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Foreign vs Domestic Policy Essay

Rachel Schachter
Dr. Rajmaira
POLS 150
31 April 2022
Response #13
Foreign policy largely shapes domestic policy in the United States. Foreign policy
contains rules that involve our country and another one. Domestic policy is only concerned with
one country's rules. If the president doesn’t do well on foreign policy, he won’t do well on
approval rating with domestic policy. It’s all interconnected when it comes to these kinds of
policies. For example, the United States President wants to help export oil and gas to Europe.
However, the domestic policy is that we are not going to manufacture oil and gas because it's bad
for the planet. In this situation, we now need to see how the other types of policy can be
approved on oil and gas. To add, we allowed Germany to export their cars to us and only charge
them 10% tariff tax. On the other side, Germany charges us a much higher import tax, so that
affects how policy is shaped within car manufacturers in the United States. If Germany has lower
tax then it largely affects it. A president would want to succeed in foreign policy since if
someone else sees them doing well with foreign policy, then they would assume that they would
also do well with domestic policy. President’s are very careful when it comes to their re-election.
It is their hope that they are making the best decisions in things like their policies so they can
keep their country in good shape. In the Globalyceum reading “Influencing Decisions” it was
said “re-election does affect judges’ decisions about the death penalty”. This makes the policy
possibly different, because they may be doing it based on the want for re-election, rather than
what’s actually right. The reading goes on to talk about how a politician’s choice affects their
future. It is common for them to make certain decisions according to how they want society to
react. Before this moule, I did not realize how much the two connect, but in the future, I will now
pay attention to the ways politicians make decisions in foregin policies so that I can focus on the
way they make domestic policies.