoulder height. You should feel tension between
your shoulder blades (not your lower back)
Repeat the exercise
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
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Gently lower the dumbbells to your starting
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE #19 | Lunges
T i p : Remember to warm up your glute muscles (buttocks) before performing
lunges - so that you get the best benefit from your workout and prevent injury. I
recommend doing 3 sets of pelvic lifts or hip extension exercises as a warm up!
(butt muscle) on your front leg activate. Keep
Start standing upright with your feet hip
your front shin perpendicular to the floor
width apart, facing forwards
and aim for a 90 degree angle in both knees
Step forward with one leg so that you
(however it’s more important to feel your glute
have a split stance. Make sure that you
muscle (butt cheek) on your front leg activate
are slightly bent forward from the waist so
than to maintain a perfect 90 degree angle)
that you feel your abdominal muscles are
activated (this is your starting position)
Push yourself back up to your starting position,
pushing through your front heel so that you
As you drop your back knee towards the
feel tension in your front butt cheek while still
floor, you should feel your glute muscle
keeping your torso slightly bent forward (you
should also feel tension in your abdominal
Make sure that your hips and knees of each leg
stay in line with each other
Constantly keep your weight even through the
heel of your front foot and the toes of your back
foot. Remember that you should feel most of
the work in your front butt cheek and the thigh
of your back leg
Repeat the exercise
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps on each side
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EXERCISE #20 | Weighted Lunges
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : dumbbells (2-8 kg)
in your abdominal muscles)
Start standing upright with your feet hip
Make sure that your hips and knees of each leg
width apart, facing forwards. Hold one
stay in line with each other
dumbbell in each hand at your sides.
Step forward with one leg so that you
have a split stance. Make sure that you
Constantly keep your weight even through the
are slightly bent forward from the waist so
heel of your front foot and the toes of your back
that you feel your abdominal muscles are
foot. Remember that you should feel most of the
activated (this is your starting position)
work in your front butt cheek and the thigh of
your back leg. You should not feel any tension in
your lower back
As you drop your back knee towards the
Repeat the exercise
floor, you should feel your glute muscle
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps on each side
(butt muscle) on your front leg activate
Keep your front shin perpendicular to
the floor and aim for a 90 degree angle in
both knees (however it’s more important
to feel your glute muscle (butt cheek) on
your front leg activate than to maintain a
perfect 90 degree angle)
Push yourself back up to your starting
so that you feel tension in your front butt
cheek while still keeping your torso slightly
bent forward (you should also feel tension
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
position, pushing through your front heel
EXERCISE #21| Bent over row
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : dumbbells (4-8 kg)
Start standing upright with your knees
Only lift the weights until your elbows are
slightly bent, chest out and your feet hip
just past the line of your torso, keeping
width apart, facing forwards
your back wide (don’t pinch your shoulder
blades together)
Hold one dumbbell in each hand at your side STEP7
Breathe in as you lower the weight and
exhale as you lift the weight. You should not
Bend forward from your hips until you feel
feel any tension in your lower back
tension in your hamstrings, keeping your
Repeat the exercise
knees unlocked
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
Keeping your elbows facing backwards, your
head up and your chest sticking out slightly,
lower your weight downwards until it
reaches just above your knees or your lower
thighs (this is your starting position)
As you lift the weights imagine that your
elbows are being lifted by strings towards
the ceiling and keep your upper arms
45 degree’s out from your body (turned
slightly outwards)
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE #22 | Deadlift
T i p : It’s very important to warm up your glute muscles (buttocks) properly before
attempting deadlifts - so that you get the best benefit from your workout and so
that you don’t hurt your back, or cause other injury. I recommend doing at least 3
sets of pelvic lifts or hip extension exercises as a warm up - the dynamic stretch
is also great for strengthening glute muscles.
V e ry i m p o r ta n t n o t e : The deadlift is NOT an exercise for beginners. If you
are not used to performing resistance training workouts, or do not have strong
glute muscles (buttocks) then you should NOT attempt deadlifting. Please note
that deadlifts only come into this training program during phase 3 - by this time
you should have built up enough strength to perform safe deadlifting. Never start
deadlifting with weights that are too heavy for you. Strengthen your glute muscles
over a few weeks to get your body ready for deadlifting with exercises such as
squats, lunges, pelvic lifts and hip extensions.
