CHEMISTRY 1. ELECTROCHEMISTRY Electrolysis CONCEPTUAL BULLETS Electrolytic conductors 1. In which of the following, HCl conducts electricity to large extent ? 1) Liquid HCl 2) HCl aq. solution 3) HCl solution in benzene 4) Gaseous HCl 2. Solid NaCl is a bad conductor of electricity because 1) solid NaCl is a covalent compound 2) solid NaCl has no free ions 3) solid NaCl has no free electrons 4) solid NaCl has migration of ions 3. The reason for increase in electrical conduction of electrolyte with increase in temperature is A) increase in the number of ions B) increase in the speed of ions C) increase in the degree of dissociation of electrolyte 1) A, B only 2) B, C only 3) A, C only 4) A, B, C Arrhenious theory 4. Which of the following is 100% ionised at any dilution ? 2) HCN 1) CH3COOH 3) NaCl 4) NH4OH 5. The degree of dissociation of an electrolyte in aqueous solution depends on A) Temperature B) Concentration of the electrolyte C) Nature of the electrolyte 1) Only A 2) Only A, B 3) Only B, C 4) A, B, C 6. 104 What happens at infinite dilution in a given solution ? 1) The degree of dissociation is unity for weak electrolytes 2) The electrolyte is 100% ionised 3) All inter ionic attractions disappear 4) All the three 7. The products of electrolysis of aqueous NaCl solution are 1) Na at cathode and Cl2 at anode 2) H2 at cathode and Cl2 at anode 3) H2 at cathode and O2 at anode 4) Na at cathode and O2 at anode 8. A dilute aqueous solution of Na2SO4 is electrolysed using platinum electrodes. The products at the anode and cathode are 1) O2, H2 3) O2, Na 9. 2) SO2, Na 4) S2 O82 , H2 The products formed when an aqueous solution of NaBr is electrolysed in a cell having inert electrodes are 2) Na and O2 1) Na and Br2 3) H2, Br2 and NaOH 4) H2 and O2 10. The reactions taking place at anode and cathode are 1) Oxidation and Reduction 2) Reduction and Oxidation 3) Oxidation and Hydrolysis 4) Reduction and Hydrolysis 11. After the electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaCl using Pt electrodes, the pH of the solution 1) increases 2) decreases 3) remains constant 4) becomes zero Faradays laws 12. According to 2nd law of Faraday’s electrolysis the correct one is wt. of H2 liberated eq. wt. of H2 i) wt. of Cl liberated = eq. wt. of Cl 2 2 ii) iv) m Ag m Cu m H2 E Ag E H2 E Cu m Ag ECu iii) m E Cu Ag m Cu ECu The correct combination is 1) only ii, iv 2) only i 3) only i, ii , iv 4) only ii, iii NEET Master Capsule for Sri Chaitanya Students CHEMISTRY Electrolytic conductance 13. Effect of dilution on conduction is as follows 1) Specific conductance increases, molar conductance decreases 2) Specific conductance decreases, molar conductance increases 3) Both increase with dilution 4) Both decrease with dilution 19. The cell for which the cell reaction is H2 + Cu2+ → 2H+ + Cu is represented as 1) Cu Cu2+ H+ H2 2) H2(g) H+ 3) Pt, H2(1 atm), H+ 1) Oxidation potential 2) Reduction potential 3) Redox potential 4) Hydration potential 3) NaCl > KCl > LiCl 4) LiCl > KCl > NaCl 1) KCl 2) BaCl2 21. For spontaneity of a cell, which is correct ? 