SECTION 1: Introduction 4 WELCOME TO 12-WEEKS OF FUNCTIONAL HYPERTROPHY TRAINING 4 WHAT IS FUNCTIONAL HYPERTROPHY HYPERTROPHY TRAINING (FHT)? 6 WHO IS THIS PROGRAM FOR? 8 WHAT TYPE OF EQUIPMENT IS NEEDED? 9 HOW LONG ARE TRAINING SESSIONS AND HOW MANY ARE THERE? 10 WHAT CAN I EXPECT FROM 12-WEEKS ON DR. JOHN’S FHT? 11 WHAT DOES THE CARDIO PROGRAM LOOK LIKE? 12 IS THERE THERE NUTRITIONAL GUIDANCE IN THIS PROGRAM? 12 SECTION 2: The Methods 13 FEATURING METHODS AND ARTICLE REFERENCES 14 RAMP UP SETS 15 DYNAMIC WARM UP 16 HANDS-ON SMR TECHNIQUES 16 INTRA-SET STRETCHING STRETCHING 17 ACCENTUATED ECCENTRICS 18 CARDIO FOR STRONG PEOPLE 19 PAIN-FREE LUNGING 20 POSTURAL RESTORATION 21 TENSION FOCUSED ANTI-CORE TRAINING 22 BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTION 23 SHOULDER JOINT CENTRATION 24 DIRECT POSTERIOR CHAIN PRIMER SETS 25 OPTIMIZING SQUAT DEPTH AND POSITION 26 2 LOADED CARRIES 27 LOADED VERTICAL PULLING 28 SECTION 3: The Nutrition 29 OPTIMIZING NUTRITION 30 SOME CLOSING NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS 36 SECTION 4: Training Preparation 37 THE DYNAMIC WARM-UP 37 THE DYNAMIC COOL DOWN 38 SECONDARY POSTURAL AND SYSTEMIC RECOVERY 39 SECTION 5: The Training Program 40 PHASE 1.1 OVERVIEW 40 PHASE 1.2 OVERVIEW 41 PHASE 1.3 OVERVIEW 42 SCHEDULING YOUR TRAINING DAYS 43 DETAILS OF TRAINING NOTES AND EXERCISES 45 PRE-TRAINING DYNAMIC WARM UP 46 OPTIONAL POST-TRAINING RECOVERY 49 PHASE 1.1 (4-Weeks) 55 PHASE 1.2 (4-weeks) 76 PHASE 1.3 (4-weeks) 98 3 SECTION 1: Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WELCOME TO 12-WEEKS OF FUNCTIONAL HYPERTROPHY TRAINING My name is Dr. John Rusin, and I want to personally welcome you to the next 12-weeks of your training with me in my Functional Hypertrophy Training (FHT) Program. I am truly humbled that you have chosen me to be your coach on your fitness journey, and want you to know that my staff and I are here for you every single step of the way in this 3-month journey to becoming the fittest you have ever been in your life. This program has been custom developed by me, based off of the last decade of high performance athletic training, sports performance physical therapy practice, and the thousands of hours of training and treating clients in the gym and clinic. This program is my brainchild 4 from all my diverse experiences in fitness, fat loss, strength, bodybuilding, athletic performance, and of course physical therapy, and working with some of the world’s most elite athletes and performers. To read more about me and my experiences, check out my bio on Dr. John Rusin, PT, DPT, CSCS, ART, FMS, SFMA I am so excited to get you started with FHT, and to make this your most game-changing and productive 3-months of training in your fitness career, as this blueprint has revolutionized the bodies of my clients in the past three years. This program is battle tested with results, and has been perfected time and time again. I have put my blood, sweat and tears into this program and the methods behind it, and I am so psyched to be guiding you through this process. Before we get into the details and answers of the most commonly asked questions, lets define exactly what Functional Hypertrophy Training is, who it is for, the equipment and time needed to complete the program and of course and what kind of results you can expect from this program. 5 WHAT IS FUNCTIONAL HYPERTROPHY TRAINING (FHT)? Simply put, Functional Hypertrophy Training (FHT) is a system of developing muscular strength and hypertrophy that has been built off of the six foundational movement patterns: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Squat Hip Hinge Lunge Upper Body Press Upper Body Pull Loaded Carry These six movements set the stage for long-term strength, performance and hypertrophy. We will be loading, progressing and challenging these movement patterns in combination with other training techniques to provide the ultimate form and function of your body. If I were forced to define this program with one word, it would be “hybrid”. This program is truly a hybrid program based off of the best-proven training methods adopted from high level bodybuilding, powerlifting, athletic performance and conditioning, with the addition of some new school methods that are the most cutting edge techniques in the iron game. What sets this program aside from your average bodybuilding and strength based training program is the strategic use of the barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, bands and balls as a means of resistance. You will notice that machines and specialty equipment has been omitted from this list. You know what they say- if you want to get brutally strong, devastatingly lean and maintain and enhance function athleticism, keep it simple! My FHT program will only use the tools that have been proven gold standard over the last hundred years. Focusing on maximizing big compound movements with your bodyweight, bells, bands and balls will give you the opportunity to become as functional and athletic as you become stronger and more muscular. Don’t be fooled into thinking you need fancy equipment and chromed out machines to achieve the body of your dreams. Results are derived from your actions, not the equipment you have at your training disposal. 6 Based on my specific methods that have been popularized throughout the fitness and athletic performance industries over the years, this program has been formulated in a very specific manner to yield optimal hypertrophy and strength gains without the aches and pains that are commonly associated with more hardcore style programs. “ Focusing on education, along with programming, will make the largest long-term difference in this program... ” In the next section, I will get into exactly what methods this program features, and even reference articles that I have published to get you focused on the “why” behind every single movement that you are executing in this program. Again, education will be a staple of this program. I want you to know the “why” behind these methods so that you can master them and develop a brand new skill set in the gym throughout this process. Focusing on education, along with programming, will make the largest long-term difference in this program, as the techniques, methods and strategies that you will be executing over the next 12-weeks will stick with you for the rest of your training career. I’m getting a little ahead of myself, so let's continue to answer some more common questions about this program. 12 SECTION 2: The Methods - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This program features some of the exact methods that I have perfected over the years and even published articles about in some of the most prestigious online and print publications in the health and fitness industry. Before we get started into the actual programming, I want to give you a little more detail and background information on these methods so you can know the “why” behind the movements, techniques and training emphases before you get in and start crushing these workouts. Feel free to refer back to this section at any time, especially if you see one of these methods pop up in your training program for a current phase! 