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Site of the First Mass: Pigafetta & Authors

Site of the First Mass
Background of the Author
Antonio Pigafetta (Antonio Lambardo or Francisco Antonio Pigafetta)
- Italian traveler who studied navigation
- A Venetian scholar and explorer
- Born around 1480-1491, but the birth year 1491 would have made him 30
years olds during the expedition of Magellan. Historians considered that
age more probable than an age close to 40.
- He belong to a rich family from Vicenza in Northeast Italy.
- He studied astronomy, geography, and cartography.
- He hear about Magellan’s planned expedition and he decided to join. The
voyage started in August 1519. He was one of the 18 men who returned
to Spain in 1522 after the Battle of Mactan (April 1521).
- He has the most complete account of the expedition entitled Primo viaggio
intorno al mondo (First Voyage around the World) published by Giovanni
Battista Ramusio in 1550-1559
- Considered as an eyewitness of the significant events happened on the
first mass of which Magellan names it the Islands of Saint Lazarus that is
later called the Philippine Archipelago.
Highlights of the Incidents in the History
- The first Catholic Mass in the Philippines was held on March 31, 1521
(Eastern Sunday).
- The site of the first mass happened in the historic island of Mazaua,
known today ay Limasawa Island, in Southern Leyte. The fist mass was
held by Father Pedro de Valderrama.
- The Holy First Mass marked the birth of Roman Catholicism in the
1. Anna Regidor
- Anna Kristine E. Regidor
- From Matro Manila, Philippines
- She works as a Media Production Specialist I at UP Diliman Information
- She also worked as an Administrative Officer under Publication Section
at UP Diliman Information Office.
2. Fr. Miguel A. Bernad
- Miguel Anselmo Azcona Bernad (May 8, 1917 – March 15, 2009)
- A Filipino Jesuit priest, educator, linguist, critic, academic historian,
author, journalist, and editor.
- Born on May 8, 1917 in Misamis, The Philippines. Son of, Misamis Mayor
and Misamis Occidental Governor, Don Anselmo Bernad and Consuelo
(Azcona y Hynson) Bernad.
- He was editor-in-chief of Philippine Studies from 1956-1959.
- He is the founder of Kinaadman Journal Research Office (1979).
- He is the author of “Butuan or Limasawa: The Site of the First Mass in the
Philippines: A Reexaminationof the Evidence” (2002)
- Education:
o Licensed theologiae, Woodstock (Maryland.) College, 1947; Master
of Arts, Yale University, 1950; Doctor of Philosophy, Yale University,
- Career
o Teacher, Ateneo de Manila, 1939-1941; professor, Ateneo de
Manila, 1954-1977; professor, Berchmans College, Novaliches,
The Philippines, 1952-1954; professor, Xavier U., Cagayan de Oro,
The Philippines, 1977-1993; retired, Xavier U., Cagayan de Oro,
The Philippines, 1993.
- Achievements
o Miguel Anselmo Bernad has been listed as a noteworthy Editor,
priest by Marquis Who's Who.
3. Humberto E. Robles
- Born in Manta, Manabi, Equador on August 18, 1938
- He died on May 20, 2021 in Miami.
- He is a professor and a renowned specialist in the literatures of Ecuador
and Latin America.
- Professional experience and achievements:
o From Instructor to Assistant Professor, The University of Chicago
o From Assistant Professor to Professor / Professor, Northwestern
University (1970-2003)
o Professor Emeritus/ Professor Emeritus, Northwestern University
o Director, Department of Hispanic Studies 1989-92
o Director, Seville Program / Program in Seville 1985-86, 1989-93
o Recipient of two SAB Outstanding Awards for Teaching (1975,
o Acting Director, Department of Hispanic Studies (Summer 1982,
o Service on faculty committees (1989-2001)
o Professor Robles was named to the prestigious Academia
Ecuatoriana de la Lengua (Ecuadorian Academy of Language) in
https://upd.edu.ph/staff-directory/ - UP Diliman Information Office Staff Directory
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_Bernad - Miguel Bernad
https://prabook.com/web/miguel_anselmo.bernad/1426934 - Miguel Anselmo Bernad,
Philippine Editor, priest. Ordained priest, Roman Catholic Church; entered Society of
Jesus. Member Manila Critics Circuit.
https://jasyrrech.tumblr.com/post/33158076229/philippine-literature-perpetuallyinchoate - “Philippine Literature: Perpetually Inchoate”
https://spanish-portuguese.northwestern.edu/people/faculty/emeritus-faculty/robleshumberto.html - HUMBERTO E. ROBLES (1938-2021)
http://www.academiaecuatorianadelalengua.org/sr-d-humberto-e-robles/ - MR. D.