1) 3) %G 0, %E 0 %G Ve, %E 0 2) 4) %G Ve, %E 0 %G Ve Electrode potentials and EMF 22. Standard reduction electrode potential of three metals A, B and C are respectively + 0.05 V, – 3.0 and – 1.2 V. The reducing powers of 1) B > C > A 2) A > B > C 3) C > B > A 4) A > C > B 23. At 298 K the standard reduction potentials for the following half reactions are given as Zn2+(aq) + 2e- → Zn(s) ; -0.762 V Cr3+(aq) + 3e- → Cr(s) ; -0.740 V Meq 2H+(aq) + 2e- → H2(g); -0.00 V 3) H2SO4 4) CH3COOH Cu2+ Cu 20. Stronger the oxidising agent greater is the 1) LiCl > NaCl > KCl 2) KCl > NaCl > LiCl 16. A graph is drawn between the M eq values and concentrations of an electrolyte. Which of the following electrolyte will correspond to the graph given ? Cu2+ Cu 4) Pt, H2 H+(aq) (1atm) 14. The correct order of equivalent conductance at infinite dilution of LiCl, NaCl and KCl is 15. The value of molar conductivity of HCl is greater than that of NaCl at a particular temperature because 1) Molecular mass of HCl is greater than that of NaCl 2) Mobility of H+ ions is more than that of Na+ ions 3) HCl is strongly acidic 4) Ionisation of HCl is larger than that of NaCl Cu2+ Cu Fe3+ (aq) + e- → Fe2+(aq) ; + 0.770 V The strongest reducing agent is Conc. 17. For which case ' M ' values v/s straight line c shows a 1) KCl 2) HCOOH 3) CH3NH2 4) CH3COOH 2) H2(g) 1) Zn (s) 4) Fe2+(aq) 3) Cr(s) 24. The standard reduction potentials of Zn and Ag in water at 298 K are, Galvanic cells 18. The function of a salt bridge is 1) to provide a link between two half cells 2) to allow ions to go from one cell to another 3) to keep the emf of the cell positive 4) to maintain electrical neutrality of the solution in two half cells NEET Master Capsule for Sri Chaitanya Students Zn2+ + 2e– → Zn ; E0 = – 0.76V and Ag+ + e– → Ag ; E0 = + 0.80V Which of the following reactions take place? 2 1) Zn aq 3) Zn 4) Zn s aq m Zn s Ag s m Zn2 2) Zn s 2 Ag aq aq Ag aq aq Zn s aq 2Ag s m 2 Ag 2 Ag Ag s m Zn 2 aq 2Ag s 105 CHEMISTRY 25. The standard electrode potentials of four elements A, B, C and D are – 2.65, – 1.66, – 0.80 and + 0.86 V. The highest chemical activity will be exhibited by 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D BULL’S EYE EXERCISE Electrolytic conductance 1. The specifce conductance of a 0.01 M solution of KCl is 0.0014ohm -1 cm -1 at 25 0 C. Its equivalent conductance is 1) 14 2) 140 2) 1.4 4) 0.14 2. The equivalent conductivity of 0.1N CH3COOH at 250C is 80 and at infinite dilution 400 ohm-1. The degree of dissociation of CH3COOH is 1) 1 2) 0.2 2) 0.1 4) 0.5 3. The electric conduction of a salt solution in water depends on the 1) shape of molecules 2) size of its molecules 3) size of solvent molecules 4) extent of its ionisation 4. Correct statements among the following : i) Unit of specific conductivity is ohm–1cm–1 ii) Specific conductivity of strong electrolytes decreases on dilution. iii) The amount of an ion discharged during electrolysis does not depend upon resistance iv) The unit of electrochemical equivalence is g/coulomb. 1) All are correct 2) All are wrong 3) Only i, ii and iv are correct 4) Only ii, iii and iv are correct 5. If the equivalent conductance of 1M benzoic acid is 12.8 ohm –1 cm 2 eq –1 and if the conductance of benzoate ion and H+ ions are 42 and 288.42 ohm–1cm2 eq–1 respectively, its degree of dissociation is: 1) 39% 2) 3.9% 3) 0.35% 4) 0.039% 6. Equivalent conductances of NaCl, HCl and CH 3 COONa at infinite dilution are 126.45, 426.16 and 91ohm–1cm2 eq–1 respectively. The equivalent conductance of CH3COOH at infinite dilution would be: 1) 101.38 ohm–1cm2 eq–1 2) 253.62 ohm–1cm2 eq–1 3) 390.71 ohm–1cm2 eq–1 4) 678.90 ohm–1cm2 eq–1 Nernst equation 26. The potential of single electrode depends upon 1) the nature of the electrode 2) temperature 3) concentration of the ion with respect to which it is reversible 4) all the above 27. Zn (s) + Cl2(1atm) → Zn2+ + 2Cl– The E0 of the cell is 2.12 V. To increase E 1) Zn2+ concentration should be increased 2) Zn2+ concentration should be decreased 3) Cl– concentration should be increased 4) partial pressure of Cl2 should be decreased. 