13 FEATURING METHODS AND ARTICLE REFERENCES I have handpicked the top 15 methods that I have based the Functional Hypertrophy Training program off of, and have written a quick synopsis of what the methods are, how they are used, and what you can expect from them. Also, at the end of each section, I have featured an article of mine that I have published on each of these subjects just in case you are intrigued and want to do a little more reading and background work before starting the program. As always, for more information and to get access to a complete list of published articles, head over to my website for even more educational resources. “ I have handpicked the top 15 methods that I have based the Functional Hypertrophy Training program off of, and have written a quick synopsis of what the methods are, how they are used, and what you can expect from them... ” 14 RAMP UP SETS One of the best ways to prime the neuromuscular system to optimally perform, but also to add some lighter, less joint-stressful volume to your major lifts, is by incorporating strategic ramp up sets into each and every movement of a training day. As you will see, ramp up sets are a huge part of the FHT program, and are pretty simple to execute. Simply put, we are going to start off light and work through a few ramp up sets that are clearly prescribed for you, increasing weight little by little until you hit your top end weight, at which point you will start into your working sets. For instance, if you have 3x10@30 ramp up sets followed by 3x10@30 working sets for a movement which you can complete 10 perfect reps with 100 pounds, this would be what the scheme looks like: ● Ramp Up ● Ramp Up ● Ramp UP ● Working Set 1 – 3x10@30 with 50 Set 2 – 3x10@30 with 65 Set 3 – 3x10@30 with 85 Sets 1-3 – 3x10@30 with pounds pounds pounds 100 pounds This does not have to be based on percentages, but rather I want you to feel out the weights workout to workout. Assess where you are at and get a challenging load for your working sets that ensure you get all your reps, but is a challenge to do so. Article Reference: “The Most Intelligent Way To Warm Up” via Testosterone Nation 15 DYNAMIC WARM UP No program is complete without the adherence to a quick and efficient dynamic warm-up to prep the body for performance. The key here is to increase local blood flow, activate the musculature and get the heart rate up just a little before we get into our first movement. I have had a huge amount of success with this specific warm-up, which you will all be doing before every single training day in the FHT program. If you are feeling up for it, do this dynamic warm up a second time before your recovery drills later on in the day to enhance active recovery. Article Reference: “The Secrets To Pain-Free Hypertrophy Training” via Breaking Muscle HANDS-ON SMR TECHNIQUES The use of Hands-On SMR Techniques is one of the most original methods that we utilize at John Rusin Fitness Systems. To the best of my knowledge, I am the only coach and practitioner who is teaching and prescribing hands-on manual therapies to his clients and athletes on program. This method was developed five years ago out of absolute necessity, and has grown ever since. Yes, the techniques are a challenge to become proficient at, but over time your skill set will grow and you will literally become your own physical therapist, with the ability to treat your own body with your two hands. Article Reference: “Do-It Yourself Myofascial Release” via Testosterone Nation 16 INTRA-SET STRETCHING Some say static stretching is dead, and I partially static stretching before a big training day is less there are still some serious gains to be had out of (that is, if you know when and how to strategically agree. Sure, than ideal, but static stretching implement it). Intra-set stretching is a pretty painful way to elicit muscle growth on top of a working set, but also a great way to bulletproof your mobility and enhance flexibility under some serious loading. As you will see, some of the big movements in our program will be accompanied by intra-set stretches. The premise here is to challenge the muscles under loading in a set, and go directly into stretching those muscles deeply while they are full of blood and tightened by the set that was just completed. This technique isn’t for the faint of heart, but trust me, the results are worth the pain, especially when you can decrease the time you spend stretching and foam rolling away from the gym just to keep your mobility and flexibility up throughout this program. Article Reference: “Use Intra-Set Stretching To Trigger Muscle Growth” via Testosterone Nation 17 ACCENTUATED ECCENTRICS The eccentric portion of a movement is the strongest and most underrated portion of a lift that can enhance muscle gain and mobility benefits when used correctly. Placing direct emphasis on increasing the amount of time that we spend in the eccentric portion of a lift at very specific times in this program will again elicit some great anabolic hormonal cascades, but also do a world of good for maintaining mobility in some of the most notoriously tight spots in the body. The other great thing about accentuated eccentrics is its ability to quickly and effectively cleans up some faulty movement patterns. Simply put, you are giving the body more time to respond to differing joint positions, thus letting your body do the work when it comes to optimally positioning the spine, joints and other structures involved in a movement. Article Reference: “Stretching is Dead: A Better Method” via Testosterone Nation 18 CARDIO FOR STRONG PEOPLE Ah, the age-old cardio question. There is absolutely a place and time for cardiovascular endurance training, and is an important aspect of any well-rounded performance and physique focused training program. Many times, athletes forget that “getting your cardio in” doesn’t always need to be slaving away on the treadmill or cardio deck. There are other more effective methods to train the cardiovascular system in conjunction with the musculoskeletal system that will yield far greater results than moderate intensity steady state cardio. In this program, we will be implementing sprints, loaded carries, low intensity walking, heart rate ramps with big compound movements, and of course, metabolic intensity inside of some pretty brutal working sets. Notice that I have placed in these added quick hitting cardio sessions on the tail end of big training days. Adhere to the program on these, and notice that some of these days are distinguished with an “Optional” label, meaning, if you have nothing left in the tank for that day, skip that session all together. We want the top priority to be crushing the iron, and pushing yourself to the absolute brink of your physical and mental limits. If you can do that, and still work in some of these optional workouts, great. If not, make it a point to strive for these over the course of the next 12-weeks. Article Reference: “Cardio For Strong People” via Testosterone Nation 31 #2 Determine Your Daily Activity We will be using the chart below to take a look at your current activity level under your new Functional Hypertrophy Training program. For example, if you are only able to complete the three mandatory workouts per week and are a dude, you will be using the activity multiplier of 2. If you have proved your recovery abilities and earned the right to train five days a week and are a male, you’d be using the activity multiplying number 4. Make sense? Training Days Female Male 1.5 2 4 Days/Week Training 2 3 5-6+ Days/Week Training 3 4 Minimum 3 Days/Week Training So once you determine your activity level for the week (or month if you train the same number of days each week during a phase), you take your activity multiplier that you just figured out and multiply it by your current body weight in pounds. For example, I am a male and am currently scheduled to train seven days per week this month (I know, right!?) so I would take my activity multiplier of 4 and multiply that by my current body weight of 185 pounds. Looks something like this: 4x185(lbs) = 740 *Activity calories So the number you calculated needs to be added to your BMR you calculated in the first step to determine your estimated maintenance in calories. So this will look like adding your BMR calories to your activity calories to determine your new maintenance. At this caloric intake, you should not gain, nor lose bodyweight. But since that’s not a goal, here’s how to take it to the next level! Time to determine your goals!! 