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : a weighted spin lock bar (10-40kg’s)
Start standing upright with your feet hip
You should now be standing up straight (legs
width apart, facing forwards
slightly bent so they are not locked) while holding
Your weighted spin lock bar should be
your weight with both hands
placed directly in front of you
Your feet should still be shoulder width apart with
your feet facing forwards (this is your starting
Take care when picking up the weight by
squatting down in front of it and gripping it
firmly with both hands (one on each side),
Keeping your elbows facing backwards and your
then engage your glute muscles (buttocks)
chest sticking out slightly, lower your weight
as you slowly pick it up (you should not
towards the floor until it reaches just below the
feel any tension in your lower back)
level of your knees
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Maintain a slight curve in your lower back
as you stick your buttocks out as far as it can
go behind you when your weight is lowered
Then push down through your heels so that
you engage your glute muscles (buttocks)
when you return to your starting position
Breathe in as you lower the weight and
exhale as you return to your starting position
Your knees should remain slightly bent
throughout so that your bend is controlled
by your hips and not your knees
Keep your weight equal between the balls
and heels of your feet
Remember that you should feel most of the
work in your glute and abdominal muscles
You should not feel any tension in your
lower back
Repeat the exercise
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
EXERCISE #23 | Single arm benchpress
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : an exercise ball and one dumbbell (4-8 kg)
Start with your upper back, shoulders and
Then lower your arm with the weight and
head resting on an exercise ball, your legs
return to your starting positio
out in front of you with your knees bent at a
90 degree angle and your feet on the ground
(shoulder width apart)
Breathe in as you return to your starting
Your pelvis and knees should be in a straight
position and exhale as you push the weight
line at all times
upwards. You should feel your pectoral
muscles (chest) and your abdominal muscles
working (you should not feel a strain in your
Hold one dumbbell in one hand, lowered
lower back)
towards your body roughly in line with your
Always keep your knees and pelvis in a
chest (this is your starting position)
straight line
Repeat the exercise
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps on each side
Push the weight up straight towards the ceiling,
pushing up through the strength of your chest
muscles and not your shoulders (you should
push the weight away from you as if someone
is trying to push it down on you)
As you push the weight up, roll the ball slightly
should feel tension in your abdominal muscles
as you do this) Your pelvis and knees should still
be at a 90 degree angle
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to the side of the hand without the weight (you
EXERCISE #24 | Arm square press
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : dumbbells (1-4 kg)
Start standing upright with your chest out
Then push your hands (with the weights)
and your feet hip width apart, facing forwards
upwards so that your elbows are just above
shoulder height, still keeping your elbows
directly below your wrists
Hold one dumbbell in each hand, with your
elbows out in front of you directly below your STEP 5
wrists. Your elbows and wrists should always
Then drop your elbows down again, returning
be kept directly in line, don’t let your wrist and
to your starting position
hand cave inwards (this is your starting position)
Remember to always keep your elbows directly
below your wrists in a straight line
Move your elbows and your wrists out to the
Repeat the exercise
sides, moving them through your shoulder
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps
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EXERCISE #25 | Dumbbell Rows
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : a small
bench, table or chair (30cm+) and
one dumbbell (4-8 kg)
Start standing upright with your chest out
and your feet hip width apart, facing forwards
Place the hand of the same side on the
opposite side of the bench so that you are
facing downward
Now stick your buttocks out behind you so As you lift the weights imagine that your
that you feel a pull in the hamstring of your elbows are being lifted by string towards the
standing leg, keep your chest out and your ceiling and keep your upper arms 45 degree’s
head up, facing forwards
out from your body (turned slightly outwards)
Hold one dumbbell with the hand that is STEP 6
not resting on the bench. You should not Only lift the weights until your elbows are in
feel any tension in your lower back
the line of your torso (or your back), keeping
your back wide
Keeping your elbows facing backwards, STEP 7
slightly, lower your weight downwards until as you lift the weight
it reaches just above or in line with your Repeat the exercise
knees (this is your starting position)
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Perform 3 sets of 12 reps on each side
your head up and your chest sticking out Breathe in as you lower the weight and exhale
EXERCISE #26 | Single leg Deadlift
T i p : This exercise is great for helping to engage abdominal muscles (abs),
it can also help to realign the hips (this can be beneficial for performing
exercises such as squats and lunges correctly).
W h at yo u w i l l n e e d : one dumbbell (4-8 kg)
so that your bend is controlled by your
hips and not your knees
Start standing upright with your feet hip width
apart, facing forwards
Keep your weight equal between the
balls and heels of your feet
Remember that you should feel
Hold one dumbbell in the hand on the same side as
most of the work in your glute and
you are lifting your leg
abdominal muscles
You should not feel any tension in
your lower back
Lift your one leg backwards (the same side that
Repeat the exercise
you are holding your weight) making sure that it
Perform 3 sets of 12 reps on each side
goes straight back (keep your toes pointing to the
floor) As you lift your leg, your torso, head and
weight will all lower slightly in front of you (focus
your attention on lifting your leg) Your head,
torso and leg should all be in a straight line
Keep your chest sticking out slightly so that your
back has a good natural curve
Breathe in as you lower the weight and exhale as
you return to your starting position
Your knees should remain slightly bent throughout
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Top fitness tips:
Always remember to focus on your form while performing
resistance exercises. Having the correct form while working out
is crucial for us getting the results that we desire with our bodies.