28. For a spontaneous reaction the % G , equilibrium constant (K) and E0cell will be respectively 1) –ve , >1, +ve 2) –ve, >1, –ve 3) –ve, <1, –ve 4) –ve, >1, –ve Batteries & Corrosion 29. When lead storage battery is discharged 1) SO2 is evolved 2) Lead sulphate is consumed 3) Lead is formed 4) H2SO4 is consumed 30. The reaction occuring at cathode during the charging of lead storage batter is represented as Pb2+ + 2e– 2) Pb2+ + 2e– Pb 1) Pb 2+ 2PbSO4 3) Pb + SO4 4) PbSO4+ 2H2O PbO2 + 4H+ +SO42–+ 2e– m m m m 31. Galvanization process includes plating iron with 1) zinc 2) tin 3) copper 4) aluminium 32. The corrosion of iron object is favoured by 1) Presence of H+ ion 2) Presence of moisture in air 3) Presence of impurities in iron object 4) All of the above 106 NEET Master Capsule for Sri Chaitanya Students CHEMISTRY 7. The specific conductivity of N/10 KCl solution at 200C is 0.0212 ohm–1cm–1 and the resitance of the cell containing this solution at 200C is 55 ohm. The cell constant is: 2) 1.166 cm–1 1) 4.616 cm–1 3) 2.713 cm–1 4) 3.324 cm–1 14. Copper sulphate solution is electrolysed between two platinum electrodes. A current is passed until 1.6g of oxygen is liberated at anode. The amount of copper deposited at the cathode during the same period is 1) 6.36g 2) 63.6g 3) 12.7 g 4) 3.2 g 8. The resistance of 1 N solution of CH3COOH is 250 ohm; when measured in a cell of cell constant 1.15 cm–1. The equivalent conductance will be: 1) 4.6 ohm–1cm 2 eq–1 2) 9.20 ohm–1cm 2 eq–1 3) 18.4 ohm –1cm 2 eq–1 4) 0.023 ohm –1cm2 eq–1 15. A solution of sodium sulphate in water is electrolysed using platinum electrodes. The products at cathode and anode are respectivley. 1) H2, O2 2) O2, H2 3) O2, Na 4) O2, SO2 9. If the molar conductance values of Ca 2+ and Cl – at infinite dilution are respectively 118.88 s 10 –4 m 2mho mol–1 and 77.33 s 10–4 m2mho mol–1 then that of CaCl2 is : (in m2mho mol–1) 2) 154.66 s 10 –4 1) 118.88 s 10–4 3) 273.54 s 10–4 4) 196.21 s 10 –4 10. The molar conductivities of KCl, NaCl and KNO 3 are 152, 128 and 111 S cm 2 mol -1 respectively. What is the molar conductivity of NaNO3 ? 2) 87 S cm2 mol–1 1) 101 S cm2 mol–1 3) - 101 S cm2 mol–1 4) - 391 S cm2 mol–1 11. The unit of equivalent conductances is: 1) ohm cm 16. In electroplating, the article to be elelctroplated serves as: 1) cathode 2) electrolyte 3) anode 4) conductor 17. A certain current liberated 0.504 g of hydrogen in 2 hours. How many grams of copper can be liberated by the same current flowing for the same time in CuSO4 solution ? 1) 12.7 g 2) 15.9 g 3) 31.8 g 4) 63. 5 g 18. A chemist wants to produce Cl2(g) from molten NaCl. How many grams could be produced if he uses a steady current of 2 ampere for 2.5 minutes? 1) 3.55 g 2) 1.775 g 3) 0.110 g 4) 0.1775 g 19. In the electrolysis of CuCl2 solution, the mass of cathode increased by 6.4 g. What occurred at copper anode ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 2) ohm –1cm2 g equiv–1 3) ohm –1cm2 g equiv 4) ohm–2 cm–2 g equiv Electrolysis & Faradays laws 12. On passing one faraday of electricity through a dilute solution of an acid, the volume of hydrogen obtained at NTP is : 1) 22400mL 2) 1120mL 3) 2240mL 4) 11200mL 13. w-g of copper is deposited in a copper voltameter when an elecric current of 2 ampere is passed for 2 hours. If 1 amp of electric current is passed for 4 hours in the same voltameter, copper deposited will be: 1) w 2) w/2 3) w/4 4) 2w 0.224 litre of Cl2 was liberated 1.12 litre of oxygen was liberated 0.05 mole Cu2+ passed into the solution 0.1 mole Cu2+ passed into the solution 20. Three mole of electrons are passed through three solutions in succession containing AgNO 3 , CuSO 4 and AuCl 3 respectively. The ratio of amounts of cations reduced at cathode will be: 1) 1 : 2 : 3 2) 2 : 1 : 3 3) 3 : 2 : 1 4) 6 : 3 : 2 21. In the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of NaOH, 2.8 litre of oxygen gas at NTP was liberated at anode. How much of hydrogen gas was liberated at cathode ? 