32 #3 Determine a Primary Goal – Fat-Loss or Muscle Gain It’s time to determine whether your primary goal is fat-loss or muscle gain. I know this can be a tough decision as the perfect scenario would allow for both fat-loss AND hypertrophy to happen at the same time. Let me tell you, both CAN be achieved simultaneously under this program, but all the other variables such as sleep, hydration, stress, recovery, along with the training execution and strict adherence to your dietary recommendations must be on point. There’s a reason why 99.9% of people fail to achieve the holy grail of body recomposition. As I am a huge advocate for sustainable muscle hypertrophy while staying very lean in the process, and also sustainable fat-loss without having your lean muscle mass suffer through harsh cutting phases and strategies, you will be moving very little above and below your estimated maintenance caloric intakes. Anything worth doing is worth doing for the long run. The more time you allow for change, the more sustainable that change will be. All this being said, let's break down the two body recomposition goals and how to manipulate off of your daily maintenance numbers previously calculated. If you find yourself with the primary goal of FAT-LOSS, you will be subtracting 300 calories from your estimated daily caloric intake that was previously calculated. At this rate, we will be able to target direct fat-loss at approximately 2 pounds per month (that’s a lot of fat!!) and still prioritize the maintenance and growth of muscle mass that will yield a higher benefit for longevity of fat-loss over time. This is an important point! Slow and steady changes with the prioritization of lean mass are the key to a life of leanness. For those of you with goals to add lean muscle mass as a top priority, you will be adding 300 calories per day on top of your estimated daily maintenance. This will shift your body to start generating lean mass at an increased rate, with a goal of gaining 5-9 pounds of muscle throughout the 12-weeks. To the same point as the fat-loss recommendations, when looking to increase hypertrophy, it’s pivotal that you don’t go crazy and end up taking in too much of a 33 surplus of calories per day. This will lead to increased fat storing and leave you gaining muscular size, but also body fat in the process. It should be noted that caloric intake is and will always remain king of body recomposition efforts. No matter if you are shooting to lose fat or gain muscle, you must have the correct amount of total calories coming into your body based on your goals. This is a foundational principle that faddist nutritional programs overshadow many times. Just remember, calories matter, and just may be the single most important aspect of your nutrition that will lead you to attaining your goals. Now that we have our daily caloric intake, we will get a little more detailed in how we are going to break down what types of food you are eating, including your macronutrient breakdowns. 34 #4 Match Your Macronutrient Breakdown with Your Goal We’ve determined the daily caloric intake in steps 1-3 above, so now it’s time to match your strategic macronutrient breakdown with the goal that you’ve determined from section three above. Macronutrient: Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats Here’s how to determine the amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats you will consumer per day based on your goal of Fat-Loss or Muscle Gain. Simply multiply your daily calorie intake from #3 above by the percentages of each macronutrient below: Muscle Gain Fats 22% Carbs 43% Protein 35% Fat-Loss Fats 35% Carbs 25% Protein 40% There you have it, your custom-built nutrition program down to your exact macronutrient breakdown, caloric intake and individualized basal metabolic rate that will fit into your training perfectly to produce optimal results. Keep in mind that as your body changes, you can absolutely go back through steps 1-4 to determine your most accurate and up to date nutritional intakes throughout the program. In order to stay sane, I recommend doing this breakdown in every phase of the program, no more, no less. So every four weeks, not only will your training change up, but you will also evolve your nutrition intakes to keep up with your training requisites! 60 2. Barbell Bench Press / 90-90 Pec Stretch Ramp Up Sets: 3x5@60 / No Stretches Working Sets: 4x5@75 / Pec Stretch 30 Seconds Per Side Coaching Notes: The big pressing movement this month is the traditional barbell bench press. I want you to focus on bringing the bar slowly down to your chest under control, pausing it there for a split second and then exploding it up to a 1-second lock out at the top where you are volitionally trying to squeeze your pecs and shoulders to maximize tension. I want you to go heavy enough where you lose speed, but nor jeopardize your form and technique. The intention of explosion is what we are after. Directly after your last rep on the bench, stand up and stretch your pecs with the 90-90 pec stretch one side at a time for 30 seconds. This should seer a little so don’t be shy to really work deeply into a forced stretch here. Barbell Bench Press Video 90-90 Pec Stretch Video 3. Incline Dumbbell Fly + Intra-Set Stretching Ramp Up Sets: 2x10@45 / No Stretches Working Sets: 3x10 / Intra-Set Stretch 10 Seconds After Last Rep Coaching Notes: Set the incline bench up to 30-45 degrees, so a few notches up on the adjustable bench for this one. Face the dumbbells towards each other with a neutral hand position and slowly lower the dumbbells into the eccentric stretched portion of the movement. Hold the stretch for a split second then contract the pecs and bring the dumbbells back up and together, making sure the weights don’t make contact in the middle of your body. The slower you move the better on these! After the last rep of each working set hold the bottom position for 10 seconds, still having full control of the shoulder. We are not hanging out on the ligaments here, but rather controlling that bottom position to accentuate mobility and muscle growth factors. Incline Dumbbell Fly Video 61 Article Reference: “Use Intra-Set Stretching To Trigger Muscle Growth” via Testosterone Nation 4. Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press Ramp Up Sets: 2x12@45 Working Sets: 3x12@45 Coaching Notes: From a seated position with backing on a bench if you have one, we are going to be vertically pressing dumbbells overhead to start into the shoulder emphasized portion of this training day. Implement full range of motion here making slight contact with the dumbbells with the shoulders on the bottom part of the movement and driving up and squeezing your shoulders hard for a full second at the top of the movement. I cue my clients to let the shoulders depress a little at the top of the movement to allow the anterior delts to really take over and squeeze to not put unwanted stresses through the true shoulder joint (aka the gleno-humeral joint). Again, we are targeting the shoulders with more metabolic stress so move slowly and work the muscles for 12 reps per set and a relatively short rest period. Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press Video 5. Dumbbell Bent Over Rear Delt Raise Ramp Up Sets: 2x15@30 Working Sets: 4x15@30 Coaching Notes: Now it’s time to hammer the rear delts here with some isolation work out of the bent over position. We are going to use full range of motion here with a split second tensional hold at the top of every rep. We are not using any momentum here, so the loads you will use in each hand will be a bit humbling but just prepare for an awesome pump! Hip hinge over and get your chest somewhat facing the ground. Maintain this position at the lower body and core while you start raising the dumbbells with a slight bend in the elbow. Try to relax your neck and traps, as we want to delts taking over this movement, not the compensatory muscles that usually get targeted indirectly with poor movement form and execution. Dumbbell Bent Over Rear Delt Raise Video Article Reference: “The Posture Cure” via Testosterone Nation 62 6. Dumbbell Lateral Raise Ramp Up Sets: 2x10@30 Working Sets: 3x10@30 Coaching Notes: Again, we are going to be working the shoulders from a different angle with the same methods of increasing metabolic stress with short rest periods and a ton of tension. Standing straight up and maintaining an athletic stance, bend your elbows slightly and raise the dumbbells up to your sides. If you are dealing with a little shoulder dysfunction, raise the dumbbells out a little more in front of you. This is called the scaption plane of shoulder motion and is very shoulder friendly. Raise the dumbbells up to the level of your eyes and hold the top of the movement for half a second in order to maximize tension. Slowly lower all the way down and repeat for the allotted number of reps. Dumbbell Lateral Raise Video 7. Banded Face Pull Ramp Up Sets: 1x25@45 Working Sets: 2x50@45 Coaching Notes: This is what we call a postural shoulder finisher, and for good reason. We are going to be doing a few sets of ultra-high rep face pulls with constant tension and a ton of metabolic stress. The accommodating resistance from the band really sets your upper back on fire. Just keep on pulling with your elbows above the height of your shoulders until you get all 50 reps. Have a goal to complete these reps unbroken, but if you falter, just rest a few seconds and keep going! These will set you on absolute fire so learn to love the burn. Banded Face Pull Metabolic Set Video Article Reference: “Make the Face Pull a Staple Exercise” via Testosterone Nation 63 8. Core Giant Set - The Pillar Killer Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 1xAMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) Coaching Notes: This movement is what I like to call, “The Pillar Killer” and has been a staple of my quick and effective core finishers for upper body days. Read the article below and check out the coaching notes and videos before jumping into this challenge set. You are only doing this once so make it count on every single movement. The Pillar Killer Video Article Reference: “4 Minutes to Core Strength” via Testosterone Nation 64 DAY 3- Pull Emphasis Strength TOTAL SETS: BACK 18 1. Prone Dumbbell Row on Incline Bench Ramp Up Sets: 3x8@45 Working Sets: 3x8@45 Coaching Notes: Setup on a 30-45 degree angle on the adjustable bench and lay down. You will be completing dumbbell rows with a neutral hand position with both arms moving simultaneously. For each rep, come from an absolute stretched bottom position with your elbows straight and shoulder blades protracted out. Drive up strongly and hold the top position for a full second before lowering slowly again into the stretch. It’s all about the rhythm on these, so be sure to control the weight and work the muscles first and the movement second. Prone Dumbbell Row on Incline Bench Video 2.Barbell Rack Pull / Lat Stretch Ramp Up Sets: 4x3@60 / Lat Stretch 30 Seconds Total Working Sets: 4x4@75 / Lat Stretch 30 Seconds Total Coaching Notes: We are going to be pulling from an elevated position to start off the first phase of this program. Elevate the bar up 4-6 inches with either boxes on each side or inside a power rack if you have that equipment available. The bar height should be hitting you just below your kneecaps. This is a traditional setup so no sumo here. Get the hands outside of your knees and focus on your strong hip hinge. Explosively pull into a locked out position at the top for a full second before slowly controlling back down to the blocks and coming to a dead stop for another rep. Tension the lats, hinge with the hips and dominate this movement! Right after your last rep of each ramp and working set, grab onto the rack and work that hip hinge while stretching out the lats overhead. Hold this position and breathe deep for 30 seconds. Barbell Rack Pull Video 65 3. Single Arm Dumbbell Row Ramp Up Sets: 3x10@60 Working Sets: 3x10@60 Coaching Notes: Here we go with more traditional back staple exercises. The dumbbell row may just be the best bang for your buck movement of any back exercise, as it develops your aesthetics and function better than most any other movement. I want you to use a split stance with support from an elevated surface such as the rack or a bench. Focus on stretching out your lats and rhomboids at the bottom of the movement and driving that dumbbell up and back towards your hip at the top of the movement, with loads of tension throughout. Go heavy, but keep that stretch in mind. The stretch is the biggest differentiator between a great movement and one that will yield subpar results. Single Arm Dumbbell Row Video 4. Wide Grip Pull Up + Loaded Stretch Ramp Up Sets: 2x3-5@60 / NONE Working Sets: 4xAMRAP (Minimum of 8) @60 / Loaded Stretch 10 Seconds Coaching Notes: Grab the pull up bar with a wider than shoulder width grip. We will be ramping up with full range of motion sets of 3 reps then 5 reps to keep the vertical pulling fatigue to a minimum. Once you get into your working sets, I want as many reps as possible per set with a strict 60 second rest period to accumulate some metabolic stress. If you can’t get 8 picture perfect pull-ups, use banded assistance around the knees to get your numbers into the strength and hypertrophy ranges. On each working set, the last rep will include hanging onto the bar and letting your lats stretch under your bodyweight loading for 10 full seconds. Don’t just let go and hang out on the ligaments, keep good position of the shoulders throughout to ensure we are targeting a muscular stretch. Wide Grip Pull Up Video 66 5. Banded Row Ramp Up Sets: 2x10@45 Working Sets: 4x20@45 Coaching Notes: In an athletic stance, you will be rowing with both hands on a single circular band that is placed about shoulder height on a stable surface such as a rack or slammed into a door. These will be constant tension style reps with a huge squeeze on the backside of the movement and full range of motion letting the band all the way out between every rep. We are keeping the ramp up rep count lower on these so we don’t fry you any more than we need to before jumping into some metabolic sets of 4 sets of 20 for the working sets. Squeeze and make these burn! Banded Row Video 6. Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk Ramp Up Sets: 1x30@60 Working Sets: 6x30@60 Coaching Notes: Nothing is more old school than carrying some heavy dumbbells around the gym for 30 seconds at a time and walking with perfect form like you are on the stage at fashion week in Paris. Go heavy, and set your shoulders and core into perfect position for these carries. Decrease your step length and keep your feet under you as best as possible. Also, if you can, walk in a straight line without turning for 30 seconds. The deviation of turning or turning all the way around may make things harder than they already are! If you aren’t worried about dropping the dumbbell before the 30 second clock has expired, go heavier! Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk Video 67 7. OPTIONAL – LISS Walking Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 1x30@0 Coaching Notes: If you want to tack on a little low intensity steady state cardio on top of your back day by all means do it. Here’s your chance to “get your cardio in” on this program. If you are at a gym, hop on the treadmill and crank up the incline and speed a bit. For all you other people, who can’t stand the thought of the hamster wheel for a half hour, get outside and get walking. Incline Treadmill Walk Video 68 DAY 4- Lower Body Hypertrophy TOTAL SETS: LEGS 19 1. Barbell Hip Thrust Ramp Up Sets: 3x10@45 Working Sets: 3x10@45 Coaching Notes: I absolutely love the barbell hip thrust to start lower body days to target the posterior chain, but to also place an emphasis on the gluteal group as it’s often times neglected in bodybuilding style programming. Get yourself setup with a pad between you and the bar, and a stable bench to hinge off of that won’t slide out from under you mid set. You will be driving up each rep and holding it at the top with the hips totally extended for a full second before coming back down with full range of motion and getting to your next rep. I want you to feel the tension in your glutes so squeeze hard. Barbell Hip Thrust Video 2.Heels Elevated Front Squat / Standing Quad Stretch Ramp Up Sets: 3x12@60 / NONE Working Sets: 4x12@60 / Standing Quad Stretch 30 Seconds Per Side Coaching Notes: We are going to move into a more quadriceps dominant squat for the secondary hypertrophy day this month. To accentuate the quads more deeply in this movement, place a 2x4 under your heels, or if you don’t have one available 5-pound plates also work well. These are slow and controlled, reaching a little below parallel squat depth and coming all the way back up between each rep. When you get to the top, drop right back down into the next rep with complete control. These should burn a little. Directly after you complete your final rep on the front squat, start stretching your quads one at a time for 30 seconds during your rest periods. Start with the side that is notoriously your tighter side then move to the opposite. Heels Elevated Front Squat Video Standing Quad Stretch 70 5A. Banded Good Morning Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 3x30@0 Coaching Notes: This is our first superset of the month, so you will be completing the banded good morning then moving directly into the bodyweight walking lunge. For the good mornings, get a band under your feet and place it around your neck. Focus on using your glutes, erectors and hamstrings to work the movement with accommodating band resistance that is far easier on the spine than its loaded variation. Go for 30 reps then move right into an alternating bodyweight lunge. Banded Good Morning Video 5B. Bodyweight Walking Lunge Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 3xAMRAP@60 Coaching Notes: These will be performed in alternating fashion with no touching down between steps. What that means is that when your back foot pulls through, you are not touching down under your hips, but rather just continuing that leg through to step forward. This will really torch your legs. Keep the hands down at the sides and try to get a split second pause at the bottom of every single lunge. These should really elicit a pump and be mentally draining. Just go for as many steps as you can and rest 60 seconds because you are doing a total of 3 rounds of this superset. Bodyweight Walking Lunge Video 71 6. OPTIONAL – Sprints Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 10x30@60 Coaching Notes: Again, this is optional but if you want to get in a little high intensity interval training this is the perfect time. If you are in a commercial gym setting or have access to a treadmill hop on and get sprinting. Otherwise, this can be completed outside. Just remember to move slowly into your top end speed especially if you haven’t run or sprinted in a while, while, no injuries here! Sprint for 30 seconds then literally rest without moving for 60 seconds in order to regain your breath and legs. This will take you 15 minutes to get through so maximize your time! Treadmill Sprints Video Article Reference: “The 4 Riskiest Types of Exercise” via Testosterone Nation 72 DAY 5- Upper Body Hypertrophy TOTAL SETS: CHEST 8 / BACK 9 / BICEPS 8 / TRICEPS 8 1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Ramp Up Sets: 5x10@45 Working Sets: 2x10@45 Coaching Notes: We are going to do some extended ramping on this hypertrophy focused upper body training day here to keep the volume high but also deload you a bit as this is our secondary session of the week. Move up slowly over 5 sets to get to your top end working weight that is a real challenge to complete all 10 reps with. You will be using a 30-45 degree angle on the bench. Full range of motion on these getting a little stretch at the bottom and coming up all the way but then directly back down without a pause. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Video 2. Close Grip Slight Incline Barbell Bench Press Ramp Up Sets: 3x12@60 Working Sets: 3x12@60 Coaching Notes: Use a slight incline again on the bench and also narrow up your grip a bit so that your hands are inside of your shoulders. Everyone is going to be a little different on the grip, so use a close grip that feels good to you. Accentuate the eccentric down with a 3 second descent and drive the bar up hard into a fully locked out top position for a second before moving onto your next rep. The closer grip should deload the pectoralis group a bit while still adding to your chest specific training volume. Close Grip Bench Press Video 73 3.Stretch Push-Ups Ramp Up Sets: 2x5@30 Working Sets: 3xAMRAP@30 Coaching Notes: Working the chest muscles through a stretched position is the goal for this final push specific movement. Get setup with boxes under each hand and a box to elevate up the feet. As you can see in the video, you will be dipping your chest down towards the ground with the extended range of motion that the boxes allow. I want these smooth and controlled without the use of any momentum. Also, focus on your core position, as you need a stable surface to work off of. Get in a few sets of 5 on your ramp up sets to get a feel for this movement then move right into 3 working sets of as many reps as possible with a strict 30 second rest period between sets. Stretch Push-Up Video 4. Inverted Row Ramp Up Sets: 5x8@45 Working Sets: 3x8@45 Coaching Notes: Get a barbell set inside a rack and have it positioned where it is at about your hip height. Make sure it is nice and secure, as we will be completing inverted rows from this position. It goes without saying that we need a strong and stable surface to move from, so be sure your pillar position between your hips, core and shoulders remain solid throughout this movement. Get the bar shoulder width apart and bring your chest up until you make contact with the bar. I want full range of motion with these with the legs fully extended and you pivoting off your heels. If you cannot complete at least 8 reps move the bar up so that it sits at your mid-torso height instead of your hip. Inverted Row Video 74 5. Single Arm Dumbbell Row + Last Set Challenge Set Ramp Up Sets: 2x10@60 Working Sets: 3x10@60 + Last Set Challenge Set AMRAP Coaching Notes: Like I mentioned before in the week, the single arm dumbbell row is one of the most important movements out there to develop an awesome looking back as pretty as it is functional. We are going in on these again for the second time this week, but this time with a little twist. Get 2 ramp up sets in really stretching at the bottom and tensioning up at the top, then move into your working sets as well. On your last working set you will do something called a challenge set. With the same load that you have used for your other working sets, I want you to go absolutely crazy and crank out as many reps as you possibly can, forgetting about the stretch and just working the movement. Do a challenge set on one side, take a minute break, and then finally complete the challenge set on the opposite side. This should get the heart rate up a bit. Single Arm Dumbbell Row Video 6. Close Grip Chin Up / Intra-Set Lat Stretch Ramp Up Sets: 2x8@45 / NONE Working Sets: 3x8@45 / Intra-Set Lat Stretch 20 Seconds Coaching Notes: Grab the bar with an underhand grip that also places your hands closely together. We will be doing traditional chin-ups with full range of motion and a 1-second squeeze at the top of every single rep to maximize tension. If you cannot get at least 8 reps with your bodyweight, use banded assistance. At the tail end of each working set I want you to control the