If you are struggling to keep your correct form while performing
any exercise that requires the use of weights, do the first rep of
each set without using weights so that you can really focus on
your form. Once you’ve got your form down, add weights to the
exercise for the rest of the reps in that set.
If you have just started including a new exercise in your training
routine and cannot manage to perform a full set of that exercise
(a set is usually 12 reps), then start by performing half a set until
you have built up enough strength to complete a full one (6 reps
a set instead of 12). From 6 reps, work your way up to a full set
of 12 reps.
Remember to always try your best - for your best is the best that
you can do! Remember that you are blessed to have a body that
functions and works, and that is alive. Remember to HAVE FUN!
Blast that pop or gangsta music (or whatever you music like) and
have a little fun while you workout.
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The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Abs :
Arm & leg stretch :
Lie face down on the floor with your hands
Start by standing up straight with your feet
under your shoulders, this is your starting
wide apart (toes pointing outward slightly)
position. Then, keeping your hips on the
and your arms extended out to your sides
ground, lift yourself up by straightening your
(stretch them out as far as you can) - this is
arms. Hold for 10-30 seconds then return to
your starting position. Then lower your torso
your starting position.
down towards the ground with your knees
bent while maintaining your outstretched
Adductors :
arms. Hold this position for 5 seconds and
Sit on the floor with your knees apart and the
then repeat several times.
soles of your feet together, while keeping your
chest up and your back straight. Then pull
Cat stretch (back & spine):
your feet as close to your groin as comfortable.
Start on your hands and knees with your
Place your hands on your ankles and your
head in line with your spine, this is your
forearms on your knees. Gently press down
starting position.
with your arms to stretch your adductors.
Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds.
Lift the middle of your spine upwards
towards the ceiling. At the same time, lower
Ankle rolls:
your head and tuck your tailbone in. Hold
Stand up straight with your shoulder width
for a few seconds and then return to your
apart and your arms at your sides, then lift
starting position. Then lift your head and
your one leg slightly so that your weight is
tailbone upwards towards the ceiling as you
transferred to the other leg. The knee of your
arch your back, so that your spine lowers
lifted leg should be bent and your toes should
towards the ground. Hold for a few seconds
be pointing straight downward.
and then return to your starting position.
Slowly rotate the lifted foot clockwise from
Calve raises:
the ankle until a full circle is completed, and
Stand straight up with your feet shoulder
repeat this motion several times. Then slowly
width apart and your arms resting at your
rotate the same foot anti-clockwise.
sides. Place your body weight on the balls
Lower your leg so that you are back at your
of your feet and gently lift your heels off
starting position, and repeat the exercise on
the ground until you are standing on your
your other side.
tippy toes.
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You should feel a pull in your calves. Hold for
knees bent (your buttocks should be just above
1-5 seconds and then return to your starting
the floor) - this is your secondary position. Then
position. Repeat several times.
roll your body backwards over the ball so that
your back and legs become straight (your spine
should be moulded by the ball with your head
Stand upright with your feet shoulder width
resting behind you on the ball). Now stretch
apart and your arms at your sides. Extend
your arms out behind you and extend them so
your arms out slightly behind you until
that your hands are almost touching the floor
your hands are touching. Hold your hands
(or touching if you can). Point your toes in front
together as you stretch your arms behind you
of you as they touch the floor. From the top
and stick your chest out in front of you. Hold
you should look like a (happy) starfish. Hold the
for 10-30 seconds.
happy starfish position for 10-30 seconds, and
smile while you do (because it’s fun). Then roll
Happy starfish :
your body forwards again as you return your
Sit on an exercise ball with your feet out in front
arms to your sides. Don’t lift your head until
of you, this is your starting position. Roll your
you are back at your secondary position. From
body down on the ball in front of you so that
your secondary position return to your starting
you are almost sitting on the floor with your
position. Repeat.
I know this stretch
looks funny, but it
feels amazing!
towards your right side so that it is
Stand upright with your feet hip width apart and
pressed against your chest and grip it
your arms at your sides. Place your right hand on
with your right arm. Hold for 10-30
your hip and stretch your left arm over your head
seconds, and then switch sides.
as you bend slightly towards your right side. Hold
for 10-30 seconds, and then switch sides.
Sitting hamstring stretch:
Sit on the floor and straighten your
Neck stretch:
left leg in front of you. Bend the
Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart
right knee, placing the sole of your
and your arms at your sides. Gently place your left
right foot against your left inner
hand on the right side your head and tilt your head
thigh. Touch your left foot with your
slightly towards your left shoulder. Then gently pull
left hand while keeping your back
your head down towards your left shoulder with
straight. Hold the stretch for 10-30
your hand, and at the same time try to move your
seconds, and then switch legs.
head towards your right shoulder. Hold for 10-30
seconds, and then repeat on the other side.