1) 2.8 ltr 2) 5.6 ltr 3) 11.2 ltr 4) 22.4 ltr NEET Master Capsule for Sri Chaitanya Students 107 CHEMISTRY 22. An electric current of 1 amp is passed through acidulated water for 160 minutes and 50 seconds. What is the volume of the hydrogen librerated at the anode (as reduced to NTP) ? 1) 1.12 litre 2) 2.24 litre 3) 11.2 litre 4) 22.4 litre Galvanic cells & Nernst equation 23. The standard oxidation potentials, E0, for the half reactions are as, Zn Zn2+ +2e– ; E0 = +0.76 volt Fe Fe2+ + 2e– ; E0 = +0.4 volt The emf of the cell, Fe2+ + Zn Zn2+ + Fe is 1) +0.35 volt 2) - 0.35 volt 3) +1.17 volt 4) - 1.17 volt m m m 24. The standard reduction potentials at 250C for the following half reactions are given against each; Zn 2 (aq.) 2e U Zn(s); 0.762 V Cr (aq.) 3e U Cr(s); 0.740 V 2H 2e U H 2 g ; 0.00 V Fe3 e U Fe 2 ; 0.77 V Which is the strongest reducing agent ? 1) Zn 2) Cr 3) H2(g) 4) Fe2+(aq.) 25. The standard electrode potentials for the reactions, m Ag(s) (aq.)+2e m Sn(s) – at 250C are 0.80 volt and - 0.14 volt respectively. The emf of the cell, 2 Sn Sn 1M Ag 1M Ag is 1) 0.66 volt 2) 0.80 volt 3) 1.08 volt 4) 0.94 volt 3) - 0.591 volt 4) 0.059 volt 28. The position of some metals in the electrochemical series in decreasing electropositive character is given as Mg > Al > Zn > Cu > Ag. What will happen if a copper spoon is used to stir a solution of aluminium nitrate ? 1) The spoon will get coated with aluminium 2) An alloy of aluminium and copper is formed 3) The solution becomes blue 4) There is no reaction 29. Out of Cu, Ag, Fe and Zn, the metal which can displace all others from their salt solution is: 1) Ag 2) Cu 3) Fe 4) Zn 1) Zn Cu 2 2) Zn 2Ag 3) H 2 Cu 2 4) H 2 Ni 2 m Cu Zn m 2Ag Zn m 2H Cu m 2H Ni 2 2 m 1) Increase in the size of silver rod 2) Increase in the concentration of Sn2+ ions 3) Increase in the concentration of Ag+ ions 4) None of the above 26. If the solution of the CuSO4 in which copper rod is immersed is diluted to 10 times, the electrode potential: 1) increases by 0.030 volt 2) decreases by 0.030 volt 3) increases by 0.059 volt 4) decreases by 0.0059 volt 108 2) 0 volt 31. Which one of the following will increase the voltage of the cell ? Sn +2Ag+ Sn2+ + 2Ag Ag+(aq.)+e– Sn2+ 1) 0.21 volt 30. The oxidation potentials of Zn, Cu, Ag, H2 and Ni are 0.76, - 0.34, - 0.80, 0 and 0.25 volt respectively. Which of the following reactions will provide maximum voltage? 3 27. The potential of a hydrogen electrode at pH = 10 is 32. The standard electrode potentials of Zn, Ag and Cu are - 0.76, 0.80 and 0.34 volt respectively; then; 1) Ag can oxidise Zn and Cu 2) Ag can reduce Zn2+ and Cu2+ 3) Zn can reduce Ag+ and Cu2+ 4) Cu can oxidise Zn and Ag NEET Master Capsule for Sri Chaitanya Students CHEMISTRY 33. In the electrochemical reaction, m 3+ 2+ 2) Both conductance and molar conductance decrease on increasing concentration 3) Conductance increase but molar conductance decrease on increasing concentration 4) Conductance dectreases but molar conductance increases on intreasing concentration 2+ 2Fe + Zn Zn + 2Fe increasing the concentration of Fe2+ 1) increases the cell emf 2) increases the current