bottom portion of the movement and hold that stretch for 20 seconds. This will be very tough, but maintain shoulder position and work the muscles. Close Grip Chin Up Video Article Reference: “Stop Sucking at Pull Ups” via Testosterone Nation 75 7A. BFR Dumbbell Curl Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 8x15@15 Coaching Notes: We will be using blood flow restriction (BFR) training methodology here. So wrap your upper arms with bands, wraps or anything else that can act as a turnicate at a tightness of 7/10. You will administer the wraps before starting this superset and keep them on until all the sets are completed. Only after all biceps and triceps work is done will you take these off. Read below for a little more on the science behind this method. With the addition of the straps, you will be using 40% of a weight that you could lift for one single rep, so keep in mind that we are working very light weights but focusing on squeezing hard and driving local blood flow into the arms. For the dumbbell curl, grab two dumbbells and curl them up simultaneously, squeeze for a second at the top and pump out 15 reps with a slow and controlled motion. Move into the triceps exercise with 15 seconds of rest between. BFR Instructional Video Dumbbell Curl Video Article Reference: “The Science Behind Blood Flow Restriction Training” via 7B. BFR Banded Triceps Push Down Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 8x15@15 Coaching Notes: Setup a band on a pull up bar so you can grab onto it and get some push downs in. Really make sure that the band is set at a good resistance so we can get an awesome pump. Drive down the triceps, hold for a second at the top and then come back up. Remember, only 15 seconds of rest between these movements so go back and fourth until you get in 8 rounds of this superset. BFR Instructional Video Banded Triceps Push Down Video 79 3.Dumbbell Forward-Reverse Lunge Combo Ramp Up Sets: 2x8@60 Working Sets: 3x8@60 Coaching Notes: These are going to be torturous on your cardiovascular system along with crushing your legs with some serious metabolic stress. Check out the video, as that is exactly how I want these executed. Pick a side and complete all 8 reps on that side before switching to the opposite side and continuing on reps. After both sides are complete, use that 60 seconds to really get your breath back and rest the legs for another round of strategic quadriceps punishment. Just to be clear on these, if you are working your left side first, you will be lunging forward with the left leg, then right away lunging backwards with that left leg. That would be considered 1 rep on the left. Do 8 like this on the left followed by 8 on the right. Make sure you do these properly and you aren’t skipping out on reps. Dumbbell Forward/Reverse Lunge Combo Video 4.Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift Ramp Up Sets: 3x10@60 Working Sets: 5x10@60 Coaching Notes: We are moving into the barbell stiff leg deadlift as our main hip hinge on primary leg day this month. Remember, only a slight bend in the knees during this movement to isolate the hamstrings more than the RDL. I want you to use a full range of motion again, reaching deeper and deeper of a stretch on the hamstrings on each set, but also coming all the way back up and locking the hips into a neutral position. Remember to squeeze the glutes at the top. This means that your pelvis should not overextend and tilt forward, but rather tilt slightly backwards as the gluteal group is a secondary posterior pelvic tilter. A lot of volume here so if you need to take a little longer between sets do it to get your reps with your top end weight. Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift Video 80 5.Dumbbell Step-Up Ramp Up Sets: 1x12@60 Working Sets: 3x12@60 Coaching Notes: Our single leg variation this month is going to be another tough movement, the dumbbell loaded step up. This movement is notorious for cheating so be sure that you do not push off your bottom foot, but try to isolate the foot that is elevated up on the box throughout the entire set. A little weight here goes a long way; so don’t get sloppy and just to add poundage to each hand. Slow yourself down on the eccentric and really challenge yourself from a stability and motor control standpoint on this movement. Dumbbell Step-Up Video 81 6A.OPTIONAL- Banded Pull Through Ramp Up Sets: 2x10@0 Working Sets: 4x20@0 Coaching Notes: The banded pull through is the first of this superset scheme with the RKC plank. Set the band up close to the ground and place the band between your legs to resist this hip hinge. Really work the glutes on this one, tensioning hard as the hips extend on every single rep. Try and perfect your hip hinge here with the high rep count. Move directly into RKC plank with no rest. Banded Pull Through Video 6B.OPTIONAL- RKC Plank Ramp Up Sets: 2x10@30 Working Sets: 4x20@30 Coaching Notes: Right after the banded pull through, drop down and get into RKC plank position. The goal here is to achieve a full body tension that is as metabolically taxing as it is mechanically. Squeeze everything you have, and remember, spinal, shoulder and hip position is pivotal to achieving great tension that is transferrable into your big lifts. Practice and make sure you are progressing with your form and tension week to week. RKC Plank Video Article Reference: “The 4 Dumbest Ab Exercises” via Testosterone Nation 89 2B.Barbell Deadlift Ramp Up Sets: Banded Pull Downs 4x5@75 Working Sets: Banded Pull Downs 4x5@90 Coaching Notes: For the deadlift, I want you to climb over 4 ramp up sets then stay at that same top end load for 4 working sets. Drive up and go heavy this month! The only difference here is that you can do “touch and go” style reps but make sure you don’t go crazy slamming the plates off the ground and losing your lat and core tension. Barbell Deadlift Video 3.Single Arm DB Row Ramp Up Sets: 3x10@45 Working Sets: 4x10@45 Coaching Notes: We are going back to these staples. With 10 reps with every set, I want you to move the dumbbell explosively. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself here as we have reduced the rest period to make this a little more metabolically challenging this month. A word to the wise; use these rest periods and focus on getting your recovery on point, you are going to need it with all these sets. Again, get a little stretch and drive up the dumbbell towards your back hip with loads of tension. Single Arm Dumbbell Row Video 90 4.Medium Grip Pull-Up+ Loaded Stretch Ramp Up Sets: 2x5@60 Working Sets: 4x8@60 / Last Set Lat Stretch 10 Seconds Coaching Notes: We are going to grab onto the bar with a medium overhand grip here and go to town on some pull-ups. Full range of motion and drive yourself up towards the bar at the top. Don’t lose tension at the bottom as your elbows become fully extended, rather, control this position and keep constant tension in the lats throughout the range. If you cannot get at least 8 perfect reps with your bodyweight, I want you to band up and get your reps and challenge yourself. On the other hand, if you are getting damn strong after the first phase, throw some weight on your waist and get those 8 reps with progressive overload! On the last set, hang onto the bar and stretch the lats for 10 full seconds. Medium Grip Pull-Up Video Article Reference: “The 5 Most Painful Ways to Build Muscle” via Testosterone Nation 5.Dumbbell Shrugs Ramp Up Sets: 2x12@45 Working Sets: 4x12@45 Coaching Notes: We are going to be working the traps directly here with a ton of tension. This is important, so listen up. Key in on moving slow through the concentric and eccentric, holding the top contraction for 2 whole seconds and employing a full range of motion. These should burn you up. Remember, the shrugs are more about your internal tension that you are generating through volitional squeezing and less about moving