Side stretch:
Stand upright with your feet hip
width apart and your arms at your
Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart
sides. Reach your left arm up as far
and your arms at your sides. Extend your left arm
as your can towards the sky, and at
the same time reach your right arm
towards the ground. Keep your hands
straight as you hold the stretch. Hold
for 10-30 seconds, and then repeat
on the other side.
Standing hamstring stretch:
Start by standing upright with your
feet together. Then extend your left
leg forward and bend your right leg
slightly. Keep your left leg and your
back straight as you touch your toes
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
with your left hand. Rest your right
Wake up stretch:
hand on your right thigh. After holding
Stand upright with your feet hip width
for 10-30 seconds, switch sides.
apart and your arms at your sides.
Reach your arms up as far as your can
towards the sky, and at the same time
Stand upright with your feet shoulder
stand on your tippy toes. Hold for 5-10
width apart and your arms at your
seconds, and then repeat.
sides. Lift your arms up and tuck your
hands behind you so that your elbows
are bent.
Hold your hands together behind
your neck. Hold the stretch for 10-30
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
what is stretching?
Stretching, in simple terms, means to lengthen a muscle. You
may decide to stretch a muscle (or lengthen it) because it feels
tight, because you just exercised that muscle (cooling it down) or
because you intend to exercise that muscle (warming it up).
why is stretching important?
Stretching is often seen as unimportant, but it can be very useful
to us for improved flexibility, injury prevention while training
and better muscle condition in general.
how do i stretch out a muscle?
Stretching can often be a very relaxing experience, and you can
stretch out any muscle or part of your body that you wish to.
While stretching out any muscle, always make sure that
you ease slowly into your stretching position - there is
no need to rush this, in fact it’s best to do it slowly.
Gradually increase pressure to the muscle that you are stretching
(or lengthening) during a warm up or a cool down session. Hold
each muscle that you wish to stretch in a lengthened position for
roughly 10-30 seconds, and then repeat the stretch if you feel that
you need to.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Keep in mind that there is no need
you intend to exercise during that
to push your muscles too hard while
session, or walking or jogging
stretching - the intent is to stretch
slowly for 5 minutes before a
them and not damage (or tear) them.
training session - or until your
body feels warm.
Take note that it’s always good to
stretch both sides of your body out
equally - for example, if I stretch
my left hamstring muscle then I
Cooling down
after a workout
should also stretch out my right
hamstring muscle.
Just like with warming up cooling down after a workout
Warming up
before a workout
is also always a good idea.
Cooling down muscles after a
workout can release tense and
It is always a good idea to
strained muscles, and can help to
do a quick warm up before
prevent injury that may potentially
a workout. Warming up
have happened during a training
muscles before a workout
session if the muscles have been
prepares them for the
training session ahead, and
can help to prevent injury
Examples of a cool down could
that may potentially happen
include stretching the muscle
during a training session if
groups that have been exercised
the muscles are not warm.
during that session, or walking or
jogging slowly for 5 minutes after
Examples of a warm up could be
a training session - or until your
stretching the muscle groups that
body feels cooler.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
How does
posture affect
your body shape?
Top 5 tips for good
» Stand with your feet shoulder width apart,
Having good posture is not just about
standing up straight to look nice, our
posture affects how our body works.
Posture affects all of our muscles,
bones, joints an ligaments - and how
they work together with our body.
When someone has good posture,
and your toes pointing slightly outward
» Bend your knees slightly (just enough so
that your knees are not locked)
» Hold your head straight up with your
chin slightly lifted
» Stick your chest (bust) out slightly
» Push your shoulders back slightly
there is generally not a lot of stress
or strain (negative stress or strain)
placed on the muscles, bones, joints
and ligaments in their body - during
regular everyday activities as well as
planned exercise.
Having good posture can
prevent stress and strain
on the body, and it can also
help to prevent general
muscle aches and pains.
Poor posture can lead to general
aches and pains in muscles, and in
the body. Having good posture is
not just about standing up straight
to look nice, our posture affects how
our body works.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Bad postures to
A common posture mistake that
people often make includes sticking
the glutes (butt) and stomach out.
This type of bad posture can often result
lower back pain. People with this type of
poor posture should generally work on
strengthening their glute muscles (butt) as well
as their abdominal muscles (abs). Glutes can
be strengthened by performing squats and
lunges, while abs can be strengthened through
exercises such as push ups and Russian twists.
cor rect
incor rect
Another common posture mistake that
people often make includes the rounding
of the shoulders and upper back while
sticking the head forward.
This type of bad posture can often result in
neck and shoulder pain (or tension in that
area), as well as headaches.