flow 3) decreases the cell emf 4) alters the pH of the solution 3. Which of the following statement concerning concentration dependence of molar conductivity for a strong and a weak electrolyte is true? 1) Molar conductivity increases linearly on increasing concentration for both types of electrolytes 2) Molar conductivity decreases linearly on increasing concentration for both types of electrolytes 3) Molar conductivity decreases linearly on dilution for strong electrolyte but is is constant for weak electrolyte 4) On dilution, molar conductivity increases linearly for strong electrolyte but for weak electrolyte, the increase is gradual in higher concentration range but very rapid in lower concentration range 4. Which of the following is not an essential requirement for Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of ions to hold true ? 1) The soluton must be infinitely dilute 2) Electrolyte must be strong 3) Electrolyte must be completely ionized 4) There should be no inter-ionic interaction 5. Given the following molar conductivity at infinite dilution and 250C. HC1: - d 426.2 Scm 2 mol 1 34. In the cell reaction, Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq.) (Cu2+(aq.) + 2Ag(s.) m E 0cell 0.46V. By doubling the concentration of Cu2 ,E 0cell is: 1) doubled 2) halved 3) increased but less than double 4) decreased by a small fraction 35. Given E 0Cr3 / Cr 0.72V, E 0Fe2 / Fe 0.42V . The potential for the cell Cr Cr 3 0.1M Fe 2 0.01M Fe is 1) - 0.26V 3) 0.339 V 2) 0.26 V 4) -0.339 V 36. Efficiency of the following cell is 84%. A(s) B (aq.) U A (aq.) B(s); %H 285kJ Then the standard electrode potential of the cell will be: 1) 1.20 V 2) 2.40 V 3) 1.10 V 4) 1.24 V 2 2 CHALLENGER’S EXERCISE Electrolytic conductance 1. The specific conductance of saturated solution of AgCl is found to be 1.86 s 10 –6 ohm –1 cm –1 and that of water is 1 s 10–8 ohm–1cm–1 . The solubility of AgCl is ........ Given, -0AgCl 137.2ohm 1cm2 eq1 1) 1.7 s 10–3 M 3) 1.3 s 10–4 M 2. 2) 1.3 s 10–5 M 4) 1.3 s 10–6 M Which of the followming statement concerning conductance and molar conductance is true? 1) Both conductance and molar conductance increase on increasing concentration NEET Master Capsule for Sri Chaitanya Students m d KCl : - m 271.5 Scm2 mol1 CH3COOK : - dM 114.42S cm 2 mol 1 The molar conductance at infinite dilution and 250C for acetic acid solution is 1) 583.28 cm 2mol–1 2) 269.12 S cm2mol–1 3) 289.63 S cm2mol–1 4) 172.94 S cm2mol–1 109 CHEMISTRY 6. 7. An aqueous solution of a weak acid (HA) has a molar conductance of 19 S cm2mol–1 and it is only 1% ionized in given condition. The limiting value of molar conductance of above acid under similar experimental condition is 1) 1900 S cm2mol–1 2) 950 S cm2mol–1 3) 475 S cm2mol–1 4) Infinite For a strong electrolyte, dilution increases the molar conductivity because 1) It increases the extent of ionization of electrolyte 2) It increases the extent of ionization of water 3) It increases the inter- ionic interaction 4) It weaken the inter-ionic interaction 8. The equivalent conductivity of 0.1N CH3COOH at 25oC is 80 and at infinite dilution 400 ohm-1. The degree of dissociation of CH3COOH is 1) 0.2 2) 0.1 3) 0.5 4) 1 9. At 25 oC the molar conductances at infinite dilution for the strong electrolytes NaOH, NaCl and BaCl2 are 248 × 10–4, 126 × 10–4 and 280 × 10–4 Sm2 mol-1 respectively. Molar conductivity of Ba(OH)2 at infinite dilution is in Sm2 mol–1 1) 524 × 10–4 2) 402 ×10–4 3) 262 ×10–4 4) 52.4 ×10–4 10. Equivalent conductivity of BaCl2, KCl and KOH is x,y,z mho cm 2 mole −1 respectively. Equivalent conductance of Ba(OH)2 is 1) x 2z 2y 2) x z y 3) x 2z 2y 2 4) 2(x 2z 2y) Electrolysis & Faradays laws 11. 