the weights. Hold the dumbbells at a 45-degree angle against your knees, so not directly to the side and not directly in front of you. Right in the middle is perfect. Lock it in and shrug away. On the last working set, I want you to hold that last repetition as long as possible in the flexed position. Challenge yourself and keep your time on the last hold to beat each week in this phase. Dumbbell Shrug Video 91 6.Single Arm Barbell Iso-Hold Ramp Up Sets: 1x30@60 Working Sets: 4x30@60 Coaching Notes: These look very simple to the person who has never used them, but the single arm barbell iso-hold, also known as the suitcase hold, is pretty awesome for developing a brutal grip in combination with great core integration and anti-side bending moments. Simply set up the barbell directly to the side of you, grab it in the middle and hold that position with perfect posture throughout the entire pillar for the 30 seconds, then switch right away to the opposite side for an additional 30 seconds. After both sides are completed, take a 60 second break. I want you to focus on flexing your core with 360-degree tension throughout the entire hold while really gripping the barbell. No straps here! Single Arm Barbell Iso-Hold Video 7.OPTIONAL- LISS Walking Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 1x30 Minutes Coaching Notes: Simply get on a treadmill or outside and walk for up to 30 minutes at a brisk pace that will get you into Zone 1-2 with your heart rate between 110-140 beats per minute. This is a great time to get in some low intensity steady state cardio if you so choose. Incline Treadmill Walking Video 92 DAY 4- Lower Body Hypertrophy TOTAL SETS: LEGS 20 1.Barbell Glute Bridge Ramp Up Sets: 3x15@60 Working Sets: 4x15@60 Coaching Notes: We are moving back into a glute emphasized primer movement to start off this leg day. Breaking down the range of motion here a bit, we are going to go with barbell glute bridges where you will be supine on the ground with your knees bent in a bridge position and having the barbell on your hips just like the hip thrust. Drive up and squeeze for a full second at the peak contraction and control the barbell all the way back down to the ground. Essentially, I want these dead stop style where you are literally resting for a second between every rep. These will really cause a novel pump in your backside to get the day started! Barbell Glute Bridge Video 2.Front Squat / Quad Stretch Ramp Up Sets: 4x8@60 / NONE Working Sets: 4x8@60 / Quad Stretch 30 Seconds Per Side Coaching Notes: Going back in with the front squat minus the heels elevated this month for secondary leg day. We are also pumping your loads up as the reps are down to 8 for ramp and working sets. Again, use a full range of motion and be sure to get under parallel if your body allows, which most of you will have no problems with. Go with slow motion on these with at least a 3 second eccentric on the way down and a nice 1-second up. Think about constant tension style reps here with no pauses at the bottom or top of the movement. After each working set, you will be doing a single leg standing quad stretch for 30 seconds per side inside your rest periods between sets of front squat. Keep good pelvic alignment here, the last thing we need is poor execution on this stretch and flaring up the lower back from something as passive as stretching. Front Squat Video Quad Stretch Video 93 3.Front Foot Elevated Split Squat Ramp Up Sets: 2x12@45 Working Sets: 4x12@45 Coaching Notes: Yet another little change up with our single leg variation on this day. We are going to place a box of 4-6 inches or so under your front foot on these. Most gyms have plastic exercise stairs that work very well. A little elevation goes a long way here. We are working constant tension again so slowly move up and down being sure to target the quads and glutes. A little trick I like to use with clients is to fire the hamstrings and glutes right away before descending into a rep to ensure activation. During the rep, focus on keeping as much tension through that upper hamstring and lower glute as possible. The quads will take care of themselves. Go with 12 reps on one side followed directly by 12 reps on the other. These will be tough, and don’t be surprised if you have some DOMS the next day right down the middle of your quads. Front Foot Elevated Split Squat Video 4.Dumbbell RDL Ramp Up Sets: 2x10@60 Working Sets: 4x10@60 Coaching Notes: Switching things up again on these. Instead of the stiff leg deadlift variation with dumbbells, we are moving into a slightly more knee-flexed angle with the RDL. This will allow us to go significantly heavier while still working the glutes and hamstrings out of a stretched position on the tail end of this training day. Get deeper and deeper into the range of motion each rep, and come all the way back up and lock in the glutes at the top with a 1-second hold to maximize tension. These are a very important movement, so put emphasis on them and clean up the form if need be! Dumbbell RDL Video 94 5A.Bodyweight Reverse Hyperextensions Ramp Up Sets: 1x20@45 Working Sets: 4x20@45 Coaching Notes: We will be using an exercise bench in combination with a Physioball to create a bodyweight reverse hyperextension that works extremely well to integrate the erectors of the spine, the gluteal group and the hamstrings together in synergy. I want these reps to be concentrically explosive and eccentrically controlled. It’s all about the rhythm on these. Lock the core in and use the big muscles. Jump off the ball and move right into the bodyweight calf raise in this superset. Bodyweight Reverse Hyperextensions Video 5B. Bodyweight Calf Raise / Iso-Holds & Intra-Set Stretching Ramp Up Sets: 1x10@45 Working Sets: 4x10/10@45 / See Coaching Notes For Holds Coaching Notes: Get your feet up on an elevated surface where you can really extend the dorsiflexion range of motion and come up on your toes for a true standing calf raise. I want slow movement on these with a 1-second pause at the top of each rep. Pay attention on this set and rep scheme. During your working sets, you will do 10 reps with the 1-second hold, then on the 10th rep you will hold that top position flexing as hard as you can for a full 10 seconds. After that hold, drop right back down and crank out another controlled 10 reps up and down followed by a second 10- second hold at the top of the range. These will burn. You may have to grab onto something for stability as the calf muscles feel like they will give out on these holds. Rest 45 seconds after this and move right back into the reverse hypers in the superset. Bodyweight Calf Raise Video 95 6. OPTIONAL- Sprints Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 10x30@60 Coaching Notes: Again, this is optional but if you want to get in a little high intensity interval training, this is the perfect time. If you are in a commercial gym setting or have access to a treadmill hop on and get sprinting. Otherwise, this can be completed outside. Just remember to move slowly into your top end speed especially if you haven’t run or sprinted in a while, no injuries here! Sprint for 30 seconds then literally rest without moving for 60 seconds to regain your breath and legs. This will take you 15 minutes to get through so maximize your time! Treadmill Sprints Video Article Reference: “The 4 Riskiest Types of Exercise” via Testosterone Nation 99 7A. BFR Barbell Biceps Curl Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 8x20@15 Coaching Notes: We are moving back into some BFR style training for arms this phase. I want you to grab a barbell and slowly and under control curl for 20 reps. No cheating here with momentum. Remember, we are going super light here and really trying to squeeze blood into the muscles. This is not strength, but rather metabolic stress. Peak the contraction for a half second each rep and do your best to deal with a skin-tearing