People with this type of poor posture should
generally work on strengthening their latissimi
dorsi muscles (lats) and their abdominal
muscles (abs). Lats can be strengthened
by performing exercises like the bent-over
reverse fly and dumbbell rows, while abs can
be strengthened through exercises such as
push ups and Russian twists.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
incor rect
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Fun tips 5 ways to make
your workouts FUN!
hours (without dropping the hoop) and
Blast that gangster music (or pop,
I’m not lying (okay I was 10, but still) -
hip-hop, rap, indie, alternative
see if you can beat me (I’m still trying to
or rock) - or whatever you like!
beat me)!
Follow my workout playlist on Spotify, it
will get you pumped and feeling inspired!
Get a training buddy! Workouts
Link: open.spotify.com/user/liezljayne
can often be more fun when you
have a friend with you. Find a
Dance between your resistance
friend, family member or work colleague
training sets (this goes hand in
that is also keen to shape up - you can
hand with number one) - because
hold each other accountable, help to
it burns extra calories, it will make you
keep each other motivated and get into
smile, it will boost your mood and it will
shape together.
make you feel amazing! Plus, life is too
short to be “normal” all the time.
Get yourself a hula-hoop (they’re
Perform your HIIT or LISS
sessions outdoors - almost nothing
compares to breathing in crisp
not just for kids), and see how
morning air while you train, or watching
long you can hula for between your
the sun set while you go for an evening jog!
RT sets or HIIT sprints - it’s REALLY
FUN, it burns calories and it’s great for
toning abs! My personal hula record is 4
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
End note :
Always remember that there is a solution
regular exercise, losing weight and
to every problem. No matter how you feel
generally shaping up.
about yourself and your body right now,
and no matter how many times you have
tried and failed - remember that there is
beautiful body is not about one
always a solution. Where there is a will,
specific or ideal look, or about trying
there is always a way.
to look like someone else. Every
woman looks different and every
I truly believe that EVERY woman CAN achieve
woman has a different natural body
her most beautiful body and can become the best
shape - this is something that we
version of herself - but if you want to see results and
must accept.
reach your body goals then you need to take action
and follow through with those actions.
Getting YOUR most beautiful
body is about becoming the best
Join real women all over the world
version of you, or achieving
who are changing their lives!
a body (shaping up, through
The truth is that most people never do anything
with the products that they purchase (this includes
weight-loss, fitness and health products), and when
they don’t do anything with them they are usually
unable to get the results that they desire.
If you want to get results then you need to take
action. For fast and effective results, it is often best
consistency and discipline) that
enhances your natural beauty.
That being said, it is always important
to keep in mind that becoming your
most beautiful self is just as much
about inner beauty as outer beauty.
Having inner beauty is about being a
kind and loving person.
to take action immediately. In this case, taking action
Inner beauty is what gives a woman
may mean changing your lifestyle, sticking to your
that special sparkle in her eye and an
diet and completing all of your workouts. Becoming
energy that can radiate in a room -
the best version of yourself may include pursuing a
it’s something that makes her stand
healthier lifestyle, eating a healthier diet, performing
out in a crowd.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
I love this quote: “True beauty
Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
radiates with love, sparkles
with joy and sprinkles kindness
You can also email your progress photos to me at
wherever it goes.”
Every day, in some small way, you
can start living your dream. Today,
every choice you make will contribute
towards your dream of being your
most beautiful self. So make powerful
choices - about what you eat, what
you drink, how you think about
yourself and how you workout.
How to stay in touch:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/liezljayne
Facebook: www.facebook.com/liezljayne.blog
Twitter: www.twitter.com/liezljayne
Youtube: www.youtube.com/liezljayne
Be kind, be lovely, be the powerful
woman that you are and own every
decision that you make. Go - and be
your most beautiful self today and
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/liezljayne
Tumblr: www.liezljayne.tumblr.com
Blog: www.liezljayne.com
every day!
Be a part of the
guidance, tips and recommendations that I’ve shared
throughout The Beautiful Body Guide helpful.
Please feel free to tag me in your
photos via my social media @
liezljayne - use the hashtags #liezljayne
Thank YOU so much for reading my book!
I hope that you have found all of the information,
I would love to see your amazing
Thank you!
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
And also - a BIG thank you to Rob, Trish, Barry,
Rozanne, Jessica and Ross for helping me to make
The Beautiful Body Guide possible!
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Frequently asked questions
Q: What is the most important part of
Q: How much weight should I be losing
each week?
A: I always tell my women that the most
A: If your goal is to lose weight then you
important part of weight-loss is consistency!
should realise that woman’s body is different,
Being consistent with your eating plan and
and so the pace at which she will lose weight
exercise plan is the most important thing that
will be different to another woman. Every
you can do to reach your weight-loss and
single person’s results will vary. Reaching a
body goals.
plateau (having your weight stay the same for
a while without losing more weight) can be
Q: Should I eat before or after a
normal after having lost weight.
If you do reach a plateau after losing weight
A: A lot of people stress about whether they
then do not lose faith - if you still want to lose
should be eating before or after a workout, but
more weight then you must just stick to your
at the end of the day it does not really matter.
healthy diet and keep exercising.