4.5 g of aluminium (At. mass=27 amu) is deposited at cathode from Al 3+ solution by a cerrain quantity of electric charge. The volume of hydrogen produced at STP from H+ ions in solution by the same quantity of electric charge will be 110 1) 44.8 L 2) 22.4 L 3) 11.2 L 4) 5.6 L 12. Cost of electricity for the production of x L H2 at NTP at cathode is Rs. x; then cost of production of x L O2 at NTP at anode will be; (assume 1 mole of electrons as one unit of electricity) 1) 2x 2) 4x 3) 16x 4) 32x 13. What current is to be passed for 0.25 sec for deposition of certain weight of metal which is equal to its electrochemical equivalent ? 1) 4 A 2) 100 A 3) 200 A 4) 2 A 14. One litre of 1 M CuSO4 solution is electrolysed. After passing 2F charge, the molarity of CuSO4 will be 1) M/2 2) M/4 3) M 4) zero 15. The time required to coat a metal surface of 80 cm2 with 5 s 10–3 cm thick layer of silver(density 1.05g/cm 3 ) by passing a current of 3 amp through silver nitrate solution is 1) 115 sec 2) 125 sec 3) 135 sec 4) 145 sec 16. The same quantity of electricity is passed through 0.1 M H 2 SO 4 and 0.1M HCl. The amounts of H2 obtained at the cathodes are in the ratio 1) 1 : 1 2) 2 : 1 3) 1 : 2 4) 3 : 1 17. Acidified water was electrolysed using copper electrodes. A steady current of 1.17 ampere was passed for 25 min and 15s. The copper anode lost 0.583g. Calculate the oxidation state of the copper ion that was formed 1) + 1 2) + 2 3) –2 4) + 3 18. An electric current of 0.2F is passed through 2 lit of 0.25M CuSO 4 solution using ‘pt’ electrodes. After electrolysis the molarity of the solution is (assume that there is no change in the volume of solution) 1) 0.2M 2) 0.15M 3) 0.1M 4) 0.24M 19. The cost of electricity required to deposit 1g of Mg is Rs.5. How much would it cost to deposit 10g of Al ? 1) Rs. 10 2) Rs. 27 3) Rs. 44.44 4)Rs. 66.67 NEET Master Capsule for Sri Chaitanya Students CHEMISTRY Galvanic cells & Nernst equation 20. The value of the reaction quotient Q, for the cell Zn s / Zn 2 m respectively. The value of E 0Cu 2 0.01M Ag 1.25M Ag s is 1) 156 3) 1.25 s 10–2 1) 0.500V 3) 0.650V 2) 125 4) 6.4 s 10–3 21. Calculate the emf of the following concentration cell at 250C Ag(s)|AgNO 3 (0.01 M)||AgNO3(0.05M)|Ag(s) 1) - 0.414 V 2) 0.828 V 3) 0.414 V 4) 0.0414 V 22. The equilibrium constant of the following redox reaction at 298 K is 1 s 108 2Fe 3 (aq.) 2I aq. U 2Fe 2 (aq.) I 2 (s) If the standard reduction potential fo iodine becoming iodide is + 0.54 V. What is the standard reduction potential of Fe3+/Fe2+ ? 1) + 1.006 V 2) - 1.006 V 3) + 0.77 V 4) - .077 V 23. What is the free energy reaction Li+ + e– Li ? D Given E Li /Li 3.0V, and T = 298K 1) 289.5 kJ mol–1 2) 3) 32.166 kJ–1 mol–1 4) m change for the half F = 96500 C mol–1 /Cu will be 2) 0.325V 4) 0.150V 27. The pressure of H 2 required to make the potential of H2-electrode zero in pure water at 500C is 1) 10 -14 2) 10-7 3) 10+14 4) 10+7 28. The standard reduction potentials for two reactions are given below: Ag(s) + Cl-1(aq) ; E0 = 0.21V AgCl(s) + e-1 Ag+ (aq) + e-1 Ag(s) , E0 = 0.80V m m The value of solubility product (Ksp) of silver chloride under standard conditions of temperature is 1) 10 -10 3) 2.3× 10-5 2) 3 × 10-8 4) 18.54 29. How much will be the change in reduction potential of hydrogen electrode when its solution initially at pH = 0 is neutralised to pH=7? 