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MAMA - answers to MF Questions

Other aspects of my life are fine. My only problem is I don’t have enough money. My goal is to have
enough money saved from having a job that I love and not having to worry about bills and emergencies,
while also having enough time to relax. I believe this will make me feel fully successful. I want this
because I want to feel at peace.
Right now, I have a job that I love and it pays okay, but not enough to give me the financial success that I
want. I believe I have been too comfortable with my situation that I didn’t bother to look for more
money-making opportunities. I have to say that I feel stuck because I oftentimes let fear get the better
of me, and the comfort of my zone is too comforting to let go of. I am trying to rise above it, though.
My option is to push myself to get out of my comfort zone. The best thing to come out of it will be
financial stability, and I don’t see anything bad about it. I should focus on self-discipline to achieve that,
starting with better time management. If I knew I couldn’t fail, I’d put all the ideas I have into action.
My next step is to make a pact with myself or tell some people about my plans because once its out
there, it would be too embarrassing for me to not follow through. Hopefully I get to do this soon, and I
know my family will support me. When I am finally able to get something done, I will reward myself by
taking another step further, which I know will be much better in the long run than material things.