Eating before or after a workout will not make
you lose or gain weight - it is the total amount
Focus on being healthy, staying fit and eating
of calories that you consume in a day that will
foods that make you feel great!
cause weight-loss or weight-gain.
Q: What happens when I reach my
If you feel better when you eat something
goal weight?
before you exercise, then you should eat
something - it doesn’t have to be a large
A: Once you have reached your goal weight,
amount of food. If I am working out really
you should start to eat a bit more of each
early in the morning (first thing), then I will
kind of food (healthy carbs, healthy fats and
often only eat after a workout. But if I wake
good protein) until your weight stabilizes
up feeling really tired and hungry then I
- so that you can maintain your weight.
might have a small snack before a workout!
Reaching your goal weight is not an excuse
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
to binge on a whole lot of junk food or go
efforts, while weighing yourself every single
back to your old lifestyle. If you want to
day can quickly start to feel obsessive. Take
maintain your goal weight then you need
note that the differences that you notice
to keep up your healthy lifestyle which
every 2 weeks might be small, but when you
includes eating a healthy diet and exercising
compare your starting weight to your goal
regularly. If you start to eat too much food
weight the differences will probably be great
or stop exercising regularly then it is possible
(if you have been consistent with your eating
to gain weight. Focus on living a healthy
plan and exercise plan). Be sure to wear the
lifestyle and exercising, and focus on eating
same clothes when you weigh yourself and
a balanced diet that makes you feel good!
do it at the same time of day (on a Friday
at 6am for example, before breakfast or a
Q: How often should I track my weight-
loss progress with photo’s?
Q: How much water do I need to
A: I generally recommend taking new
drink everyday?
progress photo’s every 2 weeks. Taking new
photo’s every 2 weeks will help to keep you
A: The average person should drink 8 glasses
motivated and on track with your efforts.
of water per day to stay hydrated – however,
Take note that the differences that you notice
one person’s daily fluid requirement can be
every 2 weeks might be small, but when you
different to another person. Some of the
compare the first photo’s to your final photo’s
factors that determine the amount of water
the differences will probably be great (if you
that every individual person needs are, for
have been consistent with your eating plan
example, how much physical exercise they
and exercise plan). Be sure to wear the same
do, how much time they spend outside in
clothes and take the photo’s at the same time
the sun and how many hours they are awake
of day (on a Friday at 6am for example,
for in a day. It is always important to stay
before breakfast or a workout).
hydrated before, during and after exercise
as this prevents dehydration, fatigue and
Q: How often should I weigh myself ?
possibly other health problems that could
develop from dehydration.
A: I recommend to women that I work with
that they weigh themselves every 2 weeks.
Water is vital for healthy weight-loss! I
Weighing yourself every 2 weeks will help to
generally recommend drinking a minimum
keep you motivated and on track with your
of 8 glasses of water every day - and even
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
more if you are very active, are outside in the
Q: Can I drink energy or sports drinks
sun, or have been awake for a long period of
before, during or after a workout?
time without sleep.
A: A lot of people drink energy or sports
Q: How do I get increased and
drinks to complement their workouts - but
sustained energy?
what most people don’t realize is that these
“health” drinks are loaded with sugar,
A: Having long lasting, sustained energy is
chemicals and lots of calories. Sports and
something that we all strive after, because
energy drinks are marketed as healthy, but
energy is what enables us to do everything.
generally speaking they are not healthy at all.
Energy makes it possible for us to work, to
spend time with friends, to spend time with our
People like the idea of supplementing their
loved ones, to play with our children or little
workouts with sports drinks to boost their
cousins, to laugh, to watch tv and even to go on
energy and stamina, as well as to restore their
Facebook or Instagram.
electrolyte balance after a training session.
However, these seemingly harmless drinks
If you have ever had a “low energy moment”
can often cause unwanted weight gain, sugar
or a “low energy day” where you felt tired
spikes and sugar crashes. The truth is that
and depleted or you have just felt completely
we do not need sports drinks to increase our
exhausted, it may have a lot to do with what
energy levels.
you ate that day… or the day before, or even a
few days before.
If you feel like you constantly have little or
no energy then chances are that you are not
giving your body the nutrients that it wants,
or needs to be vibrant, healthy and full of
energy! Getting enough exercise and moving
around throughout the day will actually help
with having consistent energy levels. Eating a
balanced diet that contains good carbs, healthy
fats and good protein at every meal will also
give you increased and sustained energy. Also
make sure that you are drinking enough water
everyday and getting enough sleep!
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The best way to increase and sustain
energy levels is with a healthy diet, lots
of water, enough sleep - and enough (but
not excessive amounts of) regular exercise.