1) increase by 0.059v –298.5 kJ mol–1 –289500 kJ mol–1 24. For the following cell reaction Ag / Ag / AgCA / CA / CA 2 / Pt 2) decrease by 0.059v 3) decrease by 0.41v 4) increase by 0.41v 30. Given that %G 0f (AgCl) 109KJ / mole, %G 0f (Cl ) 129KJ / mole %G 0f (Ag ) 78KJ / mole, E 0 of the cell is 1) –0.60V 2) 0.60V m 2 Cu aq 26. The electrode potential for Cu aq e Cu s are +0.15V and +0.50V and Cu aq e 3) 6.0 V 4) 0.5 V 25. The solution of CuSO4 in which copper rod is immersed is diluted to 10 times. The reduction electrode potential : 1) Increases by 30 mV 2) Decreases by 30 mV 3) Decreases by 30 V 4) Decreases by 59 mV NEET Master Capsule for Sri Chaitanya Students }}m 2I , Eo 0.54V }}m 2Cl , Eo 1.36 V e }} m Mn , Eo 1.5V e }} m Fe , Eo 0.77 V 4H 4e }} m 2H O, Eo 1.23V I 2 2e Cl 2 2e 3 Mn Fe O2 3 2 2 2 Among the following, identify the correct statement 1) Chloride ion is oxidised by O2 2) Fe+2 ion is oxidised by iodine 3) Mn+2 is oxidised by chlorine 4) Mn+3 oxidises H2O to O2 111 CHEMISTRY 7. 1. During discharging of Lead storage battery following reaction takes place Pb s PbO2 s 2H 2SO 4 m 2PbSO4 s 2H 2 O If 2.5 amperes of current is drawn for 9.65 min H2SO4 consumed is 1) 0.75 mole 2) 3.00 mole 3) 0.015 mole 4) 4.5 mole 2. 8. Efficiency of the following cell is 84% m % A s B aq2 A aq2 B s , H 285KJ . Then the standard electrode potential of the cell will be 1) 1.24 V 2) 2.40 V 3) 1.10 V 4) 1.20 V Consider the change in oxidation state of bromine corresponding to different E.M.F values as shown in the given diagram BrO 4 }}}m BrO }}}m BrO }}}}m Br }}}}m Br 1.82V 1.5V 3 1.595V 1.0652V 2 Then the species undergoing disproportionation is 4) BrO– 1) BrO3 2) BrO 4 3) Br2 4. The EMF of the cell M | M n (0.02) | | H (1M) | H 2(g) (1 atm) , Pt at 25°C is 0.81 V. The valency of the metal if the standard oxidation potential of the metal is 0.76V? 1) 5 5. 2) 2 values, the On the basis of the following strongest oxidizing agent is [Fe(CN)6]3– + e–; E0 = –0.35 V [Fe(CN)6]4– Fe2+ Fe3+ + e–; E0 = –0.77 V }m 1) Fe2+ 3) [Fe(CN)6]3– 2) Fe3+ 4) [Fe(CN)6]4– 4) 1.968 V 2) 9.0 × 103 g 3) 8.05 × 104 g 4) 2.4 × 105 g If the E 0cell or a given reaction has a negative value then which of the following gives the correct relationships for the value of %G 0 and Keq? %G 0 > 0; Keq < 1 3) %G 0 < 0; Keq > 1 %G 0 > 0; Keq > 1 4) %G 0 < 0; Keq < 1 2) 1) 9. Molar conductivity 0 m at infinite dilution of NaCl, HCl and CH 3COONa are 126.4, 425.9 and 91.0 S cm 2 mol –1 respectively m for CH3COOH will be 1) 425.5 S cm2 mol–1 2) 180.5 S cm2 mol–1 3) 290.8 S cm2 mol–1 4) 390.5 S cm2 mol–1 10. A button cell used in watches functions as following Zn(s) + Ag2O(s) + H2O(l) U 2Ag(s) + Zn2+ (aq) + 2OH– (aq) If half cell potentials are }}m Zn(s) ; E m Ag O(s) + H O(l) + 2e– }} Zn2+ (aq) + 2e– 2 0 = –0.76 V 2 2Ag(s) + 2OH– (aq); E0 = 0.34 V The cell potential will be 1) 0.42 V 2) 0.84 V 3) 1.10 V 4) 1.34 V Standard free energies of formation (in kJ/ mol) at 298 K are – 237.2, – 394.4 and – 8.2 for H2O(l), CO2(g) and pentane (g), respectively. The value of E 0Cell for the pentane-oxygen fuel cell is 1) 2.0968 V 2) 1.0968 V 3) 0.0968 V 112 4) 3 E0 }}m 6. 3) 4 1) 1.3 × 104 g V 3. Al2O3 is reduced by electrolysis at low potentials and high currents. If 4.0 × 104 amperes of current is passed through molten Al 2 O 3 for 6 hours. What mass of aluminium is produced ? (Assume 100% current efficiency. Atomic mass of Al = 27g mol–1) V BRAIN STORMING EXERCISE 11. A hydrogen gas electrode is made by dipping platinum wire in a solution of HCl of pH = 10 and by passing hydrogen gas around the platinum wire at one atm pressure. The oxidation potential of electrode would be 1) 0.59 V 2) 0.118 V 3) 1.18 V 4) 