pump. Move directly into the incline triceps extension next in the superset. BFR Instructional Video Barbell Biceps Curl Video 7B. BFR Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extensions Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 8x15@15 Coaching Notes: Remember, we are putting the BFR wraps on before the first set is completed and keeping them on for the entire 8 times through the superset here. Only take them off after you have completed your last set. I want you to go on an incline bench and use dumbbells in each hand. Flip the dumbbells so your palms are facing up with a fully pronated grip. I want a slow and controlled 2-second eccentric and a strong concentric with a 1-second squeeze at the top. Work the muscles and elicit a huge pump here. BFR Instructional Video Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extensions Video 100 8. OPTIONAL- Overhead Med Ball Slam Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 10x20@45 Coaching Notes: We are going to be slamming a deadened ball directly in front of us this month for a little metabolic conditioning. Really work on getting full triple extension with the ball overhead and driving it down into the ground. Go with 20 reps right in front of your body and rest 45 seconds in between sets. Complete 10 rounds of this and feel your heart rate cumulatively go through the roof! Overhead Med Ball Slam Video 101 PHASE 1.3 (4-weeks) PHASE 1.3 OVERVIEW Ah, the final phase of the Functional Hypertrophy Training Program! This is where you will become a warrior in the gym and dominate some pretty intense training methods that you would have never thought possible after working your butt off the last eight weeks. We are again building volume up, and placing a greater amount of emphasis on intensity techniques, challenge sets, extended sets and other novel training methods that are going to push you to the brink of your physical capabilities. I’m not going to lie to you guys, this phase is pretty brutal, but remember, you earned this! Think of this phase as the 4th quarter in the Super Bowl, the mindset if finish! This phase will peak you for your ultimate performance and aesthetics goals that you should already be seeing a huge difference in after the first two phases. Remember, after this last phase, you may need a week or two of deloading just to refresh and recharge. After you’ve completed this, you’ll realize that to be true. Challenge yourself, keep on progressing and never back down from a challenge. This last four weeks is about you breaking plateaus and performing to the peak of your capabilities. Are you ready? 102 DAY 1- Lower Body Strength TOTAL SETS: LEGS 24 1. Barbell Hip Thrust + Rest-Pause Drop Set with Iso-Holds Ramp Up Sets: 4x15@60 Working Sets: 4x15@60 / Last Set Drop Set Coaching Notes: Back to the barbell hip thrust to prime the first workout day of the final phase of this program. Again, we are going to pause for a split second at the top squeezing as hard as you can with your hips fully extended. Go through 3 working sets with a top end load that is challenging. On the 4th and final set, we are going to go crazy and cause a glute swell like you’ve never felt before. Here’s how it’s going to go. Drive up and get 10 reps with 1-second holds on each rep. On the last rep of those 10, hold the hips up for 10 seconds squeezing your butt. After 10 seconds, bring the bar down and rest for 10 seconds staying in position under the bar. Go with 8 reps followed by an 8 second hold next. Rest another 10 seconds. Finally, go with 6 reps with a 6 second hold. This should be one of the more painful glute exercises you’ve ever done, so challenge yourself and mentally prepare for battle. Barbell Hip Thrust Video 118 3. Incline Dumbbell Fly Ramp Up Sets: 2x10@45 Working Sets: 3x10@45 Coaching Notes: Back to the incline bench for dumbbell flyes. Get a full range of motion and work that stretched position. Nothing fancy here, I want you to just stretch out those pecs under loading and get into a new range of motion deeper with every single set. Incline Dumbbell Fly Video 4. Single Arm Barbell Meadows Row Ramp Up Sets: 3x12@60 Working Sets: 4x12@60 Coaching Notes: Full range of motion on these accentuating the stretch portion of the movement at the bottom and driving up with the elbow and shoulder blade to get a pump like motion through 12 reps. Again, these are higher rep sets so be sure that your range doesn’t suffer. Single Arm Barbell Meadows Row 5.Single Arm Dumbbell Row with Rest Pause / Last Set Challenge Set Ramp Up Sets: 2x8@60 / NONE Working Sets: 4x8@60 / Last Set Challenge Set Coaching Notes: Now that we are primed and ready to go, we are again going to change up a variable in this dumbbell row staple. Setup the same as you have been on the rack or elevated surface with a split stance. The only difference here is that you are coming to a dead stop every single rep, meaning that the dumbbell will come in contact with the ground between every rep and you will be pulling from a stand still. On the last working set, you are going to go crazy and get as many reps as you possibly can, challenging everything that you physically and mentally have. Get your number for the first side, rest a minute and get that same number for the opposite side on this challenge set. Don’t back down. Single Arm Dumbbell Row Video 119 6. Medium Grip Pull-Up / Loaded Stretch Ramp Up Sets: 2x5@60 / NONE Working Sets: 4x8@60 / Loaded Lat Stretch 20 Seconds Coaching Notes: Back to overhand pull ups here. I want you to get into a medium grip width and using a weight (or band assistance) that allows you to get a hard 8 reps in on every working set. On the last rep of every set, I want you to hold onto the bar and stretch the lats for 20 seconds. Keep the shoulders in perfect position and put the stretch through the muscles, not the joints. Medium Grip Pull-Up Video 7A. BFR Dumbbell Hammer Curl Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 8x20@15 Coaching Notes: You are going to be wrapping your upper arms and doing a superset with hammer curls with dumbbells and dips between benches. For the hammer curls, keep it very light and try to squeeze your biceps and forearms as hard as you can at the top of every single rep. Get a pump going! Move right into the next exercise. BFR Instructional Video Dumbbell Hammer Curl Video 120 7B. BFR Dips b/w Benches Ramp Up Sets: NONE Working Sets: 8x8@15 Coaching Notes: I want you to move nice and slow putting all the tension on the triceps when you are setup with your hands on benches. Bend your knees a bit and get your chest up and torso as vertical as possible. As we drop the chest down, this becomes too chest-centric and it loses its efficacy as a triceps builder. Slow and controlled, shallow reps here. I almost want a pseudo iso-hold with the triceps. Remember you have wraps on, so don’t be a hero on the first couple of sets, you have to make it through all 8 rounds of this superset. BFR Instructional Video Dips b/w Benches Video 8A. OPTIONAL- Alternating Overhead Med Ball Slam Ramp Up Sets: 1x10@15 Working Sets: 6x20@15 Coaching Notes: You will be slamming overhead style again with alternating form. I want 10 slams per side here and a 15 second rest period before moving onto the med ball chest press. Be explosive and get that heart rate up as this is conditioning! Alternating Overhead Med Ball Slam Video 8B.OPTIONAL- Med Ball Chest Press Ramp Up Sets: 1x10@15 Working Sets: 6x20@15 Coaching Notes: This is the second movement in this superset. The deadened balls work the best on these but anything will due if you are strapped for equipment. These are continuous and fast twitch, so throw it through the ground! Bend over with your chest facing the ground and press the ball as fast and twitchy as you can into the ground. These are continuous reps so catch it and press again for the prescribed amount of reps. Med Ball Chest Press Video