The best way to restore your electrolyte
balance is by supplementing your diet with
100% pure coconut water. Coconut water is
naturally filled with vitamins, minerals and
powerful electrolytes. If someone performs
a lot of exercise, especially in hot or humid
conditions, their body’s electrolyte level may
become lower than usual - this may result in
general tiredness or fatigue in extreme cases.
You may wish to supplement your diet with
a small serving of coconut water each week
to restore any electrolytes that may be lost
through exercise - however, this is not always
necessary. It’s best to purchase 100% pure
coconut water that has not been reconstituted
(not from concentrate), and that contains
no added sugar, sweetener, flavouring,
preservatives or additives.
1 cup (roughly 300ml) serving of pure
coconut water contains about 60 calories,
while most energy drinks of the same serving
size contain 200 to 300 calories.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
I’ve completed my training for
weeks 1-12. what do I do Now?
Well done on completing weeks 1-12 of The Beautiful Body
Guide Exercise & Workout Plan. You should be proud of
yourself ! So, what’s next? It’s a good idea to continue with
your training so that you can maintain what you have already
achieved, and so that you can keep progressing towards your
goals. For your workouts, you can switch up any of the exercises
from weeks 1-12 in this guide. Be sure to look out for more
exercises, fitness tips and workouts on www.liezljayne.com
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
Terms of use for The Beautiful Body Guide
The Beautiful Body Guide is only intended to provide recommendations,
it is not intended as a medical manual. The information shared
throughout The Beautiful Body Guide is only designed to help you
make more informed decisions about your health.
Please note that changes in health, fitness, weight-loss, body image,
body toning and general shaping up are not guaranteed. Results will
vary from person to person. It is important to note that Liezl Jayne
(Pty) Ltd, Liezl Jayne Strydom and The Beautiful Body Guide do not
guarantee results or benefits of any kind.
It is required by law that all businesses identify what a “typical” result
is to their customers. The truth is that most people never do anything
with the products that they purchase (this includes weight-loss, fitness
and health products), and when they don’t do anything with them they
are usually unable to get the results that they desire.
If you want to get results from this product then you need to take action.
Generally speaking, for fast and effective results, it is often best to take
action immediately. In this case, taking action may mean changing your
lifestyle, sticking to your diet and completing all of your workouts as
If you want to see results of any kind from any product and reach new
body goals of any kind, then you need to take action and follow through
with those actions. However, with this product there is no “typical”
result. With most health, fitness, nutrition and weight-loss related
products there is usually never a typical result. Results may vary from
person to person, because every person is different.
Please note that any and all information and contents found within
The Beautiful Body Guide are not meant to cure any specific disease
or health problem, or fix any ailment or problem of any kind. It is
always advised to consult your medical practitioner before trying a new
diet, eating plan, weight-loss program, fitness plan, exercise program,
lifestyle or a new health program to check whether if it is right for you and to check whether it is suitable for your personal health, body, fitness,
weight-loss and lifestyle goals.
Please note that the information, eating plans, recipes and exercises
found in this book are not meant to cure any specific disease or health
problem, or fix any ailment or problem of any kind.
It is always advised to consult your medical practitioner before trying
a new diet, eating plan or a new health program to check whether if it
is right for you - and to check whether it is suitable for your personal
health and nutrition goals.
It is always advised to consult your medical practitioner before trying
a new fitness program or a new workout regime to check whether if it
is right for you - and suitable for your personal health and fitness goals.
The workouts, training plans, fitness tips and exercises found throughout
The Beautiful Body Guide have not been formulated to suit any
particular person, or to help any condition of any kind - they act only as
general recommendations for general fitness and health improvement.
If you feel dizzy, faint, nauseous, light headed, exhausted or sick in any
way, or if you suffer from any kind of negative affects induced by the
physical exercise recommendations in this guide - then you should stop
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan
your workout immediately and seek the medical advice of your GP,
health practitioner or doctor.
The guidelines, recipes and eating plans found throughout The Beautiful
Body Guide have not been formulated to suit any nutrient deficiencies,
intolerances, allergies or any other food related health problems. If you
are an individual with such problems please seek the help of a doctor,
GP or health professional.
The information provided in this book is only based on recommendations
for general health improvement and to promote healthy eating, healthy
exercise and healthy lifestyle habits. The information found in The
Beautiful Body Guide is not intended as medical advice, and should
not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical conditions
of any kind. You should not use this book as a substitute for qualified
professional health advice, diagnosis or treatment.
The information in this book has been designed to help individuals
within the specified market progress towards their health and fitness
goals. The guidelines found throughout The Beautiful Body Guide
have not been formulated to suit any injuries, health problems or any
other problems that could be aggravated with any kind of diet or any
kind of of low, moderate or high intensity physical exercise. These
guidelines are general and have not been specifically tailored. If you are
an individual with such problems please seek the help of a doctor, GP
or health professional.