0.059 V NEET Master Capsule for Sri Chaitanya Students CHEMISTRY 12. When 0.1 mol MnO24 is oxidised the quantity of electricity required to completely oxidise MnO24 to MnO 4 is 18. A hypothetical electrochemical cell is shown below ; A | A (xM)|| B (yM)| B . The emf measured is + 0.20 V. The cell reaction is 1) 96500 C 2) 2 × 96500 C 1) The cell reaction cannot be predicted 3) 9650 C 4) 96.50 C 2) A + B+ 13. The molar conductivity of a 0.5 mol/dm 3 solution of AgNO3 with electrolytic conductivity of 5.76 × 10–3 S cm–1 at 298K 1) 2.88 S cm2/mol 3) 0.086 S cm2/mol 2) 11.52 S cm2/mol 3) 220 minutes 4) A+ 2) 110 minutes + – Fe + 2Fe3+ + + e– }}m B }}m 3Fe 2+ will be 1) 1.653 V 2) 0.111 V 3) 0.330 V 4) 1.212 V 20. The equilibrium constant for the reaction : Cu2+ (aq) + 2Ag : Cu + 2Ag+ (aq) }}m E0 4) 330 minutes 15. The number of electorns delivered at the cathode during electrolysis by a current of 1 ampere in 60 seconds is (charge on electron = 1.60 × 10–19 C) + 19. If E 0Fe2 / Fe = – 0.441 V and E 0Fe3 / Fe2 = 0.771 V, the standard emf of the reaction 4) 28.8 S cm2/mol 14. During the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride, the time required to produce 0.10 mol of chlorine gas using a current of 3 amperes is 1) 55 minutes 3) A+ }}m A + B m A+B + B}} m A; B + e }} = 0.46 V at 298 K is 1) 2.0 × 1010 2) 3.9 × 1015 3) 4.0 × 1010 4) 2.4 × 1010 21. Given : (i) Cu2+ + 2e– }}m Cu, E = 0.337V }}m Cu , E = 0.153V 0 1) 6 × 1023 2) 6 × 1020 (ii) Cu2+ + e– 3) 3.75 × 1020 4) 7.48 × 1023 Electrode potential, E0 for the reaction, 16. An electric current is passed through silver nitrate solution using silver elecrodes. 10.79 g of silver was found to be deposited on the cathode. If the same amount of electricity is passed through copper sulphate solution using copper electrodes, the weight of copper deposited on the cathode is Cu+ + e– + 0 }}m Cu, will be 1) 0.38 V 2) 0.52 V 3) 0.90 V 4) 0.30 V 22. For the reduction of silver ions with copper metal, the standard cell potential is 0.46 V at 250C. The value of standard Gibbs energy %G 0 will be 1) 6.4 g 2) 2.3 g 1) – 89.0 kJ 2) – 89.0 J 3) 12.8 g 4) 3.2 g 3) – 44.5 kJ 4) – 98.0 kJ 17. 4.5 g of Al (atomic mass 27 amu) is deposited at cathode from Al3+ solution by a certain quantity of charge. The volume of H2 produced at STP from H + ions in solution by the same quantity of charge will be 23. Standard electrode potential for Sn4+/Sn2+ couple is +0.15 V and that for the Cr3+/Cr couple is – 0.74 V. These two cuples in their standard state are connected to make a cell. The cell potential will be 1) 11.2 L 2) 44.8 L 1) +1.83 V 2) +1.19 V 3) 5.6 L 4) 22.4 L 3) +0.18 V 4) +0.89 V NEET Master Capsule for Sri Chaitanya Students 113 CHEMISTRY KEY SHEET 31) 3 CONCEPTUAL BULLETS 36) 4 32) 3 33) 3 34) 4 35) 2 1) 2 2) 2 3) 4 4) 3 5) 4 6) 4 7) 2 8) 1 9) 3 10) 1 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2 5) 2 11) 1 12) 3 13) 2 14) 2 15) 2 6) 1 7) 4 8) 1 9) 1 10) 2 16) 4 17) 1 18) 4 19) 3 20) 2 11) 4 12) 1 13) 1 14) 4 15) 2 21) 4 22) 1 23) 1 24) 4 25) 1 16) 1 17) 2 18) 1 19) 4 20) 4 26) 4 27) 2 28) 1 29) 4 30) 2 21) 4 22) 3 23) 1 24) 2 25) 2 31) 1 32) 4 26) 2 27) 1 28) 1 29) 3 30) 4 Challenger’s Questions Bull’s Eye Questions BRAIN STORMING EXERCISE 1) 2 2) 2 3) 4 4) 1 5) 2 6) 3 7) 2 8) 1 9) 3 10) 2 11) 2 12) 4 13) 1 14) 1 15) 1 16) 1 17) 2 18) 3 19) 4 20) 4 21) 2 22) 1 23) 1 24) 1 25) 4 26) 2 27) 3 28) 4 29) 4 30) 2 1) 3 2) 1 3) 4 4) 2 5) 2 6) 2 7) 3 8) 1 9) 4 10) 3 11) 1 12) 3 13) 2 14) 2 15) 3 16) 4 17) 3 18) 2 19) 4 20) 2 21) 2 22) 1 23) 4 fff 114 NEET Master Capsule for Sri Chaitanya Students