The materials and content contained in The Beautiful Body Guide are
not intended to be a substitute for medical professional advice, diagnosis
or treatment. Although in depth and specific information is given, users
of this specific program should not rely exclusively on information
provided in this program for their own health needs as it is only a set
of guidelines aimed at a broad spectrum audience. All specific medical
questions should be presented to your own health care practitioner or
Each individual will have their own specific health, dietary and fitness
needs and therefore the information in this book is designed only to be
a set of generic guidelines. This book does not consider any person’s
specific objectives, situations or requirements.
The Beautiful Body Guide is not written to promote poor body image
or any kind of extreme training regimes.
Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd, Liezl Jayne Strydom and The Beautiful Body
Guide should not and cannot be held liable for the interpretation or use
of the information provided.
Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd, Liezl Jayne Strydom and The Beautiful Body
Guide makes no warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, to
the accuracy or completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any opinions,
advice, services or any other information contained, or referenced to,
in this document. The information is subject to professional differences
of opinion, human error in preparing this information and unique
differences in individual’s situations.
Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd, Liezl Jayne Strydom and The Beautiful Body
Guide do not assume any risk for your use of this information as such
materials or content may contain the most recent information. This
resource is not individually tailored. It is a guideline which has emerged
via the combination of personal experience, learned guidelines and
where possible, scientific literature.
Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd, Liezl Jayne Strydom and The Beautiful Body
Guide are not liable for any loss resulting from any action taken or
reliance made by you on any information or material contained in this
book. If you use, or otherwise rely on, any of the information in this
book you are responsible for ensuring, by independent verification, its
currency, accuracy, completeness, reliability and relevance to your own
personal and individual circumstances. It is always advised to obtain
appropriate professional health and fitness advice relevant to your
particular circumstances.
Most of the information, guidelines, recommendations and tips found
within The Beautiful Body Guide have been learned from personal
study and personal experience. All topics covered in The Beautiful Body
Guide may be subject to human error and may not be safe to use for
any or all persons.
Please note that you should always check with your medical doctor, GP,
health practitioner or personal dietician to see whether a low calorie
diet is suitable for you and your specific health needs - and to check
whether you are consuming the right amount calories each day to reach
your health, fitness and weight-loss goals.
Please note that The Beautiful Body Guide and all other content created
by Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom is purely intended for
entertainment purposes.
If at any point you feel faint, dizzy, sick or suffer from any kind of
complaint while using any of the recommendations, suggestions, advice,
guidance, tips, recipes, eating plans, exercises or workout plans within
The Beautiful Body Guide, then you should stop following that plan or
information immediately and consult with your doctor.
This terms of use is relevant to all parts of The Beautiful Body Guide,
including but not exclusive to The Beautiful Body Guide Nutrition &
Healthy Eating Plan, The Beautiful Body Guide 14 Day Eating Plan(s),
The Beautiful Body Guide Exercise & Workout Plan, The Beautiful
Body Guide 10 Day Kickstarter Plan and all other information, content,
exercises, workout plans, recipes and eating plans found within any of
The Beautiful Body Guide books, products or additional resources - or
any other product, book, information or additional resource by Liezl
Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom.
By reading or using any part of this book or product in any way, or by
reading or using any other information shared by Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd
or Liezl Jayne Strydom, you accept and agree to this terms of use.
Mention of specific companies, organisations, products, persons, or
authorities in this book does not imply endorsement by the author or
publisher, nor does specific mention imply that they endorse this book
and product, its author or publisher.
No information, advice, facts, tips or suggestions given by Liezl Jayne
(Pty) Ltd, Liezl Jayne Strydom and The Beautiful Body Guide should be
taken or accepted as truth. It is the responsibility of the reader and/ or
user to ensure that all of the information given by Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd
and Liezl Jayne Strydom, or any information found in The Beautiful
Body Guide is correct, accurate, helpful, useful, safe to use, current and
suitable for their personal needs.
It is important to check with your medical doctor, GP, health practitioner,
personal fitness coach or personal dietician to see whether The Beautiful
Body Guide and all of it’s content (including it’s advice, suggestions,
recommendations, eating plans, recipes, fitness tips, exercises, workout
plans and healthy living tips) given by Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl
Jayne Strydom are safe to use and suitable for your personal needs.
Please note that the guidelines found in The Beautiful Body Guide are
not suitable for any person who is or who may still be developing in
any way. These recommendations are not suitable for any woman who
is pregnant, may be pregnant, is trying to become pregnant or who
is breast feeding. This product is not suitable to be used by men or
children under any circumstances.
Any user of The Beautiful Body Guide, uses all of it’s information,
recommendations, guidelines and tips at their own risk. Liezl Jayne
(Pty) Ltd, Liezl Jayne Strydom and The Beautiful Body Guide cannot
be held responsible for the interpretation of any of the information,
recommendations and guidelines by the user.
The Beautiful Body Guide - Exercise & Workout Plan